Potato Gypsy: description of an unusual blue variety and growing rules

The history of the creation of an unusual variety

There is no reliable information about who was the “author” of this variety, therefore the Tsyganochka potato is considered a variety of folk selection.

But there is information about the crossbreeding of which potato varieties produced Gypsy - these are the mid-early Blue Danube potatoes, which were bred by English breeders, as well as the early Baron potatoes bred by Russian breeders.

Photo of Gypsy potatoes

This variety is recommended for cultivation in the center and south of Russia, in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine.

Tsyganochka potatoes are successfully grown in small farms, as well as in country gardens.

Potatoes for Siberia and the Urals

The geographical location of Siberia and the Urals makes the soil unsuitable for the growth of a wide variety of plants. Therefore, not all potato varieties will be able to develop normally during unexpected climate changes.

Early maturation

Early ripening varieties such as Lyubava and Governor are considered the most suitable for fruit formation in the soil of Siberia and the Urals.

Lyubava can produce a good harvest of 410 kg from a 100 m2 plot and does not require special care. The fruits are ellipsoidal in shape and scarlet in color. The weight of one joke is from 110 to 205 g.

Governor is an early ripening variety with a large return of seed material (more than 540 kg per 100 m2). Refers to a variety of white potatoes with medium-thick red skin. It is not picky in care and quickly adapts to the possible climate. Instances are resistant to diseases and can be stored for a long period of time.


Crop types with a mid-early period of fruit formation are suitable only for the climate of the Urals.

It is recommended to plant the following potato varieties:

  • Nikulinsky;
  • Lukyanovsky;
  • Crown;
  • Aspia;
  • Effect.

The fruiting capacity of the varieties is above average and amounts to approximately 450 kg per 100 m2. Potatoes adapt to any climate and are also unpretentious in the choice of soil.


The most suitable universal potato variety for growing in the Urals is Sante. The fruits ripen quite quickly - in about 2.5-3 months. The specimens are ellipsoidal in shape and large in size. The peel is lemon-colored, the cut of the fruit is white. From an area of ​​100 m2 you can dig up 350-400 kg of potatoes.

On the territory of Chuvashia, as well as the Kirov region, it is possible to grow:

  • Elizabeth;
  • Crown;
  • Olympus;
  • Antonin;
  • Alena;
  • Master%
  • Condor;
  • Diamond;
  • Alice.

In the north you can also try planting the Red Scarlett variety.

Main characteristics and description of the blue potato variety Gypsy

Potato Gypsy is early

– from the moment the seed germinates until the ripe tubers are harvested, it usually takes from a little to three months.

The bushes are compact, with erect, strong stems, the color of which is dark blue. The roots of this potato are well developed. The tops are practically not leafy, the leaves are of medium size and have a typical potato shape, their color is dark emerald, the edges are slightly wavy, covered with veins.

The bushes of this potato bloom approximately 32-35 days after planting the tubers in the ground. The flowers are large, bright, blue in color, collected in loose corollas, growing on straight peduncles.

The shape of the tubers is an elongated oval, without ribs or dents. The peel is thin, glossy, smooth, its color is light ink. The number of eyes is small, they are pressed shallowly into the pulp. The weight of the tubers is 110-125 g. The pulp is creamy in color, sometimes with purple specks.

Aurora Potatoes Granada
Potatoes The pulp of the Gypsy potato contains a lot of protein, almost all vitamins, iodine, some other macro- and microelements, the amount of starch is 12.5-14.5%.

The peel of Gypsy is too thin and delicate, so it is easily damaged during mechanical harvesting, which is one of the disadvantages of the variety when grown on an industrial scale.

Photo of the weight of the Gypsy potato

After harvesting, the tubers should be sorted, putting only intact potatoes into long-term storage - they are stored for up to six months, do not dry out and do not lose their excellent taste.

Harvested tubers do not tolerate long-distance transportation well.

The flesh does not darken when cut; during cooking, the potatoes retain their excellent taste and do not become overcooked. The tubers are used for baking, preparing side dishes, and added to salads.

PURPLE POTATOES, cultivation, yield - video

What kind of potato is this?

Veneta potatoes: description of the variety, growing features

Chugunka was bred by Russian breeders based on the Sineglazka potato. The Chugunka and Sineglazka varieties are similar in the photo, but their descriptions and characteristics are different.

This is interesting! Until now, the variety has not been included in the State Register of the Russian Federation, but this does not make it any less popular among summer residents and gardeners.

The main distinguishing feature of Chugunka is the dark purple color of the peel with yellowish areas on some tubers and cream or white flesh.

Chemical composition of the variety

Cast iron has a high content of nutrients. It contains anthocyanin, iodine, iron, potassium, magnesium, proteins and amino acids, vitamins B, PP, C and K. The vegetable has a positive effect on the endocrine system and the general condition of the body.

Note! People who want to lose weight should take a closer look at Cast Iron. It contains only 10-15% starch. This variety is tasty only when ripe.

This variety is tasty only when ripe.

General characteristics of cast iron

Fans of cast iron note its excellent taste and ease of care. Therefore, gardeners choose potatoes despite their average yield.

Characteristics of Chugunka potatoes:

The flesh is cream or white and often has a thin purple ring. The taste is rich with a pronounced aroma. Starch content - 10-17%. Contains many useful substances. During heat treatment, the pulp does not darken and turns out tender and rich.

Characteristics of Gypsy potato yield

One bush can produce both large, medium and small tubers.

Their size and taste are influenced by the following factors:

  • soil fertility;
  • ambient temperature;
  • compliance with the irrigation regime.

Photo of Gypsy potato pulp

But in general, the yield of Tsyganochka potatoes is high:
230-240 centners of ripe tubers are harvested from 1 hectare.

Main varietal characteristics

With proper agricultural technology, you can grow up to 250 c/ha. Each bush produces from 6 to 14 tubers weighing 90-130 g. The growing season is 70-90 days, which allows this variety to be classified as early or mid-early. What exactly it will be depends on the region of growth and planting time. The starch content in tubers is up to 14%. They also contain a large number of useful micro- and macroelements.

As mentioned above, the marketability of tubers can only be preserved by manual harvesting due to their high susceptibility to mechanical damage. For the same reason, Gypsy potatoes do not tolerate transportation well. Keeping quality also leaves much to be desired; storage losses average 8% of the total weight.

All these disadvantages more than offset the taste. Gypsy's are excellent. Tubers are distinguished by their culinary versatility; they can be used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. The pulp is tender, without wateriness, boils perfectly and delights with a real potato taste and aroma.

It should be noted that the variety is demanding on soils, climatic conditions and care. Regardless of the region of cultivation and the composition of the soil, in any case it must be well fertilized. During dry periods, plants will require abundant watering. Lack of moisture negatively affects the development of tubers, which leads to a significant decrease in yield. In addition to watering, the variety requires timely implementation of other agrotechnical measures.

Diseases and pests

This vegetable crop is highly resistant to a number of diseases characteristic of plants of the Solanaceae family:

  • potato cancer;
  • common scab;
  • gray rot;
  • Alternaria;
  • fusarium;
  • verticillium;
  • late blight.

Potato Zhuravinka Potato Milena
Of the pests, the Colorado potato beetle poses the greatest danger to this potato variety. It is recommended to treat the tubers before planting against this “harmful” insect, for example, with “Prestige”, and also to carry out preventive spraying of the bushes with appropriate insecticides. Many vegetable growers prefer not to use chemicals to treat potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle, but regularly pick these pests by hand and burn them.

Agricultural technology

Planting potatoes is possible when the soil warms up to a temperature of 10˚C at a depth of 15 cm. In the southern regions this happens in early April, and in temperate climates - at the end. This option is not suitable for areas with short summers.

Preparation of planting material

Usually, by spring, potatoes germinate in the cellar on their own. If this does not happen, the process is stimulated artificially:

  1. The tubers are sorted. Choose a medium size, without stains, damage or traces of infection.
  2. Potatoes are placed in a place with a temperature of +17°C . They are laid in one row on sawdust or newspaper, and covered with a layer of newspaper or sawdust on top.
  3. I spray it with warm water every day from a spray bottle . After about two weeks, sprouts should appear.

Sprouted tubers are prepared for planting. This process consists of the following steps:

  1. The tubers are dipped in a solution prepared from 1 tsp. copper sulfate and 3 liters of water. After this, they are left in a warm place until completely dry.
  2. The planting material is rinsed with a product prepared from 0.5 tsp. boric acid and 3 liters of water. It is then allowed to dry completely.
  3. Potatoes are immersed in a solution of 1 tsp. “Mortar” and 3 liters of water. Then lay out in one row until completely dry.
  4. Two days before planting, the potatoes are taken to a place with a temperature of +10...+12°C.

Planting material treated in this way becomes more resilient and germinates faster. Disinfecting potatoes is the best prevention of diseases.

Important! Small specimens of Gypsy are not suitable for planting. Such planting material causes low yields and degeneration of the variety.

Preparing beds and planting

Potato beds are prepared in advance. A well-lit area of ​​the garden is chosen for them. It is important that groundwater is not close to the surface.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the Tsyganochka variety are:

  • good taste;
  • early ripeness of the variety;
  • good yield;
  • original coloring of the peel;
  • resistance to most diseases characteristic of other potato varieties.

Purple potatoes. Tasting - video

This potato has no serious disadvantages. It is only necessary to note that the Tsyganochka variety shows high yield only on fertile soils and subject to the irrigation regime. Another feature of this potato is that its skin is too thin, which is convenient for cooking, but mechanical harvesting of Tsyganochka tubers is excluded.

Blue Danube potatoes: snow-white flesh under a lilac skin

Most gardeners in different countries know the Blue Danube potato as a vegetable crop from the field of organic farming. Despite the fact that during the cooking process the peel of the tubers of this variety remains bright purple, the potato flesh is snow-white.

Description of the variety

The Blue Danube potato variety, or Blue Danube, is a medium-early ripening vegetable crop.

When creating this variety, a potato called “Sarpo Mira”, well known for its high resistance to most diseases, was used. The bushes are very powerful, medium-sized, leafy.

The tubers are oval-oblong in shape, large, with a dense dark blue skin and white pulp.

Blue Danube potatoes are high-yielding varieties. Individual tubers reach a mass of 250 g or more. At least 8 tubers are formed in each bush.

Benefits of growing Blue Danube potatoes

The main advantages of growing such unusual potatoes for Russian latitudes are as follows:

  • this grade is resistant to mechanical damage and cracking;
  • one of the leaders in taste;
  • high and stable productivity is noted;
  • if stored properly, it does not spoil for a long time and does not sprout;
  • presence of great germ potential;
  • can grow and bear fruit well in depleted soils;
  • resistant to most of the most harmful microorganisms and is practically not affected by black leg, tuberous scab, black scab, potato Y-virus, fusarium, leaf curl virus, nematodes and potato anthracnose. The variety can be cultivated without the use of chemicals that protect against diseases and pests.

Landing Features

Blue Danube is part of the Sarpo series. As a rule, all potato varieties included in this series do not require processing; thanks to their long hibernation, the tubers are perfectly preserved under normal conditions and do not require special refrigeration units.

The growing conditions for this potato variety are as follows:

The area for planting potato tubers should be fertile, sunny, without stagnant moisture. It is recommended to place planting rows in the direction from north to south, which will provide adequate lighting for all plants. About two weeks before planting in open ground, the planting material is placed in a warm place. It is necessary to carry out a pre-planting visual inspection of the seed material, since only healthy potato tubers with varietal characteristics are selected for planting. Potato tubers should be planted in soil heated to at least 8°C. Caring for potatoes after planting involves watering, hilling, and fertilizing. It is advisable to water potato plantings in the evening, which will allow the moisture on the foliage to dry out before the morning.

It is very important to completely stop watering about a month before the mass harvest, since excess moisture negatively affects the shelf life of the resulting crop.

A technique that is very effective is breaking the potato stem at a height of 15–20 cm from the ground, which inhibits the growth and development of the tops after flowering and promotes the redistribution of nutrients to the potato tubers.

Most even novice and inexperienced gardeners know that once every three or four years, the variety of potatoes grown in their garden plots needs to be updated.

In this case, experts recommend planting elite planting material.

The description of the Blue Danube variety and positive reviews from gardeners make it very popular today in home gardens.

Many potato growers note the absolute unpretentiousness of the Blue Danube variety.

Such potatoes are optimally suited for cultivation in our country and are adapted to unfavorable factors. Tubers, even in the absence of advanced agricultural technology, are formed very large.

On unfatigued soils, gardeners often observe excessively active flowering of potato bushes followed by the formation of seed material.

The potatoes are tasty and have proven themselves well after heat treatment. The pulp is very aromatic and does not overcook, which makes it possible to use it for making salads. When standard conditions are created, such potatoes are stored without loss of presentation and taste all winter.

Potato Gypsy: planting, growing and care

After harvesting, the tubers are sorted before being stored in the cellar. Separately, potatoes should be selected for further planting. They must be large, not damaged by diseases or “harmful” bugs, and collected only from healthy plants.


Typically, vegetable growers leave small “non-marketable” potatoes for planting. But large bushes are unlikely to grow from such planting material, and root crops collected from bushes do not grow more than average in size.

Growing early potatoes - video

Benefits and harms

Purple tubers are a storehouse of antioxidants, potassium and calcium, vitamins C and E, carotenoids, and phenolic acids. Widely used in dietary nutrition. Tubers have a lot of beneficial effects :

  • Normalizes high blood pressure.

  • Strengthen arterioles and prevent atherosclerosis.
  • Prevents the appearance of tumors.
  • Slow down aging.

Among the negative points:

  • It is undesirable to use hypotonic drugs in the diet.
  • Increased individual sensitivity.

Preparing seed potatoes for planting

Tubers selected for planting are removed from the cellar for germination approximately 4 weeks before planting them in open ground. They are laid out in a sunny area for greening, and a special poison is formed in the tubers - corned beef, thanks to which these tubers will not be damaged by pests after planting in the soil.

Photo of potato germination

Germinated Tsyganochka tubers should be planted in open ground when the sprouts on them have grown to a length of 1-1.5 cm. If the eyes remain “dormant”, then it is not recommended to plant such planting material - it will germinate much later than the sprouted tubers, the bushes will be weak , and the yield is low.

Before planting, all planting material is pickled, then dried and treated with growth stimulants. All these procedures must be done carefully so as not to damage the sprouts.

Features of agricultural technology

The agricultural technology of lilac potatoes is more complex than that of white and pink varieties. It is necessary to carry out prevention of fungal infections and preventive measures against pests - Colorado potato beetles, aphids, scale insects.

For planting, choose a site in a well-lit place and such soils:

  • Chernozem.
  • Loam.
  • Neutral sandy loam.
  • Podzolic turf.

2-3 weeks before planting, add 1 m2 to the soil.:

  • Compost 4 kg.
  • Azofoska or nitroammofoska 25-30 g.

Germination of tubers begins in 1.5 months. before landing. The material is planted if there are strong shoots within 8-10 mm. The soil surface should warm up to 8 degrees at a depth of 10 cm. Before planting, tubers are disinfected with potassium permanganate and fungicides.

Depth of planting root crops, taking into account the soil:

  • Peaty 12-14 cm.
  • Lungs 9-12 cm.
  • Heavy 7-8 cm.

Seeds can be used for sowing. In April they are sown in containers and transplanted to a permanent place in mid-to-late May.

How to water:

FirstShoot height 10 cm
SecondBudding stage
ThirdAt the end of flowering and setting tubers


Purple potatoes are vulnerable to scab and late blight.
To protect the bushes, Bordeaux mixture and copper preparations are used. To prevent fungal infections, irrigation is carried out :

  • Fitosporin;

  • Foundationazole;
  • Sporobacterin;
  • Albit.

Row spacing and high hilling are carried out regularly.

Feeding is required at least 3 times:

  • After germination.
  • During budding.
  • At the flowering stage.

Fertilizers are used:

  1. superphosphate;
  2. diluted mullein solution;
  3. urea;
  4. potassium sulfate.


Propagation by the eye method is not recommended, due to which the tubers are significantly reduced and resemble the wild form.

Growing colored potatoes is becoming increasingly popular . This exotic delicacy is not only much healthier than white or cream potatoes, but also much tastier. A wide variety of dishes are prepared from purple tubers - purees, fries, chips, salads, casseroles, assorted dishes, medicinal juices.

Outlandish blue-violet potatoes are presented on the market in a wide variety of varieties, which have already been tested at the Potato Research Institute and adapted to local conditions.

Preparing the site for planting

The area for planting potatoes has been prepared since the fall. After harvesting from the garden, all plant residues should be removed along with the roots; at least 6 kg of rotted manure or compost should be added to each square of area for digging.

In the spring the area is dug up again. The best soils for planting potatoes are sandy or loamy.

The soil should have a neutral reaction, be loose and fertile.

The area should be well illuminated by sunlight and protected from gusts of cold winds. You should not prepare beds for potatoes in lowlands or highlands, in swampy areas or where groundwater comes too close to the soil surface.

When growing any vegetable crops in garden beds, do not forget about the basic rules of crop rotation. When choosing a place for planting, you should remember that potatoes are grown in the same place once every 3-4 seasons. Also, you should not plant this vegetable crop after any cultivated plants from the Solanaceae family, since they are damaged by the same pests and pathogenic microorganisms that can accumulate in the soil.

How to care

Agrotechnical rules for caring for Gypsy potatoes provide for a number of procedures that are recommended to be followed if you want to get a good crop harvest. Techniques include:

  1. Hilling. During the season, the variety requires performing this work twice, during which high ridges are formed.
  2. Hydration. The plant does not tolerate drought well and needs regular watering. Plantings should be irrigated at least once every six months. First, the procedure is carried out by drip, and after the first hilling, water is poured into the rows.
  3. Loosening. An important procedure for caring for a variety is organizing oxygen access to the roots of the crop. The soil should be loosened after watering and heavy rainfall.
  4. Removing weeds. Weed the beds as the weeds grow.
  5. Fertilizer. After the sprouts appear, humus and urea are added to the soil. For 1 square meter take 300 g of the first component and 30 g of the second. When flowers appear on the bushes, fertilize with ash and potassium sulfate in a ratio of 9:1. At the moment of tuber formation, fertilize with a mixture of superphosphate and potassium sulfate (60 g each) with nitrophoska (30 g). Dilute the components in a bucket of water.

Comment! Seven days before harvesting the Tsyganka potatoes, all the tops are cut off from the bushes.

Planting Gypsy potatoes in open ground

Planting holes are dug at a distance of 0.35-0.4 m from each other, and the distance between rows is 0.65-0.75 m.

Photo of planting potatoes in open ground

The depth of the holes should be no more than 10 cm. A layer of humus, wood ash and a little onion or garlic peel are laid on their bottom (to repel pests and their larvae, in particular wireworms).

After planting, the potato beds are watered.



Tubers for germination are brought into warm verandas and sheds 21-30 days before the planned planting. Seed material of the middle fraction is selected - 5 by 7 cm, weighing from 40 to 80 g. The potatoes are reviewed and left without damage, stains, or growths.

Sprout in the classic way on the floor, in boxes. You can quickly germinate tubers in a moist substrate - peat, humus. This method is economical and fast.

Loose soils, sandy loam, turf, and loamy soils with a medium granulometric fraction are suitable for cultivation. Fertilizers are applied during autumn plowing and directly into the holes. Optimal pH is within 5.2-6. Observe crop rotation, plant purple potatoes after the following types:

  • peas, beans;
  • green manure (lupine, mustard, oats);
  • roots;
  • cruciferous vegetables.

The variety is planted in even rows - this is a classic option. Gypsy does not like close proximity to groundwater (above 1 m to the surface); in this case, planting is done in ridges. Potatoes are planted on the beds in increments of 25-30 cm, the distance between the beds is 65-70 cm.

Further care for the Gypsy potato variety

Further care for Tsyganochka potatoes includes dosed watering, loosening the soil, and hilling.

Potatoes should be watered sparingly so that moisture does not stagnate in the soil. During rainy seasons, watering is reduced. Moisture is added to potato beds only before flowering, then these vegetable plants practically do not require water.

After each watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil and remove all weeds at the same time.

This variety requires hilling at least twice per season. The first time the hilling procedure is carried out when the sprouts reach a height of 8-10 cm. The next hilling is carried out approximately 2.5-3 weeks after the first, forming ridges about 20 cm high.



During the growth of potatoes, they are hilled twice to form high ridges:

  • The first time this is done after the emergence of seedlings.
  • The second time is before flowering.


The variety is not drought resistant. Therefore, to obtain a good harvest, potatoes must be provided with sufficient moisture. Watering is done every 7-10 days. Before hilling, the bushes are watered by drip. When hilling, grooves are formed between the furrows, into which water is then poured.


Loosening allows you to retain moisture in the soil longer and ensure access of sufficient oxygen to the tubers. It is best to loosen the soil every time after rains and heavy watering.


If necessary, the crop should be weeded . The removed weeds are taken to the compost pit. It is not recommended to leave them in the beds to avoid infecting the potatoes with various diseases.

Top dressing

I usually recommend feeding potatoes three times a season.

  1. During the active growing season , when the shoots are still weak. You can use this recipe: mix 15 cups of humus and 10 tsp. urea. Distribute this amount over 10 m of planting.
  2. At the beginning of flowering . You can use 30 tbsp. l. ash and 10 tsp. potassium sulfate per 10 linear meters of crop.
  3. During the period of tuber formation, it is very good to prepare the following fertilizing composition: 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate +2 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate + 1 tbsp. l. nitrophoska for 10 l. water. The fertilizer rate is 0.5 liters for each bush.

Other care measures

To achieve a good harvest, you can use a secret with a 137-year history. R.I. Schroeder suggested breaking the stems at a height of about 10 cm from the ground two weeks after the start of flowering. The stem must be broken in such a way that it cannot rise, but in general it does not lose its integrity.

Schroeder believed that the juices going into the stem would reach the break point and return back to the tubers, stimulating their development and growth.

How to properly feed potatoes

Typically, all the necessary nutrients are added to the garden beds before the potatoes are planted. And only if necessary, once a season you can feed the bushes of this vegetable crop with complex mineral fertilizer.

Photo of fertilizing before planting potatoes

Features of cultivation

As for agricultural technology, the largest tubers that are not damaged by pests, collected from large, healthy bushes, are selected . Planting small items that are not marketable greatly reduces the yield, and the potatoes may degenerate.

Before planting, the tubers are pickled, dried, and treated with growth stimulants. After this, they are laid out in the light to germinate. The sprouts appear together, making it possible to plant not whole tubers, but segments with eyes . Root crops are cut with a disinfected knife immediately before planting.

The soil for potatoes should warm up well. The ideal temperature is from 12 degrees. The soil is thoroughly loosened, removing plant remains, and humus and wood ash are laid out in the holes. The bushes are placed at a distance of 30-35 cm, leaving row spacing of 70 cm.

During cultivation, potatoes are hilled at least 2 times, forming high ridges . Dosed watering is useful; it significantly improves productivity. It is possible to fertilize with a mineral complex or organic matter, but no more than once per season.

Read more about what to feed potatoes, when and how to apply fertilizers, and how to do it correctly when planting.

Mulching can be used to control weeds.

A week before the start of harvesting, it is recommended to cut off all the tops; this will allow the tubers to gain weight and also accumulate useful substances. You should not allow potatoes to lie in the ground; it is better to remove them a little earlier. This approach will help avoid diseases (for example, late blight).

Reviews of Gypsy potatoes

Natalya, 45 years old, Krasnodar region: My husband and I have been growing potatoes for further sale for decades. During this time, we tried many early potato varieties. In recent years, we have been successfully growing the Tsyganochka variety, among others. We liked the variety for its unusual peel color, good taste of the pulp, good yield, and good keeping quality.

Mikhail, 50 years old, Volzhsky: I have been planting Gypsy potatoes for several seasons now. It does not require special care and lies well in the cellar for up to six months. But the tubers have a thin skin, so you should dig it up carefully, because damaged root crops cannot be stored - they quickly begin to rot. Also, the tops are often attacked by the Colorado potato beetle, which has to be fought during the entire period of growing potatoes.

This productive potato variety is popular not only among Russian vegetable growers, but also in Ukraine and Belarus.

Unpretentiousness to growing conditions, good taste of tubers, resistance to most diseases characteristic of other potato varieties are the main reasons for such popularity.

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Photos and descriptions of varieties of lilac root vegetables

There are more than 120 varieties of blue-violet potatoes. All types of purple root vegetables contain a natural pigment that gives them an exotic color. For breeding, scientists used maternal varieties from South America and locally bred varieties – Exotic, Tiras.


Valued for its delicious taste and marketability. Used for fresh salads and assorted vegetables. The most popular varieties.


The shape of the tubers is elongated. Highly productive variety with blue-violet skin and pulp. Among the advantages are good productivity and strong immunity. The variety is not suitable for long-term storage.


High-yielding potatoes. Weight ranges from 90-140 g. Ripens 65 days after germination. Excellent taste.

Shows high productivity. Weight from 90 to 120 g. Can be consumed raw, in dietary salads.


Round-oval shape. The pulp is anthocyanin, the skin is black and purple. Productivity 38-40 tons per hectare. Tuber sizes are 4-5 cm. Starch level is 20%. The variety is resistant to scab and late blight.


It distinguishes between mid-early and mid-late species. Digging of the crop begins in mid-August. Demanded medium varieties.

Varieties by ripening timeNameSigns
  • Harvest delivery in 65-80 days.
  • Average weight 70-80 g.
  • Productivity 200-260 per hectare.
  • Keeping quality 94%.
  • There are 9-10 tubers in the bush.
  • Highly resistant to most diseases - mosaic, late blight, cancer, scab.
Miracle Man
  • Productivity is average.
  • Ripening in 70-75 days.
  • Doesn't boil over.
  • Adapted to the middle zone.
  • High percentage of vitamin C.
  • 12-14 tubers are tied under 1 bush.
  • The pulp is faint blue.
  • Starch level 16%.
  • Marketability 90%.
  • Productivity 40 t/ha.
Purple cream
  • Ripening in August, harvest in 65-70 days.
  • Lilac flesh with white veins, color does not change.
  • Weight up to 110 g.
  • Resistance to late blight.
  • Ripening in 65-75 days.
  • Oval shape.
  • The skin is blue-violet.
  • Productivity 35-40 t/ha.
  • Keeping quality 90%.
All blue
  • Weight 200 g.
  • Rich blue-violet color.
  • Keeping quality is short.
  • Dig out after 85-90 days from germination.
  • Oval shape.
  • Average weight 100-120 g.
  • Productivity 150-170 kg.
  • Keeping quality.
  • Ripening 95-100 days after germination.
  • The downside is susceptibility to viral infections.
  • The first variety bred in Russia.
  • Uniform purple color.
  • The shape is round-oval.
  • Average weight 70-90 g.
  • Productivity is above average.
  • Long-lasting shelf life.
  • Almond flavor.
  • Resistant to scab and cancer.
Adirondack blue
  • High productivity.
  • The weight of the tubers is 100-120 g.
  • The shape is round-oval.
  • Ripening in 95-100 days.
  • The downside is that disease resistance is below average.
  • The root vegetables are shiny.
  • Ripening in 90-105 days.
  • Up to 15-20 tubers are collected from a bush.


Late-ripening varieties have good shelf life - shelf life is at least 6-8 months. The harvest is dug up from mid-September, when 110-125 days have passed from the emergence of seedlings. Late varieties.


The weight of the tubers varies between 70-100 g. The color of the skin is black-violet, the flesh is lilac. Ripening occurs after 110 days from germination. Among the advantages are long shelf life and good transportability.

Peruvian purple

The harvest is harvested 110-115 days after germination. Average weight 80-100 g. The taste is dominated by shades of hazelnuts and walnuts.

Purple Majesty

Potatoes can be stored well and for a long time, up to 7-8 months. Weighs about 100 g. The color combines blue and purple shades. Up to 15 root crops are collected from 1 bush.

  • Russian black.
  • French truffle purple.
  • Chinese truffle.
  • Lilac
  • Vitalott.
  • All blue.
  • Violet.
  • Black woman.
  • Cast iron.
  • Gourmet.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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