Romano potatoes: description of the variety and growing rules

Romano potatoes are a root crop that is popular among many gardeners who grow vegetables for their own consumption or for sale. Unpretentiousness in care, high yield, ease of cultivation are the main positive aspects due to which this variety is preferred. The article reveals important aspects of planting root crops.

The history of the origin of the Ramona potato variety

The origin of Ramona potatoes is seed (Netherlands).
The year of registration in the State Register of Russia is 1994.

The table below presents data on the yield of other potato varieties:

NikulinskyLate ripeningFrom 170 to 300 centners per hectare.
CardinalLate ripeningFrom 200 to 350 centners of potatoes are harvested from 1 hectare.
RoccoLate ripeningFrom 350 to 400 centners per hectare.
KiwiLate ripeningFrom 1 kg of planting tubers it reaches 20 kg.
PicassoLate ripeningFrom 1 hectare about 20 tons.
BorovichokEarly ripening200-250 centners per 1 hectare of land.
ElmundoEarly ripening250-350 centners per hectare.
FeloxEarly ripening250 centners per hectare.
BellarosaEarly ripeningThe harvest from one bush is 8-10 tubers.
NatashaEarly ripeningFrom 130 to 190 centners per hectare.
Forty daysExtra earlyUp to 300 centners of potatoes are harvested from one hectare of soil.
KaratopExtra earlyFrom 18.5 to 27 tons per hectare (Middle Volga region), from 20 to 43.5 tons per hectare (Northwestern region). The maximum yield is 50 tons per hectare.
RivieraExtra earlyAfter the first digging on the 45th day after the emergence of potato shoots, it ranges from 134 to 225 centners per hectare. The maximum yield by the end of the growing season reaches 450 centners per hectare.
Zhukovsky earlyExtra earlyThe harvest from one bush is up to 15 tubers.
MinervaExtra earlyFertile soils allow you to harvest the first harvest of up to 230 centners per hectare. By the end of the growing season (45-50 days), the maximum yield is achieved - up to 430 centners per hectare.
CraneMid-late640 centners per hectare.
SorcererMid-lateProductivity varies from 27 to 35 tons per hectare.
MozartMid-lateThe average yield is approximately 430 c/ha.
GrenadaMid-lateFrom one hectare you can harvest up to 60 tons of potatoes.
RamonaMid-lateThe yield is consistently average from 10 to 15 tons per hectare.
YankaMid-earlyThe average yield ranges from 195 to 315 centners per hectare.
GiantMid-earlyThe average harvest ranges from 290 to 424 centners per hectare.
TuscanyMid-earlyProductivity varies from 210 to 400 centners per hectare.
Purple HazeMid-earlyProductivity varies from 182 to 309 centners per hectare.
SantanaMid-earlyThe average yield varies from 164 to 384 centners per hectare.

Recommended regions for cultivation:

  • Central;
  • Volgo-Vyatsky;
  • Far Eastern;
  • Southern;
  • Perm region.

The Dutch have developed the potato of the future:


The Romano potato variety has been zoned for many Russian regions and is recommended for industrial and farm cultivation. The tubers are ideal for sale . The variety is high-yielding, the collected root crops are well stored.

The bush is compact, erect. Romano potatoes are a seed variety. The leaves are medium sized, dark green, slightly wavy. The formation of green mass is abundant, the branches are compact, not spreading.

Large reddish-purple flowers are collected in corollas. The berries are small and rare.

The tops develop very quickly, but the development of tubers may be delayed. The yield is good, the bush produces 7-9 large potatoes .

There are almost no non-marketable items; root crops are uniform in size and weight. The skin of the tubers is very dense, protecting them well from damage when digging.

The variety is sensitive to soil nutrition; poor, infertile areas greatly reduce yield . Depending on the fertility of the soil and the time of harvest, the yield varies from 11 to 32 tons per hectare. The maximum yield at the end of the growing season can reach 34 tons per hectare.

Productivity is one of the main indicators when growing potatoes. Compare this characteristic of the Romano variety with other varieties:

Variety nameProductivity
Romano110-340 c/ha
Gala400 c/ha
Grenada600 c/ha
Innovator320-330 c/ha
Melody180-640 c/ha
Mistress180-380 c/ha
Artemis230-350 c/ha
Ariel220-490 c/ha
Vector670 c/ha
Mozart200-330 c/ha
Borovichok200-250 c/ha

Romano potatoes are mid-early varieties. Potatoes are undemanding to care and tolerate short-term drought. In temperate climates, plantings do not need to be watered; in areas with hot summers, 2-3 times of watering and one-time fertilizing are needed.

Read more about how to feed potatoes, how and when to apply fertilizers, and how this is done when planting.

Two or three times hilling with weeding is recommended. The first tubers can be dug up at the end of June, but it is recommended to move the main harvest to the beginning of September.

Read how to grow a potato crop without hilling and weeding here.

The variety is quite resistant to diseases. It is weakly affected by late blight and practically does not suffer from potato cancer and tobacco mosaic . Under unfavorable conditions, it can be affected by nematodes and common scab. Seed material does not degenerate and can be used for several years in a row without renewal.


Attention! Sale of SEED potatoes at competitive prices! THOSE INTERESTED – SEE OUR ADDRESS AND DIRECTIONS HERE!!!

Warehouse address in Voronezh: VAI district (Left Bank) st. Irkutskaya, 1-B, warehouse No. 6 (territory of the former vegetable warehouse) - entrance opposite the FSIN Institute

From 9-00 to 17-00, without breaks and weekends. Seed potato varieties presented for sale in 2015 are marked with a red plus.

Description of potato varieties, characteristics, photos. An early variety of German selection with yellow pulp and round tubers. Ideal for washing, packaging and mechanical peeling.

+ Variety IMPALA (Impala Potato) A very early variety of table potatoes, the most popular today. Seed potatoes of the Impala variety are always sold out first.

It gains weight very quickly and produces a stable harvest in any summer. Impala potatoes are ideal for southern regions, giving the opportunity to receive two harvests per season.

More details + Variety ZHUKOVSKYRANNIY (Zhukovsky early potato) A very early potato variety with high marketability of tubers. Patent holder: GNU VNII POTATO FARMING NAMED AFTER A. G. LORHA.

The variety produces high, stable yields in various soil and climatic conditions. When planted in the soil, the tubers actively germinate, even at low temperatures.

More details >>>+Potato variety BELLAROSA (Potato Bellarosa) Potato Bellarosa is a very early and high-yielding variety. Even earlier than the Impala. Selection - German, patent holder - EUROPLANT PFLANZENZUCHT GMBH.

Among other early varieties, it has a very high keeping quality. Has a good presentation. When grown for food purposes, you can get large, beautiful tubers. Read more about Bellarosa potatoes.

+ Variety VINETA (Potato variety Vineta) Vineta is an early-ripening, high-yielding potato variety of German selection. Widely distributed in Europe, especially popular in Germany. Has excellent taste.

It has all the advantages of German varieties - it is universal in use, flexible in relation to soil and climatic conditions, and does not degenerate for a long time when grown in one place. More details >>>+Variety UDACHA (Potato Udacha) Refers to early ripening varieties, adapted to various types of soil and climatic zones.

Originator: VNIIKH im. A. G. LORHA, GNU. Resistant to all types of tuber diseases. More details >>>The Belarusian potato variety Skarb is the most popular in its homeland.

According to the ripening period - mid-season, for table use, with yellow flesh. Potato variety ARTEMIS (Artemis Potato) An early ripening variety of table potato.

Dutch selection, originator - AGRICO BA Allows you to get an early harvest in the middle zone. A very promising potato variety, almost an analogue of the Impala variety. More details >>>+Variety ROMANO (Potatoes of the Romano variety)Mid-early potato variety.

The originator is AGRICO BA (Netherlands). One of the best varieties, valued for its high yield and beautiful appearance of tubers.

A variety for universal culinary purposes. More >>>+NEVSKY variety (Nevsky potato variety)According to many years of testing, the mid-early Nevsky potato variety proved to be the most productive of domestic varieties. In terms of productivity, it is close to the best Dutch varieties.

More details >>>Potato variety ELIZAVETA (Potato Elizaveta) High-yielding table potato variety of Russian selection. Belongs to the mid-early group.

Potato variety "Romano": characteristics, description, yield, reviews and photos

Almost all amateur gardeners grow potatoes in their garden plots.
Potatoes that are grown with your own hands have excellent taste, are perfectly stored and produce high yields. The varieties of Dutch selection have earned the greatest popularity, since these are high-quality table varieties, most of which are successfully sold for the preparation of semi-finished and finished products. “Romano” belongs to these varieties, giving a high yield of beautiful, regular root crops. Seed potatoes varieties Roco, Romano, Picasso:

Romano variety. Description

Potato varieties of Dutch origin have always been very popular. And this is not surprising. This is because they tend to produce a large harvest and take root in various conditions. And such a potato variety as Romano, descriptions and photos of which can be freely found on the Internet, is one of the most common and popular varieties of cultivated plants.

The first descriptions and photos of this variety in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation appeared in 1994.

Characteristics of the Romano variety

The Romano variety belongs to the mid-early table variety. Potatoes grow in 80-90 days and have tubers. The variety has an attractive appearance, smooth structure and light pink color.

The stem of the plant is erect, and its height varies between medium and tall varieties.

A gardener can collect up to 700-800 grams of Romano from each bush. Each potato can reach large sizes, and in one bush there are up to 8-9 pieces. The taste of the Romano variety remains simply incredible, which is not surprising. The whole secret is that this variety contains a large amount of starch. But not only the taste of the product, but also its nutritional properties depends on this.

Mashed potatoes from this variety are particularly soft and tender. The product is not overcooked, and the mashed puree is prepared without lumps.

But in addition to purees, this product can be used to create other culinary masterpieces. For example, the Romano variety is great for oven baking or the production of French fries and chips. The only thing that can create a number of difficulties for the cook is the incredibly rough and thick skin of the product. True, a well-sharpened kitchen knife quickly solves this problem. Nevertheless, due to the strong shell, which serves as the peel, Romano tolerates transportation well and can lie in one place for a long time.

It is worth noting that small tubers of the Romano variety are a real rarity. A significant portion of potatoes reach large sizes.

The productivity of this plant always remains very high, and it practically does not depend on the geographical or climatic characteristics of the region where the cultivation takes place. The variety is not prone to germination and any soil can be used for planting.

How to increase the yield of the Romano variety

Experienced agronomists have a number of tricks that they use to increase the yield of Romano. To begin with, you should choose high-quality varietal material. Then the following conditions must be met:

  • ideal temperature indicators. At the time of planting, the soil temperature should be 15-20 degrees Celsius;
  • If you plan to cut tubers, then this should be done just before planting, having previously treated the knife with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • The tops need to be mowed a week before digging up the crop, because this will strengthen the peel.

The plant has excellent resistance to pests and diseases. The following advantages of the Romano variety can be noted:

  1. excellent resistance to late blight;
  2. good resistance to scab and viral diseases;
  3. resistance to the Colorado potato beetle;

Romano is indeed one of the most popular and prolific varieties of a well-known crop, which is widely used not only in European, but also in the domestic agricultural sphere.

Romano potatoes

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Growing and care

7–10 days after germination, the surface of the beds is loosened to a depth of 7 cm, and the weeds are pulled out at the same time. Water in the absence of precipitation 2 weeks after germination. In total, potatoes require no more than 3 moistenings. It is important to water during the flowering phase (the norm is 30–45 liters per 1 sq. m). The humidity level is checked at a depth of 10–12 cm.

Hilling is carried out 2 times: when the length of the seedlings is 10–12 cm, the seedlings are sprinkled with 5–6 cm of soil, then the procedure is performed when the tops grow to 20 cm. Earthen mounds are formed at 2/3 of the height of the bushes. The soil is loosened regularly after watering and rain, preventing the formation of a dense crust. Farmers advise mulching the surface with straw, hay, and cut green manure.

Fertilizer scheme:

DatesSolutionsDosage for 1 bush
2.5–3 weeks after germinationMullein (1:15) or urea (20 g per 10 l)500 ml
Beginning of flowering100 g of superphosphate, 100 g of urea and potassium monophosphate per 10 l500 ml
Active tuber setting20 g superphosphate, 15 g potassium sulfate, 250 ml mullein per 10 l500 ml

7–12 days before harvesting, mow down the tops. Watering is completed 15–20 days before the planned digging of the crop. The sorted, dried tubers are stored for storage. The temperature range for optimal keeping quality is 1–4 degrees.

Planting and growing potatoes

In order for potato bushes to develop well and not be affected by diseases, the gardener must observe crop rotation. Root crops cannot be planted after eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes. Because, like potatoes, these crops belong to the nightshade family. They have the same diseases, as a result there is a high probability of Ramona potatoes being affected by fungal diseases.

Preparing for landing

A month before planting, potatoes are transferred from the basement to a warm, well-lit room. Under these conditions, the tubers will begin to germinate intensively. 10 days before planting, boxes of potatoes are transferred to an unheated room for hardening.

To prevent root vegetables from losing moisture, they need to be sprayed with water from a spray bottle every day.

How to store

Warm and dry weather is necessary for the crop to dry out and lose at least 10% of its moisture. Only after this can the tubers be stored for long-term storage in a dry, dark room at a temperature of approximately + 5 degrees. Cold and damp basements are unsuitable for storing Romano varieties.

When storing Romaine potatoes, it is very important to follow these guidelines. Storage temperature 3-5 degrees, 93-95% relative humidity. Try to dig up tubers as late as possible.

Storage is divided into two stages. First, tubers are dug up and temporarily stored in shallow trenches. Next, the potatoes are transferred to polypropylene bags with film linings and transferred to a cold cellar.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Plants are compact and upright. The length of the stems does not exceed 60 cm. The growth type is intermediate, flowering is moderate. Flowering with purple buds.

One potato root system produces 8–9 tubers of equal size and neat oval shape.

Distinctive features of tubers:

  • average weight - 70–90 g;
  • starchy content - 14–17%;
  • skin - red or pink;
  • surface - rough;
  • eyes - few, small (up to 2 mm);
  • pulp - creamy, light in color;
  • texture density is good.

The taste and product properties deserve excellent marks. Due to the optimal starch content, the tubers have good boilability and moderate friability. They are used for culinary dishes (soups, boiled, stewed, fried and baked side dishes). In the food industry, potatoes are used to prepare starch, dry mixtures (for soups and purees), chips, and assorted compositions.

The originator of the Romano variety is the Dutch company Agrico. Potatoes are well adapted to different climatic conditions.

Suitable areas:

  • Southern;
  • Far Eastern;
  • Central and Central Black Earth;
  • Volgo-Vyatsky.

Features of cultivation

Any vegetable crop obtained by selection has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when growing and caring for it.

Selection of planting material

The productivity of the vegetable crop and its taste depend on the quality of planting material. Therefore, the choice of tubers for planting in open ground should be taken seriously.

Important! The Dutch variety Romano retains its seed qualities and does not die out with prolonged use of planting material.

Tubers for planting are selected from previous harvests, or purchased from specialized garden centers and nurseries.

Root crops must have a healthy appearance, without damage or putrefactive spots.

Tuber preparation

It is necessary to prepare tubers for planting in open ground 20-24 days before the start of planting work. The planting material is laid out in a warm, well-ventilated, bright place and left until sprouts appear. If the tubers dry out quickly, they are sprayed with water.

After the sprouts appear, the root crops are treated with antibacterial agents or a manganese solution, and only after these procedures are they planted in open ground.

Important! If the tubers for planting are large, then they are cut into several parts. The main thing is that there is a young sprout on each piece of planting material.

Preparing the landing site

Romano potatoes will grow well and bear fruit in well-lit areas. Preparing beds for planting tubers begins in the fall. The land plot is carefully dug up, the soil is mixed with humus and loosened.

In the spring, the beds are dug up again and organic fertilizers are added to the soil. Potato beds must be moved once every 3-4 years. Predecessors for this culture also play an important role. Potatoes grow well after onions, herbs, garlic, cucumbers and peppers.

It is contraindicated to plant potatoes in soil where plants of the nightshade family grew before them.

Timing and step-by-step algorithm for planting crops

The timing of planting a vegetable crop determines its growth and productivity. Planting schedules may differ in different regions, but they all occur after the end of spring frosts.

Holes or a harrow are dug in soil heated to 10 degrees. The distance between plants is at least 20 cm, between beds 50-60 cm.

The germinated planting material is laid out in the holes and deepened into the soil by 6-10 cm. Next, the tubers are covered with soil and watered abundantly.


The productivity of a variety can be increased and its disadvantages can be minimized by following simple agrotechnical practices.

Seed preparation

Low resistance to late blight and susceptibility to scab is compensated by treating planting material in a solution of biological fungicides containing bacteria that inhibit the activity of fungal spores. Tubers are soaked in a solution of modern microbiological preparations, for example, Fitosporin-M or Trichodermin. Or in chemicals: Previkur Energy, Prestige.

Soil preparation

The best predecessors of potatoes are green manure, especially white mustard, winter rye, rapeseed, annual lupine, plowed into the ground no later than 3 weeks before planting the crop. They perfectly structure the soil, loosening it with their roots to a great depth, enrich the plantation with organic matter and mineral salts, sanitize the soil, thanks to the released substances with antifungal, antiparasitic and antibacterial activity.

The beds for potatoes are prepared either in the fall, adding compost or humus (4–6 kg/sq. m) and any phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, for example, superphosphate mixed with potassium sulfate or potassium monophosphate (according to the instructions) before plowing to the depth of a spade. , or 1–2 weeks before planting in April. In the spring, in addition to composted organic matter and products with potassium and phosphorus, nitrogen compounds are additionally used, for example, ammonium nitrate or urea.


Before sowing, the beds are loosened to a depth of about 20 cm. The depth of planting tubers is 8-12 cm. The distance between seedlings in a row and between furrows is 50-60 cm.

Planting care

You can increase the yield of a plantation by hilling two or three times with simultaneous weeding. Thanks to this procedure, not only does the number of suction roots in the lower part of the stems increase, but also the conditions for air exchange improve, which favorably affects the size of the filling tubers.

In temperate climates, especially in cool summers, you can do without watering the plantation. During drought and when growing crops in the southern regions, it is recommended to carry out 2-3 single waterings to the depth of the root layer.

Romano potato bushes

Potato fertilizing is carried out 2 times per season (before flowering and during the formation of tubers). The first time, the plantation is enriched with products containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, for example, a solution of Nitroammofoska, a fermented infusion of grass, a solution of slurry (1:6), mullein (1:10), chicken droppings (1:25). The second time, products containing large doses of phosphorus and potassium are used, for example, ash or a mixture of superphosphate and potassium salt.

Harvesting and storage

7–12 days before digging, experts advise mowing the tops. The dug up tubers are dried, stored in containers or poured onto the earthen floor of the basement and stored at a temperature of +2 to +5°C. Seed material is stored in the same conditions, but separately.

Landing rules

"Romano" should be planted in warm soil when the threat of return frosts has passed. In order for the shoots to be friendly and fast, it is advisable to wait for a stable temperature within +15-20 degrees. Most often, the variety is planted in May; in the southern regions, planting is allowed at the end of April; in cool climates, it is better to postpone the procedure until the beginning of June. The crop can grow anywhere, regardless of lighting, type of soil and groundwater level. But it is better if the soil is fertile and the area receives enough light. Before planting, it is recommended to dig up the soil in the fall and fertilize it with lime, and add complex mixtures to it in the spring.

Potatoes should be planted according to a certain algorithm:

  1. Dry smooth, dense tubers and treat with fungicides.
  2. Place in prepared holes at a distance of 40 cm from each other, depth - 20 cm, keeping a gap between rows of at least 70 cm.
  3. Sprinkle with soil.
  4. Water if necessary.

After the emergence of seedlings, in order to protect them from possible frosts, it is recommended to bury the young sprouts with a five-centimeter layer of soil.

When growing potatoes in sandy soil, in areas with a dry and hot climate, it is better to use the method of planting not in holes, but in trenches 10 cm deep.

Advice! To increase productivity, wet potatoes should be sprinkled with ash before planting and then dried.

To save planting material, large Romano tubers can be cut before planting

History of potatoes

The first mention of potatoes was recorded 9-7 thousand years ago, and South America is considered the plant’s homeland. The ancient Indians grew potatoes in what is now Bolivia, and the product itself was used not only for culinary purposes, but also as an idol, which was worshiped and considered an animate being.

According to historical data, a specific potato variety was used to determine the time of day. The measure for the Inca tribe was the time spent preparing the dish. Ideally, this is exactly 1 hour.

As for the use of potatoes in Europe, the first real fact was registered in Spain in 1573. In a short period of time, the culture has gained great popularity in other countries of the continent. Initially, the plant was considered decorative, but soon it was also poisonous.

The usefulness of potatoes, their composition rich in vitamins and valuable microelements and excellent nutritional properties were finally proven by the French agronomist Antoine-Auguste Parmentet. After this man’s statements, potatoes began to be used in France.

Soon it was Russia’s turn. The appearance of the product on the territory of the state is associated with Peter I, who brought a bag of tubers from Holland for cultivation in individual provinces. At first, potatoes were served as a dish only in aristocratic houses

The peasant population treated the plant with extreme caution, considering it a “devil’s apple”

Currently, potatoes make up the majority of the diet of all inhabitants of the planet and play a huge role in the economy of many countries.

Necessary conditions for the growth and fruiting of potatoes

The yield of vegetable crops depends on many factors:

  1. Properly selected and prepared planting material.
  2. Choosing a place to plant potatoes in open ground.
  3. Preparation of the land plot.
  4. Dates for planting vegetables and their predecessors.
  5. Fulfilling plant care requirements.
  6. Preventive treatment against diseases and pests.

By fulfilling agrotechnical requirements for care and cultivation, the yield of Romano potatoes will always be high.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Romano potato variety stands out for its high yields and is popular among gardeners and farmers for many reasons.

  • reliable, fairly dense peel allows you to transport potatoes over long distances without losing their presentation;
  • tubers grow large and resistant to damage;
  • the Romano variety is perfectly stored, does not lose its taste and does not fade;
  • resistant to many diseases;
  • exhibits drought resistance

Romano potatoes are sensitive to low temperatures and may be damaged by frost. There is also a risk of scab or nematodes

When choosing this variety, you need to take into account the thick skin of the tubers. On the one hand, this is excellent protection during digging and storage. On the other hand, peeling potatoes requires some effort.

The main feature of the Romano potato variety is that the seed is planted in well-warmed soil. Choose a time when there is no threat of late frosts - the second half of May. Ideal temperature + 15-20˚С. This condition ensures uniform emergence of seedlings and high yield of root crops.

Tubers are treated before planting with growth stimulants (Fumar, Poteytin). Spraying Romano potatoes with special means increases yield, ensures earlier germination, protects root crops from the Colorado potato beetle, and increases resistance to viral diseases. The most affordable and simplest option is to literally pour wood ash diluted in water over the potatoes before planting.

Since Romano tubers are quite large, they can be cut into pieces when planting. To cut potatoes, use a sharp knife, which is periodically treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Potato tubers are divided immediately before planting. If you do this earlier, the cut parts of the potatoes can rot. When planting small fruits, it is necessary to place 2-4 tubers in the hole.

For potato beds, open and well-lit areas are allocated. If the groundwater is high in the garden, then the potato beds are made high or form ridges.

The Romano variety tolerates heat and short drought very well. Therefore, during the season you can water the beds 2-3 times. Periodically, potato plantings are weeded and loosened. It is advisable to do these works after moisturizing. Loosening the soil prevents it from drying out quickly, provides air access to the roots, levels the ground and destroys the soil crust. The first time you can and should loosen the soil is about a week after germination.

Pests and diseases of the variety

Plants and tubers of this variety are slightly susceptible to potato canker, viral infections, late blight of fruits and tobacco mosaic. But sometimes bushes can be affected by other diseases. In order to notice the problem in time and save the crop, you need to know the main symptoms of infection and properly treat it.

A list of the main diseases and pests that affect Romano potatoes is presented below:

  1. Common scab . The disease is fungal and affects tubers, causing them to become covered with rough, dark growths. Gradually, the fruits become covered with a rough crust and rot during storage. The source of infection can be infected fruits used for planting, as well as last year’s plant residues in the soil in which the fungus develops. There is no cure for this disease, but its spread can be prevented by using the preventive measures described later in the article.
  2. Leaf blight . Occurs in cool climates and high soil moisture. A characteristic white coating appears on the lower surface of the leaf, and brown spots appear on the upper part. Subsequently, the entire green part of the bush dries out, and the infection can spread to potato tubers. To treat the disease, bushes are sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or a 0.5% solution of copper oxychloride. Treatment is carried out every week; 3-4 sprayings will be required to eliminate the disease. If a significant part of the potato is infected with late blight, then chemical preparations - arcerides - are used for treatment.
  3. Golden nematode . The pest is a worm that lives in the ground and eats potato tubers. When a parasite appears on a potato bed, some bushes begin to slow down, become lethargic and weak, and the tubers are small in size or do not grow at all. If you dig a diseased bush out of the ground and examine its roots, you may notice tiny white or golden worms. Nematode larvae remain viable for 10 years and are transmitted with soil particles, contaminated fruits or through agricultural implements. Diseased plants are treated with chemicals against pests.

Universal measures to prevent these diseases include:

  • use only healthy tubers for planting;
  • treating tubers with fungicides before planting;
  • regular inspection of plants;
  • proper watering of potatoes;
  • growing potatoes on a plot that last year was used for planting lupine and grain crops;
  • treating bushes with preparations containing copper;
  • changing the site for growing potatoes every 2-3 years.

Possible difficulties

Diseases are the most difficult to control when growing potatoes. Even good varieties are susceptible to diseases, which are sometimes very difficult to combat.

Late blight is perhaps one of the most dangerous diseases that negatively affects potato yields. Plants are most often infected through rainwater or during harvesting. First, brown spots appear on the tubers, which gradually penetrate inside and lead to rotting. It is difficult to fight this disease because it spreads at lightning speed.

If all the plants are already affected by late blight, it is necessary to spray the tops with a solution of copper sulfate and dig up the tops. Seeds from infected potatoes should not be left; dug up tubers should be dried well for several hours and then kept for several weeks in a dry, ventilated area. Before identifying the crop for permanent storage, it must be sorted out and tubers showing signs of disease must be removed.

Potato cancer is a very dangerous disease. The spores persist in the soil for 20 years. When affected by this fungal disease, half of the crop dies even before harvesting, and the remaining part spoils during storage. Brown growths appear on the tubers, which in size exceed the size of the tubers. These growths rot, thereby contaminating the soil

To save the harvest, it is important to prevent potato cancer - identify foci of the disease in time and plant more resistant varieties on the site

Wilting plants are a sign of ring rot. This bacterial disease spoils the tubers - when cut, traces of decay are visible. Tubers become infected during harvesting. If you see signs of disease in a plant during germination or flowering, remove the affected plants immediately.

Common scab appears as ulcers that, when pressed, form a rough crust. The germination rate of infected tubers is very low. This disease is most common on sandy soils. To avoid encountering this disease, it is worth planting only healthy and resistant varieties.

Diseases such as rhizoctonia, dry and wet rot are also very unpleasant. All these diseases negatively affect the germination and yield of potatoes and lead to rotting of the tubers. The best protection is careful handling of planting material and the harvest itself. It is necessary to avoid mechanical damage to the tubers and store them in a dry and disinfected room.

In addition to diseases, potatoes also have a very serious and dangerous pest - the Colorado potato beetle, well known to all gardeners.

It is not so easy to exterminate a beetle, but if you do not miss the moment when eggs begin to be laid, the situation can be brought under control. The main thing is to collect Colorado potato beetles as often as possible. And the best control method is not only to collect beetles, but also to carry out chemical treatment. Today, effective drugs to combat the Colorado potato beetle are widely available. Potato processing can also be combined with foliar feeding.

Good luck in growing potatoes!

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  • Which potato variety is the best?
  • Sprouting potatoes for planting video
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  • Potato varieties: productive
  • How to germinate potatoes for planting
  • Time to plant potatoes
  • What is the most productive potato variety?
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  • Potato varieties for the middle zone

Positive and negative qualities

Romano potatoes have many advantages and several disadvantages that need to be taken into account to avoid facing some difficulties in the future.

  • increased resistance to diseases and pests;
  • excellent taste;
  • good resistance to drought;
  • positive external qualities;
  • easily accepts feeding;
  • low percentage of defective potatoes;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • high yield;
  • long-term preservation of the crop, even when transported over long distances.
Thick peel not only has a positive effect on potatoes, protecting them from damage, but also interferes with normal peeling.
Low resistance to frost is the second disadvantage of Romano potatoes.

Another disadvantage is the risk of exposure to scab and golden nematode.

Description of the variety

The description of the variety can be continued indefinitely. People really like this variety for its unique characteristics. But we will try to describe everything quickly and simply.

The bushes have tall and erect shoots. The corollas are small and purple in color. The potatoes are not large, short in shape. The average weight of a mature fruit rarely exceeds 90 grams. The peel is thin, smooth, pink in color. The eyes are barely noticeable. It is convenient to clean the root vegetable.

The pulp has a white tint. The composition contains from 14 to 17% starch, which indicates high boilability during heat treatment. If you evaluate taste on a 10-point scale, then Romano potatoes will deservedly receive a solid ten.

The variety is an early variety and ripens within 2.5-3 months. On average, 600-800 grams of product can be collected from 1 bush. Which is a low indicator for potatoes.

The variety is valued for its external characteristics. In general, a large percentage is suitable for sale after harvest. With storage, everything is also in order, however, there is a drawback expressed in the frequent sprouting of potatoes. This happens most often in conditions of high humidity. Therefore, you cannot store potatoes haphazardly. In this, Romano loses to many other potato varieties.

Variety immunity

Romano potatoes have fairly good immunity. In particular:

  1. It perfectly resists late blight on root crops. Things are a little worse with the tops.
  2. Has good immunity to mosaic diseases and cancer development.
  3. Has average resistance to the development of viral diseases.

We recommend reading: “Picasso Potatoes”
Thanks to good immunity, potatoes are stored for a long time and produce a good harvest. Romano's only weakness is the golden nematode. The fruit is absolutely powerless against it.

Growing rules

Potato tubers can only be planted in heated soil, so the threat of spring frosts should pass. The ideal temperature is between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius. In this case, the shoots will be fast, friendly and the yield will be decent. If you plan to use root crops for growing potatoes in the future, choose fruits from the strongest bushes. Diseased bushes should not be used to produce seed potatoes.

Advice! “Romano” tolerates heat and short dry periods well, but care must still be constant. To improve growth and yield indicators, it is recommended to use complex fertilizers shortly before planting potatoes to ensure a decent harvest, so it is not advisable to neglect this measure.

A week before harvesting the potatoes, the tops are cut off to obtain dense and high-quality tubers that will be resistant to mechanical damage.

Before harvesting, seed potatoes are selected for further storage and will be planted next year.

Harvest and storage

The first digging of young fruits can be done in early July. The bulk of the harvest is harvested in early September. 7-8 days before the planned harvest, the potato tops are mowed. This procedure helps strengthen the skin of the tubers and makes their flesh denser.

Important! Thanks to their strong immunity and thick skin, Romano tubers tolerate long-term winter storage.

After harvesting the tubers, perform the following actions:

  • the fruits are dried in the open air under a canopy for 3–5 days;
  • discard damaged and spoiled fruits;
  • select seed material for planting next year;
  • send the potatoes for storage in a dark room with an air temperature of +2...+5°C.

Romano potatoes can be successfully grown in many regions due to their unpretentiousness to climate conditions. If you follow the plant care recommendations listed in the article, you can get a bountiful harvest of beautiful and large tubers that have excellent taste and good presentation.

Potato care

Plants need to be well looked after

The productivity of Romano and its consumer qualities depend on timely and high-quality watering, hilling, and fertilizing of potatoes

Watering and hilling

During the season, the beds are watered at least 2-3 times. Excessively moistening the soil is not recommended. After watering, loosening and removal of weeds must be carried out; this ensures access of oxygen to the roots of plants and is one of the preventive measures.

To create favorable conditions for setting tubers, hilling is carried out. For the Romano variety, the procedure is performed 2-3 times per season. Young bushes are sprinkled for the first time when they have risen 10 cm above the ground. After hilling, abundant watering is carried out. When the stems have grown to 15-20 cm, add soil again. The beds are first loosened and weeded.


Potato feeding is carried out in three stages: after emergence, at the time of bud formation, during flowering, when tubers are set. A complex of organic and inorganic fertilizers is used.

For root feeding use:

  • bird droppings (diluted, fermented, in a ratio of 1:10);
  • urea (1 tbsp per 10 liters of water);
  • mullein (the proportion of fresh manure and water is 1:10, it is fermented and spilled between the rows);
  • herbal infusion (weeds fermented in a barrel of water, preferably used in June);
  • mineral fertilizers (a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 1:1:2, 25 g per 10 liters of water).

During the growing season, usually before the flowers appear, foliar feeding is carried out. The compositions are sprayed onto the bush in the evening to prevent burns. For such feeding, solutions with urea, superphosphate, humate, and nettle infusion are used.

Treatment against diseases and pests

Such immunity ensures high marketability and good shelf life. The only disease to which this species is susceptible is scab. It mainly affects tubers, the lower part of the stem and the root. Taste quality deteriorates, shelf life is reduced, and planting material deteriorates.

Potato varieties Roco, Romano, Picasso

Review. potato varieties Rosara, Red Scarlet, Bellarosa, Aurora. review . Digging potatoes

Aladdin - a healthier potato variety... BOMB!

Preventive measures include maintaining crop rotation, planting green manure, and abundant watering from the moment the tubers set until they reach 2-3 cm in diameter. Mowing the tops 2 weeks before harvest will help protect tubers from late blight and scab.

Another method of combating diseases is to increase the defenses of plants. To do this, I use nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, superphosphate), preparations containing microelements: copper, manganese, magnesium, boron, cobalt.

Important aspects of cultivation

The Romano variety has established itself as an undemanding crop. It is suitable for cultivation in almost any area, regardless of the occurrence of groundwater, lighting and soil types. But to get a good harvest of quality fruits, you need to adhere to some growing rules.


The most illuminated area is selected, the yield directly depends on this. As with other crops, it is necessary to prepare the soil in the fall. The soil must be dug up, after which lime is added to it at the rate of 1 glass per 1 square meter. In the spring, a complex mixture is added.

Preparation of planting material

Seed material and its quality directly depend on the quantity of the future harvest and the taste of the root crop. Before planting, potatoes are pre-selected and then processed. They have been preparing since the fall, in the process of digging up the crop. The dug up root crops are left in the hole where they dry out. For these purposes, the most beautiful, dense and spreading bushes are dug up.

Preference is given to smooth, small fruits, discarding tubers affected by rot.

After drying, after approximately 5 hours, the selected material is placed in a warm, dry room, protected from the sun. Then they are lowered into the cellar without mixing with the rest of the harvest. Whole potatoes without mechanical damage or cracks are separated from the existing tubers and placed in a dry place to dry. Only after these manipulations can you begin preparation.

Tuber preparation

A few weeks before planting potatoes in the ground, first lay out the prepared tubers in a warm and dry room where the rays of the sun do not reach. At a temperature of +18-20 degrees, root vegetables will dry out and germinate faster. To prevent the tubers from drying out during this time, they are occasionally sprayed with water.

Disease prevention is a mandatory procedure. Fungicides are used for these purposes. The use of ash, which is sprinkled on wet potatoes and left to dry, will help increase productivity.

Disembarkation process

To increase the yield and facilitate further potato care, it is important to follow the planting scheme without neglecting the rules. It is optimal to maintain a distance of 40 cm between holes. The distance between rows should be at least 70 cm.

The landing process is carried out as follows:

  1. Place mineral fertilizers in prepared holes 20 cm deep and dig well.
  2. Place planting material.
  3. Sprinkle the tubers with soil and water the area.

To protect the first shoots from spring frosts, they are buried in a 5 cm layer of soil. If this is not done, there will be a harvest, but in small quantities.


Romano potatoes are a vegetable crop that requires agricultural technology. With timely care, it will be possible to ensure high quality fruits and increase the yield.

Loosening the soilWateringHillingTreatment
Surface tillage is necessary to remove weeds and prevent the formation of a dry crust on the surface of the earth after rain.Potatoes need to be watered only during periods when there is a long drought.Fine soil with clumps sprinkled on the potato stems will help enrich the root system of plants with oxygen and increase the space for the development of tubers.Insecticides that should be used on potatoes will help to avoid the development of infectious diseases and prevent the harmful effects of insects.

The Romano potato variety is very sensitive to soil nutrition and therefore requires constant fertilizer. Fertilizing is applied in three stages:

  • When the first shoots appear. The specially moistened soil is watered with organic compounds. For these purposes, solutions of manure or bird droppings are used. Pre-infuse the fertilizer for 48 hours, then prepare a solution in a ratio of 1:15 (manure and water). One potato bush requires 500-700 ml of solution.
  • In the budding phase. During this period, it is better to use a mixture prepared from 80 g of ash and 5 g of potassium sulfate. This amount is per 1 square meter of land.
  • During the flowering period. Spread 30 g of superphosphate over 1 square meter.

Romano potatoes are a crop that strongly absorbs nutrients from the soil. With high-quality and timely application of fertilizing, a bountiful harvest is guaranteed.

Fighting bugs and diseases

Romano potatoes are practically not attacked by late blight, potato cancer, and tobacco mosaic. When plants are grown in one place for a long time or under unfavorable conditions, it can be affected by scab and golden nematode.

Name of the diseaseFull descriptionSigns of the diseaseTreatment methods
Potato nematodeThe root system is affected by worms. The first signs of infection appear 40-50 days after planting. The stems weaken and turn yellow prematurely. The number of tubers set decreases or disappears altogether. Infection with the disease occurs through planting diseased tubers, when planting potatoes in contaminated soil. You can fight the nematode with special chemicals.
The most effective remedy is Bazudun. It is important to carry out prevention: before planting, treat potatoes with potassium permanganate, observe crop rotation, and plant white mustard, tansy, and asters around the perimeter.
Common scabA fungal disease that causes damage to the skin of root vegetables. The quality of the fruit deteriorates, the presentation is lost, and the amount of waste increases. The development of the disease begins from the moment the potato begins to bloom. The cause of infection is the planting of diseased planting material or contaminated soil. Most often, the disease develops due to hot weather or shallow location of the tubers. It is better to treat the seed and soil with the drug Trichodermin. For preventive measures, crop rotation is recommended.

Potatoes often suffer from Colorado potato beetles, which appear from the moment the green mass emerges. In order not to spray the plants in the first days, they should be sprayed with Prestige before planting in the ground. Bombardir, Aktara, Komandor - effective preparations for spraying plants - will help protect potatoes from insects.

Characteristics and history of the variety's creation

The breeding of the Romano variety was carried out by breeders of the Dutch company AGRICO UA. The culture was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 1994.

Description of the variety is presented in the table:

Ripening period65–80 days
BushTall, erect, compact
Number of tubers in a bush8–13 pcs.
Weight70–80 g
FormShort oval

The photo shows the Romano potato variety.

Reviews about the variety

Sergey, Krasnodar

I plant several types of potatoes in my dacha and one of the varieties is Romano. Potatoes with excellent taste and high yield. The tubers are all smooth and large, small things are not found at all. Stored all winter in a regular cellar.

Elena Vasilievna, Bryansk

Although I grow several varieties, Romano is our main and favorite. Already at the end of June we dig up young potatoes and delight ourselves with delicious dishes from them. What is most attractive is the storage duration. Potatoes are stored in the cellar until almost summer.

Victor Ivanovich, Khabarovsk

Last year I dropped off Romano. Our summer is short but quite hot. After 2.5 months, out of 4 buckets of planted potatoes, I got 8. Now I don’t even want to think about another potato.

Planting Romano potatoes

The consumer qualities of Romano and its productivity depend on proper agricultural technology. Following simple rules allows you to preserve advantages and minimize disadvantages.

Soil preparation

Choose a sunny area for planting potatoes

A necessary condition for obtaining a good harvest is the correct choice of planting site and soil preparation. The culture loves sunny areas. Potatoes cannot be grown in the same place several times in a row: this leads to the spread of diseases. It is undesirable to place potato plantings next to beds in which plants of the nightshade family are grown: tomatoes, eggplants, bell peppers.

According to the characteristics, loose, light, oxygen- and mineral-rich, neutral or slightly alkaline soil is best suited for potatoes. However, it can be grown on any soil, subject to several rules:

  • acidified soils (usually in waterlogged areas) are deoxidized by scattering dolomite flour, chalk, and ash;
  • in the fall the site is dug up to ensure good aeration;
  • sandy and sandy loam soils need to increase fertility (organic and inorganic matter is added in the fall); and heavy clay soils are made lighter by digging with peat, sand, humus;
  • in the spring they must be loosened to a depth of 15-20 cm, and heavy loamy soils are dug up again to a depth of 30 cm before planting.

Vegetable growers note the effectiveness of using green manure. These are green fertilizers (alfalfa, mustard, peas, etc.) that will improve the characteristics of the soil: they make it looser, enrich it with nitrogen and reduce the number of weeds. In the fall, they are sown in areas allocated for potatoes, and in the spring they are dug up.

Planting Romano potatoes

You can plant Romano potatoes in the garden when the top layer of soil warms up to a temperature of 15-20°C and there is no threat of night frosts. Depending on the region, this could be April or May. It is not recommended to plant in waterlogged soil. If the groundwater comes close to the surface, make high beds or plant in ridges.

Description of approaches to the selection of seed material and its preparation:

  • tubers weighing about 50 g are used as seeds (smaller sizes can be planted - 10-20 g); propagation of this varietal potato is practiced by dividing the tuber (it is cut with a knife dipped in a saturated solution of potassium permanganate into several parts with shoots);
  • seeds are germinated at a temperature of 14-16°C in a bright room, periodically moistening; when the violet sprouts reach 3-5 cm, the material is ready for planting (seeds sprouted in a dark room will have white, elongated, less viable sprouts);
  • Before planting, tubers are treated with drugs to prevent damage by pests, diseases, and growth stimulants.

The holes are laid at a distance of 60-80 cm. When planting, add humus, wood ash, and fertilizers. The depth of placement also depends on the quality of the soil. The heavier the soil, the smaller the layer of soil the potatoes should cover (from 8-10 cm to 15-20 cm).

Preparing the area for planting

In the area that you have prepared for planting, you must:

  • In the fall, it is necessary to dig up the area without leveling it with a rake. This is necessary because the Romano variety loves somewhat loose soil that is fairly saturated with air. You can dig ditches along the beds so that water after rain can flow down them;
  • With the help of beds you can help the soil dry out quickly;
  • In the spring, the soil needs to be dug up again and after that you can start planting. However, do not forget that the soil should not be wet, but not too dry.

The quality of tubers for planting also affects the future harvest. Therefore, this also needs to be taken care of in advance. A few weeks before planting, place the prepared potatoes in a dry, warm place. It should be sufficiently illuminated, but protect it from direct sunlight. The temperature in the room should be 18-20°C. Make sure that the tubers do not dry out; to do this, it is recommended to periodically spray it with water. Before planting, moisten the root crops again and then sprinkle with wood ash.

Having studied Romano's characteristics, you know that he is quite early. And all early varieties must be planted with a distance of 0.5 in a row and about 20-30 centimeters between holes. If you followed the advice and prepared the soil properly, then all you need to do next is dig holes and bury the potatoes in them.

In hot climates, where the soil is somewhat dry, the depth of the hole should be 10-15 centimeters and pre-treat the area with humus

However, please note that these actions cannot be carried out on wet soil, as the water stagnates there, which will certainly destroy your crop, so in order to protect the potatoes in this case, you need to bury them to a depth of 15-30 centimeters

The Romano variety is quite unpretentious and does not require care, it is also resistant to almost all diseases

But it’s still worth paying attention to the details. Although it has been said that potatoes do not like very wet soil, do not forget about watering them

Remember one rule: soil moisture should be approximately 70% of its moisture capacity. Thus, if you live in an area where it rains regularly, you do not need additional watering. However, when the weather is hot, you will need to water the soil. There is also a Dutch growing technology.

Potato feeding

Throughout Romano's growth, he needs to be fed three times. The first must be done if you notice that the leaves are yellow, the tops are poorly developed and the stems are very thin. A very effective solution is: a large bucket of boiled, cooled water, 15 mg of urea and the most common fertilizer. All this is mixed and 0.5 liters are poured under each bush.

The second feeding is done when they see that the potatoes have already begun to bloom. Then you need to stimulate flowering with the following solution: 1/2 bucket of water, half a glass of wood ash and 20 grams of potassium sulfate

Then it’s time for the third feeding. We need it in order to speed up the formation of tubers. You need to prepare a solution with two tablespoons of universal fertilizer for vegetables, 20 grams of superphosphate and a bucket of water. Water the planting with all this, in the amount of 0.5 liters for each bush.

A week later, when you see that the potatoes have begun to bloom, you need to weed them. When weeding your crops, remember about the weeds that need to be removed. Usually this is done 3-4 times a season. Stimulate plant growth by hilling, perform the procedure every two to three weeks.

The first harvest is harvested at the end of June and harvested at the beginning of September. After you have dug up the tubers, dry them for 7-9 days in the sun, and in rainy weather under a canopy. Before storing the crop, leave some of the best fruits for planting next season. The Romano potato variety has very good shelf life, so it can be stored in a cool and dark place. Its thick peel allows for easy transportation without loss. This type of potato can be used in several areas of our life:

  1. Cooking. It produces not only excellent side dishes, but also independent dishes: zrazy, meatballs, pancakes;
  2. Cosmetology. You can make a face mask from ripe fruits;
  3. Ethnoscience. Decoctions are prepared from the juice, which have the ability to lower blood pressure and help increase immunity in diseases of various etiologies;
  4. Production. Alcohol, starch and many other compounds are prepared from the tubers.
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