Description and characteristics of Deroyal strawberries, planting and care rules

Agro has extensive experience in testing garden strawberries. The company has been doing this for many years; today there are more than 120 varieties in its assortment - and these are only those that have successfully passed tests and been approved. Do you want to know which varieties of garden strawberries made the greatest impression on the agronomists of the agricultural company?

  • Early varieties of garden strawberries, or strawberries (June 1–15) Vima Zanta variety
  • Deroyal variety
  • Camarosa variety
  • variety Kent
  • Kimberly variety
  • Lambada variety
  • Mid-season varieties of garden strawberries, or strawberries (June 20 - July 10)
      variety Crown
  • Polka variety
  • variety Susie
  • Tago variety
  • Figaro variety
  • Late varieties of garden strawberries, or strawberries (July 15–30)
      Bohemia variety
  • Vima Tarda variety
  • Symphony variety
  • Unusual varieties of garden strawberries, or strawberries
      variety Maxim (Gigantella Maxim)
  • Mize Schindler variety
  • variety Mara de bois
  • Pineberry and Anablanca varieties
  • Varieties of garden strawberries (strawberries) of neutral day
      Florin variety
  • variety Evi 2
  • Evis Delight variety
  • variety Sweet Evi
  • Tips for choosing a variety of garden strawberries or strawberries
      Consider the potential of your hard work
  • Select varieties with different ripening periods
  • The collection should be based on resistant varieties
  • Taste is more important, not picture
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

    The Deroyal variety has the following advantages:

    • fast growth;
    • compactness and neatness of the bush;
    • productivity;
    • resistance to freezing;
    • disease resistance;
    • strong peduncles;
    • strong aroma and bright taste of the fruit.

    Disadvantages of Deroyal strawberries:

    • short shelf life - 3-5 days;
    • unsuitable for transportation;
    • requirement for moisture.

    Strawberries of the Deroyal variety grow well both in garden beds and in greenhouse conditions.

    Description of the variety

    Deroyal strawberries are grown in open areas and under film, and are classified as varieties of medium ripening. Positioned as a dessert, it has a multifaceted taste and aroma.


    The appearance of the plant pleases with its compactness, rich dense dark green foliage and strong peduncles directed upward. Even when the fruits ripen, the flower stalks hold them suspended and lie down only if the berries are very large. Peduncles are numerous. Winter hardiness and drought resistance are high.


    The originators stated that the berry weighs up to 50 g. Such large fruits can only be obtained by using intensive agricultural technology. The average weight of Deroyal strawberries in garden beds is about 25 g. The berries are juicy, tasty, balanced in sugar and acid, with a classic strawberry aroma. The pulp is dense, but without crunch. The plant produces smooth, shiny fruits of regular conical shape throughout the entire fruiting period.

    Not only the shape is attractive, but also the color of the fruit and pulp of Deroyal: rich red, which turns into cherry when fully ripe


    Even in the absence of additional fertilizing, you can get a yield of more than 500 g per bush. This is not the highest figure among modern varieties; for example, Alba and Clery are more productive. Deroyal is valued primarily for the taste of the fruit. Gardeners are also pleased that during the dry season the berries of this moisture-loving crop do not shrink.

    The average density of the fruits allows them to be transported over short distances. This is an ideal berry for making compotes and jam.

    Growing and caring for the Deroyal variety

    Strawberry seedlings can be planted in garden beds in the fall or spring; many gardeners still prefer spring, since bushes planted in the fall may not have time to take root, so they are at risk of freezing in winter. In the spring there is no such problem; if you plant strawberries in warm and still damp soil, they are more likely to take root.

    Site selection and soil preparation

    Deroyal seedlings suitable for planting should have approximately 5 leaves, a growth point, fibrous roots at least 8 cm long. The root collar of the seedling should be 6 mm. Before planting, strawberries should be in the shade, with the roots moistened with water.

    For the culture, it is best to choose a place illuminated by the sun, without stagnant water. The soil reaction should be neutral; acidic is absolutely not suitable.

    Preparation of the beds comes down to the following: remove the remains of the previous crop and weeds along with the roots, dig with a shovel. Add rotted organic matter (1 bucket per sq. m.) and ash (1 kg per sq. m.), level the surface with a rake.

    See also

    Description and characteristics of strawberries of the Florina variety, planting and cultivationRead


    Deroyal strawberry seedling bushes are planted at a distance of 0.3 m from each other. Make holes as deep as the roots, and bury each seedling down to the root collar. You need to make sure that the growing points are not covered with soil. If the soil is dry, water each hole with at least 0.5 liters of water.

    Expert opinion

    Zarechny Maxim Valerievich

    Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best country expert.

    Ask a Question

    You can check the correctness of planting in a simple way: take the planted plant by the leaf and try to pull it out. If this is not easy to do, then everything is done correctly. After this, you can sprinkle the bushes with humus or sawdust in a layer of 2-3 cm.

    If it is still cold outside, especially at night, it is worth covering the beds with film, placing it on low arches that would cover the plants on all sides.

    Watering and fertilizers

    Despite the powerful root system, Deroyal strawberries need moisture because the plant is small and its roots do not penetrate deeply into the soil. Until the seedlings are completely rooted, they need to be watered frequently, from 1 to 2-3 times a week. For watering, you need to take warm, settled water and water it at the root. When berries appear on the bushes, it is not advisable for water to get on them, otherwise they may rot.

    Expert opinion

    Zarechny Maxim Valerievich

    Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best country expert.

    Ask a Question

    Since strawberries are an early crop, their berries will ripen early, you need to have time to fertilize them at the beginning of the growing season and after the first flowers bloom. It is best to fertilize the berries with organic matter, sprinkling it evenly near the plants. Another feeding should be done after all the berries have been collected so that the strawberries recover after fruiting.


    After watering, you should loosen the soil, but not deeply, so as not to touch the roots. Loosening allows roots to breathe and removes weeds.

    See also

    Pros and cons of growing strawberry seedlings in cassettes, specifics of careRead

    Removing a mustache

    If you plan to harvest Deroyal strawberries, all tendrils must be removed so that the plants do not waste nutrients on their growth. They need to be cut off when they reach 5 cm; they can be carefully cut with scissors.

    Classic - mid-season varieties of garden strawberries, or strawberries (June 20 - July 10)

    Garden strawberry variety Korona

    With good care, it is one of the most productive varieties. The berries are medium to large, 30 g, distinguished by a rich red color and a regular conical shape, sweet, quite aromatic, resistant to gray rot, but with a delicate skin. The Corona variety produces a lot of mustache.

    Garden strawberry variety Korona

    Garden strawberry variety Polka

    The first berries are large: up to 60 g; from later harvests - smaller ones. The fruits are dark red, very tasty and aromatic. The leaves are large, resistant to powdery mildew, and the bush forms many tendrils. The winter hardiness of the Polka variety is average - it can freeze out in snowless frosts.

    Garden strawberry variety Polka

    Garden strawberry variety Suzy

    The winter hardiness of the variety is high. The fruits are medium in size, smooth, dense, sweet with a pleasant sourness and light aroma, scarlet in color, good fresh and for processing. Well kept. The winter hardiness of the Suzy variety is quite high.

    Garden strawberry variety Suzy

    Garden strawberry variety Tago

    The Tago variety is distinguished by its excellent fruit taste and consistently high yield. The berries are very large (up to 70 g), red, the pulp is well colored, dark, sweet - the fruits make very beautiful jams and compotes. They ripen in early July. Winter hardiness is high.

    Garden strawberry variety Tago

    Garden strawberry variety Figaro

    The berries are large, very dense, with an orange tint to the skin and delicate pink pulp. Their long stalks make them very easy to pick. The yield of the Figaro variety is one of the highest; it is resistant to diseases of the root system and gray rot.

    Garden strawberry variety Figaro

    Diseases and pests

    Most often, strawberries are subject to rot, and diseases especially begin to appear after heavy rains. To prevent rotting of berries, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying with a broad-spectrum fungicidal agent. You need to choose a drug with a short waiting period that will end before the day of harvest.

    Unusual varieties of garden strawberries, or strawberries

    Garden strawberry variety Maxim (Gigantella Maxim)

    Mid-season variety Maxim (Gigantella Maxim). A powerful plant with strong peduncles, it requires intensive care and frequent watering - with a lack of moisture, the size of the berries decreases. The first berries are very large (up to 110–125 g), sweet, with loose pulp and a light aroma. The berries from the last harvest are smaller.

    Garden strawberry variety Maxim (Gigantella Maxim)

    Garden strawberry variety Mize Schindler

    Old variety. Despite the fruits being small by modern standards, they are still popular due to their amazing taste - one of the best among dessert varieties. In appearance it resembles a raspberry. The Mize Schindler variety is quite resistant to verticillium, powdery mildew, and mites. The ripening period is late.

    Garden strawberry variety Mize Schindler

    Garden strawberry variety Mara des Bois (Mara de Bois)

    Unusual, recognizable taste and aroma of berries - with a hint of wild strawberries. Remontant variety Mara des Bois (Mara de bois), bears fruit continuously. The largest berries are produced from the first and last pickings; in mid-summer they usually become smaller. Can bear fruit on rosettes of the current year (suitable for growing on a trellis).

    Garden strawberry variety Mara des Bois

    Garden strawberries Pineberry and Anablanca varieties

    Pineberry and Anablanca varieties with small but numerous white berries. The color of the pulp ranges from white to orange. Ripe berries are almost completely white (pinkish in bright areas), but with red seeds and a strong pineapple aroma.

    Harvest and storage

    Deroyal strawberries are harvested after they have acquired their characteristic color and aroma, but have not yet become soft. Ripe berries can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days; juicy berries cannot be stored longer. Strawberries that are slightly unripe and have dense pulp are allowed to be transported.

    Growing Deroyal strawberries in a summer cottage is no more difficult than growing any other variety. Planting and care technologies are standard. But you need to pay attention to the fact that the plants are moisture-loving, so you should pay special attention to watering. And when the berries ripen, do not forget to harvest on time and process or eat it. Strawberries of this variety make excellent sweet preparations for the winter.

    a brief description of

    Advantages of the variety

    • strong peduncles that support the weight of the berry;
    • large but not spreading bushes;
    • excellent taste and aroma of fruits;
    • a sufficient number of whiskers for reproduction;
    • resistance to infections and pests.

    Disadvantages of the variety

    • the need to protect flower stalks from late spring frosts;
    • large fruits only with intensive growing technology;
    • not the highest yields;
    • it is necessary to control the alignment.

    In general, reviews from gardeners about Deroyal strawberries are positive. Russian gardeners are still looking for optimal agricultural technology for the French beauty.


    It is better to plant early varieties of strawberries in late summer or early autumn. In this case, you can get a full harvest next year. It has been noticed that the Deroyal variety grows better in areas exposed to the sun (illumination 8-10 hours a day). Good drainage should be immediately provided, since moisture stagnation is unacceptable.

    The soil is enriched with rotted manure and wood ash (a bucket of humus and a glass of wood ash per m2). Fresh manure is not used for strawberry plantations. If there is no ready-made humus or compost, at least 3 months should pass after digging with the addition of fresh organic matter. Severely acidified soil is neutralized with dolomite flour (500 g/m2) or lime.

    Recently, long-lasting fertilizers have become increasingly popular. So, a third of a teaspoon of granular fraction of AVA fertilizer applied to the hole during planting will last the bush for 2-3 years.

    Compact plants are planted at a distance of 20 cm from each other and from 30 cm between rows. The rows, for more uniform lighting, are arranged from north to south.

    Before planting, the roots are dipped in the drug FlorGumat, which increases the plant’s resistance to external environmental factors and increases the efficiency of nutrient absorption. The heart is left flush with the surface of the earth. The seedlings are watered and mulched abundantly.

    The best predecessors of strawberries: beans, peas, parsley, carrots, dill. You should not plant the crop after pumpkin and nightshade

    Care Tips

    The Deroyal variety, despite its unpretentiousness, requires certain additional care measures. Basic replanting and watering are not enough if a person wants to get a quality harvest. Reviews from gardeners say that they require the most attention in the spring, immediately after the snow melts. The yield of the variety depends on the correct preparation of the soil.

    How to care for the variety: general tips

    It is worth taking a closer look at the process of caring for Deroyal strawberries in the spring and before winter throughout the season. Experienced gardeners, in order not to forget to carry out this or that event, usually draw up a calendar, which includes such necessary types of work as:

    1. Immediately after the last snow melts, gardeners advise not to delay the initial processing of Deroyal strawberry beds. It is necessary to remove last year's mulch, leaving about 3 cm, and also clean the bed of weeds and frozen leaves;
    2. The space between the rows of strawberries is well loosened; if necessary, you need to add fresh soil. After these procedures, complex fertilizers are applied. It must be remembered that these types of fertilizing are absorbed by the Deroyal variety on moist soil, so if the bed has dried out over the winter, it is necessary to water it additionally;
    3. After the necessary fertilizers have been applied, the strawberry beds can be sprinkled with fresh mulch again. Straw is considered the best way for Deroyal. The smaller it is, the better. It is on straw, according to reviews, that this variety grows best;
    4. After the first leaves appear, it is necessary to feed Deroyal with an additional portion of complex fertilizers. The main thing is to ensure that the product does not get on the foliage of the plant, otherwise the strawberries may get sunburned.
    5. Watering Deroyal beds is a simple task if you know the proportions of water and the frequency of watering. Gardeners do not recommend watering the plant more than once a week. Otherwise, there is a risk of flooding the root system.
    6. There is a category of gardeners who deliberately do not use mulch, considering this idea a waste of time. In this case, the variety will require additional weed removal. If you completely forget about these two care options, the variety will begin to get sick and produce a harvest of lower quality.
    7. During the period of fruit ripening, you need to monitor the soil moisture; it should be at an average level. In this case, you need to try to ensure that some of the bushes above the ground remain dry.
    8. After the harvest is complete, the beds are updated: old leaves and rosettes are removed, and the mulch is renewed.
    9. For a certain time before the onset of cold weather, strawberries must be pruned in a timely manner. You need to leave a maximum height of 10 cm.


    It is quite possible to increase the Deroyal strawberry plantation on your plot yourself. This variety produces enough tendrils to provide the owner with the necessary planting material. Rooted rosettes are separated from the mother bush. Propagation by seeds is not practiced.

    When choosing rosettes, preference is given to those that are among the first or second on the bush - the strongest. They are transferred to plastic cups, immediately rooted separately from the mother plant. If rejuvenation of the plantation is planned, the mustache is directed into the aisles. After the rosettes take root, the mother bushes are removed.

    Deroyal (Daroyal Strawberry) strawberry seedlings frigo Deroyal

    A new dessert variety from a nursery in Darbonne. This variety is suitable for cultivation both in open ground and indoors. Cannot be transported. It has an attractive regular, conical shape. The skin of the berries acquires a beautiful dark color if it ripens directly on the bush, which extends its shelf life. The berry is dense and shiny. Ripe berries are sweet and juicy. This variety is less susceptible to diseases, which attracts consumers.

    ripening timeearly
    fruiting periodsnon-repairable
    productivity1-2kg per plant
    berry sizelarge (from 20g)
    fruit shapecone-shaped, good berry density
    taste qualitiessweet
    strawberry colorDark red
    winter hardinesshigh
    care and protectionregular watering, especially in dry weather. After watering, the soil in the rows can be loosened. Weeds are removed
    pests and diseasesquite resistant to the most common root diseases, neutral to Oidium fragariae, Xanthomonas fragariae, susceptible to Colletotrichum acutatum
    landingspring or autumn
    area suitable for cultivationsuitable for continental climate; plants need plenty of cold hours during the winter


    Petr Konovalov, Novosibirsk region:

    Last year I brought several Deroyal rosettes from my relatives in the Stavropol region. I was worried that it wouldn’t survive the winter, so right before the cold snap, I covered it well with leaves and pine needles, and threw snow on the bed all winter. In the spring everything began to spike and bloom. Great berry!

    Oksana Chernyakova, Moscow region:

    I have been growing Deroyal for three years now. We are happy with everything: how it grows, the smell, the taste - everything is great. And most importantly, so far there has been no infection.

    Varieties of garden strawberries (strawberries) of neutral day

    Such varieties bear fruit from June to autumn almost continuously, and not in waves, like ordinary remontant varieties.

    Garden strawberry variety Florin

    With good care, it produces up to 1000 g of berries per bush. Resistant to weather fluctuations, including drought. The berries of the Florin variety are light red, the flesh is pink. Peduncles rise above the leaves.

    Garden strawberry variety Florin

    Garden strawberry variety Evi 2

    The Evi 2 variety bears fruit throughout the season without changing the size of the berries. The fruits are perhaps the most delicious among the day neutral varieties. Looks good and grows well in containers.

    Garden strawberry variety Evi 2

    Garden strawberry variety Evis Delight

    A very productive variety (up to 3 kg of berries per bush for the summer). Large (up to 20 g) berries of uniform size, sweet, aromatic and with thick skin (well stored).

    Garden strawberry variety Evis Delight

    Garden strawberry variety Sweet Evi

    Compared to other remontant varieties, the Sweet Evi variety is unpretentious to soil conditions. The berries are large, sweet, and high in vitamin C.

    Garden strawberry variety Sweet Evi

    ( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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