Why do strawberry leaves turn red? What to do if strawberry leaves turn red?

Strawberry leaves usually turn red when autumn begins. In August or September they turn purple and dry out. This speaks of a natural process. However, if this happens as soon as spring has begun, or during the summer months, you should sound the alarm. The fact is that the leaf is an indicator of the state of the culture. The health of the plant is determined by the appearance of the foliage and its color. It is important for a gardener to know why strawberry leaves turn red, what to do with this process, how to treat a berry plant, and how else the foliage can change color.

Strawberries have brown spots

If your strawberries have brown spots at the end of summer, then the plant may have developed corner spot. Other names for the disease: brown spot, bacterial wilt. It differs from brown, both in its characteristics and in the time of its appearance. Brown spotting occurs at the beginning of the season, and angular spotting occurs at the end. It is because of this that summer residents do not take the disease seriously, believing that the leaves have changed color due to the approach of autumn.

Corner spot

Corner spot appears on the leaves as brown spots that show through when you look through them into the light. The lower part of the leaf blade may release light moisture in damaged areas. A dark border can be seen on the bottom of the leaf. Why and how does the disease occur? Its causative agent is the bacterium X. Fragariae. She loves water. Develops in high humidity. It can penetrate into the plant through open areas, fractures, and wounds. In autumn, leaves affected by the bacteria may dry out. The pathogen overwinters on them.

If brown spots appear on strawberries, how to treat them? First you need to remove all diseased bushes and weeds. As soon as young foliage begins to grow, it should be treated with copper oxychlorate. The disease may disappear after treatment with strong fungicides, including: Skor, Ridomil Gold, etc.

Additional Information. If the leaves begin to turn yellow in spring or summer, and then quietly dry out, this may be chlorosis. It is recommended to fight it with iron sulfate diluted in water. Also suitable drugs are Ferovit and Helatin.

White spots

If white spots appear on strawberry fruits and leaves, this indicates that the plant has become infected with white rot. This disease rarely kills strawberries, but it can destroy the fruit very quickly. White rot should not be confused with ramularia.


White spots usually indicate that the plant is suffering from white rot. This disorder is also caused by fungi, and infection usually occurs in the summer and at the end of May, when the air weather stabilizes at +25 degrees and above.

Please note that white rot is characterized by the appearance of a specific white and gray coating; if there is no plaque, but there are brown spots, then this indicates that the plant is suffering from remularia, and not white rot.


The main sign of the disease is the appearance of a white or gray coating on the leaves and fruits. The fungus feeds primarily on fruits, and without treatment, the fungus destroys the crop in 5-10 days.

Please note that some people confuse white rot with remularia, but distinguishing these two diseases is very simple: in the case of white rot, a characteristic white coating forms on the surface of the fruit, which can be scraped off with a fingernail; with remularia, there is no coating, and the leaves are colored not only white , but also brown in color, and the fungus affects the shoots and roots.


White rot is dangerous because it can destroy a strawberry crop in a short time. Please note that the disease rarely affects shoots and roots, so white rot rarely destroys the plants themselves.

The white rot fungus exists in the form of spores in winter, spring and autumn, and in warm rainy weather it awakens, which leads to very rapid infection of strawberries.

What to do?

For treatment, it is necessary to carry out therapeutic spraying with fungicides. A good drug against white rot is Derosal or its analogues. For treatment, you need to dilute 10 ml of the medicine in 10 liters of water, and you need to spray the whole plant.

It is recommended to spray the entire garden, since the fungus is easily carried by the wind from one plant to another. It is also necessary to remove affected strawberries, since strawberries with a white fungal coating are unsuitable for consumption.

In case of heavy rains, infection with white rot can lead to rotting of leaves and shoots - in this case, it is recommended to uproot the strawberry bush and burn it.

Prevention measures

To prevent white rot from appearing, you need to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  1. Periodically, preventive spraying of the plant should be carried out using the fungicide Derozal (its analogues are also suitable). For preventive spraying, it is recommended to dilute 5 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water.
  2. If it often rains while growing strawberries, then it is recommended to cover the strawberries with film to reduce soil moisture, since the white rot fungus really likes waterlogged soil.
  3. Before planting strawberries, you need to dig up the soil well so that during watering the water does not stagnate in the soil.

Strawberry leaves are turning red

If the leaves of a crop suddenly begin to turn red in spring or summer, there may be several reasons.

Among the most common:

  • The berry plant lacks nutrients;
  • The soil is too acidic;
  • A fungus settled on the plant, which led to brown spotting.

Strawberry leaf diseases

Not enough nutrients

Typically, reddening of the foliage indicates nitrogen starvation. In this case, it is worth feeding the plant with nitroammophoska (another name for azofoska), ammonium nitrate.

Azofoska is applied in spring and summer. The month of June will do. It is allowed to embed granules into the soil or dissolve them in water. If the first method is chosen, then 25-35 grams should be scattered per square meter of soil. facilities. Afterwards the garden bed is watered. You can dissolve a matchbox of nitroammophoska granules in a 10-liter bucket of water.

The right time for ammonium nitrate is the first half of the season. It is scattered into shallow trenches between the bushes. Dosage – 10 g. per one square meter.

Another reason for sudden reddening of leaves is a lack of phosphorus. In this case, superphosphate is added. They can treat the bed three times per season. The fertilizer interacts well with organic matter. 35 gr. superphosphate is mixed with a glass of fly ash and a solution of cow manure. Cow dung solution is prepared from 7 liters of water and 1 liter of manure. Such fertilizing will not only provide the crop with phosphorus, but will also make the fruits much sweeter.

Superphosphate for bait

Soil too acidic

The foliage may turn red due to increased acidity of the soil. The culture develops normally only in soil whose pH is 6-6.5 pH. Such soil is considered slightly acidic, neutral. To reduce the acidity of the soil, dolomite flour and ash are embedded in it. Approximately one glass per square meter.

Brown spot

The causative agent of the disease is the Marssonina fungus. Signs of brown spot appear in spring and summer both on leaf blades and on berries. The foliage may become covered with spots, the color of which is red, brick brown, or dark brown. The spots increase in size every day. Brown lesions are visible on berries and stems of the crop. Similar symptoms of brown spot are observed in the cucumber bed. Cucumber quite often suffers from this disease.

Marssonina fungus

Treatment of brown spot on strawberries involves both modern and traditional methods.

If there is a suspicion of a fungal infection, strawberries should be treated with a solution of manganese, as well as Bordeaux mixture (3%). Instead of these products, you can take copper oxychloride. The disease is treated with systemic contact fungicides Oksikhom, Skor.

Important! It is not recommended to use chemicals during the formation of berries and before harvesting, otherwise strawberries cannot be eaten due to the possibility of poisoning. A folk method of combating brown spot is preparing an invigorating cocktail that is destructive to Marssonina mushrooms

Take a 10-liter bucket of warm water. 5 grams are added there. potassium permanganate, 4 teaspoons of soda, 10 ml of iodine, 25 gr. laundry soap. Everything gets mixed up. Each leaf is sprayed with a solution. This remedy is good because it allows you to fight spotting at any time during the growing season.

The folk method of combating brown spot is to prepare an invigorating cocktail that is destructive to Marssonina mushrooms. Take a 10-liter bucket of warm water. 5 grams are added there. potassium permanganate, 4 teaspoons of soda, 10 ml of iodine, 25 gr. laundry soap. Everything gets mixed up. Each leaf is sprayed with a solution. This remedy is good because it allows you to fight spotting at any time during the growing season.

For your information. You can eat berries after spraying. The main thing is to wash them thoroughly.

If the disease is brown spot on strawberries, then control methods also include:

  1. Removing and burning damaged leaves.
  2. Planting bushes is not too dense.
  3. Keeping the garden clean.
  4. Treatment with the biological product Fitosporin. It increases the resistance of the crop, has a beneficial effect on growth, and effectively fights bacteria and fungi.
  5. Watering should be timely, but strawberries should not be overwatered. Like cucumbers, garden strawberries can contract brown spot due to dampness and high humidity.

Brown spots with a whitish center

Whitish spots with a brown border are a sign of infection by the fungus Ramularia tulasnei, the causative agent of white spotting. At the onset of the disease, tiny reddish-brown oval or round spots appear on the strawberry leaves, which quickly increase in diameter and become lighter in the center.

After some time, the tissue in the center of the lesion dies, and the whitish center of the spot falls out, resulting in the formation of characteristic holes bordered by brown rims in the leaves. As a rule, individual marks on leaf blades do not merge with this disease, but on weakened rosettes this can still happen. Peduncles affected by the fungus become thinner, darker and lean towards the ground.

Ways to fight

Twice a season (at the leaf blooming stage and at the end of the harvest), treat strawberry bushes with the following preparations:

Causes of redness of leaves

There are several conditions that can cause strawberry leaves to turn red. Here are the main ones:

  • Nitrogen starvation. A lack of nutrients will certainly lead to reddening of the leaves. It is necessary to apply a balanced composition of organic and mineral fertilizers. This may be humus along with potassium substances. The solution is filled with water and left for three days. This substance must be applied to the root zone; the sprinkling method is not recommended. The red leaves on the strawberries should be cut off, and sawdust should be poured around the bush.
  • Plant density, lack of proper care. A feature of the strawberry bush is its high susceptibility to fungal diseases, which causes reddening of the foliage. This is the main reason why leaves dry out. To avoid infection, you need to constantly thin out the rows of the plant, clear the garden of weeds, trim the strawberry leaves, and then be sure to burn them outside the beds. We must not forget about the use of special means for spraying leaves. Treatment should occur twice a year: before flowering and in the autumn after harvesting.

These reasons can cause redness of the strawberry leaf, so it is important to follow some rules for caring for the plant.

Helpful tips for fighting fungal diseases

There are many ways to avoid strawberry diseases:

  1. Only healthy, young and undamaged shoots should be planted in the soil,
  2. It is necessary to weed the beds and trim off any dried or curled leaves. After which they must be burned,
  3. Treat the area against insects. They are the ones who spread controversy
  4. Strawberries should not be watered excessively.
  5. There is also no need to apply excess organic fertilizers,
  6. The strawberry bed needs to be thinned out and any excess mustache cut off.

By following simple rules, you can avoid the occurrence of infectious plant diseases.

Preparing Strawberry Leaves

The foliage must be prepared before the flowering period and berry ripening begins. It is at this moment that a large amount of nutrients and beneficial substances is concentrated in the leaves. They are prepared together with the petioles and laid out in the shade to dry. You can grind it before or after drying.

It is possible to use strawberry leaves using another type of herb. Grind leaves and herbs, add berries to them, pour boiling water and brew. You can drink strawberry leaf tea throughout the day.

Strawberries have beneficial properties and contraindications. If you have at least one of these diseases, the use of berries and leaves is not recommended:

  • Hypersensitivity to berries or pollen,
  • ulcer,
  • high acidity,
  • hypertension.

It is better not to self-medicate, as this may worsen the patient’s condition. Therefore, if you feel unwell, you need to contact a specialist.

There are several conditions that can cause harm to the body:

  • if you have gum disease or have dentures, berry seeds can cause discomfort,
  • berries rot quickly, spoiled fruits can cause poisoning,
  • The use of nitrates for rapid fruit growth is not allowed. This has a negative effect on the body,
  • It is better to choose a local type of strawberry, excluding blue or multi-colored berries brought from other countries.

You should eat berries grown in your home or proven garden. Then strawberries will benefit the body and strengthen the immune system.


Strawberry beds should not be located in lowlands. If moisture stagnates, the risk of rot increases several times.

The “antennae” should be regularly removed from the bushes, the beds should be weeded and the soil should be loosened.

It is necessary to water at least once a week with settled water. If you do this cold, straight from the hose, the leaves may also turn red due to the temperature difference and the bush will begin to hurt.

In regions with a changeable climate, it is recommended to cover the beds with spunbond or agrofibre at night before planting until a stable air temperature is established.

Every three to four years you need to replant strawberries to a new place, choosing the healthiest sprouts from your plot, or purchasing new planting material, but only from trusted sellers.

It is very important to monitor the condition of strawberries not only in early spring and early summer, when they bloom and bear fruit, but also after harvesting. Unfortunately, as practice shows, after this most summer residents simply forget about strawberries


If the leaves on a strawberry turn red, this can be either normal or a sign of illness or a pest attack. Determine the cause and take action as quickly as possible. Better yet, carry out preventive work to prevent such problems with planting your favorite berries.

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In the process of growing strawberries, we are faced with many questions, and one of them is why the leaves of strawberries turn red, is it a disease or a lack of any nutrients? What to do if strawberry leaves turn red?

In this case, you need to determine by the time when the strawberry leaves begin to turn red. On average, the leaves of garden strawberries (strawberries, Victoria) live for 70-90 days. Then they begin to die off naturally. Before this, they turn red and then dry. This process occurs at the end of the summer season.

At the same time, pay attention that if in the center of the bush the leaves are young and green, and on the sides of the berry bushes the old leaves begin to turn red, then your plants feel great and the natural process of dying off the old leaves is underway. In this case, there is no reason to worry - why the lower leaves of strawberries turn red

The answer to the question why strawberries have light green leaves is young new leaves. There is a natural renewal of berry bushes.

Signs of mineral deficiency

The redness of a strawberry bed without berries shows the farmer that either there are few minerals or they are not absorbed. The main element for strawberries is phosphorus. If it is deficient, it is not the berry that turns red, but its leaf.

The growth of young leaves requires nitrogen. If spring fertilizing is not carried out, and there are not enough nitrogenous substances, phosphorus moves from old foliage to young foliage. If the old ones turn red, this is a signal about feeding.

If the lower leaves of strawberries turn red, the cause may be poor development of the root system. Intense heat and lack of watering make root regrowth impossible. You should dig up the affected bush and examine it. If the roots are small and limp, and the soil around them is dry, minerals cannot be absorbed even when they are in the soil.

If the soil is constantly wet, the roots rot and the plant again does not receive nutrients.

The reason for the redness may also be the fact that fertilizing is carried out only with stove ash and annually. However, phosphorus cannot be absorbed without nitrogen. There are minerals, but they are not available to the plant.

Why do spots appear on strawberry leaves?

Septoria is a disease caused by the Septoria fungus. It is quite difficult to detect the time of its settlement on the plantation, because you need to very carefully study the condition of each strawberry bush. But the progress of the disease is easily detected. Small round spots of dark color (red-brown, brown) appear on the outside of the leaf blade. They have a black edging that does not disappear over time. The dark center of each spot becomes lighter. Inside it there are condia, with the help of which mushrooms reproduce. Overall the leaf is green in color, sometimes with a reddish tint around the edges. The presence of such a “rash” on several leaves of even one bush is evidence that the disease has spread.

Why are dark spots on strawberries dangerous?

Strawberry septoria has two peaks of distribution, which is associated with the stages of plant development. The first peak is spring, when new leaves appear. The second stage occurs in late summer - the time when the strawberry bush produces whiskers.

Dark spots on strawberry leaves

Favorable conditions for the development and spread of fungi are high humidity and temperature +15+25 C. The pest is active already at +5 C, so the spread of the disease begins in early spring.

The more spots on the strawberry, the more severe the disease. Its spread is also facilitated by excessive nitrogen fertilization, especially when other nutrients are insufficient.

The activity of fungi leads to disruption of the life processes of the plant. Leaves cannot fully participate in photosynthesis and metabolism. With severe damage, the leaf blades dry out. As a result, immunity decreases and the plant is suppressed. This leads to a decrease in the size of the bush and a drop in yield in the next season. Without action, the disease spreads to neighboring plantings. As a result, the entire plantation may become sick.

How to treat dark spots on strawberry leaves

Various fungicides are effective against septoria blight. However, the problem with their use is that the peak activity of harmful fungi coincides with the beginning of strawberry flowering. This means that most chemicals can be applied either after harvest or as a preventative in early spring.

During flowering and filling of berries, only biological preparations can be used against septoria, the effects of which do not harm humans. These are phytosporin and its analogues. However, their effectiveness over large areas and in dry weather is reduced.

Measures to combat septoria spot of strawberries

Collection of affected leaves. It is necessary to cut off all the spotting, capturing a little of the healthy part of the plate.

Fungicide treatment. After harvesting, spray with systemic fungicides

Copper-containing preparations are used with caution so as not to upset the balance of substances in plant tissues. Processing time: autumn or early spring

Septoria blight of strawberry

Adjustment of agricultural technology. It is worth reconsidering the frequency and quality of watering strawberries. To increase plant immunity, fertilize with preparations containing potassium and phosphorus, for example, potassium humate and ash. Strawberries respond well to mulching, including straw or sawdust.

Prevention of septoria in strawberries

It is impossible to predict the appearance of septoria on the site. However, this possibility can be minimized. To do this, you should follow simple rules.

  1. Beds for new plantings are planned ahead of time. Strawberries should not grow in thick conditions.
  2. They apply high-quality complex fertilizer and treat the soil with biological fungicides to destroy harmful fungi in its upper layer.
  3. Inspect the planting material, especially if it is purchased “from hand” or transferred from another bed. A large bush with an excellent root system, but with spotted leaves, will become a source of disease for new neighbors.
  4. Properly dose nitrogen fertilizers. An excess of the element increases the risk of dark spots appearing on strawberry leaves. Be sure to feed the plantings with the K-R complex and microelements.


The causative agent of the disease is a fungus – Ramularia. The disease begins with the appearance of small red-brown spots on the leaves. They begin to grow and become white in the center, then the white part falls off and the leaves become perforated. From the leaves, the disease spreads to the stems and peduncles of strawberries, then spreads to the root system, as a result of which the bush dies.

The peak of the disease occurs during the flowering period of strawberries, usually May-June. Spores are carried by wind and insects. The cause of the development of the disease is high humidity, high ambient temperature, and too close proximity of strawberry bushes to each other. The danger lies in the fact that this fungus tolerates cold well and survives the winter. It affects crops not only in open ground, but also in greenhouses.

Ramulariasis is completely curable, the main thing is to start treatment on time. Otherwise, the disease can quickly destroy the plants. In most cases, infected strawberries can be saved using effective chemical treatments. If the roots are not affected, first of all you need to pick off the diseased leaves and fruits. If the root system is affected, it is useless to treat the bush; it must be destroyed: it must be burned to prevent infection of healthy plants.

  • Spray the bushes with Bordeaux mixture 1% or cuproxate before flowering and after picking the berries. An effective remedy for treating plants against fungus is Ridomil, from which a solution is prepared (25 g of powder per 10 liters of water).
  • Regularly thin out plantings to avoid overcrowding;
  • Choose varieties that are resistant to the disease;
  • It is reasonable to approach soil fertilization with mineral mixtures.

What to do if the soil is poor

If the strawberries turn red due to a lack of nutrients, the leaves need to be completely cut off so that in their place, after fertilization, new green, juicy and fresh ones grow.

After applying the necessary fertilizing for strawberries, you must mulch the soil around the bushes with sawdust.

Strawberries most often suffer from a lack of nitrogen. To increase its level in the soil, it is recommended to use ammonium nitrate (a matchbox in a bucket of water, water a liter under a bush every 10 days). You can also use wood ash. It can be used to prepare solutions (half a liter jar in a bucket of water, pour half a liter under each bush) and for dusting plantings. In the second case, not only fertilizing will be provided, but also protection from insect pests.

In order for the strawberry harvest in your beds to always please you, you need to properly care for this plant. Every season...

Planting green manure helps to increase soil fertility. In the area reserved for planting strawberry seedlings, you can sow mustard, lupine or clover at the end of July. Then, when flowering begins, mow them and embed them in the ground. And next year in the spring, plant strawberry seedlings in this bed.

Once every three years, it is necessary to dig up the area prepared for growing strawberries with the addition of lime, chalk or dolomite flour.


A disease caused by fungi of the genus Fusarium, transmitted through roots. A sign of infection is the appearance of brown spots on the leaves. The shoots turn brown, the leaves curl, and the ovary does not form. The roots gradually die off, the rosettes dry out, and the plant withers. If urgent measures are not taken, the fungus can destroy up to 80% of the entire strawberry crop.

At the initial stage, the disease can be stopped. What can you do for this:

  • Spray the plant with a fungicide, for example Fitosporin.
  • Choose seedlings carefully; all plants should be without the slightest sign of fungal attack;
  • You cannot plant strawberries in beds where potatoes or tomatoes were previously cultivated;
  • Weed out weeds, remove old leaves and tendrils, avoiding thickening of the plantings.

Fusarium also affects tomatoes and potatoes, so strawberries or wild strawberries should not be planted in beds where these crops were previously grown. Fungi produce mycotoxins that adversely affect the human nervous system and contribute to the death of animals.

Reasons for appearance

The fungus is activated in conditions of high humidity. Rainy summers and errors in watering schedules provoke the development of the pathogen, and if measures are not taken, the disease will become widespread.

Also, the causes of brown spotting are:

  • lack of planned changes in strawberry beds. For many gardeners, crops grow in one place for a long time, while an infectious background accumulates in the soil. The lack of crop rotation (and not only for strawberries) leads to frequent outbreaks of diseases and reduced yields;
  • violations of the rules of agricultural technology: thickening of plantings, plant residues on the beds after weeding. In such conditions, the fungus feels at ease, and the disease progresses;
  • errors in crop nutrition. Excess nitrogen is one of the main causes of marsoniosis, while plants are deficient in potassium, phosphorus, and microelements;
  • infection through insects.

The disease often occurs due to the acquisition of infected planting material. In order to save money, summer residents buy strawberry seedlings in the fall or spring from strangers, and then discover an infection.

Leaf rust

This fungal disease appears in the spring. It is characterized by yellow spotting, which darkens over time, acquiring the color of rust. Red spots grow over the entire surface of the leaf, becoming voluminous, resembling rust-colored mold. The leaves and stems dry out, and the crop yield decreases. If measures are not taken, the affected bush will die, and the fungus will spread to other plants.

If you find a plant with rust, you need to put on gloves, lay a polyethylene film under the bush, cut off all the affected leaves at the root and burn them away from the garden plantings. Under no circumstances should they be thrown away or buried: the fungus thrives in the ground in winter and infects plants again in the spring. After pruning, it is necessary to treat the strawberries with Bordeaux mixture (maximum concentration of 1%) or with products such as Agrolekar or Titan. As for fungicides that are effective in combating fungus, they may contain substances harmful to humans, for example, mercury, copper.

The appearance of rusty spots on strawberry leaves can be prevented by following the rules of agricultural technology:

  • pull out weeds in a timely manner;
  • do not grow strawberry bushes in one place for more than five years;
  • ensure that the soil does not become waterlogged;
  • mulch the beds with ash.

Causes of development and prevention

  • Failure to maintain distance when planting plants. When thickening, air circulation is disrupted.
  • Planting strawberries after nightshade crops.
  • Overmoistening of the soil.


  • Plant strawberry bushes at a certain distance. Digging the beds and removing weeds in a timely manner.
  • In spring, you need to remove old leaves and mulch, which contain pathogens. In autumn, you need to cut out weak bushes and remove dried flowers.

Take preventive measures regularly

  • Avoid overfeeding strawberries with nitrogen fertilizers, in particular organic ones.
  • In the spring, when leaf growth begins, strawberry plantings need to be treated with phytosporin or other fungicides.

Foliage Renewal

The appearance of red leaves late in the season should not be a cause for concern. At the end of dying, they begin to turn red on the sides, remaining green. Before winter begins, they turn completely red and die.

Reddening of the leaves in mid-summer should be of particular concern.

Why do strawberry leaves turn red?

It is difficult to make a diagnosis without conducting agrochemical soil tests and microbiological tests. However, there are assumptions, since there could be two reasons:

  1. Microscopic mushrooms work.
  2. The plant experiences mineral deficiency.

To determine the true cause, you should carefully examine all the vegetative and generative organs of the crop: flower stalks, buds, rosettes of leaves, berries. If there is more than one variety, then the inspection data needs to be compared and analyzed (perhaps color is a property of the variety).

If the enemy is a microscopic mushroom

Fungi that cause the following diseases can cause strawberries to turn red:

  • brown spotting. When pathology begins, brown spots with a red border appear on the leaves. Then they merge, and the strawberry bed begins to glow crimson. The lesion affects not only the leaf, but also petioles, tendrils, and young rosettes. The pathogen overwinters on diseased plants;
  • brown spot. The pathogen infects only soft tissues, but does not affect the whiskers and petioles. When affected, the red color of the bed gradually turns brown;
  • white spotting. This disease is characterized by the fact that the brown spot acquires a red border, and then becomes lighter and whiter;
  • verticillium wilt. Damage appears during the formation of buds and berries. Old leaves turn red, and young leaves turn pale and become small. The bushes are dying.

How to help strawberries?

High humidity promotes damage. If strawberry leaves turn red and dry out, action should be taken quickly. We do it this way:

  1. all foliage must be cut off and burned;
  2. the whiskers are removed, and planting material is not selected this year;
  3. after harvesting, the area is treated with fungicidal preparations, for example, a 3% concentration of copper sulfate solution. A month later the procedure is repeated;
  4. if the plantation was affected last year, then spring work begins with treatment with fungicides. The interval is 12-15 days until the flower stalks extend.

How to help strawberries?

If the strawberry leaves turn red around the edges, or even the central parts are already being captured, then you need to take care of feeding. Unfortunately, it will no longer be possible to achieve high yields this year, but this is an investment for the next season. Phosphorus starvation can be restored, but it takes time. As soon as a change in color is noticed, action should be taken.

If it is spring, fertilize with nitrogen during the growing season of young foliage or the beginning of summer. To do this, it is enough to make a solution of pig, cow or horse manure 1:10 or bird droppings 1:20. If organic matter is not available, then use 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonium nitrate in a bucket of water. 0.5 liters are added to each bush. There should be 3-4 feedings with an interval of 12-15 days. The last fertilizing with nitrogen is carried out during the period of extension of flower stalks. If autumn has arrived, we do not use nitrogen, but make a note for spring.

If the spring is dry and the summer is hot, then watering is the most necessary measure. There should always be moisture under the strawberry bush, in the area of ​​the root system. Daily sprinkling, watering at the root or installing a drip system are the keys to the productivity and health of a strawberry plantation.

Balanced, timely nutrition, regular watering will make the strawberry bed green, clean, and healthy. Not only the health of the bushes, but also the taste of the berries themselves depends on the well-being of the plantings.

Types of fertilizers for strawberries

You can grow a good harvest only on strong, healthy bushes. It is much easier to carry out preventive feeding and treatment than to completely destroy the disease-affected bed and re-grow the strawberry plantation. For normal growth and absorption of nutrients, a strong root system must be formed. Its growth and development is ensured by a complex of fertilizers, which includes:

  • organic;
  • mineral;
  • complex;
  • WMD;
  • microfertilizers.
  • Each species is needed by the plant at one time or another.

Minerals are divided into:

  1. Nitrogen - calcium and ammonium nitrate, ammonia, urea, ammonium sulfate.
  2. Potassium - potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate.
  3. Phosphorus - superphosphate, potassium monophosphate.

Complex fertilizers are formulated according to the 3 in 1 principle, diluted in a ratio of 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water, solution consumption - 0.5 liters. per plant.

Microfertilizers help absorb the necessary elements:

Beds with strawberries will always delight you with a harvest if you take care of them in time. To guarantee a good harvest, you need to carefully select material for new plantings, carry out fertilizing and preventive spraying, regularly apply ash between the rows, and water only at the root of the bush.

Inspecting the leaves once every 2 weeks will help warn about the onset of the disease; special attention is paid to the uniformity and richness of leaf color, the absence of small dark spots, and good leaf tone. Attention should be paid to monitoring timely replacement in accordance with the natural rhythm, removing excess tendrils and rooting new rosettes intended for planting in August

Simple and effective measures will keep the plantings healthy, and observations will tell you whether the leaves are turning red due to a normal change in the life cycle or are signaling that help is needed.

As a rule, the first sign by which we determine that something is wrong with a plant is a change in the shape and color of its leaves. Naturally strawberries are no exception. Indeed, analysis of strawberry leaves allows you to assess the nutritional status of plants (for example, lack of any element), the presence of diseases, as well as the stage of vegetation.

Well, then we’ll talk about why strawberry leaves turn red, which can cause red-brown spots to appear on them, what to do in this case, how to help the plant, how to feed or treat it.

Lack of nutrition (red, purple leaves)

Another reason for the redness of strawberry leaves, and in this case it is not just some small part that turns red (for example, in the form of a spot), but the entire leaf or a large part of it, is the lack of a certain nutrient in the soil.

The change in color in the case of “starvation” occurs due to the destruction of chlorophyll in the leaf tissues.

Important! A deficiency of a certain nutrient can be caused not only by its absence in the soil, but also by a deficiency of another element, thanks to which the first is absorbed. Thus, a lack of nitrogen most often occurs due to a deficiency of phosphorus in the soil, and a lack of iron manifests itself, for example, in the case of an excess of calcium in the soil


If strawberry leaves begin to turn red in the summer, this clearly indicates a lack of nitrogen.

What to do if strawberry leaves turn red due to lack of nitrogen?

Of course, feed with nitrogen fertilizers:

Mineral: urea/urea (20-30 grams per 10 liters of water) or ammonium nitrate (30 grams per 10 liters).


Strawberry leaves are small (shrinking)…

and purple color is a clear sign of phosphorus deficiency.

In other words, you need to fertilize strawberries with phosphorus fertilizer:

potassium monophosphate (20-30 grams per 10 liters);

Video: how to properly feed strawberries with superphosphate in spring

Immediate application of appropriate fertilizers helps to eliminate the visual symptoms of nutritional deficiency, improves plant growth and fruiting, but will never reach the same level as plants that do not suffer from nutritional deficiency to the same extent.


In case of potassium deficiency, strawberry leaves turn red around the edges (they acquire a red-brown border).

What potash fertilizer should I use to feed strawberries if the edges of their leaves turn red?

potassium humate (potassium + trace elements);

Microelements (calcium and magnesium)

Also, strawberry leaves can be colored differently in red or brown shades in case of a lack of certain microelements:


Strawberry diseases: photo, description, treatment

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Have your garden strawberries begun to look unattractive and refuse to bear fruit? Check to see if she has been attacked by a dangerous illness. We will tell you how to deal with strawberry diseases and what preventative measures to take to save the harvest.

Each disease actively develops under certain conditions. This must be taken into account when choosing a variety for a specific area. Most often, garden strawberries suffer from various ailments when the berries ripen in cool and damp weather. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the early diagnosis of diseases of garden strawberries and their prevention.

Ways to deal with the problem

Treatment of the culture is selected depending on the identified problem . For example, if the berries lack nitrogen, then you won’t have to do anything special. The red leaves will need to be cut off immediately to allow green leaves to grow, and then all that remains is to add nitrogen-containing fertilizers to the soil. It would be a good idea to immediately mulch the nourished soil using sawdust.

To normalize nitrogen levels, you can use a diluted solution of manure or droppings, or a tablespoon of ammonium nitrate diluted in a bucket of water.

Fertilizing should be carried out in an amount of 3-4 pieces, maintaining an interval of about two weeks. The last nitrogen fertilizing accompanies the extension of flower stalks.

When adding phosphorus, it is important to remember that this substance will not be absorbed without the presence of nitrogen compounds in the soil. This means that even regularly sprinkling the beds exclusively with stove ash will not bring any benefit. To maintain the balance of substances necessary for strawberries, it is recommended to alternate mineral complexes with organic matter. If fertilizers have never been applied, then first in the fall the soil is fed with superphosphate diluted in water, and in the spring nitrogen fertilizers are introduced twice.

Treating any spotting is much more difficult. First of all, all affected leaves are cut off and burned, and the tendrils are torn off. Planting material should not be collected this year.

It will be necessary to poison the fungus not only on the infected specimen, but also on all its “neighbors”. Copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, Fundazol, Ridomil and Skor perform well. They all contain copper, which inhibits fungal activity. Each leaf blade must be processed on both sides.

During the growing season, strawberries are capable of retaining toxic substances inside, and therefore it is better to replace chemicals with biofungicides: Albit, Fitosporin and Trichodermin. If the stains have already covered most of the strawberry bush, then it will have to be removed. Affected specimens are dug up and burned away from the strawberry bed. The remaining plants are treated with Oxychom, Falcon or Euparen.

It is also suggested to use a folk recipe to combat spotting . To do this, add 5 grams of potassium permanganate, 10 milliliters of iodine, 4 teaspoons of soda and 25 grams of soap shavings to 10 liters of water heated in the sun. A well-mixed mixture is used to spray each leaf. The homemade preparation can be used at any stage of the growing season. Another folk recipe requires preparing a strong decoction of onion peels.

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