Representative of the farm - tomato Vladimir F1: description of the variety and its characteristics

Hybrid for closed ground, film and glazed greenhouses. Selection "Research Institute of Vegetable Growing of Protected Soil" and agro. Tomato Vladimir F1 was registered in the State Register in 2001. Recommended for growing in light zones 3 and 5.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape

Description and characteristics of the variety

The plant is of an indeterminate type, with an average ripening period of 105-115 days. The stem is strong, with short internodes, and quickly grows green mass. Tomato leaves, medium size, dark green. There is an articulation on the stalk. The bushes are tied to a support as they grow.

The skin of tomatoes is not susceptible to cracking during ripening and heat treatment.

The inflorescence is simple, produces 5-8 ovaries, and does not break under the weight of the fruit. The first brush is laid after the 10th sheet, the subsequent ones - after 3 sheets. The fruits are flat-round, medium in size, weighing 110-130 grams. The ribbing at the top of the tomato is weakly expressed. The skin is durable, bright red, uniform in color. The internal structure is 4-6 chambered, the flesh is dense, juicy, the taste is balanced.

Description of tomato fruits Vladimir

Tomatoes of the Vladimir variety are large-fruited varieties with a bright red tint of skin and pulp. The shape of the fruit is round. Sometimes tomatoes grow irregularly shaped.

The skin is dense and durable. Thanks to this, ripe fruits are suitable for whole pickling. During the canning process, vegetables do not crack and the pulp remains dense. Ripe fruits are used to prepare various pickles, for example, lecho, sauces, ketchups or tomato juices. Tomatoes are also used to prepare vegetable salads.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Fruiting from mid-July until frost.
  • Genetic resistance to tobacco mosaic virus, fusarium, cladosporiosis.
  • Easily tolerates short-term cold snaps and drought.
  • Good yield.
  • Suitable for small-volume cultivation.
  • Yields up to 99% commercial quality tomatoes.
  • Tomatoes are aligned in shape and weight.
  • It can be stored and transported for a long time.
  • Suitable for farming.
  • Universal use of the harvested crop.


  • Not intended for open ground.
  • Seeds must be purchased every year.
  • It is necessary to regularly thin out the green mass and remove shoots.

Rules for growing the variety

What technology is it advisable to use to grow tomatoes of the Vladimir variety?

  1. Initially, seed germination is carried out. To obtain friendly shoots, you will need to germinate the seeds. It is advisable to plant the seeds in small boxes and then cover them with a bag. It is extremely important to closely monitor humidity and temperature levels.
  2. Tomato seedlings are grown in plastic cups.
  3. Tomato seedlings are transplanted only into heated soil. It is advisable to hold this event in about 2 months. It is advisable to plant tomato seedlings only in high-quality nutrient soil, in which sand, humus and soil will be mixed. It is advisable to plant tomato seedlings about 2 centimeters deep. Sowing activities are carried out taking into account standard agricultural technology, as the further development of tomato bushes also depends on this.
  4. In the future, you will need to take care of high-quality and proper care of tomato seedlings of the Vladimir variety. Comprehensive care is considered mandatory. For example, it is assumed that it is necessary to take care of weeding the soil, watering, and applying fertilizers. Gardeners know that in order to get a good harvest, it is desirable to maintain temperature conditions, provide optimal lighting with average light brightness, regularly use a moderate amount of warm, settled water, weed the soil, carry out prevention against parasites and diseases, and apply fertilizers to the soil three or four times.

Successful cultivation of Vladimir variety tomatoes in Russia is possible subject to standard agricultural practices and careful monitoring of the condition of the vegetable crop.

Features of cultivation and storage

Tomatoes are tall, spreading, and do not like thickening or excessive watering. The root system is vertical, and during drought it receives water from the lower layers of the soil. The bushes quickly grow foliage and produce a lot of extra shoots. If fertilizers are applied excessively, they begin to “fatten”. The fruits and stems should not come into contact with the ground, so the tomatoes are tied up.

Lodging of bushes leads to a lack of lighting and accumulation of moisture on the leaf blades, which provokes the appearance of diseases.

The main difference between a hybrid is its ability to be stored for a long time. Ripe tomatoes do not lose their taste for 1.5-2 months when kept at home.

Description of the main characteristics

The bushes grow quite tall, have medium density foliage with a dark green color. Pruning of side shoots and cutting off the lower foliage is mandatory. It is recommended to form bushes with no more than 1 – 2 stems. The first ovary, as a rule, appears above the 9th leaf, and each subsequent one appears after another 3 leaves.

The fruits themselves, at the stage of full biological ripening, are distinguished by their rich red color, flat round shape and average weight of about 100 - 140 g. If the necessary conditions for successful cultivation are met, you can get tomatoes weighing 160 - 180 g. The pulp is quite juicy and dense at the same time, with a balanced taste . The peel is quite thin, but does not allow the fruit to crack, including during heat treatment. Thanks to this, grown tomatoes are successfully used not only fresh or for making sauces, but also as the main ingredient in canning for the winter.

The demand for the hybrid among experienced gardeners can also be determined by its increased productivity, since from one cultivated bush you can harvest about 4.5 - 5 kg of fully ripened, tasty tomatoes. Each cluster often produces 4–6 fruits, which is why it is recommended to carefully tie them up. Plants patiently tolerate changes in air temperature, but react extremely painfully to both prolonged drought and an excess of water in the soil, accompanied by the formation of puddles and stagnation that do not allow the necessary oxygen to reach the roots.

Description of the Super Exotic tomato and rules for growing striped tomatoes

Fans of unusually colored vegetables will definitely like the Super Exotic tomato: this variety belongs to the bicolor category. Despite the unconventional coloring, the tomatoes were bred by a Russian amateur breeder. They are adapted to the conditions of central Russia, can grow in greenhouses and film shelters, and are suitable for cultivation in open ground.

General characteristics of the plant

The Superexotic tomato variety is classified as an indeterminate plant. This means that stem growth does not stop until the end of the summer season. The bushes form new clusters with ovaries until the fall, providing the gardener with a high yield of tasty and healthy vegetables.

Plants show maximum productivity when they are formed into 2-3 trunks. At the same time, the bush does not thicken, and full clusters of fruit are formed on additional stems. In a greenhouse, it is more convenient to grow a bush in one stem, tying it to a trellis cord. In open ground, you can arrange a lattice support for tying up several tomato stems.

The description of the Superexotic variety especially highlights the multi-celled nature of its brushes. Each of them can ripen up to 20 pieces. identical medium-sized tomatoes. The weight of the fruit is about 80 g, but due to the large number of tomatoes and the ability to produce 4-5 bunches per season, the total yield of 1 bush with good care reaches 5 kg or more. From a unit area it is possible to collect 15-20 kg of marketable products.

The advantages of the variety include the relatively early ripening of fruits. When grown in a greenhouse by seedlings, the first ripe tomatoes can be harvested as early as early July. In open ground, tomatoes begin to ripen 100-120 days after emergence.

Exotic fruits

The amateur variety Superexotic is distinguished not only by the abundant formation of ovaries on the hands. The color of ripe tomatoes is unusually decorative: the overall dark red background is beautifully complemented by wide stripes of dark green. Unripe fruits are colored in light and darker shades of green.

The skin of tomatoes is thick and durable, and does not burst when the fruits fill and ripen, even in unstable weather and frequent changes in heat and rainy days. It keeps tomatoes intact during cooking or canning. Tomatoes are easily transported and remain fresh for a long time at a temperature of about +10 °C.

The pulp is quite dense, colored intense red. The fruit contains 2 seed chambers and is juicy. The sugar content of tomatoes is high, the fruits have a sweet dessert taste. When grown in open ground in cold summers, they acquire a slight sourness.

The purpose of striped tomatoes is universal. The fruits look decorative in salads and slices. You can prepare delicious snacks from tomatoes; such exoticism will also decorate the holiday table. But most of all they are suitable for winter preparations. Decorative, medium-sized tomatoes with a dense striped shell will decorate jars with assorted vegetables and will look impressive when served.

The intense color of the pulp, special sweetness and rich aroma make it possible to use tomatoes for processing into juice or sauces. Small fruits are also good for drying.

How to grow an exotic tomato?

The agricultural technology of striped tomatoes is not particularly complicated, but the sweetest tomatoes can only be grown in a sunny area. To get good seedlings, you need to sow tomatoes no earlier than 60-70 days before transplanting into the greenhouse. The soil is made up of 1 part garden soil, adding 1 part sand to it.

Before sowing, it is advisable to disinfect the soil by generously watering it with a hot solution of potassium permanganate right in the box. You can sow as soon as the soil cools down.

Place the seeds on wet soil and sprinkle dry sand (0.5 cm) on top. Cover the box with glass and place in a warm place (+25 °C). In such conditions, the first shoots will appear in 4-5 days.

When 1-2 true leaves appear on the tomatoes, the seedlings need to be transplanted into separate pots. Water Superexotic tomatoes as the top layer of soil dries 1-2 cm.

Transplantation into the greenhouse is carried out around mid-May. Bushes are placed in groups of 4. per 1 m², if the formation is carried out in 1 stem. When grown in open ground, the bush grows in 2-3 trunks, so it is planted less frequently, 3 plants per 1 m². Gartering can be done when 1 flower cluster appears.

During the tomato planting season, feed with complex mineral fertilizer designed specifically for tomatoes (Kemira, Signor Tomato and others). These mixtures successfully contain all the nutrients the plant needs. Fresh organic fertilizers (infusion of mullein, bird droppings) cannot be used to fertilize tomatoes.


You can plant Flame tomatoes either using seedlings or in open ground.

Growing seedlings

Seedlings are planted in boxes after about 2 months of planting them in open ground. Before planting the seeds, water the soil in the boxes with warm water. The soil must be specially prepared. The soil should contain ordinary black soil, peat and sand mixed in equal parts. The soil is also impregnated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate; instead, you can calcine it in an oven at a temperature of about 100 degrees.

The planted seeds are watered, then covered with plastic wrap and, until germination, placed in a room with the optimal temperature for tomatoes - approximately +23-26 degrees. The film must be removed every day and the soil allowed to air for about half an hour. After germination of the seedlings, remove the film and place the boxes with seedlings in a well-lit place. If daylight hours are short (less than 14 hours), artificial lighting with lamps must be added.

Landing in the ground

After May 15, the grown seedlings can be planted in open ground. By the end of May, the soil usually warms up well and consistently warm weather sets in. Before planting tomatoes, the beds need to be thoroughly dug up and then fertilized. Organic matter is perfect as a fertilizer. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm.

It is most convenient to place boxes with seedlings on window sills or loggias. Such a home greenhouse must be ventilated every day to avoid the development of fungal diseases in plants.


For beginning gardeners, there is simply no better variety of tomatoes. The bushes develop well and bear fruit in dense or loose soil. At the same time, they can be planted densely. When planting six bushes on one square meter, the harvest is very generous. With proper and very easy care, you will get at least 16 kg of wonderful tomatoes from one m2.

It is noteworthy that in the southern regions Aurora seeds can be planted directly into the soil. In this case, the fruits will ripen a week earlier. The main thing is that the warm weather lasts at least 4 months.

In central Russia and to the north, seedlings have to be grown, which are transferred to the beds after the threat of May frosts has disappeared. In Central Russia and the Moscow region, this is best done with the onset of calendar summer.

For seedlings, take only purchased seeds from a trusted manufacturer. Reputable sellers have already treated them and you do not need to disinfect them. In mid-April, feel free to sow them for seedlings, not forgetting that in 90 days, according to the characteristics of the variety, you will taste the first Aurora-F1 tomatoes.

If you purchased untreated seeds, be sure to soak them in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Twenty minutes of soaking is enough to destroy all microorganisms and harmful bacteria that were present on the seeds. In addition, this simple procedure promotes faster seed germination and increases the immunity of future sprouts.

After processing, rinse the seeds with clean water and dry at room temperature. After this, you can plant them as seedlings.

Seeds germinate at ambient temperatures ranging from 22 to 25 degrees. The room should be bright and the soil moderately moist. Under these conditions, in a week you will see the first shoots. It is not necessary to cover the crops with film.

  1. The next point is very important. When all the seeds in the container have sprouted, transfer the sowing to another bright place where the air temperature is 15-16 degrees. The container should remain there for three, or better yet, four days. Then it should be returned to its original place. This relocation is done for the purpose of hardening the sprouts.
  2. The second important point is that the room where the seedlings are located must be well lit 12 hours a day, no less.

When the sprouts have two leaves, transplant them into separate cups or a larger container. Seedlings can be planted in the soil 30 - 45 days after sowing the seeds.

Plant bushes every 40 cm from each other, and the distance between rows should be at least 60 cm. By July, be ready to harvest.

The Aurora-F1 hybrid is not capricious. Gardeners like this feature. Water the bushes only as needed, when the top layer of soil dries to a depth of 2-3 cm.

Due to the density of planting, weeds do not grow actively in the area under these tomatoes. Usually you have to weed the beds no more than twice a season. The first time this is done is when the stems of neighboring bushes begin to touch.

The variety is unpretentious to feeding. Experienced gardeners fertilize the soil under these tomatoes only twice a summer. To do this, they use complex mineral fertilizers, which they apply under the bush along with watering. The first time this is done when the seedlings have begun to actively grow, and the second time when fruit set has begun.

Pests and diseases

According to reviews from vegetable growers, largely due to the early ripening of fruits, the Aurora-F1 hybrid is not susceptible to late blight. It is also avoided by such diseases as Alternaria, Fusarium and tobacco mosaic. This is simply wonderful, because the beds with these tomatoes do not have to be treated with chemical protection agents.

As for harmful insects and fungi, they may appear on the bushes, but they simply do not have time to cause real harm, since their eggs, larvae and spores begin their active life only after harvesting.


Due to the density of the skin and pulp, Aurora-F1 tomatoes can be stored for a long time without any refrigeration. In this case, it is better to lay them out in one layer. If tomatoes are stored at a temperature of 1-3 degrees Celsius, then you can pour them into boxes; under such conditions, the fruits will not lose their freshness for two or more months.

This is truly a wonderful hybrid, and its fruits are equally good fresh or canned. The rich taste and pleasant aroma mean that these tomatoes can be used to make wonderful seasonings, pastes, sauces and ketchups.

A selection of reviews from gardening practitioners

There are also complaints from gardeners about the thinness of the stem. This is why the plant has to be constantly tied up so that the bushes do not break.

In general, it is worth noting that the ultra-early Debut tomato variety is very popular. Its fruits are very tasty and aromatic. They can be canned, made into juice and paste, and, if desired, simply crumbled into a salad.

Despite the hybrid type, the Debut F1 tomato collected a lot of positive reviews on thematic forums. Oleg from Dzhankoy shared his experience of growing a hybrid in Crimea. The plant produced fruits weighing up to 400 g. The gardener noted: the crop responded well to mineral fertilizing.

Residents of cool regions were also pleased with the tomatoes. First of all, users mentioned yield and taste. These qualities, together with a very early ripening period, explain the variety’s demand among amateur vegetable growers.

Tags: debut, description, variety, tomato, characteristics About the author: admin4ik

Description of the tomato variety Vladimir F1, its characteristics and cultivation

Tomatoes are considered one of the most popular vegetable crops intended for growing in the garden. Tomato Vladimir F1 is characterized by high yield and is suitable for cultivation in any type of soil.

Characteristics of the tomato variety Vladimir

The variety Vladimir F1 belongs to the first generation hybrids. The tomato is a mid-early indeterminate hybrid for cultivation in any soil. The ripening time for vegetables after planting seeds in the soil is 100–105 days.

The adult plant is small in size, with medium foliage. It is necessary to tie it to a vertical support and remove side shoots. The leaves are dark green in color and have a shape characteristic of all varieties of tomatoes. Inflorescence of simple type. The first inflorescence begins to form under the 9th leaf. Subsequent ones - every 3 leaves. You can get the maximum yield if you form the bush into 2 main stems.

The variety is grown mainly in the southern regions. For planting in central, and especially northern latitudes, in most cases it is desirable to use a greenhouse. Advantages include resistance to tobacco mosaic, fusarium wilt and powdery mildew.

Description of tomato fruits Vladimir

Tomatoes of the Vladimir variety are large-fruited varieties with a bright red tint of skin and pulp. The shape of the fruit is round. Sometimes tomatoes grow irregularly shaped.

The skin is dense and durable. Thanks to this, ripe fruits are suitable for whole pickling. During the canning process, vegetables do not crack and the pulp remains dense. Ripe fruits are used to prepare various pickles, for example, lecho, sauces, ketchups or tomato juices. Tomatoes are also used to prepare vegetable salads.

Advantages and disadvantages of growing

The tomato hybrid Vladimir F1 has no serious shortcomings that affect productivity.

Advantages of the hybrid Vladimir:

  • High yield throughout the entire fruiting period.
  • Rapid emergence of seedlings.
  • The taste of ripe vegetables.
  • Universal use in cooking.
  • Thick skin.
  • Resistant to most tomato diseases.
  • It is possible to cultivate seedlings in open and closed ground.
  • Harvested vegetables can withstand long-term transportation and are suitable for sale.

Caring for the hybrid is minimal. Particular attention is paid to watering and fertilizing during the crop growing season. The beds need to be watered rarely. If it rains often, then watering should be abandoned. Once a week, before watering, the soil is weeded and all weeds are removed. It is not necessary to weed adult bushes.

To increase productivity, the beds are watered several times a season with mineral and organic fertilizers. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are used as fertilizing. Suitable organic fertilizers include manure, chicken manure, mullein and wood ash. Depending on the condition of the bushes, the amount of fertilizing applied is increased or decreased.

Reviews about tomato Vladimir

Reviews about the sport of tomato Vladimir from summer residents.

“The best tomato that grew on the site. Vegetables began to ripen at the end of July. The fruits are large and taste sweet. They go well in salads and for meals. Bush care is minimal. The bushes were not watered all summer. They only applied fertilizers for yield. It is necessary to tie up the bushes due to the severity of the fruits. The branches are breaking."

Konstantin, 65 years old:

“I ordered the seeds on the Internet. The bag contained a small amount of seeds. Shoots appeared quickly. The seedlings grew well and after transplanting they quickly took to their new location. Mature bushes are tall and leafy. Tomatoes on each branch are formed in clusters. Ripe vegetables have a pleasant, sweetish taste. The Vladimir tomato is undemanding, but the yield remains high. The first harvest began in August.”

Favorite varieties of tomatoes.

Dear forum users! For many of us, tomatoes are one of our favorite vegetables. Every year I spend some time in the Institute in search of information and reviews about varieties and hybrids of tomatoes, since I am always looking for the very best tomatoes, because I devote half of the greenhouse to testing new varieties and hybrids.

I think many of you are familiar with this situation. You have to scroll through a bunch of pages in topics about tomatoes, both on this forum and on others, to sometimes find just a few mentions of certain varieties. And I thought how great it would be to have a separate topic dealing only with this issue, so that everyone could come in and quickly decide on the assortment for the season.

I propose to write in this topic the best varieties and hybrids of tomatoes that you love. I hope by the planting season we will have accumulated enough material to make a rating of tomatoes (I’m ready to do this work if you entrust it to me). For convenience, I propose to divide tomatoes into categories: A.

Salad B. Seedlings C. Cherry D. For open ground (Perhaps you can suggest some other categories) For each category, please write the best varieties and hybrids of tomato in this category in your opinion, indicating approximate characteristics: whose company’s seeds you used, the height of the bush , fruit color, average fruit size, quantity in a cluster or yield, features and difficulties of growing a given variety or hybrid; as well as the qualities of this tomato that attracted you to it: taste, pulp structure, bush shape, etc., as well as other additional information.

Remember to write F1 after the name if it is a hybrid. If possible, you can show a photo. For example: Salting: 1. Goldfish. Sedek, indet, yellow, 100-130 gr, 10-14 pcs., very productive, unpretentious. I love it for: good for pickling, because... The pulp is dense and the skin does not burst much, they look beautiful in a jar, very productive. And so on.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Climbing indoor plants?: photos and names

I am pleased to accept comments and suggestions on this topic and frame options.

Tomato Vladimir: characteristics of the variety, cultivation features, photo

Recently, the popularity of Vladimir tomatoes has been growing rapidly. Hybrid tomatoes have an optimal yield, although they can be grown in greenhouses and open ground. With proper agricultural technology, you can harvest up to 5 kilograms per plant, which is a fairly good indicator.

Tomatoes of the Vladimir variety are among the most popular in Russia. This hybrid tomato variety is suitable for growing in greenhouses and open ground. The most important thing for every gardener is to take into account the basic standards of agricultural technology.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Vladimir is a hybrid variety of mid-season tomatoes. It usually takes 107-115 days from germination to the start of ripening, so it is possible to significantly save time when receiving the first tasty tomatoes.

The Vladimir variety is distinguished by the following features:

  • average growth of tomato bushes and the obligatory presence of a garter to the support;
  • medium amount of dark green leaves;
  • the first inflorescence is laid above the 9th leaf, subsequent ones - every 3 leaves;
  • The best yield is achieved when the plant is formed into 2 stems.

When planning to grow tomatoes of the Vladimir variety, the following differences can be noted:

  • flat-round shape;
  • smooth glossy skin;
  • red color of ripe tomatoes;
  • weight is 100-140 grams, but sometimes the fruits reach a weight of 180 grams;
  • fleshy texture;
  • increased resistance to cracking.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Tomato Vladimir is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. In the last few years, the popularity of the hybrid variety in question has only increased.

The main advantages of the hybrid tomato variety Vladimir:

  • optimal level of yield, and it is assumed that correct agricultural practices can be followed to guarantee a good harvest;
  • obtaining large fruits of a pleasant presentation, thanks to which all the efforts of gardeners will certainly be justified;
  • pleasant taste characteristics that determine the versatility of using grown tomatoes;
  • suitability for long-term storage, but it is advisable to adhere to optimal conditions;
  • resistance to parasites and diseases, making the chances of successfully growing tomatoes truly high.

Successful cultivation of hybrid tomatoes of the Vladimir variety becomes possible for gardeners who have different experience. There are practically no disadvantages, so you can count on getting a good and high-quality harvest of hybrid mid-season tomatoes.

Characteristics of tomato Lyrica

Ripening period is 78 days after the seeds are planted. Tomato ripening occurs evenly and smoothly. Ripe vegetables are round in shape and deep red in color. They have small protrusions near the stalk and a durable skin with a glossy effect.

The internal contents of the fruit are fleshy, not empty. The taste is slightly sour, but this will not spoil the taste of the fruit; on the contrary, it will make it unique. The average weight of a tomato is 130 grams. Tomatoes can be stored for quite a long time. They do not crack or rot within 3-4 weeks.

Qualitative characteristics

Yield indicator

This variety is the most productive among others. The ripening period is 78 days after the seeds were planted before the fruits appeared. The yield per bush is 15 kg, from one square – 20 kg. The fruits are stored for a very long time and are well transported. You can distribute tomatoes to relatives and friends, sell them, and still have some left over for yourself.

Purpose of tomatoes

A variety for universal use. Tomatoes can be eaten fresh, added to salads, snacks, canned or pickled. But the juice will come out with pulp, it’s not for everyone.

Immunity to diseases and harmful insects

The variety has high immune protection to combat tobacco mosaic (a disease that affects leaves), late blight (a fungus that causes rotting and drying of plants), Alternaria (a fungus that affects leaves, stems, and vegetables).

These are the most common nightshade diseases, so it is very important that our variety can resist them.

But still, prevention of diseases and harmful insects is required.

Tomatoes need regular inspections, treatment with Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate solution or folk remedies, for example, soap or garlic solution.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • High immune protection against nightshade diseases that affect plants. Caring for seedlings will be easy.
  • Tomato Lyrica is an unpretentious variety. Can be grown both in open and closed ground.
  • Early ripe variety, ripening period – 78 days. It produces fruit very actively and in large quantities.
  • Decorative, pleasant tomatoes with excellent taste and unique sourness.
  • A variety of universal use, the fruits can be eaten fresh and prepared.
  • Tomatoes are stored for a long time - 14 days. Excellent transportability.

There are almost no cons. One drawback is the small size and weight of tomatoes. But this is not scary, since this is compensated by the active return of fruits. A whole army of small tomatoes fully satisfies the need for delicious fresh tomatoes.

Tomato Vladimir

Description of tomato Vladimir F1, reviews, photos

Mid-season (107-115 days from germination to the beginning of ripening), indeterminate tomato hybrid for greenhouses and open ground.

The bush is medium-sized, medium-leafed, requires tying to a support and pinching. The leaf is medium sized, dark green in color. The inflorescence is simple, compact. The first inflorescence is laid above the 9th leaf, the subsequent ones - after 3 leaves. The best results were obtained when forming a plant with 2 stems.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are flat-round, smooth, glossy, red in color at maturity, weighing 100-140 grams (up to 180 g), fleshy, good taste. Not prone to cracking. These tomatoes are universal in purpose - suitable for both fresh consumption and canning.

Planting pattern : 50 x 40 cm, planting density - 3 - 4 plants per 1 sq. m.

The hybrid is resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, fusarium, and cladosporiosis.

Advantages of the hybrid : high yield, large fruit, uniformity of fruits, high taste and marketability, suitability for long-term storage.

Tomato Vladimir F1 is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for cultivation in extended rotation in soil and low-volume crops.

Originator : agricultural firm Gavrish.

Features of cultivation, planting and care

We recommend sowing the seeds of this tomato for seedlings 60-65 days before the intended planting in the ground. Seedlings dive at the stage of two true leaves. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. It is recommended to place up to 3 plants per meter of land.

Further care for tomatoes consists of timely watering, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer, pinching and preventive measures to protect against diseases and pests.

If you grew Vladimir tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits in your climatic conditions? How do you rate the disease resistance of this hybrid? If possible, attach a photo of the entire bush or individual ripe fruits that you grew.

Your reviews about the Vladimir f1 tomato, as well as additions to the description, will help many gardeners evaluate this tomato more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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