Top 10 tomatoes from the Samara Seeds farm

In previous publications we talked about the favorite tomatoes of Valdis Pulins, about the favorites of Lidia Hanzen and Tatiana Nagle. Today in our material are the guys from the Samara Seeds farm. In the usual format, we asked you to tell us about your tomato favorites and a little about yourself.

Our family farm has existed since 1985 and produces varietal seeds. All varieties from our collection are grown with our own hands, on the fertile lands of the Samara region. Our collection consists of varieties that have been grown by our grandparents for a long time. The taste of these tomatoes cannot be confused with anything else. The collection was replenished with varieties from the tomato capitals of Syzran, which is located in our region, and from the city of Minusinsk. Also, several varieties were brought to us by friends and acquaintances from Uzbekistan, America and other parts of the world.

The main advantage of our varietal tomatoes is their taste, their aroma and the sugary pulp of the fruit. If you want delicious tomatoes (that’s what all tomatoes are called in Syzran), then you’ve come to the right place! Our farm is a participant in major tomato festivals and a frequent winner of city and Russian exhibitions. We approach our business responsibly, investing all our strength and soul, using only natural production, so that the resulting tomatoes delight you, your family and children. Check out our varieties, we hope you will find something you like on our website.

This is our Top 10 favorite tomatoes: it was not easy to choose, these are the best of the best. So, here are our favorite tomatoes.

Tomato “Crimson Rose” (Syzran)

One of the highest-yielding Syzran varieties “Crimson Rose”. Last year, the growing record was broken - we planted 36 roots in the ground and harvested more than 300 kg of “Crimson Rose” tomatoes! The variety is good not only for its harvest, but for the beauty and uniformity of the fruits, excellent taste, raspberry tomatoes and compact bushes. The variety is ideal for lovers of juicy and fleshy tomatoes. Suitable for fresh consumption, in salads and canning in pieces. • Tomato fruits up to 300 grams. • Ripening period - early • Bush height in open ground up to 80 cm, in greenhouses and greenhouses - up to 1.8 m. • Fruit color is bright crimson.

Growing rules

Tomatoes Syzran pipochka are planted in seedlings. Planting seeds directly into the soil practically does not produce germination. This is due to the fact that the seeds are not adapted to cold and do not tolerate changing weather conditions.

When planting tomatoes using the seedling method, young shoots undergo a hardening procedure, after which the tomatoes are practically not exposed to external factors.

According to reviews from gardeners, the Syzran Pipochka tomato should be planted as seedlings in April in compliance with the following rules:

  • check the seed for germination;
  • prepare the correct soil mixture;
  • plant only by seedlings;
  • plant in a permanent place after frost.

Planting seedlings

After looking at photos of Syzran Pipochka tomatoes, reading reviews, as well as information about yield and crop care, you can safely come to the conclusion that this variety is one of the best for planting in an open garden bed.

The algorithm for planting tomatoes for seedlings is quite simple. First you need to prepare fertile soil and disinfect the seeds.

Soil preparation

The soil for planting seeds should consist of garden soil, peat and sand. If it is possible to purchase ready-made soil mixture from a garden store, this will be the best option for planting seedlings.

If the soil is prepared independently, it is necessary to disinfect the soil. To do this, the finished mixture is placed in the freezer for several days or heated in the oven for several hours.

Preparing containers for seedlings

Seedling boxes must have drainage holes. It is recommended to plant tomatoes in separate containers, then picking can be avoided. You can use peat pots for planting seeds. Sow 3-4 pieces in each pot. seeds

Seed disinfection

Before planting, it is necessary to disinfect the seed material. To do this, it is necessary to soak it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or in a salt composition. The procedure lasts about 30 minutes. After soaking the seeds, you need to throw away those that float and rinse the rest with water. In this way, it is possible to select unsuitable seed material and speed up germination.

Planting seedlings

Planting seedlings is an important stage in the proper development of a crop. Healthy seedlings are the key to successful tomato growing.

Agricultural planting technology:

  1. It is necessary to make small depressions in the prepared containers with soil.
  2. Plant 3-4 seeds in each box and water well.
  3. Cover with polyethylene and leave in a warm place until biting.

After germination, the boxes are opened and placed in a well-lit place.

It is important to ensure the correct temperature for seedlings: during the day – 20-25 degrees, at night – 15 degrees. Daylight hours are 12-14 hours. If plants receive little light, it is necessary to use special phytolamps. Don't forget about regular watering. Whether the plant needs moisture can be checked by checking the top layer of soil. If the soil is dry, it is necessary to water.

Important! The room where seedlings are grown must be regularly ventilated.

The rules for placing seedlings in Syzran Pipochka tomato glasses can be seen in the photo.

Hardening of seedlings

As soon as 3-4 leaves appear on the young shoots, you can begin hardening. In the room where the sprouts are located, it is necessary to open the window for 1 hour, increasing the time daily to 10 hours. The next step will be to take the seedlings outside. Initially, the plants are taken out for 1-2 hours, daily increasing the time spent in the fresh air to 1 day.


When the Syzran Pipochka tomato sprouts are taller than 25 cm, you can begin planting them in a permanent place. This variety grows well both in a greenhouse and in an open garden bed.

The place for planting tomatoes is prepared in the fall. To do this, you need to dig up the area and apply mineral fertilizers. If planting is carried out in a greenhouse, it is necessary to completely replace the top layer of soil - 10-12 cm.

Attention! Before planting seedlings, it is important to loosen the soil.

Agricultural technology for planting tomatoes in a permanent place:

  1. Make small holes in the area for planting. The distance between each hole is 45 cm.
  2. A couple of hours before planting, water the seedlings well. This way you can easily remove the plants from their pots.
  3. Plant the young shoots in the garden bed along with the lump of earth that remains on the root system.
  4. Sprinkle it well with soil and tamp it down a little.
  5. Water.


The main care for tomatoes of the Syzran Pipochka variety is loosening the soil, watering and fertilizing. During the growth process, it is important to remove unnecessary stepsons and form a bush with 1 or 2 trunks.

Important! As soon as the bush begins to stretch, it is necessary to tie the main stem to a strong support.

Soil moisture

At each stage of growth, the Syzran pipika needs a specific watering scheme. A lack of moisture in the soil can be indicated by yellowed and drooping tops. Excess moisture can negatively affect the development of the root system, and the plant will begin to suffer from fungal diseases.

Irrigation scheme for tomato Syzran Pipochka:

  1. After planting the seedlings in a permanent place, watering is carried out once every 3 days.
  2. During the flowering period, watering should be done once every 7 days.
  3. During fruiting, watering is carried out once every 4 days.

Attention! After watering, it is necessary to mulch the soil with straw.

Top dressing

Tomatoes Syzran pipochka need regular feeding. 2 weeks after planting, it is necessary to water the bushes with the addition of bird droppings. The next feeding should be done at the same interval, but with the addition of superphosphate and potassium salt. Other fertilizing can be done with the addition of wood ash or other natural fertilizers.

Bush formation

Experienced gardeners recommend forming this variety of tomatoes into 1 or 2 trunks. It is worth closely monitoring the appearance of stepsons and removing unnecessary ones in a timely manner.

Advice! By correctly forming a Syzran pipochka tomato bush, you can get more harvest.

During the growth process, the crop is tied to a strong support. This way, you can make caring for plants easier and prevent the main stem from breaking off.

Tomato “Pink large Syzran”

This is exactly the same variety that glorified the city of Syzran as the tomato capital of Russia at the beginning of the last century! We brought this amateur tomato variety from a collector from the neighboring city of Syzran and have been trying to preserve it in its original form since the 2000s. Large-fruited variety. Powerful brushes hold the harvest placed on them well. The delicate pink fruits themselves are resistant to cracking. The variety is famous for its fleshy, cracked sugar fruits. The tomatoes themselves are very aromatic and tasty! • Fruits up to 900 grams • Mid-season variety • Bushes up to 0.8 meters in open ground, in a greenhouse up to 1.5-1.8 m.

Syzran tomato. description

It is impossible to imagine a generous dinner table without vegetables (in particular, red juicy tomatoes). Syzran has long been famous for its unique tomatoes, characterized by excellent taste, fleshy pulp and high yield.

An interesting fact is that here the vegetable is usually called “tomato” (in the feminine gender).

The Syzran tomato has become so famous throughout the world that the city annually hosts a festival in its honor. Our website offers a wide selection of seeds, so you can easily choose a variety according to your wishes.

Tomato "Yusupovsky"

Tomato "Yusupovsky" is one of the best large-fruited varieties. The highlight of our collection! This variety was brought to us by our friends from Uzbekistan. For a long time we did not dare to plant it, because the climate in Samara is changeable and far from Uzbek. Having made up our minds, in 2016 we got our first harvest of Uzbek giant tomatoes, which brought us complete delight. The fruits of the variety are truly giant, heavy red, weighing 700-1200 grams.

The variety yields up to 12 kg per bush when grown in open ground. Also suitable for a greenhouse. The height of the bushes is up to 0.8 m in open ground, in a greenhouse up to 1.8 m. The fruits are fleshy, with sugary pulp, sweet, without acidity, red in color, good for making juices and eating fresh . The variety is mid-season.

Tomato care

Tomatoes of the Syzran Pipochka variety are cared for by watering and fertilizing. In order to obtain a high yield, excess shoots are pinched. Tomatoes need preventive treatments against diseases.

Watering plants

The order of watering is determined by the stage of development of the tomatoes. A lack of moisture is indicated by yellowing and drooping shoots. Excess moisture leads to root rot and the spread of diseases.

Tomato watering scheme:

  • a week after planting and before the buds form, add 2 liters of water under the bush with an interval of 3 days;
  • flowering plants are watered with 5 liters of water weekly;
  • During fruiting, moisture is added every 4 days in an amount of 3 liters per bush.

For irrigation use warm, settled water. Moisture should be added in the morning or evening, after which the greenhouse should be ventilated to reduce humidity.

Fertilizer application

Regular feeding of Syzran pipochka tomatoes is the key to a high yield. 15 days after planting, the tomatoes are watered with a solution of bird droppings at a concentration of 1:15.

The next feeding should be done in 2 weeks. For tomatoes, prepare a solution based on superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Add 30 g of each substance to 10 liters of water. The solution is poured over the tomatoes at the root. The treatment is repeated during fruiting to speed up the ripening of tomatoes and improve their taste.

The use of organic substances is alternated with natural fertilizers. There is a 14-day break between treatments. Wood ash is added to the soil, which is also added to the water a day before watering.

Shaping and tying

The Syzran Pipochka variety is formed into 1 stem. Excess stepsons less than 5 cm long that appear from the leaf sinus are removed manually. The formation of a bush directs the tomatoes’ forces towards fruiting.

The tomatoes are tied to a metal or wooden support. Clusters with fruits are secured in several places. As a result, it is easier to care for plants that receive more sun and fresh air.

Protection from diseases

According to reviews, Syzran Pipochka tomatoes are resistant to most diseases. By following agricultural practices, the risk of disease spread is significantly reduced. Prevention of diseases is by ventilating the greenhouse, observing the norm of watering and applying fertilizers to strengthen the immunity of plants.

For the purpose of prevention, tomatoes are sprayed with solutions of the preparations Fitosporin, Zaslon, Barrier. When signs of disease appear, copper-based products are used. All treatments are stopped 2 weeks before fruit harvesting.

Tomato "Orange"

If you love yellow tomatoes, then you will really like the “Orange” variety! Tomatoes are very similar in appearance to real oranges - they are bright orange in color and have a round, even shape. The skin of the vegetable is tender, but at the same time it is able to preserve the integrity of the fruit, protecting it from cracking. The pulp is grainy, juicy and sweet! The variety has excellent commercial characteristics.

The tomato is suitable for both open and closed ground (the height of the bush in open ground is 80 cm, in closed ground up to 1.8 m). The fruits reach 400-500 grams. Tomatoes are suitable for dietary and baby food; they can be a good alternative to red vegetables if a person has allergic diseases. Yellow tomatoes normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and can also be useful for people with characteristic diseases. Tomatoes are also good in processing; they produce tasty, thick tomato juice and sauce.

Tomato Syzranskaya Pipochka characteristics and description of the variety, yield with photo

What attracts summer residents?

The Volga region is a region of risky agriculture. Precipitation is irregular, strong winds, a large number of sunny days. Droughts are common. The soils are not fertile.

It is not easy to grow tomatoes under these conditions. It is worth thanking the hardworking gardeners of the city of Syzran. They carried out serious breeding work and preserved tomato seeds with excellent characteristics.

Pipochka's peculiarity is heat resistance and drought resistance. It produces good harvests on soils depleted of humus.

  • at home it ripens in open ground and in unheated greenhouses;
  • grows in open ground up to 1.2 m, outdoors - higher (up to 1.8 m);
  • medium foliage;
  • the color of the tops is dark green;
  • raceme type of tomato;
  • up to 5 berries in a brush;
  • average ripening period (about 120 days from loops to the first tomato);
  • yield up to 5 kg/bush.

The bushes are overloaded with fruits. Garter required. To increase the size of the fruit, it is recommended to form 1–2 stems and pinching.

The Volga region is a region of risky agriculture. Precipitation is irregular, strong winds, a large number of sunny days. Droughts are common. The soils are not fertile.

It is not easy to grow tomatoes under these conditions. It is worth thanking the hardworking gardeners of the city of Syzran. They carried out serious breeding work and preserved tomato seeds with excellent characteristics.

Pipochka's peculiarity is heat resistance and drought resistance. It produces good harvests on soils depleted of humus.

The bushes are overloaded with fruits. Garter required. To increase the size of the fruit, it is recommended to form 1–2 stems and pinching.

What do you like about fruits?

The fruits of the Pipochka variety have a universal purpose. Gardeners appreciated the possibility of fresh consumption of tomatoes, salting and pickling. All consumers note the bright taste and pleasant texture of the berries.

  • uniformity of tomatoes (the fruits of the first harvest do not differ from subsequent ones);
  • weight from 60 to 120 g;
  • round-oval shape, sharp nose;
  • ripe tomato pink-red;
  • there are no streaks or spots on the skin;
  • the flesh is fleshy and at the same time juicy;
  • number of seed chambers up to 6;
  • the skin is dense;
  • no ribbing;
  • taste sweet and sour;
  • the aroma is pronounced.

The fruits of the Pipochka variety have a universal purpose. Gardeners appreciated the possibility of fresh consumption of tomatoes, salting and pickling. All consumers note the bright taste and pleasant texture of the berries.

Bushes decorated with fruits are very decorative. The grape snails liked the taste of the berries. Other pests do not damage them.

What did the summer residents decide?

Syzran Pipochka fell in love with summer residents. It is grown not only in the Volga region. On forums, people post reviews about the variety. They are always kind.

The dense peel does not allow the Pipochka to lose its marketability during transportation. Sudden heavy rainfall does not lead to cracking of ripening tomatoes.

The harvest ripens in 2–3 waves. Gardeners try their first tomatoes at the end of July. At the beginning of September, fruits plucked from the bush are still on the table.

Syzran Pipochka fell in love with summer residents. It is grown not only in the Volga region. On forums, people post reviews about the variety. They are always kind.

The dense peel does not allow the Pipochka to lose its marketability during transportation. Sudden heavy rainfall does not lead to cracking of ripening tomatoes.

The harvest ripens in 2–3 waves. Gardeners try their first tomatoes at the end of July. At the beginning of September, fruits plucked from the bush are still on the table.

Pipochka's relative

Folk selection was carried out everywhere. To the east of Syzran, in Kazakhstan, the Kustanai Pipochka variety is widespread. It is similar to Pipochka Syzranskaya: the same height of the bush, unpretentiousness, resistance to diseases and pests. Gardeners note similar taste and color. The consistency of the fruit is equally juicy and fleshy.

The main difference from Pipochka grown near the city of Kostanay is the large size of the fruit. They grow up to 140–160 g.

The distance between the cities is small: 1300 km. The seeds of Pipochka Syzranskaya could be transported to neighboring Kazakhstan. There the variety took root under a different name.

Folk selection was carried out everywhere. To the east of Syzran, in Kazakhstan, the Kustanai Pipochka variety is widespread. It is similar to Pipochka Syzranskaya: the same height of the bush, unpretentiousness, resistance to diseases and pests. Gardeners note similar taste and color. The consistency of the fruit is equally juicy and fleshy.

The main difference from Pipochka grown near the city of Kostanay is the large size of the fruit. They grow up to 140–160 g.

The distance between the cities is small: 1300 km. The seeds of Pipochka Syzranskaya could be transported to neighboring Kazakhstan. There the variety took root under a different name.

Growing rules

Folk breeders have developed a scheme for growing Pipochka. A number of rules must be followed:

  • It is better to grow in seedlings;
  • the soil is made up of compost, sand, peat in equal parts with the addition of mineral fertilizers for tomatoes;
  • seeds should be checked for germination;
  • then it is recommended to disinfect them in a solution of potassium permanganate and soak them in a growth stimulator for 2 hours;
  • plant in permanent beds after the last spring frost.

Regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers will increase productivity. Stop adding complexes at the moment the fruits begin to fill (brown).

Tomato “Pink Don”

Another amateur variety brought from collectors from Syzran is the “Pink Don” tomato. A productive mid-early variety, the fruits of which reach 400 grams in weight. The shape of the tomato is unusual, rounded-oblong, the fruits themselves are pink. A high-yielding and extremely tasty variety with delicate, sugary pulp characteristic of Syzran tomatoes.

The tomato has excellent commercial characteristics, does not crack and maintains the evenness of the fruit. The bush of the plant in open ground reaches 0.8 m, in closed ground up to 1.5-1.7 m. It grows in clusters, with 4-5 fruits in the ovary. Packaging – 27-30 pieces per package.

Container and soil

Containers for seedlings must have drainage holes to saturate the roots with oxygen. It is recommended to use peat pots; in this case, you can skip the picking process and plant the plants in the ground along with the container.

This method is considered less traumatic; the pots will dissolve in the soil over time and serve as additional fertilizer.

For planting tomatoes, ready-made soil is used, purchased in a store or prepared independently from peat, compost and sand, taken in equal proportions. The soil mixture needs to be disinfected: placed in the freezer for several days or baked in the oven for several hours.

Tomato "Shpakovskaya"

Our signature variety is Shpakovskaya! It was bred by our grandfather, founder and agronomist G.M. Proskuryakov. One of the largest-fruited varieties. The fruits are red and oblong in shape, weighing 1 kg. The variety is fleshy, without voids, ideal for salads, making ketchups and juices. The tomato is considered mid-season, suitable for all types of soil. Performs very well in greenhouse conditions.

The height of the bushes is up to 1 m in open ground, in a greenhouse - up to 1.7 m. Despite the large size of the fruits, it produces a good harvest (up to 8-12 kg per bush) and has excellent taste. Suitable for cultivation in all regions. The variety is fleshy, without voids, ideal for salads, making ketchups and juices.

Syzran tomato


That's exactly it and no other way. Nowhere, except for my native Syzran, have I heard of this noble vegetable being classified as feminine, so I decided to follow the tradition. From now on I will adhere to the norm of the great and mighty.

Syzran tomato is like champagne among wines. It also has different meanings. Champagne is the name given to wine made in Champagne. And at the same time, anything sparkling.

The same goes for the Syzran tomato. This can be called any tomato ripened under our hot sun (who doubts that it is hot enough, let him come tomorrow and walk for a couple of hours away from the saving shade).

Alas, now there are a lot of varieties that are very similar to it in appearance, and you only realize that you’ve screwed up when you try it.

Personally, I look for “Syzran Rose” this way. I’ll warn you right away - I’m not much of an expert and I guess every once in a while. But I still guess sometimes. So, perhaps my experience will be useful to someone.

"Syzran Rose" has one small drawback. Uneven ass, excuse the expression. That's what I'm looking at. The variety is very fleshy and thin-barked. Therefore, the upper part, when the tomato is already ripe, is still yellowish. But it’s already bursting. And it's also uneven. So fat. So in appearance, this famous variety is much inferior to modern hybrids.

But to taste!

I have traveled around the world in my lifetime. And he always loved to eat. I'll be honest. I ate wonderful pink tomatoes in the garden of Asia - sunny Fergana. Enjoyed amazing Azerbaijani tomatoes straight from a luxurious bush. But they are all inferior to the “Syzran Rose”. Apparently the climate here is somehow special. Here other varieties also come out very tasty.

Speaking of climate.

Once upon a time, my father took seedlings of the “Syzran Rose” to my grandmother in Kuban. What do you think? Wonderful large tomatoes have grown, but the taste is not the same.

So you can even taste champagne anywhere. But Syzran tomato is only available in Syzran.

Where did she come from? Science does not know this. In any case, at the beginning of the 20th century, tomatoes were already being grown with all their might in Syzran. I found in the archives in the papers of the local fruit growing society a list of varieties that were ordered for local gardeners.

So, when he took them to the market, no one could even understand what it was.

In Syzran, at this very time, the population was already purchasing many seeds of about a dozen varieties. Too lazy to look for a list.

Most likely, the Syzran people became acquainted with this vegetable in Astrakhan. Or among the German colonists across the Volga. In addition, at the very end of the 19th century, Ukrainians were resettled in our region.

Perhaps the history of the famous variety is already connected with the second wave of immigrants from Ukraine and Belarus in the early 30s of the 20th century. Then a lot of people came.

The former employees of the Chinese Eastern Railway, who arrived at the same time from China, could well have brought some rare exotic variety.

In general, the field is unplowed for researchers.

Tomato "Early love"

In the category of early-ripening pink tomatoes, the most attractive variety is “Early Love,” whose leaves resemble potato ones. Tomatoes retain the best qualities of early varieties:

• Non-seedling (suitable for planting seeds directly into the ground in April-May. Also suitable for planting seeds for seedlings) • Pink tomatoes are round, leveled, weighing up to 300 grams. • Carpal fruiting - up to 8 fruits in the ovary. Productivity 8-10 kg/bush. • Very sweet and fleshy, without veins. • The height of the bush in open ground is up to 70 cm, in closed ground up to 1.5 m. In greenhouse conditions, fruiting lasts until the end of September. • An excellent option for those who want maximum yield with minimal care!

Pest and disease control

If you follow the agricultural technology of planting and caring for Syzran Pipochka tomatoes, the risk of any disease is reduced to a minimum. The main preventive measures will be:

  • greenhouse ventilation;
  • proper soil moisture;
  • application of complex and organic fertilizers;
  • loosening the soil.

If there is a suspicion that the tomato is sick, you can treat it with special products that are sold at the garden store.

Advice! Preparations for plant diseases must be purchased natural, copper-based.

The last treatment with these compounds should be carried out 14 days before harvest.

Tomato "Cardinal"

An excellent analogue of the “Bull’s Heart” variety, but with greater yield! The seeds of this variety are the most difficult to obtain, because there are very few of them in tomatoes; the fruits are completely filled with juicy sweet pulp, sugary at the break, where there is practically no room for the seeds.

The tomatoes themselves are heart-shaped, tender, with thin skin and quite large fruits weighing from 300 to 500 g. “Cardinal” is a mid-season variety, suitable for both open and closed ground. The height of the bushes in open ground is 0.8- 1.0 m., in greenhouses up to 1.5-1.8 m.

Some information about the plant and its fruits

The characteristics and description of the variety are as follows:

  1. This is a mid-season tomato that produces a harvest 120 days after the first shoots appear.
  2. The height of the Pipochka bush is 120-180 cm. An average number of leaves develops on the stem. The tops are painted in dark shades of green.
  3. The tomato is a truss type, with up to 5 fruits produced in 1 tassel.
  4. The berries of all harvests are almost the same size. Pipochka tomatoes are shaped like an egg with a pointed nose.
  5. The berries are colored pink and red. The pulp contains 6 seed chambers. The tomato skin is dense, which allows the crop to be transported over long distances. The ribbing of the berries is not visible.
  6. Pipochka fruits weigh from 60 to 120 g. In the Kazakh version of the tomato (called Kostanay), the weight of the berries ranges from 0.14-0.16 kg.

Reviews from farmers growing this variety show that Pipochka's yield is up to 5 kg of berries from each bush. The plant is overloaded with fruits, so it needs to be tied to strong supports. To get larger fruits, you need to form bushes with 1-2 stems and remove all the stepsons.

The plant is resistant to many diseases and garden pests. Only grape snails can damage it. The skin of a tomato does not crack during sudden rainfall, and ripe berries do not fall off the bushes. Pipochka gives a harvest of 2-3 waves. The first harvest is obtained at the end of July, and then until September the tomatoes are harvested 1-2 more times.

If the gardener did not have time to collect the fruits before the cold snap, then the green specimens should be placed in a dark place. There they will finally ripen.

Pipochka is grown not only in the Volga region, but throughout Russia. In the middle zone, film greenhouses are used for this, and in Siberia and the Far North it is recommended to use greenhouses and greenhouse complexes with heating.

Tomato "Liana"

The most productive variety is Liana. Our collection comes in three colors: red, yellow and pink. Tomatoes are round in shape with a tip. The fruits are distinguished by their delicate sweet pulp and density, weighing 70-100 grams. Mid-season variety, bush up to 1-1.2 m (soil), in a greenhouse - up to 2.0 m. Grows in clusters, each with 10-20 fruits. One bush can produce a harvest of 40-80 tomatoes at a time.

Tomato is disease resistant and is extremely rarely susceptible to diseases such as late blight and blossom end rot. Meaty, sweet, dense, and not prone to cracking. Ideal for pickles and preservation. Green fruits collected at the end of the season are also ideal for long-term storage, which we have repeatedly seen, because ripe “Liana” always pleases us on the New Year’s table as fresh tomatoes!

Syzran variety

Pipochka (sometimes called “dulka”), like rose, is an ancient variety of the Volga region with early and long-term fruiting. The plant belongs to the indeterminate type - the height of the bush is 180 cm. It is recommended to tie it to a support, as well as with stepson. Form into 2 stems. A bush with fruits of the same oval shape with a small sharp nose. The color is even, red-pink, without spots. Tomatoes are distinguished by a sweetish taste with sourness. The skin is elastic and does not crack during heat treatment. Therefore, tomatoes are excellent for pickling, canning, and for salads and hot dishes. The advantage is long-term storage, as well as the possibility of long-distance transportation. The collected green fruits ripen well at room temperature.

Blue Spruce Tomato

The Blue Spruce tomato variety is a mid-season ornamental variety. The stems and leaves of the bush are covered with a delicate bluish-pearl “fluff”, and the tomatoes themselves have a velvety skin on a classic red color. The height of the bush reaches 90 centimeters. The velvety fruits have a round shape and weigh up to 150 grams. With a very pleasant sweet taste, these tomatoes are suitable for fresh consumption, in salads and juices, and for processing. Among the advantages, in addition to taste characteristics, are good yield, resistance to diseases and the possibility of winter storage.

Author of the article: FH "Samara Seeds"

From the editor. Friends, share your varieties from the farm "Samara Seeds" in your comments. May the beautiful garden be with us!!!

Here you can read about the Top 10 tomatoes from expert Valdis Pulins

Here you can read about 10 favorite tomatoes from collector Tatyana Nagle

And here, favorites from Lydia Ganzen

How to grow seedlings yourself?

After purchasing seeds, it is recommended to check them for germination. Pipushka needs to be grown using seedlings. To do this, the seed fund is first disinfected with potassium permanganate, kept in a growth stimulator for 2 hours, and then the seeds are sown in boxes filled with soil consisting of peat, compost and sand taken in equal quantities. Mineral fertilizers are added to this soil.

The first shoots appear within a week. They are watered with warm water once every 4 days. When 1-2 leaves appear on the seedlings, the sprouts dive. It is recommended to replant the grown bushes to a permanent place after the disappearance of spring frosts.

To do this, the beds are loosened and the soil is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate. Make holes, put wood ash, organic or mineral fertilizers there. The bushes are planted according to a 0.5x0.5 m pattern. The plants are watered with warm water. If there is a danger of a sharp cold snap at night, then you need to cover the seedlings with warm cloth or film.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Unfortunately, the Zhigalo tomato does not have strong protective properties against diseases typical of tomatoes. In particular, it is susceptible to late blight. The likelihood of developing pathology is much higher in regions with a cold climate and excess humidity. To avoid fungal infections, take the following preventive measures:

  1. Mulching the soil. Thanks to this procedure, spores contained in the soil will not be able to move to the green part of the plants.
  2. Ventilation. Necessary for bushes grown in closed structures. If there is no frost outside, the greenhouse doors are left open at night.
  3. Watering. A humid environment is favorable for the spread of late blight. Therefore, it is necessary to irrigate in moderation; drip irrigation is encouraged in the greenhouse.

In addition to the methods listed, fungicides can help avoid late blight. Spraying is carried out when the temperature drops outside. In order not to harm the plants, the products are used strictly according to the instructions. For Zhigalo, the drugs Quadris and Ridomil Gold are suitable.

Among the insect pests, tomato is attacked by aphids, slugs, and mole crickets. Fitoverm will help you cope with parasites.

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