Tomato Church: characteristics and photos of the variety, yield, cultivation

Siberian selection

Church is the largest-fruited variety of tomatoes from the entire “dome” series. Its peculiarity is the flattened shape of tomatoes and their bright orange color. The taste is sweet, the flesh is slightly sugary.

This variety is the result of the joint work of a professional breeder from Siberia - V.N.
Dederko, with his colleagues T.N. Postnikova and S.V. Ugarova – scientists in the field of developing new varieties of various nightshade crops. Good to know
! The tomato variety Church was tested for genetic resistance for several years in a row, and in 2005 it received all the necessary certificates and was entered into the official state register.

The breeders described above signed a cooperation contract with the Siberian Garden company, which took over the sale (both wholesale and retail) of Church tomatoes throughout the country.

The “character” of the “Siberian tomato” is manifested in its excellent resistance to environmental conditions, and high performance in terms of adaptation to soil type, surrounding weather, etc.

Thanks to these properties, the Church can be grown almost anywhere in Russia and neighboring countries. Moreover, this tomato is unique in that it performs much better in a garden than in a greenhouse.

Unique tomatoes

This variety of tomato simply has a lot of unique differences from other tomatoes. Let's look at them in more detail.


Church tomatoes are famous for the varied sizes of their fruits. The average weight of tomatoes after harvesting the garden will be about 500 grams. At the same time, the fruits on the plant do not become smaller, and even at the very top they will have a mass of at least 250 grams.

About 5 ovaries are formed on each plant brush. From one square meter you can harvest a bucket or more of tomatoes. Experienced gardeners can get much more.


Even on one bush of the Church plant you can find 2 different types of tomatoes. The first ones are the largest, have a round shape, they are flattened at the top and bottom. The latter are reminiscent of a dome or heart in shape. They are ribbed, most often located at the bottom of the bush.

Good to know

! Ugly tomatoes on Church bushes almost never ripen. They all have a uniform shape, color, the same weight, and a very beautiful appearance.

Unusual ovaries may appear if the tomato is grown in greenhouse conditions, or during extreme heat. Therefore, the variety is recommended to be grown in open areas, as it tolerates low temperatures well.


Tomatoes that are not yet ripe have a small green spot at the top, and over time it completely disappears (when the fruit ripens). After ripening, the peel becomes glossy, and its colors also change - from yellow to bright orange.

On one bush, the Church tomato fruits do not change colors all at once, but one by one. If you collect unripe fruits, they can quickly ripen in storage areas, as they have good shelf life.

Pulp: dietary properties

This is interesting

! After the fruits ripen, their flesh acquires a color reminiscent of honey. The consistency is similar. The taste qualities are very diverse, which is also considered a unique property of this tomato variety. So, some o, others talk about a slight sourness, others feel a citrus aroma, etc.

The density of the pulp may also vary: a tomato can be fleshy and doughy, but it will never be too watery. Therefore, depending on the region, the fruits of the Church may differ in terms of taste and pulp properties.


! This variety does not have high acidity. Therefore, it can be safely eaten even by those who have problems with the digestive tract, or are simply on a diet. In addition to lycopene, these tomatoes contain a lot of carotene. And all the beneficial substances contained in this tomato will not be destroyed after heat treatment.

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Church tomatoes are simply an ideal option for preparing fresh salads. They cannot be stored for too long, but they have dense pulp and unique taste.

Also, with the help of the Church, you can prepare a huge variety of sauces and ketchups. The juice is also very tasty – thick. Reminiscent of fruit, with pulp.

A good option is to prepare multi-layer salads using multi-colored tomatoes. And for those who are engaged in barrel pickling, you can select the largest fruits in size.

Advantages and disadvantages

This variety has the following advantages:

  • large fruit sizes;
  • The dense and elastic skin retains its integrity, which makes long-term transportation of grown berries possible.

The disadvantages of this variety include the mandatory pinching and tying of tall bushes.

The fruits of the “Church” variety are ideal for preparing fresh dishes and salads. Their pulp is tasty, has a dense structure and excellent taste. However, ripe fruits do not last long. Delicious tomato sauces and pastes are prepared from tomatoes. They are ideal for making delicious tomato juice.


Although this layer belongs to the group of large-fruited ones, it is characterized by rapid ripening. So, it is classified as a mid-season tomato, but many gardeners secretly call it mid-early.

After sowing in open ground, the first fruits can be harvested after about 115 days. Gardeners who have already planted the Church know its peculiarity - the fruits begin to ripen “in leaps and bounds”, and very quickly. But, at the same time, good keeping quality and ripening are ensured.

Good to know

! The first fruits grow in the axils of the 7-8th leaves, after which they begin to sprout through 1-2 leaves, which further increases the rate of fruit ripening.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Church is named so because of its shape, reminiscent of the domes of an Orthodox church. The variety ranks first in large size among domed representatives. It is the result of the activities of a trio of Siberian breeders - Ugarov, Dederko, Postnikov.

The variety belongs to the tall indeterminate variety. Characteristic signs of bushes:

  • trunk height 1.9-2.2 m;
  • power and strength of shoots;
  • moderate foliage, dense foliage;
  • 3-5 tomatoes ripen on the bunches;
  • total fruitful clusters 7-8;
  • vegetation is vigorously expressed.

Ripening occurs in the mid-early period after germination - the harvest is harvested after 98-116 days. Fruiting lasts all summer and until autumn frosts.

Tomato Description:

  • average weight 400-500 g;
  • large specimens weigh 0.9-1 kg;
  • rounded and flattened shape;
  • the color is raspberry-red with orange tints;
  • the pulp is fleshy, sugary, low in seeds;
  • the taste is sweetish with a subtle sourness.

The variety is primarily a salad variety. Used for fresh summer dishes, slices, as an addition to meat and fish portions.


An important parameter of the Church bush is its small height. So, the tomato plant will not be too tall, and caring for it will not be complicated, and it will not become so short that it produces a minimum yield.

In garden conditions, as a rule, bushes grow about 1 m in height. They are very easy to tie and handle. In greenhouses, plants “grow” up to 1.5 m. After the stem forms clusters, it stops growing. This is a very convenient property of the plant for the gardener.

The leaves of this tomato are medium in size and slightly drooping in appearance. Therefore, the bushes perfectly absorb sunlight and are visible in the garden, which greatly simplifies caring for the plant.

Planting tomato seedlings Church using the “lazy” method

The “lazy” method of growing tomatoes will significantly save time and make caring for plants easier. Flowering seedlings with a height of 55-65 cm are placed in pre-prepared holes with a diameter of 45 cm and a depth of 25 cm. The optimal distance between cells should be 100 cm. Experts say that this method of planting tomatoes has a beneficial effect on their root system. In addition, the seedlings fully receive the required amount of nutrients and moisture.

The removed soil from the holes is laid in an even layer around the perimeter of the site. A wooden peg or metal rod more than 2 meters high is installed in the middle of the cell. All nutrients, vitamins and minerals are added to the wells. The plants are covered with earth and watered abundantly with purified water. Manure and river sand are poured on top of the ground and sprinkled with soil that was extracted from the holes. The soil is mulched with straw. As the tomatoes grow, they are tied with a ribbon to a support. This is where all the action ends. Earthworms will loosen the soil on their own, mulch will retain the necessary soil moisture, and there is no need to apply additional fertilizers.

Important! Tomatoes planted in this way quickly become stronger, grow well and do not require additional care. They are also less susceptible to infectious and fungal diseases and produce maximum yield.

Subtleties of agricultural technology

Although this variety is unpretentious in caring for itself, the rules for basic tomato processing should not be ignored. Anyone who has already worked with this variety knows that with the help of additional care you can seriously improve the yield.


! You should not sow seeds too early, as overgrown plants will lose the very first cluster and will take much longer to take root in open field conditions. The optimal period is 50 days before transplanting to the garden.

Also, the tomato Church needs to be systematically pruned. The plant should be formed into 2 stems. Moreover, they can often diverge, “showing” the most optimal formation.

If you do not constantly feed the plants and water them intermittently, the fruits will grow cracked and defective. Therefore, these details should be given maximum attention.

Features of cultivation, planting and care

We recommend sowing the seeds of this tomato for seedlings 60-65 days before the intended planting in the ground. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. Place no more than 3 plants per meter of prepared area.

You can see other interesting varieties and hybrids of tomatoes with photos, descriptions and reviews in our Tomato Catalog. Enjoy watching.

If you grew Church tomatoes, please write what the weight of the fruit was? What productivity did this variety show in your climatic conditions? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach a photo of the entire bush or individual fruits of this variety to the comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Church tomato and additions to the description will help many tomato lovers evaluate the Church variety objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

This is a natural variety of tomato. Therefore, we recommend taking seeds from a ripe fruit and using them for planting in subsequent seasons.

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