Hybrid Action F1 – early table beet without rings

The Beet variety Action was created by plant breeders from Holland. Gardeners value it for its unpretentiousness and resistance to diseases. The plant quickly adapts to stressful situations, precipitation, winds, cold watering, frost and heat. It is cultivated everywhere.

Beet Action

Fertile loams are well suited for plants. Standard yield is 5.7 kg/m2. The largest harvest was collected in the Republic of Tatarstan, 9.8 kg/m2. What is the Action variety? What kind of care does it require?

Description of the variety

Action F1 is a hybrid form of table beet with a powerful root system and a leaf rosette. It is classified as mid-season, since 100-105 days pass from the appearance of the first shoots to harvest.

The plant has a large and strong rosette of erect, smooth leaves . Their plates are painted soft green, and the petioles and veins are purple. With age, the foliage becomes darker in color.

The culture is resistant to flowering , tolerates frosts and dry periods well, and is therefore suitable for cultivation in all regions of Russia.

Origin and development

Historical reference. The cultivation of beets dates back to the ancient Greeks, who greatly valued the culture, and its fruits were available only to the richest and most influential people. The first specimens were brought to Kievan Rus from Byzantium back in the 10th century. In epics it is often mentioned that beets supposedly increased the strength of heroes, helping them fight monsters and enemies.

Hybrid Action F1 was bred by Dutch breeders at the end of the 20th century. A few years later it was officially recognized in Russia and included in the State Register.

Distinctive features

Action F1 differs from other beet varieties:

  • stable and rich harvest;
  • color resistance;
  • tolerance to frost and drought;
  • smooth root vegetables without rings on the pulp;
  • suitability for bundle products.

Fruit characteristics, yield

The root crops of the hybrid are only half immersed in the soil ; they have a rounded shape without obvious irregularities and juicy flesh of a rich red color without rings. Beets have a distinct taste, so they are actively used in cooking and grown for long-term storage for the winter.

From 1 m2 you can harvest up to 10 kg of crop . The average fruit weight is 150-200 g, but there are specimens weighing up to 350 g.

The most resistant varieties

If you want to get stable yields, then you need to take care of planting “strong plants”. The following varieties are intended for cultivation in all regions, even northern ones, where frosts often occur at the beginning of the vegetative mass of the plant, where it is too susceptible to sudden temperature changes. Thanks to this feature, it is possible to preserve the harvest of root crops even in the “badest” times for their growth.

  1. Detroit beets. It is considered one of the most popular in the northern and central regions of the Russian Federation, since it has good resistance to droughts, sudden temperature changes and frosts in the first days of vegetative mass accumulation. The weight of the fruit rarely exceeds 400 grams; high yields are achieved due to high planting density. The pulp is crispy, the beets have a round shape, and excellent taste. Intended for preparing salads, borscht and as an additive to other dishes. Resistance to pests and cold is very high, ripens in 118 days. You can plant 2 weeks earlier.
  2. Beet Mulatto. One of the most famous culinary vegetables, which is known for its excellent taste. The weight of one fruit is only 350 grams, however, this does not interfere with harvesting 300 centners per hectare. It has very high resistance to pests; it requires only 1 spraying with an insecticide at the age of 50 days and nothing else needs to be done except watering. It requires a lot of moisture, without it it becomes wrinkled, lethargic, and does not absorb the necessary nutrients. It is distinguished by excellent preservation in winter - it can easily lie for 4-5 months in the basement without changing color or shape.
  3. Kestrel beets. Productivity is weak (150-250 c/ha), but stable - this is one of the main advantages of this variety. It can be stored for several months at a temperature of +1-10 degrees, while it does not rot, does not lose its shape and taste. It ripens in 115 days, contains up to 12% sugars, and is therefore widely used in cooking. The hybrid is absolutely resistant to powdery mildew, fusarium wilt and rhizoctonia.

These beet varieties are intended for industrial cultivation, where stability is one of the most important criteria for the quality of a variety. But they are no less popular among ordinary summer residents who are engaged in livestock farming. You should not expect special taste qualities and a huge yield from the varieties described above, but you can count on a stable 200-300 c/ha.

How to grow

Action F1 is considered an unpretentious and stable hybrid . But to obtain a bountiful harvest, it is important to plant correctly and then provide the crop with the necessary care.

Planting with seeds/seedlings

To plant beets, choose a bright place with loose and light soil rich in organic matter. It is better to avoid clay soils or dilute them with river sand, since heavy soil reduces the quality and quantity of root crops, and also gives them an ugly shape.

Sowing in open ground is carried out in the second half of May, and for seedlings at the beginning of the last month of spring.

The planting scheme is presented in the table:

1 g/m2 (70-80 pieces)
sandy and sandy loam soils3-4 cm
loamy2-3 cm
in rows30 cm
sprouts in a row10-15 cm

Instructions for sowing in open ground:

  1. Dig the soil to a depth of 10-15 cm, break up all earth lumps and remove weeds.
  2. Fertilize the bed with compost or humus - 2.5 kg/m2. Also add 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 35-40 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium chloride (proportions are indicated per 1 m2).
  3. Form furrows 2-4 cm deep, water them and sow.
  4. Cover the seeds with loose and light nutrient substrate and water the bed well.

Some gardeners, especially from the northern regions of the country, prefer to plant beets using seedlings . This allows you to get a larger harvest 18-22 days earlier than when planting directly in open ground.

About other beet varieties:

Technology for obtaining seedlings:

  1. Prepare the soil mixture. Combine peat, humus, rotted compost, turf or garden soil and river sand in a ratio of 4:2:2:1. For every 5 kg of mixture, add ½ cup of wood ash. Sift the substrate and heat it in a frying pan with a thick bottom or keep it in a double boiler for an hour.
  2. Dip the seeds into a growth stimulator solution for one minute. “Kornevin” has proven itself well.
  3. Fill the containers with soil and sow, deepening the planting material by 2 cm.
  4. Moisten the plantings with a spray bottle so as not to wash away the seeds.
  5. Cover the box with plastic wrap and put it in a warm place. After the first shoots appear, remove the improvised greenhouse.

After the formation of two true leaves, thin out: remove all weak shoots so that there is a distance of 5 cm between plants. Further care of the seedlings consists of regular and moderate watering - it is enough to prevent the soil from drying out too much.

Transplantation into open ground is carried out when the sprouts become stronger and acquire several leaves. This usually happens in late May-early June.

Attention! Before sowing, it is useful to sort the seeds by size and plant the same ones in the same row. This will allow you to get uniform shoots.

Beet care Action F1 includes the following procedures:

  1. Watering - once a week with warm water. During dry and hot periods, the amount of watering is increased to 2-4 times a week.
  2. Thinning - the first time is carried out after the appearance of 2-3 true leaves, the second - after the formation of 7-8 leaves. Do not forget that you need to leave a distance of 10-15 cm between the sprouts.
  3. Loosening and weeding are carried out as necessary to remove earthen crust and weeds that prevent air and moisture from penetrating to the roots of plants.
  4. To feed beets, potassium chloride is added to the soil once every two weeks: 70 g of the product is diluted in a bucket of water and used for watering. 300 ml of solution is poured under each plant. To avoid the formation of voids in the fruits, plantings are fertilized once with boron fertilizer.
  5. Mulching the beds is done with dry compost and humus. They will not allow moisture to evaporate and prevent the bed from becoming waterlogged.

Attention! Beets are prone to accumulating nitrates, so they cannot be fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers.

How to plant?

Beets should be planted in unshaded and well-lit areas with neutral or slightly acidic soil. Sandy soils are not suitable. To increase soil fertility, when digging in the fall, it is worth adding potassium fertilizers or ash.

You need to sow the seeds in well-warmed soil (+6...+8°C). As a rule, such weather sets in at the end of April - in the second half of May.

Purchased planting material does not need to be pre-soaked, since it has already been treated with the fungicide Tiram. In due time it can be immersed directly into the ground. The optimal planting scheme is as follows:

  • the distance between seeds in a row is 8-10 cm;
  • row spacing – 25-30 cm;
  • seed placement depth is 2-4 cm.

After sowing, the soil needs to be rolled for better plant development.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

When growing beets, it is important to follow all care recommendations. Experienced gardeners do not experience difficulties when planting beets, but beginners may encounter the following problems :

  1. The fruits crack and grow slowly. Uneven watering leads to this. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to normalize the moisture regime of the beds.
  2. The beets are small and have an irregular shape. Sowing was done in too dense and heavy soil.
  3. High air humidity, frequent rains and waterlogging of the soil can lead to the appearance of a disease such as dry rot. To eliminate it, you need to add a borax solution to the garden bed (10 g of the substance is diluted in 10 liters of water).

Reference. Salt will increase the sugar content of the crop and improve its taste. To do this, a glass of salt is dissolved in a bucket of water. The solution is used to water the plantings at the roots.

Diseases and pests

Action F1 is a hybrid form that can independently resist diseases and pests. But if not properly cared for, a gardener may encounter similar problems. Means that are suitable for preventing and combating these troubles can be seen in the following table.

  • beet aphid;
  • common weevil;
  • flea;
  • nematode.
1) 1 kg of ash, pour 10 liters of water, cover and keep in a sunny place for a week. Add 15-30 ml of liquid soap or dish gel and spray the beet bed.
2) Grind a bar of laundry soap into shavings and dilute with 40 g of copper sulfate in 7 liters of water. Use for spraying once every 1-1.5 weeks.

3) Dissolve 5 ml of Fufanon in 5 liters of water. Carry out two treatments with a break of 7-10 days.

  • downy mildew;
  • Phomasis;
  • rot.
1) Add 500 g of lime to 10 liters of water and mix. Pour the tops of each sprout (the norm is 1 liter of product per plant).
2) Pour the whey packet into a bucket of water. Spread the mixture evenly over the beet tops. Treatment can be repeated every 3-5 days until the disease subsides.

3) Dilute 10 grams of Ridomil Gold in 5 liters of water and spray the plantings on a dry, sunny day.

Harvesting and application

Beets ripen at the end of September ; in the southern regions they are left in the ground until the first frost. But if the tops begin to turn yellow and dry, then it’s time to harvest.

Root vegetables are carefully dug up with a shovel, trying not to damage the skin . After this, the tops are cut 1-2 cm from the beets and the crop is laid out in the shade to dry. Then the soil is removed from the fruits and they are put into the cellar for storage.

Action F1 is used for the following purposes:

Beet care and harvesting

Action F1 is a resistant and undemanding variety, so caring for it is very simple and consists of the following activities:

  • water as the soil dries, avoiding excess moisture, as it can provoke root rot (during periods of drought, 5-6 waterings are sufficient);
  • a week after planting, thin out the seedlings, leaving 8-10 cm between plants;
  • periodically loosen the rows and remove weeds;
  • During the growing season, feed with potash fertilizers and ash.

At the end of summer - beginning of autumn, you can begin harvesting. This is a simple manipulation, since the root crops are only half immersed in the soil and are easily pulled out of it. After cleaning, they need to be dried a little and stored in a cellar or basement.

Advantages and disadvantages

Action F1 has many advantages , which is why Russian gardeners love it so much:

  • adapts to the conditions of detention;
  • fruits of excellent quality;
  • long shelf life;
  • able to withstand cold weather;
  • short growing season;
  • tolerates dry periods well (with normal watering);
  • innate resistance to many diseases and pests;
  • not prone to color.

But like all garden plants, this type of beet has disadvantages :

  • is not able to grow and develop properly in soils that are too dense and heavy;
  • when there is a lack of water, it produces a meager harvest;
  • Regular waterlogging of the soil is detrimental to the crop.

Hybrid Action F1 – early table beet without rings

In arid areas and conditions of sudden temperature changes, Action F1 beets can be grown in the garden. It will delight you with its pleasant and delicate taste, early ripening and long-lasting shelf life. Read more about the characteristics and cultivation technology of this hybrid below.

Beet Action tolerates temperature changes well

Beet Action is an early variety

Farmer reviews

Online forums have mostly positive reviews about the hybrid . Let us present some of them for you.

Maria, Lipetsk : “I chose this hybrid because it has a small tops cut. I can’t say anything bad, but I think that elongated root vegetables are still better. Plus, Action F1 has tough leaves, and I like to add beet tops to summer cabbage soup.”

Igor, Yekaterinburg : “An excellent vegetable without veins and rings, which, by the way, significantly spoil the taste of the pulp. Action F1 has the most expensive seeds of the beet varieties I have tried. Some people may not like this, but I want to note that their germination rate can be estimated at 90%, and if you use a growth stimulator to soak the seed, then at 100%.”

Useful properties of sugar beets

The plant has many beneficial qualities. It helps heal the liver, heart, and cleanses the blood. The fruits are enriched with vitamins A, C, B. In addition, they contain manganese, zinc, iron, manganese, and copper.

This vegetable can be consumed for:

  1. Memory improvements;
  2. Reducing cholesterol;
  3. Cancer prevention;
  4. Increasing the amount of iron in the body.

Drinking beetroot juice daily refreshes the skin. The price of this elixir is affordable for everyone. The root vegetable helped some girls become slim.

The best varieties of early beets

Red ball

It ripens early and has dietary qualities. Planted in spring. Ripening occurs in 90-100 days. Count down after the seedlings sprout. The vegetable is round and can reach a weight of 300 grams.

Flesh color: dark red. There is a reddish rough tone. Taste qualities: tender and juicy. It is distinguished by its cold resistance, allowing for summer and autumn harvests. It can resist rot and is distinguished by its unsurpassed taste. Can be stored and used without prior heat treatment.


Refers to an early, high-yielding hybrid species. Growth continues for about 80 days. Wodan is dark red in color and has a smooth round shape with a thin tail. There are no light rings on the fruits. The grown root vegetable can weigh up to 500 g and has a distinct, juicy taste.

Pablo F1

This sweet, early-ripening plant has a round shape. Burgundy rich color of the pulp, covered with thin skin. There are no white rings inside. The weight of one piece is about 200-370 grams. Harvesting begins from the 85th to the 95th day. This option is often used in making vinaigrettes. The product can be stored for a long time.


It ripens very early, withstands low temperatures and produces a good harvest. The root fruit has a tasty juicy mass. The cut is decorated with radial rings. On average it weighs 160 grams. Neat rounded shape of the vegetable.

Beets are left for storage for the winter, as they are able to resist various diseases. The root crop retains its quality for six months.

Egyptian flat

It has very large fruits with purple-burgundy pulp. Their weight can reach up to half a kilo. The interior is decorated with small lightened circles. Juicy and sweet fruits make a good vinaigrette.

The culture matures in three months. Due to its drought resistance, Egyptian flatbread can be stored for -6 months.


The well-known cold-resistant variety ripens on the 99th day. The fruit is medium-sized and has a round shape. The vegetable attracts with its pleasant sweet taste and dark red flesh. Beets do not lose their properties from freezing. The shelf life is long, more than 6 months. Can be sown in autumn. The plant is not afraid of pests and diseases.


It ripens quickly and is cold-resistant. Spring frosts are not a problem for this type of beet. When active growth begins, you need to water a lot. Red root vegetables have no light rings. Weight can reach 210 grams.

In appearance, neat and round root vegetables. Vegetables are completely removed by day 110. Detroit beets are immune to disease. From feeding, the fruits become larger.


The Pablo beet variety ripens in early autumn

It is important to harvest the crop on time so as not to spoil the appearance of the root crop and its taste. You can determine ripening by the lower foliage - it dries, turns yellow and fades

The fruits themselves reach their optimal size - 10-15 cm in diameter and are covered with characteristic growths. When harvesting, it is convenient to use a fork so as not to damage the fruits and remove the top layer of soil. After the beets are dug, the leaves need to be trimmed, leaving small petioles (1-2 cm). For storage, the vegetable is placed in a container, sprinkled with sand and stored at a temperature from 0 to +2 degrees.

The best mid-season beet varieties


Grows in regions with different soils. It is famous for its excellent taste properties, as well as its dark crimson color. There are no white curls. In some places there may be light rings. Root vegetables reach a weight of 500 grams and have thin skin. Ripening occurs after 98 days.

If fed well, the farmer can achieve a good harvest from the borscht beet variety. More than nine kilograms can be grown on one square meter. Sowing is carried out in summer or winter. Vegetable juices, snacks, salads and first courses are prepared from this variety.


It is a mid-season, moisture-loving plant with an oblong configuration. The fruits have an elongated shape and thin skin. With growth, timely and abundant watering is required. Vegetables need to be stored for about 6 months. At the same time, no change in presentation and aromatic taste is observed.


The crop is single-sprout, so the bed is not thinned out. The root crop ripens on the 120th day. The vegetable is round. The shade is dark burgundy. Dimensions reach 200 grams. The cut is decorated with weak rings.

The pulp has a delicate structure, without fibrousness.

Donskaya flat

It ripens quickly on the 110th day, after sprouts begin to appear. 480 centners of sugar product grow on one hectare. A large percentage has a marketable appearance. One piece weighs more than 230 grams.


Large and tasty spherical root vegetables. Weight can reach up to 0.5 kg. The color of the pulp is uniform red. The fruits are tasty and soft. Cooked mulatto beets remain as bright as they were before heat treatment. Can be stored all winter.

Ripe roots are harvested on day 115. 1 sq. m of land produces about seven kilograms of crop.

Description of the best late beet varieties

The following are the names of varieties with a late maturity. These are the best beet varieties that can withstand frosts in spring and autumn, as well as summer heat. The products are stored until the new harvest ripens. During this time they lose some weight. The appearance remains attractive.


The late-ripening variety has a medium length and a cylindrical configuration. The interior color is bright. Prized for its beetroot aroma. If stored correctly, the root crop will remain juicy until the end of spring. External and taste properties remain unchanged.


A high-yielding type of cylindrical beet. It has a thin skin of dark pink color. The interior is red-violet. Vegetables do not smell and have a pleasant taste. Weight is about 390 grams. Cylindrical beet varieties are cold-resistant and unpretentious.


The culture is heat-resistant and cold-resistant. The rhizomes are similar in appearance to a cylinder. The ripening of the red root occurs on the 101st day and continues until the 120th day. ripe product is small in size. If well cared for, it grows up to 0.7 kg, 32 cm.

The fruits are tasty, juicy, and do not smell. The cylinder has a thin surface, despite this, it retains its quality for almost a year. Culture is able to withstand negative factors.

Single shoot

If you care for it correctly, you will have a high harvest. The development cycle is 130 days. If you put the culture in a cool cellar, it will retain its qualities for 6 months. The weight of one piece is more than 500 grams.

The outside of the root is covered with a thin dark burgundy skin. Appearance: flat-round. Seedlings are grown in cassettes. Does not succumb to diseases.

Red ruby

Used in processing. The ripening cycle is 100/120 days. Weight can reach up to 240 g. The ruby ​​has rounded edges. Can be cooked in a short time. This is its peculiarity.


Dutch breeders were developing this variety. Vegetation cycle 95/115 days. Weight – 230 grams. Type – round. The insides are a rich red color. The culture is cold-resistant and grows in drought and humid climates.

Selection of varieties for the Moscow region

Before planting vegetables, you must first determine the region. Then they choose the variety. For central Russia, breeders have prepared such early varieties as:

  • "Slav";
  • "Red Ball";
  • "Pushkinskaya flat";
  • "Mulatto";
  • "Bordeaux-237";
  • "Gribovskaya flat";
  • "Wodan";
  • "Boltardiran";
  • "Detroit".

In a maximum of three months, the fruits will ripen.


The culture has reddish-purple flesh with a delicate, juicy aroma. For the Moscow region, an excellent choice of mid-season crop with an elongated cylindrical body. The end of the vegetable is blunt, rounded, slightly curved.


This cylindrical root is considered medium late. He is not afraid of frost. The formation of the vegetable ends after 133 days. Weight -300 grams. Burgundy-colored root vegetables with a delicate and juicy taste can last a long time.

Suitable varieties for the Urals

This region is suitable for growing:

  • "Valens";
  • "Single-germ";
  • "Bikoresa";
  • "Betina";
  • "Bones";
  • "Dark red round";
  • “Gribovskaya flat”;
  • and others.

For the Urals, you should choose special offers from breeders.


It is distinguished by its productivity and average ripeness. In addition, round burgundy vegetables with tasty juicy pulp weigh a maximum of 350 g. Planting per 1 sq. m of area will produce more than six kilograms of harvest.


This single-growth crop with an oval-rounded root stops growing after 3 months. after the sprouts appear. Cold resistance, immunity from diseases. Sweetness, dark burgundy shade.

Bon-Bon F1

The plant is recognized by its roundness and thin skin. They begin to sow in April-July. The growing season is 120 days. F1 grows in cool climates with sudden temperature changes. If grown correctly, there will be a large offspring.

Beet Action F1 (2 g), seeds, care, planting

Early ripening hybrid. The growing season is 105 days. The rosette of leaves is semi-erect, powerful. Forms round root crops with dark red pulp, without rings. The weight of the root crop is 250-350 g. The taste is excellent. Marketable yield is 5-8 kg/m2. For bunched products and short-term storage. Seeds are treated with Tiram fungicide. Do not soak when planting. Agricultural technology: Grows well on fertile soils with neutral or weak acidity, average in mechanical composition. Sandy soils are unsuitable. Does not tolerate shade. The best predecessors are early potatoes, cucumbers, onions, pumpkin, and zucchini. In the fall, humus is applied to the beet plot, the soil is limed if necessary, and complex mineral fertilizer is applied in the spring. Seeds are sown in late April - early May to a depth of 2-4 cm in rows with row spacing of 25-30 cm and a distance between seeds of 8-10 cm. Thinning is not required. Further care consists of loosening, regular fertilizing, providing the necessary nutrition throughout the growing season and watering. Beet seeds can be sown before winter at the end of October - beginning of November. The quality of the seeds is checked by the State Seed Inspectorate and complies with GOST R52 171-2003. Seed weight per bag is 2 g. All information about Beet Action F1 (2 g)

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Suitable varieties for Siberia

When examining more adapted varieties, it is worth considering:

  • "Mashenka";
  • “Single-germ”;
  • "Siberian flat";
  • "Red Ice";
  • "Cylinder"
  • "Cold-resistant";
  • "Winter"
  • "Incomparable";
  • "Bordeaux";
  • "Pablo."

Siberian Flat

A dark product with a reddish-violet color. The fruits are flat, maximum weight is 400 grams. Distinctive features are cold resistance and disease resistance. After a hundred days you can collect.

Red ice

Just like the previous plant, this is an excellent option for Siberia. Root crops ripen for a short period of time. If you plant seeds on 1 square. m of land, you can get about five kilograms of root vegetables.


The crop is of medium ripeness and high yield, with an abundant dark red hue. Can be recognized by its cylindrical smooth structure. Farmers receive 9 kg/1 sq. m of land. The disease resistance of the plant contributes to the weight of one specimen reaching up to 600 grams.

Advice! If you grow the best varieties of sugar beets in seedlings, you can increase the yield.

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