Caring for peach in the fall: pruning, feeding and preparing for winter

Features and diagram of peach pruning in autumn for beginners

The pruning procedure is a very important step in caring for fruit trees, since it is necessary both to extend their life span and to increase the amount of harvest.

Regular removal of excess branches helps to create the most illuminated crown, which provides the following benefits:

  • improved ventilation;
  • easier harvesting;
  • rejuvenation of the tree by removing damaged and dry branches;
  • prolongation of productive life;
  • stimulating the growth of young shoots and ensuring excellent yields;
  • the tree takes on a neat appearance.

By pruning in the fall, the peach is prepared for winter. All necessary actions begin after harvesting the fruits, but no later than mid-autumn. The growing season will already be over by this time. Excision of the root shoots protects against the appearance of harmful insects.

The pruning scheme includes several step-by-step actions:

  1. It is necessary to cut off the upper branch at the very base.
  2. Removing the top side shoots that grow from the top branch along the top, leaving a couple of buds on the lower shoots.
  3. On the branches emerging from the trunk, or on the skeletal ones, it is necessary to leave such a number of buds as to create free space between them for the passage of light.

The number of branches depends on the level of fruiting. The higher the yield, the fewer branches need to be left. As a result, there should be from 80 to 200 branches left on the tree.

After pruning, it is very important to treat the cut areas with garden varnish. In addition, the instrument must be well sharpened and disinfected. It is not recommended to saw off branches. It's better to cut them off in one motion.

Timing and features of autumn care

First, you should consider the optimal timing for different regions; they do not differ very much:

  1. In the Moscow region and central Russia, work begins in mid-September and continues until the third ten days of October.
  2. In the Urals and Siberia, the crop is almost not widespread; there are certain regions where frosts are not so severe, where peach grows normally. And it is best to prepare it for the cold period at the end of September or a little earlier.
  3. In the Leningrad region and in the northwestern regions, the optimal time is from mid to late September.
  4. In the southern part of the country, winters are milder, plants develop much better, and they are prepared for the cold in October or even November.

Preparing peach for winter consists of several main stages, which do not differ in different regions:

  1. Loosening the tree trunk circle.
  2. Treatment against diseases and pests.
  3. Application of fertilizing.
  4. Pruning and shaping the tree crown.
  5. Insulation, if necessary.

Each part of the work is discussed in detail below. It is important to follow all the recommendations; there is nothing on the list that can be skipped without damaging the plant.

By the way!

To ensure normal development and productivity, it is worth buying peach trees only of zoned varieties.

How to fertilize a peach in the fall

Feeding the tree must be carried out along the furrows near the trunk. Fertilizers must be mineral (phosphorus-potassium complexes) and organic:

  • young seedlings require feeding with manure or compost (9-10 kg), superphosphate (70-80 g), potassium salt (25-30 g);
  • for 3-6 year old trees you need to add manure (14-15 kg), ammonium nitrate (55-60 g), superphosphate (110-115 g), potassium salt (45 g);
  • at 6 - 8 years old, the tree needs manure (28-30 kg), superphosphate (170-180 g), potassium salt (65-74 g);
  • When fertilizing adult specimens, you should take manure (25-35 kg), ammonium nitrate (115-135 g) and potassium salt (85-105 g).

Experienced gardeners recommend foliar feeding in the fall with a product containing urea.

Precautionary measures

Well, in conclusion, it is worth considering one important point separately, such as treating the garden with iron sulfate. The fact is that this remedy is most often used in gardening. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to work with it correctly so as not to harm your own health.

If you are a novice gardener and have decided to treat peach trees with iron sulfate, then you should keep in mind that, despite its comparative safety for human health, when working with this substance you must take precautions, such as:

  • wear special protective clothing, goggles and gloves;
  • if the solution gets on the eyes or mouth, you should immediately wash that area of ​​the body with soap and plenty of water;
  • this product is not stored near food;
  • after processing the garden, all equipment must be thoroughly washed with water and soapy water, and then doused with boiling water;
  • This also applies to things that were processed.

It is worth noting that all these precautions are strictly observed when working with other drugs. But since it is recommended to carry out autumn processing with the help of iron sulfate, in this case protective measures for working with it are relevant.

So, above we looked at what processing is, why it is so important, and how to do it correctly. It only remains to add that carrying out this procedure will provide the gardener with tasty and juicy peach fruits. Therefore, you should not ignore it.

Autumn watering regime for peach

To retain moisture in the soil, it is necessary to mulch the area around the trunk. In addition, this action helps suppress weeds and prevents the formation of soil crust.

Peaches can tolerate hot climates, provided there is sufficient moisture, so trees need to be watered several times a year: in early spring before flowering, during the period of shoot growth, before fruit ripening.

Autumn moisture-recharging watering, which moisturizes the soil, is necessary for a good wintering of the tree. For 1 square meter of tree trunk area, 5–6 buckets of water are required. If groundwater is present, the volume of water is reduced. To provide the land with air, it is necessary to drain the soil. Final irrigation procedures should be carried out no later than the first days of November.

When is the best time to spray?

As described above, without proper care, a peach will not produce a good harvest. Therefore, if you decide to plant this southern crop in your front garden, keep in mind that in addition to performing such manipulations as:

  • application of fertilizers;
  • hydration;
  • pruning

It is also very important to spray in a timely manner.

As a rule, the main processing is carried out in the fall. It is aimed at destroying colonies of parasites that settle in peach for the winter and can cause irreparable harm to the crop over the entire cold period.

It is worth highlighting that spring and summer processing is also very important. During the entire growing season, it is necessary to process the tree several times. Since each spraying is aimed at destroying a specific defect or parasite. So, let's take a closer look at all the treatment periods and what benefits they provide to the tree.

Spring treatment

With the onset of spring, gardeners have a lot of gardening to do. Spring is considered the hottest time, because it is necessary to have time to carry out pruning and processing on time. By the way, spraying at this time of year is performed several times, namely:

  • first treatment before bud break;
  • the second during the formation of buds;
  • and the third immediately after flowering.

It is worth highlighting that each processing has its own tasks. For example, the first spraying is carried out to destroy parasites that survived after autumn treatment. To do this, you can use iron sulfate or a solution of Bordeaux mixture. Solarium emulsion also copes well with the task.

But keep in mind that urea-based solutions are not used in the first treatment. Because this product contains nitrogen, which stimulates the growth of green mass. And if such preparations are used during the first spraying, the crop will come out of dormancy ahead of schedule. Which will negatively affect the harvest.

The second spraying is carried out to combat dangerous diseases of fungal origin, such as:

  • powdery mildew;
  • monoliosis;
  • scab.

In this case, a solution of Bordeaux mixture also worked well. It must be remembered that processing is carried out strictly according to the instructions. And the final treatment is performed after flowering in order to destroy the remaining parasites. In this case, it is good to use products with urea.

Summer treatment

With the onset of summer, treatment is carried out using insecticides or fungicides. It is worth noting that spraying of any product should be carried out at least 20 days before harvest.

As a rule, in the summer, one peach treatment is carried out, and it is purely preventive in nature.

Autumn processing

Autumn processing is the most important and very necessary. It is performed to prevent the development of fungal bacteria. The fact is that the autumn period is characterized by high humidity levels. And as you know, humidity is the ideal environment for the rapid development of new spores that are dangerous for the peach tree.

Please note that if autumn treatment is not carried out, in the spring millions of new defects will appear on the peach crop, which can ruin the plant.

As a rule, the time for spraying directly depends on the growing region. But at the same time, it is necessary to focus on weather conditions. In other words, spraying against parasites should be carried out at least 4 weeks before the onset of the first frost. And also keep in mind that by the time you planned to spray, all the foliage should have fallen off.

Rules for preparing peach for winter

Gardeners are constantly busy caring for fruit trees, which are the leaders of their garden plots. Throughout the year, many different activities are carried out aimed at obtaining a good harvest. Autumn work is no less important for preserving the fruit tree.

Digging and mulching tree trunk circles

The part of the earth located near the tree trunk, equal in diameter to the crown, is called the trunk circle. The process of mulching a given plot of land serves not only as an environmentally friendly design method, but also performs a number of other functions :

  • decoration of the tree trunk circle;
  • moisture retention;
  • preventing the growth of weeds;
  • introducing additional nutrients for the root system.

Materials for mulch can be:

  • peat;
  • fallen needles;
  • sawdust;
  • crushed bark;
  • cones, cedar husks or other natural ingredients.

The thickness of the mulch layer should be at least 5 cm. To prevent the plant from starting to rot, it is necessary to leave a distance from the trunk to the mulch. This will allow air to circulate.

In order for a garden crop to survive the winter well, it is very important to properly treat the soil. Deep digging of the soil (no more than 10 cm) allows you to destroy the pests in it. At the same time, you need to take into account that the lumps should not be broken. You need to dig the ground no closer than 0.5 m from the trunk, otherwise you can damage the surface root system.

How to cover a peach for the winter (video)

Sheltering a young peach for the winter

The peach tree is very afraid of temperature changes, so to avoid the death of the buds or tree, proper preparation for winter is necessary. To preserve heat, the young tree needs to be covered.

  1. The first stage of work begins after leaf fall. It involves bending the seedling to the ground. The temperature must be above zero so that the branches do not become brittle.
  2. In order to spend less material on shelter, you should bend the tree as low as possible. The first step is to choose the side where it is better to persuade him. Then pegs are driven in, to which the rope is attached. Small branches are connected all together and tied to the main branch. At the same time, all actions must be careful so as not to break anything.
  3. Since old branches are difficult to deform, they can be cut off. Damaged areas should be lubricated with varnish.
  4. To protect against mice, which in winter can settle in the shelter and damage the tree bark, you need to place a special repellent in the center of the bush.
  5. After snow falls, you need to sprinkle it on the tree to create a snowdrift up to 25 cm.
  6. Instead of snow, you can use dry material, such as sawdust or other bulk materials (straw, old tops). Place plastic film or roofing felt on top.

When covering a fruit tree, it is important not to use very dense material, under which the tree can dry out.

Purpose and rules for spraying peach in autumn

To maintain the health of the tree and produce large fruits, it must be protected from external enemies. Spraying will help against diseases and parasites.

Autumn is a great time for fungal growth. Treatment will help destroy fungal spores so that by spring they do not spread to all branches. Then fighting them will take much more time and effort.

To achieve maximum effect, you must adhere to the established rules:

  • the first step is to remove all fallen leaves and trim unnecessary branches;
  • the day must be clear and calm, otherwise the rain will wash away all the chemicals;
  • It is advisable to choose morning or evening hours for spraying;
  • The spray should be fine and cover all parts of the plant.

By following all the recommendations, you can save yourself from additional costs for repeated spraying.

Protecting peach from sunburn

Due to sudden changes in ambient temperature and unfavorable winter conditions, damage called sunburn may appear on wood. All parts of the tree can receive such wounds, and at any time of the year.

To prevent burns, in addition to sheltering for the winter, it is necessary to properly water the tree and fertilize the soil. Before the onset of cold weather, the trunks and bases of skeletal branches must be whitened with slaked lime. To improve the effect, the tree should be sprayed with lime milk.

How to protect a peach from rodents in winter

It is necessary to protect fruit trees not only from frost, but also from rodents, otherwise the peach will die. There are 2 methods of protection:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical.

With the mechanical method, various materials are tied around the tree trunk and its branches (special nets for protection against rodents, roofing felt, coniferous spruce branches). When using dense materials, in order to avoid the formation of condensation, they must be removed during a thaw.

Trees can be treated with special repellent compounds. For example, a mixture of clay and cow manure with the addition of carbolic acid at the rate of 1 tablespoon per bucket of the mixture. A good rabbit repellent is a mixture of fish oil and naphthalene in a ratio of 8:1.

Bark cleaning and treatment against diseases and pests

Autumn peach processing necessarily includes measures to protect it from pests and various diseases. Peach is one of the crops that are often affected by fungal infections and harmful insects. To ensure good yields and avoid damage to plants, you need to follow a number of recommendations.

Regarding the barrel, you need to remember the following:

  1. First of all, inspect the barrel to see if it needs cleaning. If there are peeling areas of bark on the surface, any damage or growths, work needs to be done. It is also necessary to treat the trunk and the lower part of the skeletal branches if there is moss and lichen there.
  2. Before carrying out any type of cleaning, be sure to cover the space around the barrel with a tarpaulin or durable film. After finishing the work, collect all residues and burn or dispose of them without leaving them on the site.
  3. It is best to remove peeling bark with a special wooden or plastic scraper. You cannot use a metal tool; it will damage the wood. Carry out the work from any place, treating area by area so that there are no particles left under which pests can hibernate.
  4. If there is a lot of lichen on the trunk, the easiest way is to treat it with a solution of iron sulfate about 10 days before the main stage. And then you can easily and quickly remove the residue with a stiff brush. But if there are few lesions, you can simply carefully clean them off using any available devices that do not damage the upper cover of the trunk.
  5. After cleaning, minor damage that inevitably occurs even with careful work should be repaired. To do this, use garden pitch or other special composition. They simply cover all problem areas; the layer should be thin.
  6. The last stage is treating the trunk and lower branches with a solution of copper sulfate. It destroys all pathogenic spores and prevents damage to the tree in the near future.

Cleaning work is usually carried out every 3-5 years, it all depends on the condition of the bark. Spraying peach trees against pests and diseases in the fall is carried out every season; this is an essential part of preparing for winter. Most often, one of the following formulations is used:

  1. Urea. Spraying with urea allows you to get rid of almost all peach pests. The composition must be prepared taking into account the manufacturer’s instructions indicated on the packaging.
  2. Bordeaux mixture and copper sulfate are proven compositions for destroying all types of fungi. But they can be used no more than once a season, since the microelement accumulates in the soil and negatively affects the tree. Iron sulfate is often used as an alternative.
  3. “Abika-Pik”, “Gaupsin”, “Planriz”, “Skor”, “Trichodermin”, “Horus”, “Tattu” and other fungicides are suitable both as a means of combating fungi and for preventive purposes. They should be used strictly according to the instructions, without violating the proportions of the components.
  4. Treating peach in the fall with insecticides “Aktara”, “Aktellik”, “Enzhio”, etc. ensures the destruction of pests and their larvae.
  5. An emulsion made from diesel fuel allows you to fight most pests due to the fact that it creates an airtight film on the surface.
  6. Various folk compositions - infusions of tobacco dust, wormwood, etc. are effective as prophylaxis. But it is better to use them when the tree has not had any particular problems with pests this season. If insect activity is noticed, it is worth using chemicals.

As far as the process goes, treating wood is not difficult. First, mix the components according to the instructions, then you need to pour the composition into the tank and pump up the optimal pressure. Often, a stepladder is used to spray the upper part of the crown. It is most convenient to work with equipment with a long rod. When processing, pay attention not only to the branches and trunk, but also to the soil under the tree.

By the way!

It is best to plan work in the morning or evening; on cloudy days you can spray at any time. It is important that there is no wind and no precipitation is forecast for the next 2-3 days. This will ensure maximum processing efficiency.

Peach grafting technology in autumn

Grafting is the combination of some parts of different trees into one. Some gardeners graft varietal peach using a quince, apricot, plum or almond tree seedling as a rootstock.

The technology includes preparing cuttings of the required variety and further grafting onto a one- or two-year-old seedling.

Autumn grafting is successful only during prolonged warm weather . Early frosts can ruin all the results. The survival rate in autumn is very weak, so it is recommended to carry out such work in the spring.

A peach tree can be grown in almost any area, but in order for it to become established, it must be carefully cared for. For planting, it is advisable to choose an area protected from cold winds.

What and how to properly treat trees?

When choosing drugs for pest control and disease treatment, it is worth considering that each of these solutions is aimed at solving one type of problem, and therefore it is recommended to use them in combination.

There are several main tools used in processing:

  1. inkstone - a preparation used to process peaches. Useful microelements and iron contained in the solution nourish the plant and improve the oxidation process. The substance fights against lichen, moss, cytosporosis, scab and black cancer, as well as various parasites. Such processing helps improve the quality and quantity of the crop. To prepare the solution, 1 kg of dry iron sulfate powder is dissolved in 15 liters of water.

  2. Copper sulfate — contains fungicidal components that are used to combat putrefactive diseases, powdery mildew, scab and other diseases.

  3. Urea - a drug that is used to destroy the larvae of various pests, as well as as plant fertilizer.

Before you start processing a fruit tree, it is worth inspecting it: if there is moss or lichen on the trunk or branches, you must carefully clean this area with a metal brush.

You should also inspect the spraying apparatus: it is important to make sure that the hose is long enough to reach the top of the tree, since uneven treatment will not bring the desired result. The solution itself must be homogeneous, and therefore it should be mixed in a separate container and only then poured into the apparatus.

Important! When preparing a urea solution, you must strictly follow the instructions, otherwise a high concentration of the drug can lead to numerous burns to the tree.

When starting spraying, you must adhere to the basic rules of technology:

  • in order for the solution to completely cover the entire plant with dew, you should hold the tip of the apparatus at a distance of about 70 cm from the plant;
  • you need to ensure that the drug is also applied to the back side of the foliage;
  • After finishing the procedure, you should thoroughly rinse all parts of the device.

When spraying to control pests, it is recommended to additionally treat the soil around the tree trunk and neighboring plants.

About the frost resistance of peach

Peaches are not as sissy as they seem at first glance. Many varieties at the stage of absolute dormancy are able to withstand low temperature conditions down to minus 30-32°C, but flower buds often die even at temperatures of minus 21-23°C, and flower buds - minus 8-10°C. To the great regret of flower growers, peach flowers and ovaries can die when the temperature drops to minus 3°C.

Highly winter-hardy varieties that can withstand significant frosts freeze slightly even in severe winters, and are represented by:

Not only winter, but also spring frosts can harm garden fruit crops, to which the varieties “Valiant”, “Veteran”, “Lebedev”, “Golden Jubilee” and “Red Haven” are most resistant. When planning the planting of peach plantations on a personal plot, it is recommended to pay attention to frost-resistant new varieties, which include “Vavilovsky”, “Harmony”, “Doctorsky”, “Crimean Autumn”, “Crimean Fireworks”, “Refreshing”, "Ambassador of Peace" and "Starter".

Fertilizers and fertilizers

Mineral complexes and high-quality organic matter are usually added to peach trees.


As soon as the harvest is harvested, phosphorus and potassium need to be added to the peach. Usually take 45 g of Superphosphate (in granules) and 55 g of potassium chloride per square meter. m. Wood ash can also be used as a supplement. Fertilizer should be applied only to the tree trunk circle.

If the soil is fertile enough and the peach tree is not too old, you should not apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Otherwise, the plant will begin to grow intensively and will not be able to fully prepare for the winter period, and this is fraught with its inevitable death.

A universal remedy is mineral complexes containing all the necessary trace and microelements, and in optimal proportions. Among the universal preparations, nitroammofoska should be noted. It contains essential macronutrients in a form that is easy for plants to absorb.

Attention! Do not exceed the application dosage, as this may cause the accumulation of nitrates in the soil.


Every autumn, preferably in September, 4 buckets of manure are applied under an adult peach tree. For young trees, 2 buckets will be enough. If the soil is already fertile, then organic matter should be added much less frequently - approximately once every 3 years. But some gardeners prefer to do this every fall, simply reducing the dosage.

It is not recommended to apply fresh manure under young trees, as it can easily burn their fragile root system. Only rotted substrate is suitable for them.

For adult plants, mostly fresh manure is used, since their rhizomes are already deeply buried in the ground and there is no need to be afraid of burns. In addition, during the winter period, the organic matter will rot well and release maximum nutrients to the soil, thanks to which the tree will be able to receive good nutrition immediately after waking up.

An important part of using organic matter is mulching the soil. They both nourish and protect peach trees from winter cold. Mulch can be applied in different ways and at any time of the year. But if we are talking about autumn application, then take manure, peat or compost.

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