Why grow strawberries next to garlic: the benefits of strange juxtaposition in the garden

Main advantages

The advantages of joint planting include protection from pests. Garlic is a very good fungicide, which is why it can protect strawberries from various pests. It sometimes works much better than many pesticides.

Another advantage is the rational use of land, since not everyone has enough space to grow all the desired crops. That is why it is necessary to accommodate all the plantings on a fairly small piece of land. Strawberries and garlic are often planted together, as they do not interfere with each other's growth.

Also among the advantages it is necessary to highlight the obstacle of soil depletion. In order for plants to develop well and not have a lack of useful nutrients, it is important to observe crop rotation. In the same area, different crops must be grown annually, which release different microelements into the soil.

What to plant to improve soil health?

After a seasonal cultivation of vegetable, fruit or berry crops, most likely, the soil at the place where they grow will be depleted, so for further successful cultivation of strawberries you will have to take care of replenishing the lost nutrients. To do this, in the autumn, while digging up the soil, manure and minerals are added (for example, superphosphate or complex fertilizer for strawberry crops), and then green manure plants in the form of rapeseed, phacelia, and lupine are planted.

We recommend reading our electronic magazine about growing strawberries.

In addition, beans, which are also sown before winter or a year before planting strawberries, can restore the nutritional value of the substrate and contribute to obtaining a bountiful harvest of strawberries.

Do strawberries need garlic?

It is very important to prevent soil depletion, which is why home garden owners often practice growing strawberries and garlic together.

During its growth, garlic releases phytoncides into the soil. These are substances that help destroy harmful microorganisms or slow down their vital activity. It is thanks to such phytoncides that strawberries do not rot and are not damaged by fungi.

In addition, the smell of garlic repels insects. That is why pests do not spoil sweet berries.

After what to plant?

Let's try to list the crops according to their effect on spice bulbs.


Acceptable precursors are:

  • Strawberries, garden strawberries. Planting after strawberries of the Victoria variety is especially effective, when the plot is moved to a new location.
  • Zucchini and squash.
  • Greens (lettuce, spinach or dill). In cases where the greens are perennial, you will have to take measures to prevent them from growing again when planting garlic.
  • Beet.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Tomatoes. In the event that they suffered from diseases, garlic is a good solution. It suffers from other diseases, but it disinfects the soil from tomato diseases.

This is not the best, but an acceptable option. With sufficient fertilizer and proper watering, one cannot expect a decrease in the yield on these plots.

It is forbidden

There are a number of plants after which it is unacceptable to plant garlic. These include:

  • Onion. It uses the same nutrients as garlic. They also have common pests.
  • Potato. As a predecessor, it is not bad - but it suffers from the same diseases and pests.
  • Carrot. This vegetable greatly depletes the soil - and therefore one cannot expect a good harvest of garlic after carrots.
  • All types of cabbage.
  • Lilies. They are biologically quite similar to garlic, and therefore planting after them will reduce the yield.

Why shouldn't you plant garlic and strawberries together?

There is an opinion that when growing in the same bed with garlic, strawberries do not rot or spoil due to the fact that there is nothing to spoil, since there are only green bushes, but there are no berries on them.

It turns out that when planted together, the berries do not set and do not grow, or simply grow poorly. In addition, it is not the fact of joint planting itself that is of great importance, but the correctness of its implementation.

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Many summer residents and gardeners believe that it is very important to plant garlic between the strawberry bushes, and not do it chaotically. In addition, it is best when these crops coexist in different areas or if garlic becomes a predecessor.

A good example of a neighbor is to plant a few rows of berries, then leave some empty space and plant a few rows of garlic.

Planting winter garlic in strawberries and how it is beneficial

Garlic and strawberries, to be honest, they are a great pair, to paraphrase the famous song. And there is no reason to ignore the benefits of joint planting, especially in the fall.

Most gardeners prefer to grow winter garlic, which, after hibernation during the winter, begins active growth in the spring and manages to grow larger bulbs than when planted in spring.

In the fall, the beds with strawberries, or garden strawberries, are put in order: dead leaves are cut off and thickened bushes are planted, since for good fruiting strawberries must be given at least a free 30-50 cm, at the very least 15 cm. But here an important point arises . The freed space will be quickly occupied by weeds, which thrive in the autumn coolness. If you absolutely do not want to give weeds a place in the garden bed, spot plant winter garlic directly into the strawberry bed.

Companion planting allows you to increase the productivity of your bed and also support the growth of your neighbors in a variety of ways.

For example, when it comes to the sweet, juicy fruit of strawberries, insect pests are just as enamored with them as humans are.

Luckily, we have garlic for protection.

It has already been proven that when planted together, garlic repels spider mites, which are destructive to strawberry plants. Scientists planted garlic in a plot of strawberries and then counted the number of two-spotted spider mites. Tests were carried out both in the field and in the greenhouse. The proximity to garlic reduced the mite population by 52% when strawberries were heavily infested.

But the garlic aroma is a beneficial entomophagous insect and attracts ladybugs and lacewings.

Next, the sulfur compounds produced by garlic are a natural soil fungicide that will help prevent gray mold (Botrytis). So when preparing your strawberry bed for winter, be sure to find a place for a wonderful neighbor!

Select the largest cloves with the skin intact and soak overnight before planting. Fill a quart jar with water and add a teaspoon of baking soda. Stir and then place the cloves into the solution to soak.

This soaking not only promotes germination, but also prevents rot. Autumn can be rainy, and a little extra protection from overly wet soils certainly won't hurt.

Since you will be planting in spots and not in rows as for garlic production, make a planting hole under each clove. Dig about 10 cm deep and fill the bottom with a 3 cm layer of compost.

But first, mix more coffee grounds into the compost. Coffee grounds attract earthworms, which loosen the soil, while strawberries and garlic are best grown in loose soils.

Once you have laid down the layer of compost, place the clove with the pointed end facing up and fill with the remaining compost to the top.

Do not compact the soil, but mulch with a 3cm layer of clean straw immediately after planting. This will keep weed seeds out but won't disturb the garlic. Add another layer of mulch - straw with chopped leaves - in late autumn, when you prepare the strawberries for wintering.

Next year, both crops will require early spring soil fertilization with nitrogen fertilizers, and then foliar fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus.

Photo: Dmitry Lukyanov.

To plant together or not?

When planting various plants, you must be guided by your own knowledge and observations. Much depends on the region in which the crops are grown, the quality of the soil, as well as many other factors that can affect the final result.

Only after trying several options yourself will you be able to understand what exactly has a positive effect on the growth and fruiting of strawberries.

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Strawberry seedlings

I sowed strawberry seeds on February 1 in a common container, and in early April I planted the seedlings in separate cups, which I made myself from plastic bags. In one of my articles you can read how I sowed strawberries, how I planted them, and how quickly and easily you can make homemade cups that are no worse than so-called diapers.

About 10 days after picking, I fed the seedlings with an extract from eggshells, and ten days later - with nitrogenous fertilizer made from ammonia: I dissolved two pharmaceutical cubes of ten percent ammonia in 1 liter of settled water.

Today is May 25, my strawberry already has a lot of true leaves, and it has undergone a long hardening in a wall-mounted greenhouse, which has not been closed even at night for a week. The seedlings are absolutely ready for planting in the ground.

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How to plant garlic over strawberries

You can plant garlic after strawberries in the fall. It is recommended to plan sowing for October, and in Siberia and the Urals it is better to do this at the beginning of the month, and in the middle zone - in the second decade. As for the southern regions, the optimal period is the end of October or the first ten days of November.

Before starting, you need to divide the head into individual cloves and soak them for 20-30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1%). You can also prepare a saline solution - 250 g per 5 liters of water or 500 g per 10 liters. You can also hold it for half an hour.

The site should be prepared several months in advance. Complex mineral fertilizer is applied to the soil in an amount of 30-40 g per square meter. Instead, you can use humus or compost - 5 kg per 1 m2. If the soil contains a lot of clay, you should add coarse sand or sawdust up to 1 kg to the same area. The planting site should be open and not located in a lowland (without stagnation of rain and melt water).

Joint planting will protect strawberries from insects and fungal infections.

The work algorithm is as follows:

Holes should be made between strawberry bushes, at approximately the same interval. You can also choose the following planting scheme:

This scheme is suitable for a large garden bed. If strawberry bushes are already growing in the garden, the cloves are planted between them, moving in a checkerboard pattern and maintaining a distance of 20-30 cm. In the middle and second half of summer, the garlic crop ripens. They are removed, and young strawberry rosettes are planted in the vacant space.

The landing instructions are as follows:

Then the plant will begin to secrete juice, and the garlic aroma will intensify. This will reliably repel insects.

Is it possible to plant garlic after strawberries and vice versa?

There are various ways to distribute crops nearby. You can plant garlic after strawberries and vice versa, alternating plants:

In July, the vegetable is dug up and strawberry rosettes are planted in its place. Next season the plot will be completely occupied by berry crops. After harvesting, old plantings reserved for berries are dug up and the plants are removed. In the fall, after strawberries, you can plant garlic, observing crop rotation so that the soil is not depleted.

The next option: combined planting, when the vegetable is placed between the rows of garden strawberries according to a certain pattern.

Is it possible to plant garlic next to or after strawberries?

It is definitely possible to plant garlic after strawberries, since thanks to this technique the soil is cleared of pathogenic fungi and other microorganisms. Similarly, you can plant strawberries after garlic. As for joint plantings, the opinions of summer residents vary. On the one hand, this is a successful combination of cultures. But on the other hand, they have a common pest - the soil nematode. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct an experiment, making one joint planting, and observe the condition of the plants.

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