The most favorable days for planting onions in winter in the Moscow region in 2022

Features of the climate of the Moscow region

The Moscow region is distinguished by its temperate continental climate. There is a clear expression of seasons here. The region is warm in summer, moderate frosty weather sets in in winter, and the snow cover is stable.

The average annual air temperature here ranges from +3.7 to +3.8 degrees Celsius, the amount of precipitation is 550 mm (sometimes reaches 900 mm). The number of warm days per year is from 206 to 216. The average daylight hours are from 15 to 17 hours.

Preparing bulbs for planting

Before planting, bulbs are calibrated while simultaneously rejecting specimens unsuitable for planting:

  • dried out;
  • with signs of illness;
  • injured;
  • rotten.

When calibrating, planting bulbs are divided into fractions:

FractionBulb diameter (diameter), cmPurpose
Oatmeal1planted on a turnip
Sevok1-2on a turnip or feather
Samples2-3,5to get a green feather

This is interesting! The larger the planting fraction, the faster the feather grows in the spring. In wild oat, feathers grow longer than in other factions, and the number of leaves is smaller.

Benefits of autumn planting onions

Winter planting has many advantages. They consist in the fact that in the autumn:

  • more water accumulates in the soil; seeds are better saturated with moisture, germinate easier and faster;
  • the number of insects that can harm crops is reduced.

Vegetables planted in the fall last longer and better retain their nutritional and taste qualities. The immunity of such a crop is also strengthened: the bulbs are less susceptible to infections, and are less likely to rot and deteriorate.


  • After planting, do not water the onions to prevent germination. If there is no rain after 10 days, the soil needs to be slightly moistened.
  • Caring for onions planted in winter is not required during the wintering period, since at this time the bulb begins to take root and “freezes” until spring.
  • With the onset of spring, the soil warms up and you can remove the protective film from the beds, and after a week remove the mulch.
  • Immediately after removing the covering material, you can fertilize the soil with wood ash at the rate of 10 g per 1 sq.m.
  • At the 4 leaf phase stage, when the bulb is formed, one of two fertilizers is applied:
      liquid chicken manure;
  • azofoska – 25 g per 1 sq.m.
  • It is better to do loosening every time after weeding and the next watering.
  • Watering is carried out in dry weather 2 times a week, 5-10 liters per 1 sq.m., and when it rains, there is no need to water.

You can grow winter onions not only in the Moscow region, but also in other regions of the country, for example, in the Urals and Siberia. You can learn about this, as well as whether you need to trim onions before planting, from our other articles.

The best varieties for planting in winter

Early and mid-season varieties of crops are suitable for the Moscow region. It is best to choose varieties:

  • “Arzamas” (cold-resistant, high yield);
  • “Odintsovets” (does not form shoots, grows in 100–110 days, average bulb weight is 60–90 g);
  • “Voronezh 86” (ripens in 90–116 days, preserves for a long time and successfully);
  • “Centurion” (early ripening variety, suitable for long-term storage, does not bolt);
  • “Hercules” (early ripening, frost-resistant; does not form shoots, has good storability).

The climate and weather conditions of the Moscow region are such that almost any variety of vegetable can be planted in the region. You just need to pay attention to the fact that the diameter of each bulb selected for planting is at least 1 cm.


Gardening specialists do not recommend planting leeks for the winter, even on the best days for this. This type of crop is not suitable for winter planting, so it will not be possible to grow a rich harvest.

What types of onions can be planted before winter?

Almost all types of onions are suitable for winter planting, except leeks. Typically planted:

  • Nigella is a seed material from which small onion sets for planting and onion greens are obtained in the spring.
  • Oatmeal (sevok) is a planting material that produces a full-fledged head in July.
  • Batun is a perennial variety that provides early spring green vitamins.
  • Shallots are a frost-resistant species that produces up to 15 heads from one bulb.

Prohibited (unfavorable) days for planting onions

You cannot plant vegetables on days when there is a full moon and a new moon. This is a transitional time when all plants are dormant. The movement of nutrients and water in the soil stops, all life processes are suspended.

Seeds sown and planted during the full and new moon periods germinate poorly or not at all, seedlings grow weakened, are often susceptible to disease and produce a poor harvest.

It is not recommended to plant bulbs at the very beginning of autumn (the first week of September), otherwise in the spring many arrows will appear on the onion beds.

Growing conditions and rules

Winter onions are grown in all regions, but in the northern regions and in the Moscow region, for a long time only spring planting was common.
With the advent of winter-hardy onion varieties, gardeners recognized the benefits of planting this vegetable before winter. To obtain a high yield, you need to know the subtleties and features of autumn planting in this region, which determine the choice of winter or other variety, timing and soil preparation.

The choice of location for planting onions is of great importance. This should be a place that is sufficiently lit and warmed by sunlight; a small head will grow in the shade, even if the soil is good. Onion beds should not be in places where water stagnates after rain or snow melts. The moment for planting is chosen so that the seedlings have time to take root, but not release their feathers.

Features of growing onions

Planting onions before winter (in September, October, November) has its own characteristics. In order to get a good harvest, it is necessary to correctly select the most favorable planting days according to the lunar calendar, prepare planting material and soil, and provide proper care for the seedlings.

How to prepare the bulbs

Before planting, the seeds should be sorted and bad specimens should be discarded. Planting material is divided into wild oats (the diameter of each bulb is less than 1 cm), sets (from 1 to 3 cm in diameter) and selection (more than 3 cm). The first two are suitable for growing turnip vegetables, the latter is planted if you want to get fresh greens by spring.

There is no need to specially prepare or soak the bulbs before planting them in the ground. Dry seeds tolerate lower soil temperatures better. And those that are pre-soaked run the risk of rotting and not sprouting.

Popular winter varieties

NameDescription, features
Radar F1Hybrid Dutch variety. Withstands temperatures down to -25°C if there is snow cover. The ripening period is early. The fruit is rounded and oblong, weighing up to 350 grams. The taste is islandy. Keeping quality is good.
Stuttgarter RisenGerman variety. The ripening period is mid-season (110 days). The fruit is flattened and weighs up to 150 grams. The taste is spicy. Keeping quality is good.
ShakespeareFrost-resistant - down to -18°C, dense protective scales. Ripening earlier. The fruit is medium, size up to 120 grams. The taste is semi-sharp.
Red BaronFrost-resistant. Ripening earlier (90 days). The fruit is red, up to 250 grams. The taste is islandy. Keeping quality is high. Resistant to pests and diseases.
SturonDutch hybrid. Cold resistant. The fruit is elongated in the form of an ellipse, up to 220 grams. The taste is bitter and pungent, the smell is pungent. Keeping quality is good.
Panther F1Japanese hybrid. Frost-resistant - down to -28°C. The fruit is round with a thin neck, up to 200 grams. Resistant to shooting. Ripening later (135 days).
RubyUkrainian variety. The fruit is round up to 80 grams (purple-silver). Ripening is quick (70 days). Keeping quality is good.

Common mistakes when landing

The recommended planting dates cannot be violated; this is the biggest mistake. The onion planting calendar reflects suitable dates for working with this vegetable. But there are other possible errors that negatively affect crop productivity:

  1. Large onions need to be buried in the holes, otherwise they will freeze.
  2. You cannot choose areas for planting where groundwater comes close to the surface of the earth. Then the vegetable will hurt due to stagnation of moisture.
  3. If you do not weed the weeds when the first shoots appear, the harvest volume will be reduced by half. Young plants will not have enough nutrients.
  4. Without loosening the soil, oxygen will not reach the roots of the vegetable, which will slow down its growth.
  5. After the first arrows appear, the plants are thinned out. If you do not do this procedure, the onions will turn out small and weak.
  6. The lack of fertilizing will lead to the fact that the vegetable will develop poorly and build up green mass.
  7. The first watering of the beds is carried out only after the snow melts.

All these simple rules will help inexperienced gardeners avoid mistakes when growing onions.


Treatment with fungicides will help protect onions from fungal diseases.

Almost every summer resident in Russia grows onions. This garden crop can be planted not only in the spring, but also before the onset of winter. This method is suitable for middle zone conditions. But in colder regions it is better to stick to the traditional planting option.

Varieties for the middle zone

For the middle zone, varieties are chosen that are resistant to temperature changes. The weather in the middle zone can be unstable.


This is an early variety that reproduces well both by planting sets and seeds.

Characteristics and description:

  • fruit weight - from 150 to 250 g;
  • color - yellow-brown;
  • the taste is spicy.

The advantage of the variety is its tendency to long-term storage. In addition, onions do not shoot as well as other varieties in this category.


An unusual variety that produces small bulbs weighing only 45-80 g. The color of the fruit is warm, bright yellow. The disadvantage of the variety is poor protection against pests and susceptibility to diseases. At the same time, the variety is perfectly stored taking into account the conditions.

"Strigunovsky" is often grown on an industrial scale in central Russia. It was included in the State Register back in 1943, but still remains one of the most popular varieties for planting before winter in the middle zone.


The variety is resistant to fungus. The bulbs ripen in 60-75 days.

Characteristics and description:

  • weight - from 100 g;
  • color - light brown;
  • the pulp is juicy, sharp, snow-white;
  • shape - round.

"Sturon" is grown for long-term storage. It tolerates transportation well. Winter onions, the varieties of which can be considered zoned, are planted in different regions of Russia at different times. For example, for the middle zone, planting is planned for October-November. Siberia or the Urals are already covered with snow at this time, so sowing there should be done earlier. The main condition is that the sprouts must have time to grow a neck with a diameter of up to 5 mm. before frost sets in.


This is a variety whose ancestor was the no less popular Shakespeare variety. This is the result of Dutch selection, where 2 varieties with rare properties were crossed. "Kip-Well" is characterized by high yield and is resistant to the formation of spears.

Description and characteristics:

  • fruit weight is 150-250g;
  • color varies from yellowish brown to dark brown;
  • the taste is spicy.

The variety can be stored for a long time if a comfortable temperature and humidity are maintained. It is known to tolerate even cold winters well if the soil is properly mulched.

"Red Baron"

The bulbs of this variety have a beautiful appearance. The onion has a rich red husk, dense in structure. A section of the fruit makes it possible to see a combination of white and red rings. The taste is suitable for dressing salads from fresh vegetables or preparing canned food.

Description and characteristics:

  • weight - no more than 150 g;
  • shape - oblong, semi-oval;
  • the taste is spicy.

"Red Baron" has become one of those varieties for which pre-winter planting becomes preferable. When planted before winter, the fruits are preserved better, and the resistance of the plantings to numerous diseases allows you to count on a good harvest.


Winter onion variety "Snowball" was created by Dutch breeders for pre-winter planting. It is resistant to cold, has almost no tendency to bolt, and is also resistant to various diseases typical of winter varieties.


  • weight – up to 140 g;
  • White color
  • taste – semi-sharp.

Gardeners love Snowball for its white pulp, special taste and aroma. The variety is recommended to be grown with mandatory soil mulching.

"Centruion" F1

This hybrid is popular among gardeners in the middle zone. The variety is resistant to various diseases.

Characteristics and description:

  • weight - 65-150 g;
  • shape - round, oval, elongated;
  • taste - sharp, sharp;
  • The pulp is juicy and white.

"Centruion" is traditionally planted after temperatures drop to 5°.

"Stuttgarten Riesen"

The main advantage of the variety is stable yield.

Fruit characteristics and features:

  • weight - from 50 to 100 g;
  • color - golden yellow;
  • shape – oblong.

Despite early ripening, root crops are stored until spring without loss, provided that comfortable conditions are maintained.


This variety is known as high-yielding. It ripens early, so it is perfect for the middle zone.

Description and characteristics:

  • fruit weight - from 100 to 400 g;
  • color - dense scales of a yellowish-brown hue;
  • shape - elongated.

Due to the special density of the scales, the bulbs are stored for several months without the need to check each specimen. If softness appears, the fruit should be discarded, the room ventilated and storage continued.

Landing technology

If the soil and planting bulbs are prepared, you can proceed directly to the planting procedure. It is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. planting grooves are made in the garden bed;
  2. the distance between rows is taken to be about 20 cm;
  3. for small onions, the depth of the furrows is 5 cm, for large-sized fractions - 8 cm;
  4. place the bulbs in the grooves so that the planting step is 7 cm;
  5. pour a seven-centimeter layer of prepared soil mixture on top of the bulbs;
  6. The bed is leveled and compacted a little.

Important! The larger the planted bulbs, the greater the spacing in the row between them and the planting depth.

Preparing the beds

Soil preparation should begin at least a couple of weeks before planting. This is the time it takes for the soil in the furrows to settle. There is no need to plant onions in the place where garlic and onions already grew before. Dig up the soil in the garden bed, remove all roots and plant debris. Fertilize the soil with humus and ash. The holes must be located at a distance of at least 15 cm from each other.

It is recommended to make separate grooves in the garden bed for onions of different sizes. The distance between plants should be about 6 cm. Sprinkle the sets with humus, not soil. It will be easy for young feathers to break through. Above the grooves you need to pour a mound several cm high. This agrotechnical technique will provide the bulbs with protection from frost in winter. In the spring it must be removed, leaving only a thin layer of humus. When the soil freezes, the beds should be mulched. Straw, spruce branches, dry grass, etc. are used as mulch.

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