Secrets of tasty and long harvests - cucumber Octopus F1 (Octopus): description and characteristics of the variety

Vegetable growing » Cucumbers



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Kira Stoletova

Beginning summer residents and even professionals are looking for new varieties of vegetable crops every new season that can satisfy all requirements. The assortment of modern cucumbers is huge, which complicates the selection process. Agronomists who specialize in growing this crop advise paying attention to the Octopus cucumber variety and its characteristics.

Characteristics of Octopus cucumbers

Harvesting and storage

The optimal time to collect ripe greens is early morning. To ensure that the fruits do not stop knitting, they are removed daily. Moreover, this allows you not to overload the lashes, which can break under excessive weight. Overgrown cucumbers retain their green color and sweet taste, but greatly weaken the plant. Remove the fruits using sharp pruners treated with alcohol.

For your information!

To keep the fruits longer, the containers are pre-disinfected. It is treated with a manganese solution and then dried.

Ripe fruits are removed to a cool place. The greens are first sorted, removing damaged and disease-affected specimens. For quick consumption, they can be placed in the refrigerator compartment in the vegetable compartment. For longer storage, use a dry basement with good ventilation. The bottom of the container where the fruits are placed is pre-lined with newspapers.

Characteristics of Octopus cucumbers

Beginning summer residents and even professionals are looking for new varieties of vegetable crops every new season that can satisfy all requirements. The range of cucumbers of modern selection is huge, which complicates the selection process

Agronomists who specialize in growing this crop advise paying attention to the Octopus cucumber variety and its characteristics

Characteristics of Octopus cucumbers

Characteristics of the variety

The variety has a mid-early ripening period. The harvest can be harvested in 43-48 days. It has a long fruiting period, which ensures high productivity. 50-65 tons of cucumbers ripen on one hectare. Suitable for cultivation in open ground and greenhouses. The variety is resistant to high temperatures and drought, which allows it to be grown in all regions of the middle zone. Used for industrial cultivation.

Description of the bush

The bush is medium-sized with well-developed central and lateral stems. The leaves are rounded-pentagonal in shape, large and medium in size, with clear, slightly dissected edges. The color of the leaf blade is green with a clear vein pattern. 3-4 fruits are formed per internode.

Description of the fruit

Fruits are gherkin type, small in size. The cucumber grows up to 8 cm long with an average weight of 50-70 grams. The proportional ratio of length to width is 3:1. They have a neat shape and high-quality presentation.

  • dense green skin;
  • smooth cylindrical shape;
  • the tuberosity is large;
  • there are no thorns;
  • the ribbing of the surface is visible;
  • the flesh is dense, crispy;
  • The seed box is small, the seeds are small.

Cucumbers of this variety are ideal for supplying the fresh produce market. Collected fruits are stored well at a temperature of 3-8 °C

Sowing seeds

Sow seeds as seedlings or directly into the ground. Sowing of seedlings is carried out starting in mid-April and at the age of 25-30 the seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse or open ground. The optimal time for planting is mid-May, when the soil temperature reaches 15°C and night frosts no longer threaten young plants.

At the same time, tomatoes are sown directly into the ground without seedlings. It must be remembered that cucumber seeds do not germinate at temperatures below 12 °C and may die. You need to leave enough free space between plants, taking into account the growth rate of the bushes. The optimal distance would be 30-40 cm between seedlings and the width between rows should be at least 60 cm. The density should not be more than 3 plants per 1 square meter.

Top dressing

The plant needs fertilizer

During the growing season, it is enough to carry it out three times.

  1. 2 weeks after planting in the ground or emergence of seedlings. Use complex fertilizer for pumpkin crops. Suitable soluble balanced fertilizers (Master, Kemira, Viva). Apply instructions accordingly.
  2. At the beginning of flowering, the bushes are sprayed with a solution of urea (5 g per 10 liters of water), and a week later with a drug to stimulate the ovary (Ovary, Phytocarpin, Boroplus).
  3. 14 days after the previous one, spray with urea or complex chelate fertilizer (Plantafol, Clean Sheet).


On hot days, the bushes are watered twice a day. The best time to water will be morning and evening. Spraying with clean water also has a beneficial effect on plants.

On cool days, watering should be reduced. Excess moisture has a bad effect on the growth of cucumbers and leads to the development of fungal diseases. You should also not water with cold water; this is unacceptable for cucumbers.

Pests and diseases

The Octopus variety, as described, is resistant to the following diseases:

  • powdery mildew;
  • cladospora blight;
  • cucumber mosaic.

Requires preventive treatments against fusarium and paresporosis. To protect against these diseases, every 10 days the bushes are sprayed with Trichodermin, Fitosporin or other biofungicides and enzymes. They are eco-friendly and protect bushes well from fungal diseases.

Plants may be damaged by pests, especially if the summer is hot and dry. Aphids and spider mites can be found on bushes. These are parasitic pests that deplete cucumbers and can prevent them from developing to their full potential. To control pests, it is advisable to use industrial insecticides, bioinsecticides, and also folk recipes that have proven themselves to be effective.

What to process

Recommended preparations for treating cucumbers against pests:

  1. Insecticides: Mospilan, Aktelik.
  2. Bioinsecticides: Bioreid, Actofit.
  3. Folk remedies: onion peels, garlic peels, tobacco dust, ash.


Sowing seeds

Nutritious soils with a pH level of 5.5-7 are suitable for this variety. The bed for planting Octopus should be well loosened and carefully prepared.

Sow seeds as seedlings or directly into the ground. Sowing of seedlings is carried out starting in mid-April and at the age of 25-30 the seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse or open ground. The optimal time for planting is mid-May, when the soil temperature reaches 15°C and night frosts no longer threaten young plants.

At the same time, tomatoes are sown directly into the ground without seedlings. It must be remembered that cucumber seeds do not germinate at temperatures below 12 °C and may die. You need to leave enough free space between plants, taking into account the growth rate of the bushes. The optimal distance would be 30-40 cm between seedlings and the width between rows should be at least 60 cm. The density should not be more than 3 plants per 1 square meter.

Top dressing

The plant needs fertilizer

To ensure full growth, development and fruiting, cucumbers will need fertilizing.

During the growing season, it is enough to carry it out three times.

  1. 2 weeks after planting in the ground or emergence of seedlings. Use complex fertilizer for pumpkin crops. Suitable soluble balanced fertilizers (Master, Kemira, Viva). Apply instructions accordingly.
  2. At the beginning of flowering, the bushes are sprayed with a solution of urea (5 g per 10 liters of water), and a week later with a drug to stimulate the ovary (Ovary, Phytocarpin, Boroplus).
  3. 14 days after the previous one, spray with urea or complex chelate fertilizer (Plantafol, Clean Sheet).


In order for the bushes to grow well, fruits to set, and the harvest to reach maximum levels, watering must be regular and correct.

On hot days, the bushes are watered twice a day. The best time to water will be morning and evening. Spraying with clean water also has a beneficial effect on plants.

On cool days, watering should be reduced. Excess moisture has a bad effect on the growth of cucumbers and leads to the development of fungal diseases. You should also not water with cold water; this is unacceptable for cucumbers.

Description of Octopus cucumbers

Cucumber Octopus f1 is a bee-pollinated hybrid. The plants are small in size with thick stems and pentagonal leaves. They bear fruit in small groups of 4-5 pieces. Cucumber weight is from 70 to 90 grams. The cucumber itself has a bright green color, the fruits, unlike the Chinese miracle cucumber variety, are small 5-9 cm, large-tubercular, regular cucumber-shaped, without bitterness.

The plant has a female flowering type, mid-season - fruits appear on the 40-50th day. The Octopus f1 cucumber variety produces a harvest for a very long time: in dry and warm autumn in open ground it can bear fruit until the end of October, while the plant does not get sick, and the cucumber remains just as bright and tasty. This variety must be grown outdoors because it needs bee pollination.

Harvesting and storage

The cucumber variety Octopus f1 bears fruit well. Literally from 1 sq. m. you can harvest up to 15 kg of cucumbers. Fruits can be collected either manually or mechanically. This variety of cucumbers is easily transported and stored for a long time.

Cucumber does not lose its color brightness during long-term storage. Favorable temperature for storage is 3-8 degrees. Octopus f1 is an excellent variety of cucumbers. It will delight everyone with its appearance, taste and harvest.


Cucumber "Monisia f1" can be grown in two ways (depending on climatic conditions). Let's take a closer look.

The first is the seedling method of growing

Dates: beginning of May.

Seedlings are grown using the cassette method or in pots. To sow seeds, a mixture is required: soil, sand and humus (proportion - 2:0.5:1). The volume of soil in pots is approximately 400 cm³.

To avoid stretching of seedlings, a certain light regime should be observed; artificial lighting may be used.

Approximately 20 days after sowing the seeds (late May - early June), the period of “three to four true leaves” begins, when the seedlings should be transplanted into a greenhouse or open ground. The following scheme should be followed:

  1. 2-2.5 plants per 1 m² - for vertical (trellis) cultivation;
  2. 4-4.5 plants per 1 m² - when grown horizontally.

Seed consumption is 1.5-3 g per 10 m2 (1.5-3 kg/ha).

Dates: end of May - beginning of June (depending on the growing region).

Place manure in well-fertilized and dug soil to a depth of 2 cm in the holes and sprinkle with earth; Sow the seeds themselves at a depth of 1-1.5 cm and cover with soil. Sow according to the pattern: 40x50cm. After this, cover the crops with film. After all the seeds have sprouted, the coating should be removed and the seedlings should be thinned out (by pinching).

Which method of growing cucumbers do you prefer?

Seedling methodSowing seeds in open ground

Growing and care

Top dressing

Three feedings per season are required:

  1. 14 days after germination of seeds in open ground or transfer of seedlings there (use a complex product such as Kemira-Lux or Viva);
  2. At the beginning of flowering, spray the leaves with a solution of 5 g of urea in a bucket of water;
  3. After two weeks - a complex preparation in chelate form or repeated spraying with a urea solution.

Cucumbers, especially at the beginning of development, require nitrogen, which is contained in organic fertilizers. The first feeding can be replaced by watering with mullein solution (1 liter per 10 liters of water).


In hot weather, water the bushes daily, otherwise 2-3 times a week. Use warm and settled water; watering is carried out in the evening.

In addition, the soil is carefully loosened, and the bushes are tied to supports

Growing and care

Top dressing

Three feedings per season are required:

  1. 14 days after germination of seeds in open ground or transfer of seedlings there (use a complex product such as Kemira-Lux or Viva);
  2. At the beginning of flowering, spray the leaves with a solution of 5 g of urea in a bucket of water;
  3. After two weeks - a complex preparation in chelate form or repeated spraying with a urea solution.

Cucumbers, especially at the beginning of development, require nitrogen, which is contained in organic fertilizers. The first feeding can be replaced by watering with mullein solution (1 liter per 10 liters of water).


In hot weather, water the bushes daily, otherwise 2-3 times a week. Use warm and settled water; watering is carried out in the evening.

In addition, the soil is carefully loosened, and the bushes are tied to supports

Properties of fruits, advantages and disadvantages

Zelentsy variety - smooth cylinders. They have high commercial characteristics, rarely overgrow and are not prone to barreling. When canned, the fruits fit comfortably even into small containers. The taste of cucumbers is also excellent. Their dense, crispy flesh contains sweet notes. Therefore, the crop can be used in cooking in different ways.

The benefits of cucumber are not limited to this:

  1. High yield. Practicing gardeners manage to get more greens than stated by the originator.
  2. A figure of up to 25 kg/sq.m. is mentioned. m (for greenhouses).
  3. Immune resistance to some diseases typical of cucumbers.
  4. Precocity.
  5. One-dimensionality of fruits. Friendly return.
  6. Good shade tolerance.
  7. Availability of crops for transportation.
  • susceptibility to some diseases of melons;
  • high proportion of non-commercial fruits.

Pros and cons of the variety

Octopus is endowed with many advantages, thanks to which gardeners appreciate the variety.


Description of the positive characteristics of the variety:

  • excellent taste of fruits;
  • neat shape;
  • high productivity;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • mid-ripening;
  • cucumber tolerates drought and high atmospheric temperatures well;
  • the variety is resistant to many diseases;
  • Cucumber is great for both pickling and pickling.
  • Minuses

  • You cannot harvest cucumber seeds.
  • Secrets of tasty and long harvests - cucumber Octopus F1 (Octopus): description and characteristics of the variety

    Octopus is endowed with all the advantages for which gardeners and farmers value hybrids. It is not afraid of many diseases, bears fruit steadily and for a long time, and sets fruit well. The plant requires bees to form ovaries, but this is not a disadvantage if it is planted in open ground.

    Landing locationRipening timeMode of applicationFruit lengthGroupFruit smoothnessPollination method
    Open groundMid-early (46-55 days)UniversalShort (gherkins) – less than 10 cmHybridHighly lumpyBee pollinated

    Description and characteristics of the variety

    Octopus F1 is a bee-pollinated hybrid for growing in film shelters and open ground. Its bushes are medium in size, with pentagonal dissected leaves and powerful stems. The fruits are formed in small bunches of 3-4 pieces. In terms of ripening time, the cultivar is medium early - the harvest appears on the 45-48th day after germination.

    Zelentsy reach 6-9 cm in length, neat, oval in shape, weighing 50-70 g. The shape is slightly ribbed. There are large tubercles on the skin. The pubescence is white, the spines are light, but may be completely absent. The pulp is juicy, crispy, aromatic. The fruits are used for pickling, fresh consumption and freezing, and are grown for sale.

    To preserve the harvest longer, it is kept in the refrigerator at a temperature of +3-8 degrees.

    Advantages and disadvantages


    • excellent taste;
    • smooth, beautiful fruits;
    • good yield;
    • universal use;
    • quite fast ripening;
    • the ability to grow in open ground;
    • resistance to cladosporiosis, good resistance to powdery mildew, peronosporosis, mosaic.


    seeds cannot be harvested.


    In the north and in the middle zone, the seedling method is recommended, allowing for an earlier harvest. In warm regions, seeds are sown directly into the ground. Planting for the garden is carried out in May or June, for seedlings - in April.

    Seedlings are grown in peat or plastic cups of 300-500 ml or peat cassettes. The soil is prepared from garden soil, peat, humus (which can be taken more than other components) and sand. Sow 1-2 seeds in a container and grow them in the sun at a temperature of +18-20.

    A site in open ground is selected as follows:

    1. In the past 3 years, pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers, melons, and watermelons should not be grown there.
    2. The best predecessors are potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, and legumes.
    3. The place should be sunny and on a hill.
    4. Wind protection is required.
    5. Soil acidity – pH 6-7.

    In the fall, the site is dug up and fertilized with organic matter. Seeds are sown according to the pattern 70 by 30 cm or 90 by 30 cm.

    Top dressing

    Three feedings per season are required:

    1. 14 days after germination of seeds in open ground or transfer of seedlings there (use a complex product such as Kemira-Lux or Viva);
    2. At the beginning of flowering, spray the leaves with a solution of 5 g of urea in a bucket of water;
    3. After two weeks - a complex preparation in chelate form or repeated spraying with a urea solution.

    Cucumbers, especially at the beginning of development, require nitrogen, which is contained in organic fertilizers. The first feeding can be replaced by watering with mullein solution (1 liter per 10 liters of water).


    In hot weather, water the bushes daily, otherwise 2-3 times a week. Use warm and settled water; watering is carried out in the evening.

    In addition, the soil is carefully loosened, and the bushes are tied to supports

    Pests and diseases

    The hybrid is not afraid of cladosporiosis, but is slightly less resistant to other diseases (common and downy mildew, cucumber mosaic). May get fusarium. For prevention you need:

    • Water the plantings correctly and avoid excess moisture;
    • spray with solutions of Fitosporin, Trichodermin and other environmentally friendly fungicides;
    • observe crop rotation;
    • disinfect the soil in the spring with a solution of potassium permanganate.

    Infusions of onion peels, garlic, tobacco, as well as the preparations Actellik, Actofit, Biorad will help against pests.

    Octopus F1 does not cause much trouble and gives a tasty harvest. It is enough for pickling and a fresh summer table.

    Pests and diseases

    The Octopus variety, as described, is resistant to the following diseases:

    • powdery mildew;
    • cladospora blight;
    • cucumber mosaic.

    Requires preventive treatments against fusarium and paresporosis. To protect against these diseases, every 10 days the bushes are sprayed with Trichodermin, Fitosporin or other biofungicides and enzymes. They are eco-friendly and protect bushes well from fungal diseases.

    Plants may be damaged by pests, especially if the summer is hot and dry. Aphids and spider mites can be found on bushes. These are parasitic pests that deplete cucumbers and can prevent them from developing to their full potential. To control pests, it is advisable to use industrial insecticides, bioinsecticides, and also folk recipes that have proven themselves to be effective.

    What to process

    Recommended preparations for treating cucumbers against pests:

    1. Insecticides: Mospilan, Aktelik.
    2. Bioinsecticides: Bioreid, Actofit.
    3. Folk remedies: onion peels, garlic peels, tobacco dust, ash.

    All these products show their effectiveness in controlling garden pests on cucumbers and can easily cope with them.

    Description of Atos cucumbers

    The variety is classified as a parthenocarpic variety. Additional pollination of the subspecies is not carried out. Athos cucumbers bear fruit well, limiting themselves to self-pollination. A large number of ovaries are formed from one leaf sinus. Bouquet fruiting of the hybrid and compliance with agrotechnical care practices give yield values ​​of 12-12.5 kg/m².

    Description of the structure of Atos variety bushes:

    • long lashes reach 2 m;
    • the degree of branching is average;
    • triangular, dark green, pointed leaves;
    • type of fruiting – bouquet;
    • formation of 3-5 ovaries from one node;
    • female flowers predominate.

    As the bushes grow, they take up a lot of space. When planting, take into account the approximate size of an adult plant.

    Description of the characteristics of the fruits of the Atos variety:

    • length does not exceed 11 cm;
    • weight ranges from 75-100 g;
    • The color of the skin is even, dark green;
    • tubercles are small;
    • neat, cylindrical shape;
    • cross-sectional diameter up to 3 cm;
    • the pulp is juicy, without voids;
    • do not contain bitterness.

    Atos cucumbers are universal in culinary purposes. The taste of the variety is suitable for preparing slices and salads. According to the characteristics of the structure, they are suitable for conservation. The small size of cucumbers allows you to pickle, ferment or pickle the fruits.

    Cucumber hybrid Octopus F1 Syngenta

    Octopus F1 cucumber hybrid Syngenta 500 pieces

    Octopus F1 / cucumber hybrid from Syngenta.

    Number of seeds per package: 500 pcs.

    The seeds are packaged in professional packaging in quantities of 500 pieces.

    Swiss (Syngenta AG) is today one of the world leaders in the field of seed production and production of plant protection products. A wide range of products, the latest technologies and modern research and development - all this in a short time has brought the company to first place among manufacturers of plant protection products and to third place among seed manufacturers.

    Octopus F1 cucumber hybrid Syngenta 500 pieces bee pollinated large tuberculate

    Octopus F1 / hybrid F1 cucumber from Syngenta. Number of seeds per package: 500 pcs. The seeds are packaged in professional packaging in quantities of 500 pieces.

    Hybrid F1 cucumber Octopus F1 Syngenta 500 pieces is an early-ripening, bee-pollinated, highly productive hybrid with a predominantly female type of flowering for open ground. The plant habit is of medium strength. The fruits are short, uniform, rich green in color. Genetically it has no bitterness, the length/thickness ratio is 3.0:1. High resistance to downy mildew, powdery mildew and viral diseases. For the fresh produce market, pickling and canning. The recommended planting density is 30 thousand plants/ha.

    • Octopus F1 - Bee-pollinated method of pollination
    • The fruit is large-tubercular
    • Ripening time, days 45–48
    • Fruits per node, pcs. 2–3
    • Yield potential, t/ha 50–70
    • Resistance to cucumber olive spot, cucumber mosaic virus, powdery mildew, downy mildew (downy mildew)
    • for growing in open ground, fruits of a rich green color,
    • genetically without bitterness, short, coarsely tuberculate, cylindrical in shape, the ratio of fruit length to width is 3:1
    • Purpose Fresh sales and processing.
    • Additional information Excellent resistance to high temperatures.
    • High quality when salting and marinating.
    • The recommended planting density is 30 thousand plants/ha.
    • Buy Syngenta cucumber seeds ►Syngenta vegetable seeds ►Octopus F1 cucumber hybrid Syngenta 500 pieces, bee-pollinated, large-tubercular Buy Octopus F1 cucumber seeds, Syngenta selection (Syngenta), bee-pollinated, large-tubercular, you can in our online store. Sale of cucumber seeds Octopus F1 Syngenta 500 pieces of bees pollinated large tuberculate carried out in the following cities: Alexandria, Alushta, Alchevsk, Artemevsk, Bila Tserkva, Berdichev, Berdyansk, Boryspil, Brovary, Vinnitsa, Vishnevoe, Gorlovka, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Drohobych, Dunaevtsy, Evpatoria, Zheltye Vody, Zhitomir, Zaporozhye, Ivano -Frankivsk, Izmail, Ilyichevsk, Kamenets-Podolsky, Kiev, Kirovograd, Kovel, Komsomolsk, Korosten, Kotovsk, Kramatorsk, Kremenchug, Krivoy Rog, Lubny, Lugansk, Lutsk, Lviv, Makeevka, Mariupol, Melitopol, Mirgorod, Mukachevo, Nikolaev, Nova Kakhovka, Novograd-Volynsky, Obukhov, Odessa, Pavlograd, Pervomaisk (Nikolava region), Poltava, Rivne, Sevastopol, Severodonetsk, Simferopol, Slavuta, Storozhynets, Stryi, Sumy, Ternopil, Uzhgorod, Uman, Feodosia, Kharkov, Kherson, Khmelnitsky, Cherkassy, ​​Chernigov, Chernivtsi, Shostka, Yuzhnoukrainsk, Yalta and other cities of Ukraine.

    Cucumbers Octopus F1



    . Cucumber seeds begin to be heated a month before sowing at a temperature of 30 - 35 degrees.

    Secret 2. LIGHTING.

    Lighting is a very important point. In order to avoid the sprouts stretching out after germination, it is necessary to provide the seedlings with round-the-clock illumination for three days.

    Secret 3. TEMPERATURE
    for germination
    of hybrid cucumber seeds. After sowing the seeds, maintain a temperature of 26 - 28 degrees. After germination, the temperature is lowered to + 20 - +22, if the seedlings are stretched, then to + 16. Below + 16, cucumber seedlings are not grown.

    Secret 4. TIME OF sowing.

    Cucumber seedlings do not grow for long, only 25 - 30 days. Therefore, it is very important to calculate the date of sowing seeds for seedlings, focusing on the date of planting cucumbers for permanent residence. These terms are different for everyone, depending on the growing zone. For example, if you plan to plant cucumber seedlings for permanent residence on May 1, then you need to sow the seeds to obtain high-quality seedlings on April 1.

    Secret 5. SOIL for SEEDLINGS.

    The seeds are there, the container is there, and all you need to do is add soil. And here is the most interesting thing! In any soil, high-quality cucumber seedlings are unlikely to grow; most likely, they will not grow at all and will eventually disappear. We offer recipes for soil mixtures for cucumber seedlings:

    Recipe No. 1: Black humus and lowland peat in equal proportions. Recipe No. 2: turf soil 30%, humus 30%, peat 30% and rotted sawdust 10%. Recipe No. 3: peat 30%, humus 50%, rotted sawdust 20%. To a bucket of any soil mixture you choose, add one tablespoon of spring-summer fertika and 2 tablespoons of a soft dry deoxidizer and mix thoroughly.


    for growing seedlings. SOWING SEEDS IN BOXES IS THE WORST OPTION. Despite numerous recommendations about sowing cucumbers in boxes, this should not be done, since even with the most careful picking, you will cause serious injury to the seedlings, partially cutting off their most important suction roots. That is why seedlings must be grown in INDIVIDUAL seedling containers (glasses). But the easiest way to grow cucumber seedlings is in cylinders without a bottom, made from available material, for example, glasses made of 200 micron thick polyethylene film, or a ready-made sleeve made of film, or you can roll up glasses for seedlings from the thinnest substrate under the laminate.

    Characteristics and productivity of the cucumber variety “Brother Ivanushka f1”

    Brother Ivanushka occupies a leading position among all gherkin-type varieties. Equally well suited for growing in open ground and in a greenhouse. However, in the second case you need to be especially careful. This is a bee-pollinated type, so insect access must be provided around the clock. The variety is relatively young, bred in 2008 at the Research Institute of Vegetable Crops Breeding. Suitable for growing in any area, especially in the Black Earth Region.

    Plant characteristics

    The height of the indeterminate bush is average. Reaches a maximum of 45 cm, but grows quickly. The scourges are weakly branched. However, to avoid their breakage, trellises are often installed for protection. The thickness of the main stem is 1-1.5 cm, so it is stable. The entire bush has a yellowish-green tint, sometimes with white streaks. The leaves are medium-sized, reaching 10 cm in diameter. The shape is round with carved edges.

    Gherkins Brother Ivanushka - small cucumbers:

    1. Maximum length – 7-8 cm.
    2. The shape is elongated, sometimes thinly curved.
    3. There are practically no tubercles or roughness on the peel; the thorns are very small and black.
    4. The weight of one cucumber rarely reaches even 100 g. The average weight is 75-90 g.
    5. The color of gherkins is uniform green, with a yellow tint at the base of the flower.
    6. The skin of the cucumber is tender, thin and soft.

    The taste of the fruit is sweet, refreshing, bitterness is completely absent. They are crispy and dense. The color of the pulp is white or light green. The excellent taste of gherkins makes Bratz a universal product. It goes well with other vegetables in fresh summer dishes, marinated salads, and as part of tartar sauce. Pickled and salted gherkins of the Bratets Ivanushka variety turn out crispy and appetizing. Due to their size, cucumbers pickle faster, resulting in a richer and tastier flavor.

    The first fruits ripen 6-7 weeks after planting in the soil. This is an early ripening variety. The Brother Ivanushka harvest can be harvested until the end of September under favorable weather conditions.

    Description and characteristics of the variety

    Octopus F1 is a bee-pollinated hybrid for growing in film shelters and open ground. Its bushes are medium in size, with pentagonal dissected leaves and powerful stems. The fruits are formed in small bunches of 3-4 pieces. In terms of ripening time, the cultivar is medium early - the harvest appears on the 45-48th day after germination.

    Zelentsy reach 6-9 cm in length, neat, oval in shape, weighing 50-70 g. The shape is slightly ribbed. There are large tubercles on the skin. The pubescence is white, the spines are light, but may be completely absent. The pulp is juicy, crispy, aromatic. The fruits are used for pickling, fresh consumption and freezing, and are grown for sale.

    Common cucumber 'Octopus F1'

    Main genus: Common cucumber
    Ripening period
    Soil type
    Growing method
    Purpose of fruits
    Disease resistance
    Soil ph requirements
    Life form
    Shape of fruits/stems/roots and tubers/heads
    Size of fruits/stems/roots and tubers/heads
    Cultivation region by origin
    Vitamin content
    Color of fruits/roots and tubers
    Leaf/stem/head color
    Fruit/root and tuber pulp color
    Peel thickness
    Frost resistance
    Drought resistance
    Decorative value
    Taste of fruits
    Shelter for the winter
    Pest resistance
    Keeping quality
    Branching pattern
    Density and character of the pulp

    Description of the hybrid: origin, bush structure

    The Monisia cucumber was brought to the Russian Federation from the Netherlands in 2010. It received a certificate from the State Variety Commission and is produced on the domestic consumer market by several large and small seed companies. You can also find original seeds from abroad on sale. The originator allows the planting of cucumbers in protected ground and in open beds. Admission territory: all regions of the country.

    16 excellent varieties of plums for the Moscow region

    The plant is a vigorous indeterminate plant. At some point, the top of the main stem needs to be pinched. The root system and the above-ground part of the plant are distinguished by their power and strong branching. The leaves of the hybrid are large. Cucumber belongs to the bouquet type. Gherkin fruits are formed in 2-5 pieces. in the node (see photo).

    By type of growthMedium-climbing
    By type of branchingMedium branched
    By type of pollinationParthenocarpic
    Planting scheme40×50-60 cm
    Weight, length and shape of the fruit65-70 g, 9-11 cm, cylindrical, short, dark green, coarsely tuberculate with black pubescence
    Ripening periodEarly (38-40 days)
    Drop off pointUniversal
    DiseasesLow susceptibility to olive spot, powdery mildew, mosaic virus
    Flowering typeFemale
    ProductivityFor any growing method - about 10 kg/m2

    Landing Features

    Atos cucumbers are provided with optimal conditions for rapid seedling growth. Choose a well-lit place that is not exposed to direct sunlight. If there is a lack of daylight, lamps are installed for additional lighting.

    Sow seeds of the Atos variety in seedlings or directly on an open or closed bed. Growing cucumber seedlings is a labor-intensive method. The process is justified in areas with unstable or cold climates. The use of heated greenhouses or the use of seedlings reduces the time for obtaining the first harvest.

    Landing dates

    Seeds of the Atos variety are sown for seedlings from the third decade of March to mid-May. Specific dates are determined by the method of growing cucumbers on the site. With the greenhouse growing method, the seeds are sown at the end of March. In mid-April, gherkin seeds begin to be sown when planting seedlings under non-woven or film material. For open ground seedlings, the sowing dates for cucumbers are shifted to mid-May.

    When sowing Atos cucumber seeds directly into open ground, they are guided by the climatic conditions of the region. The optimal soil temperature is from +15 °C. Cool, wet conditions will cause the seeds to rot. Sowing at a later date in dry, hot weather will lead to a stop in the development and death of plants.

    Site preparation

    It is better to plan the location of cultivated plants on the site several years in advance. The soil will not have time to accumulate diseases or lose fertility.

    Description of crop rotation rules:

    • select crops that reduce soil acidity;
    • plants should not be affected by pests common to cucumbers;
    • the best predecessors are legumes, white cabbage, onions, tomatoes, carrots.

    A place for growing the variety is suitable with good lighting, sheltered from the wind. Before planting cucumbers, organic fertilizers are applied to the ridge. Dig the ground to a depth of 25-30 cm.

    Planting seeds

    Before planting, pre-treatment of seeds is carried out. To test for germination, cucumber seeds are soaked in salt water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After 10-15 minutes, the material that floats to the surface is discarded.

    Selected seeds are hardened, treated with a growth stimulant and germinated. The hatched seeds are distributed into containers and planted to a depth of soil up to 3 cm. The optimal conditions for the germination of Atos cucumbers are +18-+25 °C.

    Planting seedlings

    10-12 days before the expected planting date, the hardening stage begins. Containers with seedlings are transferred for a day to the open air or under a film cover.

    When warm daytime temperatures set in, cucumber varieties are planted in a permanent place

    Transplantation is carried out carefully, without damaging the root system. Seedlings are watered with warm water and covered to protect against return frosts.


    In the north and in the middle zone, the seedling method is recommended, allowing for an earlier harvest. In warm regions, seeds are sown directly into the ground. Planting for the garden is carried out in May or June, for seedlings - in April.

    Until the soil warms up to +15 degrees to a depth of 12 centimeters, cucumbers cannot be planted in the garden.

    Seedlings are grown in peat or plastic cups of 300-500 ml or peat cassettes. The soil is prepared from garden soil, peat, humus (which can be taken more than other components) and sand. Sow 1-2 seeds in a container and grow them in the sun at a temperature of +18-20.

    A site in open ground is selected as follows:

    1. In the past 3 years, pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers, melons, and watermelons should not be grown there.
    2. The best predecessors are potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, and legumes.
    3. The place should be sunny and on a hill.
    4. Wind protection is required.
    5. Soil acidity – pH 6-7.

    In the fall, the site is dug up and fertilized with organic matter. Seeds are sown according to the pattern 70 by 30 cm or 90 by 30 cm.

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