Highly productive and juicy variety - cucumber Zanachka f1: characteristics and key features

Description of Zanachka cucumbers

Cucumber Zanachka f1 is a variety whose cultivation does not cause trouble and pleases with a large harvest. The variety was bred by a group of Russian agricultural breeders and is intended for open beds and removable temporary film or glass shelters.

The fruits ripen within 38-40 days after germination, so Zanachka is an ultra-early variety. Cucumbers are also characterized by their versatility in preparation: green varieties are suitable for all types of processing and for preparing fresh dishes.

Characteristics of the variety:

  • Zanachka f1 bushes grow of medium length (up to 2 meters) and belong to abundantly branching plants;
  • Description of flowering: the variety is characterized by mixed flowering with a predominance of female inflorescences painted in a rich yellow color;
  • The foliage of the bushes is medium-sized, rich green in color, with a rough surface plate;
  • Description of cucumbers: the fruits of the variety grow up to 13 cm and take on an oblong cylindrical shape;
  • Cucumbers are characterized by a dark green peel with white stripes and pronounced tubercles, from which small white spines can be seen;
  • Description of the pulp: cucumbers are characterized by juicy and dense pulp;
  • Taste criteria: Stash f1 has a sweet, pleasant taste, devoid of bitterness.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cucumbers have many benefits:

  • If you plant the bushes in the spring, you can collect 18-22 kg of fruits per 1 m². If in the summer, then - 9-12 kg per 1 m².
  • When the vegetables ripen, they remain the same cylindrical, they do not become large and thick, they taste just as tender and juicy, and can hang on the vine for several days.
  • Since the crop is tall but compact, it is easy to care for.
  • Cucumbers can be stored for up to 2 weeks.
  • They are well transported, as their peel is quite dense.
  • The variety is immune to brown spot.
  • It has average resistance to cucumber mosaic virus, powdery mildew, and cucumber yellowing virus.

Hybrid "Gunnar" has the following advantages:

  • Early ripeness;
  • High productivity;
  • Ability to self-pollinate;
  • Abundant fruiting;
  • Lack of tendency to overgrow fruits;
  • Resistant to adverse weather conditions;
  • Good keeping quality and transportability;
  • Possibility of growing in spring-summer and summer-autumn rotations.

The disadvantages of the hybrid include:

  • High cost of seed material;
  • Susceptibility to downy mildew.

The Gunnar f1 cucumber has not only excellent taste characteristics and excellent appearance, but also the following advantages:

  • when outgrown, the greens do not acquire a “barrel-shaped” shape;
  • excellent keeping quality;
  • excellent transportability of the crop;
  • the variety is suitable for cultivation in the first and second rotations on beds in film and glass greenhouse structures;
  • good yield when grown in open ground;
  • fairly high resistance to damage by cladosporiosis, powdery mildew, common cucumber mosaic and vascular yellowing.

Pros and cons of the variety

The breeders who developed the Zanachka variety note only the advantages of cultivating cucumbers. However, experience in cultivating the crop shows that the variety also has disadvantages. Below is a description of all the positive and negative characteristics of growing Zanachka cucumbers, which were bred by vegetable growers during the period of cultivation of the variety.


  1. The variety has a high yield, since 1 m2 produces more than 10 kg of fruit;
  2. Cucumbers are characterized by excellent taste, which does not change even after preservation;
  3. Resistance of the variety to crop diseases;
  4. The f1 stash is famous for its versatility in using its fruits;
  5. Cucumbers are famous for their early ripening;
  6. Cucumber bushes are unpretentious in agrotechnical procedures;
  7. The variety is characterized by resistance to transportability;
  8. Excellent external qualities that allow you to grow cucumbers not only for your own use, but also for sale.


  1. Lack of seed material in cucumbers;
  2. The hybrid variety Zanachka is not intended for cultivation in greenhouse conditions, since the plant requires pollination by insects.

Advantages and disadvantages

Gardeners have been growing the domestic hybrid Farmer F1 for more than fifteen years. New hybrids are appearing, but this cucumber remains popular. The variety has many advantages:

  • high rates of fruit collection (including on open ground ridges;
  • excellent taste characteristics;
  • mid-ripening;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • stable fruit yield;
  • keeping quality;
  • long fruiting period;
  • excellent presentation of greens;
  • resistance to a number of crop diseases.

Summer residents praise the cucumber, and farmers who grow the hybrid for sale are pleased with the yield indicators.

Disadvantages include:

  • absence of parthenocarpy. To obtain high yields, it is necessary to take care of attracting bees and planting pollinators. In small areas, it is advisable to use hand pollination of bushes;
  • impossibility of collecting seeds for subsequent crops. Hybrids labeled F1 do not retain parental characteristics in subsequent generations, so each season you have to buy new seed material.

There are not many disadvantages; the advantages of the variety outweigh.

Landing Features

To ensure that Zanachka bushes are not susceptible to diseases and develop well, vegetable growers recommend observing the planting characteristics of the variety. Below is a description of all the tips for planting cucumbers.

Landing dates

In the southern regions of the country, Zanachka f1 seeds are planted by sowing in late spring - early summer. In the cold regions of the Russian Federation, cucumbers are grown by seedlings. Cucumber seeds are planted for seedlings in the second half of April - the first half of May.

Site preparation

Before you begin preparing the site, you need to choose the right location for future beds. Cucumbers are suitable for sunny beds where cabbage or nightshade previously grew. After harvesting - in the fall - the soil is carefully dug up, dry tops and weeds are removed. Next, it is recommended to feed the cucumber beds with mineral components and leave them for the winter.

With the onset of warm weather, the soil is loosened and fed with potassium or phosphorus components.

Planting seedlings

To plant Zanachka f1 seeds for seedlings, use peat pots or plastic containers. Mixed soil from the garden with humus, peat and sand is poured into each vessel. Several cucumber seeds are planted in each container and placed in a warm place. The room temperature is set at 27 degrees and lighting up to 16 hours. After germination of Zanachka seedlings, the temperature is lowered to 20 degrees.

Cucumber seedlings are planted in a permanent location when 3-4 leaves form on the bushes and the soil temperature reaches 13-15 degrees. It is recommended to plant the bushes to a depth of 5 cm. Sprinkle the seedlings down to the lower leaves and water with warm, settled water. Next, it is recommended to cover the beds with film for several days.

Agricultural technology


Water the plants in the evening. During the night, the vegetable crop will be saturated with moisture, which will have a positive effect on the formation of fruits.

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A feature of Zanachka cucumbers is the optimal temperature for seed germination. Most popular pumpkin crops germinate at +12-15°C, but a stash of cucumbers germinate at +25-30°C. Therefore, it is recommended to sow in beds at the end of May, beginning of June. For the seedling method of growing, plant the seeds in pots in mid-April, early May.

The planting material must be buried at least 2 cm. The soil must be fertilized with organic matter in the fall or early spring. If the soil has not been fertilized, after planting the seeds, water the soil with a nutrient solution of wood ash (3 cups), azofoska (15 g) and water (10 l). 0.5 l per plant. Plant the planting material in a 40×40 pattern. To increase productivity, you need to monitor the water balance of plants. With proper care, the Zanachka cucumber will delight you with its fruits until late autumn.


The appearance, taste characteristics and quantity of Zanachka f1 greens are influenced by agrotechnical procedures: watering, fertilizing and hilling the soil, forming and tying up bushes of the variety. Vegetable growers offer recommendations for caring for cucumbers, a description of which is presented below.


Zanachka f1 bushes need regular watering. Cucumbers are usually watered with warm water in the evening. Since the cucumber root system is located close to the surface of the earth, the soil should not be allowed to dry out.

Watering work must be carried out once every 2-3 days. In dry weather, the number of watering procedures increases to daily. Also, when watering, you need to pay attention so that the liquid does not get on the tops of the plant.

After watering, it is recommended to loosen and hill up the soil. As a rule, these agrotechnical processes are carried out once every 10 days. The procedures allow you to eliminate the stagnant layer of soil that does not allow oxygen and moisture to pass to the roots of the plant. Hilling also contributes to the formation of new roots of the plant and strengthening the main root of the Zanachka bush.

Garter and bush formation

To prevent cucumber bushes from intertwining with each other and interfering with the development of their neighbors, it is recommended to tie the Zanachka f1 plant to vertical supports. To do this, the central stem is fixed to the trellis using a rope. It is also necessary to take into account that the stem is not overtightened.

Top dressing

Over the entire growing season, Zanachka cucumbers, like the Chinese Emperor variety, need 3 feedings.

Fertilize the soil with humus, cow manure, or bird droppings.

Vegetable growers note that mineral and organic components must be alternated. Fertilizing with only organic substances should not be allowed, since a large amount of nitrogen contained in manure and droppings leads to withering and death of the plant.

Cucumber hybrid “Zanachka f1”: disease resistance and yield

The Zanachka F1 variety is a bee-pollinated hybrid, intended for cultivation in open ground, a film greenhouse or temporary shelters. Early ripening, the first harvest appears already on the 38-40th day from the moment of emergence. Cucumbers are suitable for preparing salads, appetizers, preserves and pickles. 70-80% of the fruits have an attractive appearance and are suitable for growing on an industrial scale.

Description of the bush

The bush is tall, highly branched. The leaves are large, light green in color, and medium thick. It has both male and female inflorescences. Requires pollination by bees. Usually three or four ovaries are formed in the nodes. The root system is extensive and hardy. There are 10-12 kg of fruit per 1m2. Despite the large number of fruits, the bush does not break.

  1. Cucumbers are small and oblong.
  2. On average they reach 10-12 cm, diameter - 3.5-4 cm, weight - 120-130 g.
  3. The skin is rich dark color, thin.
  4. White stripes are noticeable along the entire greenery, reaching the middle of the fruit.
  5. The skin has multiple tubercles with small black spines.

Cucumbers have a pleasant, fresh aroma and sweet taste. The pulp is without voids, with small white seeds.

Advantages of the Zanachka F1 variety:

  • pleasant sweet taste;
  • delicate aroma;
  • versatility of use (use raw, canned and pickled);
  • early period of maturation;
  • resistance to certain diseases;
  • high productivity;
  • ease of cultivation.

Disadvantages: inability to collect seed, difficulties in growing in a greenhouse due to the need for bee pollination.


Cucumbers of this variety are best grown in seedlings.
An exception can be made for the southern regions. But it is worth noting that they do not tolerate low soil and air temperatures. Therefore, seedling cultivation is recommended. Seeds begin to be prepared in April. First they need to be warmed up and disinfected. At home, places near the radiator or fireplace are good. For disinsection, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide, then the seeds must be washed and wrapped in a damp cloth. This way they will swell a little. In the meantime, you can begin to prepare the soil for seedlings.

Many gardeners use peat tablets. They can be purchased at any flower shop, or you can prepare the soil yourself. To do this, you will need a seedling container or 500 ml container and a substrate in the form of a mixture:

Fill the container with soil and add 1-2 seeds. At first the temperature should not be lower than +20-23 o C. After some time it can be lowered to +18-20. The temperature for seedlings should not exceed +23, otherwise the fruits will begin to stretch and weaken.

Growing in open ground

When 4-5 leaves appear on each bush, the seedlings can be transferred to the ground.
Sunny areas, protected from the wind, away from groundwater, are well suited for cultivation. The transplant is carried out in mid-May. Due to the heat, it is not recommended to delay planting until June. Soil preparation begins a few days before transplanting. You need it first:

We should not forget about weeds, because they can greatly harm the crop.

After fertilizing and weeding the soil, small holes are formed where the seeds are placed. The depth should not exceed 2 cm. The root system of cucumbers is quite extensive, so they need a lot of space. The recommended distance between plants should not be less than 30 cm. At first, the bushes are covered with a special film with ultraviolet protection, otherwise the sun may destroy the delicate leaves.

This variety does not require special care, but, like all cucumbers, it loves watering, fertilizer and fertilizing. Regular weeding, loosening the soil, and removing weeds are mandatory procedures for caring for plants. Maintaining crop rotation will increase the yield of the bush. The best predecessors of cucumbers are cabbage, onions, and legumes.

Throughout the season, greens need to be fed four times. Both organic and mineral fertilizers are suitable for fertilizing. Below are several universal recipes for all stages of feeding:

  • humus + water 1:5;
  • manure + water 1:10;
  • chicken manure + water 1:20.
  • concentrated infusion of fresh herbs.
  • 1 liter of urea and 60 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water;
  • 5 g of ammophos can be scattered near the bush, and then loosen the soil.

From the second feeding, you can begin to apply foliar feeding. Suitable for this:

  • 10-12 crystals of potassium permanganate + 1 teaspoon of boric acid per liter of water;
  • 35 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water.

Among mineral fertilizers:

  • 1 glass of ash per 10 liters of water;
  • 30 g of potassium nitrate + 40 g of superphosphate + 20 g of ammonium nitrate.

The third feeding is recommended during mass fruiting. Fertilizer recipes:

  • 1 glass of ash per 10 liters of water;
  • 30 g of potassium nitrate per 10 liters of water.

For foliar feeding, 12 g of urea per 10 liters of water.

The fourth can be done similarly to the third. Pay attention to wood ash as fertilizer.

The taste of the fruit is directly related to watering and spraying. If cucumbers taste bitter, it means they lack moisture. Sudden changes in temperature can also affect the taste. Watering is carried out only with warm water; cold water can greatly harm the root system, and gradually it will begin to rot.

Inspecting the bushes - do not ignore this point. If you regularly inspect plants, many diseases and abnormalities can be noticed at an early stage.

If it is not immediately clear which element is missing, you can go to a flower shop and pick up complex fertilizers.


The creators of this variety note that the plant is resistant to many diseases.
But this possibility should not be ruled out completely. Regular examinations will help identify diseases at an early stage and prevent their spread. Fusarium wilt is a fungal disease that targets weakened plants. Young bushes are at risk. The disease can ruin more than 50% of the crop.

  • during the day the plant looks wilted, but at night it recovers;
  • ovaries and lashes turn into dust;
  • Gradually the bush withers and no longer grows.

Activity during the flowering period. Control measures:

  • preliminary soil disinfection;
  • ventilation and cleaning of the greenhouse;
  • removal of affected plants.

Powdery mildew – this disease can be triggered by cold weather. The cause of its occurrence and spread is a fungus. First it affects the leaves of the plant, and then the rest of its parts. A small, imperceptible coating appears on the reverse side of the sheet. Gradually, the disease spreads further and leads to the appearance of large white spots. The greens themselves begin to taste bitter and suffer from dehydration. Activity: July-August.

  • disinfection of soil and seeds;
  • spraying with soda solution.

Diseases and parasites

The breeders who developed the hybrid variety Zanachka took care of the plant’s resistance to the most common crop infections. However, failure to comply with agrotechnical processes, or making mistakes during planting, leads to infection of the bushes with diseases such as nematode, ascochyta blight and white rot. We suggest considering a description of infections and methods of combating them.


Nematode is a crop pest that sucks out all the plant juices of cucumber bushes, which contributes to the weakening, withering and death of the plant. The first sign of a nematode invasion on cucumbers is the wilting of the plant during the daytime. To prevent damage to bushes by nematodes, they are treated with Fitoverm, Carbofuran, Actofit and Marshall.

Ascochyta blight

Ascochyta blight is an infection that causes white spots to form on the stems of the plant, which become larger and affect the entire plant. The disease also manifests itself on the leaves of the bushes: the leaves become covered with gray spots, which over time acquire a brown tint, and the leaf itself begins to dry out. In addition, the infection also appears on cucumbers - they become wrinkled, covered with a whitish coating, and the fruit pulp takes on a gray tint. For ascochyta blight, the variety is treated with the substances Trichodermin, Trichophyte, Alirin-B, Fitosporin and Gamair.

White rot

White rot is a pathology that affects the entire plant: from the root system to the fruit. When a plant is infected with white rot, the bushes become covered with white spots that look like cotton wool. Also, mucous growths and white coatings form on the leaves, and the cucumber tops begin to wither and die. To prevent the disease, vegetable growers recommend treating cucumber bushes with chemical and biological preparations “Hom”, “Acrobat MC”, “Ordan”, “Topaz” or “Oxyx”.

Harvesting and storage

Since Zanachka f1 is a highly productive variety, it is recommended to harvest once every 2 days. It should be noted that cucumbers do not outgrow and do not lose their taste if the harvest is untimely. However, ripened fruits prevent the development of new cucumbers.

Zanachka gherkins are stored in rooms with a temperature of no more than 5 degrees Celsius. As a rule, basements such as cellars are used to store cucumbers.

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