Seedlings in a snail - planting methods and cultivation features

Gardening and horticulture have become one of the most common hobbies; this interesting activity brings many benefits to the entire family of the worker. With the onset of spring, many gardeners think about where to put all the seedlings - there are many plants, but few window sills. What to do in this case?

Seedlings in snails are the answer to this question! This simple method of sowing seeds will help you save space and not lose a single sprout. If you are interested in this method, then read the article and then you will learn about all the intricacies and tricks of growing seedlings in a snail.

Seedlings in a snail are a unique way to grow almost any crop.

Description of the method

The world is developing, and more and more convenient and economical methods of seed seedlings are appearing in it, one of them is seedlings in a snail. With it you can save a lot of space. If you place all your seedlings in snails, they will take up only one windowsill. Previously, you probably occupied all the window sills with pots of seedlings, but now this will not happen.

Foamed polyethylene is the main material used in this method.

You just need to wrap the soil with the seeds in a tube and you will have a full-fledged seedling, which also requires care. This method is considered the simplest and most convenient, since even a novice gardener can repeat it. And it is convenient because the snail picking procedure is much easier to carry out. It also has many advantages, thereby outperforming other seedling methods.

For which seeds is this method suitable?

Sowing on toilet paper, like the once popular method with strips of newspaper, is intended to make labor easier during sowing. Some seeds are so small that it is not convenient to work with them. As a result, you have to sow them in continuous rows and then pull them up.

The method is advisable to use for seeds:

  • carrots;
  • celery;
  • sorrel;
  • petunias;
  • primrose and other plants.

The toilet paper method is not suitable for large seeds - peas, beans, pumpkin, zucchini, etc. They swell greatly, do not hold up well in strips or roll-ups, and their roots require more space.

You can only germinate seeds on toilet paper and then grow them in the usual way. In this case, you can use any planting material.

Advantages and disadvantages of growing seedlings in snails

All methods of seedlings have advantages, but not everyone can boast such a long list:

  • The seedlings develop a strong root system, the plant itself grows stronger and healthier;
  • It is much easier to carry out the picking procedure from a snail, and the root system is not damaged;
  • The watering procedure is simplified; it can be carried out through a plate on which the snail stands;
  • This is the only way that does not take up much space;
  • Fast seed germination;
  • Fairly cheap materials;
  • It is possible to land in open ground without picking;
  • Even a novice gardener can do this method of seedlings;
  • To make transplanting sprouts as easy as possible, plant the seeds well apart.

Thanks to these advantages, seedlings in snails are increasingly gaining popularity among not only continuing, but also beginning gardeners.

But, like any other method, the snail has its drawbacks:

  • If you plant too many seeds in one snail, there is a high chance that they will die, since they will not have enough light and nutrients;
  • There is a possibility that the seedlings will stretch out greatly.

Materials for snail

There is more and more information about this planting method every year. Summer residents are experimenting with different types of materials for snails. They use cellophane, fabric, toilet paper and other various available materials. Such snails are also called “diaper snails”.

On a note. I have singled out for myself one, in my opinion, the most suitable material for snails - a substrate for laminate or isolon 2 mm thick. You can purchase such a substrate at any construction department. The material is sold in rolls.

Photo: The device saves a lot of space.

One roll is 50 meters long and 1 meter wide. It should last a long time! It weighs very little, I can easily lift all 50 meters with one hand. It is inexpensive, a little more than 100 rubles.

The advantage of this material is that it is perfect for our purposes. It is durable, used shells are easy to clean and can be replanted the following year. Durable material retains its shape perfectly, does not break, and retains heat inside the shell.

Plant roots do not grow into the material. Easily separated from the walls during transplantation. In such a shell you can grow seedlings right up to planting them in open ground.

Photo: Rolls of 50 meters are available for sale.

How to make a snail correctly

Before you start making a snail, you need to learn everything about how to make it correctly and what materials to use.

Materials for production

First of all, you will need the material from which you will make the snail. It should be foamed polyethylene, approximately 2 mm thick. This material has many advantages: it is cheap, bends well and allows air to pass through, and holds its shape well. Also, for fastening, rubber bands are needed, which are used to fasten money or construction tape.

Also, prepare scissors and a container with prepared soil. You can also use multi-layer toilet paper or napkins as a primer.

Materials for making a snail - 2 mm backing for laminate, sprouted seeds, soil and rubber bands for attaching the snail

How to plant seedlings in a snail

To create a snail, you need to cut the polyethylene with scissors, the width of the tape is 10-15 cm, and you choose the length yourself, it should depend on how many seeds you want to plant in one snail.

Do not make the tape too long (no more than 1-1.5 meters), the snail should not be very thick.

Place the previously prepared soil and seeds on the ribbon, then carefully twist the snail and secure it with rubber bands.

Do not forget that planting material and soil must undergo a disinfection procedure, this reduces the risk of developing any diseases.

Cut out the backing

spread the soil and seeds

roll up and secure the snail with an elastic band

What is good and what is inconvenient about the “snail” for tomato seedlings

Sowing in a “snail” received this name because of the principle of twisting the material in which the seeds are placed. It resembles a roll or a snail. There are two main types of “snails”:

  • “snail” without soil inside (this roll is also called “Moscow-style tomato seedlings”),
  • “snail” with the addition of earth.

You can add fertile soil or paper inside the material from which the “snail” is twisted.

Advantages and disadvantages of “rolled” seedlings

The main advantage of this method is great space savings. If you want to sow “everything at once”, but the space on the windowsill is limited, then the “snail” sowing method is just what you need.

Other advantages of this method include the following:

  • seedlings have a well-developed root system;
  • picking seedlings takes place without damaging the roots;
  • It is convenient to water the seedlings through the tray in which the roll stands;
  • you can grow tomato seedlings (short, standard, early-ripening varieties) even without picking.

Proponents of this method name only one disadvantage of this method - the possibility of pulling seedlings. To avoid it, it is recommended not to use snail sowing for vigorous, indeterminate varieties, and also to supplement the seedlings with phytolamps.

To prevent seedlings from stretching out, sow low-growing varieties or use additional lighting with phytolamps

Technology for growing soilless seedlings

Not all beginning gardeners know that it is possible to sow seeds for seedlings in a snail without using soil. The soil is easily replaced with toilet paper or other napkins.

But, if you are planting seedlings without the participation of soil, then you need to dive in a timely manner, otherwise the sprouts will begin to stretch.

The method of growing without soil is considered simpler, but it is used only until sprouts appear, then they are transplanted into a more nutritious medium.

To sow seedlings without using land, you must:

  • Toilet paper or napkins;
  • Polyethylene tape;
  • Scissors, ruler, spray bottle;
  • Seeds.

Seed planting scheme:

  • Cut the tape into strips no more than 10 cm wide;
  • Toilet paper is placed on the tape, which needs to be aligned along the top edge;
  • Toilet paper is watered generously from a spray bottle;
  • Place the seeds at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other, it is also necessary to retreat from the edges up to 5 cm;
  • Place another layer of toilet paper on top and moisten it;
  • Next, roll the tape into a snail and secure with rubber bands;
  • The snail is placed on a tray; you can use a plate as a tray;
  • You need to pour warm water into the plate, this is necessary to maintain the moisture of the paper;
  • The snail must be covered with film;
  • Place the tray with the snail in a dark but warm enough room;
  • After the first shoots appear, the tray with them is moved to the windowsill in normal lighting.

Features of growing seedlings in a snail

The method, although simple, requires certain knowledge and skills.

Growing seedlings without soil and picking

Growing seedlings without soil and picking has its advantages, for example, it reduces the risk that the plant will get blackleg. And all because the causative agent of this disease lives in the ground, and under favorable conditions the disease begins to develop.

Many experienced gardeners advise sowing seedlings in snails without soil. The older the plant, the stronger its immunity; by planting seeds without soil, you minimize the occurrence of diseases.

Seedling sprouts in snails

Sowing seeds in a snail on toilet paper - seedlings without soil

Seedlings without soil are a very big plus. If you sow seeds in toilet paper, then it will be much easier for you to carry out the procedure of picking and planting in open ground. Sometimes you can do without intermediate picking at all, and immediately plant them in the garden.

But, do not forget that seedlings in a snail also require care, without it you will not be able to reap a rich harvest or grow beautiful flowers.

The advantage of this method is that it is easy for you to transplant plants from paper into open ground. To do this, you just need to unfold the snail and carry out the procedure of picking the sprout into open soil.

Seedlings in a snail from a newspaper

If you want to save on material or you do not have the opportunity to purchase foamed polyethylene, then you can sow seedlings in newspaper.

The entire sowing procedure does not differ from the standard one, the only thing is that you need to put polyethylene on top of the newspaper tape.

Soil and planting material are also placed on it, and then rolled up into a snail and secured.

Flower seedlings in a snail

"Snail" for flowers

Growing seedlings in rolls is often used not only for vegetable and berry crops. The new method of growing seedlings helps a lot to decorate the area with bright flowers and speeds up the flowering time. We'll tell you how to grow flower seedlings in twisted form using the example of some plants.

Petunia in a snail

A beautiful plant with a delicate aroma, petunia can truly transform an area. It is no coincidence that she is a favorite of gardeners. But when sowing seeds in the ground, you have to wait a long time for flowering. Seedlings can speed up the appearance of flowers, but delicate petunia does not tolerate picking. Often thin and fragile seedlings break when removed from a common container with seedlings or when planted in the ground. For petunia, snail twist becomes a real salvation!

Seedlings of petunia flowers grown in a snail eliminate the need to pick the flower: it can be left twisted until planted in the ground.

A snail for a flower can be made traditionally, from a substrate, or from newspaper. The rolling process remains the same. The soil is applied to the workpiece and wetted. The seeds are laid out on the ground, the tape is twisted, placed in a container, watered and covered with a bag.

How to feed petunia for flowering

Mistakes when landing in a snail

Not all beginning gardeners can sow correctly using this method; many make mistakes that kill their plants. To avoid mistakes and grow a large and healthy plant, you need to follow all the schemes and rules.

The most common mistakes when planting seedlings in a snail:

  • Removing cover.

If you do not remove the cover from the snail in a timely manner, the sprouts may stretch out too much;

  • Picking.

There is no need to pick the plant too early; if you are not sure that the sprout is sufficiently developed, then there is no need to take risks. Replanting should be done only after the root system has developed sufficiently well, otherwise the plant will not be able to receive nutrients on its own;

  • Rolling up a snail.

It is necessary to roll the snail very tightly, otherwise the soil will spill out. If there is not enough soil, the plant will not receive enough nutrients.

Caring for seedlings in a snail

Seedlings in a snail also require care; without it, your plants will not grow and develop quickly. In order for you to be able to grow a plant, you need to water and fertilize strictly according to the schedule.

How to water seedlings in a snail with soil

While the seeds are under cover, there is no need to water them. After you remove the film or plastic bag, you need to pour 1 cm of water into the pan.

The water should not be from the tap; make sure it is fresh and warm enough.

It is necessary to constantly monitor moderate soil moisture.

Transplanting seedlings from snails into open ground

Seedlings in snails do not always require an intermediate procedure - picking, and this is its advantage. The procedure for planting snails in open ground is not difficult even for a novice gardener.

Before planting, it is necessary to harden the plants; absolutely all crops need this. Hardening is necessary so that the sprouts get used to the temperature and do not get stressed when you plant them in the ground.

On the first day of hardening, place the snail outside for one to two hours; every day you need to increase the time when the plant is outdoors. On the last day of hardening, leave the snail for the whole night - this will help it finally adapt to the new temperature. The planting site should be well-lit, protected from the wind and with fertile soil.

How to determine the time to transplant a plant into open ground? Easy and simple, the time comes when the night frosts completely disappear.

The procedure for planting seedlings in open ground is best done either early in the morning or in the evening. This is necessary so that direct sunlight does not damage the still very weak and tender leaves of the plant.

Open ground also requires preliminary preparation. If your site is poor in nutrients, then do not forget to place complex fertilizer in it. You should also dig up the area and level it.

When the time comes for direct transplantation, carefully unfold the snail and begin to pull out the sprouts one by one and plant them in fertile soil. The distance between plants should not be less than 30 cm; after planting, sprinkle them with soil, water with warm water and mulch.

Since the sprouts are still quite weak, it is recommended to shade them a little, this will help the plants adapt to the new environment.

The process of transplanting seedlings from a snail into the ground

Growing flower seedlings using the technology of Yulia Minyaeva

Yulia Minyaeva also plants flowers using snails. The technology of the process can be considered using petunia as an example. Planting petunias in a snail is not much different from growing other plants in the same way.

It is necessary to prepare a tape from the substrate under the laminate and the soil. If you use granulated petunia seeds, they should be placed in the ground one at a time at a distance of 2 cm. Small seeds are simply poured into the ground, and after germination they are thinned out.

When thinning, weak petunia sprouts should not be pulled out of the ground. This can damage neighboring stems. It is best to cut them with scissors.

The finished snail should be watered generously and covered with film to create a suitable microclimate. As the plants develop, the covering material should be removed periodically, and then removed completely.

Petunia does not need picking. Fully formed plants are planted in a greenhouse or open ground. Some varieties of flowers require preliminary planting in separate containers or diapers.

Sowing pepper into a snail without picking

If you decide to sow pepper in a snail, then the grown sprouts do not need to be planted in separate containers. Instead, you can make the snail taller and add soil to it.

Sowing pepper seeds is carried out according to the same scheme as all other plants. You can see this diagram above.

And picking from snail to snail occurs according to the following steps:

  • It is necessary to cut the ribbon from the same material, but 10-15 cm longer;
  • The old snail needs to be untwisted and placed on the new one;
  • It is necessary to put another layer of earth on it, but thicker and fertilized with rotted sawdust;
  • The soil needs to be distributed between the plants as carefully as possible;
  • Then you need to roll the snail and secure it;
  • Place the snail on a tray and place it on the windowsill;
  • Watering can be done either using a tray or using a watering can.

The seedlings in the snail must be carefully monitored; if the plant changes color, it means that it lacks nutrients. In this case, you need to use mineral fertilizer.

Pepper seedlings in a snail

Sowing tomato seeds into a snail in different ways

Almost all gardeners grow tomatoes; their seedlings can be sown not only in pots, but also in a snail. Let's look at several ways to plant tomato seedlings in a snail:

  • Sowing tomatoes in a snail without soil

Tomatoes can be sown in toilet paper or napkins, but grown sprouts need to be transplanted into a more nutritious environment, otherwise they will not be able to develop normally.

  • Sowing tomatoes in a snail with soil

Tomatoes can also be sown in a snail with soil; in this case, you can do without intermediate picking. The snail can be planted directly into open ground.

  • Picking in diapers

If you decide to carry out the picking procedure, you can transplant them into diapers. This is also a convenient method that simplifies planting in open ground.

Tomato seedlings in a snail

What are diapers and snails for seedlings

Snails for seedlings are a modern way to grow almost any plant. An inexpensive design that takes up minimal space allows you to fit on one windowsill all the crops that would previously have filled an apartment, a balcony, or even a cat’s bed. Diapers are small bundles of fabric or cellophane into which grown seedlings are dropped. These personal packages are made from scrap materials, take up little space and make it easier to plant plants in a permanent place.

Materials for creating a snail and a diaper are sold at any hardware or hardware store, and creating the structure does not require special physical strength, special skills or tools.

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