Advantages and disadvantages of sweet pepper Early Miracle F1. Description of the hybrid and reviews about it

Reviews from gardeners
Summer resident Angelina in her review praises the pepper for its taste. She advises tying and pinching the variety up to the first cluster. Evgenia from Tyumen managed to obtain larger peppers than indicated in the annotation for the hybrid. The average weight of a vegetable is 330 g.

Flower bed design. TOP 10 simple and effective techniques

In Galina's photo (Belarus), the sweet pepper looks more cuboid than prism-shaped. Otherwise, the crop fully confirmed the yield declared by Semko. The fruits began to ripen first in the summer resident’s greenhouse and turned out to be really thick-walled and juicy.

Early Miracle is an interesting early hybrid of sweet peppers. Its positive qualities are confirmed by ordinary gardeners.

Description of the hybrid: plant characteristics

Sweet pepper Early Miracle F1 is a relatively new hybrid. The Semko-Junior company registered it in the State Seed Register in 2015. The variety is approved for cultivation throughout Russia. Specialists of the State Varietal Commission have approved pepper for planting in open and protected ground. But the originator himself excludes the first method.

Peppers have early or mid-early ripening periods. The bush is closed, taller than average, compact for its size. It has a powerful main stem. The leaves are dark.

The fruits grow drooping. The diameter of each is about 8-10 cm. The peppers have a highly glossy surface. At technical ripeness (90-95 days from germination) it is dark green. Then it turns completely red. The number of nests inside the pepper is 3-4 pcs.

Attention! The width of the fetal pericarp reaches 10 mm. The walls are fleshy, dense and juicy.

Type of growth, bush heightStandard, up to 120 cm
Ripe fruit colorDark red
Planting scheme50x70 cm
Weight, length and shape of the fruit240-260 g, 14-16 cm, prism-shaped
Ripening period, yieldEarly ripening (110-115 days). In a greenhouse - up to 12-14 kg/m2. In exhaust gas - 10-12 kg/m2
Drop off pointExhaust gas/greenhouse/greenhouse of any type
DiseasesProtection against bronzing virus, tobacco mosaic virus
By type of useUniversal
Flowering typeFemale

New meeting with old friends

The choice of seed variety determines which month of summer or autumn you can enjoy the juicy fruits. If you take the early ones, then already in July, the mid-early ones - not earlier than August, and those who like the middle ones will have to wait until September.

Red Night and Big Boy - Pepper for Advanced Gardeners

There are only 5 seeds in a bag labeled “Red Knight pepper,” but their germination is guaranteed by the proven quality of the variety.

And seedlings planted in the soil in 60-70 days will give a stable and good harvest of large, from 300 grams, cube-shaped peppers. In the biological ripening phase, the fruits are bright red, 8 mm thick when cut. The taste is spicy, sweet and sour, since this variety has one of the highest levels of vitamin C. It is not difficult to grow Red Knight F1 pepper both in a greenhouse and in a garden. Good resistance to viruses and diseases of the species.

The meaty Big Boy pepper will be one of the first to ripen; it is an early variety, 110 days before technical maturity. A low, medium-branched bush forms 3 to 4 nests, in which cylindrical fruits are formed, in the last stage of a dark red color. Capable of gaining weight up to a third of a kilogram, with an average length of 15-20 cm. The peel and pulp of peppers reaches a thickness of 8 mm, this is an excellent indicator for peppers. From 5-6 bushes 7 - 8 kg of vegetables will be harvested. You can also read the article about pepper Gift of Moldova.

Greenhouse Baron

The early-ripening hybrid pepper Red Baron F1 prefers the humid and warm atmosphere of greenhouses and hotbeds. There it will be distinguished not only by its ripening speed (in just 102-110 days), but also by its record yield of 8-10 kg/sq.m. During the season, ripe cube-shaped berries are picked several times, with 4 chambers inside, weighing 200-250 g, and red at maturity. The plant is tall, 80-100 cm, spreading, with good immunity to greenhouse diseases.

Blonde Pepper

In the first phase of ripening, called technical, when the fruits are completely ready for consumption, Blondie peppers become ivory and then yellow-orange. The name of the variety is given by this color feature of the variety, early, up to 100 days from planting to ripeness. Pepper bushes are medium in size and form 3-4 nests for ovaries. Rectangular fruits weigh more than 200 grams, pulp 5-7 mm. A square meter of planting the Blondie F1 pepper variety guarantees 12-13 kg of yield.

Early Tusk

Numerous reviews of Tusk pepper from gardeners confirm that in appearance the fruits of this plant really resemble the body part of elephants of the same name. They are long, slightly curved at the end. In biological maturity – red, glossy. On a medium-sized bush, the peppers grow one to one, 100-120 grams, fleshy, juicy. The yield is average, up to 3 kg, compensated by excellent taste, early ripening: 95-100 days.

Precious bunches

The White Gold pepper, so named for the golden color of its ripe berries, puffs up in different directions with its beautiful prism-shaped fruits. This variety belongs to the early varieties, medium size. The average mass of peppers is 100 grams, the wall thickness is 6 mm. Transportability, keeping quality, disease resistance are good. Productivity is above all praise, 4-5 kg ​​per sq.m.

Pepper heavyweight

Samson pepper hangs in heavy clusters from the branches, an early variety, 90-95 days until technical maturity. Average statistical indicators: cylindrical fruit 180-200 grams, with a wall of 7 mm, yield - over 5 kg/m. The color changes from yellowish to red as it ripens. Suitable for any type of cultivation.

Advantages and disadvantages of using the variety

Advantages of Early Miracle from the main producer of its seeds - TM Semko:

  1. Good adaptability to changing conditions. Survivability in different climatic zones.
  2. Increased resistance to stress. Pepper tolerates high summer temperatures and other negative factors.
  3. Excellent product characteristics. The harvest looks delicious on the branches and on the dining table. The vegetable is used in a large number of culinary recipes. Freshly picked fruits are available for transportation.
  4. Large size.
  5. High productivity.
  6. Precocity. Possibility to receive fruits already in the middle of summer.
  7. Immunity to a number of diseases.

Cons of this pepper:

  • the hybrid cannot be propagated independently by seeds;
  • It is advisable to tie the bush to a support.

Preparation for cultivation

Before using seeds, they must be prepared. Planting material is sorted, removing darkened and damaged specimens, and disinfected by soaking in one of the following products:

  • hydrogen peroxide – 15 minutes;
  • light pink solution of potassium permanganate – 20 minutes;
  • “Fitosporin” – 6 hours;
  • aloe juice, diluted in half with water – 12 hours;
  • solution of 1 tsp soda in a glass of water – 12 tsp.

After this, the seeds are germinated. They do this in the following way:

  1. The seeds are soaked for 5 hours in water at a temperature of 40°C. It is important to ensure that the temperature of the liquid does not fall below this mark.
  2. After this, the seeds are wrapped in damp gauze, placed in a saucer, covered with film and placed in a warm place for 2-3 days. All this time, the material is regularly moistened with warm liquid.

After this time, the seeds should swell and hatch. This is a sign that the planting material is ready for planting.

Before planting the pepper in a permanent place, seedlings are grown. Otherwise, the plant will not have time to harvest before frost.

In addition to seeds, to grow seedlings you need to prepare the following materials:

  1. Containers. It is better to use individual peat tablets or pots right away. If this is not possible, the seeds are first planted in a common box, and then the grown seedlings are planted in individual pots.
  2. Priming. A commercial soil mixture for seedlings and peppers is suitable. You can prepare the soil yourself by mixing garden soil, humus and sand in equal proportions.
  3. Dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. It is used to disinfect containers, soil and drainage.
  4. Drainage. Coarse sand, broken ceramics, crushed expanded clay or small crushed stone are suitable.

Details and features of agricultural technology

Sowing for cultivation in a greenhouse can be done as early as February. For open soil - in March. Picking plants is allowed after the appearance of 1-2 true leaves. To transplant into soil in a permanent place, keep the plant in an individual pot until at least 10 leaves appear (about 50 days from the moment of germination).

Advice. Due to their height, peppers are difficult to fit compactly in the garden bed. Experts recommend placing it on 1 sq. m no more than 3 plants.

Sowing seeds for seedlings
Planting seedlings in a greenhouse/greenhouse
Planting seedlings in exhaust gas
Harvesting (in the greenhouse / in the greenhouse)
End of February / first half of MarchBeginning of MayThe beginning of JuneClear the stem of leaves and shoots below the first branchFirst half of July/end of July
*dates are indicated for central Russia

What type of pepper is this?

Orange Miracle F1 is a first generation hybrid. It was included in the Russian state register in 2007.

Since then, the crop has been in steady demand among gardeners. It is produced by Sedek and Semko.

Attention! Some companies called Orange Miracle produce another bush pepper. It has a pungent taste and completely different characteristics. Before purchasing seeds, it is important to carefully read the information on the packaging.

Distinctive features

The orange miracle is the bell pepper. Its main feature is considered to be bright, juicy, large, cuboid-shaped fruits. They have a bright orange color inside and out, with a glossy skin. The taste of pepper is sweet, with a slight refreshing sourness. The aroma is rich. There is no bitterness even at the stage of technical maturity.

Another distinctive feature of the hybrid is its high yield. Despite the fact that the seeds from the fruit are not suitable for planting, it is profitable to plant even for sale.

The orange miracle has high immunity. It is not afraid of either viral or fungal diseases, which greatly simplifies plant care.

Peppers contain large amounts of beta-carotene. This makes the vegetable especially useful for children and people suffering from vitamin deficiency.

The negative features of the hybrid include the lack of cold resistance. It is recommended for cultivation in a greenhouse. Growing in open ground is possible only in regions with a hot climate.

Hybrid characteristics

The description of the Orange Miracle on the packaging fully corresponds to the real characteristics. Its fruits turn out shiny and beautiful, as in the photo. But it is not only the beauty of the fruit that makes the hybrid so popular.

We suggest evaluating the remaining characteristics using the table:

Bush typeTall. It reaches a height of 1 m. The stems are powerful and durable. Belongs to the shrub type. The bushes are not very spreading, compact. The leaves are dark green, medium-sized, slightly wrinkled. They are formed on the plant in large quantities.
Growing methodWarm-loving culture. Recommended for growing in greenhouses. In the southern regions, planting in open ground is possible.
ProductivityHigh. From 1 sq. m get up to 15 kg of fruit.
FruitLarge ones. On average, the weight of each of them varies between 150–250 g. The weight of individual specimens reaches 300 g. The color of the fruit is bright orange. The skin is glossy. Cuboid shape. On average, one pepper reaches 10 cm in length and 9 cm in width. There is pronounced ribbing on both sides, which spreads across the entire plane. Wall thickness 7–9 mm. The pulp has a richly sweet taste, with a slight sourness and peppery aroma.
TransportabilityHigh. Peppers can be stored for more than a month and are suitable for transportation over long distances.
Ripening timeBelongs to early ripening varieties. The first fruits ripen 105–115 days after sowing the seeds.
Disease resistanceHas immunity to fungal and viral diseases.

Reviews from gardeners

Summer resident Angelina in her review praises the pepper for its taste. She advises tying and pinching the variety up to the first cluster. Evgenia from Tyumen managed to obtain larger peppers than indicated in the annotation for the hybrid. The average weight of a vegetable is 330 g.

In Galina's photo (Belarus), the sweet pepper looks more cuboid than prism-shaped. Otherwise, the crop fully confirmed the yield declared by Semko. The fruits began to ripen first in the summer resident’s greenhouse and turned out to be really thick-walled and juicy.

Early Miracle is an interesting early hybrid of sweet peppers. Its positive qualities are confirmed by ordinary gardeners.

Sweet pepper “Early miracle”

Pepper Early Miracle reviews – Pepper Early Miracle

pepper Early miracle f1 reviews – Early miracle

The earliest ripening variety of Dutch selection (again, according to the seed manufacturer). The “Early Miracle” pepper variety should have juicy, sweet and aromatic, beautiful, cube-shaped, thick-walled (9-11 mm) fruits weighing 250-300 g (that’s just a miracle, not a pepper). The “Early Miracle” bush is strong, erect, 60-80 cm high.

The variety is characterized by excellent fruit set and complex disease resistance, and has a yield of up to 6 kg/m2.

The manufacturer did not make any mistakes on the packaging of this variety, which is encouraging. Although, we'll wait and see...

The best varieties for greenhouses

Peppers are grown in greenhouses in regions with sudden weather changes and cool summers - in the Urals or Siberia. Greenhouses made of glass or polycarbonate and greenhouses are installed on the plots. The structures protect heat-loving peppers from rain, frost, fog and wind.

It is recommended to plant the following varieties:

  1. California miracle - ripens in 110-120 days. The cube-shaped, flattened fruits have an attractive appearance and a sweet aroma. The variety is unpretentious in care and universal in use. The Californian miracle is planted using seedlings.
  2. Hercules is an early ripening pepper, ripens in 90 days. The fruits are large, each weighing about 250 g. The walls are thick, the harvest can be transported over long distances. The taste is juicy and sweet.
  3. Agapovsky . The mid-early variety has prism-shaped fruits with sugary pulp. The color is bright red, the taste is pleasant. Pepper weight is about 130 g, per 1 sq. m harvest about 12 kg. Agapovsky ripens in 100-120 days.
  4. Atlant . A popular variety among beginning gardeners, it is easy to care for and does not require special skills. The weight of the fruit varies from 200 to 400 g, the flesh is crispy and sweet. There are many seeds, the wall thickness is 6 mm.
  5. Bogatyr - got its name because of the large fruits. Pepper weight 180 g, resistant to diseases and insects. Gardeners value the variety for its attractive commercial qualities and versatility in use.

Characteristics and description of the variety

Yellow Dutch sweet pepper Orange Miracle F1 is a highly productive hybrid with a uniformly colored bright orange peel. Dutch varieties are valued for their uniform, almost perfect shape, thick walls and sweet aroma. The orange miracle doesn't just look different. It is denser than other peppers, with an average fruit weight of 210 g and a wall density of up to 10 cm.

Fruiting of the variety can last until late autumn. The attractive appearance of the Orange Miracle and its delicious taste make it a decorative product that will help every housewife with creative inspiration. The variety can be added to salads, first and second courses, fried, stewed, baked, stuffed, canned.

Did you know? Ruud Manxwinkel, a representative of the greenhouse vegetable growing company Wageningen UR, recommends distinguishing the ripening time of Dutch peppers by the stalk: the later the ripening time, the shorter the stalk.

Technical characteristics of the variety:

  1. The bush reaches a height of 90–110 cm in open ground. Strong, dense stems. It is possible to form the bush into 3–4 basic branches.
  2. The fruits are orange, large, cubic in shape with not pronounced ribbing, measuring 10x10 cm. The internal cavity is quite large with powerful white partitions, which it is advisable to remove before cooking. The pulp is dense and aromatic.
  3. Productivity reaches 14 kg per 1 m². Fruiting occurs 110 days after planting and lasts from June to late autumn.
  4. Peppers are low in calories and contain no fat, sodium or cholesterol. Thick-walled fruits are characterized by the fact that they contain 5 times the daily dose of vitamin C and are a source of folic acid, fiber and iron.
  5. Manufactured in the Netherlands. It is preferable to grow from seeds in a greenhouse with controlled growth parameters. But it is also possible to grow it in open ground on a personal plot.

A feature of modern variety selection is that vegetable growing institutes in different countries, including the Netherlands, approve a list of promising forms that can be packaged “as is” by distribution companies or used by agricultural holdings to obtain promising varieties. Therefore, you can find seeds of the same variety in packages from different companies, or you can find different types under the same name. So, along with the sweet Orange miracle, hot peppers of the same name are sold in Russia.

The best varieties and hybrids of early sweet peppers for open ground

Peppers are grown in open ground by summer residents of the southern regions. Such areas are characterized by a temperate climate, windlessness, nutritious and loose soil. We will study further which hybrids and early varieties of sweet peppers for open ground are preferred by gardeners.

Early miracle

The hybrid Early Miracle F1 ripens 90 days after the appearance of the first shoots. The plant is bushy, low growing. The foliage is dense and dark green in color. Planted by seedlings - seedlings are prepared in mid-March. They are transferred to the ground in May, after the last spring frosts. The hybrid loves fertile and loose soils, saturated with phosphorus and calcium.

The fruits are cone-shaped, oblong. The color is rich red, the peel is smooth and glossy. The weight of the pepper varies from 100 to 130 g. The wall thickness is 8 mm, the crop is stored for up to two months and can be transported over long distances. The yield is stable; summer residents collect 13-16 red fruits from one plant.


The productive Ivanhoe variety produces the first harvest in 100-110 days. The fruits are cone-shaped, slightly flattened. Wall thickness 7 mm, few seeds. The peel is glossy, red.

The variety is valued for its attractive commercial qualities, tasty and juicy pulp, and sweet aroma. Ivanhoe is immune to diseases and pests and is unpretentious in care. To get the best harvest, it is recommended to plant peppers after cabbage, potatoes or legumes.

Interesting ! Sweet peppers contain vitamins A, B, C, E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other trace elements. Regular consumption of the vegetable normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Sweet chocolate

Original fruits ripen in 110-120 days. The bushes are low, about 70 cm. The fruits are oblong, the color is burgundy-brown, weight is about 80 g. The wall thickness is from 5 to 7 mm. The pulp is sweet and juicy and is universal in use.

The Sweet Chocolate variety is planted both as seedlings and seeds in open ground. Care consists of timely fertilizing, watering and loosening the beds.

Sweet pepper Sweet chocolate. Brief overview, description of characteristics of Sladkii shokolad


It belongs to hybrids and has strong immunity to bad weather and diseases. Accord is a mid-early hybrid, harvested 130-140 days after emergence. The bushes are medium-sized, height varies from 70 to 90 cm. The fruits are cone-shaped, red. The weight of the pepper is about 140 g, the wall thickness is 7 mm.

Mineral and organic fertilizers help to get a rich harvest of Accord peppers - summer residents add ash, manure, litter, compost, and ammonium nitrate to the beds. Fertilizers strengthen the plant's immunity and improve the taste of the fruit.

cabin boy

Compact bushes decorate the garden and are easy to care for. They are planted in sunny and nutrient beds. The pepper is cone-shaped and red in color. Yunga is a high-yielding variety, from 1 sq. m gardeners collect about 7 kg.

The pulp is fleshy and sweet. The fruits are good both fresh and after heat treatment. Peppers are used to prepare canned dishes, vegetable stews and risotto. Housewives also love stuffed snacks: just stuff the pepper with meat or vegetable filling.


The fruits weigh 180 g. The harvest ripens in 110-120 days. Planted with seeds or seedlings, the beds are dug up and cleared of debris and weeds before planting. Funtik pepper does not require special care and is unpretentious. Ripe fruits have a bright red color and glossy skin. Wall thickness 9 mm, few seeds.

Sweet pepper Funtik. Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy Funtik seedlings


The bushes of the variety are miniature, about 60 cm in height. The fruits are drooping, the weight of the pepper is about 120 g, the surface is slightly ribbed, the stalk is large. Wall thickness from 5 to 7 mm, color red. Kupets ripens in 110 days and is popular among gardeners from the middle zone.

Interesting! 100 g of sweet pepper contains 25 kcal. The vegetable is used to prepare dietary dishes - soups, salads and snacks.


Plants reach a height of 60 cm. The variety is grown both in greenhouses and in open ground. Vegetables have a truncated cone shape, weight about 170-200 g. Red color, juicy taste, with noticeable sourness. From 1 sq. m summer residents collect about 5 kg.

Due to their large size, vegetables are recommended to be consumed fresh; they are not suitable for whole-fruit cooking.

Yellow bell

The variety got its name because of its inverted bell shape. Weight varies from 170 to 200 g. Commercial quality is excellent - the pepper attracts with its glossy skin and bright yellow color. The wall thickness is 8 mm, the flesh is dense and sugary.

Universal use - vegetables are stewed, baked, pickled and canned.

Important! Yellow bell rarely suffers from tobacco mosaic, root rot and other common crop diseases. Fruits set even in conditions of high humidity and sudden temperature changes.

Sweet pepper Yellow bell (zheltyy kolokol)

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