Cold- and disease-resistant early-ripening cherry variety “Bryanskaya pink”

What kind of variety is this

Bryansk pink cherries will be a godsend for beginning gardeners and will add variety to their garden plot.

History of origin and distribution

The variety was bred by breeders A. I. Astakhov and M. V. Kanshina at the Federal Scientific Center “VIK im. W. R. Williams " . They took Muscat black cherry as the starting material and began to develop seedlings with improved characteristics. Official testing of the variety began in 1987, and already in 1993 the crop was included in the State Register.

The plant quickly spread throughout the middle zone and gained popularity among summer residents, gardeners and farms.

Diseases and pests

Bryansk pink is resistant to the most common fungal infections. This variety is also rarely affected by fruit rot. But some ailments still pose a danger to this variety.

Table: diseases characteristic of Bryansk pink cherries

DiseasesSymptomsTreatment optionsPrevention measures
Phyllosticosis (brown spot)
  1. Small brown spots form on the leaves.
  2. Subsequently, the affected tissue falls out, which leads to the appearance of holes.
At the initial stage of bud break, after flowering and after 3 weeks, spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture.Removal of affected branches and treatment of wounds with 1% copper sulfate.
False tinder
  1. The wood becomes soft, black veins appear inside.
  2. Sick trees weaken and break easily when exposed to wind.
The tree must be uprooted and burned.
  1. Processing cherries with lime-based whitewashing.
  2. Disinfection of wounds on a tree with 3% copper sulfate.
Sulfur-yellow tinder fungus
  1. Cracks with fungal spores form in the wood.
  2. The affected tree begins to fall apart.
Dying of branches
  1. Light pink growths appear on the bark.
  2. Gradually the fabric breaks down and the branches dry out.
Treating damaged areas with garden varnish.Pruning and burning diseased shoots.

Photo gallery: diseases typical for the culture

False tinder fungus leads to tree depletion

Dying of branches can deprive a share of the harvest

Sulfur-yellow tinder fungus is not treatable

Phyllosticosis damages leaves, reducing yield

Table: pests attacking the tree

PestsSignsWays to fightPrevention
Cherry elephant
  1. The pest damages ovaries, leaves, buds and shoots.
  2. Females gnaw holes in the berries, which causes deformation of the fruit.
Treating the crown and soil before bud break with a 3% DDT suspension.Digging the tree trunk area in the fall.
AphidThe pest settles on shoots and leaves, sucks the juice from the plant, as a result of which the branches are deformed and the leaves curl.If the tree is damaged, spray with a 0.2% solution of Nicotine sulfate.Removing root shoots.
leaf rollerThe pest eats buds, ovaries, leaves, and the plates curl into a tube.Spraying before buds begin to bloom with a mineral-oil emulsion of 8% concentration.Whitewashing the trunk.

Photo gallery: insects damaging cherries

Cherry elephant eats berries

The leaf roller eats the leaves, leading to the depletion of the tree

Aphids are a voracious parasite that quickly destroys leaves and shoots

Characteristics of trees

Bryansk pink is a self-sterile variety of late flowering and ripening . The trunk grows slowly, the maximum height of an adult tree is 3–3.6 m. The crown is pyramidal and of medium density. The skeletal branches are located compactly at an acute angle relative to the trunk and are slightly raised upward.

The shoots are straight or slightly curved with smooth grey-brown bark . In the active phase of the growing season, the buds take the shape of an elongated egg, and in the generative phase they become oval. The leaves are large, dark green, with jagged edges and a pointed tip.

The inflorescences consist of 3 small flowers with a saucer-shaped corolla. Long pistils and stamens are hidden in the goblet-shaped cup. The buds grow on thick petioles.

Flowering begins in the second half of May . At this time, the threat of return frosts is minimal and the formation of ovaries is not threatened.

Temperature resistance

Bryansk pink is distinguished by increased frost resistance and winter hardiness , as it is zoned specifically for temperate climates with short summers. Grown in most horticultural regions without restrictions.

Attention! Spring frosts are dangerous when flower buds freeze and are damaged.

Moisture and drought resistance

The variety does not tolerate stagnation of moisture at the roots , as the risk of disease or damping off is high. Tolerates short dry weather well. Water is required during flowering and ovary formation, as well as in pre-winter preparation.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The plant is affected by pests of stone fruit crops and requires timely protection.

Bryansk rose has a high tolerance to most common infectious diseases:

  • coccomycosis;
  • moniliosis;
  • cleasterosporiasis;
  • fruit rot.

Minimal preventative treatment against pathogens and pests is the basis of tree care.

How to plant Bryansk pink cherries

Growing Bryansk pink cherries is not too difficult, but you need to choose the right place for planting, as well as provide proper further care.

Photo of cherry planting scheme

First you need to check how acidic the soil is in the garden plot where the cherries will grow. It's good if there is a litmus test. With which it is very easy to check the pH of the soil. But you can do this with regular vinegar. A little soil is taken from the garden (it is dug out of a hole 30-40 cm deep), ordinary window glass is placed on a black, flat surface, and the soil is laid out on it. A little table vinegar is poured on it. If the soil is acidic, no chemical reaction will occur. On neutral soil, a little white foam will appear, and alkaline soil will “foam” all over.

It is better to select a place for planting this cherry in the southern or southeastern part of the garden - there the tree will be constantly illuminated by the sun's rays.

Photo of cherry blossoms


When growing cherries in the shade, you need to know that in such conditions the tree will develop worse, and the fruits will not gain the required amount of sugars.

It is best to plant Bryansk pink cherries on a small hill, where they will still be sheltered from gusts of cold wind.

In small garden plots, gardeners plant cherries, to which several varieties have been grafted with the same flowering periods. In this case, they cross-pollinate each other and bear fruit regularly.

Photos of growing Bryansk pink cherries

Bryansk rose requires loose, fertile soil that perfectly allows moisture and oxygen to pass to the roots of the tree.

Heavy clay and sandy soils are not suitable for this variety of cherries, unless they are improved - add a large amount of humus or compost to sandy ones, and sand and humus to clayey soils.

When choosing a cherry seedling, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • the tree must be two years old; older seedlings should not be purchased;
  • the roots of the plant should be well developed, there should be at least 4 of them, and the length should be about 25 cm, without growths or compactions;
  • you should make sure that the bark of the trunk and shoots has a uniform color, it is smooth and even, without signs of damage;
  • tree height – no more than 1 m.

Before planting, the seedlings are placed in a container of water to which Kornevin is added to disinfect the tree.

Bryansk pink cherries should be planted in early spring before sap flow begins, or in late autumn after leaf fall. The soil for planting is prepared in the fall (if it will be planted in the spring) or about a month before the autumn planting.

The area for planting must be dug up, first adding 6 kg of compost, 1 tbsp. l. potassium chloride and 1.5 tbsp. l. superphosphate. Dolomite flour or lime is added to soil that is too acidic.

Planting cherries - video

Bryansk rose should be planted immediately and a couple of pollinator trees nearby. For each tree, they dig a hole with a diameter of 0.8 m and a depth of 0.6 m. The distance between adjacent holes is 3.5-4 m. The distance from the fence or garden buildings should be the same.

Before planting, add 5-6 kg of clay to sandy soil, and the same amount of sand to heavy soils.

A nutrient substrate is added to the sandy soil - garden soil mixed with 10 kg of rotted mullein, 2 tbsp. l. potassium salt and 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate. This amount of fertilizer should be enough to fill the hole to about a third of the depth.

The best ways to propagate black currants
A peg is driven in near the center of the hole, to which the tree will be tied until it is completely rooted.

The seedling is placed in the center of the hole, the roots are straightened along its diameter and the hole is filled with earth, compacting it well. Under each tree you need to pour 35-40 liters of water.

Description of berries

The first harvest is harvested only in the 5th year of the cherry tree's life , at the end of July.
The berries are round, 2-3 cm in diameter, weighing 4-5 g. Ripe fruits are picked 3-5 days after ripening, otherwise they will begin to deteriorate. For sale, the berries are collected with the stalks and at the very beginning of ripening. The dense and thin skin has different shades of pink and yellow with red speckles . The bone is small and comes off in half. The pulp is juicy, compacted, light yellow, the juice is colorless. The taste is sweet, tasters give it 4.1 points out of a possible 5.

Thanks to the strong skin, the fruits do not crack even during prolonged rains , have excellent transportability and do not lose their presentation.

Productivity is stable, but low . On average, an adult tree produces 20 kg of produce per season, and in a good season - up to 35–40 kg. When grown for industrial purposes, 50–55 centners are obtained from 1 hectare.

Interesting things on the site:

Review of the best winter-hardy cherry varieties and their choice

What are good hybrids of cherries and sweet cherries and their features

Areas of use

The variety is classified as universal . Cherries are sold, made into juices, jams, and frozen. When preserving, the high sugar content in berries is taken into account (the ratio of acids to sugars in berries is 1:20).

Cherry Bryansk Pink. Barsky Garden

Harvesting and storage

The Bryansk pink cherry variety has a late ripening period, so harvesting lasts from the end of July to the first ten days of August inclusive. Pick the berries together with the stalk to significantly extend the shelf life of the fruit. You can also collect them before they are fully ripe and immediately place them in the refrigerator at a temperature of up to +4 °C.

Try to select for storage only high-quality, smooth fruits without any visible damage: dents, rot, holes eaten away by pests. Damaged berries should be eaten or processed as soon as possible, because they cannot be stored for more than one day.

Fresh cherries in good condition can be kept fresh in the refrigerator for almost 2 weeks. You should not put them in a plastic bag; it is better to take plastic containers, without closing them hermetically so that the berries do not rot, but covering the container from time to time for 20–30 minutes.

The fruits of the Bryansk pink cherry are good in fresh, frozen, dried form, as well as in processing into jam, jam, compote or juice.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Over 3 decades of cultivation, the variety has clearly demonstrated positive and negative characteristics.

Among the advantages:

  • winter hardiness down to -25…-30°C without signs of frostbite;
  • immunity to fungal diseases;
  • compactness of the tree and restrained growth;
  • relatively simple care requirements;
  • high taste and technological characteristics of berries;
  • drought resistance.

Disadvantages noted:

  • the taste often contains bitterness;
  • small berries;
  • the variety requires a pollinator;
  • long wait for the first fruiting.

Description of the Shpanka cherry variety

The Spanka tree is quite tall, can reach 6 meters

Shpanka cherry appeared as a result of long-term crossing of different species. The birthplace of the tree is Ukraine. The tree is quite tall, can reach 6 meters. It has a spreading crown, so it needs plenty of space. The foliage is medium in density. The leaves are ellipsoidal, up to 8 cm long, and rich green in color.

The berries are dark red, rounded and flattened. They grow in whole garlands on the branches. The berries are large, weighing up to 10 g. The pulp is lighter than the skin, fleshy, sweet with a slight sourness.

Growing technology

The survival rate of the crop depends on the correct choice of planting material, location and preparation.

The tree is bought from a nursery to avoid fraud with the variety and not to lose the plant after the first winter . Select a two-year-old seedling without cracks or damage, with live buds and a light cut at the top. The exposed roots are wrapped in a damp cloth and wrapped in film. This will protect the plant from dehydration during transportation.

Optimal conditions

When planting, take into account suitable climatic conditions and late fruiting of the variety . If the seedling is purchased in late autumn, it is buried. Cherries, like all stone fruits, are best planted in the spring, even if the plant is in a container.

Landing dates and rules

Cherries are planted before buds begin to open and sap flows . In the Central region, the deadline falls on the first half of April. At this time, the ground is completely thawed, and the threat of serious frost is minimal.

A place is selected that is well lit and protected from the wind, especially from the north . The ideal would be a gentle slope, an area near the south side of the house or a solid fence, where there is no stagnation of melt water. Maintain a distance of 3-4 m from the foundation or tall trees. When mass planting, wide passages of 5-6 m are made.

The variety develops favorably on loose neutral sandy or loamy soils with good drainage and a low groundwater threshold.

Important! For the formation of an ovary, at least 2 pollinators are required nearby - other types of cherries. Cherry and elderberry will be successful neighbors. It is not advisable to plant Bryansk pink next to apple, pear, currant, raspberry and nightshade trees.

The planting site is prepared in the fall or spring, 3-4 weeks before work, as follows:

  1. Dig a hole 60–70 cm deep, 70–80 cm wide and long.
  2. The soil is mixed with 2 buckets of humus, 4-5 handfuls of ash and 100 g of superphosphate and transferred back.
  3. The clay soil is dug a little deeper and broken brick or crushed stone is placed at the bottom.
  4. Drive in a peg for support.
  5. If the weather is dry, add 2 buckets of water to better dissolve the nutrients.

Before planting, the cherry roots are placed for 2-3 hours in the “Kornevin” solution for better survival. Further:

  1. Part of the soil is removed from the hole.
  2. Place the seedling so that the neck comes out of the ground a few centimeters, straighten the roots.
  3. Gradually rake the soil, compacting the layer with your hands each time. At the end, a roller is formed around it.
  4. The trunk is tied to the stake with a figure eight knot.
  5. Pour out 2-3 buckets of water and mulch with humus.

For large seedlings, pruning is done at a height of 60–80 cm from the ground.

Further care

Caring for the variety is standard for cherries . Seedlings 2–4 years old are given 2 buckets of water every 3 weeks. To prevent crust formation, the soil is loosened and mulched in a timely manner.

Mature trees are given a moisture charge 4 times per season: before and after flowering, 2 weeks before harvest and in the fall. Pre-winter watering is important as it will help survive frosts.

In the spring, to stimulate shoots, 100–150 g of urea is evenly applied to the tree trunk circle, which is embedded shallowly. After fruiting ends, the plant is fed with 300 g of phosphorus and 100 g of potassium.

Attention! The crown is formed over the next few years. Further pruning will be for sanitary purposes only. The variety is not prone to thickening; only the branches rubbing against each other are cut out inside. Even minor wounds are covered with garden varnish.

Possible problems, diseases, pests

The variety is resistant to the most common crop diseases, but cool and rainy summers cause outbreaks of phyllosticosis, the appearance of false and sulfur-yellow tinder fungi. Dangerous pests include aphids, leaf rollers, and cherry moths.

Spraying with 1% Bordeaux mixture before buds open and after picking berries helps against fungus. Insects are destroyed with insecticides: “Aktellik”, “Karate”, “Karbofos”.


Bryansk pink is not afraid of frost, but it will not be superfluous to prepare it for winter . The procedure will help protect against pests, spring burns and rodents.

Stages of work:

  1. Clear the tree trunk circle of leaves and weeds.
  2. Dig the soil to a depth of 10 cm.
  3. The trunk and a third of the lower branches are whitened with a composition of 5 liters of water, 1 kg of lime, 100 g of copper sulfate and 500 g of powdered clay. For young trees, the concentration is 2 times less.
  4. Mulch with a thick layer of sawdust and peat. The trunk is wrapped in burlap or spruce branches.


The grafting method is suitable for propagation . When growing a tree from a seed, varietal characteristics are not preserved. The cuttings are grafted onto a young seedling. He will repeat the parental characteristics.

The cutting method is rarely used as it is unproductive. In this case, the survival rate is no more than 5%.

Caring for cherries as they grow

Do you want to get a good harvest of the Bryansk pink variety? Then you will have to follow the rules of agricultural technology. This will not be difficult, since the crop in question was bred specifically for cultivation in the conditions of central Russia and is considered unpretentious.


The Bryansk pink cherry tree needs proper moisture in sufficient quantities, so you need to provide it with regular watering. Carry it out monthly throughout the growing season. For each tree, spend at least 2-3 buckets while the tree is young, and 5-6 buckets when it becomes consistently fruitful.

During periods that are too dry, increase the amount of watering to once a week.

Every time you water a cherry tree, loosen the soil around it to a depth of about 10 cm. This way you will help the root system get enough oxygen and improve the access of moisture and nutrients.

Be sure to loosen the soil around the tree before watering

Remove weeds from the tree trunk in a timely manner and mulch the soil. This way you will protect the tree from pests and diseases, and also retain the right amount of moisture near the root system. In the second year of tree growth, increase the root circle to 1 m in diameter.

If your cherries grow in an area with clay soil, avoid autumn watering. In such an environment, water can stagnate, which will negatively affect the root system of the tree.

Scheme of watering cherries in the form of a table

PeriodAmount of water per tree
During bud formationAbout 60 l
During flowering
After the harvest is harvested
Second half of September - end of October150 l

Plant nutrition

Year of cherry growthFertilizer application timeWhat substances need to be added
Before the start of fruiting period
Second year of growthFrom the first days of May to June inclusive, fertilize three times every 10 days.Dilute 30 g of urea in 10 liters of water.
Third year of growth
Fourth year of growthThe beginning of spring.Apply 150 g of urea to the soil.
Aug. Sept.Apply a mixture of 350 g of superphosphate and 120 g of potassium sulfate into the soil under the tree.
After entering the fruiting period
Every yearThe beginning of spring.300 g of urea for the roots.
September.A mixture of 400 g of superphosphate and 200 g of potassium salt in the under-barrel circle.
Every 2 yearsIn autumn.Adding 40–50 kg of compost or humus.

Crown formation

Every year in the spring, before the buds begin to swell, you need to carry out formative pruning of the tree. This is necessary to ensure that the crown does not grow to certain limits. The sparse-tiered form is recognized as the most convenient.

Proceed as follows:

  1. In the second year of tree growth, leave 3 branches in the bottom row: the bottom two at the same level, the third 20 cm higher.
  2. In the third year, form the next tier. It should be located 70 cm higher from the first and consist of two branches.
  3. Cut the central shoot so that it is 20 cm higher than the others.
  4. On the branches of the bottom row, leave 2 branches, each 50 cm long.

When forming a crown, try to leave shoots growing at an angle of 50° from the trunk. Since cherry wood is fragile, if damaged, the resulting wounds can cause the emergence and development of diseases.

When the tree reaches fruiting age (5 years or more), its branches may begin to grow inside the crown. Such sprouts need to be cut off: they create excessive thickening.

This diagram will help you make the correct pruning to form the crown of a cherry tree.

Every autumn, in October, cut off branches that show signs of disease, rot, or drying out, and burn them. This will prevent the development of diseases. Lubricate the cut areas with garden varnish. You can buy it or prepare it at home. Take 100 g of wax, 50 g of lard, 200 g of rosin. Melt them, mix and boil for 20 minutes. Cool the mixture and place it in a jar. To stimulate tree growth, you can add Heteroauxin to the mixture at the rate of 1 tablet of the product per 1 kg of composition.

You can buy garden varnish ready-made or prepare it yourself

Preparing cherries for winter

After you have harvested the entire garden, carefully loosen and water the soil around the tree. Remove all fallen leaves and burn them. Mulch the soil in the tree trunk circle with peat, sawdust or humus to retain the required amount of moisture and nutrients while preventing the soil from freezing.

Whiten the cherry tree trunk to protect the tree from pests and sunlight. For this you will need:

  • 3 kg of lime;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • 50 g casein glue;
  • 500 g of copper sulfate.

Apply whitewash to the trunk from the base and the base of the skeletal branches in 2 layers.

Whitewashing the trunk will help you protect cherries from diseases and pests

While the tree is still young and has not entered the fruiting period, wrap it in burlap for the winter.

Pollinator varieties

Since Bryansk pink is self-sterile, for pollination it requires proximity to a simultaneously flowering cherry of another variety.
Without this condition, the yield will be practically zero. The best crops for cross-pollination are :

  • Revna;
  • And the way;
  • Tyutchevka;
  • Ovstuzhenka.

The crop is not pollinated by cherries, but early varieties (Shpanka, Dessertnaya Morozovaya) can act as such.

Cherry propagation

There are several ways to propagate your favorite cherry variety in your garden.

  • Reproduction by seeds. In this case, do not expect to get the exact variety of plant you planted. When propagated by seeds, hybrid varieties lose many of the qualities imparted to them.
  • Reproduction by cuttings. This method of growing new trees makes it possible to obtain strong, viable seedlings.
  • Cherry grafting. In most cases, this method is used to rejuvenate old trees that have stopped producing crops.

Important! When choosing any of the propagation methods, the climatic conditions of the region where the tree is planted are taken into account.

Reviews from summer residents

Over decades of cultivation, owners of the variety have generally formed a positive opinion:

Matvey, Moscow region : “I would argue about the sustainability of Bryansk pink. Of the four cherries, one suffered from moniliosis, but the disease developed mainly due to an expired fungicide. This is most likely a feature of the tree that may have suffered the most from the cold season. Overall, I was pleased: the variety proved to be the most prolific.”

Svetlana, Khabarovsk : “The variety has proven itself well in our conditions, it is really unpretentious and does not freeze. I would like higher yields, but the advantages are immeasurably greater.”

Irina, Ryazan : “I have a tree in my garden for 10 years, there are pollinators nearby. The yield is stable, although the berries are small, but we have enough. I feed as needed, water 3-4 times per season. I recommend!".

Landing dates

As you know, it is generally not recommended to plant stone fruits in the fall, at least as far as the middle zone is concerned. True, recently seedlings are often sold in containers (with a closed root system); It is believed that they can be planted at almost any time. However, in the case of cherries, it is better not to risk such seedlings: the tree should meet the onset of winter, having already completely settled in the new place.

Therefore, regarding the timing of planting, we can definitely say: Bryansk pink should be planted only in the spring. The specific timing depends on the weather: the soil on the site should completely thaw, serious frosts should pass, but the buds on the seedling should be at rest or, at most, just swell. Most often in the Central region, this situation occurs in the first half of April. But, naturally, all preparatory work must be carried out in the fall. If you had to purchase a seedling in the fall, it must be properly buried in the garden until spring.

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