Time-tested Titan tomato for growing in open ground

Description of the variety

The Titan tomato grows in 120-140 days from planting. The bushes are low, only 40-70 cm in height, and do not require tying or pinching. The foliage is average. Its compact size allows you to grow the variety at home - on a windowsill or loggia.

Fruit characteristics and yield

The shape of ripe tomatoes is round and even, the skin is smooth and red.
The pulp is juicy and sweet, there are few seeds. The weight of a tomato varies from 80 to 120 g. Thanks to its dense structure, Titan is well stored and can be transported over long distances. The variety is resistant to diseases and unpredictable weather conditions. From one bush, summer residents harvest about 5 kg of ripe and tasty tomatoes.

Titan pink

The Titan variety is so named because of the dark pink color of its fruits. Unlike its “relative,” Titan pink mid-early produces its first harvest in 100-110 days.

Ripe tomatoes are small, about 100 g. However, in greenhouse conditions there are specimens weighing 200-250 g. They are unpretentious in care and are valued by farmers for their versatility: Pink titanium is good both fresh and in preparations for the winter.

Growing Tips

Titan Pink tomatoes are grown from seedlings. It is recommended to begin sowing work in the second decade of March. Seeds purchased in a store do not need to be processed in any special way. Their processing is carried out in industrial conditions.

To get high-quality seedlings, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Separate containers should be prepared for seedlings.
  2. The seed is planted with a depression of one and a half to two centimeters.
  3. After planting, the containers must be covered with film.
  4. It is necessary to ensure that the air temperature in the room where the seedlings are located is at least +21 degrees.
  5. When the first shoots appear, the containers with seedlings should be moved to a well-lit place.
  6. When the first true leaves form, the seedlings are picked.
  7. For the first time, the vegetable crop needs to be fed immediately after the seedlings appear.

For good tomato growth, seedlings should be hardened off. It must be transferred to a permanent place 30 days after sowing. When planting in the garden, you must ensure that there are no more than nine bushes per square meter.

Important! To harvest a large amount of crop, you need to form a plant with two or three stems

  1. Regular watering of bushes with warm water.
  2. Timely weeding and loosening of the soil.
  3. Fertilizer application throughout the growing season and fruit formation.
  4. Tie the plant to a vertical support to avoid breaking the trunk under the heavy weight of the fruit.

For prevention purposes, you need to regularly ventilate the greenhouse or loggia. To prevent the development of late blight, it is necessary not to exceed watering norms and to ensure that the humidity is not exceeded.

Most gardeners respond positively to the Titan Pink variety, appreciating it for its high yield, easy care and resistance to most diseases.

How to grow seedlings

Experienced farmers recommend planting the Titan variety in seedlings. This makes it easier for the plant to adapt to environmental conditions and show the best results. Let's take a closer look at what is required for tomato seedlings.

Seed preparation

Only high-quality seed material is selected for planting. Gardeners recommend purchasing seeds from trusted suppliers and carefully reading the information on the packaging.

In order for future tomato bushes to show excellent results, you need:

  1. Check the material for germination. To do this, place the seeds in a jar of water and stir gently. Those seeds that remain on the surface are empty and are not suitable for seedlings. Those seeds that have sunk to the bottom are taken out and dried thoroughly.
  2. Disinfect the material using aloe juice, potassium permanganate solution or hydrogen peroxide. Disinfection reduces the risk of developing diseases in the future.
  3. Harden the seeds . For a week, the seeds are placed in the freezer every day for 1-2 hours, increasing the time each time. Thanks to hardening, seeds quickly adapt to external conditions.
  4. Sprout the seeds. To do this, they are wrapped in damp gauze and left for 1-2 days in a warm, bright place.

Container and soil

Seedlings are grown in a variety of containers: flower pots, boxes, plastic cups . Many people prefer to plant tomatoes in milk cartons, which are thoroughly disinfected before planting. Special peat tablets or plastic cassettes, which are sold in stores for gardeners, are also popular.

Some summer residents use ready-made purchased soil “Krepysh” or “Universal” as soil, while others prefer to prepare the soil themselves. This requires soil from the garden, peat and humus in a ratio of 5:1:1.

For looseness, river sand or sawdust is added, which act as natural drainage. This mixture must be disinfected with a manganese solution.


Soil is placed in a clean and dry container so that it fills 1/2 of the container. Using a simple pencil, make small grooves in the ground at a distance of 10 cm from each other.

The seed is placed in the holes, sprinkled with earth on top and gently patted down. Water the seedlings with warm, settled water, cover with film and place on the windowsill.

Important ! If you are planting several varieties at once, make a label for each, indicating the name of the variety and the date of planting. This will help you avoid getting confused and plant tomatoes in open ground on time.

Growing and care

Seedlings require sunlight. If there is a deficiency, the seedlings are illuminated with special phytolamps. Water the Titan tomato once every 5-7 days. It is not recommended to use cold tap water for irrigation, as its composition increases the risk of developing fungi and infections. It is important not to over-moisten the soil - because of this, the quality of the seedlings decreases, they become elongated and weak.

After 2 weeks, the seedlings are fertilized with organic fertilizers, for example, liquid bird droppings. The next feeding is carried out after 10-15 days. It is recommended to use mineral complexes and phosphorus-potassium compounds along with organic matter. The optimal air temperature for growing the Titan variety is from 17 to 22 degrees.

Growing rules

Tomatoes of the Titan variety are grown through seedlings. Seeds are planted indoors. The seedlings are regularly cared for and then transferred to a permanent place. In warm climates, seeds can be planted directly in open ground.

Planting seedlings

Titan tomato seeds are planted in April. First, boxes or containers 15 cm high are prepared. They are filled with a substrate containing black soil and humus. It is allowed to use purchased soil intended for tomato seedlings.

Advice! If you plant tomatoes in peat-humus tablets, you can avoid picking.

The soil is disinfected in one of the following ways: kept in the cold for 2-3 months, heated in the oven, or watered with Fitosporin solution. Planting material is also dipped in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes.

Tomato seeds are buried 1 cm and watered. The containers are covered with polyethylene and kept in a warm place. Sprouts appear after 8-10 days. The film is turned over daily to remove condensation and ensure air flow.

Tomato seedlings are provided with a certain microclimate:

  • daytime temperature + 20-25 °C, night temperature – about + 17 °C;
  • 12-14 hours of continuous illumination, if necessary, turn on the backlight;
  • protection from drafts.

Seedlings of the Titan variety are watered with warm water from a spray bottle. Moisture is added 1-2 times a week, and the soil is not allowed to dry out. If the plants develop slowly, they are fed with a Nitrophoska solution. When 2 leaves appear, the tomatoes are dived into different containers. For transplantation, take containers with a capacity of 0.5 liters and fill them with fertile soil.


Titan tomatoes are planted in a permanent place at the age of 40-50 days. Such plants have reached a height of 30 cm, have developed roots and about 6 leaves. Beds for tomatoes are prepared in the fall. The soil is dug up and fertilized with compost. For planting, choose places where cucumbers, cabbage, onions, carrots, beets, and herbs were grown last year. Tomatoes are not planted after potatoes, peppers and eggplants.

Advice! The place for growing tomatoes is changed annually.

Re-planting is permissible after 5 years. An alternative option is to completely replace the topsoil.

In order for Titan tomatoes to better withstand planting, they are hardened. The windows in the room are opened for several hours to ensure the flow of fresh air. Then the seedlings are transferred to the balcony. Before planting, tomatoes are constantly kept in natural conditions.

Titan tomatoes are planted at intervals of 40 cm. 60 cm are left between rows. Per 1 sq. m of beds place 3-4 plants. First, dig small holes and pour 2 tbsp into them. l. wood ash and pour in 0.5 liters of water. Tomatoes are transferred together with a clod of earth or a peat tablet. The soil around the plants is compacted and watered abundantly.


According to reviews, Titan tomatoes respond positively to watering. Before flowering begins, water is added every week in a volume of 5 liters per bush. When the ovaries form, the tomatoes are watered after 3-4 days, the moisture consumption is reduced to 3 liters.

After rain or watering, loosen the soil so that the roots better absorb nutrients and moisture. To keep water in the soil longer, add a layer of straw or humus mulch.

Tomatoes of the Titan variety are fed every 2-3 weeks. Before flowering, add organic matter: an infusion of chicken manure or mullein. At the beginning of fruiting, they switch to phosphorus and potassium supplements. Nitrogen fertilizers provoke the growth of green mass, which negatively affects fruiting.

Advice! When grown in open ground, Titan tomatoes do not shoot. In greenhouses, the bush is formed into 1 stem.

Titan tomatoes are tied to a support. The plants are low-growing, so it is enough to install a wooden stake or metal pipe when planting. The support should rise 0.5-0.6 m above the ground.

How to grow tomatoes

Before planting seedlings in the garden, prepare the beds and soil. In the fall, the soil is carefully dug up, all debris and weeds are removed from the soil, and manure is added. With the arrival of spring, the soil is dug up again so that it becomes loose and nutritious.


During planting, it is important not to damage the fragile and still weak roots of the plants, so they are replanted as carefully as possible. The distance between the bushes should be 40-50 cm.

For planting, select the sunniest and most spacious place in the garden, away from groundwater. The best predecessors for tomatoes are cereals and legumes. It is not recommended to plant Titan after other tomatoes or potatoes.


Caring for tomatoes consists of standard procedures. The variety does not require the formation and garter of a bush, which distinguishes it from other tomatoes.

To get a rich and tasty harvest, you need:

  1. Water the beds once every 5-7 days. One bush consumes 1.5-2 liters of water. The frequency and amount of watering depends on weather conditions. If the summer is hot and humid, the procedure is performed less frequently.
  2. Regularly loosen the soil before watering. Loosening improves oxygen access to the roots and makes the soil more airy.
  3. Remove weeds that take away vitamins and nutrients from tomatoes.
  4. Apply organic and mineral fertilizers. Tomato Titan reacts well to urea, liquid mullein, ash, nettle, and ammonium nitrate. Fertilizing not only strengthens the immunity of the bushes, but also improves the taste of the fruit.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

Before planting, experienced farmers recommend liming the soil. This reduces the acidity of the soil, fills it with nutrients and useful microelements. To do this, gardeners use lime or dry wood ash. For 1 sq. m. consume 5 liters of substance.

To make tomatoes grow tasty, foliar feeding is carried out. They protect vegetables from pests and diseases. As foliar feeding, spraying with a solution of nettle, ash or Bordeaux mixture is used. 1 bush requires 1.5 liters of solution.

Diseases and pests

Late blight is recognized as the most common disease . This is a fungal disease that appears as brown, brown and yellow spots on leaves and fruits. Infection occurs through seeds, soil, and garden tools.

The disease actively develops in conditions of high humidity and heat. For prevention purposes, use manganese or copper sulfate. If the bushes are already sick, it is better to remove the infected specimens and burn them away from the beds.

In addition to late blight, root rot attacks the beds. The disease affects the roots of the bushes, which soon causes the entire plant to die. Liming and ash are used against rot. Another disease is called powdery mildew. Dew looks like a white coating on the leaves. It is recommended to fight it with a soap solution.

The most common insect pests found on tomatoes are the Colorado potato beetle, mole cricket, aphid or whitefly.

Insects suck nutritious juices from the plant, destroy roots and fruits.

For prevention and control, professional preparations “Tornado”, “Oxychom”, “Maxim” are used.

Features of cultivation

The variety is undemanding and you won’t have to pay much attention to it. The Titan tomato has strong branches and trunk, so there is no need to tie it up. But a large number of fruits ripen on the bushes at the same time. As a result, the plant may not be able to support the weight of huge bunches, so it is better to tie it to a peg.

They begin to sow Titan tomatoes 2.5 months before transplanting into the ground. In the initial stages, it is necessary to water and feed on time. When the bush grows, gets stronger and blooms, you can be much less concerned about its condition. Harvesting begins in about 100 days.

When the fruits begin to ripen, fertilizers are required. For better results, preference is given to a product containing phosphorus and potassium.

Titan tomato seeds purchased in bags do not require additional processing. In the second ten days of March, they are sown in a container (with drainage holes), which is filled with moistened, nutritious and loose soil. Store bought is best. It needs to be disinfected. To do this, heat it in the oven for a few minutes or leave it in the cold for two months.

Planting process:

  1. Each Titan tomato seed is buried 1 cm.
  2. Water carefully.
  1. The surface is covered with a plastic bag and left in a warm room. The temperature should be at +21°…+25°С.
  2. The first sprout will appear on average after nine days.
  3. The film is turned over daily. The procedure will help remove condensation and allow air to penetrate the soil.

Watering is done from a spray bottle so as not to wash the seeds out of the soil. The water should be warm. Spraying is done twice a week, but do not allow it to dry out.

When two leaves are formed, the Titan tomato is dived. A container with a volume of 0.5 liters is suitable for replanting, which is filled with fertile soil.

Sprouts are provided with continuous 12-hour lighting

The Titan tomato is planted in a permanent place 45 days after the first shoots appear. The beds must be prepared in the fall. The soil is dug up, then compost is added.

Planted at intervals of 40 cm. A distance of 60 cm is maintained between rows. Four plants are placed per 1 m2. 40 g of ash is poured into each hole, which is filled with 500 ml of water. Replant with a clod of earth. The soil around is compacted and abundant watering is carried out.

Before the bush blooms, water it once a week with 5 liters of water. When the ovaries begin to form, the procedure is carried out every three days, and the volume of liquid is reduced to 3 liters.

After watering or rain, the soil is loosened so that the root system can absorb as much useful substances as possible. To prevent the liquid from evaporating longer, the top layer is mulched with straw or humus.

Feeding at intervals of 21 days:

  • before flowering. Infusion of chicken manure. You can replace it with mullein;
  • during fruiting. Potash and phosphorus fertilizers are suitable.

Advice! In warm climates, you can sow seeds directly into open ground.

The nuances of growing in open ground and in a greenhouse

When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, it is important to maintain the required microclimate. Greenhouses have high humidity, which often leads to fungi and other diseases.

In order to prevent diseases, summer residents are advised to regularly ventilate the room using special windows in the walls. Before planting, all hard surfaces (doors, windows, panels) are disinfected with a manganese solution.

When growing in open ground, monitor the level of applied nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Their excess leads to foliage actively developing and fruits growing slowly. In case of an excess of nitrogen, the beds are watered abundantly with water, after which a layer of straw is placed on them.

Pest and disease control

Titan tomatoes have average resistance to diseases and insect attacks. The plant may be affected:

late blight. It is expressed by spots on the back of the foliage. The shoot quickly turns black and then dies. Black areas appear on the fruits. Spray the bushes with Topaz;

macrosporiosis. The first manifestations can be found on the lower foliage. Dry, round brown spots appear. Gradually moves to the upper tiers. For prevention, spray with Bordeaux mixture;

pillar. Manifested by deformation of shoots. The leaf first turns purple and then yellow. After this it dies. To combat the disease, spray weekly with the drug “Fitoplasmin”.

Important! The last time the chemical is used is three weeks before harvest. The risk increases in rainy and cold weather

Therefore, for preventive purposes, it is necessary to regularly spray the bushes with special preparations.

The risk increases in rainy and cold weather. Therefore, for preventive purposes, it is necessary to regularly spray the bushes with special preparations.

To minimize the damage to bushes by late blight, you need to:

  • reduce the frequency of watering;
  • ventilate the greenhouse more often;
  • choose fertilizers with a high potassium content.

If infection occurs, you should use a special product that will protect the plant from harmful influences. Fitosporin is ideal for this purpose.

Bushes can be attacked by:

  • codling moth;
  • whitefish;
  • sawfly.

To get rid of pests, you can use the drug “Lepidocide”.

Harvesting and application

Tomatoes are harvested as they ripen: some gardeners prefer to pick vegetables at the stage of milky ripeness, others prefer to pick them when they are already red and ripe.
It is not recommended to keep fruits in the garden beds for too long, as they begin to lose their elasticity and taste. Titan variety tomatoes are excellent for preparing canned and pickled dishes. Vegetables are also used in recipes for salads, side dishes, soups and even jam. Of course, this is not a usual delicacy for tea, but an original sweet and sour sauce for meat dishes.

Interesting ! Many housewives use tomato pulp as a rejuvenating face mask. Regular use of the mask improves skin elasticity and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Tomato Titan

photo by Valentina Redko

Mid-late, determinate, low-growing, productive tomato variety for open ground and film shelters. The period from germination to the beginning of ripening is 118-135 days.

The bush is medium-leafed, 40-60 cm high, and does not require tying to a support or pinching. The leaf is large and green. The first inflorescence is laid above the 5-7th leaf, the subsequent ones - every 2 leaves.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are round and flat-round, red in color at maturity, weighing 80-150 grams, fleshy, with few seeds. with thick skin. The taste is very high. Not prone to cracking, durable and transportable. These tomatoes are good for fresh consumption, canning, and processing.

Planting pattern: 50 x 40 cm, planting density - 5-6 plants per 1 sq. m.

The variety is highly susceptible to late blight, moderately susceptible to macrosporiosis and septoria, and prone to stolbur.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Titan tomatoes have a number of positive properties. They are tasty, aromatic and suitable for preparing a wide variety of dishes. Unpretentious compact bushes do not require individual care.

Vegetables rarely get sick and show consistently high yields both in open ground and in greenhouses. Elastic fruits are perfectly stored and do not lose their taste after heat treatment.

Among the disadvantages, summer residents note long ripening times. In cool and short summer conditions, tomatoes may not have time to show good results. This is especially true for the Urals and Siberia.

High-yielding tomato Caspar: characteristics and description

These hybrids include:

Characteristics and description of the Kaspar variety

The Caspar tomato variety is the best variety for canning. This hybrid produces ideal tomatoes in their own juice.

Tomatoes Kaspar F 1 are an early ripening hybrid. The ripening period is 80−90 days in greenhouse conditions and up to 120 days in open ground.

These tomatoes are unpretentious, resistant to diseases and pests, and are ideal for beginning gardeners.

Characteristics of tomatoes

  1. The fruits are elongated, similar to bell peppers.
  2. Unripe fruits are light green in color, while ripe ones are orange-red.
  3. Fruit weight - up to 120 grams.
  4. Tomatoes with dense pulp, small-chambered.
  5. The skin is hard and dense. When consumed fresh, it must be removed.
  6. Tomatoes are easily transported and do not crack. From 1 sq. meter you can get up to 10 kg.


Seeds are planted from late March to early April in nutrient soil to a depth of 1 cm. When 2-3 leaves appear, the seedlings are transplanted into separate pots. Transplanted seedlings require constant watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Before planting, the seedlings are hardened off 2 weeks before planting.

When the seedlings are 50-60 days old, they are planted in a permanent place according to the 30×70 pattern.

It must be remembered that tomatoes do not like places where nightshades used to grow. The ideal place is after onions, radishes, carrots, cucumbers.

Basic care consists of:

  • removal of stepchildren;
  • forming a bush into two stems;
  • timely staking of the plant;
  • watering with warm, settled water;
  • feeding with fertilizers, which include phosphorus and potassium.

Parsley gardener

This variety is widely loved by many gardeners due to its disease resistance, unpretentiousness and high yield.

Seedlings are planted both in open ground and in greenhouses. The plant is low-growing, reaches a height of up to 60 cm. The Parsley variety does not form stepsons, which greatly facilitates caring for the plant during the period of growth and ripening of fruits.

Description of the variety

Tomatoes have fleshy, juicy, sweet flesh. The weight of one tomato reaches 200 grams.

Ripe fruits are used in canning, making juices, ketchup and sauces.

Advantages of Parsley tomato:

  • Does not require stepsoning.
  • Long fruiting period.
  • Parsley is drought and disease resistant.

Reviews from gardeners

Among the overwhelming majority of positive reviews, sometimes there are less enthusiastic ones. What do Russian gardeners think about the Titan variety?

Lyudmila, Voronezh: “I prefer to grow compact and unpretentious bushes. They decorate the area, while requiring a minimum of attention. Tomato Titan is just one of these varieties. I recommend him for landing."

Maria, Cheboksary: ​​“I like the sweetness and juiciness of Titan tomatoes. I collect them at the ripe stage, the tomatoes are ripening on the balcony. I use it for pickles; the vegetables don’t crack and look appetizing in the jar.”

Oleg, Ufa: “After excellent reviews about the Titan variety, I expected to get a rich and tasty harvest. However, the results upset me: the maximum harvest from 1 bush was 1.5 kg. And the summer was warm, and he cared according to all the rules. I can’t understand what’s the matter.”

Growing rules

Tomatoes of the Titan variety are grown through seedlings. Seeds are planted indoors. The seedlings are regularly cared for and then transferred to a permanent place. In warm climates, seeds can be planted directly in open ground.

Planting seedlings

Titan tomato seeds are planted in April. First, boxes or containers 15 cm high are prepared. They are filled with a substrate containing black soil and humus. It is allowed to use purchased soil intended for tomato seedlings.

The soil is disinfected in one of the following ways: kept in the cold for 2-3 months, heated in the oven, or watered with Fitosporin solution. Planting material is also dipped in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes.

Tomato seeds are buried 1 cm and watered. The containers are covered with polyethylene and kept in a warm place. Sprouts appear after 8-10 days. The film is turned over daily to remove condensation and ensure air flow.

Tomato seedlings are provided with a certain microclimate:

  • daytime temperature + 20-25 °C, night temperature – about + 17 °C;
  • 12-14 hours of continuous illumination, if necessary, turn on the backlight;
  • protection from drafts.

Seedlings of the Titan variety are watered with warm water from a spray bottle. Moisture is added 1-2 times a week, and the soil is not allowed to dry out. If the plants develop slowly, they are fed with a Nitrophoska solution. When 2 leaves appear, the tomatoes are dived into different containers. For transplantation, take containers with a capacity of 0.5 liters and fill them with fertile soil.


Titan tomatoes are planted in a permanent place at the age of 40-50 days. Such plants have reached a height of 30 cm, have developed roots and about 6 leaves. Beds for tomatoes are prepared in the fall. The soil is dug up and fertilized with compost. For planting, choose places where cucumbers, cabbage, onions, carrots, beets, and herbs were grown last year. Tomatoes are not planted after potatoes, peppers and eggplants.

Re-planting is permissible after 5 years. An alternative option is to completely replace the topsoil.

In order for Titan tomatoes to better withstand planting, they are hardened. The windows in the room are opened for several hours to ensure the flow of fresh air. Then the seedlings are transferred to the balcony. Before planting, tomatoes are constantly kept in natural conditions.

Titan tomatoes are planted at intervals of 40 cm. 60 cm are left between rows. Per 1 sq. m of beds place 3-4 plants. First, dig small holes and pour 2 tbsp into them. l. wood ash and pour in 0.5 liters of water. Tomatoes are transferred together with a clod of earth or a peat tablet. The soil around the plants is compacted and watered abundantly.


According to reviews, Titan tomatoes respond positively to watering. Before flowering begins, water is added every week in a volume of 5 liters per bush. When the ovaries form, the tomatoes are watered after 3-4 days, the moisture consumption is reduced to 3 liters.

After rain or watering, loosen the soil so that the roots better absorb nutrients and moisture. To keep water in the soil longer, add a layer of straw or humus mulch.

Tomatoes of the Titan variety are fed every 2-3 weeks. Before flowering, add organic matter: an infusion of chicken manure or mullein. At the beginning of fruiting, they switch to phosphorus and potassium supplements. Nitrogen fertilizers provoke the growth of green mass, which negatively affects fruiting.

Titan tomatoes are tied to a support. The plants are low-growing, so it is enough to install a wooden stake or metal pipe when planting. The support should rise 0.5-0.6 m above the ground.

Plant care

Farmers, taking into account the features and characteristics of the Titan variety, need to start regular watering two weeks after transplanting the seedlings. It is worth watering using the drip method once a week. Sometimes it is worth increasing the frequency of irrigation. Especially when the air temperature rises or at the height of the plant’s flowering.

A wonderful material for feeding is liquid based on seaweed. The amount of fertilizer used is gradually increased. The best solution for Titan would be to fertilize with a variety of materials, among which attention should be paid to phosphorus. It promotes the development of the root system of bushes.

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You can also strengthen tomatoes with potash materials. The plant will be strong and healthy if you remove a couple of lower leaves and loosen the soil well. The loosening procedure is recommended to be carried out after each irrigation. By adhering to the rules of care, you can achieve excellent yields. But it is equally important to identify possible tomato diseases in time and stop the spread and negative impact of pests.

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