Bright, extremely useful and adored by children tomato “Duckling” for growing in greenhouses and open ground

The medicinal properties of the Duckling tomato became known only a few years ago. The vegetable is rich in minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body, is actively used in dietary nutrition, and effectively resists the development of cancer.

In addition to its benefits, Duckling is also extremely tasty. The sweetish fruits are suitable for juice, preservation and fresh consumption. Where and how to properly grow a “home healer”, what features the variety has, read our article.

Characteristics and description of the variety

The duckling was bred by Russian breeders and entered into the State Register as a variety intended for cultivation in open ground, greenhouses and greenhouses. These tomatoes are not picky about temperature and can grow even in regions with cold climates.

The shape of the fruit is oval with a small nose. From a distance, the outline of the tomato resembles a heart-shaped shape. The average weight of one vegetable is 60-90 g. Tomatoes are well preserved during transportation even over long distances, without losing their presentation. Tomatoes also store well for a long time.

The only disadvantage of the variety is its low yield. From 1 sq. m, no more than 2-3 kg of fruits are collected.

Distinctive features

The low-growing bush has a standard form. The plant reaches 60-70 cm in height. When grown in a greenhouse or under a film cover, some bushes grow up to 1 m. There are few leaves on the plant, they have a rich green color. The plants do not need staking or shaping.

The variety has stable immunity to late blight and other diseases to which tomatoes are exposed. To raise a Duckling, choose highly fertile soil.

Features of agricultural technology

Tomatoes are grown not only in open beds, but also using temporary film shelters. It is also possible to plant seedlings in stationary greenhouses. Tomato bushes are very compact, so it is recommended to place them in the amount of 6 pieces per square meter. m. Plants do not need to be tied up or pinched. Seedling care is standard.

Attention! Unlike other varieties, these tomatoes love moisture very much, so special attention should be paid to watering.

When planting tomatoes in greenhouses, shedding of the ovaries is often observed, which often depends on:

  • lack of moisture;
  • non-compliance with the ventilation regime;
  • plant nutritional disorders.

How to grow seedlings

To grow seedlings, seeds are sown in March-April. Grains are planted in open ground in May-June. Direct sowing is possible when the soil warms up to at least 15 degrees.

Seed preparation

If the packaging with seed material does not indicate that the treatment has already been carried out, the grains are disinfected independently. To do this, they are placed in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and kept there for no more than 30 minutes; then rinse with clean water and lightly dry.

On a note! For easy removal from the solution, the seeds are wrapped in gauze before soaking.

If the planting material has already been disinfected by the manufacturer, it is simply kept under running clean water at room temperature, since swollen seeds germinate better.

In order for the seedlings to germinate quickly, the grains are pre-germinated. To do this, they are wrapped in dampened cotton cloth, gauze or paper napkin, placed in a plastic bag and placed on the battery. The seeds are periodically checked and, if necessary, moistened to prevent them from drying out.

When the seeds hatch (usually it takes 3-5 days), they begin sowing. Those that do not sprout are discarded because they are hollow.

Container and soil

Cups or tablets made of sphagnum peat are the most popular container for growing tomato seedlings (sphagnum acts as a reliable protection for the roots from rotting). When transplanting, tomato seedlings are placed in a prepared hole in an open bed along with a peat glass.

They also use containers made by themselves. The most suitable ones are plastic glasses or cut plastic bottles. They also cut cardboard juice boxes to the required level, and use packaging for dairy products. The optimal volume of the available container is 0.5 liters, this allows you to avoid diving the seedlings. If 100 ml cups are used, the seedlings are grown until 2-3 true leaves appear.

In homemade containers, drainage holes are made at the bottom so that excess liquid does not accumulate after watering.

For your information. When the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place of growth, they are taken out of a plastic cup along with the soil.


Sow seeds to obtain seedlings in late March - early April. The grains are buried to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Then the container is covered with film or glass and left in this form until the first shoots appear. After this, the seedlings are transferred to the brightest windowsill or illuminated using phytolamps.

Important! Even the slightest drafts can destroy young shoots, as the soil in the containers quickly cools.

Growing and care

Seedlings should not be over-watered. Even if the top layer of soil has dried out, the soil inside the container remains moist for some time. If the sun is shining brightly, the seedlings should also not be over-watered. This is because by the evening the sun will hide, and the young plants will remain in the cold and moisture all night. The seedlings are watered for the first time about a week after sowing.

Important! Young plants should be watered only with settled and warm water.

When the first 2-3 true leaves appear on the sprout, a dive is performed. The tomatoes are transplanted into a separate, larger container. This way the plants will get stronger and gain strength faster.

The first fertilizer is applied 2-3 weeks after the sprouts appear, and subsequent fertilizers are applied every seven days.
For fertilizer mix:

  • 3 g potassium sulfate;
  • 1 g urea;
  • 8 g superphosphate;
  • 2 liters of water.

You can also prepare a yeast infusion at home:

  • 5 g of bread yeast are diluted in 5 liters of water;
  • stir thoroughly;
  • insist for 24 hours.

Yeast solution cannot be stored. It is used immediately after preparation.

An ash infusion is also prepared as a top dressing:

  • 1 tbsp. spoon of wood ash;
  • 2 liters of water.

The solution is mixed well and allowed to brew for 24 hours, after which it is filtered.

For your information. An alternative option is peat tablets, in which seeds are planted for seedlings instead of artificial containers. They enrich the soil with nutrients and provide additional breathability of the soil, which has a positive effect on the formation of the root system.

With proper care of seedlings, by the end of the second week the plants become strong, stocky and acquire a bright green color.

How is sowing done?

The seeds are sown in early April. Before planting a plant, it is necessary to prepare special soil saturated with essential nutrients; for this purpose, fertilizers are added to the soil. Seeds are planted at a depth of 1.5-2 cm in depth. After this, the box must be covered with a thick film and left until the seeds begin to hatch.

When the seedling has two or three leaves, it is necessary to pick it so that the plant gets stronger and gains strength.

Tomatoes are planted in the ground in mid-June. Care consists of abundant watering, weeding, removal of weeds and parasites. The seedling has a good immune system, but for prevention it is better to treat the soil and leaves with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This variety loves abundant watering more than other tomatoes. If the plant is eaten by slugs or cabbage weeds, they must be removed manually.

The variety is considered an early ripening tomato and produces the first harvest on the 107th day after planting the seeds.

It is necessary to observe watering when the tomato is flowering. Lack of watering can lead to a drop in yield.

See also

Characteristics and description of the Kibo tomato variety, its yieldRead

How to grow tomatoes

Proper cultivation of the Duckling tomato involves timely watering, loosening the soil and regularly weeding the beds to remove small weeds. The crop has good resistance to most diseases, but it is better to play it safe and treat the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.


Plants are transplanted to a permanent place of growth in mid-June.

For full growth and fruiting, the following substances must be present in the soil:

  • nitrogen;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus.

Important! The crop is planted in open ground according to a 40x60 cm pattern.


Tomatoes are fertilized at least three times:

  1. The first fertilizer is applied two weeks after planting the plant in its permanent place. For this, mullein or bird droppings are used (700 g per 10 liters of water). They also use purchased ready-made preparations “Gumisol” or “Vermisil”.
  2. When flowers appear on the second cluster, fertilizing is applied a second time. Tomatoes are fertilized with a superphosphate solution (a glass per bucket of water).
  3. The third feeding is carried out when the first fruits begin to ripen. Apply a solution of mullein with the addition of complex fertilizer (75 g per bucket). At least 2 liters of solution is poured under each bush.

Tomatoes are watered every 3-4 days. In dry weather, the crop is moistened more often. The recommended watering rate is approximately 15 liters per 1 square meter. meter.

After moistening the soil, when the water is well absorbed, loosening is carried out and weeds are removed at the same time. Since an adult plant grows small, it does not need a garter. Also, culture does not need to be formed.

Important! To ensure that the bush is well ventilated and receives the maximum amount of sunlight, pinching is carried out once a week.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

Although the plant has strong immunity, some difficulties when growing tomatoes cannot be ruled out. Each vegetable grower plants a crop in his own way; the soil structure is different everywhere, which leads to certain problems.

When a plant's flowers and ovaries fall off, this means the bushes are running out of food and moisture. If tomatoes grow in a greenhouse, the cause is sometimes a lack of ventilation or fruit rot. To eliminate the problem, carry out regular watering with water at room temperature. Depending on weather conditions, the amount of watering must be adjusted.

If flowers and ovaries fall off due to rot on the top of the bush, then control the ventilation and systematic watering.

Diseases and pests

The Utenok variety is resistant to diseases that are characteristic of tomatoes, as well as fusarium, late blight, blossom end and root rot. For prevention purposes, the bushes are treated with a solution of boric acid.

The following pests are dangerous for tomatoes:

  • spider mite;
  • thrips;
  • slugs;
  • Colorado beetle.

Chemicals destroy pests immediately after spraying the bushes, but with this treatment the fruits cannot be eaten for a long time - from 10 to 21 days.

Biological products act more slowly, the death of insects and larvae occurs 3-5 days after spraying. But vegetables can be eaten 5-7 days after processing.

You can also get rid of pests using folk remedies:

  1. To eliminate insects, use a soap-ash solution. It is prepared from 1 kg of product and 10 liters of water. First, the ash is boiled for 15 minutes, then it is allowed to brew for two days and filtered. Dilute the resulting solution in another 10 liters of water. As an “adhesive”, add 50 g of soap per 10 liters of solution.
  2. Garlic infusion is effective. Add 200 g of crushed garlic or onion to 10 liters of water and let it brew for a day. The strong, pungent odor repels pests.

Elongated tomato varieties

Cylindrical-shaped tomato fruits are good for whole-fruit canning; they are convenient to place with cucumbers; besides, jars with elongated tomatoes look impressive.

Indet for greenhouses, included in the State Register as a pickling and salad plant. Seemed medium late to me. The skin is a bit thick for salad, but just right for pickling. They look beautiful on a bush. They are susceptible to blossom end rot and do not tolerate shading or overwatering.

Nadya Photos

Nadya Photos

Switter Giant

A rare pickling variety from the USA, indet, for greenhouses and open ground.

Photo by Varvara Plyushkin : “A good meaty tomato. It tastes sweet."

Photo by Varvara Plyushkin . The Switter Giant.


Jersey Devil


Photo by Varvara Plyushkin

Photo by Varvara Plyushkin

Moscow delicacy

High-yielding indet for salad purposes (according to the recommendation of the State Register) for greenhouses and open ground.

Moscow delicacy striped

This half-indet has not yet been included in the State Register because it is a new product. Very similar to the Pepper Striped.


Niagara. Sveta-nsk Photos


There are 7 varieties included in the State Register, the names of which contain this word:

Pepper Striped in section. Photo by JuliaZa

Photo by JuliaZa

Pepper Striped Bush. Photo by Varvara Plyushkin

Photo by Varvara Plyushkin

Petrusha Ogorodnik

Siberian Troika

LaMi : “I’m planting for the second year. Open ground. Determinate, elongated fruits, good in salads and pickled. I liked that the seedlings do not stretch compared to other varieties.” Included in the State Register as canning, salad and whole-fruit canning.


Indet for greenhouses, included in the State Register, yield up to 9.9 kg/sq.m. Fluffy Pug: “Red, pepper-shaped, medium in taste, very dense, carpal.”



Determinate, included in the State Register as a salad and for whole-fruit canning, grows both in greenhouses and in greenhouses. Fluffy Moska : “40-50 cm, doesn’t take steps, tons of fruit.”


This greenhouse indeterminate variety is included in the State Register. Fluffy Pug : "Orange, pepper-shaped, sweet, soft, carpal."

What varieties of elongated tomatoes have you grown? Share in the comments!


Harvesting and application

The harvest is harvested in July-August. Duckling tomatoes are a unique variety of tomatoes that are known for their beneficial qualities. Dietary food is made from the fruits; they are suitable for consumption by diabetics. Tomatoes are used to prevent cancer.

In cooking, tomatoes are used to prepare various snacks, salads, and added to first courses. The fruits are suitable for canning and pickling in their entirety. Tomatoes are also used to make delicious, healthy juice.

Fruit characteristics

Tomatoes of this variety are oval in shape with a small spout on the edge. From afar they brush off a heart with something. The average weight of the fruit is 60-85 g. It is used both for fresh consumption and for pickling whole. The fruits are perfectly transported even over long distances, without losing their external characteristics. Also, tomatoes of this variety are perfectly stored.

The fruits of the Utenok variety have an oval shape and a small spout at the edge. The color of the fruit is yellow. From a distance they look a little like a heart. The tomatoes are not large, the average weight of one piece is 60-80 grams. Their scope of application is wide - fresh consumption, canning, and whole salting.

This variety is well transported, even over long distances, without spoiling the appearance of the fruit. These tomatoes also store well.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

After repeatedly growing the Duckling tomato, vegetable growers identified the following advantages:

  • the variety has strong immunity and is resistant to rotting of the upper and lower parts of the plant;
  • the crop ripens in approximately one period;
  • early ripening tomatoes;
  • the bushes are compact, which simplifies care;
  • tomatoes have medicinal properties;
  • the bushes do not need shaping, staking or pinching.

Culture has virtually no downsides. The only negative feature is that the variety does not produce a bountiful harvest.

Possible variety problems

Despite the fact that the Duckling tomato has many positive characteristics, gardeners may encounter some difficulties when growing it. This is because growing conditions are different everywhere.

One of the problems is that flowers and ovaries of plants may fall off. If tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse, then this problem may be due to insufficient ventilation. To eliminate the problem, you need to open the doors and windows in the greenhouse after watering.

The variety practically does not suffer from tomato diseases, but for prevention, plants can be treated against late blight, the most common disease.

As a result, we can say that this variety has proven itself well, and therefore has become quite popular among gardeners. Because of their taste and beautiful yellow color, these tomatoes are a favorite among children, and they also look great in jars in winter. Duckling took all the best from good varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse, and reviews of the variety confirm this.

Farmer reviews

Gardeners respond mostly positively to the Duckling tomato. Let's consider some of the opinions of gardeners.
Natalya Malinovskaya: “I planted this tomato for the first time in 2010.
I cultivated it in open ground. The plant was covered with film. During the day I opened the bushes. One day in mid-May, on a cold night, my greenhouse opened due to the wind, and some bushes froze. But despite this, the plant produced stepsons and pleased with fruiting. In general, I liked the Duckling variety.” Olga Mitkevich: “I have been growing this variety for five years in a row. I plant a lot of bushes at once. Plants feel great in open ground. The fruits are stored well. Tomatoes look very beautiful in the garden, just like in the photo. I make preserves from them and prepare salads.”

Ekaterina Ivanova: “I’ll say right away about this variety that growing these tomatoes is not difficult. We have many who grow them. Tomatoes have proven themselves to be excellent. My children love to eat them, and most importantly, tomatoes are healthy. I also liked how they looked in the jar. I treat my relatives with canned food. Everyone likes it, everyone praises me, I will continue to grow them.”

Growing seedlings and subsequent care

Two to three weeks after the seeds germinate, the seedlings need to be fed for the first time, subsequent feedings are carried out every 7-10 days. The frequency of fertilizing will depend on the quality of the soil mixture.

Instead of fertilizing, you can use a peat tablet - it will add nutrients to the soil and additionally add air permeability to the soil, which is very important for the proper formation of the root system.

If you care for the seedlings correctly, then after two weeks the gardener’s eye will be pleased with strong, stocky plants of bright green color. This is confirmed by reviews of the Duckling tomato.

Plants are planted in open ground in mid-June; they can be planted in a greenhouse earlier.

Further care for the Duckling includes timely and abundant watering, loosening, weeding and pest control.

The variety is not susceptible to various tomato diseases, but despite this, the soil can be treated with a weak solution of manganese before planting.

Tomato Duckling is an early ripening variety; the first harvest can be obtained within 100 days after seed germination. It is important to water the plants abundantly, especially during flowering; lack of moisture leads to a decrease in yield.

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