The Dark Knight on your site - a detailed description of the unusual tomato “Mikado Black”

Tomato Mikado pink: variety description and reviews

Tomato Mikado pink: photo of variety

The variety is very popular, namely its pink tomatoes. The maturity period is 110 days. This means that the variety is of medium ripeness. A tall, indeterminate bush. In open beds, the bush reaches a height of 1 meter or more. In greenhouse conditions, the bush grows up to 2.5 m.

The Mikado pink tomato variety is popular for its large pink tomatoes. The average weight of the fetus is 250 grams. In a greenhouse, tomatoes can grow up to 500 grams. The internal contents of the fruit are fleshy; when ripe, they turn pink. The peel is thin, but quite dense.

Each bush produces 8-12 Mikado pink tomatoes. The total yield is 6-8 kg/square. Mikado tomatoes are pink, round, flattened in shape. You can see clearly visible ribs on the surface of the vegetables. The variety is very valuable for cultivation on an industrial scale. After all, such an amazing color of the fruit immediately catches the eye of buyers.

How to grow Mikado pink tomato

The Mikado pink tomato variety is grown in seedlings. Planting pattern – 50x70 cm. The bush must be formed. It is better to form it into 1-2 stems. When formed into 1 stem, the tomatoes will be larger in size, but their number will be smaller, and the bush will reach a greater height. If the formation occurs in 2 stems, then a stepson remains under the first tassel, from which 2 stems will grow in the future.

As a rule, extra shoots need to be pinched. The plant is cut off when the height of the shoots reaches 5 cm. The leaves below are also cut off because they are not needed. They prevent tomatoes from receiving sunlight and a large amount of moisture accumulates under the bush. Because of this, plants rot.

The extra leaves take away the juices from the tomatoes. The plant is grown for fruit production, and not for green mass gain. The Mikado pink tomato variety has weak immunity to late blight. If the humidity is high and it's hot outside, the bushes immediately turn yellow.

To combat late blight, vegetable growers use Bordeaux mixture. Not only adult plants are treated, but also seedlings 7 days before planting in open or closed ground.

Tomato Mikado Pink: reviews

Galina, Astrakhan region: “I grew all the colorful types of the Mikado tomato variety. I liked the pink one the most and that’s what I grow. For our family of 4 people, 6 tomato bushes are enough for summer salads.”

Vladimir, Novosibirsk region: “I liked the pink Mikado tomato more than all the other Mikados for its color and taste. A huge disadvantage is that it is difficult to care for. The tomato is whimsical and also has weak resistance to late blight. After 3 years of cultivation, I no longer plant this variety.”

Diseases and pests

Of all the diseases, the plant is most often affected by brown spot. The drugs Antrakol, Consento and Tattu are most often used against this disease. Of the greenhouse pests, the most commonly attacked is the whitefly, for which the drug “Confidor” is used, which is diluted at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 10 l. water. This solution is sprayed on the leaves and stems.

Fungal diseases can also occur in greenhouses. To prevent them, greenhouses need to be regularly ventilated and monitor the humidity level.

Tomato Mikado Sibiriko: variety description and reviews

Tomato Mikado Sibiriko: photo of variety

Also popular, like its pink relative, is the tomato variety Mikado Sibiriko, because its tomatoes have exactly the same color. The characteristics are identical.

Indeterminate tomato, medium ripeness. In open beds, the tomato reaches a height of 1.8 m, in greenhouse conditions - 2 m or more.

Extra shoots need to be pinched. If the formation of a bush occurs in 2 stems, then under the first tassel there remains one stepson - the future stem. Tall bushes must be tied to a trellis.

When the fruits are ripe, they turn pink. Unlike the pink variety, they are heart-shaped. Tomatoes attract attention when they are unripe and ripe. There are ribs on the surface of the tomato, where the stalk is attached. The tomatoes reach a large size.

The average weight of a Mikado Sibiriko tomato is 400 g, but there are also record holders of 600 grams. The internal contents of tomatoes are juicy and contain small amounts of seeds. Harvest – 8 kg/bush. Tomatoes are eaten fresh. The dense peel prevents the fruit from cracking. But their storage is still not long-term. The variety has higher immunity to popular diseases.

How to grow the variety

The tomato variety Mikado Sibiriko is grown in seedlings. Seeds are sown depending on the climate of the growing area. When you are going to plant seedlings in a permanent place, they must be 65 days old.

If you plant 3 bushes on one square, then expect a high harvest. There is no need to plant more than 3 bushes, because the harvest will be smaller. And the risk of late blight infection will increase significantly. It is necessary to care for the variety in the same way as for all Mikado varieties.

The formation of a bush in the Mikado Sibiriko tomato occurs in 1-2 stems. The lower leaves are torn off. It is necessary to water on time, fertilize, loosen the soil, weed, and remove weeds. It is necessary to carry out preventive measures, namely, spraying plants to combat nightshade diseases.

Real reviews about tomato Mikado Sibiriko

Vladislav, Tomsk region: “After I planted the pink variety Mikado, I didn’t want to grow it anymore. Tomatoes, of course, have a pleasant taste, but the variety itself is whimsical. I heard about the tomato variety Mikado Sibiriko on TV. Took it at your own risk. It is much better to care for the variety. Tomatoes are meaty, but do not last long. The species did not suffer from late blight.”

Valentina, Novosibirsk region: “Among all the Mikado varieties, I only like the Mikado Sibiriko tomato. Tomatoes are suitable for salads and juices. It’s easy to care for, even though the bush is tall. The plant is disease resistant. The breeders are great, they did a good job. Tomatoes grow until September. For preventive purposes, I treat with Bordeaux mixture against late blight.”

Advantages and disadvantages

The Mikado Black variety has many advantages among other tomatoes:

  • high sugar content in fruits;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • high taste and nutritional qualities;
  • the variety tolerates frost well;
  • resistance to major diseases.
  • The disadvantages of this type include:

  • greater need for sunlight;
  • low yield;
  • mandatory stepsoning.

He loves loosening the soil and good complex fertilizing. Fruit set occurs in a short time. Seedlings should be planted at the rate of 4 pcs. per 1 sq. m.

There are no special requirements for cultivation. Plants are planted in a sunny area, but it does not tolerate much heat. Regular watering is required 1-2 times a week depending on the climate. Tall specimens need support and garter. You will learn how to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse in this article.

Tomato Mikado black: description of the variety and reviews from gardeners

Tomato Mikado black: photo of variety

The Mikado black tomato has an original appearance, although the color of the fruit is not black. Ripe tomatoes are colored brown or dark crimson with a green-brown tint.

  • Medium ripeness variety. Indeterminate bush on a trunk. In open beds the plant reaches a height of 1 m or more. In greenhouse conditions, the bush grows up to 2 m. The bush is formed into 1-2 stems. The shoots need to be pruned when their height is 4 cm. The lower leaves must be torn off so that the tomatoes are illuminated by the sun.
  • The Mikado black tomato variety differs from its relatives only in the coloring of the internal contents. Tomatoes are round and flattened. On the surface where the stalk is attached, there is ribbing that looks like large folds.
  • The peel is thin and dense. The internal contents of the fruit are juicy. It has 8 chambers with seeds, but the seeds are small. Dry matter content is 5%. The average weight of the fruit is 300 g, but there are also larger tomatoes.
  • With proper agricultural technology, the yield of Mikado black tomato per square can be 9 kg. The variety is not suitable for growing on an industrial scale. The variety loves warmth. For this reason, in the northern regions the harvest is smaller.
  • Tomatoes of the Mikado black variety are eaten fresh. They are also salted and marinated. The juice comes out delicious, but the unusual dark coloring of the juices does not suit all gardeners.

How to grow the variety

No one knows how the Mikado black tomato variety came about. But it has been growing for a long time. The variety produces fruit almost everywhere. But in the Siberian climate it is better not to take risks with the cultivation of this variety. In southern regions and mid-latitudes, tomato bears fruit before the start of the cold season.

  • Mikado black tomatoes need full sun. If the plant is planted in the shade, the fruits will be tasteless. It is better to grow the variety in open beds where it is warm. In cold regions, tomatoes are grown under greenhouse conditions.
  • The bushes like loose soil and a large amount of fertilizer applied. Shaping and tying up bushes is a must. 4 seedlings are planted per square.
  • If your plot is large, then it is recommended to plant 3 bushes per square. Watering is carried out 2 times/7 days, but weather conditions must be taken into account here.
  • The variety needs sunlight, but at the same time it is not resistant to hot periods. This is a huge problem for the gardener who is responsible for the living comfort of the tomato plant.

Reviews from gardeners

Georgy, Rostov-on-Don: “My black Mikado tomato is a hard worker. Because the bushes turn out to be strong, strong, with large leaves, like potatoes. There are a lot of tomatoes on the bushes. The productivity of the Mikado black tomato is excellent, the taste of the fruit is amazing. The coloring is original. I don’t squeeze juice out of tomatoes, but I make salads and preparations from them.”

Lyubov, Tomsk region: “I liked the Mikado black tomatoes. They crack if there is a lot of water. I plant 5 bushes every year. We have enough for food, since we only eat fresh tomatoes and add them to salads.”

Nuances of cultivation

The Mikado black tomato is not particularly demanding on growing conditions, but knowledge of the nuances of care has a positive effect on yield.

An open place is chosen for the garden bed to provide the plants with enough sunlight. For the same purpose, plantings are not thickened: 4 bushes per 1 m² according to a 50x50 cm pattern are enough.

For Mikado black tomatoes, a well-lit and sun-warmed place and the absence of thickening are important.

Mikado black responds positively to loosening the substrate, which is recommended every time after watering, when the water has already been absorbed into the soil. After transplanting, fertilizers are applied to the garden bed at intervals of 14–18 days. It is more convenient to use complex specialized store products, since all the elements are balanced and in the right quantity.

Store-bought fertilizers for tomatoes have a balanced composition, taking into account the specific need of the crop for certain macro- and microelements

The stems and shoots of the plants are thick, but staking and shaping are still necessary due to the height of the bush. Mikado black is tied to a trellis or other support immediately after transplantation. Then do the same with the brushes.

The simplest version of a tomato trellis is a wire (twine) stretched between two posts or under the roof of a greenhouse.

You can tie up tomato bushes in different ways.

Video: different ways of tying tomatoes

The bushes are formed into two stems. In addition to the main “trunk”, another one is obtained from the most developed and powerful stepson from among those formed above the first fruit cluster. During the season, all growth on the stem up to a height of 30 cm is removed.

Forming a tomato bush is not a one-time procedure, but regular work until the end of fruiting

It is important to pluck out excess shoots when they reach a length of 3–5 cm, so that they do not take away nutrition from the bush and so as not to provoke infection of the wounds.

Video: options for forming a tomato bush

The fruits are harvested at the stage of technical or full ripeness, and the skin should be at least slightly brown. If you remove the green tomatoes, they will also be ripe, but the taste will not be the same. Ripe tomatoes are removed very carefully so as not to damage the skin.

Mikado black tomatoes picked green will gradually acquire the skin shade characteristic of the variety, but the taste will no longer be there.

Plant immunity is good, but not “innate.” To prevent diseases, before planting, seeds are pickled and soaked in a bright crimson solution of potassium permanganate.

Tomato Mikado red: description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Mikado red: photo of variety

  • The taste of the Mikado red tomato variety is excellent. Medium ripeness variety. Indeterminate. The leaves look like potato leaves. It is grown in open beds and in greenhouse conditions.
  • The bush reaches a height of 1 m or more. The brush ties the tomatoes at the same time. Form a bush with 1-2 stems.
  • The trick of the Mikado red tomato variety is its high immunity to common diseases. The coloring of tomatoes is not particularly red. When the fruits are ripe, they turn dark pink or burgundy. Tomatoes are round, flattened, and have ribs where the stalk is attached.
  • The internal contents are compacted and have 10 chambers with seeds. The average weight of a tomato is 270 grams. Dry matter content is 6%. Agricultural technology is exactly the same as caring for relatives. The variety is grown everywhere, excluding Siberian and Far Eastern territories.

Planting Mikado

In order to plant tomatoes of this variety, you need to wait until the outside temperature reaches 20 degrees plus. At higher temperatures, the plant will not be able to pollinate normally. And at low air temperatures, the growth of the bush will be stopped.

The description says that to plant the variety you need to choose the right place. It must meet the following requirements:

  • good lighting;
  • loamy soil;
  • soil acidity should be average.

It is best to plant seedlings in cloudy weather, so they will germinate 100%. Tomato bushes of this variety grow quite large, so it is better to plant them at a distance of 50x50 centimeters. You also need to make a support for them. To do this, you can use reinforcement or wooden pegs. Before planting, the soil must be well fertilized.

With proper care, the plant will bear fruit well.

For this you can use compost or humus. The bushes are planted in a checkerboard pattern. In order for the plant to grow and develop normally, the soil should be loosened regularly. This will allow oxygen to flow into the roots.

Tomato Mikado golden: description and reviews of the variety

Tomato Mikado golden: photo of variety

Coloring tomatoes Mikado golden - yellow, pleasing to the eye. A variety of mid-early maturity. Grown in greenhouse conditions. In the southern regions it can be cultivated in open ground.

The Mikado golden tomato variety is not afraid of temperature changes. The tomatoes turn out large, weighing 500 grams. The fruits are used to make salads and juices. Tomatoes are round, flattened. At the place where the stalk is attached, folds are noticeable.

What is the best way to plant seedlings – 30x50 cm. During the entire growing season, it is necessary to feed the plants 3 times, that’s for sure. You need to water the tomatoes regularly, but do not over-hydrate them, because the fruits may crack.

Appearance of different Mikado tomatoes

The fruits of all varieties of Mikado tomato are so different in appearance that it is surprising to classify them as one variety. But their other characteristics (ripening period, height of the bush) are somewhat different. Often completely different varieties are closer in characteristics to each other than different types of Mikado. This once again raises doubts about the purity of the intentions of seed producers, that everything sold under the Mikado brand is precisely this variety.

Photo gallery: Mikado tomato varieties

Mikado pink - the founder of the series

The black variety often cracks

Mikado golden is very large-fruited

Mikado red is also very sweet

Real reviews about Mikado tomato varieties

Mikhail, Rostov-on-Don: “I cultivated 3 varieties of Mikado.” The yellow variety was used only for salads. Juice and pickled fruits are not very tasty. The red variety is delicious, but the Mikado Sibiriko tomato is better. It remains to plant the black tomato Mikado for testing.

Vasilisa, Rostov region: “I liked the pink and red Mikado tomato. Yellow is good, but you need to plant 3 bushes to decorate the salad. The black tomato variety Mikado is tasty, but I didn’t like the color of the juice.”

Mikado tomatoes: video about the variety

Ripening and fruiting

The ripening period is early, since mature fruits appear 94-95 days after the first shoots. This is a distinctive feature of the Mikado pink variety, since the maturity of the red and yellow counterparts occurs on the 100-110th day. Up to 7-9 fruits appear on each bush.


The yield is 5.0-6.0 kg per square meter. m. Harvesting occurs in July-August.

Dates for planting seedlings and planting in the ground

The time for sowing seedlings is the last days of February - the first days of March. Planting in the ground occurs at the end of April.

Planting scheme

You need to plant seedlings of the Mikado tomato variety on the basis that each bush requires 60 x 50 cm of plot area.

Growing and care

Tomatoes respond to watering and fertilizers. When choosing Mikado for cultivation, it is important not only to study its strengths and weaknesses, but also to learn the agricultural technology system and the rules for caring for the crop.

Only a well-lit area is suitable for planting. With a lack of sunlight, the number of ovaries decreases.

In parallel with planting the seedlings, you need to place a vertical wooden support in the hole. In the future, a bush will be tied to it. The plant will need pinching, pinching and shaping with the number of stems ranging from 1-2 pieces.

As the tomatoes grow, you need to remove the lower leaves. The procedure is carried out to enable the bush to spend nutrients on the formation of many fruits. Removing leaves from below provides better ventilation, which reduces the likelihood of disease.

The Mikado variety will not take root in all soils, so it needs to be loosened and fertilized regularly. The first feeding is carried out 5-7 days after planting the seedlings. You can add mullein solution or prepared chicken manure into the soil.

If mineral fertilizer is used, ammonium nitrate, potassium salt and superphosphate should be preferred. It is important not to overdo it with nitrogen fertilizing, so as not to cause abundant leaf growth.

Growing pink Mikados also involves a second stage of feeding, which is carried out 2 weeks after the first.

Resistance to diseases and pests

When grown in greenhouses, tomatoes are almost not affected by fungi and bacterial diseases. In open ground, the crop is not resistant to late blight. This problem will have to be solved. Copper oxychloride or the use of cuproxate will help against fungal infections.

Before planting in the ground, seedlings need to be treated with Bordeaux mixture. You can also use the recipe of experienced gardeners who prefer treating seeds with fresh milk. This makes them more resistant to late blight. For processing, you will need a mixture of milk and water in a ratio of 1: 10. A couple of drops of iodine and a full glass of wood ash are added to the milk-water solution.

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