Tomato “Aprika zebra”: characteristics of the variety with photos, cultivation


Harvesting usually begins from late August, early September.
But cumin is characterized by uneven flowering, so no one adheres to the exact date. It is necessary to wait until 55-60% of the fruits based on the central umbrellas are ripe. To begin with, the cumin is cut and stored in windrows.

It is very important not to allow full ripening before this procedure, since the seeds fall off en masse.

To allow the seeds to dry out, rolls of cumin are stored for several days. The seeds can now be collected to preserve the bitter, nutty flavor while being protected from sunlight during storage.

Therefore, closed earthenware, glassware or fabric bags are used. After this, you can grind the seeds to form a full-fledged spice suitable for use in cooking.

Now we know how to grow cumin in open ground from seeds prepared for planting. We learned about the nuances of courtship and harvesting. Based on this, we can conclude that this is a completely doable task for an ordinary lover of garden and home crops.

As a result, you can get unsurpassed spice to improve the taste of pilaf, which your household and guests will appreciate.

But do not forget that cumin is a source of useful vitamins and microelements that can improve well-being and support during the treatment of dangerous diseases.

Other color varieties

The White Zebra tomato, as seen in the photo, is yellow with white stripes. The variety is grown by seedlings in a greenhouse. Harvest occurs at the end of August.

  • The fruits are flat, round, with a ribbed surface, sweet in taste, and are consumed fresh.
  • Tomato weight 300 g.
  • The crop bears fruit abundantly with quality care.
  • During the growing season, the bushes are formed into 2 stems and tied to a support.

Sources:—2.html zebra

Lovage care

Caring for lovage when grown indoors or outdoors from seeds includes:

  • watering;
  • loosening;
  • weeding;
  • protection from diseases and pests;
  • fertilizing

The plant is moisture-loving, so an important aspect of care is watering. To keep the greens juicy, you need to water the plants in open ground:

  • in dry summer - weekly;
  • regular – once every 2 weeks;
  • rainy - not required.

Another part of care is loosening. 4 or more hours after watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil under the bush to avoid the appearance of a crust. Weeds are removed as they grow.

Fertilizing lovage:

  • to increase the root mass - superphosphate once a quarter (20 g per 10 l of water);
  • for green growth - urea every 1.5 months (20 g per 10 liters).

Pests and diseases of lovage:

  1. Snails. To fight, sprinkle ashes around the bushes.
  2. Aphid. The stems are dipped in a mixture of ash and water (2 to 1) or Biotlin is used according to the instructions.
  3. Carrot fly. Preparations "Decis", "Volaton".
  4. White spotting. Use "Ridomil Gold", "Topaz".

Features of cultivation

Zebra apricot is cultivated in greenhouses on trellises. The variety is thermophilic and does not tolerate sudden drops in temperature and changes in day and night temperatures. In the southern regions it is planted in film shelters, in the northern regions - in polycarbonate greenhouses and heated greenhouses.

The plant is formed into two stems. The first flower raceme grows above the 10-11th leaf, then the racemes appear every three leaves. The first, thickest and most powerful stepson grows immediately under the first flower cluster. It is left, all the rest are cut off, leaving a stump 1 cm long.

To speed up ripening, after harvesting all the fruits from the cluster, the underlying leaves are removed. This method increases the illumination of the remaining leaves and fruits and improves the ventilation of the greenhouse. Plants find themselves in more favorable conditions.

The variety is grown through seedlings, sowing seeds in early March. At the age of 60 days, the plants are transplanted into a greenhouse. By this time there should be one flower cluster on them - tied or opened.

In most regions, seedlings are transplanted into unheated greenhouses in early May. Tomatoes love light loamy or sandy loam soils, well-filled with organic matter. Before planting, fertilizers are applied to the garden bed per square meter. m:

  • 10 kg of humus;
  • 200 g wood ash.

Care consists of watering, fertilizing, pinching and timely tying of stems. The bushes are regularly inspected, leaves with spots and yellowness are removed.

When to plant garlic

The time for planting seeds depends on the type of plant and the climatic characteristics of the growing region. There are two varieties of garlic - spring and winter. It is the variety that determines the time of planting and the taste characteristics of the crop.

The winter species can be sharp and non-shooting. These varieties are planted in the fall. Compared to spring varieties, they yield earlier, but are not subject to long-term storage. Spring garlic can only be bolted. These varieties are planted in the spring. The main advantage of spring varieties is their long shelf life and versatility of use.

Some people practice growing garlic varieties at home to obtain a valuable source of vitamins and minerals.

To obtain the proper result, it is important to choose a container of at least 20 cm, use fertile soil and follow the basic rules of agricultural technology for growing plants.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Aprica zebra tomato has a number of advantages:

  • high yield due to a large number of fruit clusters;
  • long fruiting;
  • saving space by using vertical space;
  • asynchronous ripening of tomatoes;
  • excellent external and taste qualities of the fruit;
  • disease resistance;
  • convenient to harvest and care for plants.

The main disadvantage of tall tomatoes is the need for staking. The bushes constantly grow in height and do not become woody. Therefore, they create a support and regularly fix young shoots to it.

Preparing and planting sunflower seeds

Before planting seeds in the ground, they are initially germinated at home. To do this, take a towel (preferably paper) and moisten it until damp. Then visually divide it in half, put seeds on one part, and cover the other.

All this is placed in a plastic bag, which is stored in a warm room at a temperature greater than +10 °C, periodically checked for the presence of sprouts and at the same time monitoring the humidity of the towel. The growth period is 2 days.

If the seed has not sprouted within 3 days, then use tweezers to remove the edge of the seed and leave it for a while.

However, you can do without germination by simply lowering them into the ground, but the likelihood of germination will be much lower.

Before planting in the ground, to avoid being eaten, the seeds are treated with a special anti-rodent agent, prepared personally or purchased.

You can prepare the mixture yourself as follows: chop 100 grams of garlic and mix with onion peels, add 2 liters of boiling water and leave for 24 hours. After this, strain the prepared mixture and dip the prepared seeds into the resulting solution overnight.

All actions should be carried out towards the end of spring.

Useful tips

The first feeding is done in July, at which point the plant should form 4 true leaves. To do this, use a solution of 2 tbsp. l. nitrophoska diluted in 10 liters of water. If desired, you can use special organic fertilizers - “Agricola”, “Fertility”. Per 1 m2 there are from 2 to 3 liters of solution.

The second feeding is carried out after the first, 14 days later. To do this, use the same solutions, but increase the consumption. For 1 m2 use 3-4 liters of solution. The third procedure is done in June. To do this, take 2 tbsp. l. crushed superphosphate per 10 liters of water, using a solution in a volume of 5 liters for every 1 m2.

Caring for garlic in August comes down to standard actions of watering, weeding and loosening the plantings. To obtain large heads of the winter variety in the underground part, it is necessary to break off the shoots before the onset of August.

Basic recommendations for growing garlic:

  • choose a sunny, dry place for planting; if the soil is highly acidic, lower the level with chalk or ash;
  • use only high-quality material for cultivation, having previously disinfected it;
  • observe the timing and planting scheme;
  • loosen, feed in a timely manner and do not over-moisten the soil;
  • monitor the health of the plant, at the first signs of disease, immediately begin the fight;
  • follow the rules of cultivation and do not plant garlic for more than 3 years in one place, choose the right predecessors.

Garlic harvesting is carried out from late August to mid-September. A signal about the possibility of harvesting is the massive lodging of leaves and their rapid yellowing. After digging, the heads must be thoroughly dried for a week and trimmed, leaving the stem at a distance of 6 to 8 cm.

Agricultural technology of tomatoes

To grow the Aprica zebra tomato, high glass, polycarbonate or film greenhouses are used. Cultivation methods include rules that must be followed to realize the full potential of indeterminate tomatoes. They need a large amount of nutrients, abundant watering and good support.

Growing seedlings

Mid-season varieties are sown for seedlings in early March. For this, special boxes with a height of 5-10 cm are used. They must have drainage holes, because Increased soil moisture contributes to the damage of sprouts by blackleg. Seedling containers are disinfected before sowing seeds.

Before sowing, it is recommended to soak the seeds in a Fitosporin solution, following the instructions. They are treated with a growth stimulator, due to which seedlings appear faster. The prepared seed is planted in nutritious loose soil. You can use store-bought soil or make your own. To do this, mix turf soil, rotted manure and peat in equal proportions. A small amount of river sand and wood ash are added to the mixture.

The soil is well moistened and the seeds are sown to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. They germinate quickly in a warm, bright place. The optimal air temperature is +22…+24°C. The boxes are covered with film to reduce moisture evaporation. The shelter is removed immediately after emergence. Water the sprouts using a spray bottle.

Before planting in a greenhouse, seedlings are hardened off for 10-15 days, reducing the temperature to +10...+15°C.
Tomatoes ripen in the phase of two true leaves, transplanting the sprouts into separate cups or to a permanent place. Seedlings are planted in a greenhouse 50-60 days after germination. The plants are placed in a hole with a lump of earth so that their upper part is 1.5-2 cm above the soil level. Important! In high-quality seedlings, the first flower cluster is formed above the 9-10th leaf. It has a short peduncle and is directed towards the bottom.

Greenhouse preparation

Before planting tomatoes in the greenhouse, the soil is renewed, the ceiling and walls are disinfected, and if necessary, damage to the film or glass is repaired. The greenhouse must be equipped with a ventilation system or vents.

It is not recommended to grow tomatoes in the same soil more than twice in a row, because... It accumulates pathogenic bacteria and pest larvae. Therefore, the top layer of soil is removed to a depth of 10-15 cm, and the bottom layer is treated with a fungicidal preparation.

Young plants are transplanted into the greenhouse in early May, after removing weeds from the ridges. Fertilizer is applied to poor soil at the rate of 9-10 kg of rotted manure and 200 g of wood ash per 1 m2. For fertile soil, 2-3 kg of humus is enough. It is better to use loamy or sandy soil. It should be light and water-permeable.

Before planting, tomatoes are treated with copper oxychloride, dissolving 30 g of the drug in 10 liters of water. This procedure will prevent the development of diseases. Holes are made in the soil on the bayonet of a shovel. Young plants are planted in beds in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 60-70 cm from each other, leaving a row spacing of 70-80 cm. An area of ​​50-60 cm is allocated for each shoot.

Features of care

Caring for the Aprica zebra tomato consists of timely watering and fertilizing, pinching and tying the stems. During the growing season, the bushes are regularly inspected in order to detect the disease in time and prevent its spread.

Tall tomatoes are grown on trellises. To do this, use a net, pegs and a rope lowered down to the base of the bush. Plants are fixed to supports in several places. The first fastening is made under 2-3 sheets. When the height of the bush reaches 2 m, the garter is stopped. To prevent branches from breaking under the weight of the fruit, supports are placed under them.

Important! The stems should not be tied tightly, making a loose loop. As it grows, the trunk thickens, and squeezing it can lead to the death of the entire bush.

Tomatoes are watered for the first time 7-10 days after transplantation, when the young shoots have taken root in the new location. The water temperature should not be lower than +20…+22°С. Before flowering, plants are watered once every 6-7 days. To do this, use 5 liters of water per 1 m2. During the fruiting period, the amount of water is increased to 10-12 liters per 1 m2. Water the plants in the morning directly at the root. To make it easier to care for a large number of tall tomatoes, the greenhouse can be equipped with an automatic watering system.

Ventilation is a preventive measure against fungal diseases. 2 hours after watering, open the windows or ends of the greenhouse. Tomatoes prefer moderate air humidity. They feel good at levels between 60-80%. Uniform lighting of bushes and free access of air improves plant resistance to late blight.

The optimal air temperature during the day is considered to be +20...+24°C, and at night – within +16...+18°C. Tomatoes do not tolerate overheating well. Air temperatures above +30°C make pollen sterile.

Be sure to pick off yellowing, dried and lower leaves that touch the ground. Leaves located deep in the bush are also removed.

On a note! To speed up the ripening of tomatoes, it is necessary to remove the leaves under the fruit clusters, as well as above them, leaving the first leaf intact.

Tomatoes need bright light. The sun's rays only partially enter the greenhouse through the glass, polycarbonate or film cover. Therefore, greenhouse plants are provided with additional lighting. The soil is loosened and weeds are removed. The soil can be mulched with hay, straw or old tops.

Throughout the growing season, pinching is carried out, thanks to which the yield increases and the ripening time of fruits is reduced. The procedure involves removing side shoots that deprive the plant of the strength necessary for abundant fruiting. Bushes are formed into 1-2 trunks. Stepchildren are removed in the morning hours. In this case, cuttings 1-1.5 cm long are left to prevent the formation of new growth.

Important! Excess shoots are broken off with your fingers rather than cut with a knife, pruning shears or scissors.

Feeding tomatoes

The first feeding is carried out 2 weeks after planting the seedlings in a permanent place. It consists of the following components:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 1 tbsp. nitroammofoski;
  • 500 ml liquid mullein.

For 1 bush use 1 liter of the prepared mixture. After 10-14 days, the tomatoes are fed a second time. To do this, dissolve 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. complex fertilizer and 1 tsp. potassium sulfate. During the season, 3-4 feedings are carried out.

To avoid excessive growth of green mass, nitrogen is not used at the beginning of the growing season. It is administered during the formation of ovaries, formation and ripening of fruits. During the same period, the dose of potassium is increased, which helps to increase the resistance of plants to diseases and the sugar content of tomatoes.

On a note! Fertilizers are applied 2 times a month, after thoroughly moistening the soil around the plants.


The collection of greenery is carried out in April - May: before the lovage produces a peduncle. From this moment on, throughout the flowering period, the plant becomes poisonous.

How to prepare lovage leaves:

  1. The greens are cut and laid out in a thin layer in a dark place. After drying, place in a tightly closed container.
  2. The cut leaves are frozen into finely chopped mass. Thawing and re-freezing the mass is not allowed.
  3. The leaves, crushed into a paste, are mixed with olive oil. The resulting mass is placed in ice trays and frozen. Add 1 cube to soups, meat and fish dishes.

The root harvesting period is October – November. At this time, many useful substances accumulate in it. The rhizome is dug up, washed, finely chopped or grated, dried or placed in the freezer.

When buying lovage in a store or pharmacy, you need to pay attention to:

  • for the safety of packaging;
  • best before date.

To view a review from a personal plot about a medicinal plant:

When growing lovage in open ground, the crop yield is higher than at home. It is difficult to get a large root in a pot. With any type of cultivation, the spice requires care.

Black tomatoes

Black Zebra is famous for its small cherry tomatoes weighing up to 30 grams. They are ideal for eating fresh. They are served to the table as an exclusive item.

The brown juicy pulp has a sweetish taste. They can also be preserved and have a thick skin. They will look very nice in a jar.

Everyone can choose what type of striped tomatoes to plant in their garden. You can combine them. You shouldn’t be afraid of exotic varieties; it’s important to just learn the rules for caring for them. Then a bountiful harvest of delicious vegetables is guaranteed. You shouldn’t be afraid of original exotic crops; everyone can take care of them.

Planting dogwood

As I already said, dogwood is a southerner; he loves a warm, mild climate. But regions with cooler climates should not despair. You just need to more accurately choose a variety that can take root in your region. Once upon a time, grapes grew only in the south, but now in Orel my parents grow beautiful black grapes without insulating or covering them for the winter.

dogwood leaves

Common dogwood grows well in soils rich in lime. In principle, it does not like acidic soils, but it can grow even on them, but this will affect the development of the plant and the harvest. Groundwater should be no closer than 1.5 m from the surface of the earth.

When planting, choose a south or southwest exposure. Plant in the fall. It is believed that if the poplar foliage begins to fall, then it is time to plant the dogwood.

There should be at least 5 m from the fence to the dogwood, position it in such a way that in subsequent years it will be provided with good nutrition from the soil and other trees will not interfere with it, otherwise after 20 years the crown of the dogwood will thicken and narrow, which will qualitatively affect amount of harvest.

Dogwood is an excellent honey plant, but, as I already said, its flowers appear early (flowering lasts about 2 weeks), when the air temperature is about +12 ° C, and for pollination by bees the temperature regime must be much higher. Therefore, dogwoods must have a pair in the garden, or better yet two, so that the wind can transfer pollen from one tree to another and thus the trees can pollinate each other. They are placed at a distance of 3-5 m.

Dogwood flowers bloom early

A dogwood seedling ready for planting should be 2 years old, about 1.5 m high, about 2 cm in diameter and have about 5 skeletal branches. After planting, it is necessary to trim the shoots by 1/3. Although many gardeners do not do this in the first year after planting, the plants also take root well.

Characteristics of the variety

The Aprica zebra tomato is a heat-loving vegetable crop that does not tolerate sudden drops in air temperature. In the southern regions, the chokeberry variety is planted under cover, and in the northern regions - in heated greenhouses.

Tomato Aprica zebra is an indeterminate, mid-season variety. The bushes are tall, reaching a length of 180-200 cm. After the formation of a flower cluster on the main stem, a stepson located near the top begins to grow. It will be replaced by a shoot that forms on it after the buds appear, etc. The growth of such plants is limited to the growing season.

Large fruits are brown-red. Violet-green stripes are clearly visible on their surface. The fruits have a flat-round shape. Ripe tomatoes have a pleasant tomato taste with a fruity aftertaste. The average fruit weight is 300-400 g.

The Aprica zebra variety is characterized by high yield. During the season you can collect 15-16 kg of fruits from 1 m2. Tomatoes ripen 100-130 days after seed germination. 20-40 fruit clusters are formed on one bush. A distinctive feature of black-fruited tomatoes is their long fruiting period. The harvest is harvested until late autumn.

Features of potatoes

Potato bushes are about 100 cm high. Its ribbed shoots are bare, and their lower part, immersed in the ground, forms stolons, which can reach half a meter in length. At the ends of the stolons, tubers are formed, which are modified buds; they contain starch cells, which are enclosed in a thin shell consisting of cork tissue. The dark green unpaired leaf blades are pinnately dissected. At the tops of the shoots there are scutes consisting of flowers of white, pink or purple color. The fruit is a poisonous polysperm, reaching 20 mm in diameter, it is dark green in color and looks similar to a small tomato. Green tissue contains the alkaloid solanine, which protects it from bacteria and some pests. In some cases, solanine can also be produced in tubers; therefore, it is extremely undesirable to use root vegetables containing green vegetables for cooking.

Potatoes are grown not only for food, but also for sale. For its propagation, a vegetative method is used, namely, root crops or parts thereof. This plant can also be propagated by seeds, but this is done only in the case of a selection experiment or if you need to save money, because potato tubers are several times more expensive than seeds. Another advantage of propagating by seeds is that they do not need to be stored in the cellar. If you use seeds to grow varietal potatoes, then in this case it will be possible to renew all the planting material; the fact is that the seeds have a very high resistance to viruses and bacteria, unlike tubers. However, it should be taken into account that growing potatoes from seeds is quite difficult, and an inexperienced gardener may not even be able to do it. In this regard, experts advise using a proven and reliable method, namely, growing potatoes from tubers.

Planting potatoes in trenches Growing using Gordeev technology

Watch this video on YouTube

Description of the tomato variety Chocolate Zebra

The variety is mid-season, determinate. The bush reaches a height of 1-1.2 m. The fruits are exotic chocolate brown with yellow-green stripes. The tomatoes are large, flat-round in shape, their weight ranges from 200 to 400 g. If the bush is formed into one stem, then there are specimens up to 600 g.

The pulp of the Chocolate Zebra fruit is dense, sweet and sour, aromatic, granular

How and with what to treat apple trees

In June and July, it is recommended to treat apple trees when signs of pest damage appear. The list of specific remedies depends on the type of problem.

From worms

Wormy apples are actually attacked not by worms, but by codling moth caterpillars. Unlike worms, their body is divided into sections and has legs.

To combat worms in fruits, insecticides and biological preparations are used. Spraying is carried out not when the caterpillars have already settled in the apples, but during a mass emergence of pests. Deadlines vary from year to year.

To get rid of bark beetle larvae, branches and trunks of apple trees are sprayed with a solution of iron sulfate (5%). The trunks are treated with garden whitewash.

From caterpillars

Caterpillars of codling moths, hawthorns and moths infect apple trees in the summer. They eat fruits, leaves and wood.

Fight insects with the following means:

  • "Fufanon";
  • "Alatar";
  • "Fitoverm";
  • "Karate".

From aphids and spider mites

Aphids and spider mites are sucking insects that attack the apple tree all summer. Treatments against them are most effective in the spring and after the harvest. At this time, fungicides and biological preparations are used.

Treatment with chemicals while the fruit is in use is not recommended. At this time, aphids are successfully combated with folk remedies (ash infusion or soap solution). Trap belts are effective: female aphids crawl into them to lay eggs.

From scab

Scab is often confused with a pest attack, as it causes spots similar to worm entrances to appear on fruits and leaves. It is actually a fungal disease.

Scab often affects the plant from early June to July. If you don’t start fighting it in a timely manner, the harvest will deteriorate, the plant will dry out and die.

To combat scab, fungicides are used:

  • copper sulfate;
  • Bordeaux mixture;
  • "Fitosporin";
  • "Alirin-B" (soap is added to increase efficiency).

Health-safe folk remedies in the spring against diseases and pests

Many adherents of ecological farming practice treating beds against diseases and pests using solutions of various natural disinfectants. This can be an aqueous solution of pine concentrate, an infusion of tobacco dust, as well as other infusions and decoctions of plants with insecticidal properties (onion, garlic, wormwood and others). Green manure plants (mustard, rapeseed, rye, oats and others) perfectly enrich the soil and fight diseases and pests, which can be sown on the site both before winter and in early spring, before planting the main crop. Their shoots are cut off and sent to compost or embedded in the soil during spring digging.

Little tricks to grow big onions

Using salt to protect plants from onion flies, gardeners noticed that its use significantly affects the increase in the size of the head. To make the onion much larger and juicier, it is watered with saline solution. Generously sprinkle the soil around the bulb with salt and water the soil. It is recommended to use salt no more than twice per season.

Another method will allow you to grow large heads of both onions and garlic. This method consists of loosening and removing the soil around the heads. Each head should be freed from the ground so that sun, water and air can freely flow to them. During this procedure, the soil should be dry, and the heads of garlic and onions should be almost formed.

The heads are freed from the soil by half or a third of the size of the head.

When can I plant?

It must be taken into account that planting cumin in open ground is carried out after preparation. The plant loves neutral soil, with low groundwater.

But before this moment it is necessary to prepare the site for planting in early spring:

  • Digging and loosening are carried out;
  • Phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is added based on 1 tbsp. l. per 1 square meter. A rotted version of compost is used, 2 buckets for every 1 m2;
  • If the soil is too acidic, it is covered with a layer of lime.

Unfortunately, in most of Russia, weather conditions do not allow the cultivation of cumin. The seeds often do not germinate or the plant dies as a result of freezing.

But it can be grown in small quantities in simplified home conditions, greenhouses on a well-protected loggia for personal use.

Green tomatoes

The green Zebra tomato belongs to the indeterminate type of plants. During the growing season, a tall bush is formed, requiring garter and support. The culture is intended for cultivation in open ground and greenhouses.

The weight of the tomato reaches 120 g. At the ripe stage, as can be seen in the photo, a yellow stripe in the form of a pattern is clearly visible against the background of the rich green color. Without comparing the taste qualities, the characteristics of the Green Zebra variety will be incomplete.

The sweet tomato resembles the exotic kiwi fruit. The consistency of the fruit is dense, the striped skin is transparent. The variety is productive and its cultivation does not require special agricultural technology. The plant responds positively to feeding with complex fertilizers.

On the surface of the Zebra Rita fruit, a predominant yellowish color with green stripes is noted. The description of the variety is similar to the famous green variety, except for the size and rich sweet taste. The crop is characterized by high productivity.

The Hippie Zebra tomato is a very productive variety with an average ripening period. The height of the bush reaches 1.8 m. The fruits are flattened, green in color. A red stripe is clearly visible on the surface. The taste is rich, sweet with fruity notes.

Benefits of dark-colored tomatoes

The red tomatoes familiar to most people are being replaced by varieties that are not colored according to the rules. Among them are brown, blue and even black. How are they better than traditionally colored tomatoes? The color of a tomato is due to the content of coloring pigments that have many beneficial properties. While all varieties contain beneficial lycopene and carotenoids, only black and purple tomatoes can boast of anthocyanin content.

Why are anthocyanins valuable?

  • are immunostimulants;
  • have bactericidal properties;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels, especially capillaries;
  • have an anti-edematous effect;
  • are antioxidants, i.e. they are able to bind free radicals, helping to avoid cancer.

They are not synthesized in the human body, but they are very necessary for it, especially during illness. That is why products that help eliminate the deficiency of this essential substance are so valuable.

Attention! Black tomatoes have a different ratio of sugars and acids than other varieties, which gives them a special rich taste. There are not many truly black tomatoes.

The darkest of them is deservedly considered the Indigo Rose variety. It shares the palm with another original tomato, which is called Blueberry

There are not many truly black tomatoes. The darkest of them is deservedly considered the Indigo Rose variety. It shares the palm with another original tomato, which is called Blueberry.

To understand what the Indigo Rose tomato variety is, we will compose a detailed description and description of this curiosity, but for now let’s admire the photo.

Orange striped

Description of the Orange Zebra tomato variety is on the package with seeds. These tomatoes are grown for salads. The fruits have a very interesting round shape with a ribbed surface, not always smooth. The color is orange with crimson stripes. They have a bright fruity taste. The pulp is juicy. The fruits are large and can weigh up to 500 grams. The same stripe is observed on the cut. They have few seeds and the flesh is dense.

The bushes are tall and the tomatoes ripen gradually. It is better to tie them up, otherwise they may fall under the weight of the fruit. It is important to note that this type of tomato loves fertile soil, good watering, light and warmth. The bush is mid-season.

Watering rules

Particular attention should be paid to watering. The soil in which the seeds were planted should remain moist until sprouts appear.

It is recommended to water a little away from the plants themselves (7.5-10 cm), since they are still small and flimsy and thus prevent them from being washed out of the ground, and also stimulate the development of the root system.

As the annual grows, you can reduce the number of irrigations. When the roots and stem have already developed well, it will be enough to water once a week.

However, weather conditions should be taken into account: if there is no rain for a long time, you need to increase watering.

How to transplant an ordinary dogwood?

If there is a need to transplant a plant from one area to another, the propagation method is used by dividing the bush.

For one year, this method can be used in early spring or late autumn. The plant is removed from the soil and freed from old branches. The root is cleared of soil, and the bush is cut into several parts. The roots are trimmed, old shoots are removed. After which the individual parts are planted in the prepared holes.

The common dogwood is long-lived. It can produce excellent harvests for 100 years. Therefore, if you plant a dogwood, it will delight more than one generation with its tasty and healthy berries.

Review Reviews

Chocolate zebra is an exotic variety that is especially popular with residents of Siberia and the Urals. Summer residents note that even with the first sowing you can get strong seedlings and abundant harvests. The bushes easily take root in a new place after transplantation; on nutrient-rich soil they do without additional fertilizers.

No obvious shortcomings were identified in the unusual tomato. It is only noted that large fruits are not suitable for whole-fruit canning. The fruiting period cannot be called extended either. The entire harvest is harvested in 2-3 weeks, since it is harvested unanimously.

Using tomatoes

The frequency of ripening of the fruits of the Aprica zebra variety allows the harvest to be sold gradually, which completely eliminates spoilage of the fruit due to long-term storage.

Tomatoes must be harvested selectively, removing defective fruits first. For long-term storage, tomatoes are picked unripe. They will gradually reach the desired condition.

Tomatoes are perfect for making fresh salads and canned juice, but their large size does not allow them to be prepared for the winter in their entirety.

What fertilizing and fertilizer to apply in July for a large garlic bulb and so that it does not turn yellow

During the active formation of the bulb, garlic accumulates nutrients. During this period, products containing potassium and phosphorus are added. Such preparations have a positive effect on the growth process of the underground part of the vegetable and its ripening.

Mineral products

There are several types of phosphate and potash fertilizers on sale:

  • monopotassium phosphate;
  • superphosphate;
  • potassium sulfate.

The manufacturer must indicate the method of use. Most often, the granules are diluted in a small amount of water, the resulting concentrate is left for 24 hours, and then dissolved in large volumes for root watering.

Ready-made complex mixtures

In specialized stores you can find a lot of ready-made products intended for garlic in July. Among the most popular:

  1. Tsibulya.
  2. Biomaster.
  3. Agricola.

The preparations have a balanced complex composition, which will 100% affect the yield and size of the garlic bulb. Nutrient compositions are introduced in one of the following ways:

  • root - when the solution is poured under the root of garlic or between the rows;
  • foliar - the composition is sprayed over the ground part of the plant.

It is believed that foliar treatment allows you to quickly obtain the necessary microelements through the leaves. Nutrients are thus absorbed faster than with root watering.

Many fertilizers can be applied by foliar application, but to do this you need to reduce the recommended concentration by half.


Organic products work no worse than store-bought products. The most popular are:

  1. Ash,. The powder is scattered dry between the beds, then the fertilized soil is watered. Ash is also used in diluted form: 10 liters of water are poured into 0.2 kg, then infused for up to 3 days. The resulting solution is poured over the garlic - 5 liters per 1 square meter.
  2. Rotted humus. Use one 9 liter bucket per 1 square meter.
  3. Infusions of herbs and plant residues. Prepare at the rate of 1 part green mass to 3 parts water. The liquid is infused under the lid. Before use, the liquid is filtered and diluted 1 to 10 with water. 2 liters of fertilizer are consumed per 1 square meter.

Chicken manure and mullein are used to feed garlic, but they cannot be used in July, since fertilizers contain a large amount of nitrogen.

You can also find special humic fertilizers on sale to improve the growth of bulbs. Processing is carried out strictly according to the instructions.

Folk recipes

Along with organics, gardeners actively use inexpensive time-tested folk remedies. To feed garlic in July use:

  • hydrogen peroxide 3% - 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water. Only the leaves and stems will be treated with the resulting solution;
  • iodine - diluted with water, 40 drops per 10 liters of liquid. Iodine is also sprayed over the ground part of the vegetable;
  • yeast - for 100 grams of yeast, take 3 liters of water and 5 tablespoons of sugar, infuse the solution for 3 hours, then dilute it with water again, 1 to 10. Watering is carried out at the root.


Raspberry zebra is liked by summer residents for the rich, bright taste of tomatoes. Also developed abroad, it is a late ripening variety. Productivity is average. They are planted mainly for fresh eating, but they can also be preserved.

Red striped has round, irregularly shaped fruits; ripening occurs gradually. Weight can reach up to 100 grams. Color red with green stripe. The cut is the same. The pulp is juicy, sweet and sour. The bushes are tall, more than two meters.

Shrub care is an important point for getting a good harvest.

Dogwood does not require special care. The main thing is to water it constantly for one year from the time of planting. Watering is carried out 2 times during the week. To prevent water from spreading over the area, it is worth making a furrow around the seedling.

In the first growing season, you need to monitor the condition of the leaves. If they begin to dry out and curl, this indicates that the plant does not have enough moisture. Also, during the first 3 years, gardeners need to monitor the cleanliness of the soil near the dogwood. Weeds growing at a distance of 1 m from the plant should be disposed of.

To ensure improved air exchange of the layer in which the plant's roots are located, it is necessary to periodically loosen the soil to a depth of about 10 cm. To make this process more convenient, loosen the soil the next day after watering.

When caring for dogwood, regular tillage is important. It is carried out annually at least 6-7 times, regardless of the age and fruitfulness of the bush

Processing begins in the spring and ends in the fall, after all the fruits have been collected. The final stage of loosening the soil around the plant is mulching it.


The Aprica zebra tomato attracted attention with its unusual fruit color. They have a rich sweet taste with fruity notes. The fruit has a very thick skin. If you remove it, you get real pleasure from eating tomatoes.

Aprica zebra tomato bushes were formed into 2 trunks. They reached a height of 1.5 m. Due to the abundance of fruits, the plants sagged and branches broke off. Tomatoes often had to be tied to special supports. Plants need regular pinching. Proper care allows you to reap an excellent harvest of delicious fruits.

The Aprica zebra tomato grows well in greenhouse conditions, actively setting numerous fruits. They ripen gradually and have a bright, unusual color. The pulp has a pleasant exotic taste. During the entire season, tomatoes were never affected by diseases.

Maintaining a greenhouse is quite a difficult task. It is quite possible to grow the Aprica zebra tomato in protected soil conditions. Tall bushes produce a rich harvest of excellent fruits even in a small area.

photo author Evgeny Balashov

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