One of the sweetest greenhouse varieties is the Alexander the Great tomato.

Description of the variety

A mid-season and tasty tomato is recommended for growing in greenhouses. The variety loves fertile soil and fertilizers and does not tolerate drought and heat. The ripening period is about 110 days, the tomatoes ripen together.

Alexander the Great is a hybrid, resulting from crossing other varieties. The vegetable has good immunity to diseases and insect pests.

Distinctive features

The bushes of the plant are tall, the average height is about 2 m. During the maintenance process, the stems are tied to supports, since heavy vegetables pull the bushes down to the ground.

The foliage is lush, the color is dark green. For the best harvest, the stems are shaped. In the south of the country, the Alexander the Great variety is also grown in open ground.

Characteristics of tomatoes, yield

Tomatoes are dense, round in shape. At ripeness they have a bright red rich color. On average, the weight of one is about 250 g, with proper care and fertile soil it can reach 0.5 kg.

The skin is dense, so tomatoes are not prone to cracking. The pulp is fleshy, with a large amount of useful microelements and vitamins.

With watering and regular fertilizing, gardeners remove about 5.5-6 kg of ripe tomatoes from 1 bush.

Description of the Great Warrior tomato

Studying the description of a variety is one of the most important stages of preparation for the start of the summer season.

The Great Warrior tomato variety is an early ripening variety. From the moment the first shoots appear after sowing the seeds until the vegetables turn red, 110 to 115 days pass. Tomatoes of this variety are tall, interdeterminate plants. The height of the bush can reach from 1.5 to 2 meters. Based on this, it is worth noting that plants require a garter to a vertical support. It is also necessary to remove side shoots. To get maximum yield, the bush of this variety needs to be formed into 1 or 2 stems.

The main characteristic of a tomato is the ability to grow in unfavorable climatic conditions. Plants tolerate low temperatures well during the day and night. Suitable for cultivation in northern latitudes. They are practically not susceptible to the development of various diseases.

This variety does not have any specific growing characteristics. Great Warrior tomatoes can be grown in garden beds, greenhouses, and hotbeds. Tomatoes need regular feeding.

How to grow seedlings

Seedlings are prepared 60-65 days before planting in the garden. Seeds are purchased at the store. When purchasing, carefully read the manufacturer's information. Trust only trusted suppliers with a good reputation.

Seed preparation

Before planting, it is necessary to inspect the seeds for external deviations. If everything is in order, start hardening them. This procedure will improve the immunity of the future plant to sudden changes in climatic conditions. This is especially true for those who plant the variety in open ground.

To harden, place the seeds in the freezer for 10 hours, then remove and leave in the room for a day. Repeat these steps 3-4 times and you can be sure that Alexander the Great will not be “scared” by frosts and strong winds.

Then start germinating the seed. With its help, you will find out the percentage of seed germination and get quick shoots. If the seeds are of poor quality, you will have the opportunity to change them, thereby avoiding failure in the future. For germination it is better to use settled water. Never germinate seeds in cold tap water.

The seeds are soaked in water, and then a slightly damp cloth is placed between them. Change the water several times a day. It is important not to allow it to dry out or become waterlogged. The fabric is placed in a plastic bag or on wet cotton wool. It will protect the material from drying out.

Important ! To stimulate growth, special preparations are added to the water. For example, “Zircon” or “Viohumus”. The products will not only accelerate the appearance of the first shoots, but will also protect the plant from negative factors. For folk remedies, use aloe juice or wood ash.

Container and soil

Experienced gardeners recommend planting seedlings in plastic cassettes. They are small containers fastened together with drainage holes. They come in different lengths and widths, so it’s easy to choose a cassette specifically for your window sill.

Cassettes are easy to use, inexpensive and last a long time. They are lightweight and when planting seedlings in the ground, you can easily remove seedlings from the cassettes. The downside is that in most stores they are sold without pallets - you will have to make them yourself.

For seedlings, use your own soil or soil from the store. To prepare the soil yourself, you will need:

  • soil from the garden;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • wood ash;
  • eggshell.

Remember that the soil must be balanced and nutritious. In addition, only loose and light soil is suitable for seedlings - this way the plant will receive the right amount of oxygen. The soil should absorb moisture well and retain it. Its microflora is also important. Under no circumstances should there be weeds or debris, larvae or insects in the ground.


Pre-prepared soil is poured into clean and dry containers. Next, make holes in it and place a seed in each. Sprinkle a small amount of earth on top and pat down. Don't forget to water the seedlings with warm, settled water.

Immediately after sowing, write the name of the crop and the date on a plastic cassette. Marking will help you remember the name of the variety, as well as monitor how certain seedlings behave.

Growing and care

An important condition for growing seedlings is adequate lighting. Ideally, the plant should be exposed to sunlight for about 14 hours a day .

If daylight hours are shorter in your region, use additional lighting lamps. Remember to periodically turn the seedling trays over so that all the seedlings receive even lighting.

Avoid overwatering the seedlings. It is best to water it with a spray bottle every 7-10 days. It is better to water adult seedlings from a tray - this way the root system will gain strength faster. The air temperature should be at least 20 degrees.

Important ! Containers must have good drainage. Excess or lack of moisture can destroy a young plant. In addition, periodically loosen the soil. Hard soil slows down the flow of oxygen to the sprouts.

Feed the seedlings early in the morning on a cool day. The first feeding coincides with the appearance of the first shoots. Use preparations containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The most popular means are urea, nitroammophoska, ammonium sulfate. They promote protein formation and chlorophyll production. For seedlings, fertilizers in liquid form have the greatest effect.

Growing and care

Experienced summer residents recommend sterilizing the seeds in a potassium permanganate solution before planting them in the ground, and then dipping the seed into a growth stimulator. They explain this by the fact that this way the seeds will germinate faster and the germination rate will be almost 100%. It is not advisable to pick this type of tomato; it is better to immediately plant the seed in disposable cups so that it initially gains strength, without subsequent stressful situations.

The appearance of the first shoots has a positive effect on the gardener’s mood; now all that remains is to grow good seedlings and plant them in the greenhouse. The film has been removed from the cups, now the plant can breathe and enjoy the sunlight. Move the contents with the seedlings to the window so that the rays of the sun saturate the soil and nourish the stems with their light. The plant needs watering with warm water; repeat this procedure as the soil dries out. It would be a good idea to feed the bushes with mineral supplements once every two weeks.

Summer is approaching, it's time to transplant the seedlings into the greenhouse. It is usually recommended to plant no more than three bushes per square meter. Otherwise, the plant will grow and the leaves will interfere with each other. Don’t forget to immediately prepare a support to which you will later tie the stem. The fruits will become larger and fleshier if the shoots are planted over time. Twice during the summer, feed your vegetables with potassium and phosphorus. Harvest the ripe crop on time so that the top tomatoes do not decrease in volume.

Attention! The Catherine the Great tomato is intended for growing in unheated and heated greenhouses.

How to grow tomatoes

To plant seedlings, you need to prepare the beds. In the fall they are dug up, garbage and weeds are burned. In spring, fertilize with a mixture of manure and leaves.


For planting, choose a calm and cloudy day. Harden off the seedlings 1 week before planting. To do this, take her out to the balcony every night, daily increasing the period of her stay in the open air. It is recommended to place bushes at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other.

Then pour in plenty of warm water. Try to ensure that moisture does not fall on the stem and leaves, but goes directly to the root. The next watering is in a week.

Growing and care

Gardeners recommend:

  1. Water the tomatoes in the evening or in the morning. To do this, use water at room temperature.
  2. Loosen the soil every 10 days . If you see that a hard crust forms more often, then reduce the loosening interval and carry out the procedure every 5-7 days.
  3. Remove weeds as they appear. She lives off the nutrients of the tomato, taking away its strength for further development.
  4. Tie the stems to the support. To do this, use wooden pegs and twine. Don't tie the knots too tightly - the bushes may break.
  5. Remove stepsons. They, like weeds, take nutrition from tomatoes. It is recommended to remove shoots every 8-10 days.
  6. Remember about fertilizing. Throughout the entire growing period, they are organized every 15 days. Use both mineral and organic fertilizers. For example, mother solution A, garlic tincture, liquid mullein, ammonium nitrate, wood ash solution.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

Difficulties can arise with an excess or lack of nutrients. A lack of nitrogen leads to changes in leaf color. They acquire a yellow or straw tint and begin to dry out. In addition, the tomatoes themselves become hard and their growth slows down.

If there is not enough phosphorus, the leaves curl. Lack of potassium causes curling of young leaves and wilting of old ones.

Sulfur starvation is also common in garden beds. At first, the leaves acquire a light green color, and then sharply turn yellow or red. Sulfur starvation makes the plant dry and brittle.

To saturate tomatoes with nitrogen, use special preparations. To solve the problem, potassium nitrate, magnesium sulfate, calcium sulfate, and boric acid are suitable. The dosage depends on what specific substances the tomatoes lack.

Diseases and pests

Tomato Alexander the Great can occasionally suffer from late blight. No variety is immune from this fungus. Appears in the form of yellow spots and white plaque. The spore penetrates the stem and infects the entire bush. It is almost impossible to get rid of late blight. The development of blackleg is possible - a disease of the roots, as a result of which metabolism is disrupted and the bushes die.

Of the pests, aphids and whiteflies are especially dangerous for tomatoes. The insects are very similar to each other, they look like a small white moth.

It is almost impossible to see them with the naked eye. They land in flocks on the leaves and eat the bush. The crop is also susceptible to spider mites. The insect leaves its web on the stem and leaves, which causes a lack of nutrition.

In order not to deal with insects and pests after they appear, it is better to immediately carry out prevention. To do this, it is recommended to periodically treat the beds with a solution of wood ash or garlic water.

Spraying the bushes with whey or a solution based on tobacco leaves is also considered a good remedy against pests. Organic procedures are absolutely safe for both vegetables and humans.

Features of growing tomatoes Alexander the Great, planting and care

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out 60-65 days before the intended planting in the ground. Seedlings dive at the stage of two true leaves. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. It is recommended to place up to 3 plants per meter of land, and up to 4 when formed into 1 stem.

Further care for tomatoes consists of timely watering, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer, pinching and preventive measures to protect against diseases and pests.

When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, we recommend installing a drip irrigation system - this will save your time and effort, as well as increase plant productivity and reduce the risk of late blight.

If you grew Alexander the Great tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits like under your climatic conditions? How do you rate the disease resistance of this tomato variety? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach a photo of your tomatoes to your comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Alexander the Great tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this variety more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

Recently, she has selected several varieties of tomatoes, which she named in honor of the great people of the Tsarist Empire. These include such species as: tomato Alexander the Great f1, Vladimir the Great f1 and tomato Catherine the Great f1. It’s hard to find bad reviews about these varieties on the Internet; it’s not for nothing that “royal” tomatoes are so in demand on the market.

The nuances of growing in open ground and in a greenhouse

When growing tomatoes in open ground, use a drip irrigation system. The advantages of the method are that water enters the beds gradually and does not cause sharp fluctuations in soil moisture. In addition, water does not stagnate on the surface of the earth, which means that the risk of fungal diseases and infections is reduced.

If the tomato is planted in a greenhouse, monitor the humidity and temperature levels. Greenhouses are characterized by stuffiness and heat, so do not forget to ventilate the structure. Also, during preventive treatments of bushes against diseases, pay attention to walls and other hard surfaces. They can also contain germs.

Aleksandrov Nikolay Andreevich, experienced vegetable grower

Selection of Chelyabinsk experimental vegetable growers Elite seeds of zoned, early ripening vegetable varieties for any soil.

All tomatoes are low-growing, high-yielding, early-ripening. All grow well in any soil and are resistant to changes in night and day temperatures, fungal and viral diseases. Everyone except “Cinderella” is a stepchild. All meaty and sweet. All are suitable for salads and canning. I will divide them into several groups to make it easier for you to keep a guideline when choosing. So: • Natasha is a low-growing variety (bush up to 70 cm) with small (80-100 grams) dense fruits. High-yielding - up to eight kg per bush. The fruit cluster can contain up to one and a half dozen fruits of regular round shape. The variety is good for canning and other things.

Large-fruited and very early ripening (85-90 days from germination to mature fruit).Japanese crab - ribbed and flattened fruits of yellow color. On a brush there are up to 5 tomatoes weighing up to 600 grams each. Excellent taste, low carotene content. The pulp is tender and very sugary. (Tomato seeds of this variety are no longer available) • Monomakh's Cap is a crimson-red fruit weighing up to 1.2 kg. 3 - 4 tomatoes per bunch (if more, then smaller ones). Regionalized from Siberian selection, but has differences in taste, ripening period and yield. • Vova Putin - bred in Chelyabinsk by selection. This variety is not listed in the Russian tomato register. But it is extremely popular among gardeners for its excellent taste and ease of cultivation. The fruit is crimson in color with yellowness on the stigma. Boat shape. Weighing up to 1.2 kg. There are up to 4 fruits on a cluster, and on 3-4 clusters the fruits are often larger than on 1-2.

Large-fruited with a ripening period of up to 120 days.Ural Bogatyr - In 2006, one of the fruits of this variety reached a weight of 1 kg 980 g. This is the largest tomato in the Southern Urals. For him, the norm is fruits up to 1.5 - 1.6 kg each. One tomato is enough for a good family for dinner. Raspberry-red fruit. Support for the fruit clusters is required, otherwise the stem cannot withstand such weight and breaks. Productivity up to 12 kg or more per bush. • Primadonna is a round, slightly ribbed fruit weighing up to 1 kg. There are many seed chambers, but few seeds. Productivity up to 10-12 kg per bush. Very good for juice. Particularly fond of mulching the root system. • The queen of the market is the tomato, which is loved by city residents for its excellent taste, raspberry-pink color and very high yield. There are up to 12 pieces on a brush. fruits weighing up to 400 g. every. In 2007, the second hand lost 4 kg. 700 gr. Other brushes were lighter. In total, I removed more than 14 kg from the bush. And this is with four brushes in total!

Large-fruited with a ripening period of 100-110 days:Cardinal - zoned variety. The fruits are cone-shaped, large, up to 700 g. From four clusters it produces up to 10 kg of sweet, fleshy fruits. • Crab is a zoned variety. Large ribbed fruit of raspberry color. Despite its clumsiness, it is very sweet and suitable for salads and juice. Productivity up to 10 kg per bush. • Yakut is a crimson fruit with a flattened shape. Brother of the Wild Rose in both form and taste. On a brush up to 8 tomatoes weighing up to 600 grams. each. Not picky about soil or weather. And he brushes aside pests and diseases like annoying flies. He's a little shorter than his sister, but he's as strong as a stocky guy. Although he doesn’t wear Eskimo clothing, he can handle the cold weather as if he was born in the north. In 2004, it endured sub-zero temperatures, and the fruits ripened on the vine.

Medium-fruited with a ripening period of 90 - 100 days from germination to mature fruitAlice is a court beauty with raspberry-ruby fruits up to 300 grams each. The most accurate way to pickle it is in its whole form. The peculiarity of the formation of a bush is easy to remember - the fruits here will be strictly, as if along a ruler, on one side of the stem and, as a rule, on the south. Loves to warm its sides in the sun. Fruit clusters are formed through one or two leaves, therefore, with a growth of 1 - 1.2 meters, up to 6 - 7 of them are formed and on each there are 6 - 7 tomatoes. • Raspberry bogatyr is small, but resistant to temperature changes, diseases, and pests. It tolerates drought well. However, unfamiliar varieties - neighbors can influence development to such an extent that you do not recognize what has grown. Either it will throw out fruit up to 1 kg, or up to a dozen of 200 - 300 grams. But invariably, from year to year, it repeats its characteristics in terms of yield, endurance, taste, and ability to “fertilize.” So for seeds, take those fruits that are characteristic of the variety. And if you don’t listen, you will become “Michurinites.” Every year 1 - 2 fruits appear on the stem, as if foreign. Both Vova Putin and Primadonna came from this variety.

Medium-fruited with a ripening period of 110 - 120 daysGrushovka - a raspberry, pepper-shaped fruit up to 80-100 grams, and the bush (brought to the exhibition) is up to 60 cm tall and is covered with fruits - fleshy, sweet. Up to 8 tomatoes per brush. The fruits are very shelf-stable - picked ripe from the bush at a temperature of 2-3 degrees, they are stored until March of next year. • Persimmon is a common bush with unusual orange fruits. Even, smooth up to 300 gr. fruits with an amazing taste, reminiscent of the southern fruit - persimmon. Resistant to pests and diseases. High-yielding. Very beautiful both in a jar and on a plate in a salad. • Make money - low-growing bush (up to 70 cm), on the hand up to 4 kg. fruits, medium-sized, but very sweet. Gives a very bountiful harvest. • Cinderella is a special variety – non-stepping. This is for very busy people (we can’t say for the lazy, because there are no lazy gardeners). A crumbling bush and therefore requiring at least a square meter of area. Purely for open ground. It should be planted after June frosts. And sow seedlings in the first half of April (so as not to overgrow). The fruits are small – up to 80 g. but there are a lot of them - a big bucket - no less. Sweet, fleshy, round in shape.

Small-fruited, with a ripening period of 80 - 85 days, unlimited growthCherry Ural - a new zoned Chelyabinsk variety. . Fruits up to 50 gr. pepper-shaped. There are up to two dozen tomatoes on the brush. Very productive, up to 6 kg per bush. Bush of unlimited growth.

In addition to tomatoes, I grow excellent varieties of carrots, peppers, and cucumbers. All are early ripening, high-yielding, excellent tastePepper Valentina is a zoned variety. Author - Smirnova V.P. - amateur gardener. Low-growing (up to 50 cm), fleshy, thick-walled fruit weighing up to 150 grams and the size of a half-liter jar, very sweet. Productivity - up to 6 kg per bush. Grows on any soil. But, like all peppers, it requires moist soil, so it likes mulching around the stem. ✓ Yuzhanin pepper is a zoned variety with very large cube-shaped fruits. The fruits are very sweet, thick-walled and fleshy. The bush is low-growing up to 70cm. It does not require special care.

Krasnopolskaya carrots are early ripening (up to 70 days). You can harvest two crops a year: sow in October - harvest the first crop by June 15; sow in June in the same place - harvest the second harvest at the end of September. The time is right for winter storage. Fruits with a small core and blunt stigma, weighing up to 300 g. High-yielding, long-lasting. Excellent taste.

Iskra Giant pea - although it belongs to the moth subfamily, in terms of the size of the fruit it is far from being a moth. A low-growing variety (up to 60 cm) with very large, sweet peas. High-yielding, early ripening. It is in such high demand for its taste and unpretentiousness that it is a problem to purchase seeds in August - September.

Garlic Iskra is a winter three-year-old. The size of the head is up to 150 grams with large, juicy teeth. Resistant to diseases and unpretentious to soils. It is well stored at home, in places where the temperature is constant, without changes..

Cucumbers Rodnichok - obtained by selection. Zelentsy are up to 8 cm long, with small tubercles - pimples. The variety is climbing, self-pollinating. Therefore, it can be planted both in a greenhouse and in open ground. They bear fruit until late autumn. Greens are suitable for canning and salads. With unthickened plantings it yields up to 20 kg. fruits from the bush.

That's all about Chelyabinsk varieties and seeds. In addition to good seeds, I use natural farming techniques on my plot. This means that I don’t dig the soil, I don’t pull up weeds with their roots, I mulch the soil and use Baikal EM-1 and its derivatives.

And now about applications for seeds and other things. In order to receive your order on time, you need to send a letter to my address, indicating what exactly you need and in what quantity, with the exact return address. It is advisable to provide a contact cell phone number. The order can also be sent by email to the address This is the first and most important thing. The second is to send a postal money order to my address in the amount of at least 400 rubles based on: Seeds, any package 40 rubles. (15 seeds in a bag) Directory “How to effortlessly grow a large harvest in your garden plot”....price 120 rubles.

I do not send parcels by cash on delivery. Shipping costs (postage) are included in the order price. I do not provide written consultations.

I accept postal orders only until March 1st. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that prices may change every year. Therefore, before placing an order, call and clarify the changes. My address : 454014 Chelyabinsk, Komsomolsky prospect, building 78-a, apt. 464. Alexandrov Nikolai Andreevich. Phone number for inquiries: 8 904 303 1987.

Harvesting and application

At the ripe stage, vegetables need to be harvested daily.
Pick tomatoes that are pink in color, as red ones speed up the ripening of the bunch. It is better to pick tomatoes without stalks. The Alexander the Great variety is used in cooking, folk medicine, and cosmetology. The vegetable is ideal for preparing salads, side dishes, and cold appetizers.

In addition, a medicinal tincture is made from it. The drug helps get rid of colds and strengthen the immune system during the cold season .

Moreover, tomatoes are a natural antidepressant and should be eaten when a person is in a bad mood.

Characteristics of tomato fruits

What are the characteristics of the fruits of this variety?


  • The fruits are very large, the weight of one vegetable can exceed 500 g;
  • The fruits do not crack and can be stored for a long time after harvesting the entire crop;
  • Ripe vegetables are very juicy, high in sugar, without any sour taste;

  • From 4 to 6 tomatoes can be formed in one brush;
  • Great Warrior tomatoes are pink, the shade of the skin and pulp is the same;
  • There is strong ribbing and a green spot near the stalk;
  • Long fruiting period, vegetables can be harvested until the end of August;
  • Stable yield, from one adult bush you can harvest up to 18 kg of ripe vegetables;
  • Universal use of vegetables in cooking. Ripe vegetables can be eaten fresh or added to salads. They also make delicious tomato juices, sauces and lecho. The only negative is that tomatoes cannot be rolled whole into jars because they are too large. But you can preserve chopped tomatoes.
  • You can plant seedlings on any soil, even infertile.

See also

Description of the tomato variety Bon Appetit, features of cultivation and careRead

Farmer reviews

This is what gardeners say in their online reviews about the Alexander the Great variety.

Elvira, Tyumen: “Last year I planted 3 beds of Alexander the Great f1. The variety is very worthy. The summer was cold, but the harvest was still a success. For growth I used mainly organic fertilizers. I grew it in a greenhouse."

Maria, Voronezh region: “In my opinion, the variety combines all the best - color and taste. The tomatoes started growing quickly and there were no problems with growing them. The return turned out to be friendly. We ate it fresh, made tomato juice and preserved it for the winter.”

Tatiana. Kurgan region: “The variety was recommended to me for a long time, and finally I planted it. I expected more. The taste is good, but it took a lot of care. In my opinion, this should not be typical for a hybrid.”

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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