Seeds “Ural summer resident”: reviews, varieties and hybrids

The issue of choosing high-quality planting material does not lose its relevance throughout the year. People who are passionate about gardening search the Internet and in stores for old, proven varieties and select new hybrids. The modern market offers a huge amount of planting material from different manufacturers, and they all make loud promises about an excellent harvest, the beauty of flowers, etc.; the reliability of some of them can only be judged in the fall.

Seeds have proven themselves well among gardeners - both amateurs and professionals. You will find reviews about them, information about the manufacturer, varieties, etc. further in the article.

About seeds

In 2015, for her 76th birthday, she released a series of seeds called “Ural Summer Resident,” which was given for a reason. All planting material is specially selected and adapted for the conditions of the risky farming zone. This is a series of hybrids and varieties that give an excellent harvest even in the most unfavorable summer (the harsh Ural climate). Moreover, as you know, it can be not only cold and rainy, but also dry and very hot, and is also characterized by sharp temperature changes during the day.

Let us note that the “Ural Summer Resident” seeds, reviews of which you will find below, undergo quality tests (germination, purity, energy, humidity, etc.) every year before the new planting season at the Federal State Institution “Rosselkhoztsentr” in the Chelyabinsk region. All the company's products comply with GOST requirements and also have an affordable and attractive price. The latter is achieved through direct sales, without intermediaries and resellers.

Vegetable seeds from this manufacturer are divided into four groups, widely represented by various varieties and hybrids, differing in terms of ripening, fruit size, color and shape.

Tomato Madame Courage F1. Analytical report

Now the time has come to sum up the results of testing the Madame Courage F1 tomato . “Large-fruited, high-yielding hybrid of very early ripening. Allows you to get 19-20 kg/m². The first tomatoes are harvested 90-100 days after germination. Plants are indeterminate, of medium height, with short internodes. The first inflorescence is laid above the 6-7 leaf, the subsequent ones - after 3 leaves. The fruits are without a green spot on the stalk, dense, weighing 120-180 g, very tasty and aromatic. The hybrid is resistant to major crop diseases and tolerates changes in air temperature and soil moisture.” Let's remember how it all began:
March 10

— soaked all the seeds in a Chlorella suspension. They write that soaking seeds in a chlorella suspension increases their germination (up to 99%), as well as the survival rate of seedlings and their growth rate by 20-50%.


March 11 — I started sowing seeds (I planted only 10 seeds). Terra Vita used the soil for planting (this is not an advertisement), but this year I bought many different soils for testing and Terra Vita turned out to be the most suitable for planting. I planted five seeds in plastic cups (without further picking), and planted five in a common container. I didn’t see much of a difference; the tomatoes developed the same way.

On March 14, the first shoots appeared in the container - 5 pieces; On March 15, the first shoots appeared in cups - 5 pieces. Germination rate 100%. Shoots

On March 21, the first true leaves appeared.

First sheet

March 23 - picked tomatoes from a container into plastic cups.

Picked into cups

I simply added soil to the tomatoes that were in the glass. As of April 10, tomatoes from containers and tomatoes from cups are completely indistinguishable. Caring for seedlings consisted of watering (as the soil dries out) and feeding the roots and leaves with a Chlorella suspension.

April 10, 2 weeks before planting, the tomatoes moved to the greenhouse for hardening under a double layer of Lutrasil 60.

May 9 - I started planting three test bushes in a polycarbonate greenhouse. The greenhouse was specially hung with lutrasil 17 to protect the tender leaves from the sun.

Before disembarking

The soil is very loose and well fertilized with organic matter. The distance between the roots is 60 cm, which is equal to 1 square. m - 3 tomatoes. When planting, I added Gumi-Omi Phosphorus, Biohumus and ash to the hole.

The first buds appeared 10 days after planting. And on May 23, all three tomatoes bloomed profusely.


June 10 - first ovaries. The first tomato cluster was planted after the sixth leaf. The rest of the brushes went through two sheets.

First ovaries

On July 28, the first reddened tomatoes were picked. have passed since germination .

First fruit

Fruiting lasted from July 28 to September 23 . During this period, 13 kg 596 g were collected The peak of fruiting occurred in August. Care consisted of watering once every 2-3 days (in the hottest days) and once every 10 days with potassium humate at the root and potassium monophosphate at the leaf.

Madame Courage

The fruits are ideally shaped, without a green spot on the stem. The color is not as pink as in the picture, but rather red with a pink tint. The skin is dense and does not crack. Can be stored for a long time.

The average weight of one tomato is 130-150 g. But several specimens weighed 200 g.


In cross section, a tomato looks like this:

In the context

The walls are thick, the pulp is sugary, there are few seeds.

I used tomatoes for pickling, they look very beautiful in a jar.

In a jar (Madame Courage is a different color from regular red tomatoes)

The plants were removed on September 23 at the age of 191 days. The leaves have turned slightly yellow due to sudden changes in night and day temperatures. The root system is healthy and very powerful.

September 23, one of the tested bushes

Root system Advantages of the Madame Courage tomato: Germination - 100%; Productivity - high (even for a novice gardener like me); Taste - excellent; Ideal for fresh consumption and for pickling; Not susceptible to disease (over the entire period did not treat fruiting with anything against diseases); Disadvantages of the Madame Courage tomato: It does not tolerate temperature changes well (it drops the ovaries in the heat) (maybe this is my mistake, I’ll try to fix it next year).

Conclusion: Madame Courage is an unpretentious, high-yielding, very beautiful and tasty tomato. Even a novice gardener can grow and get a decent harvest.

Thanks to the Aelita Agrofirm for the opportunity to learn and test the Madame Courage tomato and for a TASTY WINTER!!!

PS My testing assistant))) Supervised the harvesting and weighing of the crop.

Quality control from Aelita

Vegetables from the Ural Summer Resident

The simplest and most affordable in terms of price is the first group. It includes varieties and hybrids known in the “garden world”. All of them have long stood the test of time, and therefore are in demand and loved. Those who choose “Ural Summer Resident” seeds leave extremely favorable reviews about them, noting not only good germination, but also the stated high yield. Buyers are pleased with the fact that the plants are adapted to difficult climatic conditions. However, they are used not only in Siberia and the Urals, but also in the Moscow region, central Russia, where they perform even better.

Among the tomatoes, buyers note the following: “balcony miracle” (red, gold), varieties of “bull’s heart”, “lady’s finger”, “Spanish” (red, gold, pink, giant, dark crimson), “Ural giant”.

The second most popular vegetable in our country after tomato is cucumber. Without it, no garden will be considered complete. “Ural Summer Resident” offers self-pollinating and bee-pollinated species, varieties of Dutch and domestic selection. The hybrids “Herman F1”, “Dasha F1”, “Zozulya”, “Masha F1”, as well as “Prestige” are in demand on the market.

Lovers of sweet and hot peppers can also safely choose “Ural Summer Resident” seeds. Reviews about hybrids of this vegetable are not numerous, but positive. Like other crops, it has a good growth rate and stable fruiting. Gardeners recommend paying attention to long-known varieties and hybrids of sweet peppers: “Bogatyr”, “Bulgarian”, “giant F1”, “Hercules”, “Denis F1”, “California miracle”.


Maxim Kolesnichenko, 32 years old

It seems to me that “Courage” cucumbers (and other parthenocarpic hybrids) are inferior in taste to bee-pollinated varieties, but in greenhouses they are more reliable - they provide a guaranteed harvest without insects, and are resistant to diseases and temperature stress. I have been growing them for sale for several years now. I’m happy with the result; I collect cucumbers all summer long until frost. From each meter of area it is possible to remove 15-17 kg of products. Cucumbers are storable, tolerate transportation well, and do not lose their presentation for a long time.

Nina Sinyavskaya, 43 years old

In our family, we love Courage F1 for its excellent taste and large yields. Cucumbers are sweet and crunchy, juicy and flavorful. But for preservation they have to be cut off every day until they outgrow the gherkin size. I take them off at a length of 9-10 cm so that they fit comfortably and look good in the jars. Even though we have to tinker, we enjoy excellent homemade cucumbers all winter.

Maria Ivantsova, 28 years old

My parents advised me to try these cucumbers. They warned that the seeds were not cheap, but there were even more of them in the bag than was written on the package, and the germination rate was 80-90%. We planted them without any preparation directly in open ground. The first cucumbers appeared around the 50th day. Outwardly very attractive - smooth, pimply, dark green. I also liked the taste - no bitterness, dense, crunchy, smells fresh and sweet. The cucumbers were constantly blooming, the ovaries were located in whole clusters on the branches. We collected the harvest constantly and for a long time. As a beginner gardener, I was even surprised by the quantity and such a massive collection. The plants did not suffer from any illness, they calmly tolerated weather conditions and our over- and under-watering. So the results were even higher than my expectations. We ate our fill of fresh cucumbers and sealed almost 50 liters of pickled cucumbers in jars for the winter. There will be something to treat all your relatives! I recommend Courage to everyone.

Alexander Zaitsev, 38 years old

I would like to once again draw the attention of all amateur gardeners to the fact that you should not save on seeds by buying them from dubious distributors. High-quality seed material, although more expensive, is characterized by almost 100% germination, disease resistance and does not require any soaking or dressing. It is also important to observe the timing and correct conditions for storing seeds - in a cool, dry place.

For example, “Courage” cucumbers are a hybrid of Russian selection. Seeds can be purchased directly from the manufacturer in any quantity. All of my seeds from a bag of 10 sprouted. During the process of their growth, we were able to verify the other promised qualities: early ripening (they began to bear fruit on the 42nd day after germination), yield (harvested all summer and almost until October), endurance and disease resistance. Regarding the formation of the plant, I followed the recommendations of the same manufacturer - I made it into one stem, pinched all the side shoots and ovaries up to the 5th leaf. This way the cucumbers receive enough light, ripen more evenly and are more convenient to pick.

Natalya Gnezdilova, 42 years old

Among the advantages of “Courage” cucumbers, I would include, first of all, their early ripening and productivity. The greens taste good, do not taste bitter, and the peel and seeds do not become rough. The main thing is not to overexpose them on the bush, remove them before they have outgrown 10-12 cm, and for preservation it is better when they are even smaller. For our greenhouse, I choose parthenocarpics with the female type of flowering, so that there are no empty flowers. “Courage” is just one of them. I read detailed information about growing on the back of the seed packaging and tried to follow it.

It is convenient to pick cucumbers, they are not prickly, they grow several at a time - in a bouquet. And I liked the taste: crispy and dense, moderately juicy and sweet, with delicate skin and small seeds. We used them in all summer salads, I tried pickling and marinating them - also the result was excellent.

Vegetables from the “Siberian Series”

The second group of seeds is the “Siberian series”. The company decided to expand its range to include varieties and hybrids with even higher resistance to extreme weather conditions. All of them provide a stable and guaranteed harvest.

“Altai” (red and orange), “fighter”, “Budenovka”, “ox heart”, “Demidov”, “mandarin”, “bear trace” - all these are “Siberian” tomato seeds “Ural summer resident”. Reviews from gardeners are full of positive emotions about their favorite line “Teddy Bear” (yellow, crimson, red, orange, pink). This variety is super-yielding, mid-season with high resistance to diseases. Also popular is the “seedless” tomato (“Sprint-2”), which does not require shaping or gartering and is not affected by late blight.

Vegetable growers liked the series; not only tomatoes, but also sweet peppers attract attention (“Bull’s Heart”, “Magnificent Century”, “Golden Jubilee”, “Bear in the North F1”, “Mibiryak F1”, “Extreme”, “Siberian” felt boots F1"), cucumbers ("Altai", "vyugovey", "Tolyan F1", "sorcerer"), eggplants ("Siberian early ripening 148", "Vera"), white cabbage ("Alexandra F1", "dot") , carrots (“Altai sugar”, “Siberian shantane”), watermelon (“early ripening sugar”, “very first”, “chill”).

Professional seed series

The company recently launched the “Professional Seeds” series. “Ural Summer Resident” (reviews in the text) is actively developing and offering its customers a better quality product. These are the seeds that are used in greenhouses and farms. Almost 100% of these are F1 hybrids, exhibiting high yields and disease resistance. The price of such planting material is much higher, so in reviews you can often find doubts about its purchase. However, one should not lose sight of the fact that the technology for obtaining such seeds is more complex and multi-stage, but the results often exceed all expectations. They can be distinguished by their specific black packaging with a note in the margin “Professional Series”.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all representatives of garden crops, the tomato has its advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages of the hybrid:

  • Thanks to the unlimited growth of the stem, a tomato can bear fruit for more than one month.
  • The harvest is harvested early. The first fruits ripen 90-100 days after planting.
  • The large-fruited hybrid produces up to 40-50 clusters, which results in high productivity. From 1 m² per season, up to 20 kg of large, fleshy tomatoes are harvested.
  • The tomato grows upward, which saves space in the greenhouse.
  • The variety produces tasty and aromatic fruits.
  • The hybrid is endowed with resistance to diseases that often affect the crop.
  • The plant tolerates fluctuations in temperature and humidity well.

Among the shortcomings, it is noted that the tomato produces a small harvest during summer-autumn rotation in the greenhouse - 7 kg per 1 m².

Attention! A tomato plant with a tall stem produces several times more fruit than a low-growing variety.

“Ural summer resident”: premium seeds

Reviews about the so-called premium seeds are very mixed. We should start with the fact that the series was launched relatively recently, but is represented widely: from tomatoes and peppers to dill and radishes.

They are more expensive compared to simple seeds. On average, one bag will cost 150-160 rubles. This is despite the fact that it only contains 5-6 tomato or cucumber seeds. It’s no wonder that not everyone can afford premium-class seeds “Ural Summer Resident”.

Tomatoes have positive reviews. Negative feedback is mainly due to the fact that the cucumber harvest is not the same as stated in the picture. The reasons do not always lie in the company's dishonesty. Firstly, there are times when fake seeds go on sale, so we recommend that you purchase them directly from the manufacturer. Secondly, strictly follow the rules and recommendations that are given regarding planting and caring for each specific hybrid or variety, as this is of fundamental importance.

Of course, it’s worth trying the premium seeds “Ural Summer Resident” at least once. Tomatoes have received very favorable reviews. Pay attention to the hybrids “female share”, “red guard”, “Maryina Roshcha”, “noble fat man”, “meteorite”.

What else does the Ural Summer Resident have?

This company’s selection of seeds is not limited exclusively to vegetable crops. You can buy almost everything you need for your garden in its official store. Vegetables are represented by all traditional crops adapted to the climate of the Urals, including beans, fennel, asparagus, tobacco, daikon, sunflower, chard, zucchini and squash, beans and aromatic herbs.

"Ural Summer Resident" has a large selection of flower seeds, both annual and perennial. Among them you will find not only the familiar variety of zinnias, asters, and phlox, but also exotic, rare plants.

In addition, the seed producer offers its customers the mycelium of mushrooms: porcini mushrooms, aspen boletuses, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, chanterelle mushrooms and saffron caps.

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