Apricot Sardonyx: description of the variety and characteristics, yield with photos

History of variety selection

The variety was obtained by crossing the Champion of the North and Yantarny trees. Breeding work was aimed at consolidating the trait of frost resistance not only in wood, but also in inflorescences. At the same time, it was important to maintain the high productivity of the parent forms. Learn about the health benefits and health benefits of apricot.

Description of the variety

Gardeners do not hesitate to occupy planting areas with Sardonyx. It has excellent technical data. The description of the variety confirms this:

  • apricot begins to bear fruit in the 4-5th year of life in the garden;
  • medium-late variety (fruits ripen in mid-August);
  • partial self-fertility (pollinating plants are required to obtain a good harvest);
  • frost resistance of a tree is minus 33.7 degrees Celsius, of blossoming flowers - 2.8;
  • medium-sized tree (up to 3 m tall);
  • the crown is dense, spherical;
  • bark brown, thick;
  • the leaves are large, the edges are slightly serrated;
  • flowers are white.

Sardonyx requires the presence of pollinators. Amber, Michurinsky Best, Champion of the North are suitable.

Characteristics of apricots:

  • maximum fetal weight 52 g;
  • the shape of the apricot is ovoid, irregular;
  • the skin is dense, strong;
  • yellow apricot;
  • the pulp is juicy, yellow;
  • the taste is delicate, sweet and sour;
  • the aroma is pleasant;
  • The ripe fruit pit is easily separated.

A tree takes up a lot of space on a summer cottage: it is recommended to place trees at a distance of 5-6 m from each other.

Characteristics and description of the variety

Externally, the tree is medium-sized, up to 3 m in height, with a dense and spreading spherical crown. The bark is thick and brown. The foliage is large, with a carved edge. Frost resistance is good: trees can tolerate temperatures down to –33°C. As for flower buds, they are not afraid of frosts down to –2°C. The tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 4-5 years. The fruits ripen in mid-August.

The shape of apricots is egg-shaped, slightly flattened, weight - up to 52 g. They are covered with a dense yellow peel with a slight blush. The pulp is the same color, has a delicate structure, the stone is easily separated. The taste is sweet and sour with a pleasant light aroma. Important! The Sardonyx variety is self-pollinating partially, so it is necessary to plant pollinating trees in the garden: Champion of the North, Yantarny, Michurinsky Best.

Harvest and storage

The crop is harvested at the moment it reaches technical ripeness, when the fruits have acquired the characteristic color of the variety and the pulp is still dense. Sardonyx apricots will ripen in the first half of August. The fruits are removed by hand, carefully separated from the stalk, after which they are placed in a plastic container, and the layers are covered with parchment.

For storage, the containers are transferred to a place with a temperature of +20. +23°C, where the fruits can remain for about 2–3 days. To preserve apricots for as long as possible, indicators at level +10 are required. +15°С. In the refrigerator, the product does not lose its taste for 4 weeks. Today there is a wide variety of apricots. They can be grown in different climatic zones, while obtaining a rich harvest and high taste of the fruit. By following the above basic rules, you can grow the Sardonyx apricot variety in your backyard.

Planting seedlings in spring and autumn

Apricot seedlings of the domestic variety “Sardonyx” can be planted in spring and autumn. The preferred option is to plant in the spring according to the following technology:

  • Planting holes for spring planting should be prepared in the fall;
  • the optimal dimensions of planting holes are approximately 70 x 80 cm with a depth of at least 60 cm;
  • a layer of drainage in the form of broken bricks, branches or crushed stone should be poured into the bottom of the planting hole, and then sprinkled with a loose soil mixture of wood ash, humus and fertile topsoil;
  • the standard distance between planting holes for apricots should not be less than three meters, which will provide fruit trees with optimal area for the development and nutrition of the root system;
  • The roots of apricot seedlings should be carefully straightened and sprinkled with pre-prepared chernozem, which is lightly compacted around the plant stem.

After planting, each plant must be watered with plenty of water, at the rate of a couple of buckets per apricot seedling. If necessary, soil is added to the tree trunk circles and then mulched with sawdust.

For planting in the autumn, preparation of planting holes is carried out at least a couple of weeks before the expected date of work, which will allow the soil to settle to the desired level.

Prevention of diseases and pests

For the Sardonyx apricot, proper preventive treatment is very important, allowing the fruit tree to remain not only healthy, but also very productive for a long time:

  • before the buds open, the tree bark is protected from sunburn, and measures are also taken to destroy overwintered insect pests and fungal diseases developing under the bark;
  • dried branches are pruned, necrotic areas on the bark are cleared to healthy tissue, and open wounds or cuts are subsequently disinfected with a 1% solution of copper sulfate with garden varnish;

  • before the flowering stage and after flowering, plants are sprayed with colloidal sulfur at a temperature of 18°C ​​and above or with the drug “Neoron”, which has good effectiveness both at low and high temperature conditions;
  • During the period of fruit growth and development, it is necessary to treat sucking and leaf-eating pests with Decis, Fufanon, Kemifos, Iskra, Tsitkor, Kinmiks or Fury, as well as spray the plants with colloidal sulfur.

After harvesting, you should remove and burn fallen leaves and rotten fruits, and if necessary, spray the garden plantings with insectofungicides and whitewash the trunk and the forked part of the skeletal branches.

Features of caring for apricot varieties Sardonyx

After planting, it is important to follow the norms of agricultural technology of the crop. Find out why the apricot tree does not bear fruit.

Feeding and watering

Watering is recommended in conditions of prolonged drought. Young seedlings need to be watered once every 14 days. 2-3 weeks before harvesting, irrigation is completely stopped so that the fruits are sweeter and tastier.

The crop is fertilized with both organic and complex mineral fertilizers.

Every autumn, depending on the age of the tree, the following is applied to each apricot:

  • Up to 2 years - 1.5 buckets of rotted manure, 1 cup of superphosphate, 1.5 tbsp. l. potassium chloride.
  • From 5 to 6 years - 2.5 buckets of organic matter, 2 cups of superphosphate, 2.5 tbsp. l. potassium chloride.
  • Over 8 years old - 8 buckets of manure, 4 cups of saltpeter, 9 cups of phosphates, 2.5 cups of potassium salts.
  • Trimming methods

    From the moment of planting the planting material, it is important to take measures to form the crown. This will allow you to form a visually attractive crown, avoid shading of neighboring trees, and also increase productivity. The procedure is carried out in the spring, in early April. Remove all diseased and frostbitten areas, then shorten too long branches.

    According to the rules of sparse-tiered pruning, 5–7 branches of the first order are grown at intervals of up to 40 cm. First of all, branches located at a distance of 90 cm from the ground are shortened. First, two branches located along the main row are cut in half. Then the rest is cut in a circle, leaving only the main conductor - 20–25 cm above the main branches. In summer, branches that grow at an acute angle and those that are not the main ones are cut out.

    Did you know? During drying, apricot fruits practically do not lose their beneficial properties. Dried apricots include vitamins A, B2, B5, B6, PP and C, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and essential amino acids.

    Diseases and pests

    The following diseases are typical for apricots:

  • Cytosporosis. A fungal disease that manifests itself through the formation of small gray-brown tubercles on the bark. Over time, the foliage on the affected branches withers and the wood itself dries out. For treatment and prevention, use a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture, which is sprayed on the plant.
  • Bacterial necrosis. The main symptom is considered to be burns that develop into ulcers oozing gum. At the first signs of illness, diseased branches are removed, and the sections are treated with a 1% solution of copper sulfate. For preventive purposes, a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture is used - it is used to treat plantings every spring and summer.
  • Clusterosporiasis. The foliage of infected trees becomes covered with small brown spots, which after 2 weeks turn into holes, and the fruits become deformed. It is recommended to remove and burn affected areas. After this, the wood should be treated with a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture.
  • A number of insects are also dangerous:

  • aphid;
  • codling moth;
  • leaf roller

To combat this threat, insecticides are used - for example, a 0.2% solution of chlorophos or a 0.5% solution of Entobacterin, which is used to completely spray the planting. Important! The treatment is carried out early in the morning, starting from the top of the plant and gradually moving down, paying special attention to the underside of the foliage.

Features of cultivation

To obtain an annual stable harvest of delicious fruits, you must follow the growing rules.

Soil selection

Sardonyx is not capricious. But it requires loose, fertile soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. On acidic soils, it is recommended to carry out liming before planting. Heavy clay soils should be sanded (a bucket of coarse sand per 1 square meter should be added for digging).

It is necessary to prepare the landing hole in advance. Its size: 70 cm x 70 cm x 70 cm. The soil is removed and neatly folded next to the hole. It is then mixed with mature organic matter and mineral complex and returned to its place. It is recommended to prepare the hole in the spring for planned autumn planting and in the fall for spring planting.

It is important to consider the depth of groundwater: Sardonyx does not tolerate waterlogging in the root area. Groundwater should be deeper than 3-4 m from the soil surface.

Optimal planting period

The young tree must take root properly before the onset of winter. This is the only way he will be able to survive the unfavorable time.

Sardonyx should be planted in early spring (before buds open) or autumn (in the first half of September, 3-4 weeks before the onset of steady cold).

If the gardener cannot immediately plant the purchased seedling in a permanent place, the tree should be buried in a trench. This way the apricot will wait until the time of placement without harm to itself.

Growing technology

Sardonyx requires compliance with growing technology. Only in this case will the gardener receive a good harvest.


An adult Sardonyx provides itself with water. It is recommended to water it only during prolonged drought. Young seedlings require regular moisture (once every two weeks).

Watering should be stopped 2-3 weeks before the fruits ripen: excessive moisture will spoil the taste of apricots.


Sardonyx is prone to overgrowing. Excess shoots need to be trimmed. Formative pruning needs to be done regularly. The optimal time is early spring or late autumn. The sap flow stopped at this time. The tree will survive the operation painlessly. Trimming rules:

  • the crown should be transparent;
  • all dried and damaged (during snowfall or wind) shoots are removed;
  • branches growing at an acute angle or crossing are cut out;
  • cuts are made “on the ring” (to avoid rot);
  • wounds larger than 1.5 cm are covered with garden varnish or oil paint (to protect against bacteria and fungi).

For pruning, use a disinfected (with alcohol or potassium permanganate) and well-sharpened tool..

Top dressing

Sardonyx is responsive to fertilization. It is recommended to apply mineral complexes in spring and autumn. Mature organic matter - only in spring. Compost and humus are poured out around the tree trunk. The earth is then loosened.


Gardeners often strive to propagate the variety. This can be done through vaccination. An apricot with different characteristics grows from the seed. It can be used as a rootstock. And the scion should be taken from an adult Sardonyx tree.

Diseases and pests

Sardonyx has a weak immune system. To protect against pests, it is recommended to carry out preventive treatments with insecticides. If signs of pest damage appear, insecticides should be applied.

Spraying with copper-containing preparations will help protect the variety from diseases. Excellent results are achieved by preventative measures: removal of plant residues, timely weeding.

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