Garland cucumbers: characteristics and description of the variety. Cucumber Garland F1: reviews, photos, yield, growing rules

Cucumber Garland F1 is a relatively new, but already practice-tested hybrid that has managed to win the love of many gardeners. Its fruits have an excellent taste and aroma; they can be used both for preparations and for fresh consumption.

Landing locationRipening timeMode of applicationFruit lengthGroupFruit smoothnessPollination method
UniversalEarly ripening (35-45 days)UniversalMedium - from 10 to 15 cmHybridHighly lumpyParthenocarpic

Description of cucumbers Garland F1

The bushes of this variety are medium-sized, with weak branching. The leaves are small and dark green. The cucumber is cylindrical in shape, dark green in color with small light stripes. Unlike the Manul cucumber variety, Garland has an average length of 9-13 cm. Diameter 3-4 cm. Fruit weight from 20 to 120 grams. The cucumber is covered with pimples and almost invisible light hairs. The garland has a pleasant taste and aroma. Cucumber is great for harvesting in the winter.

Some gardeners confuse the Garland f1 variety with the Siberian Garland cucumber. The names are similar, but the varieties are completely different.

A variety of female flowering type, ultra-early - fruits appear on the 32-40th day. One plant can produce a total of up to 35 greens. Cucumber Garland f1 is created for greenhouses and greenhouses; the variety is also grown on balconies, loggias or even window sills. However, Garland grows well in open ground.


The plant is powerful, bushy, with abundant foliage. Stem height – 2 m or more. The bushes of “Siberian Garland” are no different from other hybrid cucumbers. There is a main stem around which the plant forms.

If you take a closer look at the bushes, you will notice the following features of the bushes:

  • The stem is powerful and thick, up to 1 cm in diameter.
  • Internodes are short - approximately 8 cm.
  • At least three ovaries are formed in one node. The maximum number of ovaries reaches several dozen.
  • The leaves are ordinary, five-lobed, up to 10 cm in diameter.
  • The plant grows well in partial shade. Leaves often hide fruits and flowers so that they are inaccessible to view - the fruits have to be looked for under the foliage.
  • The flowers are yellow and consist of 6 petals. Diameter – up to 4 cm.


The fruits of the “Siberian Garland”, like all bunched cucumbers, are small, but there are a lot of them, and they grow in beautiful “clusters”. Features of the fruit:

  • Length up to 8 cm, rare specimens grow longer.
  • The diameter of the fruit is 10-15 mm.
  • Weight – 20-50 g.
  • Not prone to overgrowth.
  • The color changes from the end to the base - the light green color gradually turns into dark green.
  • The surface is covered with tubercles with small, non-spiny white spines.
  • They have a characteristic cucumber aroma and a sweetish taste.
  • The pulp is juicy, crispy, without bitterness or voids.

Distinctive features

Cucumber Garland has a female type of flowering. The culture has strong immunity to characteristic diseases of cucumbers. When growing greens in warm regions, the harvest is harvested before the end of September.

Reference! Garland is a hybrid, not a variety, so seeds from your own harvest are not collected for further sowing. Such grains have a poorly developed structure.

Properties, benefits, calorie content

Nutritional value per 100 g of product is:

  • proteins – 0.9 g;
  • fats – 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates – 2.7 g;
  • fiber – 0.7 g.

These vegetables also contain small amounts of vitamins C, PP, E and group B. Cucumbers consist of 90-95% structured water, they perfectly quench thirst and remove toxic substances from the body.

The fruits contain natural organic acid. This connection performs a number of useful functions:

  • dissolves sand and kidney stones;
  • flushes out free radicals;
  • removes cholesterol plaques from blood vessels;
  • removes salts from joints;
  • improves blood counts.

This healthy vegetable can be consumed in large quantities on fasting days without gaining excess weight.

Description of the variety

Garland is a parthenocarpic variety. Their unique feature is that the fruits are able to set without pollination, and the harvest is remarkable.

The F1 marking in the name indicates that Garland is a hybrid. Such plants are obtained by crossing two varieties to obtain the necessary properties of the fruit. But the qualities are not passed on to next generations, so the seeds of hybrids are not suitable for planting.

The Garland variety plant will initially amaze you with its powerful growth. But in the end, the bush can rather be called medium-sized. Its branching is weak. The dark green leaves are small, with a jagged edge, and shaped like a heart.

A distinctive feature of the parthenocarpic Garland is the female type of flowering. There is no need for male flowers, so they are completely absent or occur in very small quantities. Barren flowers appear extremely rarely. A bouquet of 3–5 flowers is formed in each leaf axil.

The garland forms ovaries of 3–5 cucumbers in each leaf axil

The fruits of this variety are short and cylindrical in shape. The greenery is covered with numerous small pimples and small light hairs. The color of the cucumber is dark green with short light stripes. The length of ripe fruits reaches 12–15 cm, and the diameter is 3–3.5 cm.

When a cucumber of the Garland variety reaches a length of 12 cm, it can be picked from the bush

Characteristics of the variety:

  1. Garland is an early ripening variety. In closed ground, the fruits ripen on the 42nd day after full germination. When open, the period increases by a week or two, depending on climatic conditions. The weight of a ripe cucumber is 115 g. Thanks to this weight and the bouquet type of fruit set, the yield even from a small plot is very good. From 1 m2 they collect up to 12.2 kg. The commercial yield of ripe fruits is 95%.
  2. The taste of the fruit is excellent, and its uses are versatile. Juicy and aromatic cucumbers are an indispensable ingredient in summer vitamin salads and are perfect for pickling and pickling.
  3. It should be noted that the hybrid is unpretentious to sunlight. In moderate shade the plant develops well and bears fruit. Therefore, Garland is suitable for growing on balconies, loggias and even window sills.
  4. The versatility of the variety allows the hybrid to be grown not only in greenhouses and greenhouses, for which, in fact, parthenocarpics were bred. In open ground conditions, Garland is also capable of showing amazing results.
  5. Like most hybrids, Garland has good immunity. The variety shows high resistance to powdery mildew and cladosporiosis, and is tolerant to downy mildew and viral mosaic.

Parthenocarpics (including Garland) have practically no seeds

Table: advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Fast growth, excellent yield and high marketable yieldDaily collection of ripened fruits
Long period of fruiting without interruption
Does not require pollinators
Excellent taste and the possibility of universal use of fruits
Good transportability
Relatively simple agricultural technology
Immunity to major cucumber diseases

Hybrid characteristics

Self-pollinating bushes are suitable for planting indoors and outdoors. The average yield per 1 m² reaches 35-40 kg. Other characteristics:

  • fruits can hang on the vines for a long time without becoming overripe;
  • crispy juicy pulp;
  • multiple side shoots;
  • fruit weight: up to 110 g;
  • pronounced aroma and sweetish taste;
  • thick skin;
  • there are frequent tubercles on the fruit;
  • there are short light stripes;
  • color: green, which gradually shifts towards light green.

The harvested crop can be stored for more than 7-10 days. The vegetable is suitable for salads, wrappings, and eating in its pure form.

Characteristics of the tomato Star of Siberia f1, advantages of the hybrid and agricultural cultivation techniques

The “Star of Siberia” tomato can attract attention by its very name, which it received due to the results when grown in the Siberian climate. Minimal care, good yield, fruits with rich taste - these are the main features that will attract any gardener

Characteristics of the variety

In addition to excellent taste, tomato contains a large amount of nutrients, microelements, and vitamins.

  1. Determinate variety.
  2. The height of the bush is 1.3 - 1.5 meters.
  3. A very spreading plant.
  4. Stores well and can be transported over long distances.
  5. The variety can be used for consumption both fresh and for preservation.
  6. From 1 bush you can collect 4 - 5 kg.
  1. The ripe fruit has a rich, red color.
  2. Large size.
  3. Round shape with light ribbing.
  4. One tomato weighs from 200 – 250 g.
  5. Fleshy, dense, juicy, pleasant-smelling pulp.
  6. Sweetish taste.

Recommendations for cultivation

The variety is resistant. Productivity even in difficult climates. Does not differ in cultivation from similar hybrid varieties. Sowing seedlings should be carried out 2 months before planting in the ground, in March - April to a depth of 1 -2 cm. Planting seedlings in greenhouse conditions is desirable in April - May, in the ground - in June. Planting according to the 40x60 pattern. It begins to bear fruit in 110–120 days.

  1. A garter is needed to keep the tomatoes from touching the ground.
  2. Periodic fertilizing is required to improve the yield and taste of the fruit.
  3. Do not feed when the ovary is forming.
  4. At the beginning of growth, shoot and remove old leaves, leaving 3 - 4 branches.
  5. Watering after the soil dries out.

If you grew Zvezda Siberia tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits in your climatic conditions? Will you grow them again? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach a photo of the entire bush or individual fruits you grew.

What other garlands are there?

The most interesting thing is that among the bunch varieties there are several more hybrids called Garland.

Siberian garland

This hybrid was obtained at the Chelyabinsk breeding station (Miass) in 2013 and is one of the representatives of the “Magnificent Five” collection cucumber hybrids sold.

The manufacturer gives the following characteristics of the Siberian Garland cucumber variety:

  • Early ripening, from germination to the beginning of fruiting about 40 days.
  • Parthenocarpic means that bees and other insects are not needed for pollination.
  • It belongs to the bouquet (or bunch) type, due to which a yield of up to 500 cucumbers per plant becomes possible. One ovary can contain up to 15 cucumbers.
  • High taste and commercial quality of the fruit - cucumbers without bitterness and voids, 5-8 cm in size.
  • They are distinguished by their slow growth of fruits, which is why small cucumbers practically cannot outgrow, even if you do not collect them in time. But the formation of further ovaries in case of untimely collection of greens in any case slows down.
  • The fruiting period is very long - literally until the very first frost you can pick delicious cucumbers.

Indeed, the characteristics are impressive, but what do real consumers say, gardeners who grew the Siberian Garland variety of cucumbers in their garden plots.

Green garland

Cucumber Green Garland f1 is a hybrid of Russian agro breeders, intended for cultivation in open and closed soil. The variety belongs to the early ripening varieties, since harvesting takes place 35-40 days after germination of the Green Garland seeds.

Despite the early ripening of the fruits, the variety is distinguished by a long fruiting period, which lasts until the onset of autumn frosts. Green Garland f1 fruits are intended not only for fresh use, but also for various types of preservation: pickling, pickling and canning.

Description of the variety:

  • The parthenocarpic plant Green Garland f1 grows of medium size (up to 2.5 meters) and has short lateral shoots with weak branching and a bouquet ovary consisting of 4-5 flowers;
  • Description of the tops: the bushes of the variety are characterized by medium-sized leaves, painted in a light green color and covered with a slight roughness;
  • Green Garland cucumbers reach 14 cm and grow in an elongated cylindrical shape;
  • Description of the peel: the fruits of the variety are covered with a thin skin of a rich green color with a frequent arrangement of large tubercles;
  • The pulp of the fruit of the variety is crispy and juicy, without voids;
  • Taste characteristics: cucumbers have a sweet taste with a fresh aroma and without bitterness.


There are few reviews about the “Garland” F1 cucumber, but those available are mostly positive. Gardeners highly appreciate its yield and taste of the fruit. Some reviews note that this is one of the earliest hybrids and varieties of cucumber (although it is not indicated what it is being compared to).

If you also dealt with this cucumber, please leave your feedback in the comments to the article. It will help other users of Usadba.

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Planting cucumbers of the Garland F1 variety

The timing of planting seeds depends on the method of growing cucumbers. Direct sowing of seeds into the ground is carried out at the end of May–beginning of June, if the ground has warmed up to +15°C. Grains are planted for seedlings in the last ten days of April.

Interesting! The record cucumber was grown by a British gardener named Alfo Cobba. The length of the fetus was 91.7 cm.

The hybrid is recommended for growing in greenhouses. Garland is also successfully cultivated on balconies and loggias.

Optimal timing

The timing of planting depends on which growing method the gardener has chosen.

  1. The seedless method. Seeds can be sown in open ground at the end of May - beginning of June, if the soil has warmed up to +15°C by this time.
  2. Seedling method. Seeds for seedlings are sown in April, towards the end of the month.

Did you know? The largest cucumber in the world was grown by Briton Alf Cobb. His vegetable grew 91.5 cm in length.

Crop rotation and soil preparation

Regardless of the chosen growing method, open ground or greenhouse, it is necessary to add enough organic matter. When digging 1 m², you need to add 2-3 buckets of manure. Good growth can be observed on sandstones and loams. You should monitor the acidity of the soil and, if necessary, achieve neutral values. A successful combination of planting seedlings will be after the previous harvest of onions, celery, tomatoes, potatoes or cabbage.

It is highly undesirable to plant after pumpkin species:

  • melons;
  • squash;
  • watermelons;
  • pumpkin;
  • zucchini.


The hybrid can be planted in unheated greenhouses through seedlings or directly into the ground. The seedling method is recommended for cold areas where the spring months do not allow sowing vegetables even in protected soil.

Seeds are usually sold already processed. If they do not have a shell, you can, for prevention, soak them in a one percent solution of potassium permanganate, and then treat them with a stimulant.

Sowing of seedlings is carried out in mid or late April. Soil for seedlings is sold in stores, but you can prepare it yourself by mixing equal parts of garden soil, peat, sand and humus. Peat pots are used. Sow 1-2 seeds in each. Grow seedlings in a sunny place.

For seed germination, the optimal temperature is +25-30 degrees, but for sprouted seedlings it should not be higher than +23. Otherwise, the sprouts will stretch out or turn out weak.

Seeds can be planted in the soil in May or early June. For 1 sq. m place 4-5 plants, following a 30 by 70 cm pattern.

Despite the recommendation to grow the hybrid in a greenhouse, reviews say that it grows well in open ground. For 1 sq. m here they plant 3-4 bushes. The fruits will ripen a little later.

Caring for cucumbers Garland F1

In order for the crop to bear fruit well, the plantings need to be looked after. Bushes should be regularly watered, fertilized, shaped and tied up. Soil care is also important - loosening, weeding and mulching.

Important! When watering cucumbers, you should avoid sprinkling - drops of water can cause burns on the leaves.

Watering and fertilizing

Important factors in the growth of plantings are watering and fertilizing. Cucumber is a moisture-loving plant. The frequency and amount of moisture depends on the growth stage:

  • Before flowering, apply 4 liters of water under 1 bush once every 3–5 days;
  • after flowering, especially during the period of fruit formation, pour 8 liters of water under 1 bush once every 2 days.

Water should be used warm and settled. The crop is watered using the drip method or by irrigating the soil at the root. The best time of day for watering is when the sun has just risen because it has already set. Cucumbers are fertilized with liquid agents, adding them to the soil.

The feeding schedule during the growing season is as follows:

  1. 14 days after transplanting the seedlings into the greenhouse: dilute 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate in 10 liters of water. Apply 0.5 liters of solution to each bush.
  2. At the moment the buds open: dilute 1 liter of chicken manure in 15 liters of water. Fertilize each bush with 0.5 liters of the product.
  3. At the beginning of fruiting: add 200 ml of ash to 10 liters of water, 1 tbsp. l. potassium nitrate and 2 tbsp. l. urea. Stir and pour 0.5 liters of the drug under each bush.
  4. 2 weeks after the start of fruiting: repeat the previous feeding.

It is better to fertilize the plantings after watering.

Garter and bush formation

When growing cucumbers, plantings should not be allowed to become denser - in dense plantings, individual bushes do not receive enough moisture and fertilizing. For better growth of the lashes, gartering and shaping will be required. Shoots should be allowed to grow in an upward direction. To do this, they must be tied to a trellis or net. Plantings need to be formed into 1 stem. In this case, the side shoots should be removed, and the ovaries in the axils of the first 4 leaves should be blinded.

Features of cultivation

The bush must be formed according to the scheme presented below in 1 stem. It is necessary to tie the stem to a support and remove the side shoots at the bottom 50 cm up from the ground. Leave one ovary and one leaf in each axil. In the middle part of the vine, 2 ovaries and 2 leaves are already left. When the height of the trellis is reached, the end is pinched and the bush is allowed to grow horizontally.

Siberian Garland F1 is a tasty, super-yielding hybrid with a long fruiting period. To grow it, additional time, effort, and information about specific agricultural techniques that will ensure maximum fruit production for a long time are required. That's why

You may be interested in: Secrets of growing cucumbers in a barrel

See also: How to tie cucumbers in open ground

Collection and storage rules

Attention to detail will help minimize the likelihood of crop loss. The first is that the seeds are not planted too densely. If a damaged plant appears on the site, it should be removed immediately. The second detail is that the green spaces are inspected every 2-3 days. The final touch is that regular harvesting of fruits will increase productivity. For the first time, the procedure is carried out 45-50 days after the start of germination.

  • collected vegetables are stored in the refrigerator or cellar;
  • before sending the fruits for long-term storage, they are kept in the shade for 1.5 hours;
  • Do not wash fruits before sending them for long-term storage.

The less “Garland f1” comes into contact with water after collection, the longer it will retain its presentation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of cucumber Garland:

  • high productivity;
  • independent pollination of plants;
  • quick yield of the crop;
  • long fruiting;
  • the culture has strong immunity to diseases;
  • cucumbers are good for the body;
  • excellent taste;
  • transportability of vegetables;
  • attractive presentation of cucumbers;
  • culture does not require much attention.

Disadvantages of a hybrid:

  • high cost of seed material;
  • the impossibility of collecting seeds from one’s own harvest for further sowing.

Diseases and pests

Root rot manifests itself as wilting and yellowing of the leaves, and there are cracks in the lower part of the stem. Usually occurs due to temperature differences when watering with cold water and cooling the soil. When attempting treatment, you can try to expose the affected part to the very roots by scooping out the soil. It is recommended to treat the stem by mixing the following components:

  • copper sulfate 2 teaspoons;
  • 6 tsp chalk or ash;
  • 1 liter of water.

Apply the resulting composition with a brush to a height of 20 cm from the roots. Dust the stems with ash, chalk or crushed charcoal. If the plant still dies, it is necessary to dig it up and burn it, and treat the soil with copper sulfate, in a ratio of 2 tablespoons per 10 liters. water.

Gray rot occurs when night temperatures drop, watering with cold water, frequent planting and poor ventilation of the room. Gray, slippery spots appear on the plant stem and leaves. A large number of male flowers may appear, which quickly rot and infect healthy parts of the plant. Spreading rot should be cut off and burned. You can try treating the affected areas with 1 tsp copper sulfate. mixed with 1 cup of ash. It is necessary to remove barren flowers, and immediately treat any spots of rot that appear with crushed coal or ash.

Brown spotting (olive) can appear with high humidity and drafts. Provoked:

  • cold water hitting the plant;
  • frequent drop in air temperature to 10°C.

In the advanced stage, brown ulcers cover the entire fruit, from which liquid oozes, and it becomes unfit for food. You can try using:

  • copper oxychloride;
  • Bordeaux mixture.

Spray at intervals of 2 times a week, in warm weather. When it’s cold, don’t forget to close the transoms and doors to avoid drafts and lower temperatures. On warm days, ventilation is necessary.

If small light spots appear on the surface of the leaf at feeding sites, this is a spider mite. It hides on the underside of the leaf and weaves a web around it. Over time, the leaf begins to dry out. Low air humidity promotes its spread. Insecticides should be used for control:

  • Fitoverm;
  • Iskra-Bio;
  • Bitoxibacillin;
  • Karbofos.

Folk remedies are also suitable - for 10 liters. of water, heated to 60°C, take 200 grams of tobacco dust and 5-10 grams of dry red pepper, leave for 24 hours and add 2 tbsp. liquid soap.

The whitefly leaves sticky, sugary secretions on the leaves on which sooty fungus can settle. Eating the sap of the plant greatly weakens it. Drugs that can help in treatment:

  • Inta-Vir;
  • Aktara;
  • Monsoon;
  • Actellik.

Recommendation! Use glue-based traps and destroy weeds in a timely manner. As a folk remedy, you can use an infusion of yarrow or dandelion.


Sigurd f1 is an unpretentious hybrid that even a novice vegetable grower can grow. All this cucumber needs is frequent loosening, regular but not excessive feeding and periodic watering. Additionally, the variety will require prevention from viruses and protection from attacks by parasitic insects.


The cucumber is watered every 2 days, mainly in the evening. The water for it must be warm - about 21°-23°, standing for 20-25 minutes in sunlight. Watering is applied strictly under the Sigurd f1 hybrid bush, without touching the leaves. In case of drought, water the variety every day; in rainy weather, the number of waterings is reduced to 2 per week.

Garter and bush formation

Sigurd f1 is not very branchy, so there should be no problems with the formation of the bush. The sequence of manipulations for this procedure is as follows:

When the bush reaches 20 cm, it is tied vertically to trellises or mesh. The top is carefully pinched at a level of 1.8-2 m. The cucumber is blinded up to the 4th leaf, removing the lower shoots. 3 branches with 4 ovaries on each are left at the top, everything else is removed.

An important note: Sigurd undergoes all the procedures described above, with the exception of tying, exclusively in the greenhouse. It is not necessary to blind a cucumber in open ground

Top dressing

The bushes of the variety are fed 3 times per season. The first fertilizer - mineral - is applied at the stage of active growth of Sigurd f1. It can be superphosphate or saltpeter. The second time the cucumber is fertilized with organic matter is at the very beginning of flowering. Add wood ash with chicken droppings or urea solution. The third fertilizer should be potassium and applied when fruit sets. Sigurd likes sodium sulfate, or potassium permanganate.


This procedure protects the branched roots of the variety from the wind and helps them better absorb water and oxygen. Sigurd f1 spuds once every 4 days, in dry weather - once every 3 days. The soil is poured onto an adult bush up to 40 cm, at the growth stage - up to 25-30 cm. Once every 2-3 days, the soil around the variety is loosened to a depth of 15-20 cm. Simultaneously with hilling, the cucumber is weeded, picking off the roots of the weeds.

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