Columnar pear Decor (24 photos): description of the variety, characteristics, planting, care and reviews from gardeners

Decorah pear is a dwarf variety. It is considered relatively young, as it appeared quite recently. At the same time, despite its youth, the variety is popular among many pear lovers. Growing, the plant reaches 190 centimeters. The branches are short, they are pressed against the tree trunk and are directed only upward. The density of foliage allows the tree to look more beautiful and elegant.

In winter, the tree feels comfortable, as it is highly resistant to frost and cold. If you carry out proper care, you can plant Decorah pear in northern regions where winters are very cold. But in this case, the plant will need shelter, since without it the Decorah pear variety can only withstand -18-22 degrees.

Note: On average, a Decorah pear grows on a site for about 18 years, and then gradually begins to fade. To increase the life of a plant, it is necessary to prune it and carry out sanitary pruning, which also increases the period of fruiting.

Origin story

The Decorah variety was bred by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences and breeder Mikhail Kachalkin. The scientist’s main task was to obtain a tree that could be both decorative and fruitful at the same time. As a result, the breeder managed to breed a small pear that more closely resembles a currant bush. The variety is called small pear Decor.

The scientist himself did not call Decorah columnar. In fact, this tree has short side branches that the columns do not have. The erroneous name of the variety is due to the external similarity of the pear to columnar plants.

The creator of columnar pears is the eminent breeder Mikhail Vitalievich Kachalkin

Characteristics of the variety

The description indicates that the Decorah pear variety is a late-summer variety. Already 2-3 years after planting a young seedling, you can get the first harvest. The tree bears fruit annually for 10-15 years. The culture is self-fertile. The crop begins to bear fruit at the end of August.

Description of the tree

The columnar variety Decor is distinguished by its compactness. The height of the bush does not exceed 2-2.2 m. This is an excellent option for small areas. The pear has an interesting crown shape and a thin column-like trunk. It will become a worthy decorative element in your garden.

Description of the fruit

This pear variety is known for its large, juicy fruits - about 250 grams. They are a solid yellow-green color. The fruits are not characterized by blush. The white flesh is very soft and sweet with a slight rose aroma.

The crop can be planted in spring (April-early May) or autumn (September - mid-October). Choose annual seedlings, because... the likelihood that they will take root the first time is very high. When planting several young trees, maintain a distance between them. It should not be less than 50 cm.

  1. 14 days before planting the seedlings, it is necessary to dig holes 60 cm in diameter and 80 cm in depth. Place 2-3 kg of organic fertilizers in them and mix them with the soil.
  2. Before planting, moisten the rhizome of the young pear and the hole where the seedling will be lowered (4-5 liters of water in each).
  3. After this, it is necessary to add superphosphate and potassium sulfate to the soil.
  4. Before lowering the finished seedling into the soil, it is necessary to straighten the roots.
  5. The last step will be to compact the earth around the tree and water it abundantly (1 bucket for each seedling).

Don't let the pear dry out

The variety is not picky enough and requires minimal attention. The first few weeks it is necessary to ensure that the seedlings take root

Create favorable conditions for the plant. A young tree needs abundant watering. It is necessary to moisten it every other day (1 bucket for each seedling). After each watering you need to mulch the soil. You need to be extremely careful here: the roots of this type of crop are located close to the soil surface.

In the first year it is better to pinch the seedlings. Already for the next season you can leave 5-6 fruits on each tree. From year to year, provided proper care and sufficient moisture levels, the variety will produce more yield.

If the Decor pear fruits begin to decrease in size, it is recommended to reduce the harvest for the next season. This can be done by partially removing the ovaries.

Characteristics of culture

In terms of characteristics, the decorative columnar pear is in no way inferior to its older relatives. It has high frost resistance, immunity to some diseases of fruit crops and stable yield, like the Starkrimson pear variety.

Drought and frost resistance

The Decorah pear tree can withstand frosts down to 20 degrees. Since winters in Russia are very unpredictable, it is better to additionally insulate the crop before the onset of cold weather. Or choose more frost-resistant varieties, such as the Perun pear in Siberia.

In regions with very cold climates, the plant usually does not survive.


Unlike most varietal pears, Decora is a self-fertile species, that is, it does not need pollinating varieties. However, the plant itself can become a pollinator. The tree exchanges pollen with other columnar varieties and tall pears. Good neighbors for Decorah are Chizhovskaya, Pamyati Yakovlev and Lada.

General information

Having decided to plant a pear presented as a columnar one on your plot in the Moscow region, you should not miss the points of choosing a seedling that are common to all garden crops: frost resistance, disease resistance, productivity. In addition, it is no secret that in the south of the Moscow region the climate is somewhat milder than in its northern parts. So, speaking about “columnar” pears for the Moscow region, you can only give general information, and it will be up to the gardener to make a decision, taking into account the characteristics of the area where the tree will grow.

In addition, both tall pears and low-growing or dwarf fruit trees of this species are distinguished depending on the time of fruit ripening:

  • summer;
  • autumn;
  • late autumn, which is also called winter.

Pear announced as columnar in video

As you can see even in this short video, the tree is ordinary, spreading, the fruits are on horizontal branches, like a traditional tall pear. The tree may be stunted or on a dwarf rootstock. A similar observation can be made by carefully examining the photographs accompanying the descriptions of “columnar” pears.

Below are descriptions of such pears recommended for the Moscow region, compiled on the basis of information from the Internet, with a mention of the care features indicated for a particular variety.


Pears whose fruits ripen in the summer months and can be grown in the Moscow region include Severyanka, Carmen, Decora, Tenderness.


Severyanka trees, low to two meters, are very frost-resistant

Severyanka trees, low to two meters, are very frost-resistant. After planting, the first harvest is given in 5–6 years. Juicy and aromatic fruits begin to ripen in mid-August, sometimes even in the first ten days of August if the weather is good. They have green skin with a yellowish tint and a dark blush. They taste sourish-sweet, weigh from 70 to 100 grams, rarely more. Pears can be stored for up to one and a half weeks. Severyanka is suitable for home canning. The disadvantage of this variety is its susceptibility to scab.

The description given in the State Register states that the Severyanka variety has fruits whose size is below average and weighs on average 80 grams. Other varieties are not included in the State Register.


The bright burgundy color of pears makes these trees very decorative

The burgundy color of the fruit, unusual for pears, makes these trees very decorative. Their height reaches 2.5 meters, the crown is compact, no more than half a meter in diameter. The first harvest after planting the tree can be enjoyed in the third year. Pears ripen in the summer in mid-August and weigh approximately 250–300 grams each. Picked fruit can be stored for up to 15 days. The tree is resistant to scab and septoria. Carmen prefers fertile soils and does not like excessive and stagnant moisture.


Decora is a late summer variety, pears ripen by the end of August

Decora is a late-summer variety, pears ripen by the end of August. The tree grows from one and a half to two meters high. After planting, the pear begins to bear fruit in 2–3 years. The straw-yellow fruits, weighing from 200 to 400 grams, have juicy, slightly sour flesh that smells slightly of roses. Ripe fruits can be stored for one and a half to two weeks. The variety has significant resistance to cold and diseases characteristic of pears.


These compact trees no more than two meters high can withstand forty-degree frosts

The pear with the romantic name Tenderness is well known to gardeners and summer residents from Kaluga to Chelyabinsk. These compact trees, no more than two meters high, can withstand forty-degree frosts and are not afraid of fungal diseases. From the third year of pear growth on the plot, it produces a high yield every year. The fruits are small, weighing up to 200 grams, covered with a light green peel that turns slightly red in the sun. The pulp of the fruit is sweet and sour, juicy and aromatic. Ripening time is late August or early September depending on the weather of the season. The harvest can be stored for no more than a month. During the dry period, Tenderness needs additional watering. Pears are consumed fresh, in baked goods and in processed form.


The group of pears that ripen and are consumed in the fall and can be grown in the Moscow region includes such as Sapphira and Sanremi.


Sapphira is a winter-hardy pear 1.8–2 meters high

Sapphira is a winter-hardy pear with a height of 1.8–2 meters, which is not afraid of most diseases. It will produce its first harvest in the third year after planting. The fruits ripen at the end of September. Their weight is 180–230 grams. When ripe, pears are greenish-yellow in color with a burgundy blush where exposed to sunlight. The juicy pulp is slightly oily. Pears have a sweet and sour taste and are very aromatic. They do not fall from the tree even in heavy rains. The fruits removed from the tree are left to settle for two weeks, then they can be eaten, and Sapphire pears can be stored until December.

Sanremi variety

Sanremi is a self-pollinating, winter-hardy variety of pears that ripen in early October.

Sanremi is a self-pollinating, winter-hardy variety of pears that ripen in early October. The trees grow up to two meters high. They are not susceptible to clasterosporosis, moniliosis and most other diseases. The first harvest can be harvested in the third year of the seedling’s life on the site. Fruiting is annual. The harvest ripens in early October. Pears are large, weighing up to 400 grams, greenish-yellow. The juicy, tender and aromatic pulp has a sweet taste, which is rated at 4.9 points. The harvest can be stored for no more than two months. Pears tolerate transportation well. You can eat them fresh or make homemade preparations from them in the form of jam, juice, compote, jam, and so on.

"Winter" pears

These trees, which bear fruit in late fall, are attractive to gardeners because their fruits can be stored for a long time, allowing the aroma and taste of summer to be experienced during the cold winter months. An example of such pears is the Dalicor variety, bred in France, but successfully grown here.


The fruits ripen in early October and can be stored until February

Dwarf trees up to one and a half meters tall. The fruits ripen in early October and can be stored until February. The fruits are yellow with a blush and have very juicy creamy pulp. Productivity is good. Care is minimal - fertilizing and moderate watering without waterlogging the soil, does not require pruning, but in the spring it must be treated with complex fungicides, as it is easily infected with scab.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the variety are:

  • Compact size, thanks to which the tree can be planted in small areas.
  • Self-fertility. The plant can pollinate itself and does not need pollinating varieties.
  • High yield. One mature tree produces up to 20 kg of fruit.
  • Large fruit size.
  • Good keeping quality. If you pick pears before they are fully ripe, they can last in the cellar for a long time.
  • Precociousness. The tree produces its first harvests in the 2-3rd year of life.
  • Frost resistance. The plant can withstand cold temperatures up to 20 degrees.

Decorah has no particular disadvantages.
We can only note that it is difficult to grow in the northern regions of our country, where frosts in winter reach 40 degrees. Another disadvantage is the poor preservation of ripe fruits. To ensure that fruits last longer, they should be picked unripe.

To prevent pears from spoiling for a long time, you should pick fruits that have just begun to ripen.

Description of the columnar pear variety Decor

The dwarf Decorah pear variety was developed relatively recently, but has already gained popularity among gardeners. The tree is compact, rarely grows up to 2 m. The branches are small, pressed to the trunk, growing straight upward. The foliage is good.

The columnar tree has good winter hardiness. With proper care, it can be grown in the Northern regions. Without additional shelter, the variety tolerates frosts down to -20°C.

Important! The lifespan of a Decorah pear is around 15-20 years. If you do anti-aging pruning in a timely manner, fruiting can be slightly extended.

Growing regions

The Decorah pear was originally intended for cultivation in the Central regions of Russia. These regions do not have a very cold climate and receive sufficient rainfall.

In the north of the country, the tree may suffer due to severe frosts in winter. But this does not mean that it cannot be grown at all. If the plant is well insulated, the soil is mulched and the trunks are whitened, it can easily withstand even the Siberian and Ural cold.

Some gardeners play it safe and plant pears in boxes or pots. Thanks to this, in winter the plant can simply be brought indoors. However, it should not be too warm, since during the cold season the pear should hibernate.

In the south of Russia, the tree may lack moisture. To get good harvests, residents of warm regions have to regularly water their plants.

Optimal growing conditions

To reap a good harvest of Decor pears, the tree needs to create favorable conditions for fruiting. It is recommended to place seedlings in well-lit areas that are protected from cold winds.

Pear is unpretentious to soil, but grows well in fertile soil. Black soil, loam or sandy loam soil is suitable. The main condition is that groundwater should be low. The root system of the Decor pear does not tolerate damp areas, so drainage is necessary.


The process of transplanting a columnar pear is not particularly different from planting seedlings of ordinary varieties. In order for the tree to quickly take root and remain healthy, it is important to choose the right seedling, as well as find the right place and time for planting the plant.

Planting is one of the most important stages of growing pears.


You can plant Decorah pear in both spring and autumn. To determine the timing of planting in the fall, you need to observe the plant. As soon as all the leaves of the seedling have fallen, it can be replanted. At the same time, it is important to have time to do everything before the onset of the first frost.

In the central regions of Russia, the most suitable month for planting is October.

In the spring, you need to plant the plant after all the frosts have passed. But there is no need to rush. The first warm days are usually deceiving, and the cold may yet return. It is best to plant a pear in the ground in late April-early May.

In spring, seedlings experience less stress from transplanting and it is easier for them to take root. And when planted in autumn, trees become more hardened and resistant to frost. But there is always a risk that a young and fragile plant will not survive severe frosts.

How to choose the right seedlings

Seedlings of varietal trees should be purchased exclusively from nurseries. When purchasing a plant second-hand, you risk buying a fake.

Seedlings from a nursery are the best option to buy

Be sure to choose only healthy trees for planting. Sick plants with weakened immunity will not be able to survive such a shock and will simply die. The warmer the climate in the region, the younger the seedling should be. In the northern regions of the country, two-year-old plants can be planted; in the south, only one-year-old plants are suitable.

First of all, when choosing a seedling, you should pay attention to its trunk. There should be no damage or strange irregularities on it. The height of the trunk is no more than 85 cm.

If the plant is taller than a meter, it is not Decorah, or the seedling was abundantly fertilized with nitrogen, which is why it grew too intensively. Such a tree will not be able to survive after transplantation.

Also a good indicator of health is the condition of the root system. Healthy roots are quite flexible, not dry, and always white at the cut points.

A pear seedling must have a well-developed root system

Decora seedlings should have one straight trunk and several shoots tightly adjacent to it. The presence of vertical branches indicates a fake.

To prevent the plant from dying during transportation, its roots are placed in a humid environment. This way it can last up to 8 hours.

Site selection and soil preparation

When choosing a place to plant a pear, two factors should be taken into account:

  • illumination;
  • soil condition.

All pears are very light-loving, so northern, shaded areas of the garden are not suitable. The soil must be fertile, with as low acidity as possible. It is important that the water is well absorbed into the soil and does not stagnate on the surface. It would not be superfluous to have a drainage layer.

The distance from the nearest plants or buildings must be at least 3 meters. It should be noted that the pear cannot be planted next to rowan or hazel.

The chosen place for the plant must be prepared in advance: clear it of weeds, stones, roots and other debris. Dig up the soil and dig a planting hole. This should be done in the fall, even if the planting itself will be in the spring.

Before planting seedlings, the soil in the garden plot should be dug up

The width of the pit for a dwarf pear should be 50-60 cm, depth - 70-80.

The excavated soil should be fertilized. To do this, the top layer of soil is mixed with 3 kg of compost and poured back into the hole. It will be possible to plant the seedling no earlier than in 5 days.

If the soil on the site is too clayey, it needs to be mixed with peat and sand. This will prevent moisture stagnation at the roots. Sandy soil is diluted only with peat.

Distances between trees

If several trees will be planted on a site at once, it is important to take into account their future growth. For dwarf plants, it is enough to maintain a distance of 1-2 meters between planting holes. Leave 4 meters between rows.

Growing pear

Before you start planting, you need to choose the right place, with the necessary lighting and temperature. The Decora seedling should be placed in a well-lit area, as the sun's rays promote rapid development and growth. At the same time, the area should be windless and draft-free, as the tree may become sick under such conditions.

The soil is not particularly important, so planting can take place in any soil. Loamy, super sandy soil is perfect. When planting, it is necessary to take into account the location of groundwater; it should be located at a great distance from the root system of the tree. It is also recommended to fertilize the soil with a comprehensive fertilizer before planting.


Immediately after planting, seedlings need regular watering. At first, the tree will have to be watered almost every other day. If the soil near the roots is very dry, and the leaves of the plant have drooped down, it means that it lacks moisture. The seedling does not require additional care. But in adulthood, the plant will need to be regularly fertilized, pruned and treated for parasites.

Soil care

The soil in the root zone must be regularly cleared of weeds and periodically treated with urea. This will protect the plant from diseases and pests. After watering, the soil can be mulched to reduce the rate of moisture evaporation. Sawdust, straw, pine needles or wood work well as mulch.

Mulching the seedling is necessary to preserve nutrients and moisture in the soil

The soil also needs to be loosened a little to give the roots access to oxygen. However, this should be done carefully, without driving the hoe too deep into the ground.

Feeding and watering

Fruiting pears need to be fed regularly. Fertilizers should be used twice a year:

  • In the spring, before the beginning of the growing season, humus is introduced.
  • In autumn, after leaf fall, mineral complexes with the addition of phosphorus and potassium are used.

Too many nutrients can harm a plant just as much as not enough. To avoid imbalance, gardeners fertilize once every 2-3 years. A sign of an overabundance of fertilizers is increased growth of the tree crown with very low yields.

You need to water the pear as needed. If a tree drops its leaves and drops its fruit, it means it is thirsty. This usually happens in dry regions of the country where rainfall is very rare.

Water the pear when the soil dries out

Preventative treatment

Timely feeding strengthens the plant’s immunity and reduces the risk of infection by fungi and infections. However, sometimes this is not enough. To protect a tree from diseases, the following preventive procedures must be carried out:

  • Regularly collect dead bark, branches and leaves of the tree and destroy them.
  • Cut off green shoots.
  • Remove weeds around the plant.
  • Spray with fungicides and insecticides.

Pears should be treated with chemicals in the spring before buds open and after flowering has ended. The third time the procedure is carried out in the fall, after harvesting.

Pruning and crown formation

The yield indicator directly depends on how the pear crown is formed. If a tree has too many side shoots, most of the energy and nutrients will be directed towards their growth rather than fruit formation. Therefore, excess shoots must be periodically removed by thinning the crown.

To ensure long-term fruiting and healthy seedlings, they need to be pruned correctly.

The trunk of columnar trees does not need to be trimmed, since it does not grow too tall anyway. In rare cases, when the pear is severely behind in development, it is almost completely cut off, leaving only a couple of buds.

The first pruning of a columnar pear is carried out in the fall of the second year after planting. At this time, the longest side shoots are shortened. You need to cut about 1/3 of their length. Damaged and dry branches are completely removed.

Further, it is advisable to prune the tree no more often than once every two to three years. During this time, the tree will have time to heal all the wounds from the previous intervention and get stronger.


In spring and autumn, all garden trees need to be whitened to protect them from insects and rodents. To do this, dilute slaked lime and add copper sulfate to it. Before the procedure, the trunks are cleaned of dirt and old bark. The finished composition is applied with a brush so that the lime fills all the unevenness and cracks well.

Whitewashing is an effective remedy against pests, diseases and rodents

Autumn whitewashing not only saves the tree from pests, but also protects it from the harmful effects of sunlight reflected from the snow.

Preparing for winter

In the south and center of Russia there is no need to prepare a tree for winter. But in the northern regions, columnar pears are necessarily insulated. To do this, before the onset of cold weather, a special frame of wooden trellises is installed around the tree and covered with agrofibre. It turns out to be a kind of greenhouse. Inside, all free space is filled with dry leaves, hay and humus.

Cold protection

With the onset of severe cold, when the air temperature drops below 10 degrees, the agrofiber greenhouse needs to be additionally covered. Hay, straw, non-fabric and other materials are suitable for this. You can also cover the tree with a layer of snow.

Sheltering trees for the winter is an important measure for protecting fruit crops from frost

In the spring, as soon as the air temperature rises above zero, the pear needs to be opened a little. This way she adapts to the environment and won’t wake up ahead of time.

Reviews about pear Decor

Lyudmila Krasnitskaya, 52 years old, Ekaterinburg

I planted the Decorah pear last spring, but didn’t have high hopes. The weather was bad, and there were recurrent frosts. However, the tree took well and bloomed that same year, but all the flowers were removed. I prepared it well for winter, covered it and mulched it with humus. Despite the severe frosts, the tree was not damaged. In the summer I was pleased with the first harvest. The pears are large, juicy, but slightly tart. Ripe fruits do not last long. I haven’t noticed any particular problems in growing it yet. Like all trees, the Decorah pear requires preventive treatments against diseases and pests. It doesn't scare me.

Krivoruchko Alexander, 49 years old, Tyumen

I have been growing Decorah pears for several years. There are no complaints about the variety. The harvest is always stable, the fruits are tasty, and with proper shelter the tree tolerates frost well. I was especially pleased that the variety is self-fertile and compact. I have a small garden, so it is not possible to grow many trees of the same type. And then I planted 1 plant and always got a harvest. While growing pears, I noticed that treatments in spring and autumn are simply necessary. I don’t neglect whitewashing and spraying the wood. Otherwise, the Decor variety is only pleasing.

Pests and diseases

Decorah pear is not particularly susceptible to disease. But it can be affected by insects:

  • The fruit gall midge harms the flowers and ovaries of the plant. Insect larvae eat away young fruits from the inside, which leads to premature shedding of pears. In this way, more than 90% of the harvest can be lost. To prevent a pear from being attacked by gall midges, it is necessary to spray the tree with insecticides. This is done during the formation of buds.
  • When aphids infest the leaves and young branches of the plant, they suffer. Colonies of insects simply suck the juices out of the tree, which leads to its withering and death. If there are already aphids in neighboring areas, it will not be possible to prevent tree infestation. You can only reduce the damage caused by regularly spraying the plants with Karbofos. You can also use folk remedies, for example, treat the pear with soapy water.

In addition to insects, the tree can be affected by fungal diseases. The most dangerous among them is white scab. It appears on pear leaves in the form of light yellow spots. Over time, the fungus spreads to the fruits, completely destroying the crop.

Infection of a tree with pear gall midge reduces the yield of fruit crops

Aphids on pears are an unpleasant and dangerous pest. Scab is a common fungal disease of pears.

Bordeaux mixture (3%) is used as a preventive measure against white scab. Spraying should be carried out before the leaves appear and after harvesting.

If the disease still appears, you can spray the tree again, but with a weaker solution (1%). Regular Bordeaux mixture can burn foliage.

Pear diseases

Decorah pear has a strong immune system, so it rarely gets sick. The only thing that can be found on the tree is aphids; Decorah can also get white scab and fruit gall midge. Getting rid of these diseases is quite simple. First, you need to thoroughly rinse the wood with warm water. Then cut off heavily infected parts, cut off diseased shoots and branches. After this, you need to start treatment. Treatment with Chlorophos or Metaphos will help against fruit gall midge. For white scab, Bordeaux mixture is used. It is diluted to a 3.5% solution and sprayed. Treatment with Karbofos, as well as laundry soap dissolved in water, helps against aphids.

Such diseases can only appear due to improper care or an unsuitable growing location. Therefore, if the plant is sick, then it is worth thinking about the correct care and the place where the Decorah pear grows.

Harvest and storage

Many gardeners say that Decorah pear fruits are not at all suitable for long-term storage. However, in reality this is not the case. You can achieve the preservation of fresh fruit provided that you follow certain rules:

  • Remove pears from the tree while they are still green, as soon as they begin to turn yellow.
  • Do not tear off the stem under any circumstances.
  • Harvest only on clear days, when all the fruits are dry.
  • Separate damaged fruits from good ones and store them separately.
  • Place the pears in boxes in a single layer and place them in the basement.
  • Place boxes with different fruits separately from each other, as they can affect the speed of ripening.
  • The temperature in the room where pears are stored should be no higher than 3 degrees, and the humidity should be about 85%.

When storing, fruits should be inspected once a week and ripe ones should be removed.

Pros and cons of the Decor variety

If we talk about the advantages of the variety, we can highlight:

  • small tree size;
  • precociousness;
  • stable yield;
  • self-fertility;
  • good plant immunity;
  • ease of cultivation;
  • large fruit size;
  • good preservation of the crop;
  • high life expectancy of the tree;
  • acceptable frost resistance.

The variety has practically no disadvantages. However, it is worth considering that ripe pears cannot be left on the branches for a long time. They fall off and spoil.

Warning! Harvesting must be done in a timely manner. For long-term storage, the fruits are removed unripe.


Decora is an unusual variety of pear, which is both an ornamental and fruitful plant. Despite its small size, it is capable of producing abundant harvests - up to 20 kg per tree. The fruits have a pleasant sweet and sour taste and a pronounced pear aroma.

Would you like to try growing a Decorah pear? How difficult did you find caring for her? Share your opinions in the comments.

Fruit characteristics

The description of the Decorah pear variety indicates that the fruits are large, which can be seen in the photo. The average weight reaches 200-250 g. The skin is evenly colored, without blush. The color of the pear is yellow-green. The pulp is juicy, sweet, grainy, aromatic.

The variety is classified as an autumn variety. Fruit ripening occurs at the end of August. The timing may vary in different regions.

When fresh, the crop is stored well, but for this you need to create all the conditions. The fruits are suitable for all types of processing. They are used to make compotes, jams or preserves. In addition, Decor pears are used for whole-fruit canning.

Planting and care

It is advisable to plant columnar trees in the form of a hedge. This ensures good cross-pollination of varieties, the trees give each other strength and look aesthetically pleasing. The distance between trees in a row is 0.5-0.6 m, between rows 2.0-2.5 m. When planted alone, the tree needs support in the form of a peg.

The best planting time is spring from mid-April to the end of May. For row planting, trenches are prepared, for single planting, holes are prepared, starting in the fall. The depth and width of the holes and trenches is 60 cm. Half of the hole is filled with humus, fertile soil or peat is added. In the fall, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied: double superphosphate and potassium chloride, 30 g per planting site, mixed well with the soil. In winter, snow retention is carried out.

When the average daily air temperature reaches 5 o C, planting begins. The roots are well straightened, covered and compacted, and given abundant watering. The soil in a trench or hole is mulched with straw, pine needles, and freshly cut grass.


Caring for Sapphira consists of regular watering at least 2-3 times a week, fertilizing, pruning and shaping. For feeding, modern organomineral fertilizers in liquid form are used. They are bred according to the instructions and the trees are sprayed. During the summer you need 3-4 feedings.

Rotted mullein is brought in every autumn. This is both fertilizer, mulch and cover for the roots for the winter. Sapphire pear can bloom in the first year of life. At this time, you should not load the tree - all flowers are removed.

In the second year, the crown is formed: small and weak branches are removed, the three most developed lateral shoots are left, and they are shortened by 2 buds. In subsequent years, pruning is done to 5 buds. In summer, flowers and ovaries are pinched. Two ovaries are left in each inflorescence-basket.

Reviews from gardeners

Alexander, 48 years old, Moscow region

I switched only to columnar varieties of apple and pear trees. I have 60 trees growing on a plot of 6 acres! The main thing is not to give the crowns the opportunity to thicken. Every year in the fall I spread half a ton of rotted bedding manure on the plot. The garden is already 7 years old, the yield has not decreased. I collect 50-60 kg of apples and pears from each tree. I really like the Sapphira variety for its sweet taste and elegant raspberry-red fruits.

Ekaterina, 57 years old, Samara

I like Sapphira columns because they are not tall, since you have to take care of the garden alone; there is no labor involved in pruning trees and harvesting crops. I standardize the number of flowers - the pears are 300 g, very sweet and juicy. I take quality, not quantity! I plant it as a separate tree and wrap it tightly in rags and cellophane for the winter. Early in the spring I remove the cover, as the tree quickly begins to grow under the film. I also plan to plant columnar trees on my site.

Anastasia, 62 years old, Lipetsk region

Sapphire pear is very suitable for our conditions. On my site I have a row of 6 columns (3 Sapphires, 2 Honey and 1 Decor), they are already 4 years old. Sapphira developed the best, the trees are now 1.5 m high. For the winter, I try to cover the roots more, since they are superficial, and the crowns protect each other, and also grow in silence. This variety was harvested twice: in the third and fourth year, 18-20 kg each. Very pleased.

Valery, 44 years old, Voronezh region

We planted a row of columnar pears of the Sapphira, Sanremi and Night-Vert varieties on our site and laid a 10 m drip line. The distance between the columns is 30 cm, equal to the step between the drips. The flow of irrigation water from one dropper is 3.6 l/hour. Watering turns on automatically every 3 days for 4 hours. Very convenient, the columns develop well and bear fruit. We collect 30 kg from a 6-year-old tree. I plan to master the application of fertilizers with drip irrigation.

So, it makes sense to plant columnar varieties of pears on a plot if its area is very limited and caring for large trees is difficult. Sapphire variety of autumn ripening, sweet, productive. The fruits are purple-red with a golden background. For successful storage until December, they should be harvested at technical maturity. The variety requires regular watering, fertilizing, fertilizing and pruning, covering the crown and roots for the winter.

Sapphira columnar pear

Columnar pears were found among old fruit stands in England in the mid-19th century as a natural varietal variety. They were distinguished by short internodes, the absence of skeletal branches and the formation of fruit buds in leaf whorls. Due to this, they were small in size. Through further crossings and selection, it was possible to create varieties that combine a compact crown and high yield. The columnar Sapphire pear was a selection discovery. Let's take a closer look at what characteristics and properties this variety has.

Read also: Zozulya cucumbers: description and characteristics of the variety, cultivation in a greenhouse and open ground

Planting, cultivation and care

Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology is the key to a long life of the crop and high yields. Read more about planting and growing ornamental pears below.


The width and depth of the planting hole in chernozem should be about 60 cm; on loamy, clayey soils poor in nutrients, the depth may be less, but the width will have to be increased for normal development of the root system.


Decorah pears are planted in autumn or spring, depending on the climatic conditions of the region and the personal preferences of the gardener. In the fall, the leaves should already have fallen, and in the spring there should be frosts (take into account the likelihood of return frosts). The best months are April-May and October. When planted in the fall, the seedlings are as resistant to frost as possible; in the spring, the survival rate is usually higher - take this into account. Read this article on how to grow a pear from a seed.

Technology and agricultural technology

For planting, use well-lit, warm and dry areas. Acidity should not go beyond the range of 5.6-6 pH; stagnant moisture in the soil is also harmful to Decorah pears. Soil – loam, sandy loam or black soil. If the area is damp, install a high-quality drainage system or plant on mounds. Bury the roots moderately; there is no point in placing them too deep; if the roots of the plants are bare, the leaves should be cut off. When you finish planting, water thoroughly and mulch the soil with peat or hay.

What is the best thing to grow from?

Annual seedlings are used, as they tolerate planting best and take root quickly, which cannot be said about adult seedlings. When transporting planting material, do not allow the root system to dry out, thoroughly moisten the planting holes. Immediately after immersing the seedling in the soil, water abundantly. Two-year-olds can also be used.

Distances between trees

Maintain 1-2 meters between trees, and 1.2-1.5 meters between rows will be enough. The root system of pears is extensive, so you should not thicken the plantings too much.

Decorah pear prefers light, dry areas and soils of medium humidity, in which groundwater does not flow, or does flow, but at a depth of 20 meters or more. In terms of composition, chernozems and loams are ideal; otherwise, there are no special requirements or restrictions.

Fruit ripening

Decora is harvested starting at the end of August. The fruits ripen gradually; they should not be kept on the tree for too long - pick the crop in several approaches. Overripe fruits lose much of their original taste characteristics, are stored worse, and can be damaged if they fall.


Use nitrogen-containing fertilizers during the phase of active shoot growth when first loosening the soil. When feeding in the spring, do not be too zealous with organic matter - it is enough to apply it once every two or even three years. Potassium and phosphorus are urgently needed by pears in the fall. When applying fertilizing, the main thing is not to forget that an excess of it is just as harmful to the tree as not enough.

Fruit storage

If you plan to immediately store pears in specialized, properly equipped storage facilities, pick them not ripe or even green. The higher the ripeness of the fruit, the less it lies. Pears hold well on the branches and practically do not fall off, but the sooner you decide to harvest the crop, the longer it will last. Damaged fruits are not sent for long-term storage.


Timely proper care of the crown is the key to good growth, tree health and high yields; pruning also prevents the already small fruits of the variety from becoming smaller. In the first year, the procedure is usually not carried out, then you can begin to gradually shorten the trunk - 15 cm for columnar ones will be enough for the shoots to actively grow in the vertical direction (for other varieties, 25-30 cm is removed). After harvesting, the side branches are shortened in the fall. When forming, do not touch the short and medium shoots - it will be enough to work with the longest ones. Annuals are cut to half a meter so that the cut is located on the part opposite to the bud grafting zone

It is necessary to remove non-viable branches, the main thing is to do it carefully, and treat the cut areas with garden varnish and drying oil


Rejuvenation is done only for crops older than 7-8 years. First, shoots located at an acute angle relative to the trunk are removed, then those that are parallel.

Do not combine pruning with fertilizing.

Description and characteristics of the variety with photos

Sapphire pear ripening in autumn (end of August - September).

The tree is up to 2 m high and does not form skeletal branches. The central conductor (trunk) thickens over 5-7 years to 18-22 cm in diameter. Shoots with fruit buds extend from the trunk at an acute angle. The growth pattern is compact, in the form of a slender column.

The leaves are large, almost round, dark green. Leaf whorls may form on the trunk. This feature of the tree is used to rejuvenate the branches. The flowering period begins in the 1st-2nd decade of May. Fragrant flowers are collected in inflorescences in the form of umbrellas. At this time, columnar pears are most decorative.

The fruits are pear-shaped, large, reaching 200-300 g. The color is heterogeneous: red-violet sides are combined with a golden background, the subcutaneous dots are light. The attachment of the fruit stalk is strong, pears hang for a long time, can rot on the tree, and lose their taste and aroma. Requires hand picking at the stage of technical maturity, when the pear aroma and sweet taste are pronounced.

The frost resistance of the variety is -25 o C. The trees withstood such frosts without shelter. In many regions this is not enough, fruit buds die, and the harvest cannot be expected. Modern non-woven materials based on synthetic fibers help cope with frost, and the small size of trees allows them to be completely covered without special costs

Please note that the best way to cover the tree is to create a two-layer wrapper made of material, and lay thick paper, cardboard or spruce branches between the layers

The manifestation of the properties of a tree, its height and the nature of branching, is influenced by the rootstock, that is, the underground part of the plant. Pears will bear fruit well and develop like columns only on super-dwarf rootstocks. Therefore, you should purchase planting material from specialized nurseries and trusted manufacturers.

Diseases and pests

The crop may be susceptible to certain types of pests and may suffer from fungal infections native to the crop.

  1. An insect such as a gall midge can lay its eggs in the buds of inflorescences. After hatching, the larvae enter directly into the receptacle. Flowering increases unnaturally quickly. Small parasites eat the inflorescences from the inside. This leads to cracking and wrinkling of the fruit, which, not yet ripe, falls off. Metaphos and Chlorophos are effective in pest control (both products must be diluted according to the instructions).
  2. Green aphids are also dangerous for Decor, which suck the juice from the shoots and leaves of the pear, which leads to the death of the crop. To prevent the appearance of the pest and destroy it, use a solution of liquid soap (5 tsp per 5 liters of water). You can purchase lacewings or ladybugs, which are considered natural predators of aphids.
  3. White scab, which appears as yellow spots on the leaves of the tree, can spoil the harvest. To combat it, it is recommended to use Bordeaux mixture or colloidal 1% sulfur (5 mg per bucket of water).

Amateur and professional gardeners try to have as many fruit trees as possible growing on their plots. The columnar pear is especially popular because it is a medium-height tree, and its fruits are sweet and can weigh up to 400 g. These trees are native to Central Asia and Transcaucasia. The best varieties of columnar pears and their descriptions

Types of pears:

  • Autumn ones - their weight is 300 g. The fruit is sweet with a slight sourness, the color is light yellow.
  • Early autumn - the weight of the fruit can reach 400 g. The fruits are yellow in color and aromatic, juicy in taste.
  • Winter - the weight of this type is 150 g. The fruits have a yellow tint and honey pulp.
  • Late autumn - fruit weight reaches 200 g. Fruit with orange barrels and oily skin.
  • Summer-autumn - fruit weight - 100 g. Light yellow fruits with orange splashes.

The most popular varieties of columnar pears:

  • "Night-Vert" - tolerates frost well, but not below 25 degrees. The fruits can be eaten in the second year of life. Fruits reach a weight of up to 200 g.
  • “Sapphira” – the fruits of this variety can be identified by their red barrels. The fruits taste sweet. Their shelf life can reach up to 1 year.
  • "Decor" - have a sour taste. The color of the fruit is bright yellow. Weight – 200 g. The disadvantage of this variety is its short shelf life.
  • "Sanremi" is an autumn type of pear. The variety is resistant to many tree diseases. Its fruits reach a weight of up to 400 g.
  • “Honey” - the fruits can be harvested at the end of summer. Tolerates low temperatures well. The fruits taste sweet and reach a weight of 400 g.
  • “Moskvich” and “Bogatyr” - fruits can reach 300 g each. The taste is sweet and sour.
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