Pear Lel: variety description, 24 photos, reviews, pollinators, planting and care

Pear variety Lel.

Description of the variety

Lel pear is one of the summer varieties. The variety is excellent for growing in the harsh climate of Siberia.

Characteristics of wood

The trees are medium-sized and reach a height of 4-6 meters. The crown is medium dense and has an ellipsoidal shape. The bark on the shoots is reddish-brown. The leaves are small, dark green, and ovoid in shape.

Description of fruits


The fruits are small and their weight is no more than 100 grams. The shape of the pears is standard, slightly expanded. Ripe fruits are yellow-green.

A faint, streaky red blush may appear on the surface. Pears are juicy, tender, and have a good sweet and sour taste.

The tree is harvested in mid-August. The collected fruits are stored for about one week.

Characteristics of the variety

Despite the fact that the Lel pear is a winter-hardy species of Siberian selection, according to gardeners, its frost resistance is somewhat lower than that of the popular varieties Tema, Povislaya, Krasulya, Veselinka or Severyanka. It is believed that biologists sacrificed winter hardiness to improve the taste and appearance of the fruit. However, Lel tolerates frosts down to 25-28 degrees.

At the same time, the variety is surprisingly cold-resistant, perfectly adapted to temperature changes. The same cannot be said about drought resistance. Pear Lel needs timely watering. The top of the soil in the root zone should always be moist. Moisture deficiency does not lead to the shedding of flowers and ovaries, but it negatively affects the taste and size of small fruits.

Pear Lel is a summer variety. The first fruits at the stage of technical maturity can be obtained already in mid-August. It will take another 1-2 weeks for them to mature and acquire a blush and rich taste. It is noteworthy that pears that are not picked in a timely manner do not fall off. Therefore, even busy summer residents will have time to harvest.

Lel pear does not have a long shelf life. Fruits picked slightly unripe can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks. Fully ripened pears will lose their marketable appearance within a week. The delicate skin and pulp do not allow the crop to be transported over long distances.

Lel dessert pears are consumed fresh. They are suitable for filling pies, preparing desserts and decorating confectionery products. For the winter, juice is prepared from them and compotes, jams, and preserves are made. Small sizes allow you to preserve pears in sweet syrup whole or in halves.


Breeders classify most Siberian varieties as self-sterile. The Lel pear, which produces both male and female flowers, does not require cross-pollination. However, the level of self-fertility in the variety is low. It is better to plant 2-3 species on the site. But here many gardeners have difficulties due to the late flowering of the tree.

As pollinators for the Lel pear, they try to select late summer varieties Kuyumskaya, Olenek or early autumn pears Svarog and Skazochnaya.


The fruit crop begins to actively bear fruit 4-5 years after planting, which allows us to speak of it as early-bearing. The variety bears fruit consistently, without pronounced seasonality over the years.

The yield of Lel pear reaches 40 kg from 1 tree. To get the maximum amount of fragrant fruits, the trees are regularly watered and organically fertilized.


Valentina Pavlovna


Lel pear is very hardy. In our difficult climate it is difficult to grow fruit trees, but this variety feels very good here. And most of all I am pleased with the taste of the fruit, it is simply excellent for a Siberian pear.



The tree is very unpretentious. It is easy to care for and even with minimal care it produces very good yields. The fruits are suitable for canning and have an excellent taste.



Lel is one of the best winter-hardy varieties. Usually pears in the climate of Siberia produce tart and not particularly tasty fruits, but this variety is an exception. We prepare compote, jam and delicious dried fruit from it.

History of Lel pear selection

The summer pear variety Lel was the result of the work of breeders at the Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia named after. M. A. Lisavenko. As a result of crossing the equally productive varieties Lyubimitsa Yakovleva and Vinnaya, an early-ripening, hardy tree species was obtained.

The authors of the Lel pear are considered to be a group of scientists:

  • I. A. Puchkin;
  • I. P. Kalinina;
  • E. P. Karataeva;
  • M. I. Borisenko.

The plant was created in 1969. The new hybrid became widespread in the cool regions of the country already in the 90s. However, only in 2001 the variety was included in the State Register.


The Lel pear adapts well to different conditions, but it is better to plant the seedling in a place protected from the winds. Useful tips and instructions for planting seedlings of this variety can be found by clicking on the links below.

How to plant a pear tree correctly

At what distance to plant pears?

How to choose pear seedlings

How to replant a pear

Planting and care

For this variety, humidity level is very important. Gardeners are advised to pay attention to consistent watering of trees.

Watering should be carried out 2 times a week with water at room temperature so as not to overcool the root system of the tree.

The variety is unpretentious in soil. On tree trunk strips, disc harrows or branded garden cultivators are used to cultivate the land.

To avoid damaging the root system of the tree when cultivating the soil, the implements should not be brought closer than 35-45 centimeters.

Among the unpretentious varieties, it is worth paying attention to the pear varieties: Krasnobokaya, Hera, Cathedral, Lada and Children's.

In the autumn , the soil around the tree trunks must be loosened to a depth of 15 centimeters. In the spring, gardeners carry out harrowing, and then after that - cultivation to a depth of 12 centimeters.

To retain moisture after the appearance of weeds, thorns or after heavy rains, the soil should be loosened to a depth of 10 centimeters. In total, are carried out during the summer period .

Around the trunk itself, gardeners loosen the soil untreated with dacha devices by hand: in summer and spring - weeding with a hoe; in the autumn - with a shovel.

During professional mulching, tree trunk circles do not need to loosen the soil - only a little weeding is necessary.


The tree does not tolerate dry weather and lack of precipitation well, so it is necessary to water the pear regularly. More tips and useful information on growing the Lel variety can be found in the articles selected below.

How to care for a pear Pruning a pear Pruning a columnar pear Treating a pear from diseases and pests Feeding a pear How to water a pear

Rules for caring for a pear tree

After planting, young trees are given maximum attention, observing all the rules of agricultural technology. This is important so that the seedling gains strength and survives the first winter without loss. Care will not cause difficulties even for novice gardeners, as it consists of following simple rules: watering, fertilizing, preparing for winter, forming the crown.


Proper and timely hydration is the key to normal growth and fruiting of the Lel pear. The first year, young plants are watered once every 2 weeks. The liquid is added to the tree trunk circle as the soil dries.

The frequency and volume of irrigation are adjusted in accordance with weather conditions and natural precipitation. It is imperative to water during vegetatively important periods:

  • before buds open;
  • during shaping and pouring fruit;
  • in preparation for winter.

Despite the fact that the pear needs moisture, it is important not to overdo it. Any stagnation of water will negatively affect the root system. It may begin to rot, which will lead to the growth of the tree stopping and subsequent death.

Despite the fact that the pear needs moisture, it is important not to overdo it.

Feeding scheme

Fertilizers are applied to the soil throughout the season. The exception is the first year, if organic and mineral compounds were added to the soil during planting.

Fertilizing for pears is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. In the spring. During this period, it is important for the pear to increase its vegetative mass, so nitrogen should predominate in the fertilizer. An infusion of chicken manure is used as an organic fertilizer (0.5 kg of the substance is dissolved in a bucket of water). Mineral compounds are also suitable for such purposes: saltpeter, urea, urea.
  2. In summer. Some gardeners skip the fertilizing step during this period. This is possible if the soil was well enriched with nutrients in the spring. In summer, trees should be fed with mineral fertilizers based on potassium and phosphorus. Wood ash is used as an alternative. It is applied to the soil around the tree trunk.
  3. In autumn. Fertilizer is applied to prepare the tree for winter. Compositions based on phosphorus and potassium are used. Complex mineral fertilizers show effectiveness during this period.

In autumn, formulations based on phosphorus and potassium are used.
Sometimes unscheduled root feeding or leaf treatments are required. The condition of the tree will indicate their necessity. If it does not develop or bears fruit poorly, it is sprayed with a urea solution or other composition to increase immunity.

Whitewashing the trunk

Another important procedure that must be carried out in preparation for winter. The purpose of the procedure is to protect trees from winter and early spring burns, as well as pest damage.

The procedure is carried out after leaf fall, but before the onset of frost. Choose a day without rain, otherwise streams of water will wash away the coloring composition before it dries.

You can buy whitewash ready-made at a garden store or make it yourself. To prepare whitewash with your own hands, dissolve lime or chalk in water, add a little glue so that the composition stays on the bark for as long as possible.

For additional protection, add a little copper sulfate or carbolic acid to the mixture.

Painting is carried out from bottom to top. Excess whitewash will flow down, filling unpainted recesses in the bark. Paint is applied to the main trunk, as well as the base of the skeletal branches.

The procedure is carried out after leaf fall, but before the onset of frost.

Pruning and crown formation

Pears need a lot of sunlight to ripen their fruits. If you do not thin out the crown, then the necessary light will not flow into it. Regular pruning helps avoid damage by pests and diseases, and also protects the plant from wasting nutrients on unnecessary vegetation parts.

Pears are pruned annually in spring and autumn (sometimes an unscheduled procedure is carried out in the summer). Before the buds open, the crown is trimmed in a sanitary manner. All diseased and damaged shoots, as well as those that stick out into the crown, must be removed.

All cuts must be covered with garden varnish to avoid infection of the wood.

In autumn, pruning is also carried out to remove broken, diseased branches. When carrying out the procedure, they try not to cut too much so that the plant does not weaken before winter.

From the first year after planting, formative pruning is carried out. After a few weeks, the young seedling is shortened and the lateral growths are removed. From the second season, the crown is formed directly, leaving 2-3 of the strongest branches, which will later become skeletal. The next season they do the same, but for the previously abandoned main shoots.

Formation of pear fruit formations

Preparing for winter

After the leaves fall, another important stage in pear cultivation begins - preparation for winter. When performing the procedure, several steps are performed sequentially:

  1. First, the tree trunk circle is cleared of fallen leaves and carrion. If the tree is not sick, then the collected garbage is sent to a compost pit. If signs of diseases and pests were noticed during the season, the collected leaves and fruits are burned.
  2. The trunk is cleared of old bark. The base of the skeletal branches and the trunk are treated with a solution of iron sulfate (0.5 kg of the substance is diluted in 10 liters of water).
  3. At the next stage, sanitary pruning of trees is carried out. 2-3 weeks before the onset of frost, remove all damaged, dry, diseased shoots. At the same time, thin out the crown, cutting off excess branches and branches protruding inside. Each cut is treated with garden varnish for disinfection purposes.
  4. At the next stage, the last fertilizing of the season is performed. Fertilizer should be based on potassium and phosphorus. It is ideal to choose ready-made mineral compositions that also contain boron, iron, and calcium.
  5. In autumn, pests and pathogens look for a place to overwinter. In their understanding, bark is the most convenient option. Therefore, trees are sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate or any insecticide.
  6. Fertilizing can be combined with autumn moisture-recharging watering. The soil around the trunk circle is watered abundantly so that it is saturated to at least 50 cm. The volume of water depends on the age of the tree (40-50 liters are poured for a young tree, 70-80 liters for mature ones).
  7. Then the trunk and the base of the skeletal branches are whitewashed.
  8. The tree trunk circle is mulched with any warming material, for example, sawdust, peat, straw.

To protect against rodents, the trunk is wrapped in spruce branches or burlap. They will not only protect the tree from freezing, but will also prevent rodents from damaging the bark. After heavy snow falls, artificial snowdrifts can be formed around the trees in the garden. This is the best way to protect the roots from frost.

To protect against rodents, the trunk is wrapped in spruce branches.

Diseases and pests

Pear resistance to diseases is satisfactory. To completely eliminate the risk of disease, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures. By clicking on the links below, you can familiarize yourself with recommendations and materials on the topic of protecting the Lel pear variety.

Dangerous Pear Pests

Pears often suffer from pests, they affect the leaves, bark and fruits.

In this article, we have selected 11 of the most harmful insects that harm pear trees, and also ways to destroy them.

Diseases of pear trees

To get what they cherish, gardeners have to work hard, and the reason for this is pear diseases.

Read about 19 common pear diseases and how to combat them.

Features of planting seedlings

Thanks to proper planting, the plant will bear fruit well every year. When carrying out the procedure, every stage is important: choosing a place and seedling, determining the optimal date, competent care.

Recommended timing

Trees that were planted in the fall adapt best and begin to bear fruit faster. Depending on the climate, work is carried out in September or October. When choosing a planting date, they are guided by the beginning of autumn frosts. There should be at least 1.5-2 months left before they start. This time is enough for the young plant to take root and prepare for the upcoming frosts.

In the spring, you can also plant Lel seedlings. But the procedure is carried out before the kidneys begin to swell. Approximately this period occurs in April. By this point, the soil is already warming up, and the positive temperature outside has stabilized.

Pears planted in spring should be given more attention. It is especially important to prevent the soil from drying out during hot periods.

In the spring you can also plant Lel seedlings

Choosing a suitable location

Pear is a heat-loving plant. Therefore, choose an area with the maximum amount of daylight. It is ideal if the tree grows at an elevation, since the root system is very deep and any waterlogging of the soil poses a danger to it.

They also select a place so that it is maximally protected from gusts of cold wind and drafts. Ideally, there will be a building or a high fence on the north side of the tree.

Selection and preparation of planting material

When purchasing seedlings, carefully inspect the plant. It must be healthy and strong. The ideal age of planting material is 1-2 years. Such seedlings adapt better and faster, and then begin to bear fruit.

Planting material should only be purchased from trusted nurseries or specialized stores to avoid fraud.

The following requirements apply to planting material:

  1. The root system must be healthy and strong. The fibrous roots are well developed; they should not have growths, dents or damage of any other nature.
  2. The trunk and other vegetative parts should look healthy and strong. The bark is uniform in color, without defects or damage.
  3. It is best to purchase seedlings from nurseries located in the same area. Such planting material will initially be adapted to weather conditions and will be easier to transplant.

It is best to purchase seedlings from nurseries that are located in the same area.
After purchasing, they try to plant the plant as quickly as possible. Immediately before the procedure, the root system is soaked in a growth stimulator. Additionally, before planting, it can be dipped in a clay mash.

Site preparation

The landing site is prepared in advance. When planting in autumn, preparatory procedures begin 2-3 weeks before the expected date. This time will be enough for the soil to settle.

If the area has low groundwater, you can independently create an artificial hill on which to place the seedling.

Since pears are tall, spreading trees, there is a large distance between them. The distance to the nearest tall fruit plant should not be less than 8 m.

Before planting, the area is cleared of weeds. Then the soil is dug up with the addition of humus, compost and fertilizers. At the next stage, prepare a hole for planting. It should be at least 80 cm in diameter and 70 cm in depth. A drainage layer is poured onto the bottom of the hole.

Before planting, the area is cleared of weeds and the soil is dug up.

Soil preparation

Pears prefer fertile, loose soils that allow air and moisture to pass through well. The crop grows best in soil with a neutral acidity level. If the indicator is increased, then slaked lime or dolomite flour is first added to the soil.

When preparing the hole, the fertile layer (about 30 cm) is not thrown away. Humus, compost, sand, wood ash are added to it and left to be used when planting seedlings.

The process of planting young seedlings

After all the preparatory work has been carried out, they begin directly to planting. The procedure is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. At the bottom of the pit, a small elevation is made from previously prepared nutrient soil.
  2. A peg is installed in the center, which will further protect the young plant from the wind and will not allow it to bend as it grows.
  3. The seedling is placed in the hole on the formed elevation. The roots are straightened so that they point down.
  4. Sprinkle the top with soil and lightly compact it. To prevent voids from forming inside, the seedling is periodically shaken by the trunk.
  5. Fill the hole so that the root collar is 3-4 cm above the ground level.

Scheme for planting a pear seedling.
A small depression is made in the tree trunk circle along the entire diameter. Water is poured into it and given time to absorb. The tree trunk circle is mulched on top.

Crown and leaves

Trees of the Lel variety are distinguished by medium growth vigor and a sparse, compact crown of an inverted pyramidal shape. As branches grow, they tend to form sharp angles of departure from the trunk (it is recommended to bend them to transfer growth to a horizontal plane).

The leaves are ovoid and rather small. The leaf blade is strongly convex, without shine, and has a rich dark green color. Fruiting is mixed, but most often the fruits are set on short shoots with undeveloped lateral buds - ringlets.

Harvest and storage

The harvest takes place in the second half of August. Fruit picking begins from the lower tiers, gradually moving to the top of the crown. The pears are carefully removed by hand along with the stalk. Ripe fruits are not stored for long, so they are immediately consumed or processed. The harvest can be stored in cool rooms for no more than 14 days. Pears can be seriously damaged during transportation.

Lel pear is a high-yielding variety that has collected a huge number of positive reviews over the years of cultivation. For normal fruiting, proper care is needed, in which special attention is paid to watering and regular fertilizing. Despite the fact that the fruits are poorly stored and transported, the plant is very popular.

Did you like the description of the Lel pear? Are you planning to plant this variety in your garden?

Flowering and pollination

The Lel variety is characterized by high early fruiting - trees begin to bear fruit in the 4th year after planting. Flowering begins quite late (relative to other pears zoned for the Urals and Siberia), which allows the flowers to avoid falling under return frosts. At the same time, the fruits ripen quickly - already by mid-August.

This makes the variety commercially profitable, because it ripens when there are no imported pears in the market and supermarkets.

Features of culture

The Lel variety is zoned in the Ural, West Siberian and East Siberian regions. This is an ideal choice for areas with cold climates and early frosts, but this does not mean that the variety cannot be grown in regions with a milder climate - in the conditions of the Middle Zone the crop feels great and also produces high and stable yields.

The winter hardiness of pears is high, similar in this indicator to the old, proven Siberian “Lukashovki”. Resistance to diseases and pests is good; in case of minor mechanical damage, trees quickly recover.

The crop's drought resistance is not so good, especially when grown on sandy soils and in the southern regions. Particular attention should be paid to abundant and regular watering.

Good results are obtained by adding a coarse fraction of hydrogel to the soil when planting; this will reduce the number of waterings. In addition, it is recommended to mulch the tree trunks with a layer of organic matter - mown grass, green manure, etc.

An important advantage of the Lel variety is that the fruits stick well to the branches, do not fall off, and can withstand even severe winds. At the same time, when the stalk begins to lighten, this is a sign that the pears are ripe and need to be picked. If they “overhang” on the tree for 1-2 weeks, they will begin to rot from the inside.

Prevention and protection against pests and diseases

Obtaining a good harvest largely depends not only on compliance with all care rules, but also on timely implementation of preventive treatments against pests and diseases.

The Lel pear has above average disease resistance, but this does not mean that the plant cannot get sick. Pears can be affected by the following diseases:

  • scab;
  • bacterial burn;
  • black cancer;
  • stem rot;
  • fruit rot;
  • maniliosis;
  • cytosporosis;
  • rust;
  • powdery mildew;
  • milky shine.

In addition, pears are often attacked by various insects, which can cause significant damage to the crop. The most dangerous for trees:

  • green aphid;
  • psyllid;
  • codling moth;
  • pear mite;
  • leaf roller.

Treatment usually takes a lot of time and effort, so it is easier to carry out preventive measures annually to protect the trees.

  1. Three treatments are carried out against aphids during the growing season. For the first time, before buds open, trees are treated with Kinmiks solution. The second treatment is carried out before flowering with Agravertin. The last time at the stage of ovary formation is to spray the trees with the biological product Iskra.
  2. Spraying pear trees with Agravert at the flowering stage will protect against codling moths.
  3. Pear mite infestations are treated with a solution of colloidal sulfur.
  4. For prevention purposes, fallen leaves are removed every fall in the fall, since pests and pathogenic microorganisms often overwinter in them.

For pear mite infestations, treatments are carried out with a solution of colloidal sulfur.
For preventive purposes, remedies prepared according to folk recipes show effectiveness: dandelion infusion with the addition of garlic, a solution of laundry soap. Such preparations help to obtain an environmentally friendly harvest.

Powdery mildew

The appearance of diseases will be indicated by the formation of a white coating on the leaves. A strange spotting is noticeable on all shoots and leaves. Gradually, the affected areas begin to dry out, the leaves curl and fall off. If left untreated, the plant quickly dies.

Most often, signs of the disease appear in spring or early summer.

Treatment of powdery mildew begins with removing the affected shoots followed by burning. Then the trees are treated with any suitable fungicide, for example Fitolavin. After 1.5-2 weeks, spraying is repeated.

Treatment of powdery mildew begins with removing the affected shoots followed by burning

Gray rot

A dangerous fruit disease that manifests itself at the beginning of pear formation. At first, putrefactive spots appear on small fruits, then they quickly grow. Dry bumps form where the spores are stored.

Gradually the fruits dry out and fall off. Plants are treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or XOM. For prevention purposes, various drugs are used to increase immunity: Baikal EM-1, Aktofit, Healthy Garden.

A dangerous fruit disease that manifests itself at the beginning of the formation of pears


A fungal disease that affects all vegetative parts of trees. Leaves and fruits become covered with black spots. In places where they are damaged, they begin to rot, dry out, and fall off.

Gardeners use Bordeaux mixture for treatment. The first treatment is carried out in early spring, then it is repeated before flowering and bud formation. For prevention purposes, the crown is regularly thinned and the affected parts of the plant are burned. The tree trunk circle is dug up.

A fungal disease that affects all vegetative parts of trees

codling moth

Dusky moths can cause serious damage to pear trees. But it is not the insects themselves that pose the danger, but their larvae. They damage the fruits, depriving them of part of the harvest. If the damage is minor, the larvae are collected by hand and removed along with the fruits. Additionally, trees are treated with special preparations against codling moths.

Dark gray moths can cause serious damage to pear trees

Gall mite

These are small insects that feed on pear juice. The difficulty of the fight is that in the initial stages of defeat they are difficult to notice. The appearance of galls will be indicated by the formation of brown-red spots. The affected foliage begins to gradually fall off.

In spring, trees are treated with a solution of Fufanon or colloidal sulfur. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

These are small insects that feed on pear juice.

leaf roller

Another insidious malicious pest that affects all parts of the pear. There is a gradual stop in plant development, and the yield decreases.

For the purpose of prevention, every spring and autumn, all damaged and dry bark is removed and treated with special preparations.

An insidious malicious pest that affects all parts of the pear

Features of the variety

Pear Lel: photo of the variety

Pear Lel is early-fruiting. Fruiting of trees begins already in the fourth year after planting. Pear produces a high yield. The yield from one pear is forty-five kg of fruit. The fruits are collected from the 15th of August.

Fruit ripening occurs at a rapid pace, when there was no import of pear fruits from abroad.

Fruits are stored in a cool place for a short time - only fourteen days. Fruits are poorly transported over long distances. Frost resistance is satisfactory. In terms of resistance to winter, the variety is comparable to onion pears from Siberia during the times of Ancient Rus'.

Varieties that produce high yields: “Yanvarskaya”, “Chudesnitsa”, “Bere Bosk”, “Extravaganza”, “Tema”.

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