How to feed grapes in spring: rules for applying fertilizers

The need for spring feeding of grapes

At the end of the sleep phase, in early spring the grapes take nutrition from the soil. If it is depleted, then the lack of nutrients will affect the growth and growing season of the bushes. To get a good harvest, plants need to be fertilized.

Reasons for spring fertilization:

  • when receiving the optimal quantity and quality of nutrition, grape fruits are formed large and tasty;
  • the inflorescences and formed clusters of grapes are preserved as much as possible;
  • after difficulties in winter, it is possible to preserve and bear fruit on weak grape vines;
  • feeding is a preventive measure against diseases and parasites;
  • the cumulative effect lasts for 1-2 years.

The need for a microelement can be determined by the state of the green part of the grapes. This makes it possible to adjust the fertilizers.

Signs of component deficiency:

  • pale green leaves and slow growth - needs nitrogen;
  • brown edging of leaves - lack of potassium;
  • deep green leaves with brownish-brown spots - phosphorus deficiency;
  • green veins against the background of yellow leaves - you need iron;
  • rotting of the base of the vine - sulfur is required.

As a top dressing, instead of chemical fertilizers, you can use organic ones, or try traditional methods of preparing nutrient solutions.

Young grapes do not need fertilizing for 3 years, provided they are applied during planting. This is due to the fact that frequent feeding of the plant does not allow it to bear fruit. It spends its energy only on the formation of the vine and root system.

How to understand what substances are missing?

To choose the right fertilizer for grapes in the spring, you need to carefully monitor the process of plant development, paying attention to the color and size of leaves and berries. Here are the most common signs of nutrient deficiency:

  • with a lack of nitrogen, the grapes grow slowly, the buds bloom later than usual, the leaves are small and pale, the berries are small and watery;
  • when a bush does not have enough phosphorus, it grows poorly, produces few inflorescences, the leaves become red, the berries are sour and do not absorb sugar;
  • With a lack of potassium, a brown border appears on the leaves. Feeding grapes with potassium humate will help eliminate the problem;
  • if the grapes lack magnesium, yellow-brown spots appear on the leaves and the shoots develop poorly;
  • Iron deficiency is most noticeable on the upper leaves: they begin to turn yellow and fall off, the bush weakens and does not grow;
  • leaves of grapes that lack manganese begin to turn yellow at the edges;
  • with boron deficiency, shoot growth slows down, the leaves become lightened with mosaic spots, the flowers fall off, and the berries form small;
  • Molybdenum is responsible for nitrogen and water metabolism in the plant. Its deficiency is noticeable in the leaves: they fade, turn pale and become lethargic;
  • With a lack of zinc, the tops of the shoots become white, new leaves grow small, and the petioles are shortened. The foliage has pronounced yellow-green spots;
  • Lack of calcium leads to fragility of leaf petioles and inflorescences, grape bunches become smaller, leaves turn yellow. It is important not to confuse it with excess calcium, in which the leaves acquire a pale yellow, whitish color;
  • Copper deficiency is common in peat and sandy soils. Brown spots appear on the leaves. The efficiency of applied fertilizers decreases, since a lack of copper prevents the grapes from absorbing microelements;
  • when there is not enough sulfur, the bushes stop growing. The upper leaves turn yellow and become brittle, and glassy spots appear on them. Sulfur deficiency is easy to avoid if you do not forget to carry out preventive treatments against pests and diseases along with feeding the grapes.

Fertilizer application timing

The timing of fertilization is determined by the climate of the region, so you should focus on the stage of plant growth:

  • The first application - the plant is still in the sleep phase, late March-early April.
  • The second application is when the embryos of the racemes appear, 10-14 days before the formation of inflorescences, the second ten days of May.
  • The third application is after the formation of the ovaries, in the first days of June.

If you do not adhere to this schedule, the grapes will receive a deficiency of substances and microelements or too much of them. In each of these cases, it makes no sense to count on a harvest. But by following the rules for applying fertilizers, you can get a good harvest.

Rules for processing grapes in autumn

The exact timing of fertilizing grapes in the fall depends on the climatic conditions of the region and on the varietal variety of the crop.

General rules for autumn treatment of vineyard bushes:

  • first, pruning of growing shoots, damaged and diseased shoots is carried out;
  • the bushes are pruned when the vine is preparing to “hibernate” and active sap flow stops;
  • then carry out scheduled fertilizing through watering, spraying or fertilizing the soil;
  • early varieties are fed in late summer or early autumn;
  • late varieties - at the end of September (until the second ten days of October);
  • in warm southern areas, fertilizers are applied in October;
  • in northern regions with frosty, harsh winters, fertilizing begins in the second ten days of August;
  • in the Central zone, seasonal fertilizing and eradicating preventive treatments are carried out during September.

Mulching the vines

Reference. Mulch (lit. - mulch) - a protective layer, covering the top layer of soil, isolates direct contact of the soil and the vine, lower leaves.

Autumn layer of mulch:

  • coniferous branches or litter;
  • rotted compost;
  • mown grass;
  • hay or straw.

Important functions of grape mulching:

  • optimization of water and air regimes;
  • preservation of moisture and heat;
  • preventing overheating of the soil in the summer heat;
  • protection against pathogens and pests.

It is advisable to treat the mulch with protective agents against specific grape diseases:

  1. Trichoderma Veride (green), 15 g – a fungicide based on bioactive “friendly” fungi, a natural antibiotic and antiseptic.
  2. Glyocladin , in tablets - acts by analogy with Trichodermin, suppresses the pathogens of mildew and other fungal infections in the soil.
  3. Fitosporin-M , 200 g, release form – paste; universal microbiological fungicide, prevents the development of fusarium, rot, late blight and other pathogenic bacteria.
  4. Baktofit SP , 10 g – a natural antibiotic based on the IPM-215 strain, used throughout the season, in any vegetative phase of plant development.
  5. Bactogen , 0.25 l – complex biological product, biostimulant and protective agent against bacteria and viruses of vegetable, fruit and berry plants. The consumption is economical, the working solution is diluted in a ratio of 1:100.

Feeding methods

Let's look at two popular methods.

Foliar feeding of grapes

Foliar feeding can only be done in addition to root feeding. Sugar or glycerin, 40-60 g each, is added to the spraying solution along with fertilizers. When carrying out work, it is important to consider:

  • Times of Day. The optimal time will be in the evening, when the dew has not yet settled and the rays of the sun are no longer dangerous.
  • Weather within 24 hours after treatment. Grapes should be sprayed with fertilizer on a dry leaf, and there should be no precipitation for at least a day so that the nutritional components have time to be absorbed.
  • Condition of the bush. Primary fungicidal treatment or spraying of grapes may be necessary to kill pests. If the bush is very weak, then it will be more useful to apply fertilizers using the root method.

If the plant is in satisfactory condition, foliar feeding can be combined, if necessary, with disease prevention. Then the grapes will receive both nutrients and medicinal substances at the same time.

The first spraying with phosphorus is carried out two weeks before the start of the flowering phase to feed the grapes at the time of fruit formation. This element, quickly absorbed by the leaf mass of the bush, has a positive effect within a month. Liquid consumption rate per 1 sq. m of plot is 150-200 g.

The foliar feeding mixture may contain: potassium sulfate, ammonium sulfate, zinc, boric acid, calcium sulfate and molybdate.

In addition to the main ones, foliar treatments with nutrient mixtures are done 3 more times, but the amount of phosphorus in them is reduced:

  • after the formation of inflorescences;
  • before the berries ripen;
  • when preparing grapes for winter cold.

Watch this video about foliar feeding of grapes in the spring before flowering:

Root feeding

Root fertilizers can be liquid - all kinds of nutrient solutions and infusions, and dry - these are practically the same fertilizers, not diluted with water.

Dry fertilizers are applied during the digging process or by spreading them over the grape plot. After such work, watering is required so that the beneficial substances dissolve and reach the root system.

For wet root feeding, dig in an asbestos or plastic pipe at a distance of 50-70 cm from the base of the bush. The pipe should have a diameter of 100-150 mm and be dug to a depth of at least 40 cm. All nutrient solutions are poured into it, so they quickly reach the roots. Instead of pipes, you can dig a ditch 40-50 cm deep around the perimeter of the bush. Pour a fertilizer solution into it and cover it with soil on top.

Green fertilizer is very useful - peas are sown between rows and dug up after ripening.

Necessary minerals for culture

For harmonious development and harvest formation, grapes need to receive the following substances:

  • nitrogen (promotes the growth of shoots and leaves);
  • phosphorus (necessary for the proper development of roots, inflorescences, ovaries);
  • potassium (affects the ripening of fruits, improves their quality, promotes winter hardiness of the plant);
  • zinc (increases the number of ovaries);
  • boron (promotes the accumulation of sugar in berries);
  • copper (accelerates the growth of shoots, increases the winter hardiness of the plant);
  • calcium (strengthens the walls of plant cells, improves their ability to absorb nutrition);
  • magnesium (participates in photosynthesis).

The lack of one or another substance affects the growth of shoots, the formation of ovaries and the quality of the harvest.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Important! Summer feeding with microelements is carried out on the leaf. This way the nutrients are absorbed faster by the plant. The working solution for treatment is prepared in a weaker concentration than for watering at the root.

How to fertilize grapes in spring? Types of fertilizers and their specifics

Fertilizers saturate the soil with the nutrition necessary for the growth and development of grapes. For each application of fertilizers to the soil, a certain composition of fertilizing is required. All of them are subject to a special seasonal schedule in order to get the maximum effect in the form of a rich harvest and not harm the bushes.

In spring, single-component, complex and complex fertilizers are used.

Potash fertilizers

The main active ingredient is potassium, a vital element for grapes. Knowing that it is washed away by rain and watering, it is difficult to overestimate the role of potash fertilizers. They are chloride and sulfate.

The leaves of the bush contain a huge amount of chlorine, but with the growth of green mass and heavy rainfall, its concentration decreases. Chloride fertilizers restore and maintain the balance of this element. They must be applied carefully, since an excess of chlorine is dangerous for the grapes.

Potassium chloride is rich in potassium by 40-60%. To reduce acidity, lime should be added to it. Can be used in combination with any elements, but urea is not suitable for a mixture with potassium chloride.

Sulfuric acid fertilizers are responsible not only for the healthy development of the bush, but also affect the sugar content of grape fruits. They penetrate well into the root system with rain, so it is advisable to use them not in spring, but in autumn.

Phosphorus fertilizers

Phosphorus is an essential element for grapes during the growth and flowering stages, especially for young plants. Thanks to its balance, large, healthy fruits are formed.

You can use the following tools:

  • Superphosphate consists of 20% phosphoric acid. Compatible with various soils, but if they are highly acidic, lime is added to the fertilizer. Another option is to lim the soil before fertilizing. The positive effect of superphosphate is characterized by increased productivity and immunity to diseases. For feeding, the fertilizer is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and 0.5-0.7 liters are watered under each bush.
  • Double superphosphate consists of a double dose of phosphorus. When diluted with water, the fertilizer rate is reduced by half. In spring and summer it is used as a liquid fertilizer, and before wintering it is sprinkled around grape bushes.
  • The precipitate is rich in phosphorus by 35%. It is practically insoluble in water, so the powder is scattered over the grape plantation when loosening or weeding. Most compatible with acidic soils and gray soils.
  • Defluorinated phosphate is suitable for chernozems, turf and podzolic soils. Contains 32% phosphate.

fertilizer "Superphosphate"

fertilizer "Double superphosphate"

fertilizer "Precipitate"

fertilizer “Defluorinated phosphate”

Complex and compound fertilizers

Complex fertilizers combine at least 2 elements. They are produced in 2 ways:

  1. One-component fertilizers are mixed together.
  2. Using chemical reactions of various components.

Such supplements include:

  • Nitrophoska. Nitrogen content - 16%, phosphorus - 16%, potassium - 16%. It is produced in a classic form - only from these components and with the addition of elements (copper, cobalt, boron, zinc, etc.).
  • Azofoska is based on three main elements - N, P and K. It is available in the form of a solution and a dry mixture. Dry fertilizer is applied into the depression around the grapes, and the liquid form of fertilizer is poured under the root.
  • Bishofite consists of more than a dozen elements - magnesium, boron, iodine and bromine, etc. It is used for foliar feeding. The dilution rate is 100 ml of fertilizer per 10 liters of water.
  • Florovit is a fertilizer created for grapes. It is used when planting plants and as the main root feeding. Fertilizer consumption is 50 g per plant.
  • Agro-Nova - this Ukrainian fertilizer, in addition to micronutrients, contains bioadditives to stimulate the growth of grapes. In spring, it is used as a liquid root dressing. To do this, 90 g of fertilizer is dissolved in 10 liters of water. For the leaf application option, it is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:100.

fertilizer "Nitrophoska"

fertilizer "Azofoska"

fertilizer "Bishofite"

fertilizer "Florovit"

fertilizer "Agro-Nova"

Organic fertilizers

Animal waste products and plant waste decompose into substances that are useful and easily accessible to plants. Organic fertilizers have their pros and cons.

Benefits of organics:

  • There are no material costs in their production, because they are natural free supplements for farming.
  • They contain a balance of essential nutrients and microelements necessary for grapes.
  • The activity of bacteria during the decomposition of organic matter has a beneficial effect on the soil. Air permeability and the ability to retain moisture increase, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the vineyard.

Disadvantages of organics:

  • The composition of organic fertilizers is not exactly known to the gardener. This makes it difficult to determine the deficiency or excess of substances in plants. The composition of mineral fertilizers is indicated on the packaging or instructions for use.
  • When adding organic matter, it is possible to infect grapes with diseases, or transfer larvae and adults of pests, as well as weed seeds.
  • Hygiene and aesthetics make it difficult to work with such fertilizers.

The most popular organic fertilizers are compost, manure and bird droppings.

Manure is the waste products of animals, their excrement. When fresh it contains a large amount of nitrogen. This makes it impossible to use it in concentrated form when planting young grape bushes due to the possibility of causing burns to the root system.

For application, manure is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. In spring, humus is used. Manure, which has been rotted for at least 2-3 years, is used to fertilize planting holes and already growing bushes by digging up the soil.

You should not uncontrollably apply manure to the soil, as there may be an excess of nitrates in it. Especially often such a negative result appears on black soil. Lighter and more porous types of soil allow water to pass through well and are washed out by precipitation and watering. Therefore, in order to receive only undeniable benefits from the use of manure on the land, you need to carefully and responsibly approach the process of feeding grapes.

Compost is prepared by mixing grass clippings, household organic waste, leaves of trees and shrubs with soil or peat. The mixture is moistened and stirred periodically to saturate it with oxygen. After a year or two, a valuable fertilizer containing a rich nutritional composition for plants is obtained.

If healthy plant residues were used when preparing the fertilizer and no manure was added, the absence of pathogens and pest larvae is almost 100%. Humus is suitable for root fertilization of grapes and for preparing planting holes.

Bird droppings are used dry or dissolved. It is poured in small quantities into the depressions around the perimeter of the bush, sprinkled with soil. To prepare the solution, dilute a handful of chicken manure with 5 liters of water. Leave in a warm place for 7-10 days, stirring occasionally. Dilute this infusion again with water in a ratio of 1:10. Pour the fertilizer along the rows, taking into account that 500 ml of liquid is required for 1 bush.

The video below will talk about adding bird droppings to grapes:

Do not pour a solution of chicken manure under the bush. This can cause burns to the roots.

Before fertilizing and after its completion, carry out measures to water the area.

Folk remedies

One of the popular and effective folk supplements is yeast. It is prepared in several steps:

  1. Dissolve dry baker's yeast in warm water in a ratio of 1:1000.
  2. For each liter of solution, add 1 tsp. granulated sugar.
  3. Let it brew for 2-3 hours.
  4. Before use, dilute with clean water in a ratio of 1:5.

This solution can also be prepared using live yeast, but then do not add sugar. The consumption rate for this fertilizer is 2 liters per bush.

Ash is the most suitable organic-based mineral fertilizer for grapes. It nourishes the plant and prevents diseases of grapes and their pests. It is especially important on acidic soils, as it perfectly reduces their acidity. Burning hardwood produces ash rich in potassium. Coniferous fertilizer contains mainly phosphorus.

In dry form, ash is used in unlimited quantities when digging and loosening areas. For root feeding, prepare an ash solution:

  • add 250-300 g of ash to 10 liters of water;
  • let it brew for a week;
  • water the grapes, making grooves around the bush;
  • liquid consumption - 5 liters per bush;
  • a solution of ash is also used to spray the above-ground parts of the plant.

An experienced gardener in his video talks about feeding grapes with ash:

Egg shells are rich in potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. But 95% of its composition is occupied by calcium compounds. All components, getting into the soil, quickly transform into a form that is quickly absorbed by grapes. To preserve the shell, you need to wash it thoroughly and dry it. Before applying this fertilizer to the soil, grind it to obtain a powder.

More about feeding with eggshells is written here.

Green fertilizer is prepared from weeds, residues of garden plants after thinning and weeding, etc. For this:

  1. Place the mass of greens in a container, filling it 3/4 full.
  2. Pour water until it completely covers the vegetable mixture.
  3. Cover the container with plastic, making several small holes on top.
  4. Let it brew until the smell of fermentation appears (10-14 days).
  5. Dilute with water to fertilize grapes using the root method - divide the entire volume into 10 fertilizing applications.

By adding wood ash to the solution and straining, you can use it to spray the bushes.

Fertilizing seedlings during planting

When planting, it is very important to give young grapes a boost in development and promote successful establishment. It is very important what fertilizers to apply when planting young grapes. It is correct to make a special nutrient cushion of mineral and organic fertilizers for a young plant. Fertilizers are mixed with fertile soil, which was deposited when digging the hole. Afterwards, the grapes are planted and watered abundantly.

Experienced gardeners recommend making this pillow from 2 buckets of humus chicken droppings or manure, with the addition of 100 grams. nitroamophoska. At the same time, it is very important not to use fresh droppings, as it can “burn” the roots of the young seedling. Before adding, it is imperative that the fermentation process takes place. You will learn how to feed cuttings in cups in a separate article.

Fertilizing seedlings during planting

When this fertilizer is added, the soil is very similar to humus in terms of nutrients.

As a result, if you add all the necessary fertilizers during planting, then during the first 2-3 years you can do without additional feeding of young grape bushes.

Fertilizers are necessary for successful grape growing. They contribute to the good development of the bush, the formation of a rich harvest and help plants cope with diseases.

So, we have learned how to feed young grapes and how to fertilize mature vines after winter or after opening and at other times for a better harvest. Now we fertilize according to the best advice of winegrowers and know when and how much fertilizer to apply for the proper development and growth of the bush.

How to feed grapes to increase yield?

It is important to carry out fertilizer application activities taking into account their characteristics. In order for the substances to quickly reach the main root system, a depression is made around the bush in the shape of a circle with a radius of 25-80 cm (depending on the size of the bush) and a depth of about 40 cm. All fertilizing solutions are poured onto the area of ​​the dug circle.

Humus and slurry are distributed over the surface of the circle, and then digging is carried out 15 cm deep. After such loosening, the top dressing should be covered with a soil layer.

Fertilizing depending on the variety

The fertilizer scheme has its own nuances depending on the type of fruit grown. For proper pollination, bushes of different varieties must be planted on one plantation.


This grape variety is used for processing, It is used as a raw material for juices, wines, fruit candies, Fertilization of technical grapes begins in the fourth year, Organic fertilizers are applied 1 time/3 g, Per 1 sq. m of land requires up to 4 kg of fertilizer.

Dining room

Table grapes are characterized by tasty sweet berries; the fewer clusters ripen, the better the quality of the fruit.

Too intense fertilizer spoils the taste of the berries.

Popular mistakes

Beginning gardeners often make mistakes in spring fertilizing due to inexperience. The most popular mistakes:

  1. Scattering dry fertilizers over the soil surface. In such cases, evaporation of nitrogen is inevitable, and potassium and phosphorus do not have the opportunity to get through to the root system of the grapes.
  2. Uncontrolled application of fertilizers. This leads to painful bushes and reduced yield.
  3. Apply fertilizer only to areas with young grapes. Provided that planting holes have been formed with fertilizing, the grapes do not require other fertilizers for up to 3 years. Adult bushes, on the contrary, experience a deficiency of microelements and nutrients as they grow.

Spring Addition Calendar

Farmers divide all options for additives used to maintain health and increase vine productivity into 3 groups:

  1. Pre-planting (placed in a hole to provide the grapes with food for 3-4 years).
  2. Basic. This includes spring feeding of grapes with mineral fertilizers and autumn processing.
  3. Additional (solutions for root and foliar treatment).

The treatment scheme is adjusted taking into account the condition of the bushes and weather conditions, the characteristics of the region and landscape. In March, southerners begin to incorporate additives into the soil, in other regions - later. In April, the main ingredients are added to the holes - manure, urea (30 g), superphosphate (15 g), ash (3 l). Manure is applied first, mineral components - by the end of the month. In May, attention is focused on liquid root treatment. Work begins approximately 2 weeks before flowering. For 10 liters of water you will need 15 g of urea, 20 g of superphosphate, 5 g of potassium sulfate. Instead of mineral compounds, you can use mullein infusion in a ratio of 1:10 with a handful of ash. For each bush - 1 bucket of liquid.

Useful tips

In order for grapes to produce a rich and tasty harvest, you should listen to the following recommendations:

  1. Before and after applying root fertilizers, it is necessary to water the grapes. This will dissolve the components of the bait and make it easier for the roots to access them.
  2. Dry forms of fertilizers and nutrient solutions for irrigation should not be applied to the surface of the earth, but into depressions made along the perimeter of the bushes or in the inter-row spaces.
  3. If necessary, use spraying in combination with the root method of fertilizing.
  4. Carefully monitor the schedule and rates of fertilizing.

Methods of applying fertilizers depend on their composition, weather and condition of the bushes. Rational, responsible fertilization of a grape plot will help you get a rich harvest even on seemingly hopeless land.



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When to fertilize in spring

Fertilizers are first applied when the air warms up to +16°C. The month and date vary depending on the growing region. In central Russia this is approximately mid-April or early May, in more southern and warmer regions - early April.

The second time the grapes are fertilized before flowering begins. As a rule, this occurs in the middle or end of May. Recommended time: morning or evening. To apply mineral fertilizers, choose dry, windless and cloudy days. Do not feed grapes in rainy and foggy weather.

Caring for grapes in spring

The grapes need care already when the air temperature warms up to above +5+7 degrees. At this time, the plant begins to “awaken” after a long winter. Its shoots fill with juice in early spring. This happens at the end of April - beginning of May. It is necessary to carefully monitor the weather. If the grapes are covered, overheating may occur at elevated temperatures. Therefore, it is important to remove the covering material in a timely manner. It is recommended to remove only part of it so that the roots warm up. This will prevent the formation of mold and improve air exchange.


Wait for a stable above-zero temperature and finally remove the cover from the grapes. Before active sap flow begins, prune the vine, removing dry and diseased branches, and also carry out preventive treatment of the crop against diseases and pests. To do this, use a 2% solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. Also at this time, the vine can be treated with a 2% solution of ferrous sulfate. Grapes are treated against mites with Fitoverm, Fufanon-Nova, Apollo, Aliot and others.

  • How can you treat your garden against diseases and pests in early spring?

    March is approaching, which means it’s time to take care of the safety of the garden - protect trees and bushes from diseases and pests.

During pruning, cut the lignified grape cuttings, soak them in rain or melt water with a root formation stimulator dissolved in it (Heteroauxin, Kornevin, KorneStim) for 1-2 days. Then send the rooted cuttings for growing in individual containers.

During the period of bud swelling, the vineyard is treated against mildew, anthracnose, oidium and other diseases. Preparations: Bordeaux mixture, Abiga-Peak, OxyHOM, Medea, Skor, Provisor, Sporobacterin, Trichocin, Baktofit.

During the swelling phase of the buds, root feeding of the grapes is also carried out. To do this, use 90 g of urea, 60 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium sulfate. They are dissolved separately in water, then poured into one container and the volume of liquid is brought to 40 liters.

Mineral nitrogen fertilizer can be replaced with a bucket of 10% solution of mullein or 5% solution of bird droppings.

How to feed grapes in the fall to ripen the vines after harvesting

Preparation for future wintering is the most important condition for obtaining a good harvest in the coming season. How to feed grapes in winter before sheltering? Feeding with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers will help provide the ripening vine with all the necessary elements.

Phosphorus feeding of grapes after fruiting:

  • Take 10 liters of warm water
  • 100 grams of superphosphate (5 tablespoons)
  • stir thoroughly, apply fertilizer to 1 bush
  • After fertilizing, water the plant generously

Feeding with superphosphate is especially useful in cold summers with prolonged rains, when it is very difficult for the vine to ripen. In this case, you don’t have to prepare a solution, but simply scatter the fertilizer in the tree trunk circle. The rains themselves will wash the fertilizer into the soil.

How to feed grapes with potassium fertilizers in the fall

To feed grapes with potassium in the fall, after harvesting, apply a maximum of 50 grams (3 tablespoons) of potassium salt under the bush. It can be scattered in a circle near the trunk and watered generously on top. Or combine it with liquid phosphorus fertilizing by adding potassium salt to the superphosphate solution.

In addition, do not forget: if you fertilized with ash during the spring and summer, this will become a very good basis for a successful wintering of the grapes.

Fertilizers according to folk recipes

You can fertilize grapes with improvised means, preparing formulations according to “grandmother’s” recipes. They have a good effect; if there are problems with obtaining mineral complexes, then such fertilizers are an excellent help.


Green “cocktail” - a popular fertilizer among gardeners - is prepared on the basis of mowed grass and weeds. Pour the crushed material (¾) into the barrel, fill it to the top with water, cover tightly with film, leave for 10-12 days, stirring from time to time, holes must be made in the film for gas to escape, use the resulting infusion diluted 1:10, for spraying into green fertilizer, add wood ash extract (for 9 liters of water, take 1 liter of infusion and 0.5 liter of extract);

Grind the dried eggshells and bury the resulting powder in the soil under the bushes;

For reclamation and loosening of soil, use wood ash in the form of a liquid infusion at the root. To do this, dilute 0.5 liters of sifted ash in 10 liters of water and leave for 5-8 days. Mix thoroughly, pour into the sore previously dug around the bush, Consumption - 5 liters per plant. Also, an infusion of ash is used for spraying on the leaf; on plants, you can use raw materials obtained by burning polyethylene and plastic.

Dry yeast is poured with water (1:1000), left for several hours, after adding sugar (one teaspoon per liter of solution). Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:6 and water the bushes, consumption: 10 liters of water for 5-6 plants;

By the way! Ash from deciduous trees contains a large amount of potassium, and from coniferous trees - phosphorus.

Agricultural technology for growing grapes

This is an important stage of preventive protection against diseases, including seasonal work:

  • collecting and burning fallen leaves in autumn;
  • removal of damaged and diseased vines;
  • digging the soil around the bushes to a depth of about 5 cm;
  • mulching the soil;
  • application of complex fertilizers (mineral and/or organic) to strengthen the immune system;
  • disinfection of soil fungal infections with biological products;
  • weed removal;
  • timely gartering and pruning of the vine;
  • use of drip irrigation systems, etc.

In addition, it is important to remember that the soil should not be over-moistened and it is not recommended to add large amounts of organic matter.

At first glance this seems insignificant and commonplace, but it is VERY important. So for some grape diseases there are no special protective measures.

For example:

a) fusarium of grapes , the source of which is the pathogenic fungus Fusarium -solani/ equiseti/ moniliforme/ scirpi. To protect against this disease, you only need to maintain a high agrotechnical background in the vineyards on an ongoing basis.

b) for verticillium wilt of grapes, the causative agent is the fungus Verticillium dahliae, and the source of this pathogen is weeds. To protect against this disease, you need to remove weeds and/or use herbicides.

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