Description of the Hawaiian Cigar tomato variety and its yield

Basic ideas about the variety

A detailed description of tomatoes will help a young and inexperienced summer resident not to make mistakes that most often occur on the way to growing new varieties.

  • Bush: liana-like.
  • Height: 2 m.
  • Number of fruits in a brush: 5–7 pcs.
  • Ripens within: 105–115 days.
  • Color: red.
  • Shape: cigar-shaped.
  • Weight: 150–200 g.
  • Density: high.
  • Skin: durable.
  • Transportability: excellent.
  • Shelf life 1–1.5 months.

Tomato Magnus

Early ripening (95 days from germination to the beginning of ripening), semi-determinate, high-yielding tomato hybrid from Dutch breeders. Recommended for growing in greenhouses.

The bush is densely leafy, up to 1.5 meters high. Medium sized leaf, green. The inflorescence is simple. The manufacturer recommends forming the plant into 1 stem.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are flat-round, very dense, slightly ribbed, red in color at maturity, weighing 130-150 grams, good (for a hybrid) taste. These tomatoes have good keeping quality and transportability. The purpose is universal.

This hybrid is highly resistant to root-knot nematodes, fusarium, cladosporiosis, verticillium, TMV, and is tolerant to late blight.

Advantages of the hybrid: it sets fruit well in stressful and unfavorable conditions, the fruits are resistant to cracking.

Planting pattern: 50 x 40 cm, planting density - 6 plants per 1 sq. m.

The Magnus F1 tomato is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for growing under film covers in private household plots.

Originator: Monsanto (Holland).

Video: how to form a tomato into 1 and 2 stems

If you grew Magnus tomatoes, please write what the yield was in your climatic conditions? Did you like the taste of the fruit? Will you grow this tomato again or find a more productive hybrid? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Magnus tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this hybrid objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

General description of the variety

For the convenience of the gardener, the description of the properties of tomatoes is divided into positive and negative. Having studied this information, he decides whether to plant the plant on his site.

  • Productivity.
  • Excellent taste of pickled fruits.
  • Tomatoes do not crack, are stored for a long time, and retain their excellent appearance during long-term transportation.
  • Treatment for diseases is required.

The Havana Cigar tomato variety was bred by Siberian agro and is suitable for growing in any geographical area of ​​Russia in protected soil conditions.

The tomato belongs to the mid-early group, which means that 110-115 days will pass from germination to the first harvest. The plants are characterized by an unlimited growth pattern and liana-like stems. The bushes are branched with a lot of foliage of a simple type and light green color. The root system is very powerful and goes deep into the ground.

The fruits have an unusual elongated cigar-shaped shape, due to which the variety received its original name. The average weight of a tomato is about 150-200 grams, and the length can reach 18 cm. The cigar fruits are collected in simple double-row clusters of 6-8 pieces. The color of tomatoes when fully ripe is traditional red.

The pulp of the fruit is small-chambered and dense, the skin is durable and not prone to cracking. Tomatoes of this variety are ideal for pickling and winter preparation. When processed, they do not lose their beautiful shape and good density. An undoubted advantage is that the fruits on the bushes have almost the same size and shape. These qualities are highly valued by housewives in tomatoes for pickling.

“Siberian Garden” characterizes the variety as high-yielding and numerous reviews from summer residents confirm this. From one square meter per season you can get 10-12 kg of marketable fruits.

I really like it when salted, it turns out elastic, does not spread, and the skin does not crack. Salts well and has a delicate taste. The variety is very productive, the entire bush is hung to the top with red icicles.

Favorite pickling variety. I plant it in a greenhouse; three bushes are enough for us. They grow right up to the ceiling, and the plants are quite spreading even when grown in two stems. I have never been sick with anything, it grows until frost. The tomatoes grow very evenly, long with a small nose, smooth and shiny.

The Hawaiian pineapple tomato is a mid-season variety, is indeterminate and has excellent yield. Reviews and photos from gardeners confirm that growing tomatoes is easy; they take root well both in a greenhouse and in open ground.

The Hawaiian pineapple tomato is a widespread mid-season vegetable variety. The plant is indeterminate, its growth can reach more than 2 meters, which causes certain inconvenience in caring for it.

As a result of their high growth, tomatoes require regular care, namely tying, picking and forming bushes. The great demand for Hawaiian pineapple tomatoes among summer residents and gardeners lies in the fact that this variety is very productive and has some resistance to major dangerous diseases.

The characteristics of the vegetable are as follows:

  1. The bush grows large, with medium bushiness. The leaves are plentiful, they are ordinary tomato leaves with a rich green tint.
  2. The plant is very productive and not at all difficult to grow. It is enough for him to carry out basic care methods. But since the height is large, it is impossible to do without regular tying and mulching.
  3. The fruits are universal with an interesting color. The taste is sweet and sour, the flesh is juicy, fleshy, yellow or pale orange when cut. Tomatoes are great for preparing any dish, but are suitable for whole canning.
  4. Tomatoes can be stored for a long time if you follow the storage rules. They are moderately suitable for mechanical stress and can be used for transportation.
  5. There is excellent immunity to diseases and pests.
  6. Like other types of vegetables, the Hawaiian pineapple tomato is sensitive to watering and fertilizing.

Interesting! If all agrotechnical rules are followed and proper care is taken, the weight of one fruit can reach up to 700 g.

The Hawaiian pineapple tomato variety has excellent yield; if you follow the rules of care and cultivation of the plant, you can get up to 3 or more kg of vegetables from one bush.

The main advantages of the Hawaiian pineapple tomato variety are:

  1. Mid-season fruit ripening.
  2. The plants are unpretentious to care and have excellent disease resistance.
  3. The fruits are large, juicy, fleshy with excellent taste.
  4. Plants are not afraid of temperature changes.
  5. Tomato seeds can be released and used for planting next year.
  6. Tomato fruits are universal in use.

The disadvantages are:

  1. Requirement of tomatoes in fertilizing.
  2. High growth.
  3. The need for regular tying and mulching of bushes.

Growing rules

Hawaiian pineapple tomatoes are grown using the same method as other types of tomatoes. First, seeds are planted, seedlings are grown, and then they are transplanted into open ground or into a greenhouse. It is not difficult to achieve a high vegetable yield; the main thing is to carry out all the necessary care measures in a timely manner.

It is known that tomatoes prefer sandy loam soils and do not take root well in acidic soil. In the fall, the proposed plot of land must be dug up and the necessary fertilizing in the form of mineral and organic compounds applied.

In the spring, this procedure is repeated so that the soil is better enriched and future plants are sufficiently saturated with the necessary elements. To sow seeds, you should also prepare the ground.

You can do this yourself, or purchase a ready-made substrate.

To prepare a mixture for growing tomatoes, the following components are often mixed:

  1. Wood sawdust.
  2. Superphosphate.
  3. A small amount of regular soil.
  4. Wood ash.
  5. It is also allowed to use potassium, nitrogen compounds and other fertilizers.

Before preparing the substrate, sawdust is soaked in water and then steamed in a solution of ammonium nitrate or potassium permanganate for disinfection. Then the remaining components are added, mixed and placed in containers, pots or special boxes.

Note! Containers for planting should have small holes to allow air exchange and avoid stagnation of liquid.

Sowing seeds

Tomato seeds of the Hawaiian pineapple variety must be planted at the end of March or beginning of April, that is, 60-65 days before the intended transplantation of seedlings into open ground or a greenhouse.

Seeds are planted in pre-prepared containers with soil according to the following scheme:

  1. The soil is thoroughly moistened with warm water.
  2. Small furrows are made in the ground.
  3. The seeds are immersed in them sparingly.
  4. After planting, the containers are watered and placed in a room where there is optimal temperature, humidity and light.

In order not to waste your time in vain, the seeds can be pre-tested for suitability. To do this, they are lowered into the water and see which specimens float up, are removed, and those that remain at the bottom are used for planting.

Interesting! For fast and friendly growth of seedlings, seeds can be treated with growth preparations and disinfected with a manganese solution before growing.

Transplanting seedlings

It is necessary to replant Hawaiian pineapple tomato seedlings in the afternoon; you should choose a time when the weather is clear and warm. This way the plants acclimatize faster and get used to new environmental conditions.

The area reserved for tomatoes should be thoroughly dug up and the necessary fertilizers applied. Afterwards, shallow holes are dug in a row. They are spaced 40 cm apart from each other, and an interval of 0.5 m is maintained between rows.

Seedlings are immersed in the resulting holes up to almost half their length. Sprinkle earth on top and tamp lightly. After the beds are watered.

READ MORE: Accordion tomato characteristics and description of the variety, yield with photos

To do this, it is better to use liquid at room temperature or slightly warmer.

Note! When replanting, many summer residents and gardeners recommend forming a bush of 2-3 stems.

Care technology

In order to get a rich harvest of Hawaiian pineapple tomatoes in the summer, you need to provide at least minimal care for them. It involves timely transplanting of seedlings, watering plants, hilling the soil, and destroying weeds and pests. Also disease control, tying, mulching bushes and timely harvesting.

Water the tomatoes daily with water at room temperature. Water is directed only under the root system, avoiding contact of leaves and stems with it, in order to prevent the greenery from being burned by the sun's rays. It is also important to consider weather conditions when watering. If it rains, watering is skipped. On the contrary, in hot weather, plants are watered more intensively.

Diseases and pests are controlled through the use of insecticides, as well as through timely care of plantings.

Diseases and pests

If you care for tomatoes incorrectly, various diseases may appear. More often, Hawaiian pineapple tomatoes are affected by any form of rot, mosaic, late blight, black leg, spotting and other diseases.

Such conditions lead to disruption of growth and development, as a result of which the plants wither, the leaves dry out, turn yellow, curl and fall off. The fruits are also affected and the bush dies completely.

Frequent tomato pests include aphids, wireworms, mole crickets and other types of insects. They also negatively affect the overall development of tomatoes and can lead to their death.


Elizaveta, 52 years old

“I am very pleased with growing the Hawaiian Pineapple tomato variety. The vegetables are mid-season, the fruits are large with excellent taste and beautiful color. The only drawback is its high growth, which requires frequent tying and shaping of the bush.”


I really like it when salted, it turns out elastic, does not spread, and the skin does not crack. Salts well and has a delicate taste. The variety is very productive, the entire bush is hung to the top with red icicles.

Favorite pickling variety. I plant it in a greenhouse; three bushes are enough for us. They grow right up to the ceiling, and the plants are quite spreading even when grown in two stems. I have never been sick with anything, it grows until frost. The tomatoes grow very evenly, long with a small nose, smooth and shiny. The brushes will sing almost simultaneously. In terms of weight, I usually have 100-120 grams. For pickling, I use only tomatoes of this variety; I have salted others before, but I liked this one the most in taste and consistency.

There are no similar entries.

Planting and care

You don't have to do anything special to grow plants. It is important to carry out all standard agricultural techniques in a timely manner. And the plant will thank you with a high yield.

They use the seedling growing method. Tomatoes are planted 60 days before planting in a permanent place. The period is calculated individually; the later it becomes warm in the region, the later the seedlings are planted.

  • Picking into individual containers.
  • Hardening before planting in the ground, getting used to the sun and other natural phenomena.
  • Feeding with growth-stimulating drugs.

If all requirements are met, strong seedlings grow, which experience less stress after being transferred to the ground.

Up to 5 plants are placed per 1 m2. Water them in the evening, the water should be warm. Hilling and weeding is necessary to prevent various diseases.

Planting in a greenhouse

Good and high-quality seedlings - strong, not overgrown, with 8-9 true leaves. When planting, follow the scheme: two plants per square meter.

The holes are shed with warm water, the seedlings are carefully planted, and sprinkled with earth. It is advisable to choose a cloudy day for planting or transplant tomato seedlings in the late afternoon.

Temperature in the greenhouse: +20ºC…+25ºC, at night – not lower than +18ºC. It is also necessary to observe air humidity indicators - 55-65%, since dry air is also harmful to tomatoes, as is high humidity.

ON A NOTE! A greenhouse with tomatoes must be ventilated (vents, windows, doors), especially in hot and rainy weather.

The presence of shade in the greenhouse is not allowed; tomatoes should receive as much light and solar heat as possible. Aventyuniai loves warmth and light, and high yields cannot be obtained if the plants are shaded.

Famous high-yielding low-growing varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse

Many gardeners do not have time for pinching, forming bushes, or properly distributing tomato clusters. That is why they choose the best low-growing varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse, in other words, non-sapling ones, since they are extremely easy to care for. Even novice gardeners can cope with the intricacies of agricultural technology.

There are a great many such varieties. Among similar vegetable crops that can be grown in greenhouses, it is worth noting the following versions:

  1. "Orange Princess";
  2. "Duckling";
  3. "Little Red Riding Hood";
  4. "Magus H";
  5. "Aztec".

Variety "Azhur F1"

Numerous reviews of the Azhur F1 tomato indicate the excellent characteristics of this hybrid form of the plant. This variety is low-growing and is excellent for growing in a greenhouse. The height of the standard bushes of the plant ranges from 60-90 cm.

But summer residents appreciate other properties in this variety. The hybrid is resistant to most diseases, including root and blossom end rot, and its fruits are not afraid of cracking.

Another description of the variety and characteristics of the Azhur tomato allow us to talk about the plant’s resistance to temperature fluctuations and adverse weather conditions.

Variety "Betta"

Not only this hybrid variety is very popular with summer residents who prefer to cultivate low-growing tomatoes in greenhouses. Among such crops, Betta tomatoes deserve special attention.

This vegetable crop pleases not only with its short growth, but also with the speed of fruit ripening. These are ultra-early ripening tomatoes, which are characterized by unpretentiousness and ease of cultivation. When describing the Betta tomato, gardeners note the variety’s resistance to low temperatures.

Another advantage is that the tomato is without pinching, and tying up the plant is not required.

Among other tomatoes suitable for growing in a greenhouse, there is o. It is necessary to make a reservation right away that this variety does not belong to the category of low-growing, since it reaches a height of 190-210 cm. But reviews of the Watermelon tomato are the most positive, since the appearance of the vegetables and their taste are excellent.

"Axanta" is another tomato suitable for cultivation in greenhouse conditions. This variety is very compact and neat. A detailed description of the Axantha tomato also allows us to talk about:

  • large-fruited;
  • high yield;
  • possibilities of growing in open ground;
  • no need for tying;
  • excellent taste.

There are also low-growing varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses, which are well known to many gardeners. An excellent solution is the Aztec vegetable crop. The dwarf version can also be grown on balconies and in apartments. This type of tomato can be planted in flower pots and small tubs. The variety is often classified as cherry.

Many gardeners give good reviews about the Semenych tomato. The height of this vegetable crop usually does not exceed 1 m. The fruits of this variety are optimally suited for canning. The tomatoes are medium in size. They have a pleasant taste with a spicy, expressive sourness. The dense skin of hybrid vegetables perfectly protects them from cracking and deformation.

The Admiralteysky tomato, which is characterized by its small height, is also suitable for growing in a greenhouse. It ranges from 50 to 100 cm.

Among other features of the vegetable crop, it is worth noting the high yield, friendly yield of fruits, and excellent taste of the tomato. Their flesh is very dense, juicy, and fleshy.

The variety, which can also be cultivated in open beds, belongs to the salad category. However, the fruits obtained from these bushes can be used for pickling and canning.

But the variety cannot be called short-growing, since its bushes are very tall and powerful. They grow up to 1.5-2 m. That is why they definitely need tying to a net or trellis and pinching. The resulting harvest is universal.

Vegetables are good in salads, fresh, and in winter wraps.

Another wonderful variety recommended for cultivation in a greenhouse is the Ashkelon tomato, which produces a rich harvest.

This hybrid variety is also not short-growing, since its height usually reaches 1.8 m. The main advantage of the vegetable crop is its resistance to yellow leaf curl virus, Fusarium and Verticillium wilt, and tobacco mosaic virus.

Many gardeners give numerous positive reviews about the Ballerina tomato. This low-growing tomato variety is excellent for greenhouses and film shelters. The bushes of this plant are small and compact. They do not grow more than 60 cm in height. Summer residents also highly value other features of this vegetable crop.

The variety is attractive:

  1. resistance to fungi;
  2. the ability to resist pests;
  3. excellent taste of the fruit;
  4. short ripening period of tomatoes.

Among other varieties stands o. This is an ideal solution for greenhouse and greenhouse conditions. The low-growing plant is surprisingly productive.

If you adhere to the basic rules of agricultural technology and properly care for such tomatoes throughout the season, then from 1 bush you can get about 40 kg of ripe, tasty vegetables of a rich orange hue.

The Grandmother's Gift tomato is intended exclusively for indoor soil, attracting gardeners with its unique properties. It can be cultivated in glass, film and polycarbonate greenhouses and greenhouses.

It is resistant to powdery mildew, late blight, fusarium, tobacco mosaic virus and cladosporiosis.

Another excellent solution for a greenhouse is the Family F1 tomato, the height of which varies from 50 to 100 cm.

This hybrid variety is characterized by high yield, resistance to adverse factors, and excellent taste of ripe vegetables. The “Family” hybrid allows you to harvest about 18 kg of delicious ripe tomatoes from just 1 m².

This vegetable crop is considered universal, but it is important to allow the fruits to fully ripen on the bushes. Only compliance with this condition ensures excellent taste of vegetables.

READ MORE: Rudolph apple tree description and characteristics of the variety, pros and cons, cultivation

This variety is often cultivated for commercial purposes, since the ripe fruits tolerate long-term transportation well. Ripe vegetables are often used to make juices, salads, purees, sauces and soups.

They are tasty fresh, but whole-fruit rolls for the winter are especially appetizing.

Relatively recently, the Babushkino Lukoshko tomato was developed, which immediately attracted the interest of farmers and private gardeners. The variety was born only in 2015, but some of its features are already known.

Breeders indicate the need to cultivate plants in greenhouses or greenhouses. But the Babushkino Lukoshko tomato is unlikely to be undersized.

The exact height of the variety has not yet been indicated, but it is believed that it will reach 1.5 m.

The Alesi F1 tomato, which belongs to the category of hybrid crops, is also suitable for growing in a greenhouse. This variety is good for year-round cultivation indoors. Gardeners like this variety with its early fruit ripening period. Vegetables are distinguished by good transportability, dense structure and skin, which prevents tomatoes from cracking and deforming.

The low-growing Havana cigar tomato is an excellent solution for greenhouses and film shelters.

An amazing feature of the variety, according to reviews from gardeners and comments from breeders, is its high yield. From each branch of the bushes of this vegetable crop you can pick up to 30 ripe, tasty, juicy fruits. That is why the long-fruited variety is often called a real champion in terms of productivity.

Many summer residents give excellent reviews about the Red Banana tomato. According to them, bushes of this variety grow up to 120 cm in height. So the variety cannot be called undersized. However, the vegetable crop gives an excellent harvest when grown in greenhouses.

The variety allows you to harvest up to 3 kg of delicious, richly colored fruits from each bush. To obtain abundant harvests of this crop, it is recommended to systematically feed the plant, provide it with optimal watering and access to a light source.

Hybrid tomato Grandma's Pride F1 is another popular variety intended for cultivation in closed ground. An early-ripening vegetable crop usually grows up to 50-70 cm. You can get up to 5.5 kg of vegetables from each bush. The fruits of this variety perform well in pickling. Vegetables are delicious in salads, stewing, canning, and fresh.

Positive reviews about the Afen F1 tomato made this variety very attractive among gardeners. The hybrid is recommended for cultivation indoors, but it cannot be classified as a low-growing variety.

Its bushes can grow very large in height. Gardeners are attracted to this hybrid form by the excellent taste of the fruit and resistance to most known diseases.

The vegetable crop is unpretentious and simple in agricultural technology.

It is also worth noting low-growing varieties of tomatoes that can be grown in greenhouses and in urban apartments. These varieties include tomatoes:

  • "Akulina";
  • "Bullfinch";
  • "Severenok";
  • "North F1".

Listed above are only the most famous high-yielding tomato varieties suitable for growing in greenhouses. As practice and reviews from gardeners show, there are much more such vegetable crops.

Fruiting of the Banana Legs variety

The first thing gardeners pay attention to is the color and shape of the vegetable. The shape of this plant is strikingly different from other round tomato fruits.

Banana legs even somewhat resemble fruit from exotic countries. The color of the variety is bright yellow, this is an important distinguishing feature of the plant. Unripe fruits have a delicate green tint, which disappears as soon as the fruit ripens. Banana legs are a raceme variety with up to 14 fruits growing on each branch. Vegetables ripen at the same time, which is convenient in terms of harvesting and preparing tomatoes.

The weight of one fruit does not exceed 80 grams. This is if we talk about growing plants in open ground. By growing the variety in a greenhouse, you can get a fruit weighing up to 130 grams. The tomato can grow up to 12 centimeters long. The taste of tomatoes is also very different from ordinary varieties. Tomatoes have fleshy, tender flesh with very few seeds.

And the skin of the tomato is very dense, which is very important when preserving. The taste is slightly sweet, with a slight sourness and a subtle hint of lemon

Important to know: The Banana Legs plant should not be pinched, but they cannot do without pinching. Fruits can be stored for quite a long time without changing the taste and density.

They tolerate long-term transportation well, if collected and packaged unripe.

Fruits can be stored for quite a long time without changing the taste and density. They tolerate long-term transportation well if collected and packaged unripe.

Tomato Hawaiian pineapple: characteristics and description of the variety, reviews, yield, photos

The criteria for choosing a variety are not only external signs and characteristics, but also the yield of the species. From 1 m2 you can get up to 12 kg of fruit. One plant produces about 2 kg.

The scope of application is wide, since the fruits are universal. They are used for:

  • Whole fruit canning.
  • Preparation of juices, sauces, ketchups, tomato paste.
  • Fresh salads and table decorations.

"Hawaiian Cigar" is a champion in terms of positive reviews regarding the taste of pickled fruits.

Disease susceptibility

No immunity to disease. Therefore, timely prevention against various viruses, fungi, and parasites is necessary.

Treatment with chemicals is possible only before the tomatoes bloom. After this, it is better to use folk remedies, soapy water, peeling decoction and other methods.

What summer residents say about Havana cigar tomatoes

To get more complete information about the tomato variety, it is better to look for reviews from gardeners. They share their impressions and give advice.

  • Nina Alekseevna. I planted tomatoes for the first time. Mainly to see if they really taste as good when marinated as others say. Next year will tell. Then a decision will be made about whether to grow them.

Cigar-shaped tomatoes attract not only their shape, but also the excellent taste of pickled fruits.

The Havana cigar tomato has a unique shape, which is why it got its unusual name. Farmers choose Havana cigar for planting in their gardens due to its large yields and excellent taste. A detailed description of the variety allows a summer resident who does not yet have much experience in growing tomatoes to make the right choice.

How to grow tomatoes

The soil for the beds is prepared in advance, 2 weeks in advance. The soil is dug up and wood ash is added. The holes are made no deeper than 20 cm and filled with warm water.


Planting pattern: 50 cm - distance between seedlings, 55 cm - row spacing. Transplant into prepared holes in the evening or on a cloudy day when the sun does not shine at full strength. The seedlings are installed vertically and buried down to the first leaves. After transplantation, the holes are compacted and watered with warm water.

Further care of the tomato Gift for a woman

Proper care of a tomato consists of moderate watering and timely application of fertilizing.

Regular watering is established as the seedlings get used to the new conditions. Water 2 times a week in normal weather. On dry or rainy days, watering is carried out as needed. Water only with settled water, at the roots of the plants.

After watering, the soil is loosened and weeds are removed. Weeds not only take nutrients from the soil that are necessary for the full growth of seedlings, but also serve as a good shelter for many pests. Therefore, the proximity of tomatoes to them is undesirable.

To prevent the beds from drying out and remaining moist longer, they are mulched with peat or straw. In addition, mulching protects the beds from ground pests.

Tomato crops are fed at least 3 times during the entire growing season: during flowering, during the formation of ovaries and at the time of fruiting. Feeding is a full complex of minerals or organic matter.

During the flowering period, they are fed mainly with phosphorus substances with the addition of boric acid. And at the time of fruiting, potassium substances are added for faster fruit filling. From organic matter, use mullein infusion or chicken manure in a ratio of 1:10.

Features of care and possible difficulties

The hybrid does not require pinching, which makes caring for it much easier. There are few lateral shoots; they not only do not take away nutrients from the plant, but also do not interfere with receiving the required amount of light. But it is advisable to remove the lower leaves before the first fruitful branch, since with constant contact with wet beds they can rot and provoke an outbreak of fungal infections.

Despite their small growth, the bushes are tied to a reliable support, otherwise the stem will not withstand the weight of the fruit-bearing branches. When transplanting, a wooden or metal support is installed next to each seedling. The stem is fixed immediately after planting in the ground, and the fruitful branches are tied up as they develop.

Diseases and pests

The hybrid genes contain high resistance to diseases such as late blight, tobacco mosaic and blossom end rot. But for prevention, experienced gardeners treat seedlings after planting in the ground with fungicidal agents. This is quite enough to protect the bushes from infections throughout the season.

To prevent pests from entering tomato beds, strongly smelling herbs are planted or the plants are sprayed with nettle infusions.

Treating the stem with a soap solution will protect against aphids, and installing pheromone traps next to the tomatoes will protect against flying whiteflies.

A thorough inspection of each seedling will help to prevent the occurrence of disease and pest invasion in time.

This is an integral preventive measure that no gardener should forget about.

What is a Havana Cigar tomato?

The characteristics of the plant can be represented by the following qualities:

  1. Liana-shaped tomato bush.
  2. Maximum height - 2 m.
  3. Each cluster can produce from 5 to 7 fruits.
  4. The plant is mid-season, full ripening of the crop occurs 115 days after the appearance of the first shoots.

Tomatoes are characterized by their deep red color and cigar-shaped shape. Each fruit can reach a weight of 200 g, they are quite dense. The peel of tomatoes is highly durable, so they can be transported over long distances without the risk of losing a large number of fruits. Tomatoes can be stored in proper conditions for 1-1.5 months - they will not spoil.

Characteristics of the tree and fruits

The Tamaris cherry variety is compact; the height of an adult tree does not exceed 2.5 m; lower specimens are more common. The tree is considered low-growing, the crown is wide, rounded, but sparse.

The shoots are large, the leaves are medium-sized, narrow, oval, with jagged edges. At the base of the leaflets there are 1-2 small dark reddish glands.

Cherry blossoms late, with pink-white flowers with rounded petals. Large fruits weighing up to 5 g ripen from mid-July to early August.

Brown spots appear on overripe fruits. Don't worry - they don't rot, and such inclusions don't affect the taste of the cherries.

Cherry planting

You just need to follow a certain algorithm:

  1. It is necessary to dig a hole measuring 50 by 50 cm and place a peg in it.
  2. You need to check that it includes the entire root of the seedling with straightened roots.
  3. Drainage is placed at the bottom, and then a nutrient mixture, which includes the following components:
  • humus - 1 bucket;
  • superphosphate - 40 g;
  • potassium chloride - 25 g;
  • wood ash - 1 kg.

It is recommended to place the seedling in a hole on the north side of the peg

It is important to thoroughly straighten the rhizome and only then sprinkle it with soil. The earth is compacted, a circle around the trunk is made, and the plant is watered abundantly - at least 2 buckets per tree. The surrounding area is being mulched.

Growing the variety

Let's look at how the variety is planted and cared for. The variety can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions.

Like many other tomatoes, the Hawaiian tomato is grown in seedlings. It is recommended to plant the sprouts in separate containers 2 months before they are planned to be planted in a permanent place. The longer the cold season in the area where cultivation is planned, the later the seedlings should be planted.

In this case, it is necessary to follow several mandatory techniques:

  1. Diving seedlings into several containers.
  2. Mandatory hardening of seedlings before moving them to a permanent place. Preparing plants for sunlight and other natural phenomena.
  3. Constant feeding of the soil with the help of special preparations that will make plants grow faster.

If you comply with all the above requirements, the seedlings will be much stronger and will not experience much stress when you transplant the bushes to a permanent place in the ground or greenhouse.

It is recommended to place no more than five bushes per 1 m² of soil. Watering the plants is carried out in the evening, and you need to monitor the water temperature - it should be warm. Hilling and weeding also need to be done at certain intervals. This will prevent plants from being damaged by common diseases.

When choosing this variety, summer residents pay attention not only to the strange appearance, but also to the yield of the variety. With 1 m², a farmer, under proper conditions, can get about 12 kg of tomatoes. On average, 2 kg of fruits are harvested from one bush.

Thanks to the excellent taste of tomatoes and their thick skin, which prevents the fruit from cracking, they have gained such popularity among gardeners. Reviews from summer residents indicate that tomato can be widely used in cooking.

Some prefer to can these tomatoes whole, others eat them exclusively fresh and add them to salads, many are inclined to believe that tomatoes produce very tasty juice and puree. Tomatoes are also suitable for making gravies, sauces, and ketchups. They make excellent vegetable snacks, side dishes and hot dishes.

The “Havana Cigar” variety was appreciated even by the truest gourmets of tomato preparations. This tomato is famous for its high and stable yields of excellent quality fruits, which are ideally suited for various winter preparations and pickles.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The advantages of the variety include:

  • consistently high productivity;
  • unusual and beautiful shape of the fruit;
  • excellent taste of pickled and salted fruits;
  • excellent keeping quality and transportability of tomatoes;
  • tomatoes do not crack and do not lose their appearance even when transported over long distances;
  • long fruiting period;
  • indeterminate plants allow rational use of greenhouse space.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • fruits are too dense for fresh consumption;
  • long-term fruiting is possible only in a greenhouse;
  • requires pinching and tying up throughout the season.

If it’s your family’s tradition to salt tomatoes grown in your own garden, then you will appreciate the “Havana Cigar” variety. Without requiring much effort and effort, this tomato will bring a large harvest of high-quality fruits.

Agricultural technology

Sowing seeds

Tomatoes with medium ripening periods, which include the “Havana Cigar” variety, are recommended to be sown 60 days before transplanting into the greenhouse. Each summer resident can determine the transplant date from which the sowing time should be counted, based on the geographical location of his region. Characteristic features of this period are the absence of night frosts and the air temperature not lower than 15 degrees during the daytime and not lower than 10 degrees at night.

Land for planting is stored in the fall or special soil for tomatoes is purchased in the spring. In any case, immediately before planting, the composition is disinfected using any of numerous methods. For example, pour a solution of potassium permanganate or pour boiling water over it.

READ MORE: Tomato Rosamarin F1: reviews, characteristics and description of the variety, photos, yield

Self-collected seeds should be processed to reduce the risk of disease. To do this, they are soaked for a day in a brown iodine solution. Then washed and dried. Additionally, you can treat the planting material with growth stimulants. You can buy them ready-made or prepare them from what you have on hand. Here are some recipes:

  • aloe juice, squeezed from three-year-old leaves of the plant and diluted in half with water;
  • undiluted potato juice from pre-frozen vegetables;
  • honey solution (teaspoon per glass of water).

Each of these solutions has a large number of useful substances, including biologically active ones, which have a positive effect on seed germination and strengthen the immunity of future plants.

Prepared seeds are sown in common containers. After germination in the phase of two or three true leaves, the strongest seedlings are selected and planted in individual pots.

Seedling care

Caring for small tomatoes is simple, but at the same time very important. It comes down to meeting the following conditions:

  • air temperature: during the day 18-22°C and at night 9-10°C;
  • twelve-hour daylight hours (additional illumination when there is a lack of natural light);
  • regular but moderate watering (avoid getting water on the leaves of the plants);
  • air humidification during the heating season;
  • fertilizing if necessary.

The originator of the variety recommends forming plants of this variety into 2 main stems to obtain maximum yields. This means that after transplanting into the ground, in addition to the main stem of the plant, it is necessary to leave another shoot for growth. It is easy to identify: this is the strongest stepson that will appear on the main trunk, after 6-8 leaves under the first fruit cluster of the plant.

The remaining side shoots must be removed during the entire fruiting period, leaving small stumps of 1-3 cm. In addition, it is necessary to periodically lighten the plants, that is, remove the leaves under each fruit cluster after the fruit has set on it. The lower leaves of the bushes must also be removed; they no longer play a role in the process of photosynthesis, but late blight is the first to be affected.

The planting scheme with this design of bushes should be as free as possible. More than three plants should not be planted per square meter. There are vegetable growers who prefer, despite the recommendations of manufacturers, to plant tomatoes in one main trunk. In this case, up to four bushes can be planted per square meter. The best option is to plant plants in two rows in a checkerboard pattern.

Since the Havana Cigar variety is a tomato with an unlimited growth type, the crown of the main stem is pinched off about a month before the onset of stable cold weather. To do this, after the uppermost fruit cluster with already set tomatoes, leave a few leaves, and break off everything higher. This procedure will stop the growth of the plant and allow all the fruits to fill and ripen.

An important component of the entire process of caring for tomatoes of this type is tying up the bushes. The liana-like stems of this variety tend to fall onto the garden bed after transplantation. Therefore, they are immediately tied up and continue to do so throughout the season as the stems grow. Tall metal fittings, strong wooden stakes, and coarse mesh are suitable as supports. Well-tied tomatoes receive more light and oxygen, which means they get sick less and bear fruit better.

Watering and fertilizing

This variety does not require special agricultural techniques for watering. It is necessary to ensure that the water temperature is not lower than 22 degrees, and that drops do not fall on the leaves and stems. It is important to water regularly. The impressive size of the vegetative mass of plants and a large number of fruits require sufficient moisture. If you overdry the soil and then overwater it, the fruits begin to shrink and crack.

Over a long period of fruiting, plants take all nutrients from the soil and therefore it is necessary to feed Havana Cigar tomatoes at least three times a season. The first time - two weeks after planting, the second - during the flowering period of the 2nd cluster, and the third - after harvesting the first tomatoes. The composition and norms of fertilizing are determined based on the condition of the soil and focusing on the appearance of the plants.

The harvesting method depends on how the fruits are planned to be used in the future. For immediate fresh consumption, fully ripened tomatoes are removed from the bush, as they are stored for no more than 5-10 days. The same ripe fruits are used for juices, tomato pastes and lecho. Large volumes of crops are well stored until they are salted or pickled if they are collected in their brown form. For long-term storage, tomatoes are collected at the stage of milky ripeness or green.

It is important to remember that only healthy tomatoes without signs of damage are suitable for long-term storage. It is best to harvest in the morning and in dry weather, when the fruits are most elastic. For storage, it is more rational to use wooden boxes, the bottom of which is lined with straw. The tomatoes themselves are tightly wrapped in paper and laid in two or three layers, with the stalks facing up. In cellar conditions and protected from excess light, the fruits are stored for several months.

To store the tomato harvest on balconies or loggias at temperatures up to five degrees below zero, it is good to use the same wooden boxes, but filled with heat-insulating material (polyurethane foam balls). Such material will not allow the fruits to wrinkle and protect them from frost.

A week before the planned use, the stocks with the harvest are moved to a warm place, where the fruits will immediately begin to ripen and will be ready for consumption in 3-5 days.

Advice! Before storing tomatoes for long-term storage, wipe them well with vodka or diluted alcohol. This treatment will destroy all bacteria and extend the shelf life.

If you allow the bushes to become infected with diseases, then there is practically no chance of saving the plants. Sick seedlings will have to be mercilessly removed from the garden. Therefore, it is better to follow the basic rules for maintaining plantings and carry out regular preventive treatments.

Basic content rules include:

  • disinfect the greenhouse twice a year (spring and autumn);
  • annually replace the top layer of soil in the greenhouse, or carry out its disinfection;
  • in the fall, burn the tops or take them outside the site;
  • When watering, avoid getting water on the plants;
  • regularly ventilate the greenhouse;
  • avoid mixed plantings (only tomatoes should grow in the greenhouse);
  • Regularly carry out pinching and lightening of plants;
  • strictly follow the planting pattern.

To prevent diseases, tomatoes are sprayed with the following compounds:

  • 1 liter of yogurt and 15-20 drops of iodine are diluted in 10 liters of water;
  • per 10 liters add 35 drops of iodine and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potassium chloride;
  • pink potassium permanganate solution;
  • 300 gr. wood ash is diluted in a bucket of water, then filtered thoroughly;
  • 500 grams are infused in a bucket of water. chopped garlic for 24 hours, filter before use.

A spray bottle is best suited for processing, which will thoroughly moisten each leaf of the plants.

Tomato care

Medium-sized Aventyuniai is recommended to be grown using trellises. This will provide the tomato bushes with uniform lighting and make caring for the plants easier.

Watering depends on the weather: on hot days water more often, on cloudy days - less often. Tomatoes love plenty of watering to keep the soil well moistened. But at the same time, moisture must not get on the leaves of plants, flowers and fruits.

In greenhouses, the best option is drip irrigation, as well as watering into holes or furrows. Loosening is mandatory, as it enriches the soil with oxygen and prevents the appearance of a crust on the soil surface.

Mulching is recommended - hay, peat, sawdust. The mulch layer should be within 5-7 cm. This makes it possible to retain moisture in the soil, but at the same time avoid waterlogging, which this variety does not like so much.

To increase productivity, it is necessary to fertilize tomatoes:

  1. 20 days after planting, diluted mullein and nitrophoska are used. At least half a liter of nutritional composition is added to each plant.
  2. When the tomatoes begin to bloom, carry out a second feeding. They use superphosphate, potassium sulfate, and also diluted poultry droppings (you can also use mullein).
  3. After 10 days, the tomatoes are fed with sodium humate, potassium fertilizers, and complex formulations are used.

ON A NOTE! There are many different ready-made formulations such as Kemira Plus on sale, recommended for feeding tomatoes. They can always be used, but at the same time comply with application deadlines and standards.

Judging by the reviews of those who have already grown Aventyuniai, the tomato bears fruit best when the bush is formed into one stem. Stepchildren are removed every five days, preventing them from overgrowing.

Growing Kosovo tomatoes and preventing tomato diseases

The Kosovo tomato is a mid-late-yielding variety. Its fruits are pink, large and fleshy. Their pulp is soft, juicy, sweet, and has few seeds. Even in hot weather, good fruit set is observed. Growing this variety is not difficult if you put in the effort and be patient.

Description of Kosovo tomatoes:

  1. This variety of tomatoes has its homeland, Serbia.
  2. The fruits ripen 120-130 days after planting.
  3. The type of tomato bush of this variety is indeterminate.
  4. Height of each bush: from 180 to 200 cm.
  5. The plant has pink, large, heart-shaped fruits, weighing from 300 to 500 g.
  6. The plant forms 2-3 stems.

Pests and diseases

This tomato variety tolerates well even those conditions that are not favorable for farming. Therefore, the Kosovo variety easily withstands temperature changes, is unpretentious in care and withstands pest attacks.

But in order not to take risks, the plant is treated with special solutions for preventive purposes. For example, this could be phytosporin and copper-containing solutions. The following insects are dangerous for this tomato variety:

  1. Colorado beetles.
  2. Whiteflies.
  3. Slugs.
  4. Khrushchi.

If a massive pest invasion has begun, purchase insecticides to treat the plant.

Preparing land and material for planting

Prepare the land for growing Kosovo tomatoes in the fall. To do this, you need to dig it up and add manure. Or mix the soil with humus. The same is done in the spring, in addition, 1 tbsp is added to the ground. l. potassium chloride and 5 tbsp. l. superphosphate.

Kosovo tomatoes are tall, so seedlings need to be sown 2.5-3 months before transferring them to an open area. This is usually done at the end of February, beginning of March. Buy Kosovo tomato seeds only in specialized stores.

If you have already grown this variety before, then the seeds can be collected yourself.

How to sow plant seeds

Despite the unpretentiousness of this variety in growth and care, it is still worth creating the most favorable conditions for tomatoes in order to be satisfied with a good harvest later.

Kosovo tomatoes are a heat-loving variety, so the seeds require hardening. Thus, the plant will ripen faster by 3-7 days, and the yield will increase by 30-40%.

Seed hardening is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Hatched seeds are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate or phytosporin for 20 minutes, after which they are washed in clean water.
  2. After this, the seeds are placed in a solution of microelements or stimulants for 6 hours.
  3. Over the course of a week, the seeds are placed for 12 hours in a cold place where the temperature is 0°C.

Here are some tips for properly preparing seeds at home:

  1. Take seeds from healthy and large fruits that have a large number of ovaries.
  2. It is not necessary that the tomatoes be ripe to the ground; fruits that have already ripened at home are also suitable.

Soil preparation has already been mentioned. The sequence of planting and caring for the plant is as follows:

  1. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1.5-2 cm in moist soil. You should immediately cover them with film, and the air temperature should be 23-25°C above zero.
  2. After the sprouts appear, bring the air temperature to 15-18°C during the daytime. At night it can be reduced to 8-12°C.
  3. After two leaves appear, you can pluck the seedlings.
  4. Seedlings are fertilized once every 3 weeks.

Add the necessary fertilizers to the soil in advance, these can be:

  1. Phosphorus.
  2. Potassium.
  3. Humus.
  4. Peat compost.

Recommendations and tips for caring for seedlings

The seedlings must be properly cared for. Here are a number of tips that, if followed, will make the plant stronger and grow well:

  1. Temperature compliance is required.
  2. Sufficient lighting. If the seedlings are still on your windowsill, then provide them with access to sunlight.
  3. Moderate watering. It is better to water deeply only when the soil becomes dry.
  4. Pick up the seedlings.
  5. Feed regularly.

If you prepare the seeds correctly, carefully care for the seedlings, and follow tomato agricultural practices, then you will achieve not only a better, but also an early harvest of Kosovo tomatoes.

If you listen to the reviews of experienced gardeners and summer residents, they will claim that Kosovo tomatoes are very easy to grow, and the fruits are juicy, sweet and meaty.

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