White eggplant Bibo: characteristics, cultivation techniques

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Selection and botanical description of the culture

The described variety is a hybrid variety and was obtained at the beginning of the 21st century in Holland. A team of breeders from MONSANTO HOLLAND BV worked on developing the hybrid.

Did you know? The Golden Eggs variety is the only type of eggplant that is grown exclusively as an ornamental houseplant.

They wanted to get a new variety of eggplant that combines the good taste of vegetables, early ripening of the crop and the ability to adapt to unfavorable climatic conditions. In Russia, Bibo eggplants began to be grown in 2008.

The main characteristics of the plant are presented below:

  1. The bushes have a small height - up to 85 cm. They are moderately spreading and consist of several purple stems covered with fluffy leaves.
  2. The leaves of the plant are small and have slightly wavy edges. Painted green.
  3. On the calyxes near the base of the fruit there are frequent short spines.
  4. The fruits have an elongated oval shape. The outside of the vegetables is covered with white matte skin.
  5. The length of the fruit is 18–20 cm, and the diameter can reach 8 cm.
  6. The variety is early ripening, harvesting can be done 85–90 days after germination of the seed material.
  7. The average fruit weight is about 210–300 g; all eggplants on a bush are approximately the same size.
  8. The Bibo variety is characterized by high germination. Productivity can reach 4.8 kg per 1 sq. m.
  9. The pulp of the vegetable is white and juicy. It tastes great without any unpleasant bitterness. Unlike other varieties, vegetables of this variety do not contain poisonous solanine.
  10. Bibo eggplants are resistant to fusarium and tobacco mosaic virus, but can be attacked by the Colorado potato beetle.

Advantages and disadvantages

Bibo eggplants have become a popular variety for growing due not only to the non-standard color of the fruit, but also to their many advantages, which distinguish them from other varieties of vegetables.

  • The advantages of the Bibo variety include:
  • excellent yield;
  • good taste;
  • stable immunity to common infections and viruses;
  • good presentation of the fruit;
  • rapid ripening of vegetables;
  • ability to adapt to different climate conditions;
  • versatility of cultivation (in open ground or in a greenhouse);
  • good transportability;
  • unpretentiousness in agricultural technology.

The disadvantages of the variety include the fact that only purchased seeds can be used for planting.

Important! If you take planting material from self-grown Bibo eggplants, the characteristics of the variety are not preserved.

Where to buy eggplant seeds with delivery

The scientific and production association “Gardens of Russia” has been introducing the latest achievements in the selection of vegetable, fruit, berry and ornamental crops into the widespread practice of amateur gardening for 30 years.

The association uses the most modern technologies and has created a unique laboratory for microclonal propagation of plants.

The main task of the NPO "Gardens of Russia" is to provide gardeners with high-quality planting material for popular varieties of various garden plants and new world selections. Delivery of planting material (seeds, bulbs, seedlings) is carried out by Russian Post.

We are waiting for you to go shopping at the NGO “Gardens of Russia”.

How to grow seedlings yourself

For planting plants, it is recommended to use only seeds purchased from trusted sellers or specialized stores. In southern regions with warmer climates, Bibo eggplant seeds are sometimes immediately sown in open soil, but for the rest of the area it is best to pre-grow seedlings.

In open ground, planting material may be negatively affected by spring frosts, which will negatively affect germination.

Time for sowing

You need to sow seeds for seedlings so that by the time they are transplanted to a permanent place of cultivation, several green leaves have time to grow on it, but the sprouts are not too large.

Accordingly, the cultivation of Bibo eggplant seedlings begins at the end of February or at the beginning of March. In this case, young shoots can be planted in open ground around the end of April or beginning of May, when consistently warm weather sets in and the likelihood of night frosts disappears.

Did you know? People began to eat eggplant only in the 18th century.

before this time it was used for decorative and medicinal purposes.

The soil

In order for Bibo eggplant seeds to receive all the necessary beneficial elements for growth, it is recommended to plant them in nutritious and loose soil.

You can buy it in specialized stores or prepare it yourself from the following components:

  • chernozem - 50%;
  • peat - 25%;
  • sand - 25%.

Before planting seeds, it is recommended to thoroughly bake the soil in the oven for disinfection. Then the containers for seedlings are filled with this mixture and the soil is watered so that it is saturated with moisture and settles.

Growing container

Seedlings of the Bibo variety are grown in small individual containers filled with soil. It is not recommended to use a common container for growing several seedlings in it, since in this case the young plants will need to be picked, and this procedure is not well tolerated by eggplants of the specified variety.

If you still grow sprouts in one common box, then they must be picked very carefully, preserving the earthen lump formed around the roots of the sprout.

As an individual container for sprouts you can use:

  • peat cups;
  • small wooden boxes;
  • small plastic containers;
  • "diapers" from plastic bags.

In this case, the volume of the container for Bibo eggplant seedlings must be at least 400 ml.

Seed preparation

Before sowing seeds for seedlings, you should carefully read the instructions on the package. If it indicates that the seed has undergone the necessary processing, then you can immediately begin sowing it. But it also happens that purchased seeds are not processed by the manufacturer, so you need to prepare them yourself.

The process of preparing Bibo eggplant seeds for planting consists of the following important steps:

  1. Quality checking. Planting material is placed in a glass of clean water. After 20–25 minutes, low-quality seeds float to the surface - they need to be discarded.
  2. Sterilization. The seeds are immersed in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes to get rid of possible infections. After sterilization, the seeds are washed well with water.
  3. Growth stimulator. The germination rate of Bibo eggplant seeds is very high, so this preparation step is not necessary. But if you wish, you can soak the planting material in a growth stimulant solution for 10 hours so that it sprouts faster.
  4. Drying. After all the described procedures, the planting material is laid out on a paper napkin and dried for 1–2 hours at room temperature.

Sowing seeds

After all procedures for preparing the soil and planting material have been completed, you can begin planting the seeds. This process does not require special knowledge; it is enough to follow standard recommendations.

Important! You need to water the planted seeds with a small amount of water, gently spraying it over the surface of the soil.
Step-by-step instructions for sowing Bibo eggplant seeds for seedlings are presented below:

  1. Make small depressions in the soil. If one common box is selected for sowing seedlings, then the distance between adjacent recesses should be at least 5 cm.
  2. Place the seeds 1.5–2 cm into the prepared holes.
  3. Sprinkle the planting material with loose soil.
  4. Cover the container with seeds with film and place in a well-lit, warm place (at least +22°C).
  5. If necessary, lightly irrigate the soil in containers with planted seeds. In such conditions, green shoots appear in 1–1.5 weeks.

Seedling care

Typically, sprouts from seeds appear in early March, when it is still cold outside and daylight hours are not long enough, so young seedlings need to be provided with good lighting and grown in a warm room.

The main features of caring for Bibo eggplant seedlings are presented below:

  • after the bulk of the seeds have sprouted, the room with the seedlings needs to be maintained at a temperature of about +18 °C for several days. The seedlings are then grown at normal room temperature;
  • for better growth, seedlings are placed in a well-lit place, and when it gets dark outside, they turn on phytolamps for artificial lighting;
  • You cannot place containers with seedlings in a draft - this will destroy the young shoots;
  • if the seeds were planted in a common container, then after a pair of leaves appear on the sprouts, the seedlings are picked into individual containers, while maintaining an earthen ball around the roots;
  • for normal growth, after 2-3 green leaves appear on the sprouts, nitrogen-containing and potassium fertilizers are applied to stimulate the growth of green mass;
  • 7–12 days before the planned replanting, fertilizing consisting of phosphorus and potassium is once again applied to the open ground;
  • Watering the sprouts is carried out only at the root every 5–7 days. For the procedure, warm water with a temperature of +22…+24°C is used.

Find out also what hybrids of white eggplants there are.

Hardening of seedlings

In order for Bibo eggplant seedlings to better tolerate transplantation into open ground, it is recommended to harden off young plants. This procedure should be started about a week before the planned planting of the sprouts in a permanent place, when the seedlings have already grown well and become stronger.

For hardening, containers with seedlings are taken outside. In the first days, you should leave it outdoors for no more than 20–30 minutes. This time is gradually increased, bringing it to several hours by the end of the week.

Planting seedlings in a permanent place

Bibo eggplants can be grown in open ground or in greenhouses. The second option is less common, as it requires a spacious greenhouse. To transplant seedlings into a greenhouse, the sprouts must be old enough and have at least 7 green leaves.

In the greenhouse itself, the temperature during the day should be +24...+28°C, and at night - at least +20°C. But most often, seedlings of the described variety are transplanted directly into open ground: we will consider a detailed description of this process later in the article.

Optimal timing

Depending on the growing region, replanting Bibo eggplant sprouts can be carried out in the first half of May or early June. At the time of transplantation, the seedlings should be sufficiently strong and have 5-6 green leaves. Typically, sprouts reach these indicators at the age of 2 months.

Did you know? From a scientific point of view, eggplant is a berry, but in everyday life it is called a vegetable.

When replanting, it is necessary to take into account climatic conditions so that the sprouts are not subject to night frosts, which can destroy young plants. You can plant eggplant seedlings in open ground only after it has warmed up sufficiently to a depth of about 10–12 cm.

The soil temperature should be at least +14°C with an air temperature of about +20°C. It is recommended to replant seedlings in cloudy weather so that the bright sun does not destroy the young plants.

Site selection and crop rotation

To grow Bibo eggplants, you need to choose a suitable plot of the garden. Its preparation must begin in advance so that the plants grow in nutritious soil and produce a rich harvest.

The basic requirements for a site for growing Bibo eggplants are:

  • vegetables require a lot of space to grow, so the area for them should be spacious and large enough. For 1 sq. m area you can place no more than 6 bushes;
  • Plants are not recommended to be planted in heavy soil - the soil should be light and loose, well permeable to water and air;
  • the selected area should be well illuminated by the sun - eggplants will not produce a bountiful harvest if they grow in the shade;
  • Do not plant plants in a draft or in a windy place - this can lead to diseases of the bushes and will have a bad effect on the yield;
  • plants react poorly to excessive soil moisture, so for planting you should not choose an area with a high groundwater level;
  • the soil on the site must be nutritious - for this, organic fertilizers from manure or compost are applied in the fall in an amount of at least 1 bucket per 1 square meter. m;
  • next to the eggplant beds you can plant legumes, potatoes or greens (spinach, lettuce, basil);
  • Tomatoes, potatoes and zucchini are considered bad predecessors for Bibo vegetables;
  • it is recommended to plant eggplants in areas where carrots, beets, herbs, grains, legumes or melons were grown last year;
  • the next time you can plant eggplants in the same place only after 3–4 years.

Planting pattern and depth

Bibo eggplants are usually planted in rows on a plot. There should be at least 35 cm between bushes in one row, and it is recommended to maintain an interval of 60–65 cm between the rows themselves.

Important! Placing eggplants too close together will cause a significant reduction in yield.

Step-by-step instructions for transplanting Bibo eggplant seedlings into open ground are presented below:

  1. Dig holes 10–15 cm deep in the area, placing them according to the pattern described above.
  2. Pour 200–250 ml of warm water or an aqueous solution of mullein into the bottom of each well;
  3. Carefully remove the young sprout from the individual container along with the earthen lump and place it in the hole.
  4. Sprinkle the eggplant roots with loose soil and water the seedling a little with warm water.
  5. Mulch the soil around the young plant with straw.

Further care

After young plants have adapted to growing conditions in open ground, they need to be provided with further care.

Growing the Bibo variety is no different from growing any other variety of eggplant: for good yield, it is enough to properly water the bushes, apply fertilizers in a timely manner and monitor the condition of the soil around the plants.


Bibo eggplants require a lot of moisture to grow properly. But watering should be moderate, as plants react poorly to waterlogged soil.

Basic recommendations for watering eggplants are described below:

  • It is recommended to water the bushes at intervals of 5–7 days;
  • the soil around the plants should always be moist, but not soggy;
  • watering is carried out at the root so that water does not fall on the leaves of the plant;
  • In order to retain moisture in the soil near the roots of the bushes longer, the soil in the beds is covered with fine peat or humus after each watering.

Protecting eggplants from insect pests

At first, young and immature seedlings are hypersensitive not only to the effects of natural factors, but also to the negative influence of insect pests. Colorado beetles, which show an active interest in this crop, can destroy immature plants. These insects, having discovered nightshade plants in their habitat, willingly devour everything that is above the soil level.

In their reviews, gardeners introduce readers to another enemy of eggplants - the bug, which does not disdain the leaves of the plant, although not as voracious as the Colorado potato beetle. Therefore, like other garden crops, eggplants require special protection from insect pests and diseases common among plants of the nightshade family.


The harvest of ripe Bibo eggplants is usually harvested in the second half of August and early September. Ripe fruits are collected as they grow - approximately every 10 days. At the same time, the vegetables are medium in size, their pulp is the most tender and tasty, and contains only small seeds.

When harvesting, ripe eggplants must be carefully separated from the bush using pruning shears. An incision is made on the strong stem of the fetus, 4–5 cm from the calyx. Fresh fruits can be stored for a month in a cool and dark place at a temperature of about +2...+5°C and air humidity of 80%.

Bibo eggplants are characterized by excellent taste and lack unpleasant bitterness, which is why they are actively used in cooking:

  • fresh for preparing vegetable salads;
  • for preparing stewed vegetable stews;
  • for frying or baking in the oven;
  • for preparing delicious canned preparations for the winter.

Bibo eggplants will certainly delight the gardener with the beautiful appearance and size of the fruit, and their taste will allow you to prepare a wide variety of dishes from these vegetables for every taste. To get a bountiful harvest of fruits, plants do not need specific care - it is enough to follow the recommendations and rules that were discussed in our article.

Characteristics of the variety

Gardeners leave good reviews about the Bibo f1 eggplant fruits. Blue and white varieties are used for planting in open beds. It must be remembered that plants fully grow and bear fruit with a lack of moisture, thanks to a powerful, developed root system. However, the lack of heat can negatively affect the fruiting of Bibo eggplant.

Productivity and fruiting

The period of technical maturity of white eggplants occurs 55–65 days after planting seedlings or 75–90 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Harvesting is carried out in August – September. Only ripe, medium-sized fruits with a characteristic color are to be harvested. At this moment, the seeds are small, the pulp has a delicate consistency. If the vegetable is left on the bush for too long, the pulp begins to taste bitter and the seeds become coarse. The harvest is harvested every 8–10 days, which contributes to the faster development of new ovaries.

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