Bonduelle corn: planting and care, growing as a business

Bonduelle corn is found on the market every now and then, as it is very popular and in demand by housewives. But it’s still worth figuring out: in reality there is such a variety of corn as Banduel, in what places does it grow, or is everything built on PR stunts to significantly increase sales?

We begin to look into it and find out that there is no such Bonduelle variety. It was created in order to increase sales. By this we mean sweet corn, or rather its varieties “Bonus” and “Spirit”, which showed excellent qualities during the conservation period and beyond. They are considered annual hybrid plants and produce huge harvests within a hundred days.

Corn reaches a height of up to two meters, where the cob reaches an average of twenty-two centimeters. On natural soils, these varieties develop well and are not susceptible to fungal diseases. If we talk about grains, they are quite large, which is actually an ideal solution for canning Bonduelle corn . Consumers know that pickled corn, even after going through all the stages of heat treatment, is still very healthy, since it does not lose vitamins.

The benefits of Bonduelle corn

Young corn kernels are considered the most useful and valuable, and you should not ignore steamed dishes with this wonderful ingredient. Corn is rich in tryptophan, including fiber, and that is why the performance of housing and communal services is at a high level. You can get rid of ailments such as constipation and, without the presence of chemical additives, form a beautiful body, in particular muscle mass.

It also benefits the nervous system, as it is saturated with vitamins E, D, including B9, B3, fiber, PP, A and C. The skin acquires elasticity and bones are strengthened due to the fact that it contains calcium and phosphorus. benefits from Bonduelle corn , but do not forget that any overeating is fraught with negative consequences and corn is no exception. Considering the fact that this product is quite high in calories, you can be upset about obesity.

Benefits of growing

A detailed description of sweet corn was given above. The plant is thus tall, with a developed root system. Of course, in the Russian climate, in order to get a good harvest, this subtropical crop will need to be given some attention. However, the time investment will certainly be rewarded handsomely. Among the most healthy agricultural crops, corn occupies one of the first places. Its fruits contain a third of all microelements necessary for humans. Corn grains are also rich in all kinds of vitamins and other beneficial substances. They contain the fruits of this plant and a large amount of sugars. Hence the name of the group.

Who should avoid eating corn?

If you have the following diseases, you should exclude this product from your diet:

• diabetes;

• second or third stage obesity;

• thrombophlebitis or a tendency to develop it;

• high blood clotting;

• gastrointestinal diseases (various types of exacerbations, including increased or decreased acidity).

You should not eat this product or abuse it, since after heat treatment one hundred grams of corn contains 123 calories: fats (from 4.9 grams), fiber (from 2.1 grams), protein (from 10.8 grams) , carbohydrates (from 67.5 grams) Bonduelle corn at 170 grams per jar.

What should the soil be like?

One of the features of corn is its undemanding nature when it comes to soil composition. This plant will feel good both on podzolic soil and on black soil or even peat bog. However, it is best to plant this crop in light, well-permeable soil with water and air, with an acidity of 6-7 pH. The area for corn should be dug as deep as possible. After all, the roots of this plant can go down 1.5-2 m.

Before planting, it is advisable to apply organic fertilizers (rotted manure, humus) and some phosphorus mineral fertilizer (for example, superphosphate at the rate of 10 g/m2) into the furrow.

How Bonduelle sweet corn varieties are grown

Sowing seeds of the Spirit varieties, including Bonus, which are then called the Bonduelle brand, should be done before the May holidays or at the end of April in well-cultivated soil (up to twenty centimeters deep). The soil should warm up to +10 degrees, and if planted in cold weather, you should not wait for the seeds to germinate well. Plant according to the nesting pattern, namely: place at least four grains in each nest, the size of which should be 30 by 60 centimeters, and up to six centimeters deep. After waiting for germination, you need to leave two sprouts in each nest to prevent lodging later. It is imperative to hill up the seedlings.

Many people do not know that corn can be of different sexes. If panicles are formed on it during flowering, then it is a man, but if there are cobs in the leaf axils, then it is a woman. It is better to plant it four times to achieve high-quality pollination. If it is impossible to do this, then you cannot do without manual pollination, and for this you need to shake each ear with your own hands during the flowering period.

The seedling method of corn is observed in the northern regions (from March to April inclusive). Place corn grains in plastic cups, pre-filled with an earth mixture (sand, peat and compost in equal parts). Planted at a depth of three centimeters, watering periodically. It is necessary to feed with compost or manure before planting in open ground (about a week in advance). After this, you need to take special care of the corn, namely:

• before panicles appear, it is necessary to provide proper watering (twice), including additional watering if the top layer of soil dries out;

• when up to five leaf blades appear, special fertilizing is introduced;

• it is necessary to alternate directly with organic matter with complex fertilizers (potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen);

• row spacing must not only be weeded once every half month, but also hilled, including after fertilizing or watering;

• the number of flowers on each ear must be even, the number of seeds accordingly;

• when the seeds have reached milky maturity - harvest.

Signs of maturation

The corn harvest should be harvested on time. The grains of unripe cobs are not very tasty and are not juicy. Overexposed fruits become too hard and dry. Corn is usually harvested 20-25 days after the start of flowering - in the milky ripeness phase. During this period, the fruits of this plant contain the most sugars. The main signs of maturation are:

  • drying of the edges of the top wrappers;
  • darkening of the pistillate filaments at the top of the cob;
  • tight fit of grains to each other;
  • uniform color of all fruits.

When you press on ripe grains, their shell bursts and the milk-sugar liquid flows out.

Corn is usually harvested over several weeks at a time. The ears on the bushes are not formed simultaneously. The harvested crop should be immediately processed - boiled or canned. The fact is that when stored on the cob, the percentage of sugar content decreases very quickly. The time to harvest corn is early in the morning. It is at this time that the most sugar accumulates in grains. If you still have to store corn, it is best to first freeze it.

Where can you use Bonduelle juicy corn?

You can add it in canned form to various salads or present it as a side dish for meat dishes, including vegetables. You can consume up to 300 grams of canned products per day and no more than two cobs - boiled.

Young corn is boiled in water without hairs and leaves for up to 40 minutes. If we are talking about mature cobs - then up to one and a half hours. After cooking, you can season not only with salt, but also with black pepper.

To pamper yourself with Bonduelle corn , you can can it. Not only can you pickle grains, but also whole cobs, after cutting them in half. We proceed directly to canning and prepare not only selected corn (up to six cobs), but also sugar (60 grams), salt (20 grams), water (one liter). Place the peeled cobs in boiling water for two minutes, then add the rest of the ingredients and wait until everything dissolves. You can place whole cobs or grains, hulled with a knife, in jars.

If desired, you can add additional spices to the marinade (saffron, chili pepper, bay leaf, celery and basil). Next, add marinade to the top and place the jar in a large saucepan, first placing a towel on the bottom. Water should cover a third of the jars covered with lids. Sterilization should take up to 2.5 hours. Then you can roll it up, steam it and place it in a dark, cool place. This product can be stored for up to three years.

Main types

Corn, as a species, is divided into 9 groups in the botanical classification; this division depends on the structure and shape of the grain. Let's look at some of the types:

  • Sugar is the largest group, growing widely throughout the world. This group includes early ripening varieties such as Trophy F1, Sugar F1 and others. Fruiting occurs 12 weeks after emergence. The plants reach a height of two meters and have ears weighing up to 220 g with pleasant-tasting bright yellow grains. Mid-early varieties “Sweetstar F Hybrid” and “Pearl” with a ripening period of 3 months tolerate short-term droughts well, which do not affect the quality of the grains. They grow up to 2.5 m, with ears stretching up to 23 cm in length, 6 cm in diameter and weighing up to 200 g, with excellent taste characteristics. The color of the beans varies from lemon to deep yellow. Late-ripening varieties “Polaris” and “Bashkirovets” with ripening periods of up to 110 days perform well in unfavorable growing conditions. They reach a height of 3 m, and the golden-colored cobs grow up to 24 cm and can weigh 350 g. All varieties of sweet corn are widely used in the food industry, since when they reach ripeness, they accumulate a large amount of soluble sugars with a low percentage of starch.

Improve your health: eating Bonduelle corn

It is recommended to include corn in the diet for anemia, vascular diseases, and problems with bile excretion, since it is rich in useful minerals.

Bonduelle corn can significantly improve immunity, prevent strokes and generally take care of the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Improves digestion, including metabolism.

Even vision can be improved with the help of carotenoids, which corn is rich in, including slowing down the aging process in the body.

Seed preparation

So, the sweet corn variety has been selected and planting material has been purchased. Next you need to start preparing the seeds. In principle, they can simply be planted directly into the ground. However, the prepared material will sprout faster, and the corn itself will grow much healthier and more productive in the future. Pre-sowing preparations include the following:

  • The seeds are laid out on a sheet of paper in an even layer and placed in a sunny place for 5 days.
  • The heated material is soaked for a day in a warm solution of potassium permanganate (weak) or a growth stimulator.

Seeds prepared in this way will sprout several days faster.

Interesting facts about Bonduelle corn

Many people do not think about how versatile corn is, limiting itself only to the fact that it can be actively used in cooking. Here are some amazing facts about her:

• what we call corn is actually “maize” (zea mais);

• there are facts that even before our era, 10 thousand years ago, it was domesticated by Indians and Mexicans. They came to this conclusion after excavations were carried out in Mexico City and corn pollen was removed, and at that time its age was 55 thousand. corn seeds appeared in Europe thanks to Christopher Columbus, and Crimea already supplied Russia with it in the 17th century;

• corn is not able to bear fruit alone, as it needs pollination;

• it is impossible to find corn in the wild, since it can only grow from seeds. if the cob falls into the ground, it will definitely rot;

• corn is used in production to produce over a thousand different goods, and not only grains are consumed, including leaves and even cob wrappers. made from corn - alcohol, animal feed, industrial filters, plaster, including plastic and paste;

• With regard to the consumption of corn, the Mexicans are the leaders in this regard, since annually one Mexican can absorb up to 90 kilograms. as for an American, up to forty, an Indian - up to four, and even less for a Russian;

Bonduelle corn contains a huge amount of sugar. in order to candy over 400 cans of Coca-Cola, you will need only up to four buckets of corn, or rather its grains. but if, after harvesting, an ear of corn is left lying in the field for six hours, half the sugar is immediately lost;

• according to archaeologists, American Indians knew about popcorn 5 thousand years ago. they added sand to the corn grains and lit a fire in their immediate vicinity. from time to time the balls exploded, and the Indians happily enjoyed the popcorn;

• To prevent the corn from becoming hard during cooking, you do not need to add salt to the water. It’s not for nothing that store-bought corn is not salted, because nothing would be difficult to add salt to it already boiled;

• Cob wrappers were previously used to make balls in Colombia.

• If you remember the periodic table, then only twenty-four elements can be found in corn.

It is inconceivable that all of these events relate to Bonduelle corn , but these are facts that cannot be disputed.

Bonduelle corn + buttercream and honey

To prepare this interesting dish, which gives a delicate, piquant taste, it will take about half an hour. After draining the water from the corn, you need to heat a frying pan and fry it without oil. As soon as it is browned, it is worth seasoning with honey (up to two tablespoons). In a separate bowl, beat: cream cheese (up to 100 grams), egg (one yolk) and cream (up to 100 grams). Next, take shortbread cookies (about 50 grams) and turn them into fine crumbs. Prepare large glasses and fill them with layers: first Bonduelle corn , then pour in the cream and finish the layers with crushed biscuits. Depending on the height of the glasses, the layers can be repeated.

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