Kornevin - instructions for use for seedlings and seedlings

Author: Elena N. https://floristics.info/ru/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=19 Category: Bioregulators Published: July 29, 2014Last edits: February 20, 2020

  • Compatibility
  • Toxicity of Kornevin
  • Precautionary measures
  • First aid
  • Storage of Kornevin
  • Reviews
  • Literature
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  • Anyone who has tried to germinate seeds, replant a plant and root cuttings knows that achieving a 100% result is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, since not all seeds germinate, not all cuttings are viable and not all transplanted plants take root in a new place. Medicines called growth stimulants help minimize risks. One of the most reliable drugs in this group is Kornevin. Our story will be about the properties of this growth stimulator and how to use it.

    Purpose and general characteristics of the drug "Kornevin"

    The drug "Kornevin" has a multicomponent composition. The main active ingredient in it is indolylbutyric acid. Auxiliary - phosphorus, potassium, molybdenum and manganese.

    The name “Kornevin” itself speaks about the purpose of this drug - stimulation of the process of root development (rhizogenesis). With its help, you can more successfully perform the following manipulations:

    • cuttings of plants;
    • picking seedlings and transplanting them into the ground;
    • germination of bulbous and tuberous plants;
    • planting seedlings of shrubs and trees;
    • resuscitation of dying indoor plants.

    “Kornevin” is produced by many fertilizer manufacturers under different brands: “Fasco”, “Green Belt”, “Green Pharmacy Gardener”, “Oktyabrina Aprelevna”, “MosAgro”, “Letto”, “Novofert”. The release form, regardless of the name, is a fine powder, highly soluble in water. For the needs of summer residents, it is packaged in small bags of 4, 5 or 10 grams, and for large farms - 250 grams. The average retail price of the drug “Kornevin” is 20 rubles per 10 grams.

    Rules for handling root

    The drug belongs to hazard class 3, and you need to work with it with gloves, and it is better not to throw away the used packaging, but to burn it. The stimulant manufacturer prescribes the following handling precautions:

    • the drug is not diluted in food containers;
    • while working, you must not eat, smoke or drink;
    • If you get it on your hands, wash them immediately with soap;
    • in case of accidental ingestion of even microscopic doses, you should drink a large amount of water, induce vomiting and take activated charcoal;
    • The drug is stored in places inaccessible to children.

    All components of the root are not phytotoxic and are not carcinogenic, but the recommendations should not be neglected.

    Using root crops allows you not only to obtain healthy, strong plants with a powerful root system, but also to achieve the rooting of the most unusual and exotic crops in your area. With its help, it is also easier to learn how to graft different varieties and obtain strong, viable scions.

    Video about the benefits and harms of root


    Mechanism of action of indolylbutyric acid

    Despite the presence of mineral elements in the composition, “Kornevin” is not a fertilizer, but a root growth stimulator.
    Plants are not fed with this drug. Indolylbutyric acid, being the main active ingredient of Kornevin, is a low molecular weight organic compound. It affects the educational tissues of the root, causing cells to actively stretch and divide. This substance was isolated from the seeds and leaves of corn, and after studying it began to be synthesized artificially.

    Indolylbutyric acid is a phytohormone belonging to the auxin class. Its close relative is indolylacetic acid, known to plant growers as heteroauxin.

    How indolylbutyric acid affects the process of rhizogenesis is not yet fully known. According to one assumption, in plant tissues it decomposes to indoleacetic acid. Be that as it may, the result of its influence is the rapid formation of adventitious roots, restoration of damage and an increase in the volume of the root system of plants.

    Important! The formation of a strong and branched root system helps plants resist negative external factors - in particular drought. Annual crops have increased productivity, and perennial crops withstand winters better.

    What are growth stimulants?

    All plants have a certain set of phytohormones. Each of them is responsible for its own process in the functioning of the plant. An example is the well-known gibberellins, auxins and cytokinins. The former are responsible for flowering and fruiting of plants, auxins - for root formation and metabolism, cytonins - for the growth of shoots and buds.

    Thanks to the discovery of plant phytohormones, scientists were able to study the issue of improving and certain transformation of agricultural technology, which can now include substances analogues of phytohormones. These are growth stimulants that help the rooting and proper development of plants. They are extracted from bacteria, peat, coal, fungi, algae and other natural donors. In addition, there are synthetic analogues.

    Mineral elements in the composition of “Kornevin”

    Manufacturers do not report the quantitative content of mineral elements in Kornevin. But each of them is capable of influencing root growth in its own way:

    Mineral elementEffect on plant root growth
    PotassiumEssential for actively dividing cells. Young growing tissues have a greater need for potassium than old ones, so the concentration of this element in them is 3-5 times higher.
    PhosphorusParticipates in metabolic processes of root tissues. It is the most important mineral element for the formation of a strong root system.
    MolybdenumPromotes the growth of the root system in the early stages of plant ontogenesis. It is part of two dozen enzymes and is actively involved in growth regulation processes.
    ManganeseEliminates the effects of antimetabolites - benzimidazole and imidazole, which suppress mitotic cell division.

    Thus, the mineral elements of “Kornevin” complement the growth-stimulating effect of indolylbutyric acid and partially reduce the influence of negative factors.

    Folk growth stimulants

    You can also use folk remedies for stimulating plant growth; as practice shows, they are also quite effective, despite the relatively low cost.
    Such solutions, which will promote good rooting of bulbs, early flowering, increase the reproduction rate of bulbs, and have antibacterial properties, can be prepared at home. For example, based on aloe juice or honey.

    • Aloe growth stimulator: add 1 tablespoon of aloe juice to a glass of lukewarm water. The resulting solution is poured into a jar and stored in a cool, dark place for a week. Then dilute the solution with boiled water so that 5 liters of liquid are obtained. Soak the bulbs in this solution for 10-12 hours, cuttings for 4-6 hours. Do not rinse before planting in the ground.
    • Growth stimulator from honey: dissolve 0.5 teaspoon of honey in a 0.5 liter jar with warm water. The solution can be used immediately to soak the bulbs on the eve of planting (soak the bulbs for 10-12 hours, cuttings for 4-6 hours). Before planting, both the bulbs and cuttings are washed with clean water.

    In addition, you can prepare infusions at home:

    • from willow (willow);
    • from male fern;
    • from nettle;
    • from wood ash;
    • from onion skins.

    And solutions:

    • from honey, aloe juice, ash;
    • from egg white;
    • from yeast;
    • from Rhodiola rosea.

    Rooting cuttings using Kornevin

    The combined action of all components of “Kornevin” simultaneously stimulates the elongation and division of root cells and feeds them with necessary minerals.
    First of all, “Kornevin” is used by gardeners for vegetative propagation of plants. The success of rooting of cuttings as a whole depends on the rate of callus formation, so it is important to influence this process.

    "Kornevin" is recommended to be used only to stimulate rhizogenesis of plants that are difficult to take cuttings. There are two main processing methods:

    1. Dry method. The lower sections of the cuttings are dipped in a glass of water and placed in a bag in Kornevin. Then the cutting is lightly tapped with a finger to shake off excess adhering powder and placed in the prepared substrate for rooting.
    2. Wet method. 1 g of the drug is dissolved in 1 liter of water. The prepared cuttings are immersed in the solution up to the lower bud. Leave for 15 minutes, after which the cuttings are placed in the prepared substrate.

    The first method is most often recommended by ourselves. However, numerous experiments prove that excess of the drug can cause rotting of the cuttings. Therefore, it is better to use the second method, and leave the first only in case soaking does not have an effect.

    Reviews about watering seedlings with Kornevin

    Leave your feedback on the use of “Kornevin” for soaking seedlings, roots of seedlings (and maybe even seeds?). Write us a comment, we will be glad

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