The most effective types of fertilizers for potatoes

Today there are a huge number of effective and good fertilizers that help to significantly increase potato yields, improve their appearance and accelerate growth. Among such a wide choice, it is not always possible to find the best remedy after testing popular drugs in action. Below we consider only the best fertilizers among popular varieties.

Why do you need to fertilize potatoes?

Most gardeners are accustomed to the fact that crops cannot be grown without fertilizers. Potatoes consume nutrients very intensively due to a weakened root system and large tubers. In the autumn, when harvesting, most of the useful fertilizers are removed from the soil. Due to this, it is very important to make up for losses during planting in the new season. Otherwise, the harvest will be smaller and smaller every year.

A few weeks before planting potatoes, it is advisable to sow green manure (plants that improve the composition and structure of the soil).

How to spray potatoes correctly?

Due to the unique structure of the potato leaf with a dense protective film, several rules must be followed, otherwise processing potatoes by leaf will simply be ineffective.

  1. Spraying should not be carried out on the eve of rain. It takes at least 3 hours for potato leaves to absorb nutrients. In case of precipitation, beneficial elements will be washed away before the plant absorbs them.
  2. In case of frost, it is better to postpone foliar feeding of potatoes for several days.
  3. In hot weather, sheet processing is not carried out due to the possibility of burns. It is better to spray early in the morning or in the evening at sunset.
  4. Choose your spray bottle carefully. Spraying potatoes should be fine droplets so that the food is absorbed faster and better.

Now you know how to carry out root and foliar fertilizing, which fertilizer is best for potatoes, and when to apply it. Take proper care of your plants and have a good harvest!

Organic fertilizers

Many years ago, our ancestors used organic fertilizers when growing potatoes. There are many undeniable advantages to using organic matter:

  • Organic fertilizers are excellent for all types of soil and have a beneficial effect on microorganisms that enrich the soil with humus. Organic matter gradually releases nutrients, due to which the soil is not oversaturated with nutrients.
  • Organic fertilizers contain many microelements - this helps to obtain balanced nutrition, which the crop needs.
  • Organic matter heals the soil as quickly as possible. Next, the gardener only needs to maintain its condition without making much effort.
  • Such fertilizers are absolutely safe and useful for any crops.
  • The use of organic fertilizers provides potatoes with additional substances that strengthen the plant’s immune system, helping to resist diseases.
  • Feeding is good because it prevents the plant from growing excessively and uncontrollably.

But organic fertilizers also have several disadvantages that need to be taken into account:

  • In some regions it is very difficult to obtain organic fertilizers. For this reason, their cost is much higher than the price of mineral fertilizers.
  • Organics will only work if the soil contains microorganisms that can break down organic matter into useful elements.
  • During the cold season, organic fertilizers do not release nutrients into the soil.

The best organic fertilizers are:

  • Ash. It contains many useful components: phosphorus, potassium, calcium and other trace elements. This fertilizing helps to significantly reduce the acidity of the soil, which is especially important for potatoes, because soil with a high acidity level is not suitable for them.
  • Compost. Has beneficial properties. Available for self-cooking based on plant residues. If you add peat to the compost heap, the beneficial properties of the fertilizer will increase.
  • Manure. This fertilizer consists of excrement from agricultural animals. Horse and cow manure and chicken manure are most often used. Manure is rich in nitrogen, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. It is considered one of the best fertilizers for potatoes.

Use of folk remedies

Folk remedies primarily include organic fertilizers, that is, what is created by nature itself: plants, waste products of animals, bacteria.

Manure and humus

A well-known and very popular remedy. When growing potatoes, cow and horse manure is used, and less often sheep and rabbit manure. Manure is applied to the soil no more than once every 3–5 years.

Fresh manure should not be used to feed potatoes! Half-rotted ones are added during autumn digging, and rotted ones can be used in the spring.

The best option for manure is humus - this is completely rotted manure with the maximum amount of nutrients. Manure not only saturates the soil with useful substances, but also loosens the soil, helping to increase water and air permeability.

Bird droppings

It has increased digestibility and is not washed out of the soil. Like manure, droppings are not applied fresh. Requires dilution no less than 10-15 times. There are chicken, goose, quail, and pigeon droppings.


Available to every summer resident, it is made from plant residues, leaves, and food waste. Residues rotted over the winter turn into cheap but very useful fertilizer. The effectiveness of compost increases when peat is added to it.


Ash, in addition to potassium, contains a large amount of microelements necessary for the growth and development of potatoes. Apply in dry form and in solution.

Green manure plants

Sowing green manure allows you to enrich the soil with nitrogen, increase its air permeability and clear it of weeds. White mustard, oats, rapeseed, sweet clover, wheat, buckwheat, rye, alfalfa, and phacelia are sown as such plants. Grown green manures are mowed and embedded in the soil to a depth of 15–20 cm. Their composition, rich in macro- and microelements, acts as manure.

Herbal infusion (green manure)

It can be prepared from any herb, but green fertilizer made from nettle has especially beneficial properties. Herbal infusion is used for root and foliar feeding.

Preparation of green fertilizer:

  1. Place chopped plant materials into a barrel (preferably plastic) to fill 2/3 of its volume.
  2. Fill to the brim with warm water.
  3. You can add 1 kg of manure as a fermentation accelerator, but you can do it without it.
  4. Cover with film and tie tightly.
  5. The infusion is stirred daily.
  6. After 2 weeks, the infusion is ready.
  7. Use as a stock solution, diluting 1:10 before use.


Such fertilizers include organic substances and mineral compounds combined with them. Such fertilizers are considered the most effective, due to the fact that they contain all the necessary elements to nourish plants and soil. Organomineral supplements help increase fertility and productivity. Their price is quite affordable, gardeners widely use them. Organomineral fertilizers include liquid, humic and complex additives. The best of them are discussed below.

Joy fertilizer “Seedlings”

A fertilizer containing potassium in large quantities - used to feed potatoes and other crops. Suitable for use both in the standard way and for soaking seeds. This fertilizer provides excellent nutrition and accelerates seed germination several times in the future. The composition also contains nitrogen, sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, molybdenum, etc. Humic substances also contain salts - their share is 2.7%. Before use, the product is diluted with water.

The supplement is sold in liquid form in a 330 ml bottle. Gardeners note that the use of Joy Lignohumate “Seedlings” effectively accelerates the growth of seed germination and promotes good plant development. Fertilizer improves the quality of seeds and accelerates their growth. Fertilizer increases productivity, while its consumption is minimal. The average cost of fertilizer is 140-160 rubles.

Fertika organo-mineral mixture

The fertilizer consists of 18% humate and contains many useful microelements necessary for proper nutrition of plants. Fertika fertilizer is sold in granules, each of which contains a full range of substances that ensure active potato growth.

The additive is used as the main application - 10-15 g are added to each well; during watering, about 30 g are consumed per 1 liter of water. For feeding several times a season, 20-40 g are needed per 1 square meter. In the southern regions, fertilizer is used in February, in the middle zone - from early spring.

The gardener can choose a package weighing 900 g or 2.5 kg. The fertilizer is created for open and protected soil. According to reviews, one small package is enough to fertilize 40 square meters of area. Fertilizer instantly affects the root system and soil.

The advantages include intensive stimulation of plant growth, improved soil quality, minimal waste, efficiency and high-quality nutrition. The average cost of fertilizer is 290-300 rubles.


Organomineral fertilizer was developed specifically for potatoes. It is also used for carrots and radishes. The substance helps increase productivity, nourishes plant roots, saturating them with useful elements, stimulating active growth. With its help, the quality of the soil is significantly improved.

Gumi-Omi has protective functions. The main component is chicken manure, which goes well with beneficial microelements: boron, copper and gumi. One package contains 700 grams of the additive - it is enough to fertilize 10 square meters.

Fertilizer is used in the spring before planting, placing 20-40 grams in each hole. It also serves as a top dressing once every two weeks before the bulbs begin to set. The fertilizer has a shelf life of 4 years.

The main advantages include the following:

  • has a natural composition;
  • suitable for universal use;
  • gardeners speak positively about it;
  • ideal for potatoes;
  • has a low cost - 60-80 rubles.

Buoy fertilizers OMU "Potato"

Mineral fertilizer is one of the best for feeding potatoes. It contains phosphorus in a concentration of 6%, magnesium 6%, nitrogen 10%, potassium 16%. It is important that it does not contain chlorine harmful to plants. Sold in granule form. Distributed in small quantities. When planting, 10 grams of fertilizer are consumed per hole, before hilling - 20 grams, when preparing the soil - 50 grams are consumed per 1 square meter.

The shelf life of the supplement is 5 years. Organomineral fertilizer helps improve plant metabolism and reduce the risk of infection with various diseases. The additive protects the crop from the negative effects of the environment. One package contains 3 or 5 kilograms of substance. Due to slow consumption, money is saved on the purchase of new packages.

Fertilizer has the following advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • lack of chlorine in the composition;
  • high content of useful elements;
  • positive reviews from gardeners;
  • convenient use;
  • slow consumption;
  • acceleration of plant growth and development.

The average cost of fertilizer is 320-350 rubles, which is considered inexpensive if it has good weight in the package.

Preparing a place for potatoes

Preparing a place for potatoes begins well in advance in the fall. The area for potatoes should be well fertilized. And if this is not the case, then it is mandatory (for digging) to add organic matter in the amount of 1 bucket per 1 sq. m. m plot. At the same time, do not forget about mineral fertilizers. For example, you can feed like this

: per 1 sq.
m of plot we add 30 g - 40 g of superphosphate and 20 g - 25 g of any potash fertilizers, as well as 15 g - 20 g of urea Another option
: any three-component complex fertilizers in the amount of 20 g per 1 sq. m. m. For example, diammofoska, nitrophoska or azofoska.

Crop rotation is of particular importance. Here you need to know the bad and good predecessors. Good: legumes, pumpkins, cruciferous vegetables, corn, onions, grains, garlic, green manure. Bad: any nightshade, such as eggplant, tomatoes, peppers and physalis. By the way

, it is advisable to plant potatoes in a new place every year.

It is also important to pay attention to the acidity level of the soil. Potatoes prefer neutral or slightly acidic soil. And if this is not the case, then it is necessary to add a deoxidizing agent, for example dolomite flour.

As an option, you can sow the bed for future potatoes with green manure in the fall. Grown green manure is plowed in the fall, or possibly in the spring before planting potatoes. The value of green manure: they enrich the soil with macro and microelements, make it loose and light, suppress weeds and fight pests. In regions with a temperate climate, mustard or rye are sown as green manure.

And yet, before planting potatoes in the spring, it is advisable to disinfect the soil with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.


This group of fertilizers has a good composition - mineral additives include useful minerals such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, copper, zinc and others.

Mineral supplements can contain one mineral - simple, or several minerals at once - complex. They are easy to transport due to their compact design. Mineral fertilizers are used depending on the type of soil, mainly in the spring when sowing.

Folirus Bor

The fertilizer is intended for foliar feeding of plants. This is a liquid substance added to the soil when there is a lack of boron. It is considered one of the best fertilizers for potatoes, because it actively fights slow growth, helps accelerate fruit formation, and strengthens internodes. Research by VNIIK has proven that the use of this fertilizer has an excellent effect on potato yields, increasing the rate from 3 to 13%.

In a specialized store, a gardener can purchase Folirus Bor in a canister with a volume of 1 to 20 liters.

If there is a lack of boron, serious consequences cannot be ruled out: buds may die, flowering and bushiness will slow down, and flowers will begin to fall off. With the help of this fertilizer all these problems are solved. Experts recommend using it both in case of severe boron deficiency and in combination with other useful supplements.

The advantages of Folirus Boron include high concentration of the element, efficiency, and affordable cost - about 350-400 rubles.

Bona Forte fertilizer for potatoes and root crops

This fertilizer is considered one of the best, due to the fact that it has a particularly useful composition. The drug includes the following components:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • molybdenum;
  • nitrogen;
  • manganese;
  • magnesium;
  • titanium;
  • boron;
  • bioavailable silicon.

The additive actively reduces nitrates in fruits. The fertilizer is intended for use at all stages of sowing, both during soil preparation and when planting potatoes. To feed potatoes before flowering, use 1-2 times with an interval of one and a half to two weeks. About 2-3 grams of the additive are consumed per plant during planting. On average, one package is enough to fertilize three acres.

Bona Forte improves the soil structure, helps reduce nitrate content, increase germination and increase the freshness of the crop, protect plants from negative influences, and accelerate their growth.

Most of the components included in the fertilizer are necessary for the full development of plants. Fertilizer is produced in bags weighing 2.5 or 5 kilograms. The average cost is 350 rubles.

"Fertika" Potato-5

This is one of the most popular mineral potato fertilizers. It is produced in the form of granules containing a complex of useful elements, including magnesium, sulfur and others. An important feature is the absence of chlorine. The fertilizer is intended for feeding in the spring during the planting period and in the summer during the growing season. In a specialized store they offer packages weighing 2.5 and 5 kilograms. A small package is enough for several seasons, depending on the area planted. After using Fertika, the growth of tubers is significantly accelerated and their quality improves.

There are several options for using fertilizer:

  1. When planting potatoes in holes, distribute 15-20 g of fertilizer per plant or cover the soil during the growing season - 30-40 g of the substance is consumed per bush.
  2. In early spring, scatter fertilizer over the area - 70 g of Fertika is used per 1 square meter. This is required to properly prepare the soil and saturate it with useful elements.

The main advantages of the fertilizer are its low cost - about 350 rubles, high quality, efficiency, low consumption, useful elements in the composition.

How to prepare the site?

Potatoes quickly deplete the soil.
If the root crop is planted in one place every season, significant doses of mineral additives and organic fertilizers will be required. The best harvests are usually harvested in the first two years of developing virgin land, when the soil solution is still saturated with all nutrients. Planting in one area requires taking preventive measures against the spread of diseases and pests. If possible, it is better to change the area for potatoes . If this is not possible, you cannot neglect the application of fertilizers in the fall. In spring, the first fertilizing of potatoes is done when planting.

Autumn site preparation

In order for the care and cultivation of potatoes to be effective, in the fall it is necessary to use both organic matter and chemical additives.
Organics should be abandoned only if the soil was seriously infested with pests in the previous season, or the potatoes suffered from some kind of disease. Organic matter is a favorable breeding ground for pathogenic flora. Mineral-organic dressing for potatoes in the fall:

  • 50 l – 100 l of humus/30 g of simple superphosphate/15 g of potassium sulfate/1 m².

The amount of humus depends on the type of soil. For heavy soils, the minimum value is taken, for light soils – the maximum. Humus can be replaced in the fall with the same amount of fresh manure. During the winter, fresh organic matter will rot without harming the plants in the spring. Potassium and phosphorus are elements with a prolonged decomposition period, so it is most useful to use these elements in the fall.

Mineral fertilizers for potatoes in autumn:

  • 30 g double superphosphate/60 g potassium sulfate/1 m².

The double dose of potassium additives compared to phosphorus additives is explained by the high potassium requirements of potatoes. The addition of potassium sulfate can be replaced with potassium sulfate. In any case, the ratio of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be 1:2.

Potash agrochemicals are often replaced with wood ash. Ash contains essential potassium and prevents the spread of harmful microorganisms. A glass of ash will replace 10 g of any potassium-containing fertilizer.

Fans of the green manure method can be advised to sow a potato plot with white mustard. This cold-resistant green manure will have time to rise before the first frost and, in a green state, go under the snow. In the spring all that remains is to dig up the area.


Another mandatory procedure that must be carried out in the fall is liming the soil solution.
Planting and caring for potatoes will become ineffective if you sow potatoes in soil with high acidity. Liming is carried out at any time after harvesting, but no later than fifteen days before fall plowing with the laying of fertilizers. For liming:

  • 250 g dolomite flour/1 m².

If you plan to use ash during autumn digging, there is no need to lime the soil. Ash successfully replaces dolomites and deoxidizes the soil:

  • 200 g ash/1 m².

Complex fertilizers

Complex fertilizers contain two or three essential nutrients, some are also supplemented with microelements. This is both a plus and a minus, because, despite the fact that there is no need to purchase several different packages and mix the required amount from each, the percentage of different elements may not correspond to the needs of the potatoes. It is known that nitrogen is applied in the spring, and potassium and phosphorus in the fall. Because of this, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers have been developed and are being sold today, presented in the table below:

Name Phosphorus content Potassium content Other elements
Agrofoska 15% 4% magnesium 3%, calcium 25%
Potassium monophosphate 52% 34%
Ecoplant 6% 35% sulfur 1%, magnesium 9%, calcium 13%
Autumn 5% 18% boron 0.2%, magnesium 2.5%, calcium 8%

In addition to the application season, the peculiarity of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers lies in the depth of placement. Potassium and phosphorus contribute to the formation of strong compounds with substances in the soil, remain where they were added, do not disappear into the air like nitrogen, and do not evaporate deeper into rainwater. If you scatter fertilizers on the surface, there will be no result. Complex fertilizers are applied directly to the root zone when digging or placed at the bottom of the hole when planting.

The table below shows nitrogen fertilizers:

Name Nitrogen content Phosphorus content Potassium content
Nitroammofoska 17%17% 17%
Nitrophoska 11%10% 11%
Nitrophos 23% 17%
Diammofos 18% 46%
Ammophos 9-12% 42-52%

Nitroammofoska is considered the best of the complex fertilizers containing nitrogen, due to the fact that it has a balanced composition. The rest need some changes, that is, the additional introduction of some element. For example, Diammophos and Ammophos contain 3-4 times more phosphorus than nitrogen, although potatoes require equal proportions of these elements. These fertilizers contain no potassium at all.

It is especially convenient to use fertilizers designed specifically for potatoes. They simultaneously contain organic and mineral substances, as well as microelements. The best fertilizers include Fertika, Gumi-Omi, Siberian Bogatyr and others. The only disadvantage is the high consumption, which affects the total cost of the fertilizer - 7-8 kilograms per hundred square meters.

Signs of a lack of substances

Diagnosis is carried out both by leaves and tubers. By the appearance of the bushes it is easy to determine what nutrients they lack :

  • calcium - growth stops, tubers become deformed and covered with mucus;
  • magnesium - tubers are not formed due to weak synthesis of carbohydrates in leaf blades;
  • zinc - resistance to drought and temperature changes decreases, tubers become smaller, do not contain vitamins and starch;
  • copper - growth slows down, potatoes become deformed;
  • chlorine - stems and leaves develop poorly, plants are often affected by fungus;
  • manganese - productivity decreases due to impaired development of the root system;
  • nitrogen - leaves turn yellow, tubers form poorly;
  • phosphorus - the foliage takes on a dark purple hue, vegetables slowly gain weight.

A lack of potassium is indicated by the drying edges of the leaves . This component is added along with phosphorus for better absorption.

Root feeding

Root fertilizers are applied after light loosening and before hilling the bushes. This way they reach the roots of the plants much faster, especially if the plants are well watered after application. For root feeding, the following substances are considered more effective:

  • Bird droppings. This is a very aggressive fertilizer, but sometimes it is used even fresh, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Fertilizer is applied to the trenches between the crop rows.
  • Mullein infusion. Dilute 1 liter of fresh mullein in 10 liters of water and infuse it for several days. The rows between the plants are watered with fertilizer.
  • Urea. Under one bush, add 500 ml of a composition prepared from 10 liters of water, 20 g of urea are diluted in it. The bushes are watered at the root after light loosening.
  • Mineral fertilizers. These include various agrochemicals, for example, a solution of ammonium nitrate - 20 g per 10 liters of water. Occasionally, a mixture of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers is used in a ratio of 2: 1: 1 (25 g per 10 liters of water). 500-1000 ml of solution is poured under one bush.

What is better as a fertilizer for potatoes: urea or ammonium nitrate? Read the details here.

Experienced gardeners recommend using complex fertilizers that do not contain chlorine for early potatoes.

How to fertilize the soil before planting potatoes

In the spring, before planting crops, fertilizers are applied to the ground based on the type of soil on the site. If the soil is heavy or clayey, use a bucket of humus or peat per 1m2. If you are the owner of a sandy or sandy loam area, add a bucket of clay soil per 1m2. When the soil is peaty, sand must be added.

It is also necessary to saturate the soil with additional nutrition in the spring, based on its level of fertility. For one hundred square meters of fertile land, 2 kg of compost, the same amount of superphosphate and 1.5 kg of potassium fertilizers are applied. At average fertility values, the amount of compost and superphosphate is taken up to 3 kg per hundred square meters, potassium 2.5 kg, and 3 kg of nitrogen agrochemicals are added. If the soils are depleted, a large amount of humus will be required, up to 100 kg per hundred square meters, ammonium nitrate 1 kg and superphosphate 3 kg.

It is important to adhere to the norm for applying fertilizers, because if there is an excess of them, especially nitrogen ones, the tops will be huge, and the tubers will be small - as they say, tops, not roots.

A trifle can also be caused by overfeeding the potatoes, so follow the timing and proportions of fertilizing

If you are limited in the ability to apply such quantities of mineral and organic additives in the spring, then the easiest way is to apply small amounts directly into the hole when planting, which we will discuss below.

Many gardeners, even at the stage of seed germination, feed potatoes - this way they sprout better, the roots and tops develop faster. The most reasonable option is not to simply spray the tubers (not economical), but to add nutrients in liquid form to the sawdust in which they are germinated. You can use complex fertilizers and make a solution from them. You can use the following recipe: 2 tbsp. l superphosphate and ammonium nitrate, 1 tsp each of copper sulfate and boric acid, dilute in a bucket of water. This solution is sufficient to treat 50 kg of seed material during germination.

Foliar feeding of potatoes

Plants need feeding throughout the growing season. The first time it is very important to apply fertilizer after weeding the potatoes. This is done in the evening to eliminate the possibility of burning the leaves. Occasionally, fertilizing is applied in the morning, when the sun has not yet risen.

There are the following types of foliar feeding:

  • Nettle infusion. The stems and leaves of nettle contain many substances necessary for potatoes: iron, potassium, nitrogen, calcium. Preparing the infusion is easy: chop 1 kg of nettle, pour in 3 liters of water. The composition is left for a day, filtered, after which 30 g of laundry soap is added to it. Start spraying.
  • Phosphoric. It is carried out after the end of flowering, about a month before harvest, using superphosphate. To do this, dilute 100 g of the substance in 10 liters of water - this will be enough for 10 square meters.
  • Urea. The composition is prepared as follows: 100 g of urea, 150 g of potassium monophosphate, 5 g of boric acid are diluted in 5 liters of water. If desired, it is permissible to add boron, zinc, copper, manganese or cobalt at the rate of 1 g per 10 liters. The first spraying is carried out 2 weeks after germination. After another 14 days, the treatment is repeated. The following fertilizing is applied every two weeks until the potatoes begin to bloom.

If you manage to feed the potatoes correctly, you will ensure high yields and obtain fruits with excellent taste and marketable appearance.

Characteristics of the drug

The Fertik fertilizer “For potatoes” contains a full range of useful substances necessary to obtain a bountiful harvest of root crops:

  • nitrogen;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • sulfur.

Fertik fertilizer “For potatoes” has simple instructions for use. Depending on the period in which the drug is used, it is administered as follows:

During soil preparation. Before planting potatoes in early spring, add fertilizer to the soil at the rate of 80 g per 1 square meter. m. and dig up, simultaneously removing the roots of the weeds.

While planting potatoes. In prepared holes, made at a distance of about 40 cm from each other with a row spacing of 70 cm, pour fertilizer in a small amount (maximum 20 g per hole). Using a shovel, carefully turn the soil in the hole, mixing it with fertilizer, and then lay out the tubers. This is done so that the potatoes do not come into direct contact with the granules.

During the potato growth period. During hilling, potatoes can be fed with Fertika, using 1 square meter. m. 30 g of the drug

Sprinkle the fertilizer around the bushes and carefully mix with the soil. Hilling should be carried out twice, the first time when the plantings grow to a height of 10 cm, and the second time before the rows close.

A special feature of applying the drug is the embedding of granules into moist soil. In dry weather, additional watering may be necessary to dissolve the drug.

Characteristics in the rating

1Fertika Potato-5Excellent value for money and quality
2BONA FORTE for potatoes and root vegetablesOptimal composition
3Folirus BorThe best liquid mineral fertilizer
1AQUARIN PotatoGreat price
2Vermicompost granulesThe most convenient application
3BIONEX-1Complex of natural nutritional components
4Lyubo-Zeleno Chicken droppingsThe best ratio of price and quality
5BONA FORTE Turkey litterProlonged effect, slow consumption
1OMU Buyskie "Potato"High efficiency
2Gumi-Omi potatoes, carrots, radishesUniversal use, gentle action
3Fertika Organic-MineralBetter plant growth stimulation
4JOY Lignohumate “Rassada”Good protective functions

Anyone who has ever encountered planting a crop knows that this is not an easy task. It requires time, effort and, most importantly, certain knowledge. Gardeners advise using special fertilizers to maintain plant immunity, activate their growth, and maintain strength in the winter.

All of them are divided into several categories according to their origin: mineral, organic and organomineral. The most useful ingredients are potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, compost, and humus. Among all garden plants, planting potatoes requires special attention.

It is often attacked by insects and needs feeding already at the planting stage. To prevent such situations and get a good harvest, experts recommend using fertilizers. Now you can find many different options offered by both domestic and foreign manufacturers

To choose the best fertilizer, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Compound. Of course, the result depends on the presence of different components. In addition, potatoes are fertilized in several stages, each of which requires certain fertilizing. The most useful components for it are potassium chloride, phosphoric acid, nitrogen, zinc, manganese, copper, magnesium, boron. Chicken and turkey droppings, humus, and ash are used as additional fertilizer.
  2. Type. All fertilizing is divided into root and foliar. The former are used during planting and are placed directly into the hole, while the latter are created to nourish plants during their growth.
  3. Purpose. As mentioned above, potatoes should be fertilized in several stages. The first begins at the end of May and requires a large amount of nitrogen, then during budding the plant needs potassium, and during flowering - phosphorus.
  4. Structure. All fertilizers are divided into solid granular, liquid and loose (natural). The most convenient form is the first one, because This additive simply needs to be mixed with soil (or sometimes water).

We found out which potato fertilizers are the best in different categories. When compiling the rating, the following characteristics were taken into account:

  • customer reviews;
  • recommendations from specialists;
  • efficiency;
  • compound;
  • price.

Growth stimulants

Mineral fertilizers contribute to the nutrition of potatoes - their compositions include elements that act as building materials for the future harvest. There are also growth stimulants that increase resistance to diseases and adverse conditions and accelerate metabolic processes. They have the same effect on potatoes as vitamins have on humans. When treated with growth stimulants, productivity increases by 10-30%. There are several of the best stimulants for potatoes.


It has a pronounced anti-stress effect - it helps potatoes withstand sudden temperature changes, drought, and prolonged cloudy weather; increases resistance to diseases. Increasing yield results in tubers growing faster. Increases yield by 15-30%.

Epin is intended for treating seed tubers several hours before planting. 1 ml of stimulant is consumed for 1 glass of water - this is enough to process 50 kg of potatoes. The procedure is also carried out at the beginning of flowering - 1 ml of Epin is used for 5 liters of water. If plants suffer from frost, drought or lack of sunlight, they are sprayed every 7-10 days until the weather or plant condition improves.


The drug helps to increase the resistance of the crop to pathogenic microorganisms - bacteria, fungi, viruses. This is an excellent prevention of common scab, late blight, leaf spot and other potato diseases. Guarantees an increase in yield by 15-30%.

The manufacturer recommends spraying plants during bud formation, flowering and after. The disadvantage of the drug is that it quickly decomposes in the sun; processing of potatoes should be carried out in the evening. 0.1 g is consumed per 2 liters of water.


This is the best natural stimulant with a pleasant pine aroma. Increases productivity by 25-30%. It contains needles, which are the main active ingredient.

Fir extract has a beneficial effect on potatoes:

  • helps to survive in extreme situations;
  • stimulates plant growth;
  • increases resistance to diseases.

The composition also contains dietary supplements and natural triterpene acids. Because of this, Silk must be handled very carefully to avoid accidentally burning the skin. The drug is available in 1.5 ml sachets - it is dissolved in 200 ml of hot water (about 60 degrees), then the seed tubers are moistened with the solution.

In the summer, spraying is carried out with a solution prepared slightly differently - a packet of the drug is dissolved in 1.5 liters of water. Spraying is carried out twice: during budding and during the flowering period.


If you treat tubers with Poteytin, seedlings appear 7 days earlier than those that are not treated. The stems grow powerful, and the potatoes can more easily withstand pest attacks and the development of various diseases. Increases yield by 16-24%.

It is advisable to spray the tubers three times: before germination, planting and storage. 1 ml of stimulant is consumed per 750 ml of water. During the budding period, prepare the same solution, but in different quantities - 1 ml of Poteytin per 10 liters of water.


An effective Ukrainian drug, rich in proteins that stimulate cell division. The additive acts within 24 hours, but during this period the potato cells divide twice. The root system grows 4 times, and the yield - 2 times. At the beginning of vernalization, a month before planting, the tubers need to be soaked in a solution for half an hour - 2.5 g of Bioglobin is consumed per 10 liters of water. This leads to enlargement of the eyes and rapid emergence of potatoes.

Next, the emerging seedlings are sprayed with the same solution, and after a day they are covered with earth. Two more treatments will help consolidate the result: 21 days after re-emergence, at the end of flowering. Bioglobin can be combined with fungicides, potassium permanganate, and foliar fertilizers.

The importance of foliar spraying

If you feed a vegetable crop through the soil, the microelements are distributed unevenly. Plants absorb the applied substances in liquid form, so if the fertilizer is dry, the effectiveness of the procedure is noticeably reduced. Therefore, sheet processing is advisable. Its advantages:

  • the desired effect is achieved quickly - the fertilizing is absorbed within several hours, then immediately begins to take part in the metabolic processes occurring in the crop;
  • profitability - with this method of processing, the yield increases significantly;
  • the ability to control the supply of nutrients and adjust it if necessary;
  • plants become resistant to various weather “surprises” and parasites;
  • vitamin C content increases;
  • wide range of fertilizers.

It is not difficult to carry out foliar feeding. All you need is a sprayer and a ready-made solution.

Biological fertilizers for potatoes

When using biological products, the application of mineral fertilizers is still required. The purpose of using biological fertilizers is to populate the soil and compost with active bacteria; they will help the existing bacteria to process organic residues into humus. At the same time, these microorganisms enter into a specific struggle for nutrition with pathogenic fungi and viruses. This helps to improve the structure of the soil, it is saturated with organic matter, due to which the immunity of potatoes is increased, and the yield increases several times.

Baikal EM 1

Baikal EM 1 is a popular drug that is popular with many gardeners and gardeners. This is the best biological fertilizer that allows you to saturate potatoes with useful elements. To prepare the solution, the working concentrate is diluted in a ratio of 1:1000, and a kind of mash is made from the master concentrate. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of mother Baikal EM 1 into 4 liters of warm boiled water, add 40-80 g of honey or molasses. Next, the composition is removed for 7 days in a warm place.

Starting from the second day, you need to open the lid daily to allow carbon dioxide to evaporate. Next, the solution is ready for use: seed tubers are soaked in it and the ground is sprayed with it 14-20 days before planting. The solution is also used to treat potato bushes and the soil underneath them: after emergence, before the first hilling, during the period of bud emergence.

It is not recommended to purchase ready-made concentrate Baikal EM 1, which has been stored in the store for more than 4 months. Most likely, the living bacteria in it have already died. It is better to buy a mother liquor to prepare a fresh concentrate yourself.

Radiance 1 and Radiance 2

The action of the drugs is similar to the biological fertilizer Baikal EM 1. Vegetable growers claim that Shine is no less effective, but not as convenient to use. The advantage of such a substance is that you rarely see a fake, unlike Baikal, which is advertised and in demand.

Increased productivity will be ensured by spring and autumn tillage of the soil with a working solution. When planting, you need to arrange the tubers in the holes, pour in the Radiance solution in a ratio of 20-60 g per 10 liters of water, then cover with soil. During the period from the emergence of seedlings to the end of flowering, fertilizing is done every week, alternating two preparations: Siyanie 1 and Siyanie 2. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 40 g of the substance per 10 liters of water. The drugs are sold as concentrates and require dilution and fermentation.

To improve the health of potatoes, they need to be fertilized regularly. Often gardeners do not fertilize, fearing that the root crops will absorb a lot of chemicals. But there are the best, proven fertilizers for potatoes that help increase yield.



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Timing for applying Fertika fertilizer

  • From February to April - fertilizing of grown seedlings is carried out.
  • In the period from May to July - as a plant feed for any growing method (indoor, open ground).
  • Year-round - when planting seeds, planting seedlings, feeding balcony and indoor plants.
  • The substance is classified as hazard class 3 (moderate toxicity). Do not use food containers to prepare the solution; wash your hands after using the additive.
  • Products of the Kemira brand, KemiraGrowHow, have not been produced since 2011, so be careful that fertilizers with this logo are fakes.

How to determine which element is missing

For the full development of root crops, many microelements are required, and not just nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus. The list of necessary substances includes: zinc, magnesium, copper, iron, boron, manganese and others.

The first signs of shortage will be wilting and deterioration of the green above-ground parts. The potato itself tells you which specific element is not enough for it to develop:

NitrogenThe slow development of potatoes is combined with spoilage of the tops. The green part changes from the root: initially it turns white, then turns yellow. The foliage is shortened, which will affect the amount of starch in the tubers in the future, reducing fruits and yields
PhosphorusBranchiness decreases. Lack of buds, flowering. If the situation is not corrected, the tubers will be small. At the second stage, the potato tops change color: from green to purple with redness. The foliage curls and fades. A lack of phosphorus will affect the harvest in the form of black spots and dots on root crops. There is a deterioration in taste
PotassiumChanging the shape of tubers. The foliage wrinkles, decreases in size, and turns yellow at the edges. The green mass takes on a bronze tint
MagnesiumThe appearance of light spots on the leaves or a sharp lightening of the foliage with the gradual appearance of brown color on the veins
CalciumFormation of light green stripes. Gradually, the potatoes die, as evidenced by wilted and wrinkled leaves. Some part is curled up. It is impossible to unwind the wire rod
IronThe first sign: yellowing of the green mass. First, the veins are lightened, then the entire leaf. With severe deficiency of the element, the foliage turns white.
BorWhitening of the tops of the buds and death from the lower part. At the same time, the bush becomes lush and the foliage thickens. Tubers at harvest time are cracked and small in size.
CopperThe potatoes will wither, the foliage will curl and become whitish.
ZincThe stem becomes gray-brown or bronze. The leaves fall, but the process begins from the middle. Also, if there is insufficient boron, the leaves may curl up.
ManganeseYoung leaves appear with white veins and brown spots. Starts from the top of the top


Elena, 60 years old

We adhere to ecological farming. We fertilize the garden with folk remedies. In the spring, we pour a liter jar of humus and a glass of ash into the holes. During the growing season, to feed the potatoes, we water the potato furrows with manure solution every two weeks. To feed potatoes during the budding period, we use a herbal infusion. When hilling, add ash under the roots. We don't use fertilizers at all. The potatoes grow large and the yields are large.

Nikolay, 37 years old

I fertilize potatoes comprehensively. In the fall, I take a cart of manure out to the field, plow it into the soil, and by spring it is half rotten. In the spring, I add Kemira complex fertilizer into the planting furrow. In the summer, I feed the plants during budding together with treatment against the Colorado potato beetle. I put granules of potassium-phosphorus fertilizer into the solution for the sprayer along with Inta-Vir. It turns out that plants receive both protection and nutrition at the same time. To make the potatoes larger, once every two weeks I apply a solution of slurry and pour it into the rows. The harvest is always consistently good, the tubers are large.

To obtain a large harvest, it is necessary to regularly fertilize potato bushes. The choice of a specific recipe is influenced by the composition of the soil, acidity, soil fertility and many other factors. The main thing in this is to promptly supply the plant with the chemicals it needs during a given period of the growing season and maintain the necessary balance of chemical elements in the soil.


Not every application of fertilizers benefits plants. When feeding potatoes with agrochemicals, the following must be taken into account:

  • fresh manure introduced into the holes when planting potatoes leads to numerous diseases of the tubers;
  • excess applied fresh manure or droppings attracts the garden pest mole cricket to the potato field;
  • Overfeeding potatoes with nitrogen fertilizers during the flowering period leads to rapid growth of the above-ground parts. The plants close their rows, the tops lie on the ground, and the formation of tubers slows down. In this situation, agronomists advise removing the top part of the tops (approximately ¼) and scattering 200 g of wood ash on each square meter of the ridge.

To avoid diseases of the bushes from improper application of fertilizers, it is necessary to carefully select the compositions for fertilizing and avoid an excess of chemical elements in the soil.

Features of growing potatoes

This vegetable is particularly unpretentious, but requires utmost attention.
The main thing is to perform care on time. Planting is done with heated, sprouted tubers. It is desirable that the earth is warmed up. This will ensure quick germination. You also need to adhere to the distance between the bushes; it is recommended to plant with an interval of 60x60 cm. Planting depth is 5-8 cm. The soil must be loosened as it compacts; potatoes like to grow in soft soil. When the bushes grow up to 30 cm, they need to be hilled up so that the stems do not fall or break. Spraying potatoes will help protect seedlings from the Corolad beetle and diseases. For this purpose, fungicides, insecticides and herbicides are used. It would seem that such care is enough to obtain a generous harvest, but without fertilizer it is almost impossible to achieve good returns.

Humus is a useful organic fertilizer for potatoes

How to get even and large tubers?

Even, smooth, equal in size, beautiful tubers with inconspicuous eyes are the decoration of a store shelf and the dream of any potato grower.

What feeding is needed to get them?

The answer is simple - you need to saturate the plants with zinc and boron . Fertilization with boron always has a positive effect on the processes of cell division, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, and the accumulation of sugars, proteins and starch in tubers. The addition of zinc helps protect proteins from denaturation. In addition, it is involved in many enzymatic reactions and is responsible, among other things, for scab control, starch content and peel hardness.

How to speed up the growth of tubers?

Is additional foliar feeding necessary to accelerate root growth?

It is definitely needed for early ripening potatoes.

For mid- and late-ripening table varieties, foliar feeding during the filling phase of tubers is important not only for the size, but also for the uniformity of potatoes.

We definitely apply fertilizing for fodder and technical varieties of potatoes.

Foliar feeding to accelerate the growth of tubers must be timely and balanced. A proven recipe for solving this problem is to buy liquid fertilizer Aidamin Complex foliar fertilizer . The application rate is 0.5-1.0 l/ha. The effect is combined - this feeding eliminates the deficiency of microelements, relieves stress on breathing and energy, and supplies the potatoes with amino acids and phytohormones.

Tips and recommendations from experienced gardeners

To obtain a high-quality potato harvest in large quantities, not only the selection of fertilizers will play an important role. Additional circumstances have a significant impact.

These include cleaning procedures (weeds, pests). A safe remedy for beetles, leaf rollers and other insects is selected according to the composition of the drug.

In second place is the selection of planting material and compliance with watering. The ground should not be excessively wet or dry. Finding the “golden mean” is quite difficult. During heavy rains, you have to use small tricks that help avoid trouble.

Before planting, it is worth checking the soil type. Fertility and soil acidity are factors that require additional work. Potatoes should always be planted in compliance with the planting rules. Comply with material planting standards.

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