Application of Thanos fungicide for various crops, consumption rate and compatibility with other drugs

A contact-systemic pesticide will help protect potatoes, grapes, sunflowers and other vegetables from a wide range of dangerous diseases. Instructions for use of the fungicide Thanos include a detailed description of the dosage of the drug, methods and time of treatment, as well as types of pathogens. With the help of a toxic chemical, they not only treat crops, but also prevent plants from dangerous microorganisms.

Description of the fungicide

A complex two-component drug based on cymoxanil and famoxadone is used to combat late blight and alternaria, and all types of powdery mildew. Fungicide Thanos destroys both overgrown mycelium and dormant spores in tissues. The drug is intended for the prevention and control of plant diseases during the growing season.

The drug is available in the form of small granules, which must be dissolved in water before use. The chemical is resistant to temperature changes, does not generate dust and does not crystallize if stored improperly.

Thanos is produced in the form of granules dispersible in water. The drug can be purchased in plastic bags of 400 g and 2 kg.

Fungicide Thanos: preparation of working solution for treatment

The working liquid of this fungicidal agent is prepared immediately before treatment. The required amount of Thanos is diluted in a liter of water, poured into the spray tank and the remaining water is added to the required volume, stirring with a special stirrer until the liquid is homogeneous. Small and medium nozzles are used for spraying.


For the effective effect of Thanos fungicide on plants, it is necessary to follow the dosages for each individual type of crop specified in the instructions.

Composition, active substance

"Thanos" is a two-component fungicide. It consists of two active substances - cymoxanil and famoxadone:

SubstanceMethod of actionMechanism of action
FamoxadonecontactIt adheres firmly to the cutin layer; during rain or watering, the substance is released and combines with water molecules, forming a protective film. Zoospores attacked by this film die within a few seconds.
Cymoxanillocal-systemSpreads quickly throughout the plant. Moving from root to leaf, it blocks diseased cells. Therefore, a therapeutic effect is possible even 2 days after infection.
ComponentMechanism of action
CymoxanilThe substance is able to penetrate leaf tissue and spread translaminarly.
This means that a sheet treated on the top surface will be protected underneath. At the same time, cymoxanil does not spread throughout the vascular system. Therefore, Thanos acts locally and systemically - it penetrates deeply, but remains at the site of treatment. Cymoxanil effectively inhibits RNA synthesis in fungal spore cells, actively suppressing sporulation.
FamoxadoneSubstance of the strobilurin class. Binds to the waxy layer on the surface of the leaves and inhibits mitochondrial respiration of the fungus, actively killing it. He acts through contact.

Thus, Thanos works in several directions simultaneously:

  • destroys fungal spores that have developed in a leaf or shoot;
  • kills adult mycelium at all stages of its development.

This explains the drug’s ability to act both prophylactically and therapeutically.

Click to enlarge

Cymoxanil and famoxadone complement each other very well, acting both on the surface of the leaves and in the deeper layers.

How Thanos works

Cymoxanil is a substance that moves in a downward flow, so the fungicide is evenly distributed throughout the plant. This remedy can stop the development of the disease by encapsulating the affected plant cells.

The second substance, famoxadone, is able to penetrate under the skin of the leaves and linger in the waxy layer of the cuticle. Therefore, the drug is resistant to moisture.

Application, what it helps with

The manufacturer positions the product as a fungicide with preventive and therapeutic effects. It is used on various crops for the prevention of fungal infections, as well as for treatment.

It is effective against:

  • late blight;
  • Alternaria;
  • mildew;
  • phomosa;
  • downy mildew;
  • rotten.

The compositions are used on grape plantations, potato beds, in greenhouses and greenhouses with tomatoes. Judging by the reviews, the use of Thanos on onions (when grown for turnips) and sunflowers (from white and gray mold) gives good results.


The certificate of state registration of "Tanos" contains the following provisions for the use of this fungicide in personal dependent farms:

Crops to be treatedWorking suspension concentrationTiming and method of treatmentTreatment frequency
Tomatoes6 g granules per 10 liters of waterSpraying during the growing season on the leaves: during the flowering of the first cluster, during mass flowering and twice during the period of active late blight (August).4
Potato6 g granules per 10 liters of waterSpraying on the leaves: starting from the closure of leaves in the rows, then during budding, at the end of flowering and when berries appear.4
Grape4 g seeds per 10 liters of waterSpray on the leaves, starting from flowering, with an interval of 10-12 days.3
Bulb onions12 g granules per 10 liters of waterSpray peppers starting at the 4-5 leaf stage at 8-12 day intervals.3

When processing tomatoes, potatoes and grapes, use a working suspension - 10 liters per hundred square meters. When spraying onions - 5 liters per hundred square meters.

Onions that are grown for their greens are not treated with Thanos. For other crops, it is important to observe a waiting period. After the last treatment, the harvest can be harvested after a certain number of days:

  • grapes - no less than 30 days;
  • onions - no less than 21 days later;
  • potatoes - no less than 15 days;
  • tomatoes - no less than 14 days.

The Thanos aqueous suspension quickly loses its effectiveness, so it is not stored, but used on the day of preparation.

"Thanos" is used only in one way - by spraying on the leaves. To distribute the drug evenly and reduce its consumption, it is better to purchase a good sprayer, preferably with a replaceable nozzle for hanging.

Advantages of the product

Thanks to the synthesis of the active components that make up the fungicide, it has many advantages:

  • has a low level of toxicity for bees and water inhabitants;
  • has an immediate effect and long-term prevents the risk of fungal diseases;
  • prevents resistance of fungal infection;
  • endowed with high resistance to moisture;
  • has strong therapeutic and preventive characteristics;
  • used for different crops;
  • differs in systemic local effects;
  • The drug is practical, economical in consumption, and the packaging is designed for long-term storage.

See also

Instructions for use of the fungicide Revus Top and mechanism of actionRead

Consumption rate, dosage

Fungicide for tomatoes and potatoes protects against late blight and alternaria. Processing of open ground crops should be carried out during the growing season. The solution consumption per 100 m² is 10 liters, which is prepared by adding 6 g of the drug to 10 liters of water. The drug guarantees reliable protection of these crops in the event of a pathogen entering the stem or leaves, and also destroys the infection on the surface of the contaminated soil, which prevents the recurrence of the infection.

The grapes are also processed during the growing season and protected from harmful objects such as powdery mildew. The working solution is prepared by adding 4 g of fungicide to 10 liters of water. Consumption is 10 liters per 100 m². For grapes, this remedy is indispensable, since powdery mildew spreads only in damp, rainy weather, and the Thanos fungicide tolerates rain and frequent watering.

Onion fungicide Thanos protects against the effects of peronosporosis. Only feather bulbs are not processed. The first preventive treatment is carried out during the growing season before flowering, and subsequent ones - after 8-12 days. The sprayer consumption rate is lower - 5 liters per 100 m². The solution is prepared by adding 12 g of fungicide to 10 liters of working solution.

To protect sunflowers from white and gray rot, phomosis, phomopsis and powdery mildew, it is necessary to carry out treatments during the growing season. The first preventive spraying is carried out at the stage of 4-6 true leaves. At the stages of budding and flowering, it is necessary to repeat the treatment. Fanos fungicide is diluted at the rate of 10 g per 10 liters of liquid used, the consumption is 400 g per hectare.

Reviews from gardeners

Dmitry, 36 years old, Krasnodar

I grow grapes for sale, so I carefully monitor the spread of any diseases. Last year several mildew spots appeared on the leaves. To prepare the solution, I chose Thanos fungicide; according to the instructions for use, I added 4 g of the substance per 10 liters of water. After 20 days I repeated the treatment. The drug did an excellent job and the disease subsided.

Anna, 58 years old, Perm

The drug Thanos is used to process potatoes. The product protects plantings well from late blight. The fungicide is not washed off by rain and has a healing effect. Preventive spraying is very effective. During the entire growing period, no signs of disease appear.

Olga, 43 years old, Taganrog

Thanos used the drug several years ago to treat a vineyard. The fungicide has a mild effect and shows good results only on seedlings. To combat diseases on adult bushes I use Ridomil. Thanos fungicide is only suitable for disease prevention. I spray in early spring, when the buds have not yet opened.

Instructions for use for 10 liters

If treatment is carried out for preventive purposes, it is necessary to spray only the leaves of the plants. However, as the practice of using Thanos shows, in order for its fungicidal effect to be more effective and the plants to be well protected from pathogens, 3-4 treatments must be carried out per season, and it is advisable to alternate Thanos with other drugs. This will prevent fungi from becoming dependent on the drug.

The intervals between procedures should not be less than 2 weeks. Spraying with Thanos fungicide is recommended after treatment with Titus herbicide. The use of Thanos can also be combined with Kurzat R.

Spraying is best done in the early morning or evening. Wind speed should not exceed 3 m per second.

On tomatoes (including in the greenhouse)

Phytophthora and Alternaria pose a serious threat to tomatoes. Infection begins with the appearance of brown spots on the blades of leaves and shoots, then they spread to the fruits. Without taking urgent measures, the plants die within 7-10 days.

Scheme of application on tomatoes (click to enlarge)

How to use Thanos fungicide on tomatoes? During the summer, plantings are treated 3-4 times, the first time - 14-15 days after planting the tomatoes. Maintain an interval between sprayings of 10-12 days.

For 10 liters of water, take 6 grams of granules. Tomatoes use 0.5-0.6 liters per square meter.

On the grapes

During the growing season, grapevines should be protected from powdery mildew (oidium). To do this, preventively spray the grapevines during the growing season with a solution of the fungicide Thanos.

4 g of the product are dissolved in a bucket of water.

Vineyards are sprayed with Thanos three times a season: before flowering, and then at the end of flowering at intervals of several weeks. During treatment, all shoots, leaves and soil around the vine are abundantly moistened.

This procedure should be carried out in calm weather, when it is cloudy or in the evening. Within 180 minutes after treatment, a protective layer is formed on the leaves and shoots, which protects the plants from fungi and their spores. Use 100 ml of working solution for each square.

Fungicide Thanos protects vines from fungal diseases for a month after spraying.

On potatoes

Thanos, a fungicide that copes, according to the instructions for use, with late blight and alternaria on potatoes. The solution is prepared in the proportion of 2 grams of the drug in 5 liters of water. To treat one acre of land, 4 liters of working solution are needed. To achieve maximum effect, spraying is carried out 4 times with an interval of 2 weeks:

  1. When connecting rows.
  2. During the bud swelling phase.
  3. At the moment of flowering.
  4. During the period of berry ripening and tuber growth.

On cucumbers

Thanos provides care for vegetable crops, protection against Alternaria, powdery mildew, late blight. The instructions for using the chemical on cucumbers require strict adherence to the dosage. The frequency of spraying should not exceed 4 times per season. The interval between procedures is 10-14 days.

For the bow

Downy mildew on onions is controlled using this fungicide. The onions are sprayed for the first time before flowering, then the treatment is carried out every two weeks. To prepare the working fluid, dissolve 5 g of Thanos granules in 10 liters of water. Use 40 ml of solution for each square of area.

The drug Thanos is not used to treat onions that are grown for feathers.

For sunflower

Sunflower crops are sprayed with Thanos against fungal diseases and rot. For preventive treatment of sunflower, prepare the same working solution as in vineyards.

To cure plants from fungus, prepare the solution as follows: dissolve 6 g of the drug granules in a bucket of water.

Thanos sprayed the sunflowers for the first time at the stage of the first 5 leaves. Subsequent spraying is carried out until flowering.

If the sunflower is heavily damaged by fungi, a third spraying is necessary. However, it should be carried out 1.5 months before collecting seeds. About 40 ml of spray is consumed for each square of area. If this drug does not help, replace it with fungicides containing other active ingredients.

The prepared solution retains its properties for 24 hours, but after this time, all remaining liquid must be removed.

Fungicide Thanos: reviews from those who have used this drug

Olga, 44 years old, Samara region: I use Thanos fungicide to treat tomatoes, cucumbers and onions growing in my garden. This product effectively fights fungal diseases that can affect these vegetable crops. But it cannot be used during the flowering period of plants.

Tatyana, 50 years old, Volgograd region: Most of my garden plot is occupied by a vineyard. To prevent it from being affected by powdery mildew, I treat the vines with fungicidal preparations. I tried many different fungicides, but Thanos turned out to be the best - it begins to fight the disease immediately after treatment, and also protects my grape plantation for a month after spraying. I recommend this drug to all winegrowers.

Maria, 50 years old, Saratov region: My husband and I grow potatoes for sale on our plot. We have a large plantation of this vegetable crop, and in order to protect potatoes from fungal diseases (alternaria and late blight), we spray with Thanos. Sometimes during a season it is necessary to carry out up to 4 treatments for prevention, but as a result, our potatoes are not susceptible to fungal diseases, because after each spraying the plants are protected from pathogens for a month.

The fungicidal drug Thanos is highly effective in combating fungal diseases on some garden and vegetable crops.

It is also successfully used as a prophylactic agent to protect cultivated plants from pathogenic fungi, their spores and rot. In addition, this drug, when used in accordance with the instructions, does not cause resistance in pathogens.

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Drug toxicity and precautions

Thanos fungicide has class 3 toxicity for humans, animals and bees.

Therefore, it is not used during the period of mass flowering of garden and vegetable plants, near apiaries. It also cannot be used near bodies of water, so as not to harm their inhabitants.

From the moment the solution is prepared until the end of work, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment, and also not to eat, drink or smoke during this time.

If this liquid gets on the mucous membranes, they should be washed with running water. The drug should be washed off the skin with damp gauze. If the fungicide enters the body, induce vomiting and take several tablets of activated carbon.

Cautions when working with Thanos

"Thanos" is a chemical hazard class 3 agent. When working with it, protective measures are the same as when working with other fungicides. Wear thick clothing with long sleeves, safety glasses, latex gloves, a respirator and closed shoes.

If a solution of any concentration comes into contact with the skin, immediately rinse the affected area with plenty of water. If the solution gets into the eyes, they are also washed with clean running water. If the product gets inside, immediately drink several glasses of water with activated carbon (6-10 tablets).

In more severe cases, if vomiting or nausea occurs, call an ambulance immediately. In this case, it is necessary to provide the medical team with a label to accurately identify the drug that caused the poisoning of the body.

Compatibility with other drugs

The fungicide is compatible with many pesticides, except those that have an alkaline reaction. It is recommended to combine it with sporicides, such as:

  1. "Mancozeb".
  2. "Fluazinam."
  3. "Bravo".
  4. "Chlorothalonil."
  5. "Aktara".

The manufacturer recommends using Thanos after the post-emergence herbicide Titus, which stops the growth of weeds that carry fungal infections. Due to the fact that the fungicide can cause resistance in pathogens, it should be used alternately with other drugs. In particular, the drug “Kurzat R” contains copper with success among gardeners and gardeners.

Anti-resistant effect

Due to the blocking effect of the active components of the drug and the fact that the components act on several pathogenic substances in the plant cell at once, a high effect of resisting resistant colonies of fungal spores is achieved.

But any anti-resistance program is less effective with the constant use of one or more drugs with a similar spectrum of action. Following this, when treating disease-prone crops, Thanos should be alternated with third-party fungicides.

A fungus is considered resistant to a fungicide if, with proper use of the drug at a time determined by weather conditions, the plant disease progresses.

Advantages and disadvantages

Indelibility of fungicides during rain and watering.
Therapeutic effect during treatment even 2 days after infection.

Economical use of the drug.

Universality of action: prevention, protection and treatment.

Increased shelf life.

Extended protection period.

Immediate spore suppression (within 6 seconds).

The possibility of pathogen dependence on the drug, which can be solved by alternating use with other fungicides.

High price.

What diseases can a fungicide be used to control?

This drug has a detrimental effect on the following pathogens:

  • Alternaria blight;
  • true and downy mildew;
  • various types of rot;
  • late blight;
  • escoriosis and others.

The drug is highly effective and has an immediate destructive effect on pathogens, which die just a few seconds after contact with the fungicide.

Analogues, what to replace

A two-component systemic-local fungicide with a similar principle of action - Switch. A chemical preparation based on cyprodinil and fludioxonil is used to combat fungi in vineyards, vegetables and fruit trees. It protects against outbreaks of infection during adverse weather conditions.

Famox is an analogue of the drug Thanos, the active ingredients of which are famoxadone and cymoxanil. The systemic contact drug quickly destroys the disease and protects against superinfection within one month. A product with preventive and therapeutic properties shows good effectiveness on all types of crops.

Falcon emulsion concentrate based on three active substances is recommended for the destruction of pathogens in vineyards, grains and beets. These elements destroy cell membranes and block the production of immunity. The product does not lose its properties due to temperature fluctuations. The disadvantage of the chemical is the large packaging - from 5 liters.

Purpose and form of release

Thanos is a granular powder that, when combined with water, forms a homogeneous suspension. The instructions note that the chemical is suitable for killing fungal infections. There is a high biological effectiveness against a whole range of diseases, which is obtained through systemic-contact and local action. The fungicide is used in preventive or systemic treatment.

The American systemic fungicide is sold in packages of 400 g or 2 kg. Smaller packaging sizes are not available. Registration in the Russian Federation applies to tomatoes, sunflowers, potatoes, grapes, and soybeans. However, the spectrum of action is much wider than described in the instructions.

Attention! 1 teaspoon contains 1 g of Thanos fungicide.

Application of "Quadris" in vineyards

Grapes are a crop susceptible to many unpleasant diseases, of which the most common are mildew and oidium. In viticulture, this is the common name for downy and powdery mildew. These fungal infections cause significant yield losses not only in table grape varieties, but also in wine grapes, so protecting the vineyard from them is the primary task of winegrowers.

For these purposes, the fungicide “Quadris” is diluted at the rate of 800 ml per 1000 liters of water. This volume of working solution is intended for spraying 1 hectare of plantings.

According to the official regulations published on the website, double treatment with this drug is permissible - before flowering begins and after it ends. However, in practice it is often necessary to use the drug 4 times:

  • before flowering begins;
  • after flowering is completed;
  • along green ovaries;
  • in the phase of beginning coloring of berries.

“Quadris” is applied only to dry grape leaves, in the absence of wind and direct sun. Spraying onto a damp sheet will dramatically reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.

Composition, effects

For agronomic purposes it is produced as crystalline hydrate, in the form of a wettable powder (SP).

HOM is chemically resistant. This is explained by the low mobility of positively charged copper ions. Therefore, they do not actually penetrate plant tissues, which means they do not pose a danger to them. But when combined with biological microorganisms, the situation changes. Fungal pathogens activate copper mobility, resulting in their death. Such interaction is possible only with barely germinated spores; mature mature microorganisms are not subject to the control of HOM; it cannot cope with them.

Therefore, copper oxychloride is used as a prophylactic or in the initial stage of plant infection, since, in the later stages of disease development, the drug is completely useless. In other words, this fungicide is beneficial only before the fungi enter the sporulation stage. As a last resort, before their hyphae fill the infected plant. That is, it should be used when the first signs of the disease appear.

It is extremely difficult to diagnose at an early stage. If there is an error, the drug will not work. But, due to the fact that it is used at the beginning of the development of pathogens, there is time to replace it with another drug.

Arguments in favor of the use of copper oxychloride are its detrimental effect on many types of pathogens. In addition, the substance does not accumulate in plant tissues, therefore it is not dangerous for humans.

Features of using Thanos on vegetable crops

Thanos® controls major diseases of vegetable crops

Thanos® - therapeutic effect against peronosporosis on cucumbers

Kurzat® R and Thanos® significantly reduce damage to the leaf surface and sporulation.

Demonstration test results

Description of the experience

Astrakhan region, Privolzhsky district, AgroProm LLC

Application of "Quadris" for processing tomatoes

"Quadris" is available in the form of a concentrated emulsion. A working solution is prepared from it, the concentration of which depends on where exactly the treatment will be carried out:

GreenhouseOpen ground
1 liter of emulsion is diluted per 1000 liters of water. This volume of working solution is intended for processing 1 hectare of greenhouse tomatoes.
The first spraying is carried out after the completion of flowering of the 1st cluster. Repeated - after 1-2 weeks.

Working personnel can enter the greenhouse without personal protection 2 days after treatment.

To treat 1 hectare of ground tomatoes, 400 ml of emulsion is diluted in 600 liters of water.
The frequency and timing of spraying are similar to greenhouse tomatoes. Personnel entering the field without protective equipment is possible on the 2nd day.

On tomatoes, “Quadris” kills pathogenic flora that causes late blight, alternaria and powdery mildew. The waiting period is a maximum of three days.

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