Planting onions according to the Lunar calendar in 2022: favorable days

Onions are always available in any home; housewives use all of them to prepare most dishes. Bulbs not only add additional flavor to food, but also benefit the body. The vegetable contains a significant amount of vitamins and microelements, while its calorie content is low. Summer residents who have their own plot must plant onions on it. The harvested crop lasts for a long time.

This article will tell you in detail when to plant onions in 2022 according to the Lunar calendar, planting dates in the regions, the best varieties and agricultural techniques for growing this crop.

Which onion to plant on the head in spring

For planting on the head, sets with a diameter of about 2 cm are most suitable. Smaller bulbs are best planted on greens. A good harvest will come from a set that weighs 2-3 g. It is better not to use bulbs that are too large, they will take longer to take root, and accordingly the harvest will ripen later.

In addition, in this case the risk of shooting increases. If you only have large sets at your disposal, plant them later. This will reduce the likelihood of an arrow appearing. Seed material of the same size is planted on one bed so that the plants develop evenly.

On a note! There are also varieties in which the head is formed in 1 season directly from the seeds, so the harvest can be obtained without an intermediate stage (onion sets). Suitable varieties for planting with seeds include Aleko, Bayram, Brunsvik, Vostorg, Globus, Carmen, Odintsovets and others.

How to choose the right onions for planting

For planting, 1-2 year old seedlings are used. It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of planting material:

  • the bulbs should be dry and dense,
  • Do not use material with hatched sprouts;
  • onions with mechanical damage are not suitable for planting;
  • There should be no traces of rot and mold on the sets, or white coating on the roots.

It is also necessary to choose a variety intended specifically for growing per head. The quality of the future harvest and its shelf life directly depend on the quality of planting material.

The best varieties of onions

For planting, it is necessary to choose zoned varieties. In the middle zone, the following varieties are most often grown for turnips:

  1. "Stuttgarten Riesen" . Mid-season productive variety. The heads are flattened, with an average weight of 200 g. The pulp is white, juicy, with a pungent aftertaste.
  2. "Centurion F1" . The variety produces stable yields, is well stored, and is resistant to the appearance of arrowheads. Ripening dates are very early. The heads are medium in size, slightly elongated.
  3. "Red Baron" . Red onion variety with early growing season. Resistant to bolting and can be stored for a long time. Yield indicators are average. The pulp has a semi-sharp taste.
  4. "Rostov local" . Early ripening variety. From 1 sq. meters, 2.5 kg of fruit is obtained. The bulb is flat-round in shape, with sharp pulp and golden scales.
  5. "Sturon" . A variety with medium ripening periods, forms elongated heads weighing up to 250 g. The fruits have a bitter taste and are used for preparing hot dishes.

Early-ripening varieties ripen on average in 3 months, mid-ripening varieties require about 4 months, the growing season of late-ripening onions lasts over 125 days. For the Moscow region and colder regions, varieties with early and medium ripening periods are suitable; in the south, any onion can be grown.

How do deadlines change depending on the characteristics of the variety?

The types of planting material should be changed at least every 3-4 years. It is better to purchase nigella in branded stores. The seeds are prepared for planting and disinfected. In most cases, they were treated with a laser, thanks to which they became resistant to diseases and pests and are not afraid of temperature changes. Onion varieties are divided into early, mid-early, mid-season, late-ripening.


Regardless of the type of planting material, the average growing season lasts 90-180 days.

For sowing in spring, it is recommended to choose spring varieties. They are susceptible to frost but resistant to pests. They are collected in the fall. Examples of suitable varieties:

  • spicy - Arzamas local, Pogarsky, Rostov;
  • semi-sharp, reduced keeping quality - Vishensky, Krasnodar, Yalta;
  • early ripening hybrids - Globus, Kataralsky, Carmen;
  • late ripening - Red Baron, Globo.

Varieties for autumn planting are small root crops with a diameter of up to 1 cm with a short ripening period. After sprouting, winter onions are harvested after 2-3 months. The advantage of such planting is the low probability of onion fly infection. To plant zoned varieties, you can rely on the recommendations of the lunar calendar, and if you are trying to increase productivity through specially bred hybrids, you need to listen more carefully to the predictions of weather forecasters. In this case, more attention is paid to the zodiac constellations that include the Moon, rather than to favorable and unfavorable days, especially during a sharp cold snap.

Popular zoned types of sets for the middle zone: Esaul, Turbo, Supra. Hybrid varieties - Cupido, Corrado, Romi, Red Queen. From the ripening of seedlings to the yellowing and lodging of feathers, 75-110 days pass.

When to plant onions in spring in 2022 according to the Lunar calendar

In order for the onion to germinate and take root faster, it should be planted on the growing Moon. For spring planting of onions in 2022, the Lunar calendar recommends the following dates:

  • in March - 6-8, 11-1W, 20-W1;
  • in April - W-5, 7-10, 17-22, 25-W0;
  • in May – 2, 5-7, 10-12, 17-25, 27-29;
  • in June - 1-W, 6-8, 15-17, 2W-26.

In addition to favorable days, there are also unfavorable days for planting onions. During these periods, it is better to do other things.

Unfavorable dates:

  • in March - 2, 18, 28;
  • in April - 1, 2, 16, 29, 30;
  • in May - 16, 29, 30, 31;
  • in June - 14, 29.

A particularly strict ban on planting is imposed on the days of the New Moon and Full Moon. To determine the most ideal landing days, you must also pay attention to what zodiac sign the Moon is in. The most fertile signs include Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn. Crops planted on such days not only give a good harvest, but are also well stored.

The timing of planting onions varies in regions. This is due to climatic conditions. If in the south gardeners develop active activity already in March-April, then in Siberia and the Urals the favorable time for this can only come at the end of May or at the beginning of June. It would also be a good idea to pay attention to the recommendations of the Lunar calendar.

Timing for planting onions in spring in the regions

Before planting onion sets, you need to wait for consistently warm weather, when the threat of return frosts has passed:

  • in the south of Russia (Stavropol region, Crimea, Kuban, Kalmykia) they begin planting in the second half of March);
  • in the middle zone (Moscow region and the entire central part of Russia) planting is carried out from late April to mid-May;
  • in the Leningrad region the climate is unpredictable; here it is better to plant onions in the second ten days of May;
  • In Siberia and the Urals , snow can sometimes fall even in June; here it is recommended to postpone work until as late as possible; usually local gardeners plant seedlings in early June.

The dates must be adjusted taking into account the current weather. They can be moved both backwards and forwards.

Basics of onion agricultural technology

In general, onions are a fairly undemanding vegetable crop in terms of growing conditions. It is quite cold-resistant, seeds can germinate already at a temperature of +2°C-+3°C. And onion seedlings can easily withstand short-term frosts down to -3°C-5°C. Therefore, onions can be grown in several ways:

  • Within one year in the southern regions, seeds (nigella) are sown directly into the ground and by autumn full-fledged bulbs grow.
  • In a two-year culture - in the first year, seeds are sown and at the end of summer small bulbs - onion sets - grow from them. It is collected and planted back into the ground in the spring of the second year. By autumn, full-size bulbs grow from it.
  • Sometimes, to speed up development, onion seeds are sown in the ground indoors in February or March, and slightly grown seedlings are planted in open ground in late spring. Often onion planting material, especially small ones, is planted in the ground in the fall, before winter - this allows you to get an earlier harvest the next year.

  • Finally, perennial onions are most often sown in beds in the spring months, when the earth warms up a little. But it can grow without transplanting for up to five years in one place and is one of the first to grow in early spring, when there is no greenery yet.

Preparing onions before planting

Planting material in the form of sets is obtained in the fall. Gardeners face an important task - to properly preserve onions until spring planting. Store it in a well-ventilated and dry place at a temperature of 0° C. Do not use plastic bags for storage.

Immediately before planting, the sets are sorted by size, unsuitable bulbs are discarded, and then disinfected and antifungal treatment is carried out. If planting material was purchased, it must first be dried and warmed at room temperature for 2-3 weeks.

The same period will be needed to warm up your own planting material. This will allow the bulbs to start the germination process. Just before planting, the temperature is raised to 30-35° C and maintained under such conditions for 10 hours.

This technique will reduce the risk of certain diseases and prevent shooting. You can speed up the heating by soaking the onion in hot water at a temperature of 40-50° C for 10-15 minutes. After the hot bath, the bulbs are quickly cooled by placing them in cold water and then dried.

Additional processing methods:

  • in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes - for the purpose of disinfection;
  • in a saline solution (1 tablespoon per liter of water) for 3 hours – this method helps against onion flies (after soaking, rinse and dry);
  • in an ash solution (250g of ash per 5 liters of water) for 5-7 minutes - the bath strengthens the immune system and protects against diseases;
  • in a solution of “Fitosporin” according to the instructions - protection against rot and fungal infections;
  • in a solution of a growth stimulator ("Gumisol", "Zircon", "Epin Extra") according to the instructions - accelerates germination, has a beneficial effect on the future harvest.

On a note! Before soaking, it is recommended to slightly trim the tops of the bulbs so that the liquid can more easily penetrate under the scales. You can also carefully trim the bottom, in which case the roots will begin to grow faster.

What to soak onions in before planting to protect against diseases and get a rich harvest - video

Prevention from diseases and pests

Exhibition onions, like many other varieties, are susceptible to infection by fungal diseases and pests. In order not to be left without a harvest, you need to know what is dangerous and how to deal with it. The main fungal diseases affecting onions include:

  1. Powdery mildew - whitish coating on the leaves, lodging of onion feathers, damage to the heads themselves, rotting.
  2. Gray rot - if you make a cut, the affected areas are visible at the base; when you press on the bulb near the neck, the tissue is crushed.
  3. Bacteriosis - the fruits become soft, when cut, rotten brown tissue is visible between healthy scales with traces of fungal development, an unpleasant odor, and the presence of small flies.

Infection with a fungus can occur due to poor-quality planting material or flaws in care. Do not over-moisten the soil. Applying too much nitrogen fertilizer can also be harmful.

Exhibition onions can also suffer from pests. Sometimes yields are reduced by more than 50%. Affected bulbs are not always suitable for consumption. Often they are not stored and spoil very quickly. To protect onions from diseases and harmful insects, you need to follow preventive measures:

  1. Maintain crop rotation. It is not recommended to place onions in the same area where crops from the same family previously grew. Exhibitions are not planted in areas where there were onions or garlic.
  2. Treat seeds. The exception is planting material that has already been pickled. There is information about this on the packaging.
  3. Sprinkle the beds with wood ash, tobacco dust or its mixture with slaked lime (1:1).
  4. Spray the plantings with wormwood infusion.
  5. Plant carrots next to the onions. Its tops contain phytoncides that repel onion flies.
  6. Do not use plant debris from other beds as compost.

If it is not possible to plant onions in another area, you need to cultivate the land before sowing. Insects and fungal spores live in the soil for a long time, so you definitely need to water the beds with Fitosporin or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

If the onion is already affected, you need to determine the possible cause as quickly as possible (determine the type of fungal pathogen or pest), and then use more effective means. Quadris and Strobi help well against powdery mildew. These drugs have a waiting period. We need to pay attention to this fact. You need to spray the onions repeatedly, maintaining intervals of 10 days. It is imperative to use systemic fungicides to save the crop, since contact ones will not have an effect.

Do you believe the forecasts of weather forecasters, folk signs that predict the weather for the coming seasons?

Yes, I always look at what weather forecasters predict, I pay attention to signs. I can say that more often than not everything comes true


I can not say exactly. According to my observations, forecasts do not always come true


No I do not believe. I believe that it is impossible to predict the weather several months in advance.


If Exhibition is affected by onion fly or other pests, it is too late to apply preventive measures. You can spray the plantings with wormwood infusion, but it is better to use systemic insecticides for a faster and more lasting effect. Corrado, Aktara will do. It is better to remove affected plants from the garden. You can use several products at once and act on the pest in a comprehensive manner.

How to plant onions correctly in spring

When planting onions, it is necessary to take into account the rules of crop rotation, observe the depth and planting interval. Otherwise, the bulbs will grow small, the crop will be affected by diseases, and the shelf life of the vegetable will be reduced.

Selecting a location and preparing the bed

The area for planting onions should be flat or elevated, well lit. The vegetable is not planted in lowlands, on heavy, waterlogged soil. It is important to follow the rules of crop rotation; if they are not followed, the crop will be susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. The following are suitable onion predecessors:

  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • pepper;
  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers

After these vegetables, enough nutrients remain in the soil, the soil is not greatly depleted. The listed plants do not have common diseases or pests with onions. Planting after peas, beans and zucchini is acceptable. If onions have already been grown in this area before, the next planting is allowed only after 3 years, and if the incidence rate is high - after 5 years.

The bed for vegetables is prepared in the fall. The soil is dug up onto the bayonet of a shovel, at the same time you can add, if necessary, compost or humus (3-4 kg per 1 sq. m), phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (30-40 g per 1 sq. m). Chalk or lime must be added to acidic soil.

On a note! Fresh manure is not applied before planting onions.

In spring, the bed is leveled and harrowed with a rake. If the site has heavy clay soil, it is recommended to build raised raised beds.


After the bed has been formed and leveled, grooves 4-5 cm deep are cut into it at intervals of 15-20 cm. If the soil has dried out by this time, the furrows must be watered with warm water. The recess can be lightly sprinkled with sand and wood ash. After this, they begin planting the bulbs.

They are placed bottom down, slightly pressed into the ground, then sprinkled with a 2 cm thick layer of earth. It is this planting depth that will ensure good turnip quality. In a row, the sets should be located at a distance of 6-10 cm. The larger the bulbs, the greater the interval between them should be.

Soil requirements for growing onions

Onions grow well in loamy, sandy soils. It prefers neutral or slightly acidic soil. If the soil is very acidic, you can add dolomite flour or slaked lime to the beds for digging. The quantity should be selected individually, while constantly monitoring the acidity using special indicator strips.

Onion beds are prepared in the fall. To make the soil more fertile, you can add humus or manure diluted with water. It is better to use superphosphate, potassium salt or special complexes as mineral fertilizers. If onions need to be planted before winter, fertilizers are applied 2-3 weeks before planting.

Caring for onions in open ground

Caring for planted seedlings involves watering, fertilizing, and protecting against diseases. Correct agricultural technology will only affect the quality of the crop for the better.


Young onions are watered 1-2 times a week with a moderate amount of water. After moistening, the soil between the rows must be loosened to ensure air access to the roots. As soon as the heads begin to form, the frequency of watering is reduced so that the bulbs fully ripen.

A month before harvest, watering is stopped. In severe drought, minor irrigation by sprinkling is allowed. In the first stages of growth, weeds pose a threat to seedlings. The weeds are carefully pulled out of the wet soil by hand shortly after watering.

Top dressing

If the soil was well fertilized before planting, there is no special need for fertilizing. If the soil is poor, you can apply fertilizer 1-2 times per season. The first feeding is carried out a month after planting. For it, it is better to use liquid organic fertilizers - a solution of bird droppings, mullein, horse manure. The organic matter is poured with water and allowed to ferment for 7-10 days.

Manure and mullein are diluted with 5 parts of water. The concentration of chicken manure should be 2 times weaker. Before use, the composition is diluted by half again with water. The second time the onions are fed during the formation of the heads, adding phosphorus-potassium mixtures, for example, potassium monophosphate. The solution is prepared according to the instructions and applied to the soil after watering so as not to burn the roots.

How to feed onions in spring for good development - video

Disease Prevention

Onions are often overcome by various diseases; to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take preventive measures. The crop can become infected with downy mildew, Alternaria blight, rust, Fusarium blight, and various types of rot. Due to the short growing season, it is undesirable to treat onions with chemicals; all efforts should be directed toward protecting the crop from diseases.

For this it is necessary:

  • observe crop rotation;
  • provide the crop with good nutrition;
  • place the bed in a sunny place;
  • get rid of weeds in a timely manner;
  • do not allow excess moisture in the soil;
  • treat the seedlings before planting.

If signs of disease appear, it is recommended to add wood ash or potassium fertilizer - this will increase the immunity of the crop. It is better to pull out individual plants severely affected by the fungus and burn them. Treat the remaining onions with a solution of the preparation “HOM” (40 g per 10 liters of water). After 1-1.5 weeks, repeat the treatment. After this, you cannot cut the onion into a feather for 20 days.

To prevent an onion fly attack, as soon as the onion leaves reach a length of 10 cm, the bed is watered with a salt solution (1 cup per 10 liters of water). Then two more such treatments are carried out with an interval of 10 days. Preventive measures also include choosing a variety that is resistant to diseases and pest attacks.

Favorable days for watering and fertilizing onions and garlic

March: 1-4, 12-13, 17-18, 22-23, 28-31

April: 3-5, 8-9, 13-14, 18-19, 23-28

May: 5, 12-13, 17-18, 22-25

June: 2, 11-12, 16-17, 21-24, 29

July: 10, 15-16, 20-23

August: 1, 10-11, 14-15, 19-22, 27.

Care Tips

The abundance and quality of the harvest depends on how to care for vegetable plantings. The main agrotechnical measures are irrigation and loosening. To maintain optimal water balance in plants, which allows the formation of large juicy turnips, it is necessary to ensure timely hydration. However, the soil should not be over-moistened, otherwise rot may develop. Water procedures are carried out only after adding the surface layer. After watering, the beds must be loosened to facilitate the growth of the bulbs and improve oxygen access to their root system.

When the heads reach an average size, the soil is periodically raked away from them. This promotes good development of the bulbs and an increase in their size. The beds are weeded regularly. Excessive vegetation leads to fungal infection of the crop. A month after sowing, organic matter is added to the plants. An example of a nutrient solution - rotted mullein is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10.

Useful tips for gardeners

Planting a bow on a feather is somewhat different from when you need to get the heads. It is also necessary to take some measures to prevent bolting.

How to plant onions on greens

Planting onions on feathers involves the use of a different scheme and allows you to significantly save on the garden bed, because in this case you do not need to provide the onions with space to form heads. If there is a lot of planting material, it is recommended to plant using the bridge method. In this case, the bed is densely filled with bulbs and then covered with a small layer of soil (2-3 cm). For such planting, 11-13 kg of sets are consumed per square meter.

If you do not have a large number of bulbs, plant the sets using the belt method. The rows are placed at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. In each of them, the sets are planted at intervals of 1-4 cm. With such a dense pattern, the crop will need to be thinned out in the future, leaving a gap of at least 3.5 cm between plants. Caring for onions when planting on a feather should be the same as when landing on a turnip.

How to put a bow on its head so it doesn't go into the arrow

To prevent the onion from going into the shoot, it is important to properly store the sets in the winter. It should be stored at a temperature no higher than 0° C. It is also important to correctly sort the onions by size. Small and medium sowings do not produce arrows. Onions whose heads are more than 30 mm in diameter will definitely shoot; they should be planted separately on early greens.

To prevent the appearance of shoots, it is important to adhere to planting dates. If the material was placed in cold soil, the bow will become knotted. Do not neglect the pre-planting treatment of seedlings. Warming up the bulbs will reduce the likelihood of bolting. If the arrow does appear, it is cut off at the base of the bulb. The procedure may need to be repeated.

Common mistakes

Sometimes gardeners make mistakes when growing onion seedlings.

  1. The plant dies or becomes lethargic due to inappropriate container size. The seedling boxes should be deep enough to allow room for a well-developed and long root system. When transplanting to a garden bed, you need to make a fairly deep planting hole so that the roots can fit in without any problems in a straightened form.
  2. Seedlings do not develop and sometimes die due to poor lighting.
  3. Large density of plantings. Plants simply do not have enough nutrients.
  4. Heat. Seedlings quickly grow, become thinner, weaken and may die.
  5. Summer residents often try to save weak seedlings and hill up the bulbs. The growing point is covered with earth, the plant dies.
  6. When transplanting to a garden bed, other gardeners advise trimming the feathers of the bulbs. This is another mistake. Onion feathers are hollow inside, water accumulates in them like in a well, the plant rots and dies.
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