Iodine as a fertilizer for tomatoes - a super fertilizer for doubling the yield

Everyone tries to grow tomatoes in their garden plot, but not everyone can boast of beautiful large and healthy fruits and abundant harvests. After all, a tomato can be susceptible to various diseases, and it is very partial to additional nutrition. And using chemicals in a home garden is not always convenient or pleasant. In this case, various folk remedies will come to the rescue, for example, feeding tomatoes with iodine. The procedure is popular among gardeners due to its simplicity, accessibility and effectiveness.

Benefits of iodine for tomatoes

Iodine fertilizer for tomatoes is used as a preventive and therapeutic agent and fertilizer. Additionally saturates the soil with useful substances (when applying root solutions).

Iodine is a natural antiseptic and takes part in the processes of respiration, metabolism and photosynthesis of the plant. Promotes the production of amino acids and suppression of pathogenic microorganisms. Its regular use eliminates the need to add nitrogen components in large dosages.

Feeding tomatoes with iodine solution has the following effect:

  • germination of seed material accelerates;
  • the plant’s immune system is strengthened;
  • nitrates do not accumulate in vegetables, as after the use of nitrogen fertilizers;
  • more ovaries are formed;
  • the degree of resistance to negative factors increases;
  • bacteria are destroyed, especially fungal ones;
  • diseases are eliminated;
  • fruit ripening time accelerates;
  • resistance to frost and drought increases;
  • productivity increases.

According to agronomists and gardeners, thanks to iodine, tomatoes acquire a more red and uniform tint, and external indicators (shape) improve. The last factor is due to the fact that the bushes are less susceptible to diseases and pests.

Signs of iodine deficiency

Its deficiency in the tissues of tomato plants manifests itself in various ways, for example, in decreased immunity and their resistance to bad weather, various diseases and pest attacks. This is especially felt by plants that begin to suffer from fungal diseases such as brown spot, mosaic, root rot, and late blight.

Even if plants do not get sick due to a lack of a microelement, iodine is still important for tomato seedlings; if it is deficient in the soil, it can grow pale, thin and lethargic. In many cases, severe iodine deficiency can even lead to the death of plants, especially in extreme heat and drought, if they are not provided with timely feeding with this element.

How can you tell if tomatoes lack iodine?

Among all vegetable crops, it is tomatoes that most need iodine, which they absorb from soil, water, and air. It is impossible to say unequivocally how much specific substance is required per day, so watch the plant.

Iodine deficiency is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • low yield (if you are sure of the variety and seeds);
  • small fruits;
  • growth is too slow;
  • susceptibility to diseases and pests;
  • delay in fruiting time;
  • thinness of the stems;
  • lethargy and pallor of leaves.

What to do if you overdo it with the dosage?

The beneficial effects of iodine are observed when the standards are observed. Violation of the recommended proportions will lead to deformation of the fruits and a deterioration in their marketable properties. Gardeners who use iodine as a fertilizer note that it is better not to fertilize roots during fruiting. Finish them after the first ovaries appear.

Features of use:

  • do not use the drug for 2 weeks after transplanting seedlings into the ground;
  • do not combine with Trichopolum and Aspirin;
  • fertilizing with boric acid and peroxide is carried out 4 days after treatment with iodine solution.

Features of use in open ground and greenhouses

In greenhouse conditions, due to the lack of rain, it is important to carry out root feeding. In the garden, sometimes it is enough to spray the plants, since raindrops wash iodine from the leaves into the soil. When sprayed in a greenhouse, the substance is completely absorbed by tomato stems and leaves. Consequently, foliar fertilizer is applied less frequently than in open beds (about 2 times).

Diseases occur more often in greenhouses, since the area is completely closed, so it is recommended to disinfect the air. What should be done:

  • hang a bottle or other container with iodine on each bush support;
  • place the container vertically;
  • open the covers.

The evaporating substance spreads through the air and is absorbed by plants. During this period, try not to visit the greenhouse frequently, as iodine in a volatile state can be harmful to the human body.

In open ground, you need to feed tomatoes early in the morning or in the evening, since iodine causes burns when in contact with the sun's rays. Foliar feeding is carried out additionally if it rains within 12 hours after the procedure.

Treatment of tomatoes against late blight with organic means with photos

Every experienced vegetable grower knows what late blight is. This disease is easily recognized by the following signs:

  • the reverse side of the sheets becomes stained;
  • shoots darken;
  • In some places the fruits turn black.

Late blight is a widespread and very dangerous fungal disease of nightshade crops. Cold and humid climates contribute to its appearance.

Preventive control of late blight on tomatoes in greenhouses and open ground is constantly necessary, since infection spreads very quickly and can damage the entire crop.

Disinfection and types of fertilizing

Effective nutrition of tomatoes is carried out by root and foliar methods. But experts recommend disinfecting the seeds with iodine, which will speed up germination and germination, the seedlings will be stronger, and the plant will not get sick.

How to disinfect seed material?

It is customary to treat tomato seeds with manganese before planting, but today it is almost impossible to purchase it on the open market. An alternative option is iodine.

Disinfection process:

  • take 0.7 liters of warm water (temperature +23-25°C);
  • pour in 3 drops of iodine (5%);
  • fill in the planting material;
  • stand for 10 minutes;
  • drain the solution;
  • rinse the seeds under water;
  • Dry the grains on paper towels.

Root treatment

It is necessary to feed when the root system is formed. Iodine is added in 3 stages. The first feeding of seedlings is carried out during the period when 2-3 full-fledged leaves are formed on the plant. Prepare an iodine solution based on 3 liters of water - 1 drop of the substance. The water should be warm. The procedure for applying fertilizer is as follows:

  • moisten the soil around the seedling;
  • pour the nutrient mixture from a watering can at the rate of 0.3-0.5 liters per bush.

The second time feeding is carried out during the formation of carpal ovaries:

  • dilute 3 drops of iodine in 10 liters of warm water;
  • pour 0.7-1 liters of solution under each bush, depending on the variety (short ones need less).

The third root feeding is carried out in the fruiting phase:

  • bring water to a boil;
  • pour in wood ash - a 3-liter jar;
  • cover the container with a lid, leave for 1-1.5 hours to infuse;
  • add water until you get 10 liters;
  • drop 10 ml of iodine;
  • add 10 g of boric acid;
  • stir, leave for 24 hours;
  • dilute 1 liter of tincture in 10 liters of warm water;
  • water the tomatoes at the root (1 liter per bush).

Foliar fertilizer

Spraying of tops is carried out in the intervals between root dressings. For 1 sq. m you need 1 liter of 500 ml of solution, which is prepared as follows:

  • add 5 drops of pharmaceutical iodine to 1 liter of warm water;
  • add skim milk in an amount of 250 ml;
  • Using a spray bottle, spray the liquid onto the surface of the bushes.

Do not exceed the indicated dosages. Otherwise, the tomato tops will get burned. Do not spray with this mixture more than 3 times per season. Otherwise, an overdose will occur, as a result of which the fruits and brushes will become deformed.

Tips for summer residents and gardeners

To avoid harm from iodine treatment, follow these rules:

  1. When transplanting seedlings, treat no earlier than 10 days later. During this time, the tomatoes adapt to the new habitat and straighten their root system.
  2. If you have a disease, prepare the formulations based on the recipes given, without increasing the iodine concentration. The antiseptic can burn the root system and burn the leaves.
  3. Alternate additives in solutions. Fungus strains quickly adapt to drugs. And frequent use of boric acid leads to necrosis of leaves and distortion of fruits.
  4. Measure iodine with a medical pipette.
  5. Use water that does not contain chlorine. To do this, let tap water stand for 12-24 hours.
  6. Apply in dry and calm weather in the morning or evening.
  7. Pick off affected leaves and fruits and burn them. Do not store infected plants in compost bins.

Recipes for combined fertilizers

Feeding tomatoes with iodine involves the use of other components that are also necessary for plants. The main substance interacts well with other ingredients, thereby enhancing the healing effect of each.

Milk with iodine

Much has been said about the benefits of iodine. What are the benefits of milk? Scientists have proven that pests and pathogenic microorganisms do not tolerate lactose and milk sugar. You need to use natural milk (not store-bought).

Thanks to milk-iodine solutions, fungi are destroyed, fruits have a beautiful appearance, and growth is accelerated. Dairy products contain a huge amount of amino acids, microelements, phosphorus, potassium, which improves plant photosynthesis.

There are several effective recipes that you can use:

  • Mix 10 liters of water with 1 liter of raw milk and 10 drops of iodine. Spray the bushes with 0.5 liters of solution per bush. You can use it 3-4 times per season, since the mixture is not very concentrated.
  • Solution without water. For 1 liter of cow's milk you will need 15 drops of iodine. Mix thoroughly and spray the bushes at the rate of 1 cup of mixture per seedling. Frequency of use – no more than 3 times per season.

Boric acid and iodine

Boron is a necessary substance for tomatoes during ovary formation and flowering. Useful properties for tomatoes:

  • formation of the root system;
  • increase in the number of buds;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • increase in sugar content;
  • acceleration of the maturation process;
  • tops development;
  • improving the absorption of other beneficial substances.

Boric acid does not have the properties of accumulation in the soil and tissues of bushes. For this reason, overdose is excluded.

Recipes for boron-iodine supplements:

  • Gently heat 10 liters of water, add 12 g of boric acid, add 5 drops of iodine. Use for foliar feeding (per 1 sq. m - 1-1.5 liters of solution).
  • For 5 drops of boron, take 3 drops of iodine, 200 ml of fresh milk, 3 liters of water. Apply 500 ml of solution under each bush three times per season.

Not all tomato varieties need boric acid, so watch the leaves carefully. If they wilt, stop feeding.

Serum with iodine

Fermented milk products contain bacteria of the same name, which inhibit the development of pathogenic microorganisms. When sprayed, the serum gets onto the tops and fruits, after which it forms a protective film. Additionally, the plant is saturated with microelements, which accelerates growth and improves the taste of the fruit.


  • For root feeding, use a solution of 1 liter of whey, 15 drops of iodine, 4 liters of warm water. Add 0.5-1 liters under the bushes 2-3 times per season.
  • For foliar fertilizer, combine 2 liters of water with a glass of whey and 3 drops of iodine. Spray using the standard method.

Iodine with greenery

Brilliant greens are considered an antiseptic drug with a high content of copper and other beneficial substances. It has the same effect on tomatoes as iodine. It is prohibited to overuse the mixed solution, as the plant will get burned.


  • Mixture for root application of fertilizer: a bucket of water, 20 drops of iodine, 40 drops of brilliant green. Water 0.5 liters per bush.
  • For spraying : 10 and 20 drops per 10 liters of water (iodine/diamond green). For 1 sq. m need 1.5 liters of solution.
  • If plants are affected by fungal diseases , make a concentrated solution: 1 tsp of iodine, 2 tsp. greenery and water. Wet the stem in the root area (maximum 10 cm from the surface of the ground). Carry out the procedure 3 times every week.

Late blight on tomatoes, treatment and main causes of infection

Late blight on tomatoes is a damaged plant.
The late blight virus is surprisingly viable. Its invisible spores can be found anywhere: in the soil, on plant debris, seed material, all surfaces of greenhouses, and garden tools. Therefore, the main task of vegetable growers is to reduce the number of harmful spores, as well as eliminate any prerequisites for their further reproduction and development.

Causes of fungal infection

Late blight on tomatoes - causes of fungal infection
The appearance of late blight in areas can be caused by:

  • Soils with excess liming promote the growth of fungi. Most summer residents are afraid of oxidation of the soil, so they try in every possible way to saturate it with lime, which becomes the most common cause of late blight.
  • Too dense plantings make it difficult to ventilate greenhouses and normal air access to plants in open areas. And a humid greenhouse environment is excellent for the life of fungal spores.
  • Sharp temperature fluctuations, which are relevant for the end of the summer season, when during hot daytime weather there are often quite cool nights. At this time, a lot of dew usually falls, becoming an additional favorable source of moisture for the development of black rot.
  • Weakened by ripening and growth, underfed tomatoes lose immunity to infection. A lack of useful elements (potassium, iodine, manganese) significantly increases the chances of late blight.

Prevention against infection

Prevention against late blight infection
In order to prevent the disease from developing, it is necessary to prevent late blight on tomatoes and in the greenhouse. It consists of the following:

  • If there is an excess of lime in the soil, it is necessary to begin to restore the natural balance by adding peat and pouring sand into the holes.
  • You should adhere to the rules of crop rotation and plant tomatoes after crops such as beets, cucumbers, onions, cauliflower, carrots or turnips.
  • Planting of seedlings must be carried out in strict accordance with recommended planting patterns.
  • The ideal time to water a tomato is the morning, but if the period is very dry, you can do it in the evening, after sunset. In this case, a significant part of the water will have time to be absorbed into the soil. It is important to irrigate so that drops do not fall on the plant and fruits.
  • In greenhouse conditions it is convenient to use drip irrigation. For this purpose, special hoses are used (for example, Cellfast Drip). It can be connected to a container of warm water and gradually moisten the soil throughout the day.
  • It is important to remember to regularly ventilate the greenhouse and avoid large accumulations of condensation if the greenhouse is film-like.
  • If the air humidity is high, you may not need to water at all. Instead, it helps to loosen the soil between the rows.
  • The fight against late blight on tomatoes will be more effective if you systematically feed the plants with phosphorus, potassium and other solutions of beneficial microelements.

It is also important not to forget about preventative treatment. To do this, experienced gardeners recommend using active biological products, but they can be replaced (or alternated) with folk ones.

Iodine against pests and diseases

Since iodine is an antiseptic, it is used against pathogenic microorganisms. Tomatoes are most often subject to fungal pathologies, so the drug is used for prevention and treatment.

Recipes for late blight , which often affects nightshade crops:

  • The fungus appears on the leaves and fruit parts of the plant - dark spots form, so irrigation of the tops is required. For a bucket of water, take 40 drops of iodine, 1 liter of sour milk or whey. To speed up the healing process, add 15-20 ml of hydrogen peroxide. Spray 4-5 times a week.
  • For prevention, dilute 10 drops of iodine in 10 liters of water. Spray a couple of times a month.
  • To improve the effect, add chopped garlic or salt to the treatment solution.

Powdery mildew is characterized by yellowing of leaves and a white coating. The following means are used to fight:

  • Grate 20 g of brown laundry soap on a fine grater, add 10 drops of the drug, add 1 liter of acid. Spray the tops every day for a week.
  • Mix 8 drops of iodine with 0.7 liters of milk and 6 liters of water. Carry out spraying in the same way as the previous method.

With cladosporiosis (brown spot), the pathogen is localized on the leaves and first appears when the bush is flowering. Foliar treatment is carried out as follows:

  • add 40 drops of iodine into warm water (10 l);
  • add 30 g of potassium chloride;
  • spray the plant every other day.

prevent infection with gray mold fungus as follows:

  • chop 0.5 kg of garlic cloves;
  • add 30 drops of the drug;
  • treat the seedlings.

Tobacco mosaic has no cure, but it can be prevented:

  • dilute 1 liter of fresh milk in a bucket of water;
  • add 10 drops of iodine;
  • Treat tomato seeds or seedlings before planting.

against fusarium :

  • add 2 drops of iodine to 1 liter of warm water;
  • chop 1 large head of garlic;
  • add to the solution;
  • spray the tops.

The crop is attacked by May beetles, aphids and weevils. You can fight them using the following methods:

  • For prevention, water the roots with a solution of 10 liters of water and 15 drops of iodine. 1 liter of solution is applied under one bush.
  • For treatment, foliar treatment is used. Gently heat cow's milk (200 ml), inject 1 cube of iodine from a syringe. Dilute with 2 liters of water.

Briefly about late blight

Late blight is a fungal disease caused by a microorganism called late blight . It appears as red-brown spots that quickly grow over the entire surface of the plant. Then the plantings are covered with a light gray coating.

Breeders are constantly developing new varieties of tomatoes that are resistant to pathogens, but microorganisms also develop along with them. If previously late blight was detected on tomatoes no earlier than August, now some summer residents encounter it as early as early June.

Thanks to the evolution and mutation of late blight strains, chemistry is often powerless against new types of spores of this fungus. Then folk remedies come to the rescue. In our case, iodine.

Useful tips

Experienced gardeners advise adhering to the following rules:

  • Always apply iodine fertilizer to moist soil. This way microelements will be absorbed faster.
  • Water for solutions should be warm and settled.
  • When spraying, use a spray bottle with the finest grille so that the liquid falls on the tops in the form of a mist.
  • To enhance the effect, you can add potassium salt (15 g) and superphosphate (10 g) to the solutions based on a mixture with 10 liters of water. In this case, no more than 500 ml is applied under the bush.
  • Add a little urea or humate to a standard iodine solution for foliar feeding of tomatoes.
  • Never use the solution if 10 days have not passed after planting the seedlings.
  • To avoid an overdose, add diluted aspirin at the same time as iodine (1 tablet per 1 liter of water).
  • Never apply fertilizer to the tops and roots at the same time. There should be at least 2 weeks between feedings.

You can also learn about feeding tomatoes with iodine from the following video:

Feeding tomatoes with iodine in a greenhouse

The timing, processing methods and recipes for solutions are similar to those used in open ground.

But there are some peculiarities. Tomatoes are very popular with various pathogens, the pathogens of which prefer to quickly appear and spread in a humid environment. In greenhouses, the most favorable conditions for this develop if they are not used correctly and agricultural practices for growing tomatoes are not followed: frequent watering, lack of ventilation, elevated temperatures and humidity, and dense plantings. Hence the greater volume of infection and crop losses.

In such conditions, fertilizing with iodine solutions will come in handy more than ever. This:

  • A natural antiseptic that will help protect plantings from pathogens of fungal diseases.
  • Helps greenhouse “residents” survive the lack of light during thickening.
Remember. Spraying tomatoes with iodine should be done in the morning so that the greenhouse is ventilated by night. Iodine is volatile and can be harmful to human health if inhaled for long periods of time.

In addition to their nutritional and fungicidal functions, iodine solutions successfully repel greenhouse pests.

  1. Combined use of iodine with brilliant green. Mix 5 liters of water, 5 drops of iodine, 20 drops of brilliant green. Spray every 2 weeks 14–15 days after planting the seedlings in the greenhouse. Treatments are especially relevant during the period of possible rapid development of late blight.
  2. A popular effective method for enriching greenhouse plants with iodine. Place (hang) a couple of pharmaceutical bottles with iodine in the greenhouse, first opening the caps. For every two square meters, 1 bottle is enough. When using this method, you cannot stay in the greenhouse for a long time: you can be poisoned by iodine fumes.

Photo pixabay/nonstopsmile: You need to work in the morning so that the greenhouse is ventilated in time.


Marianna, 32 years old. I have been using iodine for 10 years.
I noticed that it is better to feed them when the soil is slightly dry. The fact is that when the soil is dry, it is necessary to moisten the soil greatly, otherwise the effect is not very pronounced. ★★★★★
Victor, farmer. I spray the tomatoes with iodine and water them at the roots.
I use smaller dosages than in the recipes, since the margins are large. But he noted an excellent result. I recommend. Hide

Add your review

Feeding tomatoes with iodine is a budget-friendly fertilizer option. Plants develop faster, the fruits are large and have a marketable appearance. Less exposed to diseases and pests.



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The nuances of preparing a solution for adult bushes and seedlings

At different stages of development, solutions of different concentrations are used.

PhaseAmount of iodineType of processing
Seed treatment0.1% solutionSoak
When the 2nd leaf appears on the seedlings1 drop per 3 lWatering
When tying the 1st brush3 drops per 10 lWatering
Prevention of late blight40 drops per 10 lSpraying

How is this fertilizer useful for tomatoes?

Tomatoes are very sensitive to fertilizing with iodine. This culture usually responds to the introduction of this element with rapid growth. But at the same time, tomatoes need very little iodine itself. On the market you will not find separate supplements with a high iodine content.

The addition of iodine during the formation and growth of tomato seedlings allows you to replace their fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers, for example, nitrate.

Iodine fertilizing helps increase crop yields and increases resistance to fungi and microorganisms in the soil.

There are several signs by which you can determine the need of a crop to fertilize with iodine solution:

  • Delay in the onset of fruiting in adult tomato bushes. If they are not given the necessary fertilizing during this period, the fruits will be very small and the yield will be very low.
  • The most characteristic signs of iodine deficiency in tomatoes are thin, weak stems, limp and pale leaves.
  • Tomato seedlings have weak immunity. When seedlings grow poorly and become sick, they need urgent watering with iodine solution.
  • Spraying with an iodine solution can help tomatoes when their bushes are affected by root rot, brown spot, mosaic and especially late blight.

Precautionary measures

When using iodine as a fertilizer for vegetable plants, you should follow certain safety precautions so as not to harm yourself or burn the tomato bushes:

  1. The first watering should be done 6-8 days after transplanting the seedlings to a permanent place. In this case, water the soil, not the roots.
  2. If brown spots begin to appear on the leaves and tomatoes, it means that the dosage of iodine was too high. In this case, you need to water the tomatoes more often to correct the situation.
  3. If iodine solution is used in greenhouse conditions, then the greenhouses need to be ventilated more often.
  4. You should not increase the dosage of iodine when preparing the working fluid, since a too concentrated solution can harm not only plants, but also gardeners.
  5. In small doses, iodine is harmless, but even 3 grams of iodine can lead to death. Therefore, when working with it, you need to protect your respiratory system in order to prevent iodine vapor from entering the body, and keep iodine in places inaccessible to children.

Useful properties in the garden

Periodic use of iodine has many benefits:

  1. Getting a richer harvest.
  2. Plants treated with iodine absorb nitrogen better. This allows you to completely abandon mineral nitrogen fertilizing. The latter require extremely careful handling - an excess of an element is no less harmful than a deficiency.
  3. Acceleration of ovary and fruit ripening.
  4. Improving the taste and appearance of tomatoes - the fruits become brighter and more appetizing.
  5. Prevention of fungal infections and late blight.
  6. Use as a safe antiseptic.

In addition to tomatoes, iodine is useful for cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage, and peppers. This is an effective fertilizer and disinfectant for berry and fruit perennials, grapes and house plants.

Application methods and rules

Typically, tomato bushes are treated with iodine solution by watering at the root or spraying on the leaf. For better effectiveness of such fertilizing, they should be carried out alternately.


Tomato bushes negatively perceive increased soil moisture in the root zone, so it is recommended to fertilize with iodine strictly at the root.

The working fluid for such additional feeding is prepared as follows: 40-47 drops of 5% iodine tincture are dissolved in a bucket of water. Tomatoes are watered with this solution after they are transplanted to a permanent place. 500 ml of this fertilizer should be applied to each plant.

This fertilizing should be re-applied no earlier than after 20-28 days.


Foliar fertilization of tomatoes with iodine is usually carried out when plants develop symptoms of a lack of this microelement - yellowing of the foliage, the appearance of spots on it, and it is necessary to quickly apply the necessary fertilizer.

When fertilizing is applied along the leaf, the fertilizer immediately penetrates into the plant tissue and spreads faster throughout the tomato bushes, eliminating the shortage of necessary elements.

To prevent plants from getting burns on the green mass, the concentration of the solution should be reduced by dissolving no more than 5 drops of 5% iodine solution in 1 water.

Benefits of iodine supplements

Iodine is one of the microelements, although the need for it is very small; if there is a deficiency in tomato roots, nitrogen metabolism deteriorates. If you add iodine to tomato seedlings at the right time, you can significantly reduce the need for ammonium nitrate. In significant quantities, saltpeter can harm beneficial soil microorganisms (however, iodine itself in excess, too).

Seedlings after foliar feeding

Gardeners who prefer to use iodine in their plots cite the following advantages:

  • the development of pathogenic fungi in the soil and on the vegetative parts of seedlings is hampered;
  • plants resist bacterial, fungal and viral infections well;
  • become more resistant to unfavorable growing conditions;
  • as a prophylactic against late blight;
  • promote the formation of tomato fruits of regular shape and uniform color;

The need for iodine in tomatoes is small, but after adding it, rapid plant development occurs and productivity increases.

When handling iodine, you must avoid getting it into the body. If a person swallows 3 g of the drug, this can be enough to cause death.

Why bloggers advise:

When fertilizing, do not exceed the recommended doses.

Benefits and harms

The benefits of treating tomatoes with iodine are as follows:

  1. Tomato seedlings tolerate picking easier and take root well in the garden.
  2. Nitrogen metabolism in the stems and leaves of the plant improves.
  3. Tomato seedlings grow much faster, and young bushes in the garden begin to actively form green mass.
  4. Plants develop strong and healthy root systems.
  5. Tomatoes become more drought-resistant.
  6. The crop tolerates the consequences of excessive soil moisture more calmly.

Fertilizing tomato seedlings with iodine solution has a beneficial effect on human health. For example, in some varieties of this vegetable, with such fertilizing, vitamin C accumulates in the fruits. And the taste of the fruits increases several times.

Does this method have any disadvantages? As such, no disadvantages were found in feeding tomatoes with iodine. But it should be remembered that an excess of this element can be harmful to both plants and humans. Tomatoes accumulate iodine compounds, part of which enters the fruits, which are then used as food. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it with watering plants with iodine-containing solutions .

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