Cucumber varieties are well adapted to the climatic conditions of individual regions
Phoenix cucumber: everything about planting and growing, distinctive features, pros and cons, reviews of seeds and harvest, recommendations
The Phoenix cucumber variety is one of the most common varieties. It was popular back in Soviet times
Description of tomato
Description of the Snezhana tomato, growing and caring for tomatoes
Main features: overview of the main pros and cons Tomatoes bred by Siberian breeders have a number of differences
The best recipes for preparing leaf celery for the winter
The best recipes for preparing leaf celery for the winter
Leaf celery resembles parsley in appearance, but has a richer aroma, in which you can guess
Cabbage seedlings
What to plant after cabbage? After what to plant cabbage?
Today we will look at which crops can be grown the next year after cabbage, and which
The best varieties of green beans for growing in the garden
What are asparagus beans? Asparagus beans are characterized by excellent taste. Vegetable asparagus beans.
Growing tomatoes according to the Lunar calendar in 2022
In winter there is enough time to plan spring work: prepare the soil and containers for sowing, decide
Columnar cherry: description of the best varieties, planting and care, pruning with photos
Planting and care When buying a seedling, you need to carefully examine it; the tree must have developed root
packaging of dill variety Gribovsky
What are the pros and cons of the Gribovsky dill variety, how to grow it and use it in folk medicine?
Description and photo Is it early? Dill "Gribovsky" is an early variety. The first harvest is possible
The taste of carefree childhood - Grandma's Kiss tomato: description of the variety and its characteristics
Tomato Grandmother's Kiss is a medium-early large-fruited variety. Excellent for growing in southern regions
New product with good yield - Hermitage tomato: description, variety characteristics and reviews
At the end of winter, gardeners are in a bustle, the beginning of a new planting season. Everyone is preparing for sowing,
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