Red currant Viksne: description, photos, pros and cons, planting and care, reviews

Red currant “Viksne” (Ribes rubrum Vīksne) is a variety of Latvian origin, which was bred by seed. The seeds of the Varshevich currant served as the mother material. Authors: A.B. Viksne, T.S. Zvyagina. The plant was added to the State Register of the Russian Federation in 1997. The recommended planting area is the North-Western and Central Black Earth regions of the country.

The Viksne variety is a medium-sized shrub with spreading branches. Grows in height up to one and a half meters. The bush has an irregularly shaped crown, which is obtained due to uneven growth of shoots. The shoots are straight and powerful. The bark is dark brown. The buds are oblong, small in size with a gray coating. The trail of the cutting is rounded.

Varietal features

This is a fairly tall, but compact shrub; usually the Viksne currant shoots reach a height of 1.5 m. But there are also branches up to 2 m long. The branches grow unevenly, so the bushes are uneven.

The shoots of the bush are powerful and durable. They have a grayish color. The flowers are collected on large racemes up to 10 cm long and produce a bountiful harvest of berries.

There are 2 varieties of this variety.

  1. Viksne cherry currant.
  2. Viksne currant is white-fruited.

Both subspecies of this variety belong to the mid-early variety. Fruit ripening begins in mid-July.

Red currant Viksne, like its white-fruited relative, is highly resistant to winter frosts.

Under the most unfavorable conditions - low negative temperatures with high air humidity, cold damp winds - fruit buds may freeze slightly. But this factor does not lead to significant crop losses.

Cherry vixne has a very dark color when fully ripe. Because of this color, this subspecies is often called garnet. The berries cover the bunch abundantly. With proper care, you can harvest from 4 to 10 kg of berries from one adult bush (seedling sellers usually guarantee a yield of 4.5 kg from 1 bush).

Harvest and storage

Currant “Viksne” is a high-yielding variety.
Fruiting 5-6 kg per bush. In the first 2 years, the harvest will be small, up to 3 kg, and under favorable conditions you can get up to 10 kg of berries. Ripening period is mid-July. Currants are collected together with the clusters, otherwise, when torn off, the integrity of the fruit may be damaged. This variety has good transportability. Used for industrial processing. The storage duration of collected berries at a temperature of +1-2°C is 10-15 days.

Currant Viksne: description of the variety (video)

The white-fruited subspecies of currant variety Viksne has the same characteristics in appearance and winter hardiness. The difference between these subspecies is only in the color of the fruit and a very slight difference in taste. The berries of both subspecies contain large amounts of vitamin C - up to 38 mg per 100 g.

Another positive property of both red and white currants of this variety is the high content of pectin substances in their berries, which help remove heavy metal salts from the body.

Both subspecies of this variety have fruits with a very pleasant sour-sweet taste and medium density. The berries are suitable for fresh consumption, but cannot be stored for long periods of time. You can make wonderful jellies, jams, and preserves from them. Moreover, unlike other varieties of red and white currants, the seeds in the berries are so small that they are almost not felt when eating the fruits, both fresh and processed.

White currants, as evidenced by reviews from gardeners, produce very tasty homemade wine.

Currant variety Viksne is resistant to a variety of fungal diseases, but is susceptible to attacks by red gall (currant) aphids.

Characteristics of culture

The berries are picked together with brushes. If you tear the fruits from the branches, their skin may become deformed. Currants can remain on the stalk for a long time without deteriorating their appearance and taste.

Susceptibility to diseases and pests

Vixne is resistant to most known diseases and pests, but is often affected by red gall aphids.

Resistance to low temperatures and drought

Currants tolerate dry weather well (remember to follow the watering rules). The sudden onset of cold weather will not cause much harm to the bushes.

Ripening period and yield

The berries ripen in summer. From 1 hectare it is possible to obtain about 17 tons of berries. This is a pretty good indicator.

Transportability and use of berries

Viksne currants are not intended for long-term storage. At the same time, it is considered a transportable variety. The fruits can be used for preparing homemade dishes (jelly, mousse) and for medicinal purposes (prevention of cardiovascular diseases, lowering temperature).

Caring for seedlings and adult currant bushes

This variety is not particularly picky about soil fertility. It can grow in partial shade. But it does not tolerate completely shaded places and heavily moist, swampy soils.

After planting, the seedling needs to be heavily pruned, leaving only 2-3 buds on each shoot. This contributes to the development of a strong root system in the seedling. If planting is done correctly, the bush will grow very quickly and become thick and lush.

Saplings that have not reached a height of 80 cm require special attention. If they are planted in the fall, then for the winter they should be covered with a layer of fallen leaves.

In spring or early summer, young currant bushes need to be fed with nitrogen fertilizers. You can also use diluted mullein, which contains a large amount of nitrogen.

This variety is quite resistant to drought, but lack of regular watering will lead to the fact that the fruits will be much smaller and less juicy.


The holes or grooves for Viksne currants, as for Jonker Van Tets, should have a width and depth of 40-45 cm, if the soil is infertile - half a meter or more. Mix the excavated soil with humus, peat (compost, rotted manure), superphosphate (250 g per hole) and wood ash (potassium fertilizer). Fill the hole with water (5 liters), place the roots evenly in it, and do not allow them to bend upward. The seedling should have a slope of 45 degrees, and its root collar should be 5-6 cm below ground level - new roots will then grow from it. Fill the hole by lightly shaking the seedling so that the soil falls into the spaces between the roots.

Trim the branches, leaving 15-20 cm above the ground (4-5 buds for strong shoots, 2-3 for weak ones). Mulch the soil with straw, dry grass, slate, sawdust, shavings, crushed stone, old linoleum, agrospan or black film to protect it from drying out and weeds.


Rooted planting material is planted in a permanent place in early spring before the leaf buds swell and bloom. If the days before the May holidays are missed, postpone planting until the fall - late September-early October. The exact timing of the work depends on the time of the usual onset of frost: it must be carried out until the air temperature drops below +6 degrees, either day or night - usually 2-3 weeks in advance. During this time, the seedling will have time to take root in the new place and strengthen for winter. A forecast for early frosts is a reason to postpone planting until spring.

Selection of seedlings

Rooting red currants is more difficult than black currants, so it is better to buy ready-made seedlings to save your time and effort. Fruit and berry nurseries offer seedlings with a closed (in a container) or open root system. If the bush was in a container, then transplanting it to a permanent place will be painless for it. He won't even notice her. On the other hand, an open root system will allow you to evaluate the quality, development, and health of the roots before purchasing. The branches of a good two-year-old seedling are strong, hard, and there are no young shoots. Small cracks or peeling in the bark is normal. Leaves (if any) should be inspected before purchasing: they must be healthy on both sides and undamaged.

Preparing the landing site

A sunny or slightly shaded place protected from the winds, for example, near a fence, is suitable for Viksne. You can plant it along garden paths. Having chosen a place, prepare it: remove the weeds, dig half a meter deep for water and air permeability. This should be done in the fall if planting is planned for spring, in the summer if planting is planned for autumn.

If currants have already been growing in the chosen place for 14-15 years, then it is better not to plant Viksna here.

The soil

The soil should be moderately moist, close groundwater (less than 80 cm from the surface), swampiness, and long standing water in the spring are unacceptable. In heavy clay, Viksne currant roots will grow weak; The best option for them is loams and light sandy loam soils with a slightly acidic reaction.

Distance between bushes

If you plant more than one red currant bush, leave a distance of 1.5-2 meters between them. Since Viksne bushes grow tall and spreading, if planted more densely they will interfere with each other. With the trellis growing method, the permissible distance between plants is 1 meter, since more radical pruning of the future palmette, compared to the traditional one, eliminates strong thickening of currant thickets.

Description and characteristics

Let's look at what the bushes and berries of the Viksne red currant look like.


An adult plant is a tall, medium-spreading, compact bush up to 1.5 meters high, having an irregular shape due to the uneven growth of shoots.

"Viksne" has thick, straight, hairless dark brown shoots with a grayish coating. Its buds are small, elongated, sessile, the color of shoots.

The leaves of the variety are large and medium-sized, smooth, straight, matte, five-lobed, dark green with wavy edges. The leaf blade is elongated horizontally, bare above and pubescent below.

Medium-sized, deep-saucer-shaped flowers are collected on large, dense racemes 10–15 cm long and, after ripening, produce a rich harvest of berries.

The Viksne brush is densely covered with medium-sized berries (0.7–0.8 g), round in shape, medium density and cherry color. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, pleasant and fresh. Inside they contain a small number of ovoid seeds. The fruits have a high concentration of vitamin C (up to 38 mg per 100 g) and pectin substances, which help remove heavy metal salts from the body.

Description of the hybrid

There are two types of Viksne currants: red (also called cherry and pomegranate) and white. The subspecies are similar in almost all respects. They differ in the color and taste of the berries.

Attention! White currant is not a separate variety, it is an albino red berry.


The Viksne currant bush has spreading branches and can reach a height of 1 to 1.5 meters. The shoots are thick and straight, colored gray-brown. The buds are oblong and small, slightly deviated from the shoot.

The leaf of the berry bush has five lobes, a wavy edge and a dark green color. Its surface is smooth and matte. The plate is straight, slightly pubescent below. The teeth are medium-sized, blunt, crenate-shaped.

The flowers are medium in size, shaped like a deep saucer. They are located on large racemes that grow up to 11-16 cm in length. Sepals are pale, with lilac stripes.


The average weight of berries varies from 0.7 to 0.9 grams. They are round, slightly elongated, with bright veins. Currants have a pleasant aroma and a refreshing sweet and sour taste. Gardeners rate it 4.5 points. The pulp contains a small amount of seeds. The skin is thin but durable.

Viksne cherry currants have dark red berries, which is why this species is sometimes called pomegranate. The white-fruited shrub produces fruits of white-yellow color. For other characteristics, the subspecies have a similar description. Viksne currant differs from other varieties in its high content of pectin (2.4%) and vitamin C (up to 37 mg per 100 grams).

Ripe berries do not fall off and do not spoil. They can hang on the stalk for a long time without losing their external and taste qualities. Red and white currants are collected together with clusters, since tearing off the berries can damage the skin.

Attention! Pectin helps remove toxins and waste from the human body.

Some features of the variety

So, let’s consider what the “operational” characteristics of the variety are - resistance to pests and diseases, drought and frost resistance, productivity and transportability, as well as how best to use the berries in cooking.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Currant "Viksne" has good resistance to diseases and various fungal infections, but is susceptible to attacks by red gall (currant) aphids .

To prevent the appearance of the pest, it is necessary to regularly weed out the weeds around the bushes, as they can contribute to its proliferation.

The variety is relatively resistant to anthracnose. To avoid rotting of currant roots, it is necessary to water the bushes moderately and not plant them in swampy areas.

Drought and frost resistance

Currant "Viksne" is a frost-resistant variety . However, its fruit buds may suffer slightly when exposed to several factors at the same time - freezing temperatures, high humidity and strong winds, but this will not lead to significant crop losses.

The variety has average resistance to drought, and in the absence of regular watering, its berries will be smaller and less juicy.

Ripening period and yield

“Viksne” is a mid-early variety ; the berries ripen in mid-July.

The variety is high-yielding, and with good care, one adult plant gives a long-term yield of 5 kg of berries per season.


Red currant "Viksne" is a valuable variety for industrial cultivation for the purpose of processing berries . It has good transportability. In addition, the berry is stored on the bush for a long time after ripening, without losing its taste or spoiling.


Berries of the “Viksne” variety are universally used , early-fruiting, and have a dessert taste. They are suitable for fresh consumption, but are not stored for a long time.

You can make wonderful jam, jelly, jam or compotes from them. The berries are added to baked goods and desserts and make a delicious syrup for ice cream. The fruits are also great for freezing.

One of the advantages of the variety is that its small and fairly soft seeds are practically not felt when eating the berries.

Diseases and pests

Currants are resistant to many diseases and pests. But aphids are harmful to the plant. Symptoms of its appearance: the presence of blisters and red growths. The insect lays eggs inside the leaf, the emerging larva begins to feed on the sap of the plant, which leads to the death of the currant. Leaves affected by this pest are plucked and burned, and the bush is treated with folk or special means.

How to get rid of aphids on currants, read this article.

If a glass cell appears on the plant, then the currants are completely dug up and burned. Vixne is relatively resistant to anthracnose and has weak immunity to white bloom, goblet rust and septoria. These ailments can only be cured with medications containing copper.

How to choose the right seedlings when purchasing

Seedlings should be purchased only from trusted sellers in specialized stores , so as not to introduce diseases or pests to the site. It is best to buy from local nurseries, then these plants will take root better and will bear fruit longer. In addition, the seedling is guaranteed to be of the exact variety you chose.

When choosing a seedling, take a specimen with a lush, well-developed root system and a ground part of at least 40 cm. The bark may be covered with longitudinal cracks and partially peel off, which is completely normal. The main thing is that the roots and shoots do not look dry, alive, and elastic. If the seedling has leaves, inspect them, like all other parts of the plant, for signs of disease, pests or rot.

Features of landing

If you adhere to the basic rules of agricultural technology when planting currants and provide the bush with regular care, you can grow a healthy and strong plant that will bring a stable harvest.

Landing dates

The optimal time for planting Viksne currants is early autumn, in the last ten days of September or early October. The time reserve before the onset of stable frosts should be from 2 to 3 weeks, so that the seedling has time to take root and grow stronger. The air temperature when planting currants should not fall below +6 degrees. In the spring, the young bush will give its first shoots, and in July you can already get a small harvest.

Vixna can be planted in early spring, but this must be done before the buds swell. The currant will grow and develop all year long. The first berries can be collected only in the second year after planting.

Requirements for a seedling

It is recommended to buy Viksne seedlings only from trusted sellers. It should have a well-developed root system, and the branches should be strong and woody. The bark may have cracks and may peel off in places, which is quite normal.

There should be no young shoots or leaves on the bush. The best option is a two-year-old seedling with a lush and strong root system.

Site selection and preparation

In order for the Viksne seedling to take root well, develop quickly and produce a rich harvest in the future, you need to correctly select and prepare the site for planting it:

  • The place should be open and sunny, but at the same time protected from the cold wind. Currants can grow in partial shade, but they do not tolerate fully shaded areas. The ideal place is near the fence.
  • For the Vixna shrub, slightly moist soil is needed; wetlands and stagnant water should be avoided. Groundwater should not be closer than 80 cm from the surface.
  • The plant feels comfortable on light, slightly acidic, sandy or loamy soils. Heavy and clayey soil weakens the roots.
  • The landing site should be flat and slightly elevated.

Several months before planting Viksne currants, the area should be cleared of roots and weeds. The soil needs to be dug to a depth of two shovels so that it better absorbs water and allows air to pass through. If the seedling will be planted in the spring, preparatory work must be carried out in the fall.

Planting process

Before planting, the seedling should be carefully inspected and damaged and dry parts should be cut off. Step-by-step instructions for planting red currants of the Viksne variety:

  1. Dig grooves or holes 40-45 cm deep and wide. The distance between bushes should be at least 1.5 meters. If you plant plants closer, they will interfere with each other.
  2. Fill each hole 2/3 full with a prepared mixture of 1 part humus, 2 parts peat or compost, 250 g of superphosphate and 60 g of potash fertilizers. You can also add a little wood ash to it.
  3. Water the planting hole with 5 liters of water.
  4. Straighten the root system of the seedling and, tilting it to the side 45 degrees, lower it into the recess.
  5. Cover the bush with soil, deepening its root collar by 6 cm. This will allow it to form more new roots.
  6. Lightly trample the soil around the currants and water generously with settled water.
  7. Shorten the shoots, leaving no more than 4-5 buds on each (15-20 cm from the ground).

Seasonal Care Basics

Caring for red currant “Viksne” consists of watering, pruning, fertilizing, sheltering for the winter and caring for the plant’s trunk.


Although the variety is not particularly demanding of moisture, periodic watering is necessary, especially during the fruiting period . In this case, water is poured onto the plant’s trunk circle.

The amount of water depends on the ambient temperature and the degree of dryness of the soil. On average, watering should be done 2 times a week, with 2–4 buckets of water poured under each bush, depending on its size and soil moisture.

If the soil is still moist enough, you can skip the next watering.

Tree trunk care

The currant tree trunk needs to be looked after. Weeds should be weeded out, as they clog the soil and prevent the plant from developing well. In addition, they can be a source of aphid spread. After watering the bushes, it is recommended to loosen the soil and mulch it with fallen leaves , which will keep it moist for as long as possible.

Since the root system of red currants is shallow, when processing the trunk circle you should be as careful as possible so as not to injure the roots of the plant.


Currants of the Viksne variety should be fed twice - immediately after flowering and two to three weeks before the berries begin to ripen.

During the growing season (spring or early summer), you need to apply nitrogen fertilizers - ammonium nitrate (30 g per bush) or urea (20 g per bush). After flowering and at the beginning of the ovary, bird droppings (1:12) or mullein (1:5) are added at the rate of 1-1.5 buckets per bush.

In the fall, when digging the soil, you should add phosphorus (8 g per square meter) and potassium (12 g per square meter) fertilizers. As the latter, you can use tree resin, which also contains phosphorus, calcium and a number of other valuable elements. If the bush is strong enough, with large leaves and numerous berries, then autumn fertilizing may not be necessary.


For rapid and proper development of currants after planting, they should be pruned, leaving 2-3 buds on each shoot.

There is no need to prune adult specimens, since the old shoots still bear fruit. You can only remove dried or damaged branches in the spring, and under no circumstances cut off the top of the plant.

Protection from winter cold

Although the variety is cold-resistant, young plants up to 0.8 m tall planted in autumn should be covered with a layer of fallen leaves .

Agricultural technology

Black currant: the best varieties for the Moscow region

It is best to plant a seedling in early October or late September. Young currants need time to get stronger and take root before the cold weather sets in. Therefore, the time reserve should be from 2 to 3 weeks. Ideally, the air temperature at the time of landing will not be lower than +6 degrees. Shoots will appear in the spring, and by July you can count on the first harvest. This shrub can also be planted in spring. The main thing is to be in time before the kidneys swell. But in this case, the berries will appear only in the second year.

Much attention should be paid to the seedling that is planned to be planted. It is best to give preference to a two-year-old bush. It has already developed roots, and its branches have become woody and strong. If cracks are visible in places on the bark, it’s okay. This is fine. The main thing is that there are no young shoots and leaves.

The next important stage is site preparation. Several rules must be followed:

  • The planting site should be sunny and protected from the winds, preferably near a fence or any other hedge;
  • Be sure to choose a soil that is moist, but not waterlogged. Groundwater should be no closer than 80 cm from the top layer of the earth;
  • The soil must be sandy loam or loamy, light and slightly acidic, otherwise the currant root system may weaken, which will lead to a decrease in yield or even death of the crop.

Clearing the ground of weeds

Before planting Viksne currants, it is necessary to clear the area of ​​weeds and roots. Then dig up the soil so that the moisture is better absorbed. By the way, this method also optimizes aeration. These manipulations must be carried out several months before the planned landing. If planting work is carried out in the spring, then it is better to prepare the ground in the fall.

It is worth taking a closer look at the intricacies of planting cherry currants:

  1. To begin with, make depressions in the ground, about half a meter. The distance between seedlings is approximately 1.5 m;
  2. Prepare a nutrient mixture by mixing humus and peat in a 1:2 ratio and adding 250 g of superphosphate and a little potassium. Wood ash won't hurt;
  3. Then this mixture is poured 2/3 into the well;
  4. Don't forget about water. When planting, each hole will require about 5 liters;
  5. After watering the hole, you need to straighten the roots of the seedling and lower it into the ground at an angle of 45 degrees;
  6. Fill the hole and lightly press down the soil near the roots;
  7. Shorten the currant shoots to 15 cm (about 5 buds should remain);
  8. Mulch to retain moisture.

For good development, proper planting alone will not be enough. You need to know how to care for currants. The Viksne variety is an unpretentious plant. The shrub will have to be watered every 3 days, especially during flowering and berry formation.

Important. In addition, be sure to remove weeds regularly. This is the only way to protect the crop from aphids and soil clogging. It is optimal to loosen the soil around the bush, but not damage the roots.

As for feeding, it is done three times. The first time - before flowering (with urea or ammonium nitrate), the second - during the formation of berries (usually bird or cow droppings), the third - during autumn treatment (potassium and phosphorus mixtures).

Many varieties of currants, among other things, need to be pruned. Viksne is not one of them. It is enough just to remove damaged and dry branches in the spring.

Characteristics of red currant Viksne

Currant Viksne is often found in summer cottages. This is due to the good taste and unpretentiousness of the plant.

History of selection and habitat

Currants were selected in Latvia. She appeared at the Ogre fruit and vegetable station, which is responsible for the selection of new varieties. The authors of the culture were A. Viksne and T. Zvyagina. They managed to obtain a new variety from the seeds of the Varshevich variety, which has an unusual fruit color. In 1997, the variety was included in the register of the Russian Federation.

Reproduction methods

The plant reproduces vegetatively:

  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush;
  • vertical and horizontal layers;
  • seeds.

Propagation by cuttings is one of the most popular methods. It allows you to get a lot of planting material. Dividing a bush is a method by which you can quickly propagate a bush.

Seeds for propagation of crops are usually used when it is necessary to develop new varieties. The method takes a lot of time, so gardeners rarely use it.

When propagated by vertical layering, currants are cut almost to the soil surface, the shoots are hilled up in July, and transplanted into the nursery in October-November.

Pros and cons of culture

This variety of currants has a number of advantages:

  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to drought and sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • stable yield;
  • resistance to anthracnose;
  • wonderful taste of fruits;
  • good commercial quality of berries;
  • the possibility of berries remaining on the bush for a long time.

At the same time, the Viksne variety also has certain disadvantages:

  • risk of damage by gall aphids;
  • the likelihood of fruit buds freezing;
  • the likelihood of small and sour berries appearing due to insufficient watering;
  • short shelf life of fresh fruits.

Advantages and disadvantages

Blackcurrant Delicacy

Like any garden plant, Viksne currant has its strengths and weaknesses. The advantages that distinguish this variety from others include the following:

  1. The variety in question, regardless of whether it is a white or red subspecies, can withstand extremely low temperatures even without additional shelter;
  2. Viksne currants can do without moisture for a long time and easily adapt to changes in climate and air temperature;
  3. The harvest is always plentiful and pleases not only the eye, but also the taste;
  4. Ripe berries do not fall off and do not lose their attractiveness and aroma.

Unfortunately, culture is not protected from some disadvantages:

  1. Susceptibility to reddening of leaves as a result of aphids;
  2. There may be a slight reduction in yield due to early ripening of the buds. Unexpected frosts can harm delicate fruit;
  3. With prolonged drought, the berries become small and acquire a sour taste;
  4. Fresh berries cannot be stored unchanged for a long time - currants quickly deteriorate.

Knowing a few of these tricks, any gardener will be able to grow an amazing pomegranate variety on their plot.

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Features of planting and care

If planting work is carried out correctly and agrotechnical measures are strictly followed, you will be able to get a good harvest.

Requirements for growing conditions

Open areas that are well lit are suitable for the plant. The culture also develops normally in partial shade. Currants are considered a moisture-loving plant, but can hardly tolerate stagnation of liquid. Therefore, when planting, it is imperative to organize drainage.

The plant develops normally in loamy and sandy loam soil. Optimal pH parameters are 6-6.5. Do not plant the crop in heavy soil with a high clay content. This will negatively affect the development of roots and cause them to weaken.

Site selection and preparation

A couple of months before planting the plant, it is recommended to clear the area of ​​roots and weeds. It is worth digging up the soil with 2 shovels. This will improve water absorption and air access. When planting currants in spring, it is better to prepare the site in the fall. It is worth considering that you should not keep the bush in one place for more than 15 years.

What are the features of white, red and cherry Viksne currants and how to grow them?

Viksne currant is a Latin variety, which is why it bears this name. Breeders distinguish varieties of two ripening periods: early and medium, which allows the crop to be grown in different regions. This variety of red currant has juicy fruits, is frost-resistant and tolerates drought well.

Description of the variety with photo

The Viksne variety of currants has the following characteristics:

  • flowers. The main color is pink-red, the fruits are medium in size and round in shape. The brushes are even, 10-15 cm in size, each with 20-30 inflorescences;
  • fruit. The berries are somewhat elongated, with pronounced dark veins, have a sweet and sour taste, the pulp contains seeds. Their weight is 0.06-0.08 g. The variety is characterized by a high content of vitamin C and pectin (up to 2.5%) and is used for making juice, jam, and compote. Sweet and sour sauces made from this berry are an excellent addition to meat dishes;
  • leaves. Viksne currant foliage is five-lobed and has a matte textured surface. The leaf blade is smooth, but its bottom has fibers. The teeth are crenate-type, blunt. The petiole is short, of medium thickness.

Features of planting Viksne currants

Planting shrubs has certain rules, compliance with which is the key to a rich harvest.

Selecting a location

When choosing a place for planting, you need to give preference to a semi-shaded or sunny area located in the lowlands, since all varieties of currants do not like drafts.

Soil requirements:

  • well hydrated;
  • drained;
  • sandy loam, loamy, slightly acidic.

Planting this variety in clay soil is not recommended, since soil with such a composition leads to slow growth and weakening of the roots.

Period: spring or autumn?

It is recommended to plant seedlings in the first ten days of September. It is important that 3-4 weeks remain before the onset of the first frost. In this case, the young shoots will have time to get stronger.

The following conditions must be met:

  • the average temperature during planting is not lower than +5 ° C;
  • plant seedlings in the morning;
  • use organic fertilizer.

Currants planted under such conditions will sprout immediately after winter and produce their first harvest in the summer. If seedlings are planted in the spring, this must be done before the buds swell. Then the plant will get stronger over the season and only after a year will it produce its first harvest.

Preparing soil and seedlings

Currants of the Viksne variety are long-lived, because with proper care they grow on the plot for 8-15 years. There are cases when a crop of this variety bears fruit for up to 20 years. The duration of growth is influenced by many factors, one of which is the preparation of planting material and soil.

You need to prepare the place in advance. If planting of shrubs is planned in early spring, then soil preparation activities are carried out in the fall:

  • the soil is dug up to a depth of at least 0.5 m (fertile layer). This is necessary in order to increase its breathability;
  • remove weeds, debris, roots;
  • add humus, peat or compost to the soil at the rate of 1 bucket (10 l) per 1 square meter;
  • add potassium salt (50 g) and superphosphate (100 g) to the fertilizers.

To better loosen the soil, fractionated sand is added.

It is equally important when planting to choose high-quality seedlings, since the survival rate and speed of development of the plant depends on this factor.

Seedlings that are planted in the fall must have the following characteristics:

  • have woody branches;
  • the branches in the section should have a white-gray tint;
  • the absence of shoots and leaves is mandatory;
  • rhizome - at least 15 cm;
  • in the underground part, the roots should be thread-like (in large quantities).

To avoid parasitic insects or various fungal infections, it is recommended to purchase seedlings from nurseries. In this case, the plants take root well and are guaranteed varietal identity.


The quality characteristics and quantity of the harvest depend on how correctly the currants are planted. Therefore, this process should be approached responsibly.

  1. Preparing the hole. It is enough to dig a place 30 cm deep and 40x40 cm in size.
  2. Fertilizing the soil. Add 200 g of superphosphate, 200 g of ash, 2 buckets of humus (compost) and 30 g of potash fertilizers. Next, add a layer of soil, mix well and place in the hole.
  3. Pour water at room temperature (5 l).
  4. Place the prepared seedling at an angle of 30°, first straightening the roots.
  5. Sprinkle the rhizome with a thick layer of soil (10 cm) - this will allow shoots to form faster.
  6. Compact the soil and water again.

At the end of planting, the soil is mulched. For this, peat or humus is used. Mulching helps retain moisture. A few days later, the bush is watered abundantly.

Reproduction methods

The plant reproduces vegetatively:

  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush;
  • vertical and horizontal layers;
  • seeds.

Propagation by cuttings is one of the most popular methods. It allows you to get a lot of planting material. Dividing a bush is a method by which you can quickly propagate a bush.

Seeds for propagation of crops are usually used when it is necessary to develop new varieties. The method takes a lot of time, so gardeners rarely use it.

How to choose currants by ripening time?

Depending on the ripening period, the crop can be harvested at different periods of summer. This is especially important if the site is located in northern latitudes. If you plant late varieties there, you may never get a harvest.

Early ripening red currants ripen from mid-June to mid-July. Among the best varieties, it is worth highlighting the following three.

Currant varieties 1

  • “Jonker van Tets” is a very old variety, ripens by the end of June. It was bred in Holland back in 1941. The bush is tall and spreading. The berries reach a weight of 0.7 g and have a sweet and sour taste. It produces a stable harvest from year to year, rarely gets sick, and is frost-resistant, but it is not suitable for the northern regions. Resistant to anthracnose and powdery mildew.
  • “Cherry Viksne” – an interesting Latvian variety ripens by the end of June. Its special feature is cherry-colored berries, 0.8 grams each. It transports very well, so it is most often grown for sale. According to the tasting assessment, the taste is rated 4.5 points out of 5 existing ones. The berries are sweet and sour, but tender. There are few seeds and they are very small.
  • “Early sweet” ripens by early or mid-July. Despite the name, the berries (9 g) are more sour than sweet and have a dark red skin color. The bush is resistant to severe frosts, drought, some diseases, and pests.

Mid-season currants, as a rule, have very large berries and a sweeter taste.

Currant varieties 2

  • “Transdanubian” red currants ripen in the second or third ten days of July. The berries weigh 0.9 grams, are juicy and refreshingly sweet. The advantage is frost resistance and resistance to diseases and pests. The disadvantage is that the branches fall under the weight of the harvest, so it is recommended to tie them up.
  • "Natalie" ripens around mid-July. Berry weight 1 g, dark red. Withstands frosts down to -30 degrees, transportable. It is highly recommended to prune the bush in time, otherwise it will grow too much. The taste is excellent. The plant is valued for its pleasant sweetish taste and is usually consumed fresh.

The best late-ripening varieties of red currants ripen from the beginning of August. They produce a large harvest of tasty, sweetish berries.

Currant varieties 3

  • “Rondom” has large berries – 0.9 g, juicy, sweetish, with a refreshing note. Transportable, can be stored for a long time directly on the bush after ripening. The big advantage is resistance to frost and the ability to plant in any way, on any site.
  • “Dana” is a strong spreading bush, has large berries weighing up to 0.9 grams, and the color is dark pink. It is resistant to frost and pests, but sharp frosts can lead to the death of the plant. Gives large yields.
  • "Lapland" is recommended for planting in the northern regions. The variety is not afraid of frost, pests and diseases, but to increase the yield it needs high-quality care: weeding, pruning, processing. Red berries 0.7 g excellent taste - universal use.

Description of the bush

It is a tall spreading bush with strong straight gray-brown branches 1-1.5 meters long, sometimes reaching two meters in height. Brown-gray, oblong small buds are deflected from the shoot.

New branches grow fastest, then their growth gradually slows down to 5-10 cm per year, branching begins from the lower growth buds. The middle part of the shoot branches weakly, but produces more yield than other parts. The outer one does not branch at all, all the buds (except the apical one) are flowery and weak. The tops growing from the lower part of mature shoots are strong, but low-yielding.

Trellis currants have larger, sweeter berries and are easier to collect; the bushes occupy a smaller area, do not become dense, receive more sun, are well ventilated, and suffer less disease.

The root system is much larger than the crown. The roots penetrate deeply - to where the soil does not dry out even in the summer heat.

The best currant varieties for Siberia are listed here.


As for the description of the leaves, Viksne currant bushes are covered with dark green large and medium foliage. The leaf blade is five-lobed, the edge is wavy with blunt, “crenate” serrations, but the matte surface is smooth, slightly pubescent underneath. The leaves are arranged vertically.


The flowers are medium in size, larger on the middle part, smaller and weaker on the outer third of the shoot. The shape resembles a deep bowl, collected in large inflorescences-tassels, located tightly to each other. The pale sepals have lilac veins. The first flower buds form on two- or three-year-old shoots.


The variety is medium-large-fruited: the size of one berry is up to 1 cm, weight 0.7-0.9 g. The fruits are large and do not fall off for a long time even after ripening. The berries hang until autumn, do not lose freshness, and do not fall off. But there is less vitamin C in them.

Viksne belongs to varieties with a grape type of fruiting (long berry clusters - 10-15 cm), which also makes it suitable for growing by trellis.

The berries are round, the veins are bright, there are few seeds. The skin is strong, but it is recommended to harvest with brushes - the berries that are not the most transportable will last longer and better. Tasting score 4.5 points out of 5. The taste is sweet and sour, aromatic.

Viksna currants contain a lot of pectin (2.4%), which is involved in detoxification and ridding the body of toxins and cholesterol.

Ripening time

When do redcurrants ripen? The young bush will produce its first fruits the next year (if it was planted in the fall), but the harvest will not exceed 2-3 kg. The berries can be considered ripe already in mid-July (that is, a mid-early variety). The peak of yield occurs at 5-6 years of age, when the bush becomes mature and acquires a sufficient number of branches.

Features of care

Despite the fact that the Viksne variety is unpretentious, you need to provide it with minimal care. On average, the plant needs watering every three to four days, especially during fruiting and flowering. Water should be poured onto the currant circle at the rate of 2-3 buckets per bush.

It is necessary to remove weeds on time, as they contribute to the spread of aphids and clog the soil. It is recommended to loosen the soil around this variety of currants. But this must be done carefully, since Viksne’s root system is located shallow.

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