Dutch potato varieties characteristics photo and description

Potatoes are the second bread, as people call them. This is no coincidence, since almost no dish or feast is complete without this healthy, important and tasty product. Dutch potato varieties include those species that were originally cultivated in Holland, but then in the 80s of the last century were brought to Russia and took root in our country. Dutch potato varieties are distinguished by a huge variety of varieties. Let's learn about their features and advantages.

Dutch potato variety

Why we fell in love with Dutch potatoes

You can’t fool the consumer, and he always chooses only a high-quality, tasty product that meets his criteria:

  1. Productivity;
  2. Early maturing;
  3. Disease resistance;
  4. Unpretentiousness to growing conditions;
  5. Beautiful even shape;
  6. Minimum number of eyes.

Dutch potatoes are good in any preparation.

Then it is convenient to peel potatoes, and their taste completely satisfies the consumer. But the purpose of Dutch potatoes can be not only consumption, but also:

  • Stern;
  • For the preparation of semi-finished products;
  • Technical – for the production of starch;
  • Universal - canteens and feed at the same time.

Important! Depending on the purpose, everyone chooses their own variety; the most common are universal and table types of potatoes.

There are more than 30 such varieties in the country, the most common are:

  • Red Scarlett;
  • Impala;
  • Picasso;
  • Gala;
  • Provento;
  • Reviera.

Provento potato variety

Experts divide potatoes into groups - depending on the thickness of the peel, the density of the pulp, wateriness, quality of preparation, and color. So, for salads they recommend class A, for boiling - B, frying - C, puree - D. All these groups can be found among Dutch women. They are tasty, rich and healthy, they have different cooking speeds, friability, and friability. Dishes from this plant are full of vitamins, microminerals, beneficial substances such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and so on.

Prices for seed potatoes

seed potatoes

Varieties resistant to pests and diseases

Lasunok (Lasunak)

Potato variety Lasunok

Belarusian potatoes have many advantages, one of the main ones is the abundant pubescence of hard leaves and stems, which makes the plant resistant to the most harmful pests - Colorado potato beetles. The bush is strong, with tall, erect shoots and large leaves, and blooms white. The tubers are round, with deep to moderate eyes and light cream, rough skin. The taste of the creamy pulp is excellent, fully consistent with the name of the variety, the starch content reaches 22%. Excellent quality indicators make this Lasunok suitable for the production of any dishes, semi-finished products, including dry puree.

Plants show resistance to cancer, viral infections, scab, rhizoctonia, blackleg, and to moderate late blight. The yields are exceptionally high and can reach 55–60 kg per 10 square meters. m. Cultivation is recommended on farms in the Central Black Earth and North-Western regions.


A significant advantage of the productive variety is its resistance to late blight, both on the ground part and on the potatoes, which are harvested 85–95 days from planting. The bush is strong, with erect shoots and raspberry-lilac inflorescences. The tubers are rounded and elongated, with shallow small eyes and pinkish-beige glossy skin, weighing 80–130 g. The pulp is creamy-white, of excellent taste, boils well, and holds its shape when fried.

Olympus exhibits resistance to cancer, but is moderately affected by nematodes. The yield is stable and reaches 22–30 kg per 10 square meters. m, with a maximum of 31.4 kg per 10 sq. m. Preservation is very good, at the level of 85–95%.


This exceptional variety is characterized by its endurance to unfavorable conditions and resistance to a number of dangerous diseases and pests - cancer, nematode, and wrinkled mosaic. The plant is practically not affected by late blight. Potatoes belong to the early ripening category, the crop is suitable for harvesting 60–70 days after planting, the tops lie down after 90 days.

The bush is medium-sized, with semi-erect stems, large leaves and light purple flowers. The tubers are oval with pink-red skin and moderate eyes. The size is medium to large, weight 95–210 g. The yellow pulp has a good taste. Productivity varies depending on growing conditions and ranges from 16–36 kg per 10 square meters. m, maximum removal is up to 41 kg from 10 sq. m. Cultivation is recommended for farms in Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

Natural remedy

Also, different types of crops from Holland have beneficial properties that are used for medicinal purposes.

Dutch has a positive effect on all organs and systems of the body

Attention! You can maintain your health by eating potatoes with different colors of skin and pulp.

Table 1. Features of potatoes depending on color.

External characteristicsMedicinal properties
Beige skin, yellowish fleshA large amount of carotene, which helps remove harmful substances from the body, restore immunity, fight infections of various types, and stabilize the functioning of the nervous system.
White peel and white fleshHigh content of vitamin C, which helps restore the body’s immune properties; a large amount of calcium has a beneficial effect on the bone tissues of the body.
Red and purple skin with the same shade of fleshThe presence of a bioflavonoid substance, which has an effective antioxidant effect - removes harmful microelements from the body, and also helps strengthen blood vessels.

Important! Doctors sometimes recommend eating not only cooked Dutch potatoes, but also raw ones - in the form of juices and pulp.

Video - Useful properties of potatoes


The Dutch table variety is an excellent raw material for making French fries and delicious chips. The pulp contains a small percentage of starch - 12%. The ripening time for Sante falls under the classification of an early variety; it is 80–90 days from germination. The peel is yellowish, smooth, and moderate in density. The flesh is a pleasant pale yellow color. There are many ocelli, but they are almost invisible and shallow. Sante has even tubers; they have an absolutely regular oval (oval-round) shape.

Sante potatoes are recommended for summer residents and farmers; thanks to their durable skin, the potatoes do not get damaged during mechanized harvesting. In the market, this popular Dutch potato variety is in demand for its good, rich taste. A big plus is that the pulp does not change color during cooking.

One bush produces 15–20 potatoes weighing 100–150 g. For a good harvest, Santa requires watering and timely feeding. To prevent harmful substances from accumulating in root crops, it is necessary to constantly alternate mineral and organic fertilizers.

Prolonged heat can reduce the size of root crops and their quantity. The Sante variety has been in the state register since 1993, the regions of the Russian Federation recommended for cultivation are: Central, Volga-Vyatka, Northern, Northwestern, Lower Volga, Ural, West Siberian, Far Eastern. Important information: seed potatoes must be completely replaced every 5 years.

About the speed of maturation

When choosing a Dutch weed, the ripening period is also taken into account. After all, in one season, for example, in the south of the country, you can plant twice and get a double harvest. According to the timing, experts divided the culture into types.

Table 2. Types of crops - in accordance with the duration of ripening.

Dates and titleAmount of daysVariety names
Very early35-45Riviera, Ariel, Impala, Veneta
Earlyup to 65Dutch varieties Gala and Riviera, domestic varieties Leader and Zhukovsky
Mid-earlyup to 80Red Scarlet
Mid-seasonup to 95Asterix
Mid-lateup to 110Picasso
Latemore than 120domestic varieties

Attention! Most Dutch varieties belong to the types of high and medium ripening speed.

An important factor is the crop yield. The highest yielding ones include:

  • Red Scarlet,
  • Gala,
  • Rosara,
  • Idaho,
  • Adretta,
  • Tuleevsky,
  • Sprint,
  • Bela Rosa,
  • Felox.

Important! High crop yields depend not only on the variety of tubers, but also on the care and characteristics of the soil.

Scarlett – unique taste

Russians are very fond of the Red Scarlet variety - a pink-violet potato with pink flesh. There are a number of reasons for this popularity:

  • Does not darken when cleaned;
  • Does not change color quality after cooking;
  • Beautiful view;
  • Smooth surface;
  • Long shelf life;
  • Unpretentious to weather conditions;
  • Good yield - 15 fruits per bush;
  • Excellent taste.

Favorite variety of restaurateurs - Scarlett

Important! Among the negative properties of this species, consumers and experts note that when they outgrow, the tubers become uneven, ribbed, with many eyes. The plant’s susceptibility to diseases such as late blight and scab is also frightening.

But this species is most widespread among true gourmets, as it has unusual, bright taste. This type of culture has long been noticed by restaurateurs, so they often use it to prepare delicious dishes in the best catering establishments in the country.

Attention! If you see a green tuber, then it cannot be used for food. Corned beef, which gives the tuber a green tint, is dangerous for the digestive tract and for health in general.

Gala – high quick yields

The Gala variety for table use has excellent characteristics:

  • Productivity – up to 400 kg per one hundred square meters of land;
  • Large, smooth potatoes – 150 g, one fruit;
  • Beige pulp - rich in carotene;
  • Ripens quickly - no more than 75 days;
  • Virtually not susceptible to diseases;
  • It is unpretentious to weather conditions, which allows it to be grown in every region of the country and planted already at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius.

The yellowish flesh of Gala has an excellent taste no matter how it is cooked.

Important! Some agricultural experts point out that Gala is not resistant to black scab and late blight, which are common to many plants.

Riviera - the fastest ripening potato

All lovers of this culture have long appreciated the taste of the Riviera. It is not only tasty, but also the earliest ripening Dutch variety. The plant has high resistance to viruses and is rarely susceptible to disease. If climatic conditions do not allow planting the plant twice, then the method of growing Riviera under film is often used. Then even in the northern regions you can get a double harvest over the summer.

Riviera is distinguished by its taste and early ripening

The light beige color confirms that the tubers contain a large amount of calcium, magnesium, and vitamins of various groups. About 12-15 tubers will be harvested from each bush, and more than 400 kilograms per hectare.

Latona keeps up with Riviera

In central Russia, this variety of yellow potatoes is preferred, since its ripening period is from 40 to 50 days. After this time, you can get up to 2 kg of smooth, oblong large potatoes in each nest. The plant is unpretentious to the climate and withstands transportation and is not susceptible to disease. Exceptions are viral and diseases. But with proper care, the plant rarely gets sick. Especially if you add organic fertilizers and water in time. Preference is also given to Latona, since it is well stored in the winter, does not flake or rot.

Latona Potatoes

Landing Features

In order for potatoes to please you with an excellent harvest, you need to plant the plant correctly.

Seed material

The mistake of many novice gardeners is their belief that smaller potatoes will do for planting. This is a deep misconception. Future seed material is prepared by digging up the crop or purchased at the market or selection fairs.

Such root crops have enough eyes for a future good harvest. The smaller the tuber, the sparser the bush will be. Too large specimens are also not recommended - there is a risk of rotting. In planting, as elsewhere, you need a “golden mean”.

Sprouted potatoes will sprout faster

Many experienced plant growers germinate potatoes for quick germination in the future. For this purpose, the tubers are laid out in a box in 2-3 rows, each layer is sprinkled with sawdust and watered.

Selecting a location

Potatoes of the Gala variety prefer loamy soils. It is necessary to maintain low or normal soil acidity (4.5–5.5 pH) - do not overuse organic fertilizers.

It is recommended to prepare the land for future planting of potatoes in the fall. Fertilizers are applied for digging:

  • ammonium nitrate (13 g per sq. m) or urea (10 g per sq. m);
  • 30% potassium salt (12 g per sq. m);
  • double superphosphate (15 g per sq. m.).

It is very common to observe that potatoes are planted in the same place year after year. This is a big mistake. It is advisable to change the ridges every season. If this is not possible, you need to give the land a rest at least once every two to three years. At this time, the area where the potatoes grew is sown with oats, alfalfa, phacelia or mustard. The next year they simply dig it up along with the plants.

Preparing for landing

Before planting Gala potatoes, you need to fertilize the soil. The main thing is not to be afraid to oversaturate it: this variety responds well even to increased doses of fertilizing. Suitable for this purpose:

  1. Regular ash - 5 tablespoons per hole.
  2. Bone meal - half a glass per hole.
  3. Urea - 1 tablespoon.
  4. Superphosphates - 1 tablespoon.
  5. Potassium sulfate - dessert spoon.
  6. Rotted manure - 700 g.

It is better to fertilize using the pit method - this way more nutrients will reach their destination.

Place the tubers in the holes carefully so as not to damage the sprouts

Landing technology

Potatoes are planted in holes with fertilizers at a distance of 60–80 cm from each other. You need to place the tubers carefully, avoiding damage to the young shoots. Then you need to sprinkle about 10 centimeters of earth.

Gala boasts synchronized seedlings. As soon as above-ground shoots appear, it is recommended to carry out the first loosening and weeding - updating the soil around the bush and between the rows for the full development of tubers, to reduce evaporation and preserve moisture.

After germination, it is necessary to loosen the soil

  1. If the soil is very wet and compacted, loosening is carried out twice.
  2. If the soil is dry, do it shallowly, then lightly water it with water.

It is better to sprinkle each bush with ash to protect it from the Colorado potato beetle.

General Benefits of Dutch Potatoes

If we summarize all the positive characteristics of this type of potato, then we can say that it is Dutch potatoes:

  1. Does not require large areas for planting;
  2. Has increased yields;
  3. Can ripen 2 times per summer;
  4. Large sizes;
  5. Smooth surface;
  6. Diversity in properties and composition of tubers;
  7. Neutral to diseases;
  8. Excellent taste;
  9. Various uses - even medicinal products.

Ten "strongest"

If you identify the TOP 10 best potatoes for these indicators, the list might look like this:

  1. Impala;
  2. Condor;
  3. Latona;
  4. Red Scarlett;
  5. Gala;
  6. Ukama;
  7. Riviera;
  8. Santa;
  9. Picasso;
  10. Desiree.

Attention! Before purchasing tubers for planting, you should consult with specialists. Indeed, in different climatic conditions, with different humidity and temperature influences and the quality characteristics of the soil, varieties can behave differently. It is necessary to purchase a variety that is adapted specifically to your climate.

The best fodder varieties

Among the best Dutch varieties of forage species, experts include Woltman - red round tubers and Lorch - oblong yellow ones.

Forage species are mainly small in size

Despite their completely different appearance. These varieties have a lot in common:

  • Small-sized tubers;
  • Lots of eyes;
  • High yield;
  • Uneven surface of tubers;
  • Unpretentiousness of crops;
  • Low susceptibility to disease;
  • Pulp rich in protein and vitamins.

All these qualities allow farmers who keep livestock to grow these potatoes for feed purposes.

Planting and growing varieties

Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology, crop rotation and preparation of beds and seed material is the key to high yields with excellent fruit quality.

Following the rules will help increase productivity


Silvana prefers late spring planting. The soil should be warmed up to +8...+10°C, which is typical for the month of May. The more precise date depends on the growing region.

Crop rotation rules

For the variety, the ideal option would be to plant after winter grain crops, green manure and legumes. Planting after nightshade vegetables is not recommended, since the crops are prone to the same diseases.

Important! Potatoes can be replanted in one area only after 4-5 years.

Soil requirements

The best development is observed on loose nutrient soils with deep groundwater. The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral, nutritious.

In autumn, the selected bed is cleared of plant remains and dug up, adding compost or humus, approximately 5 kg/m²

Preparing tubers for planting

30 days before planting, planting material is removed from storage and sorted, discarding damaged ones. It is placed in a dry, warm room for a month until sprouts appear. After this, they are treated with fungicides (boric acid, Fitosporin-M) and a growth stimulator (Epin, Zircon).

Landing technology

According to reviews from experienced farmers, it is better to plant the Silvana variety using the ridge method. The height of the ridge is about 10 cm, the depth of planting the seed is 5–8 cm. A glass of wood ash is added to the hole along with the tuber. The distance between future bushes is at least 30 cm.

We recommend reading how to plant potatoes with a walk-behind tractor.

We grow potatoes with a yield of 950 kg per hundred square meters

This is the third year we have been growing Dutch potatoes of the Condor variety on our plot. The soil on the site is sandy, requiring reasonable application of organic and mineral fertilizers. The current rainy year and the absence of spring frosts allowed us to collect 15 kg of tubers for each kilogram planted. Some tubers weighed 300-350 g.

Our agricultural technology is quite simple and accessible. Last August, the area allocated for potatoes was sown with barley (wheat, rye, peas, oats, mustard). At the end of October, when the oats had grown to 20-30 cm, I carefully dug up the soil. Cereal plants are a good organic fertilizer and also disinfect the soil from diseases.

We store tubers for planting in a basement with good ventilation. In March, we carefully sorted them out, washed them in a weak solution of manganese (1.5 g per bucket of water) and laid them out in a warm room. Over the course of a month, the potatoes warmed up and sprouted. Tubers with weak sprouts were discarded.

The next stage: building up the root system of the tubers. To do this, moisten the shavings with an extract of superphosphate (200 g per bucket of water). It is convenient to soak the shavings in a bag with the solution and then remove excess moisture. Then they laid out the shavings in a thin layer in boxes, and on top were potato tubers with sprouted eyes. In 2-3 weeks, potatoes produce a powerful root system.

Since the Condor variety is mid-early, we plant it in early April. When planting, add organic and mineral fertilizers (humus, a matchbox of nitrophoska, a handful of wood ash) into the holes.

It is especially important to foliar fertilize potatoes after flowering. 200 g of superphosphate, 15-20 g of potassium sulfate, 1.5 g of manganese were dissolved in 10 liters of water. We treated with this solution from a conventional sprayer. Three feedings were carried out at intervals of 2-3 weeks.

Healthy, vigorous plants are not very attractive to Colorado potato beetles. However, for prevention, potatoes were sprayed with tincture of hot pepper. We harvest the pods in the fall. Before use, cut into pieces (1 glass per bucket of water), cook for 1-2 hours in the open air. Before refueling, add a third of a piece of laundry soap to the sprayer. You have to work in a respirator. The larvae burn, and adult beetles do not appear until rain washes off the pepper film from the leaves.

A good variety and our efforts helped us get a wonderful harvest. See for yourself: even granddaughter Lisa is happy to help harvest potatoes.


Potatoes of mid-early varieties ripen in 50-65 days. It is recommended for cultivation in temperate climate zones. Dutch breeders protected it from cancer, scab, and increased resistance to late blight and nematodes. Which potatoes are most in demand:

  • Latena - distinguished by voluminous bushes, good yield, and good keeping quality. One bush grows up to 15 root crops, with a total weight of 3 kg. On an area of ​​1 m2 you can grow 4.6 kg. The fruits have a high starch content. The potatoes are tasty, crumbly, suitable for making mashed potatoes and casseroles. The culture is characterized by increased resistance to late blight of tops and root crops;
  • Anosta - the crop is grown in all regions. Dutch potatoes Anosta can grow both on chernozems and on sandy loamy soils. Starch content 20%. Gardeners note an average yield of 3 kg/m2. The vegetables are tasty and crumbly after cooking. Breeders protected the plant from nematodes of all types. The crop is moderately resistant to scab and fungal diseases, is well stored in winter, culling rate is 6%;
  • Yarla - the crop withstands drought well. The variety is recommended to be grown in the regions of the Lower Volga region. The highest yield was obtained by gardeners in the Tula region, 660 kg/acre. Tubers are slightly affected by late blight and scab, do not suffer from cancer, but cannot resist nematodes;
  • Evolution - root vegetables are tasty, contain a lot of starch, carotene, and ascorbic acid. Farmers receive 590 centners of vegetables per 1 hectare. From one bush you get 1 kg of root vegetables, each weighing 150 g. The peel is red, the surface of the fruit is smooth. Large eyes are noted, but there are only a small number of them on the surface.

Mid-early varieties are planted in cool soil. It should warm up to 8 C at a depth of 15 cm. Planting is carried out at the end of April or at the beginning of May. To grow potatoes, seedlings 5-7 cm long are used. It is recommended to germinate them in a dark room. When germinated in the sun, root vegetables will immediately form foliage. Productivity will be reduced.

Kondor Crimea Crimea Condor


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