Lux: description of seed potato variety, characteristics, agricultural technology

History of the variety's creation

At the moment, domestic potato producers use imported seed material of German and Dutch selection for mass planting, which has good technical characteristics and, unfortunately, high cost. Breeders from the Ural Research Institute of Agriculture are developing new domestic analogues of foreign potato varieties in our country. In 2015, scientists at this institute managed to develop a remarkable high-yielding variety - the Lux potato, which in its parameters is in no way inferior to its famous Dutch “brothers”.

Spectacular red tubers of the Lux variety

Advantages/disadvantages of varietal potatoes

The starch content, which sets Sante potatoes apart from other varietal representatives of the potato crop, is only ≈13%. The Sante potato harvest, the description of the variety indicates its suitability for long-term storage, provided that the collected tubers are placed in a cool, dark place. Due to their low starch content and excellent gastronomic properties, Sante varietal potatoes are ideal for making chips.

In addition to intricate restaurant recipes for every taste, there are a number of simple dishes that Santa can prepare from potatoes:

  • vegetable casserole (potato base);
  • stuffed potatoes;
  • fried potatoes.

Yellow tubers in section

In the food industry, Sante potatoes are used to make:

  1. semi-finished products;
  2. vegetable soups;
  3. vegetable mixtures.

The disadvantage of this variety of potato is its exceptional intolerance to low temperatures. When applying an excess amount of fertilizers containing nitrogen, the growth of tops will accelerate, and the growth of tubers will slow down. Another negative feature of Sante varietal potatoes is their unsuitability for making purees due to their low starch content. In addition, the harvested crop should not be exposed to light - the tubers turn green in the light, which indicates the presence of accumulations of toxic substances in them, leading to food poisoning.

Varietal potatoes Sante have excellent external and gastronomic characteristics. This representative of the garden crop has every chance of becoming the most preferred variety for any gardener who has tried growing it on his plot.

Description of the variety

Botanical description of the Ural potato variety Lux of domestic selection:

  • A very early variety, with ripening periods from 46 to 60 days;
  • The bush is small and compact;
  • Table purpose of potatoes;
  • Tubers have a regular oval elongated shape;
  • The flowers have a red skin with small eyes;
  • The weight of ripe tubers of the variety reaches 150 g;
  • Potato pulp is light yellow;
  • Starch content – ​​from 11 to 15%;
  • Potatoes are slightly undercooked;
  • High resistance to potato cancer, golden nematode, late blight;
  • The variety is resistant to scab;
  • When the appropriate conditions are created, the potato harvest is well preserved until spring.

Flowering potato bushes

You can prepare a large number of delicious dishes from Lux potatoes, but potatoes are especially good in first courses and various salads.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Potato Lux was bred at the Ural Research Institute of Agriculture together with agro and Potato LLC. It was included in the State Register in 2016, zoned into two regions: West Siberian and Volga-Vyatka. In areas with a similar and warmer climate, it is also grown subject to good watering and fertilizing.

The bushes are medium-sized and do not tend to lie on the ground. The leaves are medium. The inflorescences are white or pink. 8-13 potatoes are collected from the bush. They reach full ripeness 65-70 days from the date of planting, and young potatoes can be dug after 45 days.

Properties of tubers:

  • aligned oval shape;
  • medium size, weight 100-150 g;
  • pink or almost red skin;
  • yellow flesh;
  • low starch content - 11-15%;
  • low boilability, after cooking the potatoes retain their shape;
  • good taste;
  • keeping quality 95;
  • culinary type AB.

The variety is resistant to all common diseases, except late blight of tubers and partly late blight of leaves.

Features of the variety

Since Lux seed potatoes were originally created for the conditions of the Siberian region, several of its distinctive properties should be noted:

  1. Resistance to potato diseases;
  2. The variety is moderately resistant to heat. According to reviews from gardeners who plant Lux on their plots, even in the absence of watering in central Russia, you can get from one bush up to one and a half dozen tubers weighing from 90 to 130 g;
  3. Good taste;
  4. Spectacular appearance.

Seed potatoes can be bought in specialized stores in Moscow and other large cities of our country.

Selection of potato seeds

Having chosen a variety, the question arises of how to choose the right planting material and where to purchase it. You can purchase high-quality seeds of elite tubers at exhibitions directly from manufacturers, in nurseries, as well as in specialized garden centers, or you can save time and order seeds online and have them sent by mail. Manufacturers package seeds for sale in bags from 25 kg to 1 ton, but in retail chains and from representatives of agricultural companies you can buy smaller volumes starting from 1 kg.

When choosing seeds, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Manufacturer, choose seed from reputable agricultural companies.
  2. Appearance, seeds must be healthy, without defects, without damage by pests.
  3. Corresponds to the description, color, shape.
  4. Size, seed potatoes should be medium in size.

Agricultural technology for growing the variety

There are no particular differences in the agricultural technology for growing elite Lux potatoes. It is grown in open sunny areas rich in organic matter.

Potatoes can be planted in various ways:

  • Under the shovel. This planting method is effective on flat areas. The most traditional method of planting, in which first shallow holes are dug at a distance of 30 to 35 cm to a depth of 6 to 8 cm, and sprouted potato tubers are placed in them. For better yield, add two or three handfuls of rotted manure or compost and a little wood ash to the bottom of the holes. The tubers are covered with soil, retreated 70-80 cm and the next row begins to be planted;
  • In prepared combs. If the garden plot is located on heavy soils saturated with water, then it is recommended to plant potatoes in prepared earthen ridges, 15 to 20 cm high. To form the ridges, it is best to use a walk-behind tractor. Tubers are planted in holes, which are located at the top of the ridge 30 cm from each other. After planting the potatoes, mulch with mown grass or straw;
  • In the trenches. This method is recommended for sandy soil types. In the fall, after digging up the garden, trenches with a depth of 30 to 35 cm are prepared with a distance of 80-90 cm between them. Raw hay is placed on the bottom layer to a thickness of 15 cm, and fresh manure mixed with wood ash is scattered on top. In winter, all components overheat and become denser. In early spring, when the snow has just melted, potato tubers are placed in trenches and covered with special agrofibre, such as agrospan;
  • Into the straw. This ancient method has been used by farmers for 100 years. In autumn, the garden plot is generously covered with hay or straw. When planting in spring, potatoes are placed directly on rotted straw and re-covered with a layer of hay or straw. The tubers are placed in rows at a distance of 70-80 cm. When growing potatoes using this method, there is no need to weed or feed them. The harvest is easy to harvest, the tubers are clean and intact.

Article on the topic: Potato variety - Sineglazka (Hannibal) description and photo
The planting method is chosen depending on the composition of the soil, the size of the plot and the desire of gardeners to experiment.


Potatoes are planted on light, loose sandy loam or chernozem soils. If the soil is heavy and not nutritious enough, sand, peat, and organic fertilizers are added to it. The bulk of the additives must be applied in the fall, after first clearing the area of ​​old tops. It is dug up and left in this form for the winter so that the frost destroys bacteria, fungi and parasite larvae.

You cannot choose a potato bed where other nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants) grew last year.

Seed tubers should be medium-sized, but not very small, free from damage and flaws. The optimal size is 80 g. 2-3 weeks before planting, they are germinated, spread out in one layer at a temperature of +12-15. The room should be well lit; plants sprouted in the dark will be weak.

On the eve of planting, the tubers are treated with fungicides or a stimulant. Plant according to the 30 by 70 cm pattern. The soil should warm up to +12.


Heavy, acidic soils, as well as areas with close groundwater, are not suitable for potato vegetable crops. Recommended soil is loamy and sandy loam soil with neutral acidity. In the fall, deep digging is necessary in the garden plot.

To enrich the soil with nutrients and to improve the structure of the soil, a week after digging, the garden is sown with white mustard seeds and before snow falls, approximately at the end of November, the mustard is mowed to prevent the formation of seeds and re-germination of the plant.

Important! To obtain a good harvest, it is necessary to weed the potatoes in a timely manner, loosen the soil and provide abundant watering.

Agricultural technology for potatoes from seeds: how to grow potatoes from seeds

Reproducing potatoes using seeds will give you the opportunity to feel like a breeder, as the potatoes will grow far from the same type. Potato bushes vary in yield, color and size of tubers, and disease resistance. This way, you can immediately select the best tubers for next year's planting material by focusing on the plant traits you want.

Potato seeds are produced by the formation of berries that grow on the tops after flowering. But this does not happen on all potato varieties. Or you can buy ready-made seeds from seed companies.

Seed treatment before sowing potatoes

To increase the likelihood of germination, potato seeds should be stratified and germinated before sowing. They are wrapped in a damp cloth, placed in a plastic container and exposed to different temperatures: during the day, the container with the seeds is kept at room temperature and placed in a vegetable box of the refrigerator overnight. Make sure to keep the cloth damp at all times and open the container daily for ventilation. Once you notice signs of early seed emergence, you can begin sowing. It usually takes one or two weeks for seeds to germinate.

Preparing to plant potato seeds

In addition, it is very important to be well prepared before sowing seeds, which sometimes increases the likelihood of occurrence. In particular, it is very beneficial to soak them in water for two days. At the same time as soaking, it is also possible to taste the seeds at different temperatures. In the afternoon, the bowl of soaked seeds can be left at normal room temperature, and at night put in the refrigerator at +1 C. This way, the seeds are prepared for the natural temperature changes of the soil in which you will sow them.

Seed potato planting density

In southern areas with long, warm summers, you can grow potatoes in a straight line - you won't get a big harvest, of course, but small nodes will grow for next year's planting. Sowing potato seeds in open ground occurs in mid-May, when the soil at a depth of 10-12 cm warms up to 14-16 ° C and the threat of night frosts passes. Before sowing, the seeds germinate in the manner described.

Planting potatoes in tubers in the spring. Plant seeds in the body, soaked in autumn with loose soil, placing wells 10-12 cm deep at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other and maintaining row widths between 70 cm. Place 2-3 seeds in each hole, cover them and mulch the surface with a layer of sand or coconut backing 5 mm thick. They simply planted potato seedlings on open ground. You can sow the seeds in a furrow 4-5 cm deep: it is first filled with water, and when the water is absorbed, the sprouted seeds are sown tightly, covered and mulched on the surface of the garden.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Lux potato variety was created as a domestic elite varietal material. Its foreign analogues are well-known potato varieties: “Red Scarlett”, “Rozava” and other varieties.

Elite potato Lux

The main advantages of the Lux potato crop:

  • High resistance to major potato diseases;
  • Adaptation to local conditions;
  • Good taste;
  • Affordable price.

The big disadvantage of the variety is the limited seed stock. The fact is that breeding farms are able to provide consumers with only 20 tons of varietal seed potatoes. This amount is only enough for private farms. Industrial production of Luxa potatoes requires significantly more planting material. To fully provide all categories of consumers with seed material, producers need to grow from 50 to 100 tons of Lux varietal potatoes.

The best seeds of elite potato varieties

The growth and productivity of the crop directly depends on the quality of planting material. When growing potatoes, choosing quality seeds is also important. Elite potato varieties give good results. Professional agricultural companies are engaged in growing varietal potato seeds, and their high quality will satisfy even an experienced professional.

The best seeds of elite potato varieties

Potato classification

An important criterion by which potato varieties are classified is the period of fruit ripening, and the purpose of the vegetable also plays an important role.

Classification of different types, taking into account the ripening period of the tuber:

  1. Early - a fruit that ripens in about 40 or 56 days. The period of possible growth and development of the fetus takes from 2.5 to 3 months.
  2. Mid-early. Young fruits are formed approximately 2 or 2.5 months after they were planted. The growing season averages from 3 to 3.5 months.
  3. Mid-ripening - potato fruits approximately 2.5-3 months after planting in the soil. The growing season takes 125-140 days.
  4. Late ripening - new tubers are formed approximately 2.5 months after they were planted. The growing season lasts more than six months.

Varieties of tubers according to purpose:

  • table fruits - fruits with a pleasant taste and a pulp structure that does not tend to darken after peeling or damage, as a rule, are used for food;
  • technical - the category includes medium and late types of potatoes, which contain starch from 15 percent, are used in industry, namely, to isolate starch, as well as industrial alcohol;
  • feed - these include fruits with a high harvest rate, which contain a lot of protein;
  • universal - fruits with an average ripening period, distinguished by taste and yield, as well as a structure that does not begin to darken after damage, are used for all purposes.

Article on the topic: Potato variety “Karlena” - description and photo

Note: for the production of semi-finished products, for example, crackers, chips, etc., potato varieties are selected that differ in starch content - at least 20%.

The best elite varieties

Good seed potatoes

Thanks to such efforts, more and more new elite varieties are being developed and high-quality potato seeds are being grown.

Among the best species there are both representatives of domestic and foreign selection with different ripening periods and distinctive characteristics. The maximum yield of super-elite and elite seeds is noted. Each subsequent reproduction during planting reduces the yield by 25%.

Advantages of elite species

  • high productivity;
  • disease resistance;
  • high taste characteristics;
  • resistance to bad weather conditions.


  • renewal of planting material every 3-5 years;
  • decrease in yield with each subsequent reproduction.

Early varieties

Potatoes, which ripen in a short period of time, are divided into 3 more subgroups, namely: ultra- and mid-early, as well as early-ripening.

Early varieties include the following varieties:

And also Isle of Jura, Evolution, Madeira, Molly, Nandina, Natasha, Uladar, Early Morning, White Rose, Azora, etc.

This is a striking example of potato varieties native to Holland. Impala has a smooth but firm skin and sandy flesh. The eyes are smaller than average, the shape of the potato is large, oval, but sometimes round.

Starch – 12-14%, the weight of one specimen ranges from 95 to 150 g.

Potatoes can be planted in the southern as well as northern regions of Russia.

The Vineta variety of potatoes does not require special care conditions, but is distinctively tasty. It has medium friable pulp that is yellow in color. The fruits are oval, slightly oblong, sometimes round. The weight of one specimen is approximately 75-120 grams, but there are fruits weighing up to 400 grams.

Starch – 12-15%. The color of the skin can range from light brown to dark yellow.

The German variety Karatop is characterized by a round, sometimes oval shape with a thick but smooth skin. The mass of the specimen is approximately 85-140 grams. The pulp is granular in structure and light beige in color. The size of the eyes is small, they are almost invisible.

Starch – 13%. Potatoes are tasty, they are a table variety, but they are often used in industry.

A yellow variety of potato with a similar fruit color in cross section. The specimens are medium in size, weighing approximately 73-145 g. The fruits are usually elongated, oval in shape.

Starch – 11-16%. From one Jewel bush you can collect 15 or 20 tubers. It can be planted in any soil, because the variety does not require special care and is able to grow in central Russia.

This is a variety originally from Holland, distinguished by its taste and dense structure, which does not overcook for a long time. The color of the shell, as well as the fruit, is yellow and light lemon, respectively.

Starch – 11-14%. The average weight of an elongated specimen is approximately 105-130 g.

It is a German variety. Externally, it has an elongated, ellipsoidal shape and a dark yellow peel. The color in the section is golden. The average weight of a specimen is approximately 100 g.

They stand out for their taste and the quality of their pulp, which does not turn black after peeling. Potatoes can be planted in any area with moderate humidity.

A lemon-colored Dutch table variety with elliptical or spherical fruits. The weight of the specimen is approximately 80-130 g. Starch - 11.8-15%.

It has normal taste with minimal crumbling. The color in the section is lemon. It is recommended to plant potatoes only in warm soil.

Seed varieties

How to grow potatoes from seeds? First, choose a variety!

The best varieties of potatoes from seeds

Among the best species are representatives of domestic and foreign production with different ripening periods and distinctive characteristics. The maximum return of super-elite and elite seeds is noted. Each subsequent reproduction during planting reduces the yield by 25%.

Advantages of elite varieties:

  • high performance;
  • disease resistance;
  • high taste characteristics;
  • resistance to adverse weather conditions.

Seed potatoes Jewel

The plant is low-growing, semi-erect. The leaves are medium in size, with a slight wavy edge. The inflorescences are medium in size, reddish-violet with a light purple tint. Stems form and develop in a fairly short time. The plant has good density and moderate density.

The tubers are round-oval in shape, covered with smooth yellow skin with small eyes. Potato flesh is light yellow when cut. The starch content is not lower than 10-15%. Soft cellulose. Tasty qualities are very good. The color does not change during cleaning and cooking. The average weight of a tuber can vary from 80 to 150 g. Light shoots of medium size, open, very loose.

Seed potatoes Riviera

The bushes are tall, intermediate, straight, with a reddish-violet flower halo. The leaves are dark green, large, wavy along the edge. The stems are strong and the root system is powerful.

"Riviera" potatoes produce smooth, oval-round or oval tubers with slightly rough, light yellow skin. The pulp is also light yellow or creamy and contains 19.6% starch.

The super-racial variety with a stated period from shoots to technical maturity of 50-65 days is intended for both fresh and long-term storage.

Seed potatoes Korenevo

The high quality of seed potatoes offered for sale in the online store “Agrocenter “Korenevo”, formed at one time by the Institute of Potato Harvesting Farm named after. A. G. Lorkha.

Agricultural technology

The variety tolerates drought well and at the same time grows in moist soils. It prefers sandy loam soil, and on loam its taste characteristics and yield can be significantly reduced.

Note. Potatoes have good immunity to diseases such as potato canker, blackleg, and rhizoctonia. Not very resistant to late blight

But this disease does not have time to greatly harm the potatoes, since its heyday occurs in the second half of summer, and during this period Timo is already removed from the fields

Not very resistant to late blight. But this disease does not have time to greatly harm the potatoes, since their heyday occurs in the second half of summer, and during this period Timo is already removed from the fields.

The leaf curl virus is also not dangerous for this variety. Thanks to this stability, the variety does not degenerate even if you do not annually update the seed material. The worst enemies are the Colorado potato beetle and the golden nematode. Treatment against these insects is necessary.

The process of growing this variety is quite simple.

Particular attention should be paid to pre-planting seed treatment, then the yield will be much higher

Before planting, it is important to carry out the preparatory stage, which is carried out a month in advance. The tubers must be sorted and dried, getting rid of rotten and damaged specimens. Tubers no larger than a chicken egg are suitable as planting material.

But periodic use of larger specimens can further preserve the variety from degeneration

Tubers no larger than a chicken egg are suitable as planting material. But periodic use of larger specimens can further preserve the variety from degeneration

The tubers must be sorted and dried, getting rid of rotten and damaged specimens. Tubers no larger than a chicken egg are suitable as planting material. But periodic use of larger specimens can further preserve the variety from degeneration.

Advice. Before planting, each tuber must be divided into 2 halves so that the number of eyes that have already sprouted is in approximately the same proportion in both halves. The prepared material should be transferred to a comfortable, warm room, first sprayed with water and covered with a cloth.

This period is also suitable for treatment with drugs that provide protection against various types of pathogens. It is useful to sprinkle with ash. The property of ash to activate starch synthesis can improve the taste of potatoes. Ash can be sprinkled not only on tubers, but also on holes, as well as soil in the spring and autumn.

Application of this variety

You can count on the initial harvest of young vegetables within a month and a half after planting. Full technical maturity of this variety of crop occurs in 2-2.5 months. Ripened tubers accumulate a sufficient amount of dry matter, sugars, fiber, pectin and vitamins, which is why Timo is used to prepare most potato dishes.

Due to the low content of starchy substances, during heat treatment, whole tubers do not boil, but only crack slightly. After cooking, the pulp is not prone to darkening. It is recommended to boil, stew, bake and fry the tubers. A distinctive feature of Timo is the formation of a crispy golden crust when deep-fried.

Homemade French Fries Recipe

Preparation: Three to four large tubers are peeled, cut into strips (the thickness of each side is 0.5-1 cm), rinsed with cold water, placed between layers of paper towels for 5 minutes, immersed in sifted starch (0.1 kg), mix, put in the freezer for 10 minutes.

Preparation of the dish: Frying is carried out over high heat in a deep fryer, saucepan or deep frying pan in heated vegetable oil (200 ml), which should completely cover the straw, until a golden crust forms (5-7 minutes). The fries removed using a slotted spoon are placed on a napkin to absorb excess fat. Before serving, add hot potatoes to taste and add your favorite seasonings (ground pepper, paprika, a mixture of aromatic herbs, dried garlic, etc.).

Reviews about the variety.

In general, gardeners speak positively about Timo. note its early ripening period, the ability to use the tubers for food from mid-June (when planted in the 2nd–3rd decade of April).

History of selection.

Originator: Boreal Plant Breeding LTD. The Timo Hankkiyan crop variety, bred by Finnish breeders, is included in the State Register and recommended by specialists for cultivation in the Northern, Central and Northwestern regions. As practice shows, it is well suited for cultivation throughout the entire central zone.

Care and harvesting

In order to get a good harvest, it is necessary to perform the following agricultural practices:

  1. The recommended distance between beds is from 0.6 to 0.7 m;
  2. Good illumination of the beds;
  3. The depth of planting tubers is 10-12 cm;
  4. Good drainage of potato beds;
  5. It is advisable to plant on “ridges”;
  6. Adding a handful of ash or humus to the hole;
  7. Timely hilling of bushes for better air exchange of plant roots;
  8. Timely watering;
  9. Weeding rows as necessary and removing weeds.

Carrying out the recommended methods is usually standard conditions for planting potatoes of any variety.

The best varieties by ripening time

The choice of potato planting material, in addition to other criteria, should also be based on how long the crop will take to ripen.

To achieve greater potato yields, potato growers advise picking off the flowers of the plant at the beginning of the budding phase. This ensures that beneficial substances accumulate in the fruits and are not consumed by the flowers.

Early ripening

Potatoes are considered early ripening, the period of fruit ripening is 70-80 days, but if necessary, they can be harvested even 50-60 days after planting. These include “Ariel”, “Timo”, “Riviera”, “Izora”, “Anosta”, “Detskoselsky”, “Antonina”, “Krepysh”, “Red Scarlett”.


“Riddle of Peter”, “Kolobok”, “Pirol”, “Skarb”, “Rosinka”, “Coretta”, “Lugovskaya”, “Saturna”, and other varieties of potatoes are classified as mid-season varieties. The listed crops are distinguished by good yields, fairly long shelf life, and most importantly, excellent taste.

The ripening period of these varieties ranges from 90 to 110 days.

Late ripening

The most popular representative of this category is the Zdabytak potato. This also includes “Asterix”, “Crane”, “Seagull”, “Atlanta”, “Lorch”, “Zarnitsa”, etc.

Experienced gardeners warn that growing late-ripening potato representatives in Russian conditions should be treated with extreme caution. The fact is that the climate does not always allow time to harvest

The best varieties by yield

An important factor when choosing potato seeds for subsequent cultivation is the yield indicators of a particular type of crop, because yield is one of the main goals pursued by every potato grower, even an amateur.


One of the most generous early potato varieties for yield is Red Scarlett.

About 450-600 centners of fruit can be collected from one hectare of crop planting. Productivity depends not so much on the plant itself, but on the efforts of the gardener and the climate of the region.

Among the high-yielding leaders are o (250-420 c/ha), “Zhukovsky early” (300-600 c/ha), “Bellarose” (from 320 c/ha), “Roko” (about 400 c/ha), “Visa” "(approximately 500 c/ha). “Timo” is not only distinguished by its high yield (350-600 c/ha), it leads the potato varieties that are the most resistant to disease. Potato growers who grow early potatoes should know that breeders have specifically bred crop varieties that do not bloom. This is due to the fact that the plant spends too much effort, energy and nutrients on flowering, and early ripening potato species simply do not have time for all this. Therefore, before choosing planting material, it is worth considering the fact which potato variety does not bloom. These, for example, include “Timo”, “Empress”, “Roko”.


The category of the most productive mid-season potato varieties includes “Peter’s Mystery” (180-300 c/ha), “Kolobok”, “Pirol” (180-220 c/ha).


High yields of late potatoes can be achieved by growing the following varieties: “Zarnitsa” (530 c/ha), “Suzorye” (about 550 c/ha), “Sintez” (550 c/ha), “Orbita” (340 c/ha). ha), "Vytok" (about 420 c/ha).


The proper use of fertilizers when preparing beds for planting will help increase the yield of the Timo variety. Without restoring soil fertility, depleted by the previous crop, with the help of organic and mineral products, it is impossible to count on a large harvest of large tubers.

Seed preparation

To prevent late blight, it is recommended to pickle the tubers in a solution of fungicides or microbiological preparations (Fitosporin-M, Alirin B, Baksis, Baktofit, Gamair).

It is advisable to carry out pre-sowing treatment with a modern insecto-fungicide Prestige, KS (effective against wireworms, aphids, Colorado potato beetles, common scab and rhizoctonia).

Germination of seed material and pre-planting treatment of tubers with effective fertilizers with minerals, humates, anti-stress agents, hormones, stimulants of root formation, growth and microelements (Raikat Start, Speedfol Amino Marine) help to increase the yield of the variety and the speed of ripening.

Soil preparation

The best predecessors: perennial grasses, winter crops, green manure (legumes, pulses, cruciferous crops, cereals), on light soils - lupine, clover, on heavy soils - pumpkin, oats, phacelia, buckwheat, alfalfa, radish, vetch.

Heavy clay soils and loams under Timo need to be loosened. During autumn digging, 1–2 buckets/sq.m of river coarse sand, as well as peat, humus or compost (4–12 kg) and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, are plowed into the soil. In the spring, the area is loosened, introducing complex mineral compounds with a full NPK complex.

Light sandy and sandy loam soils are cultivated in the spring 1–2 weeks before sowing. The earth is enriched with organic matter (granulated vermicompost or dry bird droppings, compost, humus) and mineral compounds with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and microelements (AgroMaster, Aquarin).

Planting and care

The optimal sowing pattern is 60 x 35 cm, the depth of planting tubers is 8–10 cm.

At the beginning of the growing season, be sure to remove weeds and loosen the soil. Hilling up (2–3 times per season) is performed after adding calcium nitrate. Watering during drought (2–3 times per season) increases yield by 10–20%.

You can increase the resistance of seedlings to diseases and pests, as well as improve the marketability of tubers, using root and foliar fertilizers. At the beginning of the growing season, fertilizers with nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and microelements are applied, for example, Yellow Kristalon, Potato Fertika, and during flowering, compositions with a reduced nitrogen content are used (Brown Kristalon, Fertika-lux).

Foliar feeding with the same means or Nutrivant universal during the leaf growth phase accelerates the growth of tops, quickly replenishing the deficiency of mineral salts and microelements, and promotes earlier establishment of tubers.

Foliar treatment of bushes with Potato Nutrivant, performed during the formation of thickenings on the roots, helps to increase the number of tubers even in unfavorable conditions.

Harvesting and storage

Tubers are dug up after the skin on them becomes dense. The signal for harvesting is wilting and yellowing of the tops. The tubers, dried for 2 hours in the sun, are sorted, calibrated and placed in containers. The harvest is stored in the cellar after a month, making sure to sort through the tubers and remove substandard ones. The optimal humidity in the vegetable storage is 80-90%, temperature +2-+4 °C.

Storage and selection of seed material. Medium-sized tubers without damage, dents, cracks or signs of disease are selected for planting. They are stored in a vegetable store separately from potatoes intended for consumption under the same conditions.

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