Tomato Nakhimov reviews photo yield

A universal cultivar should be tasty fresh and prepared. There are only a few of these tomatoes. Among the varieties and hybrids of universal use, the sweet and juicy tomato Ushakov stands out.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
shortOpen groundEarly ripeningRedsSmallVarietyPlum-shaped or oval

The best varieties of tomatoes

Hello dear gardeners, in today’s publication we will focus on some hybrid varieties of tomatoes. The review presents varieties of tomatoes bred, which has been operating in this market since 1993 and has established itself as a reliable supplier and responsible producer of agricultural seeds. After all, it’s no secret that productivity depends not only on the quality of the seeds, but also on the quality of the seedlings. How to grow seedlings is written in this article. So, let's move on to the review itself:

Tomatoes "Orange giant"

Tomato variety "Orange Giant"

The medium-sized tomato “Orange Giant” is not only productive, not only early ripening, but also extremely healthy. Its fruits contain a large amount of carotene, which is actually confirmed by the orange color of its fruits. This variety is suitable for growing in greenhouses and temporary light-transmitting shelters. I hope our review helped you with choosing tomato seeds. Of course, you shouldn’t buy seeds from random sellers; I think it’s unnecessary to explain the reason, because everyone has been burned more than once. You buy one thing, and another sprouts, and it’s good if it sprouts at all! Therefore, you need to choose only a trusted seller, for example: this one.

By clicking on this link you can read other articles that will be useful to gardeners. We wish all our readers good health and excellent harvests.

Tomato Ushakov: photo and description of the variety, yield, reviews

It is very difficult to choose the optimal variety of tomato that will be tasty and juicy not only fresh, but also canned. Among the many different varieties of tomatoes and their hybrids, there is the Ushakov variety, which is universal in use.

Tomatoes of this variety are classified as early ripening. The fruit is small and juicy. The Ushakov variety is resistant to diseases and does not require care. And if you follow the basic rules of agricultural technology, you can get up to 5 kg of yield per square meter.

Tomato Divo: variety description, reviews, photos

Tomato Divo is another indisputable success of Russian breeders, a relatively recent product from the famous agricultural company Ilyinichna, which produces and distributes seed material and has long been known to domestic gardeners.

Tomato Divo, according to many plant growers, is truly a marvelous product. This is a tall, proprietary hybrid from an agricultural company that in a short time was able to earn an excellent professional reputation thanks to the successful qualities and productivity of its hybrids.

Characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato Divo, bred by domestic breeders, is a varietal hybrid. It belongs to the early ripening varieties. The harvest can be harvested 100 days after the first shoots appear. Indeterminate, spreading with medium filling of the foliage crown, growing well when formed into 2 stems. Under optimal conditions it reaches 170–190 cm in height. The leaves of the variety are medium green, the stem and root system are strong and powerful, the fruits are round, slightly ribbed, rich, intense red, with an average weight of 150–200 g.

With skillful agricultural technology and up to 250–300 g. The main purpose of the variety is fresh consumption, use in various culinary needs, canning salads, sauces, and dressings for first courses are prepared from it. The variety is not very suitable for canning in its entirety, because it is large-fruited, but it is very suitable for pickling and pickling for the winter.

The characteristics and description of the variety may be of interest to both specialists and amateurs. The variety has excellent yield (about 10.5 kg per sq. m. with poor agricultural technology). Reviews from vegetable growers who have already grown the Divo tomato and photos posted on special forums and gardening websites all indicate that this is indeed a wonderful hybrid. Despite the relative youth of the varietal hybrid, it has already been included in the State Register and is on the list of tomatoes recommended for growing under film cover.

Numerous reviews indicate the suitability of the variety not only for greenhouse or film production, but also for planting in open ground, even in regions of problematic agriculture, with short and cloudy summers.

The variety has a lot of advantages that growing an early ripening hybrid can provide, from its high yield and early ripening to its excellent resistance to almost all diseases of nightshade fruit crops. The photo of this tomato variety shows quite large fruits (120–150 g), which the manufacturer recommends for fresh consumption. Many farmers say that Divo tomatoes grown in open ground have an excellent taste and aroma that is no worse than fruits grown in a greenhouse. The variety can be used for making juices, tomatoes, lecho and other vegetable preparations produced for the winter.

The variety is recommended for cultivation in greenhouses and under film covers in any regions of problematic agriculture. It is stress-resistant, calmly tolerates the absence of conditions required for other varieties, is immune to diseases characteristic of tomatoes (fusarium, viruses and fungi), is characterized by high yield and the ability to bear fruit throughout the growing season.

The speed of ripening (100 days from the appearance of the first shoots) makes it possible to grow the hybrid in greenhouse conditions in order to obtain a commercial profit.

Reviews from farmers involved in breeding the variety for sale indicate a high commercial yield of the product with minimal cultivation costs. The average yield is 10.5–10.6 kg per bush. This is not the highest indicator for hybrids, however, its unpretentiousness and the lack of special conditions for its cultivation indicate the preferable choice of the variety as a crop for greenhouse cultivation.

For reference! Agrofirm Ilyinichna is the originator, but excellent seed material can also be purchased in packaging from SeDeK. You won’t be able to collect Divo tomato seeds yourself, because the variety is a hybrid. You need to stock up on varietal hybrid seeds in advance, because they belong to a popular category and are in demand among gardeners.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main disadvantage of the variety is its ability to reach high growth rates, which is not always convenient in greenhouse conditions. However, people who have been growing tomatoes in a greenhouse for a long time say that if the bush is pinched and properly reinforced, its growth can be limited, and with the right agricultural techniques, even used as an advantage when harvesting.

The bush is tied to a support, and the fruit cluster is fixed on a trellis, which makes it possible to avoid damage to the bush under the weight of the fruit, loss of presentation of the tomatoes from lying on the ground or contact with each other. The Divo variety has many more advantages than disadvantages.

Let's consider some advantages of the variety:

  • this is an original varietal hybrid from a proven domestic producer, an originator with a high professional reputation;
  • tall and strong plant with a powerful root system and strong stem;
  • the yield is much higher than that of many popular varieties put into industrial production;
  • the fruits are large, fleshy and juicy, with excellent taste qualities for a hybrid variety and an excellent and attractive appearance;
  • resistance to many diseases characteristic of fruiting nightshades and the ability to escape some of them due to early ripening;
  • the ability to retain taste for a month if the correct storage conditions are observed;
  • good tolerance to long-term transportation and preservation of presentation;
  • the possibility of making a profit from commercial breeding due to the high commercial yield of the product and the high market value of early varieties;
  • suitability for fresh consumption, for any culinary needs, including for sealing canned vegetables, preparing sauces, tomato and dressings for first courses, pickling and fermenting in barrels for the winter;
  • the pleasant property of producing crops throughout the growing season, with constant preservation of high yields and large fruit size with proper agricultural technology;
  • early ripening speed: within 100 days from the appearance of the first shoots.

Features of growing and caring for the variety

No special conditions are required for growing a hybrid in a greenhouse, or, in any case, they do not differ from the conditions created by standard red-fruited varieties with tall bushes.

When planting seeds in a common container, it is necessary to pick the seedlings at the level of 2-3 leaves; if planted in separate pots, you can do without this labor-intensive process.

Important! The temperature for germination of seedlings should not be lower than + 23–230C, but after the seedlings are exposed to light, it is reduced for a week to +180C, and then raised again to the previous level. During the growth period, seedlings must be fed twice: immediately after picking (at the level of a full-fledged sprout), and then after planting in the ground.

Divo is an optimal and high-yielding hybrid that can be safely recommended for industrial cultivation.

Interesting! The variety is invariably included in the list of the best selections for cultivation in greenhouse conditions, compiled over the last 2 years.

Description and characteristics of tomato Ushakov

The tomato variety Ushakov belongs to the determinate varieties. This means that one bush forms a certain number of brushes and stops growing. In addition, the plant is standard, that is, low-growing (up to 60 cm in height). As soon as the first shoots appear, 100-110 days are enough for the plant to grow, form a bush and produce its first fruits.

Tomato Ushakov is a low plant with a thick stem. As soon as the first seven leaves have formed on the bush, the first flower cluster begins to form. Which are formed every two bushes.

The fruits are small cream, smooth and shiny egg-shaped cream. When ripe they have a rich red color. One vegetable can reach up to 90 grams. With proper care of the bushes, you can get up to 5 kilograms of fruit from 1 square meter.

Due to its taste, the Ushakov tomato can be used for the following purposes:

  • consumption fresh and in fresh salads;
  • for preservation in whole form;

  • for pickling;
  • for processing (into tomato juice or tomatoes).

Tomato Nakhimov reviews photo yield

> Tomatoes

It is very difficult to choose the optimal variety of tomato that will be tasty and juicy not only fresh, but also canned. Among the many different varieties of tomatoes and their hybrids, there is the Ushakov variety, which is universal in use.

Tomatoes of this variety are classified as early ripening. The fruit is small and juicy. The Ushakov variety is resistant to diseases and does not require care. And if you follow the basic rules of agricultural technology, you can get up to 5 kg of yield per square meter.

Description and characteristics of tomato Ushakov

The tomato variety Ushakov belongs to the determinate varieties. This means that one bush forms a certain number of brushes and stops growing. In addition, the plant is standard, that is, low-growing (up to 60 cm in height). As soon as the first shoots appear, 100-110 days are enough for the plant to grow, form a bush and produce its first fruits.

Tomato Ushakov is a low plant with a thick stem. As soon as the first seven leaves have formed on the bush, the first flower cluster begins to form. Which are formed every two bushes.

The fruits are small cream, smooth and shiny egg-shaped cream. When ripe they have a rich red color. One vegetable can reach up to 90 grams. With proper care of the bushes, you can get up to 5 kilograms of fruit from 1 square meter.

Due to its taste, the Ushakov tomato can be used for the following purposes:

  • consumption fresh and in fresh salads;
  • for preservation in whole form;
  • for pickling;
  • for processing (into tomato juice or tomatoes).

Cultivation and features of caring for the variety

It is necessary to plant seeds of the Ushakov variety for seedlings in the last days of March or in the first days of April. The picking is done when two full-fledged leaves have formed on the bush. For this variety, partial pinching is recommended. Typically this is done before the first flower brush. In addition, the bushes need to be tied up.

The Ushakov tomato is intended for cultivation both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. It is necessary to plant seedlings in open soil in May or early June. This variety develops well in the southern zone. It can also be grown in a greenhouse in northern latitudes.

The Ushakov variety is resistant to fusarium wilt and verticillium wilt. Despite the fact that the plant can withstand attacks from insects and pests, it is still recommended to carry out preventative measures and periodically treat the bushes against parasites. And if you follow the rules of agricultural technology, you can reduce the risk of the plant being damaged by various diseases that are inherent in tomatoes.

Information about the admission of Tomato Nakhimov from the Register of the State Variety Commission of the Russian Federation

Application for admission No. 62563, registered 2013-11-22. The Tomato Nakhimov variety was included in the register of those approved in 2015. Approved for use in regions: All regions.

The originator of the Tomato Nakhimov variety is:

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Advantages and disadvantages

The features of the Ushakov tomato include:

  • the thick skin allows you to preserve vegetables whole;
  • the fruit is juicy and sweet in taste;
  • high productivity;
  • resistant to diseases and pests that are typical for tomatoes.

Despite the density of the skin, the Ushakov variety is not intended for long-term transportation.

Cultivation and features of caring for the variety

It is necessary to plant seeds of the Ushakov variety for seedlings in the last days of March or in the first days of April. The picking is done when two full-fledged leaves have formed on the bush. For this variety, partial pinching is recommended. Typically this is done before the first flower brush. In addition, the bushes need to be tied up.

The Ushakov tomato is intended for cultivation both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. It is necessary to plant seedlings in open soil in May or early June. This variety develops well in the southern zone. It can also be grown in a greenhouse in northern latitudes.


Anastasia For the third year now I have been growing the Ushakov tomato at the dacha. I like this variety because, despite the small fruits, they are juicy and sweet. Very good for canning and pickling.

Fedor and his wife grow tomatoes of the Ushakov variety at the dacha. The variety does not require special care, but at the same time gives high yield. We process vegetables into tomato juice, which turns out juicy and sweet.

Alla Grigorievna Tomato Ushakov fell in love with its small ovoid shape and sweet taste. I preserve it whole. It looks not only beautiful, but also very tasty.

Characteristics and description of pepper “Admiral Nakhimov”, photos, reviews

Hybrid pepper variety “Admiral Nakhimov” - why do gardeners love it so much? And why you should choose it if you want to get a really big and tasty harvest - more about this and more below.


“Admiral Nakhimov” is a pepper variety that belongs to the type of mid-season hybrids. The fruits ripen in 100-120 days. The bushes grow up to 90 cm high and are of medium size.

The ripe fruit has a round shape, its weight is up to 350 g. The pepper has a bright red color, the wall thickness reaches 9 mm. The main purpose of the Admiral Nakhimov fruits is preparing all kinds of salads, as well as canning and stuffing.

Benefits of Hybrid Pepper

The advantages of using this variety are worth noting:

  • Resistance to the negative effects of various viral infections: tobacco mosaic, verticillium and spotted wilt;
  • Contains a large amount of sugar and vitamins, which has a positive effect on the taste of the fruit;
  • Possibility of long-term storage, subject to all requirements (more about them below).

Pepper “Admiral Nakhimov” can not only be eaten fresh, but also canned, stuffed and even frozen.
When stored in any form, the fruits will not lose their taste and beneficial properties. The Admiral Nakhimov hybrid is an excellent option for those gardeners who plant seeds in areas with soil unsuitable for planting sweet bell peppers.

How to plant, grow and harvest

Let's figure out how to properly plant, grow and harvest the Admiral Nakhimov crop.


Like other “commanders”, “Admiral Nakhimov” is most suitable for seedling propagation. You need to plant the seeds from February, so that the shoots can be transplanted into the greenhouse before May, and closer to June - into the garden bed.

Before planting the seeds, they need to be well soaked in water (50 degrees) for 5 hours. It is best to wrap the seeds in a cloth soaked in such water and leave for a couple of days. Peat pots are suitable for seedlings of such peppers.

March and February are the months when you need to place light sources over the seedlings, which turn on from morning to evening. By the onset of May, the seedlings will need to be hardened off little by little.


The soil must be prepared before planting. You need to add potassium and phosphorus-based fertilizers (organic) to it, and then dig it up. “Admiral Nakhimov” “loves” light types of soil. A week before planting, you need to treat the soil with a solution of copper sulfate.

Bushes need to be planted at a distance of at least 50 cm from each other. After planting, seedlings must be systematically (3 times per season) fed with mineral fertilizers and chicken manure. It is also worth weeding, tying up and watering the plant.


If all planting and care instructions are followed, the harvest will definitely delight you with its abundance. So, the average weight of one fruit will be 300 g. The yield will be approximately 3 kg. per sq. m.

The harvested pepper hybrid will have an attractive appearance and can easily be stored and transported.

Where is the hybrid grown?

Almost all “admirals” grow well in greenhouses in summer cottages. They are resistant to stress, temperature changes and harsh climatic conditions. Suitable for large-scale production.

The Admiral Nakhimov pepper showed the most effective planting results in the Moscow region, Khabarovsk and Arkhangelsk. Even in the period of September-October, when the first frosts appear, the fruits can gain weight in a greenhouse.

How to store

If you store the fruits frozen, you must first cut them into small pieces and place them in plastic bags. In this form, pepper will not lose its positive qualities, and it can be used at any time of the year.


Valeria Petrovna, 46 years old, Moscow

“I have been planting bell peppers for a long time. But this time I decided to try hybrid varieties. I noticed “Admiral Nakhimov”, which grows well in open ground.

I am one hundred percent satisfied with the choice! And here's why: all the seeds are uniform, bright, easy and simple to plant. And the fruits turn out very juicy and tasty. Simply ideal for stuffing"

Anastasia, 57 years old, Arkhangelsk

“I have been planting hybrids for 5 years. I chose them because they are unpretentious, resistant to stress, and not afraid of diseases. Moreover, the taste is in no way inferior to ordinary varieties.

Salads made from such fruits turn out to be very filling and tasty. They simply conquered all my family, and now we freeze them every year to enjoy the beneficial properties of this product; such fruits turn out to be very filling and tasty. you a hundred to land. A good harvest will last all year round. »

A remedy that makes plants grow by leaps and bounds! Just water your plants with this Read more…

As a prisoner

This pepper hybrid is one of the most delicious, fruitful and profitable in terms of planting, care and harvest. Under the right conditions, its seeds produce an excellent harvest that can be enjoyed all year round.

Due to its characteristics, or more precisely, the large size of the fruit, it can be used very sparingly. Even from one fruit of the Admiral Nakhimov pepper you can make a salad for the whole family!

Nakhimov - variety of tomato plant

Variety characteristics:

Properties of the Nakhimov variety:

Recommended region on the map:

Information about the admission of Tomato Nakhimov from the Register of the State Variety Commission of the Russian Federation

Application for admission No. 62563, registered 2013-11-22. The Tomato Nakhimov variety was included in the register of those approved in 2015. Approved for use in regions: All regions.

The originator of the Tomato Nakhimov variety is:


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