Tomato pickling delicacy reviews photo yield

The pickling delicacy tomato was developed at the beginning of the 21st century, in 2000. He appeared in the State Register only six years later. This variety was created by breeders from Novosibirsk specifically for the territories of the Siberian and Ural regions of Russia, but gradually gained recognition among residents of the middle zone and Non-Black Earth Region.

Characteristics and description of the variety

The pickling delicacy is a mid-season tomato, originally intended for growing in open ground. Refers to the standard forms, which are characterized by a thick, erect stem. This small plant has fruits that resemble plums. Round, elongated tomatoes weigh on average 100-110 grams and do not grow above one meter in height. The color range is from pink to deep red. With proper care from one bush, by the end of the season you can collect up to 3.5 kg from one trunk.

Due to the fairly thick skin and the high content of dry substances in the tomato, the pickling delicacy is indispensable in canning. The fruits do not burst upon contact with boiling water and retain their dense consistency and rich taste, despite chemical treatment.

Varieties for pickling

The most important parameter is the size of the tomatoes. Even if pickling is carried out in a large container, for example in an oak barrel, large vegetables will take longer to pickle. In addition, it is more convenient to eat ready-made tomatoes whole. For this, fruits whose weight does not exceed 100-150 g are used.

The best pickling tomato varieties according to the experience of gardeners:

Rio Grande . The classic taste of bright red, oval-shaped tomatoes is great for pickling. Fruits weighing 70-110 g are sown on clusters of 9-10 pieces. The glossy skin, due to its dense structure, does not burst during cooking. The variety is grown in greenhouses and open ground and does not require pinching. The determinate bush produces its harvest from August to September. Valued by gardeners for its easy care and fertility.

Blagovest . A hybrid for greenhouse cultivation in the middle zone allows you to get up to 6 kg of tomatoes per season from each bush. After 3 months, abundant fruiting of perfectly round, tasty tomatoes begins, suitable for salads and pickling. The pulp remains firm due to the high dry matter content. The hybrid is characterized by keeping quality and excellent immunity.

Torch . Mid-season pickling variety for growing in open beds and under film. Ideal for weekend gardeners due to its resistance to adverse conditions, low maintenance and compact bushes. Tomatoes of a classic scarlet color weigh 60-90 g when ripe. Fleshy fruits with a small amount of seeds have a sweet taste and characteristic aroma.

Moscow delicacy . Mid-season tomato for real gourmets. The cylindrical fruits contain few seeds, have a dense structure and do not burst when pickled. On bushes up to 180 cm high, up to 3 kg of fruit weighing 110-150 g ripen per season. The variety is not susceptible to common diseases, and consistently produces a harvest of sugary tomatoes with a taste of bell pepper. It does not require much attention from the gardener due to its unpretentiousness.

Wonder of the world . The variety is intended for greenhouse conditions and does not respond well to low temperatures in open ground. Valued for the excellent taste of fruits with a slight sourness and a high content of sugary substances. Looks good in pickles due to the rich yellow color of ripe tomatoes. The fruit clusters are literally strewn with small tomatoes weighing 50-60 g.

Important Recommendations:

  1. Regardless of what the vegetables are supposed to be salted in - a barrel, an enamel bucket or a glass jar, the varietal characteristics are very important. If you use tomatoes with low sugar content, the product may become moldy instead of being salted.
  2. To start fermentation, lactic acid is needed, which is produced only in certain varieties of tomatoes. As a result, it acts as a natural preservative and allows the pickles not to spoil for a long time.
  3. When choosing a variety for salting, it is important to consider the density of the peel. Fruits that burst during cooking make the brine cloudy. The ripening period, growing conditions, as well as the color of the pulp do not matter.

Features of cultivation

The delicacy is planted relatively densely, up to six sprouts per square meter. The time required for seedling growth and fruit ripening is three and a half months. Experts recommend sowing seeds 50-60 days before planting in open ground. In areas with harsh weather conditions, seeds are sown in early March, planted in a greenhouse in early May, and transferred outdoors in early June.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Pickling ground is a determinate medium-growing variety, the bushes grow up to 80 cm. They have a powerful root system and semi-spreading shoots. The foliage is moderately expressed.

The average weight of tomatoes is 80-100 g. The shape of the cream is all the same and even, as if chosen. The skin is durable and does not crack when heated during preservation.

The variety is intended for planting in open beds, film greenhouses and greenhouses.

The ripening period is medium-late – 122-125 days from germination.


The pickling delicacy is a variety that has taken root in my family. I love it because it requires minimal care: I plant it in the ground and just water it. Unless you cut off a couple of stepsons. The stem stands confidently, I don’t even tie it up. And my sister respects this species because, in Kuban, she doesn’t need to pick it up: all the tomatoes have time to ripen and already at the end of June they lie in neat rows in the kitchen, waiting for the first pickling. Olga, Chelyabinsk By the way, during the period of growing seedlings it is extremely important to pay special attention to fertilizing: once a month you need to use growth stimulants to achieve the opposite effect. The greens should not stretch out. Strong, short, stocky sprouts in open ground will take root much faster than their tall, thin counterparts.


Access to light to emerging sprouts not only stimulates their rapid germination, but also ensures high yield of the variety. There are several features here:

  • Tomato yields will be higher if a bag of seeds is placed in close proximity to a heat source a couple of months before sowing. Thus, a central heating battery gives the “warm-up” of the future harvest at the level of 25-30°C.
  • at the time of growing seedlings, the ambient temperature should be from 18 to 23 degrees during the day and from 12 to 15 degrees at night. A window slightly open for ventilation at night will enable early hardening of seedlings;
  • The period of the appearance of flowers and the beginning of budding, as a rule, coincides with the planting of shoots in the greenhouse. At this time, the sun naturally heats the space to 20-25 degrees, at night the temperature drops to 16-18°C. It is important to ensure that the soil thermometer shows 18-20 during the day, and not lower than 16 degrees Celsius at night.

Planting tomatoes Pickling delicacy

It is worth noting that this variety of tomato is recommended to be grown in seedlings. Seeds are sowed 60-65 days before the expected time of planting seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse. As a rule, in the first half of May you can plant planting material in a greenhouse, and in the first half of June - in open ground.

Experts recommend following these tips when growing seedlings:

  • tomato bushes of this variety do not need shaping;
  • Opinions differ regarding stepsoning. Some gardeners believe that all shoots up to the first cluster should be torn off, while others advise not to do this at all;
  • After the planting material is planted in a permanent place of growth, it is recommended to tie up the bushes.

For every sq. m it is allowed to plant up to 4 bushes.

Landing dates

The time frame for planting the variety generally does not differ from the life span of most tomatoes:

  • planting seeds: March 10;
  • planting in a greenhouse (greenhouse) - May 10;
  • transplanting into open ground - June 10.

Let me remind you that this type of tomato is grown with two stems. We plant up to the first cluster and tie the stems so that the fruits do not break the plant.

The first tomatoes are removed from the branch at the end of July (in Siberia and the Urals).


Access to light to emerging sprouts not only stimulates their rapid germination, but also ensures high yield of the variety. There are several features here:

  • Tomato yields will be higher if a bag of seeds is placed in close proximity to a heat source a couple of months before sowing. Thus, a central heating battery gives the “warm-up” of the future harvest at the level of 25-30°C.
  • at the time of growing seedlings, the ambient temperature should be from 18 to 23 degrees during the day and from 12 to 15 degrees at night. A window slightly open for ventilation at night will enable early hardening of seedlings;
  • The period of the appearance of flowers and the beginning of budding, as a rule, coincides with the planting of shoots in the greenhouse. At this time, the sun naturally heats the space to 20-25 degrees, at night the temperature drops to 16-18°C. It is important to ensure that the soil thermometer shows 18-20 during the day, and not lower than 16 degrees Celsius at night.

Important! The pickling delicacy, like any other tomato, is incompatible with frost. Even when the temperature drops to minus 0.5°C, not only the leaves, but also the flowers, and therefore the fruits, will be damaged. The plant withers and, even if it partially restores its greenery, will no longer bear fruit.

Preparation of seed material

Recommendations for preparing seed material:

  1. You can increase the yield by placing a bag of planting material several months before sowing next to a heat source. Using a central heating battery, you can warm up the seeds to +25...+30 degrees;
  2. Seed material needs to be disinfected before sowing to reduce the risk of disease. To do this, you need to prepare the following solution: dissolve one gram of potassium permanganate in half a liter of water. The seeds are soaked in the resulting solution for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse in clean water;
  3. The next step is to place the seeds on a damp cloth with a porous structure for 12-15 hours for swelling. Over time, the seeds are dried a little. Thanks to this procedure, the shoots emerge a week earlier than usual.

Landing dates

The time frame for planting the variety generally does not differ from the life span of most tomatoes:

  • planting seeds: March 10;
  • planting in a greenhouse (greenhouse) - May 10;
  • transplanting into open ground - June 10.

Let me remind you that this type of tomato is grown with two stems. We plant up to the first cluster and tie the stems so that the fruits do not break the plant.

The first tomatoes are removed from the branch at the end of July (in Siberia and the Urals).

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Among the disadvantages, lovers of this variety most often cite its weak resistance to late blight. It should be noted that the species is also not highly resistant to any other infections. For prevention, as mentioned above, seeds should be additionally disinfected before planting, and you should also be attentive to soil moisture. High humidity can cause fungal problems, and its drying out during the period of fruit ripening can lead to a decrease in yield and even death of the plant.

The delicacy variety is generally not suitable for open ground. After late blight, which we never managed to get rid of, we lost the entire ground crop. This year we sent the entire plantation to a greenhouse - it bears fruit perfectly, there are no diseases. Maybe it's a matter of geography? The further north you go, the worse the late blight, honestly! Maria, Tyumen

The undoubted advantages of the pickling delicacy include:

  • smooth, uniform shape of the fruit;
  • dense pulp and skin of tomatoes;
  • sweet rich taste;
  • minimal effort in planting a plant;
  • long-term storage in room conditions and the possibility of transportation over long distances.

It is these advantages that make many gardeners choose this class of tomatoes. The presentation and special taste make the variety unforgettable in salted and pickled form. It is no coincidence that Russian breeders gave it the name Salting Delicacy.

Reviews, photos and descriptions of the pickling delicacy tomato variety indicate that it is popular among summer residents and has its own advantages. The culture has proven itself well and is in demand in the seed market.

The best varieties of tomatoes for pickling open ground


Rating: 5.0

The pride of Russian breeders is in first place in this rating category. The low-growing plant reaches 50 centimeters in height. The fruits on it are compactly located. The plant is powerful and strong, therefore it does not bend and does not require garter even with abundant ripening. From 1 sq. m, 4 kg of tomatoes are consistently harvested, although according to reviews from vegetable growers, this figure changes significantly upward in a favorable climate.

The variety is unpretentious and does not require additional measures other than standard care. The tomatoes are oblong in shape, bright red in color, and have a small mass (60 g). The skin is very strong and not prone to cracking. When pouring hot marinade and salting, the density is maintained. The variety is loved by many for its sweet taste and unusually rich aroma. It is also used fresh, since here too it shows the best characteristics.

The crop is resistant to pests and diseases, tolerates drought well, and produces crops in shady places. It is characterized by high shelf life and transportability. According to reviews, this is an ideal universal variety that allows housewives to use it for preparing any dishes. Miniature, smooth fruits look very attractive in jars.


  • minimal care;
  • attractive identical fruits;
  • good density for pickling;
  • resistance to the vagaries of weather;
  • persistent tomato aroma.


  • not detected.

Moscow delicacy

Rating: 4.9

In second place in the ranking is a variety that is in demand among many private gardeners. It is chosen for its excellent taste, high performance for pickling and canning, and attractive fruit shape. The plant is powerful, strong, and can reach a height of 1.8 m. The yield is up to 6 kg per 1 sq. m. Pepper-shaped tomato. When finally ripe it turns bright red. The weight of 1 tomato varies from 80 to 150 g.

The variety is suitable for all types of culinary processing. When salted, the thick leather does not crack. In a salad, the tomato gives off its aroma and sweetish taste. It is also used to make sauces, juice, and ketchup. During long-term storage and transportation, the commercial properties remain unchanged. The culture is resistant to diseases. With timely preventive measures, infection can be avoided completely.

Many emphasized that if, in addition to taste, aesthetic perception is important, then “Moscow Delicacy” is one of the best varieties, the fruits of which attract attention. Salting is carried out not only on ripened, but also on green tomatoes.


  • original form;
  • dense fleshy fruits;
  • expert assessment of taste - “excellent”;
  • suitable for any purpose;
  • high yield.


  • not detected.

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Pickling delicacy

Pickling delicacy tomatoes are a determinate variety with an average fruit ripening period. This culture involves a seedling method of cultivation with further movement into the ground. The pickling delicacy is a standard form and has a straight, strong stem. The height of the bush is small, about 1 m.

Tomatoes Pickling delicacy are plum-shaped in shape, the fruits are medium in size. The color ranges from pinkish to pronounced red. The cluster contains up to 8 fruits. The weight of the pickling delicacy tomatoes is approximately 100 g. The seed chambers are evenly distributed inside the fruit, there are 4 of them. Tomato Pickling delicacy is well stored even in a ripe state and can withstand transportation over long distances.

The best varieties and hybrids of tomatoes for pickling

Tomato varieties for pickling should have a high content of saccharides, because they become the basis for the production of lactic acid, the main ingredient responsible for the fermentation of tomatoes. If you choose the wrong variety, natural preservation will not begin, and the product will become moldy. Another important requirement for pickling varieties is the presence of thick skin. Under the influence of lactic acid, tomatoes soften and fruits with delicate skin may burst.

Variety/hybridRipening period and growing conditionsShape, color and weight of the fruitPeculiarities
Gullearly ripening, for greenhouses and open groundround, red, weighing up to 100 gbushes up to 70 cm high, the crop is well stored
Scarlet candlesmid-season, for greenhousecylindrical, pink, weighing up to 60 ghigh yield, elongated fruits, powerful bushes up to 1.8 m high
Volgogradsky 595medium-late, for greenhouses and open ground (only in the southern regions)flat-round, red, weighing 100-150 gbushes 70-100 cm high, resistant to bad weather
Rio Grandemid-season, for greenhouses and open groundovoid, red, weighing 70-150 gbushes 70-100 cm high, resistant to bad weather
Little Red Riding Hoodearly ripening, for greenhouses and open groundround, red, weighing 60-70 gdeterminate bushes, up to 70 cm high, not afraid of compacted planting
Romamid-season, for greenhouses and open groundplum, red, up to 80 gdeterminate bushes, up to 70 cm high, easy to care for
Wonder of the worldmid-late, for greenhouseheart-shaped, yellow, up to 100 gindeterminate bushes, up to 3 m high, fruits are stored for a long time
Funmid-early, for greenhouses and open ground cylindrical, red,

up to 300 g

indeterminate bushes, up to 2 m high, unusual fruit shape
Caspar F1early ripening, for open ground pepper-shaped, red,

up to 140 g

determinate bushes, up to 1 m high, simultaneous fruit ripening
Ryzhik F1mid-season, for greenhouses and open ground round, orange-red,

up to 120 g

determinate bushes, up to 1 m high, average disease resistance
Moscow delicacymid-season, for open ground pepper-shaped, red,

up to 130 g

indeterminate bushes, up to 180 cm high, high sugar content in fruits

You can salt not only ripe, but also green tomatoes. True, you still need to be careful when choosing a variety - salad and sauce tomatoes are not suitable.

Pros and cons of the pickling delicacy tomato variety

Pickling tomatoes, a delicacy, as can be seen from reviews and photos, has a number of advantages:

  • When the fruits ripen, they remain the same size;
  • dense pulp and durable skin, which is ideal for preservation;
  • pleasant taste, which allows you to use tomatoes not only for preparations, but also for consumption in salads and snacks;
  • good keeping quality at home;
  • preservation of presentation during transportation.

The advantages of the pickling delicacy make it popular among gardeners. In addition to their undeniable advantages, tomatoes also have some disadvantages. These include:

  • poor resistance to late blight;
  • with high humidity, fungus often appears;
  • In dry years, productivity decreases significantly.

These disadvantages are easily compensated by the advantages of these tomatoes.

Optimal growing conditions

In order for the yield of pickling delicacy tomatoes to be maximum, it is necessary to create the proper conditions for them. Lighting plays a key role in plant development. The Pickling Delicacy variety has some features that should be taken into account when cultivating it:

  1. The seeds are heated 2 months before sowing. This can be done on a regular radiator, the main thing is that the temperature is kept at + 27-30 ° C.
  2. When growing seedlings, the air should be heated to + 20-23 °C during the day and to + 12-15 °C at night. Young plants are gradually hardened by opening the window slightly.
  3. Planting seedlings in the ground usually coincides with the beginning of budding. During this period, the air temperature should be about + 20-25 °C during the day and not lower than + 16 °C at night. These are optimal conditions for fruit set.
  4. It is necessary to ensure such a watering regime in which the soil does not dry out, but excess moisture is also not formed.


Growing tomatoes as a pickling delicacy is not difficult. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of agricultural technology. It is important to pay more attention to plants at the seedling stage.

Growing seedlings

Tomato Pickling delicacy is grown in seedlings both in open beds and in a greenhouse, depending on the climate in the region. Seeds are planted starting March 15th.

Soil for seedlings is made as follows:

  • leaf turf in the amount of 2 parts;
  • 1 part compost;
  • wood ash - 1 part;
  • 1 part sand.

When planting tomato seeds Pickling delicacy adhere to the following rules:

  • the depth of the backlog should be within 1.5 cm;
  • before germination, the boxes with seeds are covered with film;
  • water for irrigation should be settled and at room temperature;
  • the temperature is maintained at + 23 °C.

Picking is carried out when the tomatoes have formed 2-3 true leaves.

Landing rules

Tomato seedlings are planted. Pickling delicacy is carried out when the night temperature is at least + 7 °C. For open ground, the planting date is approximately June 10, and for a greenhouse - mid-May. On a cloudy day, work is carried out in the morning, on a sunny day - in the evening. Plants are placed on the bed at the rate of 4-5 pcs. per 1 sq. m.

They form holes in the ground and pour water into them, wait for it to be absorbed, and pour it again. After this, seedlings are placed in them. Well-developed tomatoes with a strong stem are placed vertically, and elongated specimens are placed at an angle, leaving a top of 20-25 cm. After planting, more watering is required. It is recommended to form Pickling Delicacy tomato bushes into two stems.

Watering and fertilizing

The next watering is carried out 10 days after planting and then at the same interval. Use warm water, apply it directly under the root in moderate quantities. It is better to water in the evening.

Also, do not neglect regular weeding, because weeds interfere with the development of tomatoes. Mulching the soil will help retain moisture.

Pickling delicacy tomatoes need to be fed about 4 times during the season. Use mineral fertilizers or complex compounds. Fertilizing is carried out together with watering.

Pinching and tying

It is believed that the pickling delicacy tomato variety does not need pinching, but some gardeners advise removing shoots before the first bunch. It is better to tie the stems to stakes or low trellises.


There is no need to form a bush. Some summer residents still carry out this procedure, focusing on two stems.

Protection from diseases and pests

The pickling delicacy tomato variety has strong immunity to diseases common to this crop:

  1. Tobacco mosaic virus is a disease resistant to external influences that mainly affects seedlings. The pathogen is often transmitted through untreated garden tools. Its spread is facilitated by high humidity, dense plantings and poor ventilation. Yellow specks appear on the leaves, then they turn green, and the fruits become noticeably smaller.
  2. Brown spot - caused by a fungus, appears on the surface of the leaf with yellow spots, and underneath with a brown coating. At this stage, treatment measures are still effective. The leaves begin to fall and the plant gradually dies.
  3. Gray mold is a fungus that loves high humidity and coolness. Usually the disease is active in the fall at the first frost and the damage to the crop is small.
  4. Fusarium wilt - the fungus enters the plant in cold weather with high humidity and progresses in hot weather.

But at the moment the fruits ripen, Pickling Delicacy tomatoes are vulnerable to late blight. The disease manifests itself as brown spots on the leaves, then they spread to the stem. Treatment is effective only in the early stages.

To protect the plant from disease, the seeds are disinfected before planting. Seedlings are treated with preparations that contain copper. Bordeaux mixture or Hom will do.

The following pests are found on tomatoes:

  1. Aphids are tiny pests that attack the plant in entire colonies. The insect settles on the underside of young leaves and drinks juice from them. New ovaries do not appear and the bush gradually fades.
  2. Cutworm - caterpillars eat leaves, stems and the fruits themselves, causing damage to the crop. Over the summer and early autumn, several generations are replaced
  3. Slugs are mollusks that become active at high humidity and feed on the green mass of the plant.

There are modern means of protection against harmful insects - Decis, Actofit, Operkot. These drugs will help preserve the harvest without harming the plants.

Caring for tomatoes Pickling delicacy

Further care of tomato bushes includes standard measures:

  • Watering. The first watering is carried out 10 days after transplantation. Irrigate the soil once a week. Water moderately with warm water at the root. The procedure is carried out in the evening, after the sun has set;
  • Loosening;
  • Weeding. Regular weeding allows you to get rid of weeds, which take all the nutrients from growing tomato bushes;
  • Mulching. Mulched soil retains moisture better and also reduces the amount of weeding;
  • Garter and stepson. Bushes are tied to stakes or low trellises. Stepsons are taken up to the first hand;
  • Feeding. During the season, 3-4 feedings are carried out using special complexes or a mixture of organomineral fertilizers. Fertilizing is carried out together with watering.

Watering and fertilizing

The next watering is carried out 10 days after planting and then at the same interval. Use warm water, apply it directly under the root in moderate quantities. It is better to water in the evening.

Description and characteristics of the tomato variety Pickling delicacy, reviews, photos

Mid-season, determinate, high-yielding, cluster tomato variety for open ground and film shelters.

A bush up to 1 meter high, requiring tying to a support and pinching to the first brush.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are elongated cream, dense, smooth, rich red in color at maturity, weighing up to 100 grams, fleshy, not prone to cracking, excellent taste. These tomatoes are ideal for pickling and canning, but they are also delicious fresh.

Tomato yield Pickling delicacy : up to 3 kg of fruit from 1 plant (subject to agricultural practices).

Characteristics of tomato variety Pickling delicacy

The tomato belongs to the mid-season or mid-early group. From the moment the first shoots appear until they reach the stage of technical maturity (green tomatoes), 95-105 days pass. Therefore, the first harvest of Pickling Delicacy tomatoes is harvested in mid-June. The fruits can be sent for ripening to a dark, cool place or left on the bush. The main fruiting occurs in July.

Tomato productivity Pickling delicacy and fruiting

Like many other hybrids, the Pickling Delicacy tomato is high-yielding. With proper care, you can remove up to 3-4 kg of tomatoes from 1 bush over the entire season. This is a very good indicator for a determinate variety.

ConditionsGreenhouseOpen ground
From 1 bush, kg3-42,5-3
From 1 m2, kg*12-1610-12

*On 1 m2 you can place 4 tomato bushes. Pickling delicacy.

Achieving the declared yield is quite simple - for this plant it is better to plant it in a greenhouse. In addition, it is necessary to follow the standard rules of agricultural technology:

  1. Water regularly with settled water.
  2. Ventilate the greenhouse.
  3. Tie the bushes to supports: despite the fact that they are determinate, the branches can bend under the weight of the fruit.
  4. To plant: all shoots up to the first cluster are removed, leaving a “stump” of 1 cm.

As for feeding, they can be given once a month. The pickling delicacy does not require fertilization. However, if the soil is infertile, nutritional compounds should be added every 2-3 weeks.

The greatest yield can be obtained by growing tomatoes. Pickling delicacy in a greenhouse

Area of ​​application of fruits

Universal tomatoes, suitable for preparing any dish:

  • salads;
  • soups;
  • sauces;
  • tomato juice;
  • canned vegetables (lecho, caviar and other snacks).

At the same time, the main purpose of pickling delicacy tomatoes, as the name suggests, is whole-fruit canning. Tomatoes have a thick skin, and they are small in size, but the main thing is that they have a very pleasant taste. Therefore, they are ideal for salting and pickling - both in jars and in barrels.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Like many other hybrids, the Pickling Delicacy tomato has good immunity to a number of Solanaceae diseases:

  • tobacco mosaic;
  • brown spot;
  • gray rot;
  • Fusarium

However, the bushes can suffer from late blight, and if grown incorrectly (excessive moisture) - from rot. Therefore, seedlings must be treated with a fungicide a few days before transferring them to a permanent place.

In summer, bushes can suffer from various insects (aphids, cutworms, whiteflies) and other pests (slugs, nematodes). Therefore, plants need to be periodically inspected and, if necessary, treated with folk remedies or chemicals.

Features of growing tomatoes Pickling delicacy

We recommend sowing the seeds of this tomato for seedlings 60-65 days before the intended planting in the ground. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. Place no more than 4 plants per meter.

If you grew Pickling Delicacy tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits in your climatic conditions? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach to the comment a photo of the entire bush as a whole or individual fruits grown on your site. Thank you!

Your reviews of the pickling delicacy tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this variety more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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