A tomato that can be grown on the balcony - the Titan tomato variety: photo and general description

Ripening period:mid-late
Shape, weight of fruits:round, 80-150 g
Bush type:superdeterminant
Growing regions:in open ground - North Caucasus, greenhouses and film shelters - all regions
Productivity:up to 4.5 kg per bush

Low-growing tomatoes usually ripen and finish fruiting early; even mid-season tomatoes are rare among them. And this significantly reduces the period of obtaining fresh products during commercial production in the open ground - no one will tie up and shoot tomatoes on a plantation, the area of ​​which is calculated in hectares. The Titan tomato, with its small bush size, yields its harvest late, occupying an almost free niche.

Tomatoes Titan: variety description

Tomato "Titan", description and main characteristics: this is a determinate, standard variety.
In terms of ripening time, it is a medium-late species; from planting seedlings to the ripening of the first fruits, you must wait 120-140 days. The plant is not tall: 40-60 cm. This type of tomato is recommended both for growing on open ground and in greenhouse shelters. Due to its small growth, it is also successfully cultivated in urban conditions on the balcony. Has high resistance to fungal diseases. Ripe fruits are red and round in shape. The tomatoes themselves are small to medium in size, approximately 80-120 grams . Dry matter content 5%, number of chambers 3-4. The harvested crop tolerates long-term storage in cool rooms and transportation, which is why many hobbyists and farmers like it.

And in the table below you will find such characteristics as the weight of fruits of other tomato varieties:

Variety nameFruit weight (grams)
Raspberry ringing150
The Golden Fleece85-100
Bella Rosa180-220

Planting seeds

The month of March is best suited for sowing crops for seedlings. Seed material is selected and soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate to prevent various diseases. The seeds that float to the surface are removed - they are not suitable for planting.

This does not apply to store-bought seeds - they are processed using industrial methods.

The planting material is kept in the solution for up to twelve hours. During this time, the soil composition is prepared. The earth is calcined in the oven, mixed with river sand and wood ash.

Planting can be done in separate cups or boxes. Upon completion of sowing, the soil is watered with warm water, the containers are covered with plastic wrap and placed in a warm place. As soon as the first shoots appear, the boxes can be opened.

Watering should be done regularly, and the boxes should be turned the other way around so that the seedlings can develop evenly. Picking is done when the first leaves appear. Then the seedlings can be fed with mineral fertilizer compounds. Hardening of plants begins approximately ten days before transplanting into the ground.


Titan tomatoes will grow best in the southern regions, such as the North Caucasus, Crimea, and Astrakhan region. In such places it can be grown in open ground. In the regions of central Russia, plants must be covered with film; in more northern regions, they produce crops only in greenhouses.

The fruits of this type of tomato are very good fresh and will serve as an excellent addition to any dish. Due to their small size, these tomatoes are very good for canning and barrel pickling. They also make excellent juice and paste.

With the right approach to business, you can collect 4-4.5 kg from one bush . The permissible planting density is 7-9 bushes per square meter. m. In this way you can collect 30-35 kg! This is more than a good result, practically a record. It is also worth noting resistance to diseases. The short stature of the plant can also be attributed to its peculiarities.

As for the yield of other varieties, you will find this information in the table:

Variety nameProductivity
Titanium30-35 kg per square meter
Banana red3 kg per square meter
Nastenka10-12 kg per square meter
Olya la20-22 kg per square meter
Dubrava2 kg per bush
Countryman18 kg per square meter
Golden Jubilee15-20 kg per square meter
Pink spam20-25 kg per square meter
Diva8 kg per bush
Yamal9-17 kg per square meter
Golden heart7 kg per square meter

Among the main positive qualities of this species, amateurs and experts note:

  • disease resistance;
  • very high yield;
  • possibility of growing in urban conditions;
  • high commercial qualities;
  • tolerance to lack of moisture.

The disadvantages of the variety are:

  • poor tolerance to low temperatures;
  • capriciousness at the growth stage towards feeding;
  • late harvest, in open ground in the middle zone may not have time to ripen.


The bush has small dimensions. The height of the bush is only fifty to sixty centimeters. These sizes make it possible to grow “Titan” in a small greenhouse or even on a balcony in a city apartment.

The shape of Titan tomatoes is round. Their color is dark pink. Many gardeners note the beauty of this variety. The pulp is firm and fleshy with very few seeds. The skin is glossy and smooth. It should also be noted that the fruits are not prone to cracking and other deformations.

Growing Tips

The trunk of the plant needs to be staked as needed. The branches are literally strewn with fruits and are under heavy loads; they need supports. The bush is formed into two or three stems, but more often into three. During development and active growth, it needs fertilizing containing potassium and phosphorus.

You can learn more about the most common tomato diseases in greenhouses here. We will also tell you about ways to deal with them. On our website you will find reliable information about such scourges as Alternaria, Fusarium, Verticillium, late blight and methods of protection against late blight.

Further care

Further care for bushes of this variety includes compliance with the watering regime, fertilizing, periodic preventive spraying of plants against major diseases, as well as loosening and weeding.

The bushes should be watered 2-3 times a week as the top layer of soil dries. Watering is carried out in the morning or evening with settled water.

After watering or rain, you need to loosen the soil to break up the dry crust that appears. At the same time, you need to remove all weeds along with the roots.

During the period of bush growth and active fruit ripening, fertilizing should be done at intervals of 1.5 weeks. In spring, fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are used. And from the moment of budding, superphosphate and potassium salts are added under the bushes of this tomato.

Diseases and pests

Of the possible diseases, it is susceptible to late blight; to combat this disease, it is necessary to reduce watering and ventilate the greenhouse more often, this way the humidity will decrease and the disease will recede. In the future, the bushes should be treated with Fitosporin. Otherwise, all that is needed is prevention.

In open ground, especially in the southern regions, it can be affected by the Colorado potato beetle; the “Prestige” product is used against this pest. When grown on the balcony, no significant problems with diseases and pests were noted.

As you can see, this type of tomato does not require Herculean efforts to grow, despite the name. Even a novice gardener can handle it and get very good results. Good luck to you and a great harvest.

In the table below you will find links to informational articles about tomato varieties with different ripening periods:

Super earlyEarly ripeningMid-early
Big MamaSamara Torbay
Ultra early ripening f1Early love Golden King
Mystery Apples in the snow King London
White filling Apparently invisible Pink Bush
Alenka Earthly love Flamingo
Moscow stars f1 My love f1 Mystery of nature
Debut Crimson Giant New Koenigsberg
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