5 tomatoes with multiple trusses, the yield of which will surprise you

Tomato "French grape"

Although this tomato has nothing to do with France, its bushes, hung with fruits, look very aesthetically pleasing. This variety was developed in Russia relatively recently and has already gained popularity.

It is resistant to diseases and pests, so it does not cause much trouble. In greenhouse conditions, the height reaches 1.8 m, and outdoors it rarely grows above a meter. The formation and removal of stepsons is considered optional.

A mid-season vegetable, the harvest is ready within 120 days after germination. Average yields are 2 kg per plant, but depend on care. The fruits are elongated and red in color. They do not crack due to the thick skin. They grow in clusters of 8-14 pieces. The weight of one tomato is 85-100 g. The number of clusters on a bush reaches 3-4.

The taste of tomatoes is pleasant; they are intended more for pickling than for salads. They can sit for a long time without losing their presentation and can easily withstand transportation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Grape tomato has an excellent sweet taste. In addition to excellent taste, tomatoes have other advantages:

  1. Excellent external presentation.
  2. High sugar content in fruits.
  3. Strong and reliable, not brittle stems.
  4. Universal purpose - tomatoes can be frozen for the winter.

One of the disadvantages is careful maintenance. It is necessary to thoroughly fertilize the soil, constantly carry out the fertilizing procedure, and also provide additional lighting with special lamps.

You may be interested in: Dates for planting tomato seedlings in open ground and greenhouses according to the garden calendar Favorable days for planting tomatoes for seedlings in 2022 according to the lunar sowing calendar Favorable days for picking tomatoes in 2022 after germination: timing of picking tomato seedlings in the table by day

Tomato "Bunch of Grapes"

Belongs to the same variety as cherry. Medium-sized, early-ripening variety.

It takes 95 days from the appearance of the first shoots to the ripeness of the fruit. The shape is round, the tomatoes are small, the skin is bright red. The bushes are determinate, grow up to 80 cm. The branches are spreading, with a large number of leaves.

The weight of tomatoes does not exceed 15-30 g. They are the same size and ripen together. The branches look beautiful. The pulp is juicy and tender, the taste is sweet, with a slight sourness. When preserved, they do not burst in the jar. They are eaten fresh and added to snacks and hot dishes.

The plant is unpretentious and feels normal in any Russian region. Loves regular watering with warm water and needs fertilizing. From one bush you get up to 1.5 kg. One of the peculiarities can be noted that the cherry tomatoes are collected together with the brushes - this is how they are stored.

Growing and care

The “Grape” tomato is considered a light-loving crop. Experienced breeders recommend growing seedlings or sowing seeds in the soil. Sowing should be done in holes to a depth of approximately 1 to 1.5 centimeters. Seedlings are planted when the first shoots - foliage - are visible, at about 50 to 60 days of age. Only light, fertile soils are suitable for planting. Tomato bushes respond well to mineral fertilizers and ripen in about 125 days.

Tomatoes are designed to be grown in greenhouse conditions. But if you don’t have this opportunity, then you can do it in open soil, only under a special film covering made of agrofibre. The seating plan is approximately 40 by 30 centimeters. Four plants will fit on one square meter.

Important! Tomato bushes should be watered once or twice a week. You also need to loosen the soil, and then apply fertilizers from the manufacturers.

Tomato "Bunch ildi"

Early ripe, productive tomato for greenhouses and open ground. The bushes are powerful and tall; they should be tied to a trellis. 8-10 tomatoes are tied on each brush. They do not ripen simultaneously, but in waves. Painted in rich yellow color. The shape resembles small plums. They are distinguished by their sugary pulp, which contains few seeds. They weigh 15-30 g. They do not fall off, even if they are overripe.

The culinary purpose is universal. This vegetable is able to withstand hot weather and has good immunity to some diseases characteristic of the crop.

The yield is stable - up to 3 kg per bush. It is recommended to form bushes into two stems. The tops are pinched. They feed with organic matter and water the plantings 3 times a week. It is useful to mulch the soil with straw or sawdust. Preventative treatment against late blight is required.

Characteristics and description of the variety

The Grape tomato ripens in approximately 110 to 125 days. The bushes grow up to 2 meters, so you can’t do without a garter to the supports. Each cluster produces approximately 30 fruits. Tomato bushes are powerful in structure. Stems are formed in 2-3. The foliage has a bright green color, a regular appearance, slightly corrugated at the tips.

The fruits, the so-called cherry tomatoes, can reach from 10 to 20 grams each. At first the berries acquire a green color, and as soon as they ripen they become bright red. Moreover, the color is always uniform. Tomatoes have a round, clear shape. The pulp is fleshy, not watery, with a small number of seeds.

On a note! The Grape tomato is used to decorate salads, hot dishes, cold appetizers, and sandwiches. Tomatoes are also subject to heat treatment and can be used to make delicious freshly squeezed juice, puree, soup or sauce.

Tomato "Butterfly"

The variety is determinate, the height does not exceed 1.5 meters. On the bushes, 3 clusters are formed with a large number of medium-sized tomatoes, ovoid in shape. There are up to 50 of them on one branch.

It is possible to increase productivity by forming two stems. Then summer residents receive 5 kg from each plant. The ripening period is 110-120 days. This variety is recommended for greenhouses and film shelters. To prevent the branches from breaking under the weight of numerous tomatoes, they are fixed on a support.

The color of cherry tomatoes is pink with a raspberry tint. Weight – 30-40 g. “Butterfly” is used for salads, marinades, and canning. The pulp is fleshy, with a sweetish taste and pleasant aroma. The skin is thin. Product quality is excellent.

The variety is grown by seedlings. Sowing of seeds is carried out 60 days before moving the seedlings to a permanent place. It is necessary to carry out pinching and remove excess foliage. Tomatoes are fed with mineral and organic fertilizers. To prevent infection by fungi and viruses, the beds are treated with special preparations.

Early sweetness: we talk about the Miracle bunch tomato

Just a few years ago, cherry tomatoes were grown only by true tomato enthusiasts. But today, many people have these amazing tomatoes bearing fruit on their plots, distinguished by their sweetness, decorativeness, and excellent keeping quality.

Interesting greenhouse varieties and hybrid forms of cherry tomatoes for open ground have been developed; varieties of tomatoes with fruits of raspberry, yellow, pink, and black colors are offered. Our story is about the Miracle bunch tomato, which appeared on sale relatively recently, but has already received flattering reviews from summer residents.

Description of tomato

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The variety is indeterminate; tomato bushes are distinguished by powerful stems and spreading branches. The leaves are small, rich green. The height of the plant is 1.8-2 meters, 10-12 clusters are formed.

Like all indets, the stem of the Miracle Cluster tomato does not have a growth stop point, so the bush requires pinching. The inflorescences form long clusters. The brush is complex, containing up to 4-6 dozen fruits.

Pedicels with joints. Three months pass from germination to the start of fruiting, that is, the hybrid is early, which is very important for summer residents living in areas with a harsh climate. The yield of fruits is extended, and if the first tomatoes ripen at the end of June - the first ten days of July, then the last harvest is often done at the beginning of autumn.

Tomatoes are round, with a glossy skin, and light green when unripe. During the period of technical maturity of the fruit, there is a dark green spot on the skin near the stalk, which gradually disappears as the tomato fully ripens. Ripe cherry tomatoes have a bright red fruit color. Each weight is 20 grams, a large bunch contains up to 40-60 tomatoes. The total weight of the brush can reach 1 kg, and the length can be 80-100 cm.

Fruits with dense pulp, juicy and sweet, with a subtle fruity note. Those who grew the Miracle bunch note the high taste of the hybrid.

Tomatoes are good in salads and for fresh consumption. Delicious cherry tomatoes are used for canning, decorating dishes, and preparing various desserts. Fruit crumbs are suitable for freezing and drying. Sweet red “cherry” is a delicacy; it is no coincidence that children love cherry tomatoes very much. The most delicious fruits are those that ripen right on the bushes.

Why is this tomato valued?

The Miracle Bunch hybrid is considered a new product, but it has already managed to “find” its admirers. Advantages:

  • early ripening;
  • pleasant taste, sweetness;
  • tomatoes with beautiful red clusters are very decorative;
  • disease resistance;
  • high yield - up to 3-3.5 kg from one cherry bush;
  • resistance to adverse weather conditions;
  • the variety can be grown in beds in open ground and under film covers, in polycarbonate greenhouses;
  • versatility of fruit use.

Not everyone knows the beneficial properties of miniature cherry tomatoes. Their fruits contain a large amount of dry matter, due to which they have high dietary value.

ON A NOTE! Cherry tomatoes are recommended to be consumed to lift your mood. These tiny tomatoes contain substances that are involved in the synthesis of the “happy” hormone serotonin.

The characteristics and description of the variety will be incomplete without indicating the disadvantages. The “disadvantages” are related to agricultural technology, since for all its unpretentiousness, an indeterminate hybrid requires certain care:

  • formation of a stem (usually the Miracle bunch is led into one trunk);
  • stepsoning;
  • abundant, regular watering and fertilizing.

The “minus” is also that you won’t be able to take your own seeds from the fruit, since the tomato is a hybrid.

"Secrets" of agricultural technology

Despite the unusual characteristics of cherry tomatoes, the agricultural technology of these tomatoes is almost no different from caring for traditional varieties. Knowing the peculiarities of cultivation and certain subtleties, getting a good harvest is not so difficult.

Growing seedlings

Tall Miracle Cluster tomatoes are grown through seedlings, calculating the timing of sowing seeds taking into account the climate of the region. The best sowing time for early cherries is the middle or end of March, so that the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place in May.

First, they are sown in common boxes, then you need to pick the tomatoes into separate containers. The soil substrate must be loose, nutritious, and moisture-permeable. When purchasing ready-made soil mixtures with a large amount of peat, it is advisable to add turf soil and raising agents (sand, sawdust, vermiculite) to them.

Seeds are prepared for sowing by disinfecting in a solution of potassium permanganate (for 15 minutes), soaking in a growth stimulator (Epin, aloe juice, ash infusion). They germinate in a damp cloth, and then, as soon as the sprouts appear, the seeds are sown in the ground in boxes.

The temperature should be within +24ºC…+27ºC. After seedlings appear above the soil surface, the temperature is reduced to +18ºC (for 4-5 days) and the boxes are placed in the brightest place. Then the seedlings are grown at +22ºC…+24ºC, regularly ventilating the room.

When the plants have 2-3 leaves, the tomatoes are picked into separate pots or cups. Tall cherry trees require space even during the period of growing seedlings, so the volume of the pots should be at least 0.6-0.8 liters.

After diving, after 10-12 days the seedlings are fed (nitrophoska, Kemira, Agricola are suitable). Watering is moderate, with strict control of soil moisture. If there is an excess of moisture, there is a high risk of blackleg appearing.

In 10-14 days, the seedlings begin to be taken out onto the balcony or outside for adaptation. This will allow the tomatoes to quickly get used to new conditions after transplantation and avoid stress.

Cherry care

In the middle zone, as well as in the regions of the Urals, Siberia, and the North-West, where summer is not long and has high temperatures, cherry tomatoes are grown in greenhouses.

Planting is carried out in May, when the soil warms up to +14ºC. Planting on ridges is possible, but in this case it will be necessary to provide temporary shelters, as well as consider supports for tall bushes. In greenhouses, racks for trellises are installed in advance, wire or ropes are pulled.

Planting scheme for the hybrid Miracle bunch - 3 plants per square meter. Typically, such tomatoes are not grown in large quantities, preferring ordinary tomatoes and considering cherry tomatoes to be fun and a variety for children. Three or four bushes in a greenhouse will be enough to taste and evaluate the taste of these “crumbs”.

Care includes:

  • watering;
  • fertilizing (productive cherry tomatoes require good nutrition);
  • bush formation;
  • regular stepsoning.
  • prevention from diseases and pests.

Cherries need proper watering, since if there is a lack of moisture, the fruits will not be so juicy, and if there is too much moisture, they will be watery. The hybrid shows good yield when using drip irrigation systems, but if this is not possible, you just need to organize regular watering.

Fertilizing begins 18-20 days after planting, using organic matter and mineral fertilizers. Tomatoes need nitrogen in the first half of the growing season, and potassium and phosphorus during flowering, fruit set and ripening. It is convenient to use ready-made formulations - the already known Kemira, Effecton, Ideal, Agricola, which contain the nutrients necessary for tomatoes in exact proportions.

ON A NOTE! If the dose of nitrogen is exceeded, cherry bushes can “fatten”, intensively increasing their green mass. To correct the situation, exclude organic matter and spray the leaves with superphosphate extract.

It is advisable to combine watering in the greenhouse with fertilizing, after which it is necessary to ventilate the shelters.

Form a bush into one stem (less often - two), removing all side shoots. The first time the shoots are planted approximately 10-12 days after planting, then every week, preventing the shoots from overgrowing. It is better to carry out the procedure in the morning; the lower leaves are gradually removed in the same way. No more than 1-3 sheets are removed at one time.

Pests and diseases of hybrids are not so terrible, but the plant still needs prevention, for which they carry out:

  • spraying the bushes with Bordeaux mixture (at the beginning of the growing season);
  • treatment with ash, garlic infusions, copper-containing preparations.

Be sure to remove yellowed and wilted leaves from the plant and weed the soil. Alternating fungicidal compositions will avoid the habituation of microorganisms, so the treatments will be effective.

Cherry fruits are harvested as they ripen, without keeping the tomatoes on the bush. If harvesting is delayed, the fruits of the Miracle cluster hybrid fall off. It is recommended to collect them at the stage of biological maturity (with red tomatoes); the removed brown bunch will no longer be so sweet when ripened.

Unpretentious, with high yields for cherry tomatoes, the Miracle Bunch hybrid deserves attention. Even novice gardeners can grow it.

Tomato "Raspberry Empire F1"

A wonderful hybrid that even inexperienced gardeners can grow. Tall bushes reach 2 meters. They are cultivated in protected ground, but in the southern regions they also bear fruit well in outdoor garden beds.

Each cluster produces 3-6 fruits. Heart-shaped, painted in bright crimson color. Average weight - about 140 g. Tomatoes are tasty and aromatic. The skin is thin but durable. Not subject to cracking, there are several chambers inside. Not suitable for making juice, but they make an excellent paste.

They ripen within 95 days after germination. The root system is highly developed. Heavy bunches often break branches, so you need to take care of their garter. Fruiting is abundant - up to 20 kg per square meter. The variety does not suffer from root rot and brown spot. It does not tolerate cold weather and loves nutritious soil.

  • Author: Inna Kiseleva
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Spicy “Bunch of Grapes” salad with chicken liver, pear and blue cheese

A tasty and original dish for those who are tired of the usual puff salads and want to try something new.
This recipe uses an unusual and very interesting combination of tender chicken liver, sweet pear, Dorblu blue cheese, juicy grapes and aromatic pine nuts. To give the dish an even more spicy note, you can add a glass of skate when frying the liver. Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes Number of servings: 5


  • chicken liver (300 g);
  • raisin grapes (200 g);
  • pear (small, 2 pcs.);
  • blue cheese – dorblue/danablu/roquefort/other (200 g);
  • lettuce/spinach (100 g);
  • peeled pine nuts (100 g);
  • milk (for soaking the liver, 200 ml);
  • butter (for frying, 50-70 g);
  • mayonnaise (50 g);
  • cognac (50 ml);
  • coriander (1 pinch);
  • nutmeg (1 pinch);
  • parsley/other fresh herbs (for decoration, 2-3 sprigs);
  • salt, a mixture of freshly ground pepper (to taste).


  1. Wash the chicken liver, scald with boiling water and remove the veins. Dry with a paper towel and cut into small pieces. Soak in milk for 30 minutes (or better for 1-2 hours), then rinse and dry again with a paper towel.
  2. Heat a frying pan with butter, add the liver and fry over low heat for 3-5 minutes on each side. Then cover with a lid, reduce heat to low and simmer for another 3-5 minutes. Add salt, coriander, nutmeg, freshly ground pepper and cognac. Stir and cook for another 2-3 minutes until the alcohol has evaporated. Cool.
  3. Wash the pears, remove seeds and core. Cut into small pieces. If the pears are juicy, strain the juice.
  4. Wash the lettuce and dry with a kitchen towel.
  5. Finely crumble the blue cheese. Set aside some (about a third) to form a dish.
  6. Wash the grapes, separate the berries from the branches. Cut the berries in half and place them cut side down on a paper towel to remove excess juice.
  7. Cut the cooled chicken liver into small pieces.
  8. Wash the parsley, dry it with a kitchen towel and separate it into small branches.
  9. In a separate bowl, mix chicken liver, pears, Dorblu cheese and pine nuts. Add 2-3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. You can add salt and pepper to taste.
  10. Make a bed of lettuce leaves on a flat, wide plate. Place the prepared salad on top in a mound, giving it the shape of a bunch of grapes.
  11. Mix the remaining cheese with 1-2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise into a homogeneous mass. Cover the surface of the salad, following the shape of the dish.
  12. Decorate the entire surface of the salad with halves of grapes, placing them tightly next to each other.
  13. Decorate the dish with parsley sprigs (an example of decoration is in the photo for the recipe).

The salad is ready, you can serve it!

Delicate “Bunch of Grapes” salad with processed cheese, almonds, sweet grapes, chicken

Prepare a delicate, light and delicious salad that has both a sweet and delicate creamy taste. This dish perfectly combines tender chicken meat, processed cheese, sweet grapes and almonds.


  • Processed cheese – 200 g
  • Kishmish grapes – 200 g
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Chicken breast - 2 pcs.
  • Roasted almonds - 100 g
  • Olive butter, mayonnaise, salt, curry


Roll the meat in Curry, place in a frying pan with olive oil and fry well.

Cut the cooled meat.

Boil and chop the eggs.

Grate the processed cheese.

Grind the nuts in a blender.

On a flat dish, lay out the salad in layers, coating each layer with mayonnaise: chicken, processed cheese, eggs, almonds, coat the top layer well with mayonnaise and carefully lay out the grape halves.

Salad “Bunch of Grapes” with smoked chicken, dried prunes

If you like hot and spicy food, then you will surely like our nutritious salad with smoked chicken, dried prunes and grapes.


  • Smoked chicken – 400 g
  • Dried prunes – 150 g
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Kishmish grapes – 700 g
  • Cheese - 150 g
  • Parsley, salt, mayonnaise


Cut the smoked chicken and prunes into strips.

Boil carrots and eggs, grate them.

On a flat dish, make an oval-shaped mesh of mayonnaise, lay out carrots, make a mesh, lay out chicken, mesh, prunes, eggs (salt), mesh, grated cheese, grease with mayonnaise, place halves of grapes on top.

Stick parsley sprigs on top of your “Bunch of Grapes”.

Place the salad in the refrigerator to soak for two hours.

The editors recommend:

  1. Classic cod liver salad
  2. Salad Mistress
  3. Canapes for a buffet table
  4. Salad with kirieshki
  5. Classic crab stick salad
  6. Salad with beans and croutons
  7. Caprese salad
  8. Simple quick salads

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Classic “Bunch of Grapes” salad with chicken, potatoes and cheese

The classic recipe uses a simple set of ingredients: boiled chicken, potatoes, eggs, fresh cucumbers and cheese. The dish takes on a special flavor thanks to the combination of salty suluguni cheese and sweet grapes. However, you can replace suluguni with any other hard cheese and add piquancy to the salad by adding smoked chicken fillet instead of boiled meat. For salad dressing, it is recommended to choose thick mayonnaise so that the dish holds its shape well.

Cooking time: 1 hour Number of servings: 5


  • chicken meat, fillet (300 g);
  • suluguni cheese/hard (200 g);
  • blue grapes (200 g);
  • chicken egg (4 pcs.);
  • potatoes (large, 2 pcs.);
  • cucumber (medium, 2 pcs.);
  • onions (small, 2 pcs.);
  • carrots (for cooking meat, 1 pc.);
  • parsley/celery root (for cooking meat, 1 pc.);
  • parsley/dill/other fresh herbs (for decoration, 0.5 bunch);
  • mayonnaise (200 g/to taste);
  • table vinegar, 9% (for marinade, 2 tbsp.);
  • drinking water (for marinade, 200 ml);
  • sugar (for marinade, 1 tbsp.);
  • bay leaf (2 pcs.);
  • allspice, peas (3-4 pcs.);
  • salt, a mixture of freshly ground pepper (to taste).


  1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly and boil in salted water until tender (20-25 minutes after boiling). Cool.
  2. Wash the chicken meat and remove films. Peel, wash and cut into large pieces one onion, carrot and parsley root. Boil water in a saucepan and add meat and vegetables. After boiling again, remove the foam, add salt, bay leaf and peppercorns. Cook the meat over low heat until tender (about 15 minutes). Cool the fillet in the broth.
  3. Peel, wash and finely chop the second onion. In a bowl, mix water, vinegar, sugar and a pinch of salt. Pour in the onion and leave to marinate for 15 minutes.
  4. Boil the eggs hard (8-10 minutes after boiling). Cool in cold water.
  5. Peel the potatoes and grate them on a coarse grater.
  6. Cut the chicken meat into small cubes.
  7. Peel the cooled eggs from their shells and grate them on a coarse grater.
  8. Grate suluguni cheese on a coarse grater.
  9. Wash the cucumbers, trim the stems and peel the peel. Cut into small cubes.
  10. Wash the grapes, separate the berries from the branches. Cut the berries in half, remove the seeds and place cut side down on a paper towel to remove excess juice.
  11. Wash the parsley, pat dry with a napkin and divide into sprigs.
  12. Drain the marinade from the onions and squeeze out any excess liquid.
  13. Place the salad in layers on a wide flat plate, giving it the shape of a bunch of grapes. The first layer is potatoes. Season to taste, sprinkle with pickled onions and cover with mayonnaise mesh. The second is Suluguni cheese. Lightly compact with a spoon and cover with mayonnaise mesh. The third is chicken meat. Season with salt and spices to taste, apply a mayonnaise mesh. The fourth layer is cucumbers. Cover with mayonnaise mesh (no need to add salt so that the cucumbers do not release juice). Fifth - grated eggs. Cover the entire surface of the salad evenly, spread with mayonnaise and press lightly with a spoon.
  14. Place the final layer of grape halves, covering the top and sides of the salad. The berries need to be placed tightly together, leaving as few gaps as possible.
  15. Garnish the salad with parsley sprigs. An example of decoration in the photo for the recipe.
  16. After preparing the salad, it is recommended to put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours to soak.

We invite you to watch a step-by-step video recipe for the salad (the list of ingredients and the preparation process differ slightly from the described version):


The first component of a bountiful harvest is the location of the bush: the grapes need a warm, fully sunny place, as well as a place protected from frost and wind. It is best to plant it in front of a warm, protective wall of the house, facing south. The soil must be fertile, air- and moisture-absorbing. If your soil type does not have these characteristics, they can be obtained by organizing a large planting hole. In case of proximity to groundwater or prolonged stagnation of water in the spring after the snow melts, the solution would be to organize a bulk ridge for cultivating grapes.

Growing grapes in a greenhouse will help to significantly expand the range of varieties possible for cultivation and provide the best conditions for the grape plant, especially in regions with a temperate climate.

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