plum variety Hungarian Korneevskaya variety description photo reviews

Description of the Hungarian varietal group

It is believed that the Hungarian plum appeared through cross-pollination of cherry plum and sloe in the Caucasus; according to other sources, Asia is considered the cradle of this variety. In 1900, the Hungarian was brought to Russia from Hungary, which is how this species got its name. The varieties of the group have their own unique qualities, but there is also something that unites them.

Hungarian fruits are dense, with elastic pulp

In terms of care, this plum requires standard procedures: watering, weeding, fertilizing, pruning. In trees that are prone to abundant fruiting, it is important to install supports during fruit setting so that the branches do not break, especially if they grow at an acute angle.

It is important to remember that Hungarian of any variety does not tolerate pruning of old branches very well. The cut areas on these trees take a very long time to heal, and a hollow can form in their place, so during pruning, garden pitch is used; all procedures are carried out with very sharp instruments treated in a solution of manganese or other disinfecting liquid.

Features of planting and care

The specifics of caring for this type of plum are mainly related to their incredible productivity. In addition, we must not forget that Hungarians are southerners by origin. The more light, warmth and moisture they receive, the larger and sweeter the fruits will grow.

Rules that owners of Hungarian women should follow:

  • buy and plant only zoned varieties adapted to your climate;
  • Hungarians love warmth and sun. Choose appropriate places for their placement on your site;
  • Don’t even plant a self-fertile Hungarian plant alone. Purchase seedlings of different varieties, but of the same flowering period. Productivity will be noticeably higher;
  • Even at a young age, before fruiting begins, bend the skeletal branches extending from the trunk at an acute angle down so that the angle becomes about 60⁰, secure with pegs. If this operation is performed in the spring, then by autumn the branches themselves will be in the desired position;
  • The size of the harvest also depends on how well-groomed the crown is. In neglected thickets the fruits will grow small. Thin out the crown of the fruit-bearing tree annually;
  • Plum roots are superficial. To give you an abundance of fruit, the plum takes a lot of nutrients from the ground. Feed Hungarians in the spring with organic matter or mineral nitrogen fertilizers, and in the fall with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers;
  • some varieties are drought-resistant, but absolutely all will produce larger fruits if they receive enough moisture during flowering and ovary growth;
  • regularly remove shoots, because they take away the juices from the tree that are necessary for the formation of fruits;
  • Most varieties are affected by clasterosporia (hole spot), and tasty and aromatic fruits attract the codling moth. Treat plums against diseases and pests;
  • Place supports under the Hungarian branches strewn with fruit.

Video: main agricultural techniques for growing plums

Hungarian Moscow

Photo of Vengerka Moscow plum

The Hungarian Moscow plum has been known since 1947. It is distinguished by a moderately spreading crown, in the form of a ball. The pagons are drooping, but strong. The culture reaches an average height of 3 meters. The first fruiting is observed at 6-8 years. The approximate yield is 30 kg per season, but can reach up to 45 kg/tree.

The fruits grow up to 20 g, ovoid in shape. The peel is red-violet, dense, so the variety is suitable for long-term transportation. The flesh is orange, not soft. Plums taste sour, so this species is grown mainly for processing, making juice, jam, puree, wine, compotes or sauces.

Diseases and pests

The most common crop diseases:

  • Hole spot . Reddish spots appear on the leaves, they dry out, and the fruits become deformed. In this case, spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture before and after flowering.
  • Black nodularity . Swellings appear on young shoots, they gradually dry out. Cut off the affected areas and treat the wounds with 1% copper sulfate.
  • Rust . Yellow and brown spots appear on the leaves, which lead to them drying out and falling off. Spray the plants 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days with 1% Bordeaux mixture. Be sure to look at how to recognize and treat rust on a drain.

Known pests:

  • Codling moth . To combat it, use insecticides according to the instructions.
  • Gypsy moth . Collect caterpillars by hand or use insecticides.

Hungarian Korneevskaya

Photo of Vengerka Korneevskaya plum

Hungarian Korneevskaya is a self-fertile plum variety. Even without pollinators, it gives a good harvest, but if you plant pollinators nearby, the yield can be increased. The fruits grow on average up to 35 g. The peel is blue with a brown tint and a bluish bloom. It is dense, so the plum can be transported. The pulp is honey-colored, fleshy, and can be soft when fully ripe. The taste is sweet, rich, with a pronounced aroma.

The positive qualities of the variety include: winter hardiness, drought resistance, thick bark, which protects the tree from damage. Disadvantages: during sudden cold snaps, some of the fruit buds may freeze. In addition, the pagons of this variety are not strong and can break due to a large harvest, so it is important to install supports.


The main advantages of the Vengerka Korneevskaya plum:

  • large fruit,

  • special pleasant taste
  • high stable yield,
  • self-fertility,
  • precociousness,
  • unpretentiousness,
  • resistance to weather tests and diseases.

This variety can easily be called a gardener's dream.

Disadvantages: high yield provokes breaking of branches. This disadvantage can be eliminated with the help of supports.

The first Hungarians were grown exclusively in the south of our country. Nowadays, many regionalized varieties have been developed. Therefore, residents of many Russian regions have a chance to grow plums with dark fruits and prepare homemade prunes.

Hungarian Belarusian

Photo of Hungarian Belorusskaya plum

The description of the Belorussian Hungarian variety should begin with the characteristics of the tree. It grows up to 3.5 meters. The crown is round, not thickened, with wide, sparse branches. Fruiting is observed from 3 years. The tree is partially self-fertile, the annual yield is up to 30 kg, but when planted near the Cromagne or Bluefree varieties, it can increase significantly.

The cream is ready for collection in the second half of August. The fruits weigh 40 g and are ovoid in shape. The color of the skin is blue with a pronounced coating. The pulp after full ripening is orange and elastic. The taste is sweet and sour. Belarusian Hungarian is universally used; it can be used for processing and for fresh consumption.

The variety is frost-resistant, so it is grown in areas with a cool climate. Immunity is average, and this crop does not suffer from diseases such as clasterosporiasis at all with normal care.

Agrotechnics of cultivation


For planting, preference should be given to one-year-olds or two-year-olds that can easily tolerate transplants.

Indeed, at this age, the root system is developed in proportion to the crown, so the plant will take root in a new place without much stress.

Plum planting can be done both in spring and autumn. But a tree planted in the fall does not always survive the winter well.

Place for plum

It is necessary to choose a place for plum of this variety with all responsibility: it should be an area illuminated by the sun, blown by the winds, the root system does not tolerate flooding.

If there are cases of flooding, it is necessary to dig drainage ditches and plant on hills.

To build a ridge or hill, you will need large-sized debris for the base, small-sized debris for the middle part, and fertile soil for the upper part. The height of such a structure must be at least 0.5 m, in width - at least 1 m.

The optimal depth of the planting hole is 0.8 m, size is 0.5 * 0.5 m.

For one planting hole you will need about a bucket of humus, about 2 handfuls of superphosphate, a handful of potassium salts, as well as a shovel of wood ash, two buckets of water.

Before planting, the roots must be carefully inspected for damage and rot. After all, the soil will become compacted after planting, and if there are areas with rot and air pockets in the soil, the root system will rot, which will lead to the death of the plant.

The location of the root collar should be at a level of 5 centimeters above the soil; after the first watering, the soil will settle, after which the root collar will be in its place.

For support, you can install a stake in the center of the hole; the plant is loosely attached to the support using twine.


Even before fruiting begins, sanitary and formative pruning is carried out.

For your information! Sanitary pruning should be carried out every year, then it will be replaced by rejuvenating pruning.

Top dressing

Fertilizers applied during planting serve as food for the plant for several years.

Feeding with mineral fertilizers is carried out further as needed, with organic fertilizers - once every three years.

You can carry out foliar feeding using preparations such as Crestalon, Ecolist, Adobe, Solyubor.

These drugs are aimed at increasing the plant’s immunity, as well as the quality of the crop.

Pest Control

One of the pressing issues of gardeners is the fight against pests and diseases of fruit trees.

Prevention measures:

  • cleaning the trunk in the spring and then whitewashing;

  • sanitary pruning to prevent crown thickening;
  • collecting and burning fallen leaves;
  • spraying with fungicides.

Hungarian Donetsk early

Photo of plum Hungarian Donetskaya early

Early Hungarian Donetskaya is an early type of plum in the Hungarian variety. Ripening occurs in early August. The crop grows up to 4.5 meters, the crown is massive, with branched branches. The first harvest occurs in the 4-5th year of cultivation. The average yield is 28 kg/tree. The variety is self-fertile, but to increase the number of plums, Hungarian Italian, Altana plum or other similar species are planted nearby.

Fruits, 30 g each. The skin is dark purple, with a brown tint and a pronounced bloom. The taste is sugary, harmonious, with a subtle sourness. The keeping quality is excellent; if, due to weather problems, the fruits have not ripened on the branches, you can remove them only half-ripe; they will ripen on their own during storage. The fruits are transportable.

The main problem of this variety that gardeners often face is its pickiness to soil. This species does not bear fruit on sandy soil.

Reviews from gardeners about Hungarian

Anna, Ryazan

I really like the Hungarian Donetskaya early. The harvest is good, the plums, although not large, are tasty and sweet. The jam turns out excellent, rich in taste. And he rarely gets sick, which makes caring for him much easier.

Vladimir, Tver

Hungarian Korneevskaya is a good variety for sale. The shape of the fruit, its aroma and the rich color of the peel attract the buyer's attention. It is not difficult to transport, the harvest is enough for sale, so I recommend it to everyone.

Plum variety Hungarian Italian

Photo of Hungarian Italian plum

The Italian plum is obtained on the Apennine Peninsula. The culture is late, grows within 4 meters, with a massive, spherical crown, which in diameter can reach up to 5-6 meters. Fruiting is observed from 4-5 years. Under good weather conditions, proper cultivation and the presence of pollinators, the yield per tree is up to 80 kg per season!

The cream grows large, 30-35 grams. The peel is almost black, covered with a thick coating. The pulp is orange with a red tint when fully ripe. The taste is excellent, bright, rich, with a high content of juice and sugar. Fresh cream can sit for 30 days without losing its appearance or taste.

Despite the fact that the Italian is a well-known and fairly old species, it has several problems.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Hungarian has many advantages:

  • Stability of fruiting;
  • High yield;
  • Good frost resistance;
  • Immunity to diseases and pests;
  • Good taste;
  • Good transportability;
  • Resistant to cracking.

The disadvantages include:

  • Brittleness of branches under the weight of fruits:
  • Presence of third-party pollinating varieties.

Hungarians are highly valued for their excellent nutritional qualities. They make very good juices, jams, preserves and compotes. And, as already mentioned, they make excellent prunes.

Hungarian Michurinskaya

Photo of plum Vengerka Michurinskaya

Hungarian plum Michurinskaya is a self-fertile variety, mid-ripening. After ripening, plums can hang directly on the branches for almost 30 days without falling off - this is the main advantage of the variety. The tree is medium in height with a moderately spreading crown.

The fruits grow up to 30 g. After ripening, the peel acquires a blue-violet color with a dense coating. Harvesting is carried out during the period of technical ripeness, when they are still green-blue. The pulp is light green, very soft, juicy and sweet. The drupe is small and can be removed almost without problems.

Hungarian variety Amazing

Photo of plum Hungarian Amazing

This is the variety of Ukrainian scientists. It does not pollinate on its own, so it is important to plant some other plum trees nearby with the same flowering period as this species. The tree is average in height - 4.5 meters. The crown is like a ball, not very spreading. Fruiting is observed after 4-5 years of cultivation.

Fruits weigh 25-30 g on average. The peel is purple-black, covered with a dense coating. The pulp is dark yellow. The taste is sugary, with a high juice content, but the stone does not come off well, so the species is used mainly for fresh consumption or for making sauces, jam and other preparations where the fruits are crushed into a pulp.

General description of Hungarian plums

The Hungarian plum was named in accordance with its territory of origin. Plant seedlings were brought to Russia from Hungary at the beginning of the 20th century. This is a natural hybrid of cherry plum and thorn. The first trees took root in gardens on the Black Sea coast; they were heat- and moisture-loving, not frost-resistant, but very productive.

What does a plum tree look like?

A mature tree is quite impressive in size - its height reaches 5–6 m. The crown is spreading, oval or pyramid-shaped. For ease of care and harvesting, the Hungarian tree is sometimes formed into a bush 2–3 m high. The lifespan of a tree is on average 25–30 years.

Most Hungarians are self-fertile, but when pollinated by another variety, the yield increases.

The Hungarian plum tree is quite tall - reaches 5–6 m

Fruits and harvest ripening times

The color of the fruit is dark (blue, violet, lilac, burgundy). The skin is covered with a whitish waxy coating. The side seam is clearly defined, thanks to which the fruit breaks in half without effort. The pulp is dense and easily separated from the stone. The fruits have a high shelf life and can ripen after picking.

Hungarian plum fruits are dark in color, with a bloom and dense sweet pulp

Hungarians bear fruit every year; 30–60 kg of fruits are collected from one tree. Ripening period is medium and medium late.

The harvest depends on the quality of the soil, climate, and care. Under optimal conditions, one tree can produce a harvest of 150–200 kg.

Olives and prunes: what to make from Hungarian plums

In addition to fresh consumption, specific dishes are prepared from plums. It is believed that only Hungarian prunes produce real prunes. This is explained by the high content of dry matter (about 20%), as well as pectin and sugar (11–15%). Also from the fruits of this variety a marinated appetizer “cream for olives” is prepared. This requires dense berries with a low water content, which corresponds to Hungarian.

Magnificent prunes are prepared from the fruits of the Hungarian

The benefits and harms of Hungarian fruits

Hungarian fruits, fresh and dried, are a good laxative; in addition, they contain many useful antioxidants that slow down aging. Plant fibers prevent intestinal cancer. These fruits contain a lot of vitamin K, which strengthens the heart, is responsible for blood clotting and is involved in the construction of bone tissue. It is worth considering that prunes contain a lot of sugar, so you should not abuse them - 3-4 dried fruits are enough.

The calorie content of prunes is 231 kcal per 100 g of fruit, fresh plums are 42 kcal per 100 g.

Video: Common Hungarian plum (Ugorka)

How to care for a Hungarian

All varieties of Hungarian require the same care: they are watered, pruned, and other standard procedures are carried out .

In the spring you need to hang birdhouses to attract birds (they, in turn, will get rid of pests), and trim the branches in March. In April, fertilizing is necessary: ​​200 g (for a young seedling) or 400 g (for an adult plum) of urea or calcium nitrate is applied to the tree.

The plant is protected from cold weather by covering material, as well as smoke . Watering should take at least 6 buckets for one tree.

In the last month of spring, water with mullein infusion and remove the shoots at the roots. The soil next to the trunk is covered with mulch.

In summer, fertilizing and watering continue. After harvesting, the tree prepares for winter . Carefully dig up the ground in the tree trunk circle and check the condition of the branches and trunk.

Damaged areas are removed, and the wounds must be lubricated with garden varnish. The trunk at the bottom and the largest branches in diameter are whitened.


Hungarian, when compared with its relatives, is characterized by increased drought resistance . Some varieties are able to bear fruit even during periods of prolonged drought. However, it is not worth subjecting the plum to such tests.

In order for it to develop well, an adult plum needs to be watered about 6 times per season, up to 10 buckets :

  • when the plant blooms;
  • when the ovaries appear;
  • when the fruits grow.

especially important during fruit filling . The volume of the harvest of both this year and the future directly depends on this, since buds are born at the same time.

You need to water the seedlings a little , since the roots of a young tree are not able to completely provide the plant with moisture.


When applying fertilizing, certain conditions must be observed . Organic fertilizers should be applied once every three years (one bucket per 1 m2).

Mineral supplements are applied every two years. Nitrogen complexes are good in the spring, and potassium and phosphorus complexes are good in the fall.

For mature trees, you need about 400 g of superphosphate, about 100 g of potassium salt and about 180 g of ammonium nitrate; young plum - half as much.

​Wood processing

It is important to constantly remove shoots, loosen and weed the soil around the trunk if it has been mulched . Supporting supports are placed under branches with fruits; large branches, as well as the trunk at the bottom, are whitewashed.

The tree is treated with a urea solution (700 g per 10 liters of water) in the spring, before buds open , to fight diseases and pests. Later (from leaf rollers, aphids and other pests) the plum needs to be treated with insecticides:

  • "Iskra-bio";
  • "Akarin";
  • "Fitoverm", etc.

During the next treatment of the tree, “Ecoberin” or “Zircon” is used, increasing the immunity of the plum. They also need to be used to treat the garden in the fall after fruiting, in preparation for winter.

​Pruning and crown formation

for the first time in the second year after planting , in early spring. It is better to make the plum crown sparsely tiered. The result of such pruning is a tall tree with a voluminous crown.

The first tier should be at least half a meter from the ground. All branches up to this level must be removed. There should be no more than five skeletal branches left.

Cut off the excess as close to the trunk as possible. Skeletal branches are shortened so that no more than 2/3 of their length remains.

The normal height for a young plant in the first year is up to 1.8 m. In the second year, you need to retreat 0.4 m from the upper branch and at this level shorten the conductor, and cut off long stale growths by one third of their length. Cut the shoots on the sides 15 cm above the bud, which is directed downwards.

The next tier needs to be formed half a meter from the first. The guide needs to be shortened every year until the plant reaches 2.5 meters in height.

be used for pruning . The damage is covered with varnish. Pruning is best done in late March - early April.

Weak, damaged or downward-pointing branches should be removed every year. To stimulate new growth, you need to shorten last year's shoots from an adult tree . Two- and three-year-old branches will produce a harvest. Four-year-old branches need to be cut out.

In summer, the crown should not be allowed to overgrow. At the end of June, formative pruning is carried out on young trees: the side branches are shortened by 20 cm. After the leaves fall (after September 10), sanitary pruning is required.

Attention! In autumn, the procedure is only permissible in regions with warm winters, otherwise it is better to postpone it to spring.

​Wintering and shelter from rodents

Almost all Hungarian is tolerant of winter temperatures in areas where it can be grown . The formed tree does not even need to be insulated; it is enough to mulch the soil around the trunk with peat or humus. It is advisable to cover the young tree: wrap burlap around the trunk or cover it with spruce branches .

Do not use artificial insulation. This leads to the fact that the trunk will rot and subsequently rot.

The trunk must be hidden from rodents with a material that will prevent them from reaching it - for example, a metal mesh. Air access is required.

Products for treating plums in spring

In the spring you need to treat the plum from pests. Spray with the following preparations:

  • "Benzophosphate";
  • "Chlorophos";
  • "Inta-Vir";
  • "Karbofos".

“Hostakvik” (1 ml of product per 5 liters of water) and “Fitoverm” (1.5 ml per 1 liter of water) are used against aphids.

Popular varieties of Hungarians

Thanks to the work of breeders to develop zoned varieties, today the Hungarian subspecies includes plums of different winter hardiness, differing in crown size, fruit shape, yield and other indicators.

The State Register of Russia includes the Hungarian dogs Moskovskaya, Korneevskaya, Pulkovskaya, Kubanskaya and Novaya.

Moscow (Tsaritsyn)

This is one of the oldest zoned varieties (included in the State Register in 1947). From the name it is clear that the plum was bred for cultivation in the Central region (Moscow, Smolensk and Ryazan regions). The tree grows up to 3 m high, forms a spherical, spreading and thickened crown. In winter it can freeze, but it recovers very quickly and produces a lot of growth.

Ripening later. The fruits are asymmetrical, ovoid, weighing 15–28 g. The skin is purple with a red tint, the flesh is amber, juicy and dense. The bone comes off easily. The peduncle is medium long, thin. Mokovskaya is inferior in many respects to modern Hungarians: the fruits are medium-sized, of mediocre taste, fruiting begins at 7–8 years. The advantages include: self-fertility, high yield and universal purpose.

Moskovskaya is famous for its high yield, the fruits are dark, almost purple, and medium-sized


Plum is zoned for the Central Black Earth Region. The Korneevskaya tree is medium-sized (4 m), the crown is raised, thick, rounded. The plum is self-fertile and produces its first harvest at the age of 3–4 years. The fruits are smooth, oval, brownish-purple. The pulp is yellow, juicy, sugar content - 15%. The taste is dessert, rated 4.5 points. The weight of one fruit is 30 g, the yield during industrial cultivation is high (116 c/ha).

The variety is named after one of the creators - R.V. Korneeva. The scientist took part in the development of several hundred different fruit hybrids, including the Hungarian plum.

The Korneevskaya plum has smooth fruits with delicate sweet pulp


Pulkovskaya is also an old variety from the last century. The fruits are dark red with dots and spots, each weight is 20–25 g. The taste is sweet and sour, satisfactory. Plum is not resistant to clasterosporiosis (leaf holeiness) and fruit rot. There are also positive aspects that allowed Pulkovskaya to register in the garden plots. In particular, a tall and spreading tree (3–4 m) produces large yields. The sparse crown does not require careful annual pruning. The variety is winter-hardy, so it has become almost the only one for cultivation in the Leningrad region.

Hungarian Pulkovskaya stands out among others with its sparse crown, red fruits and perforated spots on the leaves.


The tree is vigorous and relatively resistant to frost, drought and disease. The variety is zoned for the Krasnodar Territory and Adygea with their mild and humid climate. The fruits are large (35 g), spherical, asymmetrical. The skin is dark purple, the flesh is greenish-yellow. The peduncle is long and thick. Kubanskaya begins to bear fruit in 5–6 years. Gardeners value this plum for its high yield and good taste of the fruit.

The fruits of Kubanskaya are large, asymmetrical, covered with a thick waxy coating.


Hungarian Nova was bred in 2015 for the Lower Volga region and the North Caucasus, it is winter-hardy and tolerates drought well. The tree grows short, so the yield is average, but the fruits are beautiful, one-dimensional, oval, with blue skin. The pulp is yellow and dry, but the taste is rated highly - 4.8 points. Pests have also tried this variety - Novaya is often affected by the codling moth.

The Hungarian Nova has double inflorescences, that is, each cluster consists of two fruits


The plum is medium-sized (3.5 m), the crown is medium thick. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness. The fruits are large (on average 40 g), elongated, purple. The pulp is orange, sweet and sour. The taste is rated 4.3 points. Belarusian begins to bear fruit in the third year after planting. For high yields, pollinators are needed, since this Hungarian is only partially self-fertile.

The main advantages of Belorusskaya are large fruits and high winter hardiness.


This plum loves warm climates with high humidity. In arid regions it sheds flowers and ovaries, and in cold regions it freezes. The fruits are dark blue and sweet. Their size and yield depend on the growing region. So, in Sochi, with good care, the weight of the fruit is more than 41 g, the average is 28–35 g. The tree is tall - up to 5 m, crown width - up to 6 m.

This is one of the very first varieties of Hungarian that appeared in Russia. Its productivity in Adler and Gelendzhik was mentioned at the beginning of the last century. The variety remains industrial today.

Hungarian Italiana grows only in warm and humid climates; its fruits produce the best prunes.


This amazing plant was bred in Ukraine and grown there; it is rare in Russian regions. The variety has low winter hardiness, but very tasty fruits, tasting score - 5 points. The first harvest ripens on a 4–5 year old tree, which is not self-fertile. We need pollinators with the same ripening period, that is, late ripening. The fruits, with an average weight of 30 g, are teardrop-shaped, the skin is purple with a blue waxy coating. The flesh is olive-colored, crispy, aromatic. The pit has sharp edges and can be easily separated in ripe fruits.

Hungarian Amazing is most widespread in Ukraine


Among the advantages of the Hungarian Donetskaya are good winter hardiness, early fruiting (3–4 years), and self-fertility. Fruits hang on the tree for up to 30 days without falling off. Although they are not very large (up to 30 g), they have one of the best tastes. Varietal features: fruits pointed towards the tip, shallow seam, twisting shoots.

You can find the name Donetsk early. Judging by the descriptions, these are the same variety. The fruits are ready for harvest in the second half of August or early September, depending on weather conditions.

Donetskaya fruits have a pointed tip and a deep hole at the petiole


This plum tree needs pollinators. The fruits are formed 4–5 years after planting an annual seedling. The winter hardiness of the variety is average due to the extended growing season. The harvest ripens in the first half of September. Leaf fall begins late. As a result, Voronezhskaya does not have time to prepare for winter. But after freezing it quickly recovers. The fruits are large - 35 g, obovate, brown-violet. The pulp is sweet, with sourness, tasting score - 5 points.

Hungarian Voronezh gives the first harvest 4–5 years after planting


This variety is used for making juices and baby food. The fruits are medium-sized (25–30 g), oval-shaped, the pulp is tender, melts in the mouth, very tasty. Fruits can hang on the branches for a long time without falling off and turning into prunes. The disadvantage is poor winter hardiness. Michurinskaya grows well in the south of Russia and in the Central Black Earth region.

Another disadvantage of the variety is that the branches extend from the trunk at an acute angle, so in winter, loaded with snow, or in the fall with fruits, they often break off, forming deep cracks in the trunk. Supports are needed, but for many gardeners this is not a problem.

Michurinskaya fruits have tender, melt-in-your-mouth pulp


The branches extend at an acute angle and can break under the weight of large plums. The weight of the fruit is from 40 g, the shape of its apex is round, the stalk has a small pit, the seam is clearly visible. The taste of the pulp is sour-sweet. It begins to bear fruit in 4–5 years; 6–8 year old trees bear 80 kg of fruit. The main advantages of Bogatyrskaya are resistance to adverse climatic conditions, winter hardiness and high yield.

Hungarian Bogatyrskaya is often overloaded with large fruits

Common (Domestic, Ugorka)

The variety is widespread in Moldova, Ukraine, and the south of the Russian Federation. The eel can be found in the gardens of central Russia and its southern part. The tree grows powerful, is not susceptible to fungal diseases, and the fruits are large (40–47 g).

Common Hungarian plums are large, tasty, easily transportable, and suitable for any preparation.

The average yield is 60–70 kg, but with good care and climate they can harvest 150–180 kg per tree. The fruits have a high sugar content - up to 13%, and are mainly used to prepare prunes.


The Hungarian was bred in the Volgograd region and zoned for the same region. Winter hardiness is average, the tree is vigorous. The fruits are medium-sized (25–30 g), with a mediocre sweet and sour taste, used for processing. The productivity of Dubovskaya is high if pollinating varieties grow nearby. It begins to bear fruit in the fifth year.

On Dubovskaya small, oval-shaped plums with a small neck grow


The variety is grown in the south of Siberia, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Volga region. The Pear-shaped fruit is noticeably different from those already described. Near the stalk, instead of a hole, a peculiar influx is visible, like that of a pear. The fruit is red-violet, weight - up to 35 g. The tree grows rather large - 5 m in height. The crown is pyramidal. The bark is highly frost-resistant, and the flower buds can freeze out. The plum does not get sick, but is damaged by pests (aphids, codling moths, etc.).

The fruits of Pear-shaped resemble the fruit of the same name, but still tend to an oval shape


There is also a variety called Hungarian Ural. In our country, it is quite widespread in the Urals (due to its good winter hardiness). Since the name contains the word “Hungarian”, the variety is sometimes confused with this group, but it belongs to Canadian plums.

Hungarian Ural is a Canadian plum

Flowering and pollination

Regarding flowering and pollination, the variety has the following characteristics:

  • mid-late variety;
  • the first flowers appear in the 3-4th year of seedling growth;
  • completely self-fertile, pollinators are not required for the formation of ovaries;
  • plum blossoms in the first days of May, this period lasts about 10 days;
  • flowers are arranged mostly singly, evenly;
  • Fruit harvesting, under favorable weather conditions, begins in mid-August and continues for about 20 days.

During fruit ripening, the branches require additional support to avoid breaking off under the weight of the plums.

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