Why do rosemary leaves dry and turn black in a pot at home, diseases and pests and what to do

How to grow rosemary on a windowsill from cuttings

If you were unable to grow rosemary from seeds at home, you should try growing it from cuttings.
You can buy it at a garden center, already rooted, or try to root a cut branch from another flowerpot. You need to cut off the already woody twig, but from the top of the rosemary. The lower petals are cut off from it, and the cutting itself is placed in a peat substrate with perlite or vermiculite, or in soil with sand. You don’t have to look for suitable soil, but put the cuttings in some water.

Even if the cutting is standing in water, it must be sprayed periodically, paying special attention to the stem. The container with water should be placed in a well-lit place, but away from direct rays of the sun. As soon as roots appear on it (about two to three weeks), you can plant rosemary in a pot

As soon as roots appear on it (about two to three weeks), you can plant rosemary in a pot.

Do not forget to pinch the top so that the plant bushes and does not go up.

How to Grow Luxurious Rosemary from Seeds

Nut seeds remain viable for 3 years. Seed material must be stored in paper bags. The seeds do not require pre-sowing treatment; they can be sown in autumn or spring.

Before sowing, it is recommended to soak the seeds for 2-3 days in a damp cloth. As the material dries, it needs to be moistened. During this time, the seeds will swell a little, and it will become clear which of them are suitable for sowing and which can be thrown away. Seeds are sown in prepared pots with fertile, moist soil, scattered over the surface. After sowing, watering is not required, you just need to cover the containers with polyethylene and place them in a warm, bright place.

  1. Within a month, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the greenhouse so that the earth does not oxidize and the seeds do not rot.
  2. Water only when the top layer of soil dries out. Watering should be finely dispersed, from a spray bottle.
  3. When 3 true leaves appear on the plant, it is necessary to thin out the plantings or pick the seedlings into separate cups.
  4. During transplantation, the root system must not be damaged, otherwise the rosemary will develop poorly.

As the plants grow, transfer them to a larger pot to provide the root system with enough space to develop.

Lower temperatures have a negative effect on the plant: the root system is overcooled, which leads to the death of the plant.

Rosemary: care and conditions of detention - DISCUSSING.

#1 vasilina

Hello! I have rosemary growing. I water it often, and when the top layer dries, I spray it. But the lower branches dried up anyway and only the upper ones remained. What should I do, I'm afraid it will dry out all over. thank you in advance.

Rosemary can dry out if the pot is too small. Rosemaries are fast-growing plants, so you need to make sure that the roots are given enough space. My rosemary plants stand near a hot radiator, I don’t spray them, it’s good if I don’t forget to water (they tolerate drought well), but at the same time I often replant them, about once every six months. In general, rosemary is a fairly unpretentious plant. Maybe you're filling it up?

#2 Natali

Could you tell us in more detail what conditions you keep it in (temperature, lighting)? Were you looking for pests? Although they write in books that it is not affected by them, my first bush died from the whitefly.

I have rosemary near the south window behind the curtain, not far from the radiator, at room temperature about +18. Lighting is solar and electric in the evening. I wasn't looking for pests. It seems to be undamaged by anything, with the exception of dry twigs that are already falling off.

vasilina, the most common pests of indoor plants (mites, whiteflies, scale insects), unlike many garden pests (beetles, slugs, caterpillars), do not leave any noticeable damage on the leaves of plants. But they can very quickly destroy almost any plant. Therefore, any sick plant should always be carefully inspected for pests (and you need to know exactly what you are going to look for and where. Also, the lower branches of rosemary can dry out from rotting roots or from the heat of heating devices falling on the leaves of the plant.

#3 Tananda

A little rosemary has settled in my house. And now its leaves are turning black. What could be causing this? It stands on my window in the kitchen (the sun doesn’t get there). I water it after the soil is completely dry, spray it, the pot fits its roots. After buying it, I didn’t replant it, and I don’t see the point. I bought it from a man who grows plants himself and prepares soil and fertilizers for them himself.

Hello. If the leaves dry from the tip to the beginning of the leaf, it means that it is underwatered. If they turn black from the place where the leaf is attached to the stem, then the problem is somewhat more serious. My rosemary, if I water it after it has completely dried (and this moment is quite difficult to determine), the leaves also turn black and shrink, starting from the tips. So, to solve this problem, water a little more often, provided that the plant has a growth period.

Thank you. It turns black from the tip. This means I will water more often.

#4 Felce

I have rosemary growing outside, last year it withstood -15 - it is a strong plant and is not afraid of anything, loves the sun and fresh air. Rosemary is a plant for open ground. Soil with good drainage without overwatering, partial shade. After the transplant he suffers. There are a lot of people on the forum, cat. They understand plants and will advise how to help the plant. The most important thing is that the roots do not rot

and there is no need to spray it on it, it seems to me, but in the spring on its balcony


In summer, the plant is kept at a temperature of 20-25ºС. It is advisable to avoid sudden changes in temperature. In the warm season, rosemary can withstand temperatures down to 15ºC without harm. Therefore, as soon as warm weather sets in, it can be taken out into the air or planted in open ground.

With the onset of autumn, you need to monitor the temperature regime of rosemary.

If night cold snaps become more significant, and the temperature often drops below 5ºC, the plant must be brought indoors. Rosemary does not like frost; at a temperature of -5ºC it freezes. In winter it is kept at a low temperature of 8-10ºС.

Why do rosemary leaves dry and turn black in a pot at home, diseases and pests and what to do

Why does rosemary in a pot dry at home? This is a question asked by more than one owner of this Mediterranean plant. And there is reason to worry.

Just yesterday, it delighted with its spicy aroma and bright green leaves. And now she throws them off and withers before our eyes.

In its homeland, in the Mediterranean, it grows green in the valleys and on the slopes of mountains, blown by salty winds, under the bright sun. It's warm and humid there even in winter.

Features of growing rosemary on a windowsill

If you don’t create comfortable conditions for the bush, it will soon lose all its attractiveness, and with it its beneficial properties. The best option is for it to grow in a winter garden. But even in an apartment it is quite possible to provide him with the necessary microclimate. Create ideal conditions and you will get a tree from a bush. You will have to take this into account when choosing.

If you do start growing rosemary at home, you should find a suitable place for it. A window sill that faces East or South is quite suitable. Strong, healthy leaves will only form in good light. The same applies to the production of essential oils.

To make the existence of rosemary as comfortable as possible even in a city apartment, you will have to spray it once a day on summer days.

And in winter, place a bowl of water next to it (you can have snow or ice). It is recommended to water the plant when the top layer of soil dries - it should not dry out completely.

Basic care requirements

If the conditions in which the plant is kept do not meet the requirements, its leaves turn black, then dry out and eventually fall off. And this happens when:

  • excessive or insufficient watering;
  • excessively large dose of applied fertilizers;
  • heat combined with insufficient lighting;
  • dry air;
  • pest invasion.

If rosemary dropped its leaves when moving, it’s not a big deal. He thus adapts to new conditions and will soon recover with proper care.

Pot and soil

Choosing the right container for planting and soil is very important for rosemary, because it directly affects the result. https://www.youtube.com/embed/bqjnZtf-azk

Its root is very branched, so the best solution would be a spacious pot. Due to the high oxygen demand of the roots, another requirement for the container is that it must be made of a porous material, preferably clay and without any coating. If the plant is young, a pot with a diameter of 20 centimeters is sufficient.

This plant also needs special soil. You can buy crushed lime-based substrate at a flower shop. Or you can prepare the soil yourself: 1 part peat, humus or mature compost and crushed stone, and 1 part turf - the components are mixed and moistened.

In the first 5 years, the plant will have to be replanted every spring, choosing a new container 2/3 larger than the old one.

Pests and diseases indoors

It is known that rosemary has not been shown to be prone to disease. And yet, too often one hears that its leaves dry out, despite all the efforts of the owner. This means one thing - the bush is sick or damaged by pests.

Spider mite

This insect sucks juice. Loves dry air and high temperatures. As soon as through dots and cobwebs on the leaves on the back side are noticed on the leaf blades, the rosemary is infected with a mite.

But for the owner, this is a signal that the conditions of the plant have been violated. It is enough to correct the situation and the pest will disappear.

You can, of course, spray with insecticides, but this will have little effect - they will not affect the laid eggs.

Pests and diseases indoors

Often on forums, gardeners ask the question: why do pets’ leaves dry out? This is a formidable signal: the bush is sick or infested with pests.

Spider mite

This is a sap-sucking insect. It can be detected only when through points appear on the leaf plates and cobwebs on the back side of the foliage. The pest attacks weakened plants. The conditions for its parasitism are dry air and high temperature.

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The bush loses strength if the conditions of maintenance are violated. Once the situation is corrected, the spider mite will disappear. Spraying with insecticides is ineffective: it has no effect on laid eggs.

If a pest is detected, rosemary should be washed with a solution of laundry or tar soap. It is recommended to process only the ground part. To protect the soil, the pot should be placed in a plastic bag and tied tightly.


This is a small butterfly. Its larvae feed on rosemary juice. Appears with a combination of high temperature and humidity. Signs of appearance:

  • when the bush is shaken, white butterflies fly out;
  • leaves become sticky;
  • white scales (larvae) are visible on the plant;
  • leaves are covered with black dots.

To eliminate the pest, the conditions for keeping the flower should be improved. At the same time, spray the plant with insecticides. Sticky fly traps placed around the bush will help.


Gardeners ask why rosemary in the room gets downy mildew. A guest from the Mediterranean is an unusual plant. Downy mildew is detected on it too late: the leaves have already turned black and fallen off.

The cause of the disease is a combination of high humidity and coolness.

It is impossible to save a bush with severe damage. At the beginning of the disease, the damaged parts should be cut off, sprayed with copper-containing preparations, and the soil should be completely replaced. It is recommended to wash the pot thoroughly and scald it with boiling water.

Why does rosemary in a pot dry at home? This is a question asked by more than one owner of this Mediterranean plant. And there is reason to worry. Just yesterday, it delighted with its spicy aroma and bright green leaves. And now she throws them off and withers before our eyes. In its homeland, in the Mediterranean, it grows green in the valleys and on the slopes of mountains, blown by salty winds, under the bright sun. It's warm and humid there even in winter.

How to treat rosemary

The best way to deal with the parasite is with special medications sold in stores; this group of drugs is called “fungicides”, such as Fungizol, Topaz, Zato. But it is noted that these drugs can also harm the plant, so gardeners often prefer alternative methods. The most commonly used and simplest is urea. The leaves are treated with a weak solution to eliminate powdery mildew.

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Also, there are other methods:

  1. Soda ash. 4 g of this substance is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water, and approximately 4 g of laundry soap is also added to the solution. The mixture is thoroughly stirred and the affected plant is treated by spraying twice with intervals of 1 week.
  2. Copper sulfate. This substance in an amount of 8 g is diluted in 1 liter of heated water (you cannot try to dilute it with cold water, since vitriol dissolves only in hot or at least warm). The plant is sprayed with the resulting preparation, and the soil can also be treated with it.
  3. Ash tincture. Prepare in the proportion of half a glass per 1 liter of boiled water. The infusion lasts for 2 days, after which the resulting mixture is filtered, 4 g of laundry soap is diluted in a small amount of warm water and added to the infusion. Treat 2 times with a break, as in the case of soda, 1 week. If the disease is severe, you can use the infusion more often.
  4. Colloidal sulfur. About 20 g of the substance is dissolved in 10 liters of water; about 5 g of pre-diluted copper sulfate can also be added to the solution, while stirring the contents of the bucket. Then the plants are treated with the resulting preparation.
  5. Kefir, curdled milk, sour milk. The medicine is prepared using whey isolated from the fermented product. It is diluted with cold water, maintaining a ratio of 10:1, and thoroughly stirred until the preparation becomes homogeneous. The resulting solution is sprayed well on the affected flower.
  6. Alcohol solutions. You can also use iodine solution. The method consists of wiping the affected leaves with a weak (so as not to harm the flower itself) preparation.

Alcohol solutions, like iodine, disinfect affected areas and destroy mycelium.

Rosemary care

Rosemary is often grown not only to produce a spicy herb, but also as a medicinal plant. Its infusions are used for colds, rheumatism, radiculitis and a number of other diseases. Essential oil promotes the healing of wounds and boils. In temperate climates, rosemary cannot withstand frost, so it is planted in open ground in the spring, and when cold weather arrives, it is grown in a flowerpot indoors.

But if the periods of temperature decrease are short and the soil freezes no more than 10 cm, the plants are left in a permanent place for the winter, insulating them and constructing a protective shelter.

Choosing a landing site

Rosemary prefers to grow in soil with a neutral or alkaline reaction. In nature, this shrub is found on poor sandy and rocky soils. On loam, the growth and development of the plant slows down, the root system of the bush suffers from stagnant moisture and insufficient air permeability of the soil. The properties of clay soil can be improved by adding chalk, lime and sand. A place for planting is chosen that is well lit by the sun, on the south side of a building or garden plot.

In the shade, the shoots of the bush will begin to stretch out, become thinner, and the color of the leaves will turn pale.

Landing in the ground

Planting of rosemary begins in early May, when the soil has warmed up well and the average daily temperature has established itself in the range of 10–15°C. The soil is prepared by digging and leveling. The root system of small bushes is buried in the ground at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Large plants are spaced at intervals of 50 cm. The plantings are watered with warm water and mulched with dried grass.

If there is a threat of frost, the bushes are covered with film or plastic bottles.

Growing temperature

Rosemary thrives in hot and dry weather, requiring no shading in the summer or additional watering during dry periods. The plant has a well-developed root system, and the shape of the leaves prevents significant moisture loss from the vegetative parts of the bush. But, being a representative of the Mediterranean, where frosty weather is very rare, rosemary cannot withstand air temperatures dropping to -5°C or lower. In the southern part of Russia, for example in Crimea or the Caucasus, bushes overwinter in open ground under cover. In the northern regions in the fall, when the temperature drops significantly, seedlings are dug up, transplanted into a container and brought into the house.

In room conditions, it is recommended to keep rosemary at a temperature of 10–14° C.

In winter, the plant is dormant; during this period, buds are formed, from which shoots with leaves and flowers will develop in the spring. If there is a lack of natural light (less than 8 hours a day), install a fluorescent lamp to illuminate the bush.

Watering and spraying

Rosemary is drought tolerant and does not require maintaining soil moisture. Immediately after planting a seedling in open ground, it must be watered as the soil dries out for better rooting of the bush in a new place. Later, you need to moisten the soil very moderately, 2–4 times a month. When water stagnates, the roots rot and the plant may die. For irrigation, warm water heated by the rays of the sun is used.

Periodic loosening of the soil will reduce the rate of moisture evaporation and improve the flow of air into the upper layers of the soil.

It is also useful to spray the bush from time to time in the morning or evening after sunset. In winter, after transplanting and placing the bush in a cool room, water it little by little, spraying water onto the soil from a spray bottle.

Guseva Ulyana

Ask a Question

Question to the expert

In November, with the arrival of cold weather, we transplanted the rosemary into a flower pot and brought it into the house. At first it felt good, but in January the tips of the stems began to dry out and the leaves began to fall off. What could have caused this to happen?

Most likely, the microclimate of the living space is not suitable for the plant: the temperature is too high and the air humidity is insufficient. During the dormant period, rosemary feels comfortable at 8–12°C. At temperatures above 15°C and dry air, its shoots may dry out. Insufficient watering is indicated by yellowing of the leaves. If there is excess moisture, the roots suffer and the foliage falls off. It is necessary to move the pot with the plant to a bright and cool room, reducing the frequency of watering, but not allowing the soil to dry out.

Fertilizer application

Rosemary grows well in soils low in humus, but you can increase the nutritional value of the soil if you want to produce lush greens. In the spring, compost or humus is added to the planting hole. Throughout the summer, mineral fertilizers are used to feed plants, including phosphorus, calcium, nitrogen, and potassium. They are applied in the form of solutions no more than once a month.

Question to the expert

Our rosemary is 4 years old. During this time, no flowers or buds appeared on it. With what it can be connected?

Some plants bloom and bear fruit during periods of the most severe growing conditions. In the wild, rosemary blooms buds every year, since the soil in these places is very poor, the scorching sun exhausts the bushes with heat, rains are rare and hardly compensate for moisture losses. The plant constantly reproduces seeds to renew the genus. In conditions with very nutritious and sufficiently moist soil, rosemary feels comfortable and rarely blooms.

Why does rosemary dry in a pot at home?

Spice grown at home is very rarely subject to disease and parasite invasion. This is due to the fact that rosemary has a pronounced aroma and antiseptic effect.

Pests, diseases

Sometimes, with proper care, rosemary is still susceptible to insect attack. Possible pests:

  1. Aphid. Leaf aphids feed on plant sap. She is not interested in old rough leaves; she sucks the juice only from young leaves. The insect is active in the summer.
  2. Whitefly. This small white butterfly sucks the juice of the spice. The insect appears when there is a combination of high humidity and temperature.
  3. Spider mite. The sucking insect appears at high temperatures and dry air. You can tell that a parasite has appeared by looking at its webs and through points.

Harmful insects weaken the bush and reduce its immunity. Therefore, pests need to be dealt with immediately after they are detected. In this case it is necessary:

  • dilute the soap solution and wash the leaves with it;
  • spray the bush with wormwood decoction (take 100 g of dry wormwood per 400 ml of boiling water);
  • spray with a strong tincture based on onion peels, garlic or chamomile.

Attention! Most often, spices that are taken out into the fresh air in the summer are attacked by insects.

If the infection is severe (the tips of the leaves turn black and dry out, when the rosemary has dried out and is severely crumbling), then they resort to the help of insecticides (Intavir, FAS, Karbofos, Strela, Aktara). You can spray the bush with a solution of copper sulfate or colloidal sulfur. After treatment with chemicals, rosemary leaves are unfit for consumption.

Rosemary diseases

In indoor conditions, the spice is highly resistant to diseases. When high humidity and low temperature are combined, the plant is affected by downy mildew (downy mildew). The infection is caused by several lower fungi of the peronosporaceae family, which parasitize living plants. The infection is often transmitted by sucking insects (aphids are a common carrier). Fungal spores can also enter with water when watering.

This fungal disease manifests itself as a powdery white coating on the foliage. Over time, liquid droplets resembling dew are released on the surface of the leaf plates. A diseased plant's leaves curl and then fall off. At the beginning of the pathology, the affected parts are removed and the spice is transplanted into a disinfected pot with new soil. It is impossible to save a bush in case of severe damage, when the leaves of rosemary turn black.

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Disorder of care

The spice sometimes reacts to improper care and maintenance by drying out the foliage and then falling off. Why does rosemary dry out in a pot?

  • irregular watering (usually excessive waterlogging of the soil, which leads to rotting of the root system);
  • insufficient air humidity (especially in winter during the heating season);
  • high air temperature (above 25ºС);
  • poor lighting in spring and summer;
  • applying large amounts of fertilizers and not following the feeding regime.

To prevent the development of diseases in the soil, you need to choose a spacious clay pot for rosemary. Root rot is prevented with the help of artificial drainage - expanded clay or small pebbles are poured onto the bottom. For growing, it is better to use slightly alkaline or neutral soil.

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Rosemary is a spicy and aromatic plant that can be successfully grown at home, but only if the necessary climatic conditions are created. You need to take special care of the bush in winter, when its defenses are greatly weakened. During this period, the leaves often dry out and fall off.

Diseases and pests when growing at home

Diseases and pests attack rosemary bushes at home more often than when they are grown in open ground. The plant is quite problematic when grown in containers; its leaves may wither, dry out or turn black. The reason for the deterioration of a bush is not always due to disease or attack by harmful insects. If rosemary has dried out, what should you do to revive it:

  • normalize watering, since most likely the soil moisture is insufficient;
  • feed, there may be a lack of nutritional components;
  • if rosemary leaves turn black and dry, you need to eliminate drafts;
  • protect the plant from temperature fluctuations.

A whitish coating on the foliage may be the cause of a lack of heat due to high humidity in the room or be a sign of powdery mildew. Sometimes a plant acquires this appearance due to damage by spider mites. The bush gets sick when grown in containers mainly in winter due to a combination of high humidity and cold. But rosemary is mostly attacked by pests in the spring-summer season or early autumn.

Help! When a rosemary bush does not bloom for a long time, in winter the plant is left at a temperature of +14...+17˚ C, provided with additional light and slightly reduced the amount of watering.


This mite feeds by sucking plant juices. Signs of its presence are through pinholes on the foliage and a thin but very sticky web on the bottom of the leaf plate. This insect attacks weakened vegetation. Optimal conditions for the development of spider mites are low indoor air humidity and elevated temperature.

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When the conditions for keeping a rosemary bush do not meet agrotechnical standards, the plant weakens. Rosemary becomes more susceptible to attacks by spider webs as its aroma has lost its potency and no longer repels pests. To cure the plant, wipe its leaves with soapy water and treat the bush with the drug Actellik or similar.

When small, poorly visible, faded green insects appear on the branches and foliage of rosemary, the bush most likely suffers from aphid infestation. First, harmful insects manifest themselves on young shoots. If there are not yet many pests, then you can eliminate them using a concentrated solution of tar soap. Economical ones are also suitable.

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Depending on the size of the bush, a solution is made at the rate of ½ bar per 0.5 liters of water. Tar or laundry soap is grated into shavings, which are dissolved in warm (+24...+30˚ C) water until smooth. Only the above-ground part of the bush is treated with soap. To protect the soil, the container is placed in a tight plastic bag and tied so that the soap solution cannot get on the soil. You can also treat the rosemary bush with an insecticide.

A harmful insect that looks like a small butterfly. The main sign of this pest is its white wings. Whitefly larvae, like spider mites, feed on plant sap. This pest can appear when the room with the rosemary bush is maintained at constantly elevated humidity and temperature levels. Signs of whitefly damage to rosemary are:

  • when gently shaken, small whitish butterflies fly out of the bush;
  • whitish larvae that look like scales are noticeable on the plant;
  • the foliage is sticky to the touch;
  • Black dotted marks appeared on the leaf blades.

To eliminate harmful insects, improve the living conditions of the rosemary bush - its aroma will become stronger and begin to repel whiteflies. Simultaneously with the improvement of conditions, the aromatic plant is treated with insecticides, carefully spraying the bush. To enhance the effect, you can hang sticky fly trap tapes near the bush.

Attention! Rosemary sprigs after processing the bush can be used for culinary purposes only after 1.5 months have passed since the last treatment.

Downy mildew or downy mildew is a common fungal disease in rosemary grown in containers. Plant growers often notice the manifestations of this disease late, when the foliage on the rosemary bush has already turned black and fallen off. The main cause of this disease is increased humidity combined with coolness in the room.

It is impossible to revive a plant with an advanced disease - the rosemary bush will die. But, if the disease has just begun to develop and there are small whitish-yellowish marks on the foliage, then you need to trim the damaged shoots without delay. Then the plant is treated with copper-containing products and transplanted into fresh soil. The pot that contained the previous substrate is washed and disinfected with boiling water. This is done to prevent the disease from spreading to the plant that will then be planted in this container.

Rosemary is resistant to attacks by harmful insects, which are repelled by its aroma, and is rarely susceptible to disease. But such immunity persists only with good care, and because of this, there are many reasons why rosemary dried up at home. More often, the wilting of a plant is a consequence of violation of the norms for growing it indoors. But sometimes the reason for the deterioration of the rosemary bush is an attack by pests or disease. It is not difficult to determine what happened to the plant - just examine it carefully, highlight the main signs and choose a method of treatment.

Preparing for landing

The full development of any plant crop largely depends on how correctly it was planted. Even the slightest mistake at this stage can lead to the death of the flower. But it’s not enough to know how to properly plant rosemary at home; you also need to provide the plant with proper care. Let us dwell separately on each moment of such a fascinating process as growing an exotic spice in an ordinary apartment.

What you need to prepare

Despite the fact that rosemary is a representative of subtropical vegetation, it tolerates the climate of central Russia well. In order for this overseas culture to feel comfortable on the windowsill, you need to prepare the following means:

  • Fertile soil.
  • Drainage filler.
  • Ceramic pot.
  • Good lighting.

In addition to these funds, for good growth of rosemary, when growing in an apartment, regular ventilation of the room and a little patience are required.

Choosing a convenient place

It was already noted above that if favorable conditions are created, rosemary will grow well on the loggia and in the apartment. These are the most convenient places for the full life of evergreen shrubs. But novice flower growers will need a few simple tips on choosing a place for a flower:

  1. It is recommended to place the pot with the plant on the windowsill of windows located on the south or east side. This will ensure the longest possible period of natural light. In winter, the lack of light should be compensated by additional sources. It is best to use an electric lamp.
  2. Often, especially in winter, a picture is observed when a flower in a pot at home dries up. When asked why rosemary dries in a pot, any gardener will answer that the reason is that the heating devices are close to each other. Exactly the same phenomenon will occur if the bush is in the shade. These two points must be taken into account when choosing a place for an ornamental plant.

Selection of containers

When choosing a pot or other container, you should take into account that rosemary has an extremely branched root system. Where and how to plant rosemary at home? It is best to place it in a wide and fairly deep ceramic pot. It is undesirable to use plastic containers, since this will disrupt the natural thermoregulation of the soil.

It is necessary to distribute drainage means at the bottom of the potted product. These functions can be performed by: aquarium soil, medium-sized river pebbles, expanded clay. To prevent moisture stagnation, several small holes should be made at the bottom of the vessel.

Soil preparation

For the full development of rosemary, you can prepare the soil yourself. For this purpose, you need to mix the following components:

  • One part of humus;
  • Two parts leaf soil;
  • Part of peat;
  • You also need to take two parts of the turf soil cleared of rhizomes;
  • One part of coarse river sand.

Before planting the plant, you need to water the prepared soil well.

Preparation of planting material

This is the most important part of the preparatory stage. If you plan to plant rosemary with seeds at home, you need to subject the seed to the following treatment:

  1. Leave the seeds on a damp piece of gauze for 3-4 days
  2. Moisturize daily with a spray bottle.
  3. On the fifth day, you can proceed directly to sowing.

Cuttings are much easier to prepare than seeds. To do this you need:

  1. Cut off the top of the bush.
  2. Remove the lower leaves from the branch.
  3. Place the cutting in water.
  4. The water needs to be changed every two days.

When the shoot takes root (approximately 4-14 days), it can be planted in the ground. Planting rosemary in a pot also depends on the chosen method of propagating the flower.


This plant loves moderate but regular watering. Do not allow the earthen ball to dry out completely. Between waterings, only its upper part should dry out by 3-4 cm.

Excess moisture should not stagnate in the soil ; this requires good drainage. Usually, in hot summers, rosemary is watered 2 times a week, and in spring and autumn - once a week.

During the winter dormant period, plants are watered much less frequently. At low air temperatures, stagnation of moisture in the pot is very dangerous. The soil must be kept moist. Water the bush no more than once every 2 weeks, and sometimes less often.

Features of growing a plant

The best option for growing is a winter garden. Rosemary is not well suited to being kept indoors. Following simple rules will help the herb adapt to home conditions. These include:

  1. Lighting. In order for the bush to develop properly and produce a sufficient amount of essential oils, good lighting is necessary. The duration of daylight in summer should be at least 16 hours, in winter - 8. In winter, when daylight hours are short, an electric lamp compensates for the lack of daylight.
  2. Accommodation. It is better to place a pot of rosemary on the south or south-east window sill. In summer, it is recommended to take the pot out onto the balcony, remembering to protect it from drafts.
  3. Humidity. Under natural conditions, rosemary grows in places with high air humidity. Therefore, your home flower should be sprayed regularly. In summer, the bush is sprayed several times a day and the room is ventilated several times.
  4. Temperature conditions. In the autumn-winter period, the plant stops its growth, so the comfortable temperature range will be between 7-15ºС. During the period of active development (spring, summer), a constant temperature level is maintained - 20-25ºС.
  5. Watering. For rosemary, drying out the soil is not as dangerous as overwatering it. For irrigation, use only well-settled water at room temperature. In winter, water no more than 2 times a week, in summer - 1 time a day.
  6. Feeding. Feed only during the period of active growth with organic fertilizers for indoor flowers. In winter, fertilizing is not carried out. For active growth, the plant needs calcium.
  7. Trimming. The procedure is mandatory for the formation of the correct bush. Pruning is carried out every spring. Very long and thick shoots are trimmed. To make the bush grow lush, pinch the top young shoots.

Spice growing in a room releases volatile biologically active substances - phytoncides, which purify the air in the room, suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, and eliminate unpleasant odors.

Attention! Only one variety of rosemary is suitable for home cultivation - fragrant or medicinal.

If the growing rules are followed, the plant is transformed into a tree up to 60 cm long; with a negative influence, the appearance and usefulness of the spice deteriorate.

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Homemade rosemary: care features, problems, photos

Rosemary is an evergreen perennial from the Lamiaceae family. Representatives of this shrub are found in Europe, as well as in the Mediterranean. The leaves of the plant are more like needles with which the shoots are dotted. The flower is highly valued for its fragrant aroma, often used for medicinal purposes, and also used as a spice.

Rosemary is usually grown in pots on the windowsill not for decorative purposes. The plant releases phytoncides that disinfect and purify the air, as well as eliminate unpleasant odors. In addition, if you grow this spicy flower at home, you can always have fresh and aromatic spice on hand. It is recommended to cut only those shoots that have grown to 15 cm.

Flower care

In order for rosemary to grow and develop safely, not to be attacked by pests and not to get sick, it is necessary to provide it with the right conditions. The rules of care are not complicated, but some nuances require close attention.


In spring and summer, the plant feels great at temperatures within 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius. Rosemary has a pronounced dormant period, when the air in the room should not warm up between +6 and +15. To prevent the flower from overheating, place the pot with it as close as possible to a cold window or place a container with snow or ice next to the flowerpot.


Rosemary loves high humidity. In summer, if the flower is taken out into the garden, there is no need to take any additional measures to humidify the air.

If the plant is left on a closed balcony or room, use humidifiers, place the pot on a tray with water and expanded clay, and place a container with liquid next to it.

This is especially important during the winter, when heating devices dry out the air greatly.


The flower does not tolerate either drought or stagnation of moisture in the soil. It is recommended to water rosemary grown on a windowsill when the top layer of soil dries out. Use water that has been left standing for at least 24 hours at room temperature. In extreme heat in the morning or evening, the green mass is sprayed once a day.


Rosemary is planted in flowerpots made of porous, air-permeable material with a diameter of approximately 20-25 cm. It is best to choose clay pots without any covering. The flower is also demanding of the substrate.

You can use crushed store-bought lime-based soil mixtures, but experienced gardeners recommend preparing the soil yourself.

It is obtained by combining leaf and turf soils, taken in two parts, to which 1 part of humus, peat, and coarse river sand is added.


To ensure that the plant maintains its compact shape, the apical shoots are pinched. The plant does not need pruning.

Top dressing

Rosemary in a pot is fertilized from the beginning of the growing season until November.

Feed the flower once a month with complexes for indoor plants, which are diluted at half the concentration as prescribed in the instructions.

It is useful to fertilize the crop twice a season with a solution of bird droppings diluted with water in a ratio of 1:30. In winter, rosemary is fed only when it is deficient in nutrients.


Active growth of rosemary occurs in the first four years, when it is replanted annually. The event is held in April. The new container is taken 5 or 7 cm wider than the old one. Five-year-old specimens are replanted no more than once every 3 years, but the container is already taken 10-12 cm larger than the previous one.


The easiest way to propagate rosemary is from cuttings. For this purpose, the apical whites are cut off with a sharp knife or scissors at an acute angle. They should be 7-8 cm long.

The cuttings are moistened and sprinkled with Kornevin powder. Cuttings are rooted in moist peat. Plantings are covered. The greenhouses are periodically ventilated, and the peat is moistened as it dries.

The cover is removed when roots appear. This happens after 3-4 weeks.

Diseases and pests of rosemary

The spicy plant is rarely attacked by pests, and gets sick even less often. But, like any plant grown in a pot, disturbing the conditions can make rosemary vulnerable.


The only disease to which this flower is susceptible is downy mildew. It appears as small white dots, giving the impression that the plant has been sprinkled with flour.

The cause of the disease is stagnant air and excessively high humidity. If, after removing the damaged leaves and normalizing the conditions, the problem does not disappear, treat with a fungicide.

Rosemary that has been treated with a chemical, unfortunately, can no longer be used as a seasoning.


Among the harmful insects that often attack the plant are:

Pests mainly appear on rosemary if the flower is taken outside, or from other plants. If there are few scale insects and mites, it is enough to wash the bush with a solution of laundry soap. In severe cases, insecticides are used.

Rosemary varieties for home cultivation

Only medicinal or fragrant rosemary can be grown in pots on the windowsill. It is better to purchase it in a specialized store, where it is already growing in a flowerpot. A cutting taken from a specimen growing in open ground in a garden plot will not take root at home.

Fragrant rosemary can grow up to one meter. If you pinch it regularly, the bush will be neat and compact. A characteristic feature of the plant is that the narrow leaves are green only on the upper part, and in the lower part it changes from light green to almost white.

Blue-violet sessile inflorescences are collected in multi-flowered racemes.

Questions and answers

  1. Are rosemary leaves green but falling off? The reason for this is excessive watering. If the leaves turn yellow, this indicates insufficient soil moisture.
  2. Are your rosemary leaves starting to dry out? The reason for this is that the pot is too tight. It is better to remove damaged green mass, replant and carefully monitor watering.
  3. Has the green mass started to turn black? It is necessary to carefully analyze the conditions of maintenance, since darkening of rosemary leaves can be caused by heat and stuffiness in the room, lack of lighting in the winter, or depletion of the soil when insufficient fertilizing is applied. Often the plant turns black due to sudden changes in night and day temperatures.

Source: https://florino.net/komnatnye/rozmarin

Collection and storage of homemade rosemary after cultivation: stages

Storing homemade rosemary after growing

The last enjoyable stage after cultivation is harvesting. Carefully collect the shoots of the plant; the special aroma is stored on its upper parts. Just carefully cut off the tops of the branches 15-20 cm long. Choose the juiciest and greenest branches.

Homemade rosemary herb perfectly complements many dishes, giving an intense sweet and sour flavor. Beneficial properties are retained for a long time even in dried or frozen products.

Sequence of drying and storing rosemary - stages:

  1. Rinse the stems thoroughly, dry on a towel, dabbing with a dry cloth.
  2. Place the prepared branches on a sheet, cover its surface with parchment paper in advance.
  3. Dry in a dark and well-ventilated place for about 20 days, occasionally turning the branches over to dry evenly.
  4. Then tie the dry twigs into a bundle and hang it in the pantry for storage.
  5. It should be stored no longer than 1 year. You can put the twigs in a cloth bag.

Dried rosemary

Gardeners and experienced housewives also dry rosemary in the oven:

  • Set the temperature to minimum.
  • Keep the spread branches on a sheet on the top shelf for 3-4 hours.
  • Then tie the branches with rope and put them in the pantry for storage.

You can also dry the herbs in a vegetable and fruit dehydrator.

Dried rosemary sprigs in the oven

It’s also good to do vacuum freezing:

  • Wash the branches and place them on parchment paper until completely dry.
  • Place them separately in the freezer.
  • When the grass is frozen, place it in a separate bag.

In winter, it is convenient to take the right amount of seasoning and use it in cooking.

Rosemary propagation

Propagating a plant through seeds at home is quite problematic, and therefore the cutting method is predominantly used. To obtain new plants, apical shoots 7.5 cm long are cut off. They should be cut with sharp scissors at an angle of 45 degrees. The cuttings are moistened in clean water and the cut area is rolled in “kornevin” powder. Then the excess powder is shaken off and the cuttings are planted in moist peat. The container with them is covered with a plastic bag, since greenhouse conditions are necessary for rooting. The roots appear in a month or a little earlier. Further care is carried out according to the standard scheme.

Homemade rosemary

Only one species of this plant can be propagated at home, which is called aromatic rosemary. But even in this case, it will take time and some effort to grow it.

If you have enough willpower and desire, then you should get down to business. This is a very pampered flower; it requires constant attention and careful care. If you deviate even a little from the rules, the plant will disappear, or its branches will stretch out ugly. Professional gardeners advise growing rosemary in winter gardens. But if you really want to grow it at home, then you can get started.


Let's look at how to grow rosemary at home.

The plant is very demanding on lighting. For its active growth and flowering, direct sunlight is required for at least 4 hours a day. The rest of the time, intense diffused light will do.

Lighting for rosemary should be intense both during the growing season and flowering period, and during cold wintering.

With insufficient winter light, the plant's shoots become elongated, the density of its leaves decreases, and in the spring it does not lay buds. You can read about the use of artificial lighting here.

Basic care requirements

If the conditions in which the plant is kept do not meet the requirements, its leaves turn black, then dry out and eventually fall off. And this happens when:

  • excessive or insufficient watering;
  • excessively large dose of applied fertilizers;
  • heat combined with insufficient lighting;
  • dry air;
  • pest invasion.

If rosemary dropped its leaves when moving, it’s not a big deal. He thus adapts to new conditions and will soon recover with proper care.

Pot and soil

Choosing the right container for planting and soil is very important for rosemary, because it directly affects the result. Its root is very branched, so the best solution would be a spacious pot. Due to the high oxygen demand of the roots, another requirement for the container is that it must be made of a porous material, preferably clay and without any coating.

If the plant is young, a pot with a diameter of 20 centimeters is enough

Due to the high oxygen demand of the roots, another requirement for the container is that it must be made of a porous material, preferably clay and without any coating. If the plant is young, a pot with a diameter of 20 centimeters is enough

Its root is very branched, so the best solution would be a spacious pot. Due to the high oxygen demand of the roots, another requirement for the container is that it must be made of a porous material, preferably clay and without any coating. If the plant is young, a pot with a diameter of 20 centimeters is sufficient.

This plant also needs special soil. You can buy crushed lime-based substrate at a flower shop. Or you can prepare the soil yourself: 1 part peat, humus or mature compost and crushed stone, and 1 part turf - the components are mixed and moistened.

In the first 5 years, the plant will have to be replanted every spring, choosing a new container 2/3 larger than the old one.


Its deficiency can cause the plant to stop growing and developing. Rosemary is light-loving, and light should fall on it 6 hours a day, even in winter. To illuminate the flower, it is good to use phytolamps.

As for the spring-summer period, you will have to add light to the bush for up to 16-18 hours, otherwise it may die. It is even recommended to expose it to the air at this time. This will definitely help restore the health of the plant. At the same time, the bush must be protected from burns - in extreme heat it should be slightly shaded.

Soil and pot

The right container and soil mixture for rosemary is an important point, because if they are not suitable for the bush, it will gradually wither. The rhizome of the plant is branched, so the flower container for it needs to be spacious - deep and wide. Due to the increased need of the root system for oxygen, the pot must be made of porous material. It is optimal when the container is made of clay without any coating. When the rosemary bush is young, a flower container with a diameter of 20 cm is enough for it.

Ordinary soil from the garden is not always suitable - the bush requires a certain soil mixture so that the rosemary in the pot does not dry out. It is better to buy a ready-made substrate (lime-based, crushed stone) at a flower shop. But it is possible to create the soil yourself. A simple version consists of 3 parts - leaf turf, peat mixture and humus (ripened compost) mixed with crushed stone in equal proportions. There is another option for a soil mixture suitable for rosemary:

  • humus – ½ share;
  • turf soil without roots - 1 part;
  • leaf turf – 1 share;
  • peat mixture – ½ part;
  • river sand – ½ share;
  • humus or compost - ½ part.

Attention! Before placing the bush in a container, the substrate in it is thoroughly spilled. For the first 5 years, rosemary will need to be replanted into a container 2/3 larger than the previous one every spring.

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