We choose the sweetest varieties of cucumbers that never taste bitter

We have compiled a review of sweet varieties and hybrids of cucumbers and thank our partners for their participation - Poisk Agroholding, Agro. We will not only help you decide on the choice of your cucumber variety and hybrid, but also give you some tips on how to grow sweet cucumbers.

  • A small cheat sheet about why cucumbers are bitter
  • Debunking myths about sweetness and bitterness in cucumbers
  • 7 rules for avoiding bitterness in cucumbers
  • Top 11 sweet cucumbers from Poisk Agroholding
  • Top 10 sweet cucumbers from
  • Top 9 sweet cucumbers from
  • Top 5 sweet cucumbers from

A small cheat sheet about why cucumbers are bitter

Cucumber plants that are stressed during the growing season may produce bitter-tasting fruit. Usually due to lack of water or temperatures that are too cold or too hot, cucumbers taste bitter.

But some varieties and hybrids may have a bitter aftertaste no matter how they are cared for. Cucumbers contain organic compounds called cucurbitacins, which can cause a bitter taste. If you are a beginner, try to avoid varieties and hybrids that are too demanding in terms of growing conditions and plan your seed purchases more carefully.

Provide even watering for cucumbers

Debunking myths about sweetness and bitterness in cucumbers

Sometimes the bitterness in cucumbers is explained by a variety of reasons, and this myth-making stubbornly settles in the minds of beginners.

Lyubov Chistyakova, a cucumber breeder at Poisk Agroholding, helped us understand the issues of cucumber sweetness.

  • If we compare it with other representatives of the pumpkin family, such as melon and watermelon, then the cucumber is definitely inferior to them in taste; compared to them, it is tasteless and, of course, unsweetened. But upon tasting, having tried more than a dozen cucumber fruits, you can understand that this or that variety or hybrid has sweeter and tastier fruits. The organoleptic method of assessing the taste of fruits is the most realistic compared to the biochemical one.
  • The direction of breeding work is dictated by the market (demand), but of course, there are areas that the breeder likes to work with more. In cucumber breeding, the most important areas (without which the hybrid should not be released) are not only plant resistance to diseases and pests, but also abiotic factors; high precocity and early ripening of plants, plant productivity, taste, questions about the use of fruits (salting or pickling, or better yet, both), the direction of salad cucumbers, transportability and much more, usually the buyer does not know what a hybrid is, until he grows it, at least for 3 years.
  • Bitterness is inherited genetically! And it is very stupid to say that if a hybrid with a genetic lack of bitterness falls into unfavorable conditions, then the fruits will become bitter. The absence of bitterness is inherited by a recessive gene, and in order for the hybrid not to accumulate bitterness, both parents must be free of bitterness. In this regard, the surface, color and size of the greens, the color of the thorns, and especially the plants growing in the neighborhood, do not in any way affect the presence of bitterness.
  • The fact that there is bitterness in black-thorn varieties is explained by the fact that previously breeders did not select for the absence of bitterness and most old varieties have bitterness. And yes, in old varieties, weather conditions, lack of watering, overwatering, and excess nitrogen affect whether we feel bitterness or not.
  • Bee-pollinated and parthenocarpic cucumbers grown under the same conditions do not differ in taste! Fruits from open and protected ground differ in taste. When opened, they have a richer taste and aroma.

Choose cucumber hybrids that are genetically free of bitterness


In order for the plants of the variety to grow well, and the fruits to differ in taste and appearance, the beds need regular care. Despite the fact that cucumbers are not picky about agricultural technology, they need basic procedures:

  • Watering process. It is recommended to water the beds with the Alizar f1 hybrid every 2-3 days (taking into account the characteristics of the region and weather conditions). Water the plants strictly at the roots and only with warm water.
  • Formation. It is necessary to form cucumber bushes into the main stem to a height of up to 1 meter. It is also recommended to leave 2 stepsons and remove the rest.
  • It is advisable to fertilize the soil with cucumbers every 20 days. Complex fertilizers, as well as minerals and organic matter, are added to the soil. It is necessary to feed the soil at the root so as not to damage the tops of the variety.

Top 11 sweet cucumbers from Poisk Agroholding

1. Cucumber F1 Ladies' man

Super-yielding cucumber hybrid: more than 5 ovaries per node.

Delicious crispy gherkins. Ideal for salting and marinating. Early maturing parthenocarpic hybrid for film greenhouses and open ground. The period from full germination to the first harvest is 38-40 days. The fruits are 8-10 cm long, without bitterness, finely tuberculate, white-thorned. Very aromatic and tasty cucumbers. Used fresh, for salting and pickling.

Cucumber F1 Ladies' man is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus and olive spot.

2. Cucumber F1 Stilyaga

Fragrant crispy greens are ideal for pickling and pickling and have high commercial quality. The most delicious pickled cucumbers. Parthenocarpic early ripening hybrid. For cultivation in film greenhouses and open ground. The period from germination to the beginning of fruiting is 38-43 days. The fruits are cylindrical, finely tuberculate, white-thorned, 11-13 cm long, very beautiful, gherkin-type. Ideal for salting and marinating. The taste and commercial qualities of F1 Stilyaga cucumbers are high.

Cucumber F1 Stilyaga is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, olive spot and tolerant to powdery mildew and peronospora.

3. Cucumber F1 Crispy slice

Delicious, aromatic, productive cucumber. Parthenocarpic mid-season hybrid for film greenhouses and open ground. The period from full germination to the first harvest is 50-53 days. The fruits are 8-10 cm long, smooth, for salad purposes. Juicy, fragrant greens.

Cucumber F1 Crispy slice is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, olive spot and tolerant to powdery mildew and downy mildew.

4. Cucumber F1 Athos

Dense and crispy cucumbers, without bitterness and voids, do not turn yellow. Dark green fruits with good texture and crunch. Parthenocarpic hybrid for open and protected ground. The period from germination to fruiting is 38-40 days. The plant is long-climbing, with a bouquet type of ovary. The fruit is 6-9 cm long, finely tuberculate.

Cucumbers are suitable for fresh consumption and canning.

Cucumber F1 Atos is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus and powdery mildew.

5. Cucumber F1 Taste of childhood

The unforgettable cucumber aroma of fresh herbs. Early maturing parthenocarpic hybrid for film greenhouses and open ground. The period from full germination to the first harvest is 38-42 days. The plant is vigorous, female type of flowering. The fruits are 10-12 cm long, without bitterness, white-spiked, with frequent tubercles. Cucumbers are used for fresh consumption and canning.

Cucumber F1 Taste of childhood is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, olive spot and tolerant to powdery mildew.

6. Cucumber F1 Bouquet for mom

Bouquet type of flowering and easy formation. Cucumbers have excellent taste. For protected and open ground. Early ripe parthenocarpic hybrid of female flowering type. The period from full germination to the first harvest is 38-42 days. The plant is vigorous and has average branching. 4-6 or more ovaries are formed in a node. The fruits are cylindrical, large-tubercular, white-spiked, 10-12 cm long, 3.5-4 cm in diameter. Weight 110-130 g. Used for fresh consumption and canning.

Cucumber F1 Bouquet for Mom is resistant to a range of diseases.

7. Cucumber F 1 Gourmand

Delicious aromatic cucumbers for fresh salads. Parthenocarpic hybrid for film greenhouses. The period from full germination to the first harvest is 40-45 days. Hybrid of predominantly female flowering type. The fruits are 18-20 cm long, sparsely tuberculate, white pubescence. The fruits are juicy, with soft skin, crispy, very tasty and aromatic. For fresh consumption.

The hybrid is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus and olive spot.

8. Cucumber F1 Refectory

Fragrant, dense, crispy cucumbers. Excellent taste fresh and pickled. Abundant and long-term fruiting. Tolerates hot weather well. Bee-pollinated early-ripening hybrid for open ground. The period from full germination to the first harvest is 42-45 days. The fruits are 10-11 cm long, without bitterness and voids, finely tuberculate. Used for fresh consumption and canning.

Cucumber F1 Refectory is resistant to powdery mildew, downy mildew and fusarium.

9. Cucumber F1 Crunchland

Amazing taste and aroma. Parthenocarpic hybrid of cucumbers for film greenhouses. The period from full germination to the first harvest is 45-50 days. The fruits are 17-20 cm long, large-tubercular, white-thorned. Dense, crispy flesh and tender skin. Excellent taste when fresh, suitable for pickling and winter salads.

Cucumber F1 Crunchlandia is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus and olive spot virus.

10. Cucumber F1 Kapitoshka

Abundant harvest. The best gherkins for pickling and pickling. Cold resistant. Parthenocarpic early-ripening gherkin-type hybrid for growing in film greenhouses and open ground. The period from full germination to the first harvest is from 40 to 43 days. Only female flowers are formed on plants, more than 5 pieces per node.

The fruits are 10-11 cm long, finely tuberculate, white-thorned. The taste and commercial qualities of cucumbers are excellent. Incredibly tasty gherkins when salted and marinated. Withstands slight cold weather well.

Cucumber F1 Kapitoshka is resistant to a range of diseases.

11. Cucumber F1 Beijing gourmet

Cucumber F1 Beijing gourmet is a tasty, aromatic and sweet cucumber. Heat-resistant, disease-resistant. Parthenocarpic early-ripening hybrid for growing in film greenhouses and in open ground. From germination to the beginning of fruiting 44-47 days. The fruit is 33-35 cm long, dark green, shiny, coarsely tuberculate. Greens with a small seed chamber, excellent taste, aromatic, sweet. The hybrid is resistant to powdery mildew, peronospora, fusarium and high temperatures.

Cucumber F1 Beijing gourmet is suitable for fresh consumption in salads.

Top 10 sweet cucumbers from

1. Cucumber Sweet Crunch

Cucumber Sweet Crunch is a mid-season sweet variety of cucumbers with an unusual fruit color and excellent taste. The fruits are cylindrical, coarsely tuberculate, with black pubescence. The average weight of each gherkin reaches 60-70 g, the length of the fruit is 7-10 cm. It is distinguished by its bright, light, almost white color, delicious taste, and resistance to powdery mildew.

Cucumber Sweet Crunch is perfect for canning.

2. Cucumber F1 Buddy

Cucumber F1 Buddy - new for 2022. An early self-pollinating indeterminate hybrid of a cucumber with a predominantly female flowering type. From germination to fruiting 35-40 days. Forms 2-4 ovaries per node. Plants are vigorous with strong branching. The green leaf is cylindrical in shape, 10 x 3.5 cm, white-thorned, medium-tubercular. Fruitful. The taste is excellent, slightly sweet.

3. Cucumber F1 Claudius

Parthenocarpic hybrid of a cucumber variety popular among Russians. It is characterized by rapid growth, short internodes, and produces several fruits in each node. Zelentsy are about 10 cm long, of excellent quality, beautiful, black-thorned. Good fresh and excellent when pickled. The hybrid is suitable for growing in open and closed ground.

Cucumber F1 Claudius is resistant to a complex of diseases.

4. Cucumber F1 New Nezhinsky

A mid-season bee-pollinated hybrid of cucumbers, superior in yield and taste to the classic Nezhinsky variety. Zelenets is white-spiked, with a beautiful classic “Russian” shirt, which makes the blanks especially attractive. It is characterized by excellent pickling qualities - better than all other cucumbers known in history. The high yield of the new cucumber hybrid will make it possible to produce lightly salted and salted cucumbers on an industrial scale with a taste that was once supplied to the royal table. The plant is long-climbing.

Hybrid F1 New Nezhinsky is resistant to major cucumber diseases.

5. Cucumber F1 White crunch

Early ripening, productive hybrid, predominantly female type of flowering. Ready for harvest 45 days after sowing. The fruits are cylindrical, smooth, with smooth skin, up to 17 cm long and weighing up to 180 g. Fruit harvesting begins at a length of 10 cm. Cucumber F1 White Crunch is distinguished by its bright appearance and excellent taste when fresh.

6. Cucumber F1 Diva

The most delicious hybrid of cucumbers for salad purposes, good in lemonades . Early ripening, parthenocarpic, predominantly female type of flowering. The greens are smooth, 15-20 cm long. Thanks to their thin and tender skin, juicy pulp and small seeds, they are better suited for use in salads than others. Resistant to major cucumber diseases.

Cucumber F1 Diva is marked with a quality mark.

7. Cucumber F1 Bush-crunch

The new bush cucumber hybrid has incredibly compact shoots no more than half a meter long. White-thorned fruits - classic pickles - are dark green with light stripes, grow up to 11 cm long. A very productive variety, ripening in 52 days.

F1 Crisp bush is tolerant to powdery mildew and cucumber mosaic virus.

8. Cucumber F1 Moscow delicacy

Cucumber F1 Moscow delicacy is a parthenocarpic early-ripening (42 days) hybrid of cucumbers. Very tasty, beautiful, and has earned sincere admiration from many of our customers! The plant is medium-climbing, with tufted ovaries. The greens are beautiful, cylindrical in shape, finely tuberous, genetically without bitterness, and do not outgrow. Cucumbers are good fresh or canned. Recommended for both open and protected ground.

Hybrid F1 Moscow delicacy is characterized by high yield and marketability, and is resistant to major cucumber diseases.

9. Lightly salted cucumber

Malosalny cucumber is a bee-pollinated early variety of cucumbers. Clusters of neat fruits just beg to be put into a barrel for pickling! Very quickly you get incredibly crispy, aromatic and tasty lightly salted cucumbers. The greens are oval, 8-9 cm long, coarsely tuberculate, white-thorned, with light stripes on ½ of the fruit.

We recommend planting several different varieties nearby. This will increase the chances of good cross-pollination!

10 . Cucumber F1 Russian size XXL

A special hybrid of cucumbers, adapted for growing in hot climates. The fruits are straight, often tuberculate, located mostly on the main shoot. They grow quickly and reach an unprecedented length - 45-50 cm! They have simply great taste when fresh.

Cucumber hybrid F1 Russian size XXL is recommended for indoor and open ground.

The best varieties of salad cucumbers

Salad cucumbers can be purely salad or universal. We choose ourselves.

Popular salad cucumbers

: Marta F1, Makar F1, Zozulya F1, Flagman F1, Moscow Greenhouse F1, Amur F1, Rafael F1, Relay F1, Melnitsa F1, Arina F1, Pikas F1, Ceres F1, Zanachka F1, Saltan F1, Nugget, Voyage F1.

Marta F1

Cucumber Martha F1 was created by agricultural specialists in 2001.
Then there were tests, and after passing them in 2002, the culture was registered in the Russian State Register. The hybrid was approved for cultivation throughout the Russian Federation. Description of the hybrid


The Marta F1 cucumber hybrid has a growing season of 42 - 45 days after all the sprouts have pecked. Considered early.

The plant is parthenocarpic, indeterminate with weak branching. Female flowering type. The ovaries are formed in bunches.

The fruits are cylindrical in shape, and their color is green with a pattern of short stripes. The tubercles are small and sparse. The pubescence is white. Weight 150 g - 250 g. Length 15 cm - 20 cm.

Advantages of a hybrid


  1. Precocity.
  2. High yield (12 kg - 15 kg per 1 sq. m of plot).
  3. Good immunity.
  4. Great taste.
  5. The hybrid is stress-resistant and can easily survive temperature fluctuations.
  6. Not bad for a salad variety to be stored and transported.

Disadvantages of a hybrid


  • There is no way to prepare your own seeds.
  • The crop needs to be properly cared for (feeded and watered).

Makar F1

The cucumber hybrid Makar F1 was developed and bred by workers from the breeding and seed production industry.
And this happened in 2001. Further, after passing variety tests in 2002, the hybrid was included in the state register of Russia. It was allowed to be grown in all regions of our huge country. Hybrid characteristics


Salad cucumber varieties such as Makar F1 are early ripening. The culture ripens within 41 - 44 days after all the seeds have hatched.

The bush plant is of indeterminate type. Its branching is weak. Flowering is female type with 2 - 6 ovaries (bunched). It does not need to be pollinated (parthenocarpic).

Zelentsy are cylindrical in shape. Their color is green. The pattern is short light stripes. The surface of the fruit is covered with a small number of small tubercles with white spines. Their average weight ranges from 200 g to 260 g, while their length grows to 14 cm to 19 cm.

Advantages of a hybrid


  1. High yields (12 kg - 15 kg per 1 sq. m).
  2. Resistance to major diseases.
  3. Excellent taste and presentation.
  4. Early ripening.
  5. The plant is stress-resistant. It can easily survive bad weather conditions, as well as temperature changes.
  6. Decent immunity.

Disadvantages of a hybrid


  • Inability to obtain your own seeds.
  • Fertilizing and watering are important for the crop.

Zozulya F1

Salad cucumber Zozulya F1 was developed and bred at the vegetable experimental station named after.
V.I. Edelshtein, which works on the basis of the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. K. A. Timiryazeva. The crop was sent for variety testing back in 1972. And only in 1977 the hybrid was registered in the state register of selection achievements. Cucumber was allowed to be cultivated in the Northern, Northwestern, Central, Volga-Vyatka, North Caucasus, Middle Volga and Central Black Sea regions. Description of the hybrid


Varieties of salad cucumbers, such as Zozulya F1, have a medium-early ripening period. Ripening occurs within 46 - 48 days after germination of all shoots.

The plant has a main stem of medium length, with weak branching. It is considered parthenocarpic. The main crop usually ripens in the first month of fruiting.

Cucumbers are cylindrical in shape, which can be 14 cm - 23 cm in length. The tubercles are sparse. The pubescence is white. Weight 156 g - 289 g.

Hybrid values


  1. Harvest from 1 sq. m are collected at 9.0 kg - 9.2 kg.
  2. The taste is considered good.
  3. Friendly fruiting.
  4. Large fruits.
  5. Parthenocarpy.
  6. Decent immunity.

Disadvantages of a hybrid


  • Procuring your own seeds is not possible.

Flagship F1

The Flagship F1 cucumber was created by agricultural breeders.
The application for variety testing was submitted in 2006. And after passing tests in 2008, the hybrid was successfully registered in the state register of selection achievements. It was allowed to be cultivated in regions such as Northern, Northwestern, Central, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Sea Region, North Caucasus and Middle Volga. Hybrid characteristics


Salad cucumber Flagman F1 is early ripening. The culture has a growing season of 40 - 45 days after all the seeds hatch.

The bushes are indeterminate with weak branching. The flowers are formed mainly by female flowers, of which there can be from 1 to 3 pieces in one leaf axil. Parthenocarpic.

Zelentsy have an elongated cylindrical shape, and on their surface you can see large tubercles (there are few of them). The spines are white. The average weight is 215 g, and the length is 16 cm - 18 cm.

Pros of a hybrid


  1. Excellent taste (no bitterness).
  2. Resistance to major diseases.
  3. High yield (12 kg per 1 sq.m. plot).
  4. The fruits are large.
  5. The culture easily tolerates bad weather conditions, as well as temperature changes.
  6. Salad varieties of cucumbers such as Flagman have an attractive appearance.

Cons of a hybrid


  • You definitely won’t be able to get your own seeds.

Cupid F1

The cucumber hybrid Amur F1 was created by Russian breeders.
The development was carried out by specialists from the selection and seed production industry. In 1999, the hybrid was submitted for variety testing. And already in 2000, the culture was included in the state register of the Russian Federation. Any region of the Russian Federation is suitable for its cultivation, except the Far North. Description of the hybrid


Salad cucumber Amur F1 ripens very early. The first harvest can be harvested 37 - 40 days after all the planted seeds have hatched.

The plant is parthenocarpic, indeterminate with weakly expressed branching. Flowering is predominantly female. Up to 2 fruits can form in a node.

The fruits are 12 cm - 15 cm long. Their shape is spindle-shaped. The tubercles are small. The color is green with a pattern of light stripes. Weight 90 g - 110 g. The spines are white.

Advantages of a hybrid


  1. Ultra early maturity.
  2. Complex resistance to major diseases.
  3. The harvest is ripening together.
  4. The plant is able to regulate branching itself.
  5. More than one ovary may form at a node (bouquet flowering).
  6. Marketable yield 12 kg - 14 kg per 1 sq. m.



  • If the harvest is not harvested on time, then the skin becomes rough.
  • Fewer ovaries are formed on the lower tiers. More than one ovary is usually obtained only on the upper tiers.
  • It will not be possible to collect seeds for next year.

Moscow greenhouse F1

The Moscow greenhouse cucumber F1 was reproduced by specialists from the All-Russian Research Institute of Seed Growing and Vegetable Crops Breeding.
This happened back in 1971. Then, after passing the tests, already in 1974, the crop was included in the state register. And it was allowed to be grown in the Northern, Northwestern, Volga-Vyatka, Central, Middle Volga and Central Black Sea regions. Hybrid characteristics


Salad cucumber varieties such as Moscow Greenhouse F1 are considered early ripening. The culture ripens in 43 - 45 days after all the seeds have hatched.

The plant is parthenocarpic, in which 2 to 4 ovaries can form in 1 node. It is characterized by the predominance of the female type of flowering. The main stem is long.

The cucumbers are 30 cm - 40 cm long. The shape is cleft-shaped. In rare cases, cylindrical. Their average weight is 366 g. There are very few tubercles or they are completely absent. The pubescence is white.

Advantages of a hybrid


  1. The harvest is harvested from 1 square. m at 27.3 kg.
  2. Good taste.
  3. Large fruit.
  4. The hybrid is stress-resistant and can withstand bad weather conditions and temperature fluctuations.

Disadvantages of a hybrid


  • It is impossible to get your own seeds from a hybrid.

Rafael F1

The cucumber hybrid Rafael F1 was jointly developed by specialists from the breeding department and the All-Russian Research Institute of Seed Growing and Breeding of Vegetable Crops.
In 2004, the hybrid was submitted for testing application. And only in 2006 the crop was registered in the register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation. It was allowed for cultivation only in one Central region. Description of the hybrid


Cucumber Rafael F1 has a late ripening period. The culture ripens within 70 days after all seeds have sprouted.

The plant has an indeterminate bush with medium branching, and it has parthenocarpy. It blooms mainly with female flowers, of which there can be from 1 to 3 pieces in 1 leaf axil.

The fruits are medium in size (20 cm - 22 cm) and cylindrical in shape. They are smooth and green. Their weight is 173 g - 210 g.

Hybrid value


  1. Such varieties of salad cucumbers as Rafael have high yields (20.9 kg - 24.5 kg per 1 sq. m).
  2. Parthenocarpy.
  3. Excellent taste without bitterness.
  4. Excellent presentation.
  5. Shade tolerance.
  6. Disease resistance.
  7. Large fruit.

Disadvantages of a hybrid


  • It is impossible to get your own seeds from a hybrid.
  • The crop needs appropriate care.
  • Suitable for fresh consumption only.

F1 relay

Cucumber Relay F1 was developed at the vegetable experimental station named after.
V.I. Edelshtein in 1979. Next, there were variety trials to include the hybrid in the state register of the Russian Federation. And only 3 years later, in 1983, the crop was registered in the register of selection achievements. The hybrid is suitable for cultivation in regions such as Northern, Northwestern, Central, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Sea Region, North Caucasus and Middle Volga. Hybrid characteristics


The cucumber hybrid Relay F1 is considered mid-season and ripens within 50 - 60 days.

The plant has long lashes, but the side lashes can self-regulate. Bee-pollinated hybrid (all about bee-pollinated cucumbers). Here, only male flowers (barren flowers) are formed on the main vine. And women's ones are tied exclusively on the side lashes.

The cucumbers are long (14 cm - 23 cm) with sparse large tubercles. The spines are white. Weight up to 200 g. Spindle-shaped.

Advantages of a hybrid


  1. Excellent yet stable yield.
  2. Great taste with no bitterness.
  3. Decent immunity.
  4. It has good keeping quality and transportability.
  5. Culture can survive bad weather and other disasters with dignity.
  6. Appearance.

Disadvantages of a hybrid


  • The crop is bee-pollinated, which means it needs to provide access to bees and bumblebees. By the way
    , you can add other varieties to the hybrid, which will act as pollinating plants.
  • Late maturation.
  • You won't be able to prepare your own seeds.

Mill F1

The cucumber hybrid Melnitsa F1 was created in the breeding and seed production industry.
Further, in 2005, an application was submitted to undergo testing to include the hybrid in the register of breeding achievements. And already in the next 2006, the culture was included in the list of the Russian state register. Northern, Northwestern, Central, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Sea Region, North Caucasus and Middle Volga are regions where the crop can be grown. Description of the hybrid


Such varieties of salad cucumbers as Melnitsa F1 have an early ripening period. The hybrid can be harvested 40 - 42 days after all the seeds have sprouted.

The bush plant has an indeterminate type and is medium branched. Flowering occurs mainly with female flowers, of which from 1 to 3 are formed per node. The culture is parthenocarpic.

The cucumbers are 15 cm - 18 cm long, and they weigh 150 g - 180 g. They have an oval shape. Color green with stripes. The tubercles are small. The pubescence is white.

Pros of a hybrid


  1. The sizes allow the cucumbers to be used universally.
  2. Early ripening.
  3. Harvest from 1 sq. m are removed 12 kg - 13 kg.
  4. Resistance to major diseases.
  5. Excellent taste without bitterness.
  6. Attractive appearance.

Cons of a hybrid


  • The need for nutritious soil, which means that fertilizing is important.
  • Procuring your own seeds is not possible.

Top 9 sweet cucumbers from

1. Cucumber F1 Smelt

Fruits continuously. An ideal hybrid for collecting pickles (3-4 cm in length) and gherkins (fruits 5-7 cm). Does not require the help of pollinating insects. The first greens will appear on days 37-39. The greens are lumpy, weighing 30-50 g, do not taste bitter, do not overgrow, are sweet and crunchy. Cucumber F1 Smelt form up to 5 ovaries in nodes (see the back of the package for the correct formation), which guarantees stable and friendly ripening of the greens.

2 Cucumber variety Altai

Altai cucumber is a cucumber with a Siberian character. Early ripening (39-41 days) variety, resistant to disease and cold. Bee pollinated. Designed for open ground and film greenhouses. Zelentsy are short, tuberculate, oval, weighing 90-118 g, length 9-13.

Altai cucumbers are great for salads, vegetable cuttings and pickling. Can be grown through seedlings or direct sowing in the ground.

3. Cucumber F1 City cucumber

For the winter harvest and those who do not have a garden. Super early ripening (38-40 days). Parthenocarpic hybrid of cucumbers, does not require pollination. It branches actively, is not afraid of shade, has small leaves, and forms compact ovaries (3-9 per node). It does not take up much space, so it grows well on loggias, balconies, verandas, as well as in open ground or a greenhouse. Fruits abundantly. The cucumbers are crispy, juicy and sweet. They grow up to 12 cm, weighing 75-90 g, do not outgrow, remaining small and thin (colloquially “finger cucumbers”).

This hybrid of cucumbers is not afraid of a number of diseases: olive spot, powdery mildew, cucumber mosaic, etc.

4. Cucumber F1 Junior Lieutenant

The parthenocarpic hybrid of cucumbers begins to bear fruit on the 39-40th day. More than 3 ovaries are formed in one axil, from which medium-tuberous greens grow, weighing 90-110 g, 9-12 cm long. It bears fruit consistently, avoiding a number of cucumber diseases.

Cucumber F1 Junior Lieutenant is suitable for enjoying greens directly from the garden, as well as for pickling.

5. Cucumber F1 Simple-idle

Easy to grow, generous in harvest! Not afraid of cucumber diseases (rot, spotting). It performs well both in open ground and in greenhouses. Mid-early hybrid (48-50 days) of cucumbers for a long harvest. The cucumbers are one to one - cylindrical, finely and often tuberous, dark green, up to 10 cm long, tasty, crispy and aromatic.

F1 Simple-single cucumbers are perfect for pickles and summer slicing.

6. Cucumber F1 Beam boom

Cucumber F1 Beam boom is ideal for pickles and pickling! Does not require pollination, early ripening variety (39-44 days) for open and protected ground. At the nodes, it forms at least 5 ovaries together and at the same time, and with the correct formation of the plant, you will get a real bunch boom. On the reverse side of the Altai Seeds package there is detailed information about the formation. Greens grow up to 9-11 cm, with a diameter of 3-3.5 cm, sweet, crispy. They do not outgrow, and when harvested in winter they retain their shape, density and elasticity. Continues to bear fruit even with a noticeable drop in temperature.

7. Cucumber F1 Guys pickle

An early-ripening, self-pollinating cucumber for collecting pickles (at 37-38 days) and gherkins (at 42-44 days). Up to 5 ovaries are formed in one node, which, if formed correctly, ripen evenly. The fruits are not bitter, juicy and crispy.

Hybrid F1 Guys piculata is resistant to root rot, cucumber mosaic virus and powdery mildew.

8. Cucumber F1 Crispy bunch

Cucumbers without bitterness!

Early ripening hybrid (37-40 days). Up to 7 ovaries are formed in one sinus. It is important to form it correctly. As a result, you will get one to one greens (cylindrical, dark green, lumpy, weighing 70-90 g, 8-11 cm long).

The pulp of green cucumbers F1 Crispy bunch is dense, crispy, sweet, aromatic, absolutely without bitterness.

9. Cucumbers F1 Nursery group

Cucumber garlands in your garden. Very early (38-42 days) self-pollinating hybrid. A compact plant with an incredible number of ovaries, at least 3-5 fruits. Zelentsy with clearly defined thorns, which is ideal for pickling. The fruits grow up to 11 cm, weighing 90-100 g, with crispy, juicy and sweet pulp.

Cucumbers F1 Nursery group is not afraid of temperature changes, a number of cucumber diseases, and continues to bear fruit.

The best varieties of hybrid cucumbers for greenhouses, with photos of seeds and descriptions

Russian seeds


Friendly family F1

Greenhouse hybrid of medium height, moderate branching. On the central stem, up to 4 greens grow at the nodes, on the side branches - a couple of times more. The ripening period for cucumbers is mid-early (45 days). Pickles 4 cm long, gherkins 7 cm long, and greens 10 cm long are collected from the bushes. The tuberculation is medium, the spines are white. Resistance to real and downy mildew is excellent. The yield is surprising: 20 kg per square. On the register since 2003.

Prestige F1

On the register since 2007. Zoned in Central Russia and Western Siberia. Suitable for open ground, even in regions where unstable weather is the norm. But it follows that the greenhouse planting option will be much preferable. Vegetables are not afraid of shading, cloudy weather, cold weather and disease. It is also grown indoors. It begins to bear fruit early (from 42 days) and has a long-term yield. Medium sized bush. Ovary in a bouquet of up to 4 pieces. The gherkin fruits of cucumbers are 8 cm long, weighing 70 g, excellent presentation. They are white-pubescent, large-pimpled, dark green, without internal voids. Productivity is high.


Ant F1

Very early (from 37 days) parthenocarpic for greenhouses and open ground. The lateral branches are short, ending in a bunch of ovaries. On the main stem, from two to seven fruits grow in the axils - their number directly depends on the lighting: there are fewer in the shade. It requires only an abundance of light, but is hardy to any weather. Not susceptible to peronosporosis. Ignores mosaic virus, downy mildew, avoids cladosporiosis (olive spot). The fruits of the plant are large-tubercular, white-thorned, slightly ribbed, with small white stripes, up to 11 cm and 110 grams in size. On the register since 2003.

Funny gnomes F1

New (2013) early ripening hybrid (38 days). Disease resistance is average. The main lash is long, the branching is weak. Hobbyists may prefer a greenhouse, or plant it in open ground with a trellis. There are 3-4 Zelentsovs in the axils, they are dark green, juicy in color, small - 8 cm, 80 grams. Small tubercles are located very densely. Cucumbers are good for preservation. Presentation and excellent yield are guaranteed.


Berendey F1

The main feature is the ability of vegetables to bear fruit in the shade, which, combined with parthenocarpy and resistance to root rot, makes it possible to harvest even in an apartment. In greenhouses, cucumbers also perform well, producing buckets of fruit from the bush. As a rule, 3-4 ovaries are tied in knots. The size of the greens is 14 cm, 135 grams. They are white-haired, with beautiful tubercles. The purpose is primarily salad, although the hybrid is also suitable for pickling. In terms of timing, medium early (44-50 days). Registered in the register in 2007.

Garland F1

A newer version (2010) of a shade-tolerant self-pollinating hybrid with the highest resistance to all cucumber diseases. Cultivated indoors, greenhouses; It can also be done outdoors. The main lash is long, the branching is very weak. Bouquet ovary - 4-5 pieces. The greens are dark, tuberculate, with light pubescence, dense, fragrant. Grows up to 13 cm, 125 grams. The purpose is universal.

Zyatek F1

The most popular parthenocarpic for collecting pickles, gherkins, traditional greens (11 cm, 95 grams). The taste is excellent. The cucumber tubercles are quite dense, beautiful, and white-pubescent. Each node grows from 2 to 8 greens. Vegetable productivity is high. Fruits from 45 (plus or minus 3) days from the appearance of sprouts and for a long time. Does not suffer from powdery mildew (both downy and real), root rot. My recommendations for growing it both in a greenhouse and in open ground. On the register since 2007.

Break F1

This self-pollinating cucumber hybrid has been on the register since 2002. It is recommended for greenhouse crops, but also gave excellent results in open ground. Medium-sized, medium-branched. On the main stem it forms two or three ovaries in the axil of each leaf, and up to 8 on the branches. The bush gives a bucketful harvest. This is greatly facilitated by resistance to the most harmful infections - downy mildew, powdery mildew, and root rot. Zelentsy are 10 cm in size, 90 grams, excellent for preservation. They are often tuberculate, with light spines of medium size.


Tempo F1

The hybrid has been declared in the Russian Register since 2006 and has a state patent as an outstanding breeding achievement. Parthenocarpic for growing pickles (size varies around 5 cm) and gherkins (up to 7 cm). The greens do not outgrow, but require regular harvesting to actively increase the yield. The yield per square meter is a bucket of pickles or two buckets of gherkins. The cucumbers are tuberous, prickly, white-thorned, without voids inside. The main advantage is the impeccably dense and crispy flesh of the pickled products; the seeds are not felt. There is no bitterness.

The plant is tolerant of extremely high greenhouse temperatures, but also shows excellent yield results in open ground. Bundle ovary from three pieces. Characterized by long-term growth. Branching in plantings is very weak. Early and “long-lasting”: vegetable harvesting begins 42 days after germination and continues until the end of the season (provided the growth point of the central stem is maintained). Does not suffer from cladosporiosis. True and downy mildew, and cucumber mosaic too, practically do not “affect” it.


Seven kids F1

Self-pollinating early ripening (42 days) new product from Siberian and Altai producers. Gherkins and greens - this is the stage of cucumber development at which this hybrid is perfect for harvesting. You will be pleased with the 90 gram fruits and the picking length - 11 cm. The cucumbers are smooth, tuberculate, with light pubescence. Stable fruiting in any greenhouse. The purpose is universal.

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