Eggplant diseases, photos and methods of treating vegetables

Eggplants are delicate vegetable crops that are susceptible to many diseases. This applies to both adult plants and seedlings. Prevention should be carried out in the early stages of development.

Diseases of eggplant seedlings not only slow down their development and even lead to death (if measures are not taken in time), but also negatively affect the future harvest (if the seedlings survive).

Let's consider the main problems that a gardener is likely to encounter when growing eggplant seedlings, and we will indicate ways to combat them.

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Diseases of eggplant seedlings on leaves

Eggplants are very tasty vegetables and housewives love to prepare various dishes from them, can them and bake them. However, growing fruits is not so easy. Often the plant is attacked by insect pests and diseases. The problem is that eggplant seedlings are very tender and often the vegetable grower notices that various spots appear on the leaves of the plant, they wither or stop growing.

Plant diseases give the first symptoms by changing the color of the leaves. Therefore, an observant gardener can immediately identify the problem and take appropriate action. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the main manifestations of eggplant diseases and their causes:

  1. Yellowing of leaves is one of the most common problems that farmers face, according to reviews. Leaf condition is an indicator of plant health. As soon as eggplants lack moisture and minerals in the soil, they turn yellow. Having noticed that the lower leaves are withering, you need to organize regular and sufficient watering, as well as apply complex mineral fertilizers. To prevent yellowing of leaves, it is recommended to plant seedlings on fertile soil and apply fertilizer in the form of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and manure every 14 days.
  2. The leaves curl and there may be several reasons for this symptom. The most common problem is that the plant is not getting enough light and minerals from the soil. Overmoistening of the soil and pests on the bush can also cause curling. Experts recommend eliminating shading of bushes, if necessary. A positive effect is observed when mineral supplements are added, especially phosphorus and potassium.
  3. Light spots appeared on the leaves. The reason may be due to pest damage to the eggplant, the result of sunburn, or due to watering the seedlings with cold water. Insects are easy to identify if you examine the affected area under a magnifying glass. If pests were not detected, then the delicate tissue of the vegetable was damaged by direct sunlight. It is recommended to shade the seedlings at lunchtime, when the sun is at its zenith. According to biologists, light spots may be the result of excess fertilizer. You can reduce the concentration of applied fertilizers using a pink solution of potassium permanganate. If the entire leaf turns lighter, it’s time to apply nitrogen fertilizers.
  4. The appearance of damage on leaves is the result of pest activity. Careful examination of the seedlings and the soil around the plant will help detect the uninvited guest. Spraying the bush with an insecticide of biological origin “Fitoverm” will help get rid of ticks, the Colorado potato beetle, and all types of aphids.

It is very important to quickly notice the emergence of a problem so that the situation does not worsen. It is important to adhere to agricultural techniques for growing crops and minimize the appearance of alarming symptoms of the disease.

Pests, their signs and control options

Very often, eggplants suffer not only from various diseases, but also from pests. If plants are not protected in a timely manner and control measures are not taken, gardeners will not receive a good harvest.

See also

What varieties of eggplants are best to plant and grow in the Moscow region in open ground and greenhousesRead


These gastropods actively eat both bushes and eggplant fruits. Their active reproduction is facilitated by frequent rains and dense plantings. These pests can be identified by large holes on plants and by the mucus they leave behind as they move.

Methods to combat slugs:

  1. Remove weeds in a timely manner.
  2. Regularly ventilate greenhouse structures.
  3. Sprinkle paths and paths with coarse salt or sand.
  4. Mulch the soil with spruce needles.
  5. While loosening the soil, sprinkle with black or red pepper.

In cases where the above methods do not give a positive result, you can use metaldehyde. To do this, use this powder at the rate of 3 g per 1 sq. It is recommended to sprinkle the paths between the rows.

Cruciferous flea beetle

Insects such as cruciferous flea beetles can lead an active lifestyle in almost all areas of the garden plot. However, they do not tolerate shaded and damp places well. These small black insects attack eggplant leaves. In a short period of time, cruciferous flea beetles can destroy all the greenery of the bush, leaving only veins. At the same time, not only adult insects are dangerous for eggplants, but also their larvae. For their development, small individuals actively eat plant roots, which leads to their death.

In the fight against cruciferous flea beetles, dandelion or garlic infusion is used. To ensure that the liquid adheres well to the plants, it is recommended to add shavings of laundry soap to it.


In our country there are several species of aphids that feed on eggplant juices. Their color can vary, from dark black to bright red. But despite this, the methods of dealing with them are identical.

Methods for exterminating insects at home:

  1. Dissolve soap shavings in water. The resulting solution is applied to plants 2 times with an interval of 1 week.
  2. Mix table salt and soda in a 1:1 ratio. Add water and laundry soap to the resulting mass. The resulting mixture is sprayed onto the eggplants once every 3 days until the insects disappear completely.

Among professional products, gardeners advise using biological products that do not contain harmful chemical components.


Insects such as whiteflies cause significant damage to eggplants. Firstly, they absorb large amounts of plant sap. Secondly, whiteflies produce dangerous mildew, which contributes to the development of sooty fungus.

Insects are easy to spot. As a rule, the midges themselves and their larvae are found on the back side of the leaves.

If whiteflies have not yet had time to lay larvae, a soap solution made from tar soap is used to combat them. If you have children, it is recommended to use drugs that contain avermectins.

Colorado beetle

Colorado potato beetles are quite voracious pests. In 1 month, one female eats more than 4 g of greenery, the larva eats about 1 g. Moreover, in one season, each female lays about 700 eggs. Therefore, if pests are not eliminated in time, gardeners will be left without eggplants.

In the fight against the Colorado potato beetle, insecticides such as Imidacloprid and Pencicuron are considered the most effective.

The following methods are used without chemicals:

  1. Collecting beetles and larvae by hand.
  2. Dusting plants with wood ash.
  3. Spraying with soap solution.

You can also use repellent plants that repel Colorado potato beetles with their scent. Among them, the most effective are: marigold, calendula and celery.

Spider mite

Spider mites are considered the smallest pests for eggplants. Their size does not exceed 0.5 mm. But despite this, they cause great harm to both the plants themselves and their fruits.

The presence of spider mites on eggplants will be indicated by the following signs:

  • white spots on leaves;
  • drying of the tops;
  • A cobweb forms under the bushes.

If you immediately start fighting when you detect a spider mite, you will be able to do without chemicals.

To kill insects you will need:

  1. Increase humidity.
  2. Remove all damaged plant parts.
  3. Rip off all existing cobwebs.

For a quick effect, plants can be sprayed with ammonia diluted in water.


The mole cricket is an underground insect that is difficult to see. The presence of this pest can only be determined by looking at the burrows and trenches made in the ground. The insect feeds exclusively on the roots and above-ground parts of eggplants.

You can get rid of mole crickets in the following ways:

  1. Place eggshell and vegetable oil baits on the area.
  2. Fill insect holes with a solution of 150 ml of kerosene and 10 liters of water.

The destruction of pests also involves the use of a highly toxic drug - Phenaxin. Its granules are poured into places where there are large concentrations of insects.

Hypothermia of eggplant seedlings

From the cold, the seedlings wither to the state of a “rag”. This can happen when eggplant seedlings are taken out into the fresh air before planting in a permanent place. The consequences are eliminated by watering the plants with warm water at a temperature of 30°.

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Treatment of spots on seedlings

If prevention does not help and spots still appear on the seedlings, establish the cause of this phenomenon, and then begin treatment.

If the cause of the spots is pests, the seedlings must be treated with special means.

  1. Examine diseased plants through a magnifying glass. This way you can identify pests in a timely manner and be able to get rid of them. If powdery mildew is detected, spray the seedlings with a 0.5% solution of soda ash with soap, Ankara or Topaz.
  2. If you overdid it with mineral fertilizers, water the seedlings several times with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Treat diseased leaves with citric acid mixed with copper sulfate (1:1:1.5).
  3. When burns appear on the leaves, move the lighting to a further distance and feed the seedlings for several weeks.
  4. An ash solution will help eliminate stains that appear due to a lack of potassium - 1 tablespoon of ash per 1 liter of water. Water every day until the stains disappear.

Growing healthy eggplant seedlings is not easy. There are no particular difficulties in this matter, but you will have to pay attention to it constantly. But what pride you will feel when you see a bed with powerful bushes, abundantly hung with fruits, seeing that your efforts were not in vain.

The lower leaves of the eggplants began to turn yellow

In animals this situation would be called vitamin deficiency. Eggplant seedlings do not have enough nutrients in the soil and for further development they begin to suck them out of the lower leaves. Typically, a similar situation occurs when growing eggplant seedlings in peat. Eliminating the situation is quite simple: the eggplants need to be fed with complex fertilizer.

The lower leaves also turn yellow due to a lack of nitrogen. This is also eliminated with fertilizers. Seedling leaves may turn yellow due to some infectious diseases or pest attacks. Pests are relatively easy to notice, but before you start treating eggplant seedlings for an infectious disease, it is better to first add fertilizer and see if the situation improves.

Fungal infections

Most often, the cause of death of eggplant seedlings is a fungus.


Black leg on eggplant seedlings

Pathogen. Fungi Olpidium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, whose habitat is the upper layers of soil. Nutrition - dead plant tissue. When favorable conditions arise, the fungus settles on the plant in the zone of contact with the ground.

Main sign . The appearance of a girdling ring of the root zone with rapid decay of the underground part. Next, a constriction is formed, which prevents the flow of nutrients through the plant tissues.

Dangerous period. From seed germination to the formation of 3-4 true leaves. Root collar rot can also occur in adult plants, but with a lower percentage of complete death.

Causes of the disease:

  • use of contaminated soil;
  • excess moisture;
  • disruption of air exchange in the root zone;
  • improper feeding;
  • temperature difference.

Treatment. In the initial stage of the disease, all bushes are treated with the biological fungicide “Trichodermin”. You can use the pharmaceutical product “Metronidazole”: the tablets are diluted at the rate of 1 pc. for 1 liter of water. The solution is watered over the seedlings and the leaves are sprayed.

Seedlings affected by blackleg are completely removed so that they do not become carriers of the disease.

Prevention. Growing eggplant seedlings in peat pots. When grown in the ground, before planting the seeds, the soil is dusted with wood ash. As a preventative measure, water the seedlings with a solution of baking soda (1 tsp per 1 cup of water).


Anthracnose on leaves

Pathogen. A disease caused by Colletotrichum fungi. The consequences are infection of neighboring bushes, slower plant growth, decreased yield, and fruit rotting.

The main sign is considered to be red oval spots with a gradually drying center and a blurred edge. In appearance they resemble raindrops.

Dangerous period. Time after transferring seedlings to open ground. Anthracnose is rarely diagnosed on plants grown under greenhouse conditions.

Causes of the disease:

  • sowing infected seeds;
  • high humidity at a temperature of +23…+27°C;
  • violation of crop rotation, use of soil after nightshade.

Treatment. Spraying seedlings with Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate, copper oxychloride.

Prevention. Timely removal of weeds, compliance with temperature conditions, control of irrigation, pre-treatment of seeds.

Dry rot

Dry rot spots

Pathogen. The disease is caused by fungi of the genus Fusarium or Rhisopus. Consequences - the fungus that causes dry rot can kill up to 80% of plants.

Main sign. The appearance of small brown dry spots with clear edges that quickly spread throughout the entire leaf, causing the leaf blade to die.

Dangerous period. Leaves are affected during the seedling period. If a fungus attacks eggplants during fruiting, then superficial brown spots appear on the blue ones.

Causes of the disease:

  • sowing infected seeds without pre-treatment;
  • use of contaminated soil;
  • violation of crop rotation;
  • increased air humidity.

Treatment. Spraying plants with fungicides, copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.

Prevention. The main measure to prevent the development of dry rot on eggplant seedlings is considered to be dressing the seeds in a solution of manganese and fungicides.

To reduce the risk of fungus development during the fruiting period, preventive spraying with fungicides is carried out during the growing season.

Black spot

Alternaria blight of eggplant

Pathogen. The disease is caused by the fungus Rhytisma and Dothidella. The second name of the disease is Alternaria. Consequences - the plant stops growing, productivity decreases by 50-60%, and the fruits rot.

Signs. Depending on the pathogen, the main symptom is the appearance of small spots of brown, black and gray-black color. The spots may be raised at first. This disease is sometimes confused with leaf rust, but unlike it, pustules never appear on the back of a leaf affected by black spot. Brown spots are gradually filled with a black center.

Dangerous period. Young age of seedlings from germination to the formation of 3-4 leaves. Alternaria blight affects all above-ground parts of the plant. During fruiting, spots appear on the eggplants themselves. Plants grown in glass greenhouses are most often affected.

Causes of the disease:

  • use of contaminated soil;
  • growing seedlings at high humidity and temperature;
  • thickening of plantings.

Treatment. The use of systemic fungicides “Vectra”, “Fundazol”, “HOM”, as well as copper sulfate.

Prevention. Treating seeds, disinfecting the soil, frequent loosening, planting seeds in a container with drainage holes, thinning seedlings.

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew

Pathogen. A common disease of plants of the Solanaceae family, caused by the fungi Podosphaera fuliginea, Erysiphe cichoracearum and Oidium. The consequences are damage to the entire above-ground part of the plant, withering and falling of leaves, and growth arrest.

Main sign. The appearance of small whitish spots in the form of plaque. At first they wash off well, but as the disease develops, the mycelium grows inside the leaf plate, the spots become coarser and become dirty gray.

Dangerous period. Young age of plants. Most often it affects seedlings grown in a greenhouse and under film cover.


  • growing at high humidity (more than 60%);
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • sowing undisinfected seeds in untreated soil.

Treatment. Spraying the leaves with fungicides “Topaz”, “Vectra”, “Alerin”. Using a solution of soda ash and copper sulfate, iodine solution, Bordeaux mixture 1%.

Prevention. Disinfection of planting material, compliance with watering and temperature regimes, dosed application of nitrogen fertilizers, timely destruction of damaged leaves (if necessary, the entire plant).

Light spots on the leaves of eggplant seedlings

When such spots appear, you must first make sure that there are no pests. If none is detected, then these are burns from the sun or the lamp under which the eggplant seedlings are placed.

Eliminating the cause is quite simple: move the lamp further away, and shade the eggplant seedlings from the sun with newspaper or tulle.

Why do white spots appear on seedlings?

In order to solve a problem, gently know its cause. Most often, white spots on eggplant seedlings appear due to pests. The eggs of these insects ripen in the ground for a long time, which is why it is recommended to disinfect the soil before planting eggplant seedlings. To detect them, you need to carefully examine the leaves under a magnifying glass in good light. But if no insects were found, then the reason is illness or improper care.

There are several factors:

  • Sunburn (burn on leaves can be caused not only by the sun, but also by the ultraviolet lamp used to create heat and light).
  • High humidity (such conditions are ideal for the occurrence of fungal diseases).
  • Lack of potassium (white spots appear on the leaves, turning into a brown border).
  • Overfertilization (any irrigation solution must be used according to instructions).
  • Overcooling of roots with too cold water during irrigation.
  • Powdery mildew (in this case, white spots on the leaves look like a plaque, which gradually thickens and spreads along the stems).
  • Fomoz (the second name is dry rot, the spots are light in color with small spots).
  • White spot (soil-borne fungal disease, another name is septoria, the white spots of this disease have a dark edge).

Fusarium wilt of eggplant

This fungal disease mainly develops on seedlings in greenhouses. Fungi begin their active life at a temperature of 23-27 degrees, the catalyst is a high percentage of humidity.

In greenhouses, this disease in eggplants (and in other crops too) often turns into chronic. Penetrating into plant tissue through contaminated soil, fungi block blood vessels, provoke leaf necrosis (at first they turn yellow and curl) and lead to wilting of the entire bush.

Unfortunately, these fungi resist most fungicides well. Therefore, it is easier to carry out preventive measures: grow resistant varieties, replace the top layer of soil in case of disease development, disinfect the seeds before planting in a container.

Sick plants are removed, and healthy ones are treated with Farmayod, Topsin or Fundazol.

Eggplant leaves turn black

Due to severe bacterial infections, the leaves become so dark that they appear almost black. Sometimes it's rot or damage to the root system - you need to sort it out ASAP!

— Black dots on the leaves, which gradually turn into large necrotic lesions - a sign of Alternaria blight;

— If there is a green halo around the black spots, and the middle is white, the eggplants suffer from cercospora;

— Sensitive young seedlings may turn black and wither due to serious violations of agricultural practices.


Petunia leaf diseases: descriptions with photos, treatment

Gray rot of eggplant

Another fungal disease. It appears as a grayish coating (sometimes it reaches an olive and black color) on young seedlings; it can easily be mistaken for mold.

The fungus thrives on plant debris and spreads throughout crops with the help of small insects. Gray rot develops in hot conditions and high humidity.

For preventive purposes, before sowing, the soil must be disinfected with special means that can be purchased in the store. The room with seedlings is ventilated, weeds and plant debris are removed from the soil.

Fighting the disease: treatment consists of treating eggplants with a solution of copper sulfate or colloidal sulfur. Among the drugs it is worth paying attention to Fitosporin M, Trichodermin and Khom.

Root collar rot Root collar rot, or “blackleg,” affects both young and mature plants. Its causes are excessive soil moisture, which causes roots to rot, low temperature, dense plantings, and lack of light.

Infectious and fungal diseases of eggplant

Diseases of eggplant seedlings are most often of fungal origin. But it happens that seedlings are also affected by viral or bacterial infections. Typically, pathogenic microorganisms live in seeds or soil. Therefore, before sowing, it is advisable to disinfect them with an infusion of potassium manganese or Fitosporin.

Diseases become more active due to improper care. Most often, the cause is thickened plantings and excess moisture.

Black bacterial spot

The disease can appear at any stage of the growing season. More often it affects plants already planted in the ground. But it can also attack seedlings. Especially during its hardening, when the air temperature changes sharply. Also, the impetus for the development of disease in eggplant seedlings is high indoor air humidity.

Appears in the form of black spots on leaf blades, surrounded by a yellowish border. Over time, they move to the stems, swell and turn into cankers. You can fight the disease only at the initial stage. Plants are treated with Alerin or Gamair. But according to most vegetable growers, such seedlings will be weakened and will not produce a good harvest. Many people prefer to destroy it.


Eggplant seedlings grown at home are rarely affected. Most often, infection occurs through gardening tools or pests. It appears in the form of bright yellow spots and heterogeneous coloring of the leaf plate. From yellowish to dark green. In this case, the leaves stop developing, wrinkle or curl.

There are no ways to fight. The plants are removed and the soil in which they grew is thrown away.


One of the most common diseases of eggplant seedlings. The main causes of fungal disease are excess moisture and dense plantings. Vegetable growers usually notice the first manifestations in the early stages of the growing season. The eggplant leg darkens and a constriction appears on it. The plant stops receiving nutrients and dies.

If a planting problem is detected, stop watering. Diseased seedlings are removed. The rest are sprayed with a solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin. If you take timely measures, you can save most of the plantings.

Black bacterial spot of eggplant

Eggplants at all stages of growth are affected by black bacterial spot. The causative agent of the disease can be on seeds, in soil, or plant debris, so it is important to disinfect seeds and soil before sowing or picking seedlings. At the first signs of disease, diseased leaves should be removed.

Treatment methods:

  • Spraying with bactericides (1% solution of Bordeaux mixture).
  • Treating plants with Hom and Kartotsid.

Viral diseases of eggplant

Eggplant diseases caused by a virus can deprive you of up to 15% of your harvest.

Mosaic on eggplant

Yellow-green spots appear on the leaves and fruits of plants. The leaves are deformed and the crop grows poorly.

The carrier of the disease is aphids, and the virus can also be transmitted through seeds. We have already touched upon the issue of combating aphids in the garden.

It is useless to fight it with drugs. Therefore, it is urgent to remove and destroy diseased bushes. The top layer of soil must be removed and sprayed with an ash solution. Dissolve 1 cup of ash in 10 liters of water. Spray other plants with whey at the rate of 1 liter per bucket of boiled water.

Stolbur (phytoplasmosis)

With this disease, the leaves become corrugated and acquire a purple or violet-reddish hue. The flowers of the plant dry out and fall off, the fruits become hard and deformed.

There are no means to combat the disease. The plant affected by it is removed from the site and destroyed. There should be no weeds in the beds; the virus lives on the roots of perennial weeds. Cicadas help spread it. Therefore, it is necessary to combat pests in a timely manner.

Late blight of eggplant

Like all nightshades, eggplant is susceptible to late blight. In order to avoid plant infection, you should choose varieties that are resistant to the disease, observe crop rotation - do not plant eggplant after or next to other nightshades.

Treatment methods:

  1. Spraying the bushes with garlic infusion (1 cup of chopped garlic per 3 liters of water, leave for a week, dilute with water 1:1 and spray).
  2. Spray with Bordeaux mixture or 0.2% solution of copper sulfate. Watering and spraying with biological preparations Fitosporin-M, Alirin, Gamair, Baksis.

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Spraying with broad-spectrum fungicides to protect vegetable crops from a range of diseases (Quadris, Ridomil, Thanos, etc.).

Methods for preventing diseases and pests

It is better to prevent pests and diseases than to fight them. Preventive measures are much more effective, and most importantly, they help avoid yield losses.

Preventive measures:

  • The seed material must be disinfected. It is necessary to either buy treated seeds or process the seed material yourself.
  • Follow crop rotation rules for nightshade crops.
  • Disinfect the soil with antiseptics and copper-containing preparations.
  • Avoid thickening of plantings.
  • Compliance with agricultural technology. It is important to water and feed the plants correctly.
  • Maintain cleanliness of the area and greenhouses.

About eggplant diseases and methods of treating them, watch the following video:

Eggplant has many enemies that can cause irreparable harm to the crop. But timely preventive measures and regular inspection of eggplant beds will help prevent most problems caused by diseases and pests.



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Powdery mildew of eggplant

The disease, caused by fungi, first affects the lower leaves of the plant. Powdery mildew most often develops in greenhouses.

Treatment methods:

  • Treatment with biological products Pentafag S, Fitosporin M.
  • Spraying with Quadris, Thiovit, Cumulus, Privent (0.1%).

Alfalfa pepper mosaic

White mosaic spots on pepper leaves may be a symptom of alfalfa mosaic. Fortunately, this virus is not very common and is only dangerous when growing peppers in a greenhouse, and only if there is alfalfa growing somewhere nearby.

Control measures

Unfortunately, like any other viral disease, this mosaic cannot be cured. All that remains is to urgently dig up and burn the affected plants.

And as a preventative measure, next season do not plant peppers near alfalfa and regularly carry out preventive treatments against aphids, which are carriers of the virus (for example, with insecticides Aktara, Fufanon-Nova, etc.).

You can use the same folk remedies as to prevent cucumber mosaic.

Powdery mildew

The symptoms of powdery mildew are well known even to novice gardeners: the leaves of the plant are covered with a whitish powdery coating.

Typically, this disease affects peppers and eggplants in a greenhouse with poor ventilation and high humidity.

Control measures

To combat this fungal disease, you can treat plants with Gamair or Fitosporin-M.

Read more about powdery mildew in our material.

  • Powdery mildew: signs, treatment and prevention of a dangerous disease

    White bloom on leaves, flowers and fruits is not as safe and simple as it seems! How to deal with it?

Spider mite

The presence of spider mites on peppers and eggplants is not so easy to detect. Vegetable growers often notice something is wrong when almost all the juices have been drunk from the plant.

Still, if you look closely, small whitish-brown dots and a grayish cobwebby coating appear on the leaves.

Control measures

At the first signs of spider mite damage, treat the plants with Fitoverm, Antiklesch or Inta-Vir.

You can also use a folk remedy: spray the plants with a soap-kerosene solution (2 g of kerosene, 40 g of grated laundry soap per 10 liters of water).

  • Pests of pepper in a greenhouse and their control

    If strange unhealthy spots appear on the pepper, and unknown insects are scurrying around, then it’s time to fight the pests!

Tracheomycosis wilt of eggplant

Vascular (tracheomycosis) wilt is caused by fungi, the names of which distinguish diseases - fusarium and verticillium. The causative agents of the disease are spread by seeds and live in the soil. First the roots are affected, then the leaves, and the plant dies.

Treatment methods:

  • Watering and spraying with a solution of Fitosporin-M, Fitolavin, Farmayod, Gamair.
  • Spraying with Topsin, Fundazol, watering with Rovral.

Eggplant seeds do not germinate

Eggplant seeds usually germinate 5-10 days after sowing. There is no point in waiting for them earlier.

If all the deadlines have passed, but the eggplant sprouts have not appeared, there may be several reasons for this:

  • soil temperature is too low. Typically, eggplant seeds are germinated at t = 25°C. The minimum temperature is 21°. At lower temperatures, the seeds will not germinate;
  • "swampy" soil. If the soil is too wet, eggplant seeds do not receive oxygen and “suffocate”;
  • sowing too deep. This can even happen by accident if the soil is watered after sowing the seed, and not before;
  • eggplant seeds processed by the manufacturer are sown. Encrusted and pelleted seeds germinate later than usual.

The eggplant seeds have sprouted, and the gardener has other worries ahead of him. The seedlings may get sick. Diseases of eggplant seedlings can be divided into infectious, which can infect neighboring plants, and non-infectious, caused by external, relatively easily removable factors.

Non-dangerous diseases of eggplant seedlings

Seedlings have an unsightly appearance not only because they are affected by viruses or fungi. Sometimes this is due to insufficient care of plants. Before treating the beds with chemicals, identify the disease.

  • Eggplant leaves are purple - there is not enough sunlight for plant development, the plantings are thickened. Thin out the seedlings and tear off some of the leaves.
  • Cracks on the shoots - high temperature when growing seedlings, uneven watering. Adjust the temperature and watering mode.
  • Flowers and ovaries fall off - high temperature in the greenhouse, watering with cold water, excess nitrogen. Fertilizing is carried out 14 days after planting the seedlings in the ground.
  • Leaves curl upward - a lack of potassium in plants. Be sure to feed the seedlings with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers before planting them in the ground.
  • Leaves stretch upward - lack of phosphorus. Apply fertilizer.
  • Faded leaves on eggplant seedlings indicate a lack of nitrogen. Seedlings are fed 2 times with an interval of 10 days.

Eggplant seedlings are very tender and require certain growing conditions: warmth, light and moderate watering. It is not easy for a novice gardener to cope with plant diseases, but the result is worth it. The reward for the work done will be an excellent harvest.

Inspect the plants regularly, monitor the color of the foliage, pay attention to every little detail in order to take timely measures to combat diseases. Do not neglect the pre-planting treatment of seeds and soil, observe planting density and agricultural cultivation techniques - this will protect the seedlings from many diseases.

Causes of diseases

Diseases of the crop are fungal, bacterial and viral in nature.

Plants are affected by the disease if they are not properly cared for:

  • when the affected plant debris was not removed from the site in time;
  • they did not observe crop rotation: they cannot be planted after peppers, tomatoes and potatoes;
  • thickened the eggplant plantings in the garden, which leads to a lack of nutrients, light and waterlogging of the crop;
  • we planted plants in the shade, but they require light;
  • watering was carried out excessively, insufficiently or at the wrong time;
  • untimely or excessively fed the plants, which led to a deficiency or excess of various elements;
  • did not fight against pests that damage the roots, stems, leaves and fruits of plants.

Unfavorable weather conditions may also be a reason.

Prevention is easier than cure

The occurrence of serious problems in the process of growing seedlings can be prevented by treating the soil and planting material.

Before sowing you need:

  1. Place the eggplant seeds in a double piece of gauze and tie a knot.
  2. Prepare a weak solution of manganese and soak the resulting bag for 20 minutes.
  3. After dressing, rinse the seeds in cold water.
  4. Pour boiling water over the material using a sieve.
  5. Soak in a nutritious or growth-stimulating solution for 24 hours.
  6. After completing the work, soak the seeds in cold water again and spread them on a damp cloth for germination.

Non-communicable diseases

A change in the appearance of seedlings can occur for reasons caused by unfavorable external factors.

A slowdown in growth is often observed after picking, so I try to immediately sow the eggplants in individual molds. If I have to plant seedlings, then immediately after this procedure I water the seedlings with preparations that stimulate the development of the root system.

The development of young plants is also inhibited due to cramped pots, when there is not enough space for the roots. In such a situation, I perform a transplant.

Leaves may wilt during the day due to direct sunlight. This is not a dangerous phenomenon. But if the leaf blades do not recover when the temperature drops, I replant them in fresh soil, since the old soil may be overly compacted or acidified.

Eggplants lag behind in development if the pots are placed on a cold surface. I provide special wooden stands on the windowsill.

Often, seedlings wither due to hypothermia, so when ventilating, I exclude the contact of cold air currents with them.

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If the lower leaves turn yellow, then I feed the young eggplants with nitrogen fertilizers. When yellowing and then drying marks appear on the edges of leaf blades, I practice applying potassium fertilizer.

How to properly care for seedlings

The greatest danger to plantings comes from fungal diseases and insect pests that can destroy young plants. It is very important to be able to identify and diagnose problems in a timely manner. Photos will help you understand the nature of the lesions, and several recipes will be given for their treatment.

Damage caused in the early period of seedling growth leads to a decrease in the quality of the resulting fruits and yield. You can minimize the risk of damage by providing proper care.

Biological methods for protecting eggplants from diseases

To grow environmentally friendly products at your dacha, it is advisable to avoid the use of chemicals. Currently, private gardeners have the opportunity to cultivate crops using protection products made on the basis of natural materials (fungal and bacterial effective microflora). They are called EM drugs. They act as antagonists on pathogenic microflora in the soil and on green plants, destroying the pathogen that causes the disease.

Seemingly causeless wilting of the above-ground mass of eggplants may indicate damage to the roots of the crop by fungal rots of various etiologies. To clean the soil from disease-causing pathogens, biological products are used made on the basis of effective fungal microflora (trichodermin, ampelomycin, koniotirin) and bacterial biofungicides (phytosporin-M, alirin-B, gamair, haupsin, planriz, gliocladin, binorama, bactofit). To reduce the number of treatments, you can prepare tank mixtures from several biological products.

When applied together, tank solutions enhance their effect on pathogenic microflora. Fungal-based biofungicides penetrate the mycelium of the pathogenic fungus and destroy it, while bacterial-based ones “work” like antibiotics. To disinfect the soil, you can use the dry preparation Emochki-Bokashi or working solutions of other EM preparations, including those based on the Baikal EM-1 concentrate.

Soil treatment system with biological products

Unlike chemicals, biological products will not destroy the disease with a one-time application. They require longer systematic use, especially after rains or in damp weather. Therefore, in order to reduce the number of treatments, it is better to use biological products in the form of tank mixtures that will protect plants simultaneously from several diseases.

To plant eggplants in the ground, choose healthy seedlings without signs of disease. Jen

The following tank mixtures can be prepared for soil cultivation:

  • trichodermine + ampelomycin + gliocladin + binoram;
  • gliocladin + binoram;
  • trichodermin + bactofit;
  • planriz + koniotirine and others.

Too frequent treatments do not always lead to a positive result. In order for biological products to work better, plant treatment begins early. The first soil treatment with a tank mixture or a separate biological product is carried out 10-12 days after planting the seedlings in open ground.

System for treating plants with biological products

In case of obvious plant disease (dropping of buds, yellowing or curling of leaves, chlorosis of leaves, powdery mildew, etc.), they proceed to therapeutic treatments with solutions of biological products. During the entire growing season, plants are sprayed with solutions of phytosporin, gamair, alirin, bactofit, binoram and others every 7-10 days. During the phase of budding and the second harvest of fruits, microelements are added to the solutions. You can add alirin, gamair or phytosporin to the tank mixture prepared for spraying the soil and spray the plants with a complex mixture. This technique will increase the effectiveness of treatments. While there are means to protect against fungal and bacterial infections, drugs have not yet been developed against viral diseases (mosaic, etc.). Affected plants are removed from the field and burned.

When working with biofungicides, it is necessary to clearly identify the disease and treat the plants according to the recommendations for the use of this particular biological product. If the disease is incorrectly diagnosed, the drug will not work. If you are unsure of a clear disease definition, treat the plants with a tank mixture against several pathogens.

Late blight

Late blight affects all nightshade crops, starting its effect on the leaves, where brownish-red spots with a light green edging and a whitish coating on the underside appear. Then the stems and fruits are affected. Eggplants become deformed, become covered with spots of solid rot, and eventually rot. High humidity and density are favorable for the development of the fungus; late blight peaks in August.

Infection often occurs from potatoes and tomatoes, after 1-2 weeks. The fungus persists in potato tubers and plant debris. For prevention, spraying with fungicides or organic preparations is used; for treatment, Bordeaux mixture and copper sulfate solution, preparations “Consento”, “Quadris” and “Antrakol” are effective.

Reasons why eggplant foliage may curl

Eggplant leaves can curl either at certain periods of the day or constantly. This depends on the factors causing these metamorphoses. They may be:

  • incorrect soil moisture level;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • pest damage;
  • lack of minerals;
  • excess salts in the soil.

Next, we will consider each point in more detail.

Incorrect soil moisture level

Curling leaves of seedlings often indicates a lack of moisture in the soil, and therefore future seedlings should be watered once every 2-3 days. It is advisable to do this with settled water at room temperature.

Do not forget that too loose soil loses moisture many times faster, and therefore you need to keep the condition of the soil under constant control. Eggplants love moisture, and therefore if the top layer of soil becomes dry to the touch, you should immediately water the plants.

Insufficient lighting

With insufficient lighting, young eggplant shoots can die in the same way as without sufficient moisture. If the seedling containers are located in a place where access to sunlight is limited or insufficient, their leaves begin to turn pale and curl. Care should be taken to ensure that the container with seedlings is located in a sufficiently bright place. Daylight hours for eggplants should not be less than 12 hours.

But you should not expose young eggplant sprouts to excessive sunlight. Portions of the received sunlight should be dosed, preferably the light should be diffused. To do this, you can hang a slightly matte plastic film on the window on the windowsill of which the seedlings are located.

If you use phyto or fluorescent lamps, it is recommended to place them no lower than half a meter above the sprouts.

Pest infestation

If everything is in order with the lighting and soil moisture, but the leaves of the seedlings still begin to curl as they become lighter, it is quite possible that the greens have been affected by spider mites. Armed with a magnifying glass and a flashlight, you should carefully examine the plants.

If you find small cobwebs and brownish insects, you should treat all the leaves of the seedlings with a soap solution. This treatment will not harm the foliage itself, but it will destroy pests. If a variety of mites turns out to be resistant to soap, you can also use special chemicals sold in specialized stores.

Curling of foliage can also be caused by aphids, which are also visible upon inspection. Anything that works for mites will also work for aphids.

Mineral deficiency

If the soil is poor in minerals, any plant in it will wither after a while, and eggplants are no exception. For normal growth and development, the “little blue ones” need nitrogen, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. If the leaves of plants turn brown at the edges and begin to curl into a boat, it means they lack potassium. With a lack of phosphorus, the foliage can curl upward and towards the stem, and the lack of nitrogen is visible by the fact that the foliage of the seedlings begins to lighten. To prevent this from happening, you should use specialized mineral fertilizers.

Excess salts

Curling of eggplant foliage can also occur due to an excess of minerals. This is mainly due to the fact that people overdo it with fertilizers.

Fertilizers should be used carefully, without exceeding the permissible limits, in accordance with the instructions given on the packaging

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