How to get more than 200 centners of corn grain from each hectare?

Corn yield in countries around the world and in Russia.

Corn yield per 1 hectare by country of the world from 2005 to 2016. and in Russia from 1990 to 2022. The absolute record for the entire period of observation belongs to Israel - 338.2 c/ha in 2011.

Corn yield

Absolute record for corn yield

The highest corn yields by country in the world as of 2016.

The highest corn yields in the post-Soviet space as of 2016.

Lowest corn yields by country in the world as of 2016.

Comparison of corn yields of the three superpowers as of 2016.

Table of corn yields by country from 2005 to 2016.

Table of corn yield per 1 hectare in Russia from 1990 to 2018.

Joint planting of different crops

The plant coexists well with other crops, and the best neighbors for maize are legumes: peas, beans, as well as zucchini, sunflowers, pumpkins, melons or potatoes. For these plants, maize serves as both natural shelter and support. Buckwheat, melons and legumes will be good predecessors for cereals.

Seeds of corn and beans can even be planted in one hole, and then the seedlings do not need to be thinned out. This mutually beneficial relationship is based on the fact that maize receives nitrogen from the soil, which is produced by beans. She, in turn, uses the corn stalks as a support for growth.

Corn yield:

Corn yield is the amount of corn per unit sown area. Corn yield is calculated in centners per hectare (ha). In planning, accounting and economic analysis, several yield indicators are used: potential yield, planned, expected, biological (standing) and actual yield (harvested and recorded products.)

Below is the actual corn harvest per hectare by country from 2005 to 2016. and in Russia from 1990 to 2018.

Separately, the grain yield in Russia for 112 years, the yield of buckwheat, corn, oats, millet, wheat, rye, rice, barley in the countries of the world and Russia are given.

Biological features

Corn is classified as a grain crop. However, in terms of biological characteristics, it is very different from most representatives of this group. The main characteristic features of this plant are, of course, a very powerful root system and stem, wide leaves, and large grains.

Corn can reach a height of 5 m. Its root system, like other cereals, is fibrous. However, it can go 2 m deep into the soil. The thick stalk of corn inside is filled with a spongy mass. In young plants, it is, among other things, very juicy and contains a lot of sugar.

Corn leaves are wide, with wavy edges. Each plant develops one male and one female inflorescence during the growing season. The latter, in the process of ripening, forms the cob.

Table of corn yields by country from 2005 to 2016:

(actual harvest of corn in centners per 1 hectare by country of the world from 2005 to 2016)

Republic of Macedonia44,941,044,842,739,642,344,942,146,3
The Republic of Moldova33,034,934,532,512,331,033,522,029,9
The Republic of Korea48,450,547,946,548,950,651,851,050,5
Democratic Republic of the Congo7,87,87,87,87,87,87,87,87,8
South Africa36,445,446,743,744,942,553,037,540,0
Australia and Oceania
New Zealand109,3112,3107,6113,8108,6108,2109,9114,4116,9

* 2022 – 49.0 c/ha.

Pest and disease control

Black beetles and all kinds of wireworms are the biggest pests of corn. The larvae of these insects can damage seedlings and roots. They are combated with the help of insecticidal preparations that have a long systemic effect.

The stem borer damages the leaves and ears of corn. To get rid of it, you need to scatter Trichograma from a small aircraft or trike.

  • For the first time 100tys/ha, when the corn begins to bloom.
  • The second is 200 thousand/ha, when grains begin to form on the cobs.

Attention! Chemicals are more effective. Karate or Decis 0.1 l/ha and Bi-58 or Danadim 1 l/ha help cope with pests

But this is not environmentally friendly and is much more expensive.

When planting corn in the same place for more than two years in a row, it can be affected by diseases such as:

  1. blistering smut;
  2. Root stem rot damage.

Corn cobs can harbor pests such as moths and boll weevils.

To avoid encountering these diseases and pests, it is necessary to regularly spray plants with herbicides that dissolve in water.

Tips and tricks from experienced farmers

The following tips and recommendations will help novice gardeners in growing healthy grains:

Harvesting begins at grain moisture content of 70-75%. If dimples have formed on the top of the grains, it means the humidity has decreased to critical values. Immediately after harvesting, the long stalks of the cobs and stipules are removed - they draw moisture from the grains. After harvesting, the cobs are used for food or canned as soon as possible. The grain quickly loses sugar and delicate taste. At zero temperature and air humidity of 90%, the cobs are stored well for about a week

If the temperature is higher, for example +5°C, the storage period without loss of quality is reduced to 3-4 days, at +10°C - to two days. The roots of young sprouts are located close to the soil surface, so be careful when loosening and weeding. It is good to plant corn next to beans, pumpkins, and cucumbers. With its wide leaves it shades the soil, prevents the growth of weeds and evaporation of moisture.

The strong stalks of the corn support the climbing beans, which in turn enrich the soil with nitrogen.

Choosing a variety or hybrid

When planting for the first time, it is necessary to determine how the crop will be used. A gardener wants to get high-quality grain in a short summer: he should focus on hybrids. They give a good harvest. But they cost more.

The varieties are time-tested. Regular cultivation on the site will allow you to harvest your own high-quality planting material. But the yield is inferior to hybrids.

There are no restrictions when growing for silage. For a good harvest, it is recommended to mix an early-ripening variety with a late-ripening one. This will increase the mass: green cobs of early ripening varieties will be added.

Growing from seed

Growing the crop is possible in 2 ways: sowing directly in open ground or through seedlings, followed by planting on a personal plot. Each method has advantages and disadvantages.

Growing corn without seedlings does not allow you to get an early harvest, but caring for the plantings is much easier. Plants in this case are more resistant to unfavorable environmental conditions.

Preparing grains for sowing

When choosing seed, you should take into account the purpose of growing the crop. All hybrids and varieties are divided for cultivation for grain and consumption. The yield, taste and characteristics of growing corn depend on this.

For sowing, seeds of classes I and II are used, the germination rate of which is not lower than 92%.

Pre-sowing grain treatment includes sorting, calibration, and chemical treatment of seeds. The grains are calibrated to obtain more uniform shoots. Sorting is carried out to reject seeds with defects. Dressing protects seed material from pests and diseases. All these procedures are carried out at special enterprises.

To improve germination, 7 days before sowing, grains are subjected to air-heat treatment at +25...+35 °C and good ventilation. 2-3 days before sowing, the seed material is washed. During the process, unsuitable seeds float to the surface and are removed. High-quality grain is wrapped in gauze, filled with water at room temperature and kept until germination.

Another way to prepare corn seeds for sowing: they are kept in the sun for 5 days, and before planting they are soaked in warm water (+45 ° C) for 1-1.5 hours. The grains are then dried naturally.

Before planting, the seeds can be treated with Mercuran or Granosan against pests and various diseases.

The choice of varieties affects the sowing time. Corn for consumption on the cob, freezing and canning is sown in late April - mid-May, when the soil warms up to +12 ° C and the threat of frost disappears.

Subject to agricultural technology and suitable environmental conditions, seedlings should appear on the 12th day. For these purposes, early varieties are used. Corn for grain is classified as late corn. It is more resistant to adverse weather conditions.

Sowing technology

The technology for growing corn for grain involves 2 sowing methods: dotted and square-cluster.

In the fields, corn is sown using an SPC-6M seeder with a pneumatic disc-type sowing unit or SUPN-8 combined seeders, which can simultaneously apply mineral fertilizers along with the seeds.

Another sowing method is square nesting, in which the row spacing is 70x70 or 70x90 cm. In arid regions and on poor soils, corn is sown with row spacing of 70x140 cm. 1, 2 or 3 grains are placed in each nest hole.

After the seedlings appear, weak shoots can be pulled out. To plant corn in this way, SKNK-8 and SKNK-6 seeders with mechanical cell-disc sowing devices are used. More often this option is used when planting seedlings.

On a personal plot, corn is sown in rows with row spacing of 60 cm and a distance between plants of 40 cm.

Regardless of the chosen sowing method, you need to know how to carry out the work correctly. Maintaining row spacing makes it easier to care for plants and allows them to feed normally. The seeding depth is 6-8 cm. The soil should be well moistened and completely cover the grains.

Harvest and storage

How to determine the ripeness of corn? Signs of readiness for harvesting are:

  • dry and brown-colored outer shell of the cob and filamentous pistils;
  • “plump” corn cob, when the grains are fully formed and have milky ripeness, tender in taste and sweet in consistency;
  • when the grain is punctured, a cloudy milky juice oozes out from the ripe cob.

When should you start harvesting corn cobs? Sugar varieties are ready for harvest approximately three weeks after the silky, thread-like stigmas appear. The warmer the weather, the shorter this period of ripening of the cobs. You should not rush to harvest the crop ahead of time, as the grains will not have time to absorb the necessary sugars and will be tasteless and “grassy.” Corn cobs are best harvested in dry weather.

Harvesting can be done selectively as the cobs ripen within two weeks.

Overripe grains acquire a wrinkled appearance, become hard, are poorly cooked and significantly lose their sugar content. You can harvest corn like this: break the cob, then turn it and pull it down at the same time.

How to preserve the corn harvest? Corn is one of the most perishable garden crops. If it is not possible to eat the cobs immediately after harvesting, you can can them or freeze them for the winter. Harvested ripe corn is blanched and placed in the freezer. Small cobs of milky ripeness can be preserved like cucumbers.

How to grow corn in a greenhouse?

Soil that consists of light loamy rocks that are high in organic matter is best suited for growing sweet corn. Acidic soil will not allow the plant to develop normally, which will affect the yield. Greenhouse soil additionally undergoes a liming procedure before sowing.

A high yield is guaranteed when using swollen and sprouted seeds that have been dried. Planting is done to a depth of 3 cm.

After germination, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime and frequency of watering. The sprouts should receive enough light and not be exposed to drafts.

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