Ash for seedlings: properties, use, benefits

Over the years of gardening, I have become convinced that ash, compost and green fertilizers completely cover the nutritional needs of fruit and berry plants.
If used correctly, you don’t have to spend money on store-bought fertilizers. And the harvest always grows to the envy of the neighbors. But, as a rule, there is always not enough ash. To save money, I only use wood ash in infusion form and not for all crops.

I’ll tell you in the article how to properly prepare the infusion and ash solution, as well as the nuances of adding them.

General properties of ash for seedlings

The use of wood ash when growing fruits and vegetables, garden flowers and indoor plants helps:

  • enhance metabolism in plant tissues;
  • intensify growth;
  • normalize biochemical processes;
  • protect plants from pests;
  • improve the composition of the soil and reduce its acidity.

How can excess ash be dangerous?

It is difficult to determine the composition of manually prepared fertilizer; the percentage of chemical compounds in it varies. Everything depends on the supply of raw materials from which the ashes will be made.

Plants rarely receive excess amounts of ash. Tomatoes deplete the soil and take away many mineral components. Even if the soil composition is complete, it needs to be additionally saturated.

When the ash was purchased in a store, there should be a composition on the package, then the norm is easily calculated. Excess ash is fraught with negative consequences only when using several fertilizers at the same time. If it is used as an independent fertilizer, it is almost impossible to apply an excess amount.

Chemical composition of wood ash

Ash is actively used in growing plants due to the content in it of a large number of micro and macroelements, useful for most crops.

Chemical composition of 100 g of ash:

  • calcium carbonate – 17 mg;
  • calcium silicate – 17 mg;
  • sodium orthophosphate – 15 mg;
  • calcium sulfate – 14 mg;
  • potassium – 13 mg;
  • calcium chloride – 11 mg;
  • magnesium – up to 4 mg;
  • sodium chloride – up to 1 mg.

Important: in its pure (dry) form, ash does not contain chlorine.

The chemical composition of ash depends on the type of wood :

  • deciduous trees contain a lot of calcium;
  • conifers - phosphorus;
  • herbaceous - potassium.

Young shoots contain many times more micro and macroelements than old trees.

Composition and benefits of ash solution

Ash as a fertilizer is most valuable for its potassium content in the form of potash, a compound that quickly dissolves in water and is easily available to plants. It contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium, boron, sulfur, magnesium, manganese and almost all the mineral elements necessary for plants. Because of this, it becomes an excellent nutrient for all crops in the garden and garden. The addition of ash can be considered a quick help to crops if they need mineral fertilizing.

Ash has an alkaline composition and when added to the soil, it reduces its acidity. It also acts as a disinfectant, destroying fungi, bacteria in the soil, and pests: nematodes, wireworms, aphids and slugs. It itself does not contain viruses, bacteria, pests - all this is destroyed by fire.

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Any crop can be fertilized with ash; cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, and melons respond especially well to easily digestible potassium. A lack of potassium results in the appearance of pear-shaped fruits of poor quality and taste on cucumbers.

Potassium acts as a regulator of water metabolism. The element is necessary for young tissues, growth points, for the formation of new buds, leaves, and fruits. When plant roots receive potassium, they absorb moisture better, respiration and photosynthesis processes are normalized, and the effect of harmful salts on plants is reduced. Ash not only helps plants grow and develop, it improves the quality of fruits, makes them larger, tastier, and extends shelf life due to their resistance to rot.

There is chlorine in the ash, but in small quantities, so it can be used to fertilize crops that are sensitive to this element: citrus fruits, fruit bushes, grapes, strawberries, potatoes.

The quantitative content of all elements in the ash is not the same and depends on its origin - on the mineral content in the raw materials that were burned. It is advisable to know approximately which raw material predominates, which elements it contains and in what volume, in order to navigate what minerals will be present in the soil.

See also

Instructions for use and composition of UAN fertilizers, dosage and analoguesRead

Main effect on plants

  1. Due to the high concentration of potassium, ash improves the absorption capacity of the root system, increases the resistance of seedlings to temperature changes, and improves the taste of fruits.
  2. Phosphorus, which is part of the ash, activates metabolic processes in plant tissues.
  3. Calcium increases the protective barrier and enhances the growth of seedlings.
  4. Magnesium is necessary for plants during flowering.

Advantages and disadvantages of feeding seedlings

The value of ash as a fertilizer is that it has no significant disadvantages, but it has tangible advantages.


  1. Naturalness. Ash is obtained by burning safe natural materials (straw, wood, leaves...). It does not contain toxic substances that pose a danger to humans and seedlings. But this is only true if you burn pure natural materials (that is, not treated with paint, varnish and other synthetic substances).
  2. Economical. Ash will cost the gardener much less than any other organic and mineral fertilizers. It has a long shelf life and is easy to obtain at home.
  3. Efficiency. Ash is used not only as a fertilizer, but also as protection against pests (slugs, snails, flies, wireworms, etc.). It is also used as a prophylactic against certain fungal diseases.


The effect of using ash does not occur instantly. It must be remembered that this is a natural fertilizer, so it will not be possible to achieve results in a short time, especially when fighting pests.

If the damage is severe, then it is better to use store-bought specialized products. In addition, you cannot use nitrogenous fertilizers at the same time as ash, or mix it with superphosphate.

Methods for using ash

Ash for plant nutrition is used in two forms:

  • solution;
  • directly into the powder.

Dry ash

In dry form, the ash is added to compost , which will subsequently be used when growing early cucumbers and cabbage.

The second method is to add dry ash to the holes when planting and replanting plants. The amount of fertilizer depends on the properties of the soil:

  • it is standardly recommended to use 300 g of powder per 1 sq.m. squares;
  • if the soil is neutral or slightly acidic, the dosage is reduced to 100 g per 1 sq.m.;
  • clay soils and loams require increasing the concentration to 400 g per 1 sq.m.;
  • when transplanting seedlings into nightshade soil, add 3 tbsp to each hole. dry ash;
  • for lawn coverings, adhere to the norms for soil, adding ashes when digging;
  • ash is scattered under fruit trees every 2 years, evenly distributing it along the groove and watering it abundantly;
  • To combat pests, dry ash is mixed in equal proportions with tobacco dust and the affected leaves are powdered with this mixture.

Important: ash is scattered on loam in the fall, and peat and sandy soil is enriched in the spring.

Ash solution

An ash solution or decoction is used for root feeding and spraying of plants during the entire growing season.

The decoction is recommended for spraying .

How to dilute ash to feed seedlings:

  • dissolve the ashes in 2 liters of water, having previously cleared them of debris;
  • put on low heat and boil for 20 minutes;
  • cool, filter and dilute with 10 liters of water at room temperature.

If the decoction is used for spraying on the leaf, then 50 g of laundry soap is added to it. This way the solution will not stick to the sheet plates.

For watering use the following recipe:

  • sift the ash;
  • take 100 g of ash for 5 liters of water;
  • stir, leave to infuse for 3-5 hours;
  • strain;
  • water over pre-moistened soil;
  • After watering, mulch.

Growth stimulator

There are many growth stimulants on the shelves of specialized stores. But not everyone is ready to use chemicals when growing crops for their own use. The use of ash infusion is completely safe and effective. It is prepared a little differently than for feeding. Place three tablespoons of crushed substance in 250 ml of water and mix. Leave for a week, shaking or stirring occasionally.

The finished tincture is filtered. The seeds are soaked in it, after diluting the product in proportions of 1:3. Stimulating soaking is indicated for any seeds. They germinate better and grow actively. Do the same with bulbs and tubers. You can do it differently: before planting potatoes, dust them with ash powder. For 30 kg of potatoes it will take approximately 1 kg of product. When the time comes to divide perennials in flower beds, dusting is also necessary. The cut rhizomes are generously sprinkled with crushed preparation. It’s good if there are no large inclusions in it. This way the cut will heal faster and will be protected from pathogenic microorganisms, which guarantees high survival rate and active growth.


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Universal recipes for ash feeding

Soaking the seeds

Use only the following solution:

  • the ashes are diluted with water in a ratio of 1 tsp. per 1 liter of liquid;
  • insist for a day;
  • soak the seeds for 5-6 hours before sowing.

Soaking seeds in an ash solution is considered a way to disinfect seed material and accelerate seed germination.

Adding to soil

Dry ash is mixed with soil to improve its quality composition. For this:

  • the soil is loosened and holes are made;
  • mix earth and ashes in a 1:1 ratio;
  • the resulting composition is poured onto the bottom of the hole.

Adding ash directly to the soil is one of the methods of soil deoxidation.


Use an ash solution prepared according to the classic recipe for 3-5 hours. If the goal is to feed the plants without additional disease control, then you can prepare a “quick” solution:

  • sift the ash;
  • For 1 liter of warm water take 2 tbsp. ash;
  • mix well and pour under the root.

What ash to apply for different soil types

Sandy, sandy loam, sod-podzolic and swamp soils - adding 70 g of ash per 1 m² completely satisfies the need of most plants for boron.

For any type of soil, except for solonetzic soils, you can add wood and straw ash. This alkaline fertilizer is especially suitable for acidic sod-podzolic, gray forest, bog-podzolic and swamp soils, which are poor in potassium, phosphorus, and microelements. Ash not only enriches the soil with nutrients, but also improves its structure and reduces its acidity. This creates favorable conditions for the development of beneficial microflora, resulting in increased productivity. The effects of such fertilizer can be felt for up to 4 years.

To neutralize acidic soils, you can use peat ash (0.5-0.7 kg per m²), as well as ash from oil shale containing up to 80% lime.

On loamy and clayey soils, it is recommended to apply wood and straw ash during autumn digging, and on sandy and sandy loam soils - in the spring.

Wood ash

Ash use by crop


Feeding tomato seedlings with ash brings very good results. Tomatoes respond gratefully to all natural organic fertilizers, including ash. Tomatoes are usually treated with dry ash.

If the seeds are not treated in an ash solution before sowing, then the ashes are mixed with the soil at the rate of 1 tbsp. per 1 liter of soil.

During the seedling period, ash is not used for tomato seedlings.

The following treatment is indicated when transplanting seedlings into the ground: add 2 tbsp to each hole. ashes. This protects plant roots from rot and promotes rapid adaptation of seedlings to a new location.

During flowering and fruiting, tomatoes are treated with dry ash, scattering it along the contour of each hole. Consumption – 0.5 cups of dry ash per 1 sq.m. area.

After heavy rains or watering, it is recommended to feed each bush with 50 g of dry ash, scattering it around the stem. This is one way to improve the taste of fruits.

Dusting with dry ash is indicated only when attacked by pests. This is a way to combat the Colorado potato beetle, cabbage flea beetle and slugs.

The ash is scattered over a moistened sheet in calm weather.


The benefit of ash for cucumbers is the high content of potassium and calcium in the ash. This remedy is especially effective during flowering.

If soil is taken from the garden to grow seedlings, dry ash must be added to it. It will not only saturate the soil with useful micro and macroelements, but also improve its breathability.

The first time, cucumber seedlings are fed with an ash solution in the phase of 2-3 true leaves. Considering the weakness of the root system of cucumber seedlings, such fertilizing will work to increase plant immunity.

The concentration of the solution during the seedling period is 1 tbsp. ash per 1 liter of water. A prerequisite is infusion for a week. For each bush, use 0.5-1 liter of the resulting liquid, depending on the age of the plant. The frequency of fertilizing is no more than once every 10 days.

During flowering and fruiting, the concentration is increased. Prepare a decoction at the rate of 3 tbsp. powder per 3 liters of water. The volume of the resulting decoction is adjusted to 10 liters and the cucumber bushes are sprayed with it over the green mass.


Pepper seedlings are fed with dry ash when picking. Consumption – 0.5 tsp. ash for each bush. Then, once every 2 weeks, use an ash solution: 1 glass of ash in a bucket of water, leave for 2 days.

For pepper, you can prepare an express ash solution: pour 0.5 cups of ash into a liter of boiling water. Cool and water without additional dilution with water at the rate of 2 tbsp. for each seedling.

To enhance the effect, the solution is infused in boiling water for 2 days.


Onion ash is considered the first disinfectant that protects against root rot. The first time the ashes are added to the soil before sowing. The second time - after germination. To do this, dissolve a liter of ash in 1 bucket of water.

When pouring the ash solution on the onion, try not to get it on the feathers, so as not to cause them to burn.

When growing onions in open ground, the beds are fertilized with dry ash, scattering it along the furrows.


Eggplants especially need feeding with ash, since they need potassium and calcium for active growth and fruiting.

The maximum concentration of these elements is in sunflower ash.

The first time eggplant seedlings are fed is when 3-4 true leaves are formed. At the same time mix:

  • 1 glass of ash;
  • 1 tbsp. superphosphate;
  • 0.5 g ammonium nitrate.

Dilute all this in 1 liter of water and pour 1 tbsp under each seedling. The eggplant seedlings are watered again with the same composition, but doubling the dosage, after 2 weeks. The third time, without changing the proportions, the little blue ones are fed before planting the seedlings in the ground.

Feeding eggplants with ash has the greatest effect during flowering and fruiting. The following composition is prepared for eggplants:

  • 1 tbsp. ash;
  • 1 tbsp. urea;
  • 10 liters of water.

Fertilizer is applied at the root, avoiding contact with the leaves.

Ash in the garden

The ash from birch logs has the greatest fertilizing power.

The wood product contains most of the elements of the periodic table, with the exception of nitrogen. In total, more than 100 different elements were found in its composition.

The leading positions in this list are occupied by potassium, phosphorus and calcium . Therefore, ash is often classified as a phosphorus-potassium fertilizer and natural soil deoxidizer.

Ash from burning plant tops, straw, hay, firewood from coniferous and deciduous trees is suitable for private gardens and vegetable gardens. If materials made of polyethylene, plastic, rubber, synthetics, as well as paint and glossy periodicals get into the fire or stove, it is better to dispose of such ash in the trash.

Advice. I usually don't discard fertilizer if some newspaper gets into the fire. It doesn’t matter whether they are colored or black and white.

The composition of ash fertilizer depends not only on the type of fuel. It is also affected by the fertility of the soil in which the burnt plant grew. Naturally, the richer the soil, the more valuable the wood powder is.

The most calcium is contained in the ash of peat, coniferous and deciduous trees. I use this ash infusion as a feed for crops that love this element: melon, watermelon, all types of cabbage, plum, cherry, zucchini, pear, apple tree, tomato, potato, zucchini, all kinds of greens and legumes.

On a note. Excess calcium is harmful to raspberries, beets, carrots, turnips, onions (for turnips), and radishes.

Ash from the combustion of grass, sunflower tops, buckwheat and cereals contains a lot of potassium . Based on it, I prepare liquid fertilizer for crops that especially need potassium: cucumber, tomato, cauliflower and cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, beets, rutabaga, radish.

Humidity is the main enemy of ash during storage. When damp, it loses its beneficial properties.

Feeding with an aqueous solution of ash produces a multifaceted positive effect on plants:

  • Metabolism in all tissues improves: leaves, roots, stems thicken and grow faster.
  • More flowers and ovaries are formed.
  • The fruits are saturated with vitamins and sugars.
  • Increases resistance to diseases, pests and weather changes.
  • Perennials can withstand winter cold more easily.

In order not to waste a valuable product in vain, it is important to follow a few simple rules.

  1. Do not water beds with crops that prefer acidic soil - for example, conifers, rhododendron, sorrel, azalea, hydrangea.
  2. Do not add wood debris to alkaline soil. How to check acidity, read here.
  3. Do not combine nitrogen and ash fertilizers. There should be at least two weeks between them.
  4. Do not exceed the recommended proportions of dilution and feeding. A moderate amount of ash fractions in the soil stimulates the work of bacteria. But their excess, on the contrary, suppresses the development of beneficial microflora.

When should you not use ash?

Under certain conditions, feeding with ash is prohibited:

  • if it is mixed with manure;
  • if even before the first leaves appeared, the seedlings were fed with another fertilizer;
  • if ash and nitrogen fertilizers are combined;
  • if the ash is a product of burning painted wood or wood with debris;
  • ash is not used on alkaline soils.

Important: exceeding the recommended doses in ash fertilizer can negatively affect the condition of the plants.

How to use ash to feed vegetables?

To apply fertilizer for potatoes, it is best to do this during the planting period.

How to use ash to feed vegetables:

  • About a week before planting, it is necessary to fluff up the soil and scatter fertilizer over the surface of the soil, at the rate of two cups per square meter of crops. After this, it is advisable to sprinkle with a layer of earth. You need to wait until it rains so that all the nutritional components go into the ground. During planting, it is necessary to pour approximately 100 g of ash into each hole in which the potato tuber is placed. On average this is 2 tablespoons.
  • To fertilize cabbage, the product is introduced during planting of seedlings. However, in this case, 60-70 g is enough for one well. On average, this is a tablespoon of the product. Onions respond well to fertilization with ash. It is recommended to apply the product to each well. You need 3 glasses per square meter. After this, the planting is watered to prevent the ash from being blown away by the wind. Only after this the onions are planted. The method is suitable both before sowing and when planting small onion sets.


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