Tomatoes “Wonder of the World” - a mixture of beauty and effectiveness, description, characteristics, photos

What does a miracle have to do with this? The Wonder of the World tomato surprises with its extraordinary shape, unique taste, and amazing appearance of the bushes. But the main thing is the highest productivity. From 1 m2 the harvest is amazing: when planting 3 bushes you can harvest up to 36 kg.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonYellowAverageVarietyWith spout

Tomato “Wonder of the World”: variety description

Variety nameWonder of the world
general descriptionMid-season indeterminate variety
Ripening period100-110 days
Average weight of tomatoes70-100 grams
ApplicationFresh, for preservation
Productivity of the variety12 kg per bush
Features of cultivationStandard agricultural technology
Disease resistanceSusceptible to tobacco mosaic virus and brown spot

This “Miracle” was developed by Russian breeders and received state registration as a variety in 2002. Since then, it has been popular among gardeners and farmers due to its productivity, the appearance of the fruit and a number of other qualities. “Wonder of the World” is an indeterminate, standard type of plant, and is a separate variety. Refers to mid-ripening types of tomatoes; 100-110 days pass from planting seedlings to the appearance of fruits of varietal maturity.

It is recommended for growing in greenhouses, but can also be grown in open ground, in which case the yield may drop, and the risk of damage to the plant from the wind is very high. The variety is resistant to many diseases. The bush of these tomatoes itself is very tall and sometimes reaches 180-210 centimeters and needs high-quality support and garter.

Description of fruits:

  • Ripe fruits are yellow.
  • Small in size, 70-100 grams.
  • Slightly elongated, shaped like a lemon.
  • The pulp of the fruit is dense and fleshy.
  • Number of chambers 3-4, dry matter content up to 5%.

The harvested crop can be stored for a long time and tolerates transportation well over long distances.

You can compare the weight of the fruits of this variety with others in the table:

Variety nameFruit weight
Wonder of the world70-100 grams
Valentina80-90 grams
The Tsar Bellup to 800 grams
Fatima300-400 grams
Caspar80-120 grams
The Golden Fleece85-100 grams
Diva120 grams
Irina120 grams
Dad250-400 grams
Dubrava60-105 grams

How to grow seedlings

Since tomatoes of this variety are mid-season varieties, they should be planted as seedlings in the third decade of March. Before sowing, it is advisable to treat the seeds in a light pink solution of manganese. Additional treatment of seeds in potassium humate shows good results.

As soon as the seeds hatch, they must be planted to prevent the roots from overgrowing. Seeds are sown in the traditional way in a suitable container (pots, disposable plastic cups pre-filled with fertile soil).

For reference. Peat pots are the most optimal and convenient solution that will greatly simplify your work.

Humus, garden soil, and sand with the addition of potassium-phosphorus fertilizer are quite suitable for the soil. The main thing in caring for seedlings is light, regular watering as the soil ball dries out and periodic turning of the stems. Water for irrigation should be settled and warm. The air temperature is about 18 degrees at night and 22 degrees during the day.

How to grow tomatoes

Tomatoes are planted in the first ten days of June. To prevent the seedlings from withering and not lagging behind in development in the future, they should be planted in the garden immediately after being removed from the cups or from the greenhouse. The optimal distance between bushes is 1 m.

For planting, make holes with a diameter of 50 cm and a depth of at least 40 cm. A mixture of humus and the removed top layer of soil and a little complex fertilizer are added to the holes. Then water it well, and sprinkle the hole itself with dry soil on top. Take care to tie up the stem and branches with tassels, as the bush grows powerful and spreading.

In addition to high-quality tying of the stems and each cluster, regular pinching and removal of leaves is necessary after the formation of fruits below the cluster. After planting, the soil around the bushes is mulched with a 10 cm thick layer of dried mown grass or straw.

Mandatory list of measures for caring for tomatoes:

  • hilling;
  • loosening the soil;
  • fertilizing and watering;
  • bush formation and timely control of diseases and pests.

Tomatoes are planted for the first time 9-11 days after planting the seedlings. The next hilling is carried out 2-3 weeks after the first. Before starting work, be sure to water the plant to improve and speed up the emergence of new roots.

The soil in rows of tomatoes needs to be weeded, loosened and weeded approximately every 1-2 weeks.

Periodically throughout the summer, tomatoes are fed with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Important ! Fertilizer is especially necessary for weak flowering bushes.

Tomatoes are fed with nitrogen supplements or a mixture of phosphorus, copper and boron. Be extremely careful with nitrogen, as its excess can destroy the plant.

The Miracle of the World tomato is considered a drought-resistant variety, but one should not forget about timely weekly watering, especially in dry and hot summers. It is better to water tomatoes in the afternoon and at the rate of 0.7-0.9 liters of warm water per plant. Avoid excessive watering and excess moisture.

The tomato has a strong immune system, so it rarely gets sick. The plant is susceptible to tobacco mosaic viruses and brown spots. It is important to recognize diseases and take the necessary measures in a timely manner. For example, tobacco mosaic is destroyed by removing all infected tomato leaves and treating the sections with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Brown spots are treated with the “Screen” preparation.

The main pests of tomatoes of the Miracle of the World variety are mole crickets, spider mites and greenhouse whiteflies. Treating with pepper solution will help you escape from mole crickets. In the spring, it is necessary to remove clutches of eggs, and in the fall, lay out piles of manure.

Spider mites are removed from the leaves with a soap solution. To combat greenhouse whitefly, the drug “Confidor” is used.


This tomato has a number of features: original fruit color, high yield, resistance to major diseases. The harvested crop tolerates long-term storage and transportation. Another important feature of this tomato is its resistance to lack of moisture.

“Wonder of the World” is famous for its productivity; you can get up to 12 kilograms from one bush. And with the recommended planting of 3 plants per square meter. meter, this turns out to be 32-36 kilograms. Such indicators cannot but please farmers who grow tomatoes in large volumes for sale.

You can compare the yield of this variety with others in the table:

Variety nameProductivity
Wonder of the world12 kg per bush
Aurora f113-16 kg per square meter
Domes of Siberia15-17 kg per square meter
Sanka15 kg per square meter
Red cheeks9 kg per square meter
Kibitz3.5 kg per bush
Heavyweight of Siberia11-12 kg per square meter
Pink fleshy5-6 kg per square meter
Ob domes4-6 kg per bush
Red icicle22-24 kg per square meter

This variety is especially rich in vitamins and is famous for its balance of sugars and acids, which makes it an excellent juice. The size of the fruit seems to be created for preservation; it will be very tasty, and because of the unusual color it will also look beautiful. Also good for fresh consumption.

Among the main advantages of this variety, gardeners noticed:

  • a very beautiful plant, some use it as an ornamental;
  • high productivity;
  • resistance to many diseases;
  • high taste qualities of fruits.

Among the disadvantages, it is noted that due to its high growth, caring for it is quite troublesome and requires skills.


Olga Sergeevna

I first saw a description and photo of the “Wonder of the World” in a store when I was buying seeds for seedlings. Lemon caught my attention. At first I didn’t understand why this fruit was on the tomato stand. Having looked closely at the packaging and seeing a tomato on it, I decided to immediately buy a pack of seeding material. I did everything as it was written on the package, grew the seedlings, transplanted them into the ground and began to wait for the first fruits. I really wanted to try these “lemons”. When the bushes began to grow, they had to be tied up, otherwise the branches would have broken. The formation of vegetables was not noticeable, maybe because I was carried away by other fruits, but that’s not the point... Soon the tomatoes began to take on color, first the green was diluted with light and a light green shade turned out, then the tomatoes completely turned yellow. The taste is like regular tomatoes, but the smell is somewhat reminiscent of fruit. I liked the variety, it looks beautiful when preserved, I will grow it again.


I have loved the “Wonder of the World” tomatoes for a long time. About five years ago I saw these bright tomatoes in my neighbor’s garden. She gave me seed material, and since then we have not had a single summer where we did not enjoy the delicious sun-colored fruits. The yield was always at the highest level, my family managed to eat tomatoes fresh, and then we also made rolls from them. By the way, I always planted seedlings in a greenhouse, and my neighbor - in open ground, and you know, my yield in terms of volume and weight was higher. It’s a pity that there are no ultra-early ripening “Wonder of the World” tomatoes; I really want to quickly taste the taste of fresh fruits in the summer.


My wife and I bought a “Wonder of the World” tomato last year and took 10 seeds to try. The harvest turned out good, tasty, with an unusual color. I’m not a fan of fresh vegetables, but in winter sometimes I want to open a jar of tomatoes and remember the old days, so almost the entire harvest went to pickling. When canned, the fruits lose a little of their natural taste and are saturated with other aromas that only decorate the preparation. The tomatoes give up their taste to the brine, it becomes sweeter, so you can just drink it. This year the harvest has just begun to ripen, so I'm already looking forward to winter evenings.

Useful video review.

Why do the tips of Chlorophytum leaves dry out? What to do if the leaves turn yellow, blacken and dry out?


Next you will see photos of the “Wonder of the World” tomato variety:

Disease resistance

Despite the fact that the plant is not a hybrid, breeders have worked hard to ensure that the bushes have the highest level of protection against diseases. Even if late blight flares up everywhere, this will not affect your wonderful tomatoes. This resistance to disease does not mean that you can give up on the bushes, harvest from them and do nothing else. Every day the spores mutate; the plant has increased immunity to some diseases, but not to the mutation type. Therefore, bushes should be disinfected regularly to protect them from germs.

Looking at the photo “Wonder of the World” and knowing its description, every gardener will want to see this work of art in their garden. The variety has proven itself with excellent yield indicators. Plant a few bushes of the tomato miracle, and we are sure that next year there will be more yellow “lemons” in your summer cottage, because their taste will drive you crazy.

Recommendations for cultivation

In greenhouses, this type of tomato can be grown in almost any region, from south to north, with the exception of its extreme regions. Growing in open ground is possible only in the south; the North Caucasus and Krasnodar Territory are suitable for this. In any case, if the area is characterized by strong winds, then it is better to hide your tomato in a greenhouse shelter.

Due to its size and the large number of fruits on the branches, this variety necessarily requires a garter or supports so that its branches do not break off. Fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium should be given as top dressing. To increase productivity, regular ventilation of greenhouses and shaking of inflorescences is recommended. Bushes require pinching to form a stem, otherwise the plant will grow too large.

Read on our website: the most common diseases of tomatoes in greenhouses and ways to combat them. Which tomatoes are resistant to most diseases and immune to late blight? What methods of protection against late blight exist?

Planting and care

A fertile substrate is prepared for seedlings. To do this, take turf, which is mixed with compost, peat, sand. For 10 kg of soil add:

  • 1 glass of ash;
  • 20 g superphosphate;
  • 5-7 g of potassium sulfate.

To disinfect the soil, use 1% potassium permanganate or 1% Bordeaux mixture. Pouring boiling water or roasting in the oven gives a good effect.

Tomato seeds can be treated with activators before sowing. Among the most famous are “Kornevin” or “Agate”. Soaking is continued for 10 hours.

How to plant correctly:

  1. The soil is poured in a layer of 8 cm.
  2. Moderately moisturize.
  3. Make grooves 3 cm deep.
  4. The distance between furrows is 5 cm.
  5. Place the seeds at a distance of 3 cm.
  6. Sprinkle on top and compact.

To ensure that the bushes grow strong, they are watered with settled water. The procedures include:

  • feeding with “Kemira” or “Krepysh”;
  • picking at the stage of 2 true leaves;
  • hardening for 1 week at 14-15 degrees.

Diseases and pests

Despite its disease resistance, this variety is susceptible to tobacco mosaic virus and brown spot. It is difficult to deal with mosaic; all damaged parts of the plant must be removed, and the cut areas should be blotted with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The drug “Zaslon” is used against brown spot, and then the watering regime is reduced and ventilation is improved.

Among harmful insects, when it comes to greenhouses, the main enemy of all species is the greenhouse whitefly. The drug “Confidor” is used against it. In open ground, you should be wary of mole crickets and spider mites. Deep, thorough weeding of the soil and treating it with a water-pepper solution, which is poured into the insect’s nests, will help against mole crickets. The spider mite is washed off with a soap solution until its signs completely disappear.

The harvest has been harvested, your energy has not been wasted and you can enjoy ripe, delicious tomatoes. We wish you success in growing this wonderful variety.

Mid-seasonMid-earlyLate ripening
Anastasia Budenovka Premier
Raspberry wine Mystery of nature Grapefruit
Royal gift Pink King De Barao the Giant
Malachite Box Cardinal De Barao
Pink heart Babushkino Yusupovsky
Cypress Lev Tolstoy Altaic
Giant raspberry Danko Rocket

The nuances of growing in open ground and in a greenhouse

When growing tomatoes of this variety, plant care is minimal. However, it is necessary to take into account the impressive height of the plants and promptly tie them up, form a bush and sapling to prevent strong growth and weighting with fruits.

This type of tomato is best grown in greenhouses because it is afraid of wind. If this is not possible, choose an area in the open ground, protected as much as possible from wind and drafts. In the case of a greenhouse, you can plant tomato seeds at any convenient time. And when planting tomatoes in open ground, you should wait until the soil warms up to 15-18°C.

For reference. The Wonder of the World does not belong to a hybrid plant species, so the seed material can be left for next year.

Agrotechnical features and opinions of gardeners

Usually, growing and caring for the presented tomato does not cause any difficulties for anyone. However, you should pay attention to some nuances:

  • when sowing seeds, they should not be buried too deep (1-2 cm is enough);
  • seedlings are demanding on lighting;
  • they start picking seedlings after noticing the first true leaf;
  • When 6-7 leaves and at least 1 flower cluster have formed, the seedlings are ready for transfer to the garden bed or greenhouse.

What a tomato is like in practice can be judged from the reviews of experienced gardeners.

  • Antonina from the Chelyabinsk region: “The variety fully deserves its name - it has an unusually beautiful shape and taste. It actually looks magical in jars. I was able to surprise many guests with canned “lemons”. And what aromatic juice this tomato produces! I recommend to everyone".
  • Vladimir from the Moscow region: “For me, the taste is mediocre, but the appearance of the tomato is very attractive and the yield is high. Separately, I note that the variety turned out to be in good health.”
  • Natalya from the Oryol region: “I’m just a fan of yellow tomatoes, and this variety is one of my favorites. The tomatoes are neat and look simply gorgeous on the bushes! I always form it into 2 trunks, so the brushes are free, and the bush is well ventilated. I also adjust the number of trusses themselves so that the tomatoes are more uniform in size throughout the plant.”

In addition to these reviews, we recommend that you read the video review of a summer resident who grew a tomato in an open garden bed.

Harvest and storage times

Active harvesting begins 3 months after seed germination. This time usually falls in August - September. Fruit collection must be carried out regularly so as not to create unnecessary weight for the plant shoots.

Did you know? The largest tomato in the world, registered in the Guinness Book of Records, is a fruit weighing 2.9 kg, grown in the USA (Wisconsin).

It is very simple to determine whether it is time to pick the fruit: outwardly it will seem completely ripe, but at the same time maintain its density. If there is a risk of frost, the tomatoes are picked while still unripe and left at room temperature to fully ripen.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to its spectacular appearance, the variety has other advantages:

  1. The versatility of using tomato: it has proven itself in all types of canning and processing, and emphasizes the taste of salads.
  2. Beta-carotene in fruits not only increases the value of tomatoes as a dietary product, but is also indicated for people with allergies to red tomatoes.
  3. Withstands transportation well and is stored for a long time.
  4. Tolerates dry periods.
  5. Not prone to fruit cracking.
  6. Resists many tomato diseases.

Of the minuses:

  • you will have to spend time shaping the tomato and tying up the bushes;
  • prefers sunny places:
  • uneven ripening.

What fruits grow?

A distinctive feature of the variety is the shape and color of the fruit. They repeat the shape and color of small lemons. Characteristics of berries:

  • elongated shape, with a “spout” at the bottom;
  • color: from light yellow to golden;
  • berry weight - 70–100 g;
  • the fruit contains dry matter within 6%;
  • 3–4 seed chambers;
  • a small number of small seeds;
  • the skin is dense, not rough;
  • the taste is sweet, the acid is not noticeable;
  • The pulp is dense, not watery.

Tomatoes are perfectly transported over long distances. Farmers assessed the preservation of fruit marketability for 2–3 weeks without refrigeration. This reduces production costs.

See also

Characteristics and description of Japanese truffle tomato variety, cultivation


Tomatoes laid out on the counter attract the attention of buyers: it is easy to sell the crop.

Features of growing the variety

In order for the plant to bear fruit well, it is necessary to follow basic growing recommendations.

Optimal conditions

Since tomatoes are light-loving plants, they are recommended to be planted in well-lit areas, so the fruits will be sweeter and ripen faster. When growing seedlings, take care of long daylight hours for the plants (at least 12 hours a day); to do this, purchase a fluorescent lamp that can be turned on at night.

Important! If the plant feels a lack of light, the shoots stretch unnaturally, and flowering is delayed.

The optimal temperature for growing seedlings in the first week after sowing the seeds is considered to be +25 °C, then the temperature is maintained at +18 °C. Air humidity should be 60%.

Features of sowing seeds

The quality of the resulting seedlings depends on the correct sowing of seeds. First of all, purchased seeds are sorted, rejecting hollow, damaged and other low-quality units. You can also test using salt water.

To prepare it, use 1 tbsp per 0.5 liter of water. l. salt. Bad seeds will float to the surface, and good ones will sink to the bottom. Before sowing, the seeds are treated with a disinfectant and preparations to stimulate growth.

To disinfect seedlings, a 1% solution of potassium permanganate is usually used. To prepare the solution, you need to mix 1 liter of water in a glass jar and a little potassium permanganate on the tip of a knife, stir thoroughly. The seeds are kept in the prepared solution for 20 minutes. Then rinse under running water and dry with a paper towel.

To increase the yield of tomatoes, it is recommended to treat the seeds with stimulants. For example, you can purchase “Epin” or “Immunocytophyte” and use it according to the instructions.

After the seeds have been treated with a stimulant, they are dried, leaving them in a room at room temperature for 2 days. Washing the seeds after treatment with stimulants is not required.

To sow seeds, you will need a high-quality soil mixture, which you can purchase at a specialty store or prepare yourself.

Indeterminate varieties of tomatoes also include such as “Batyanya”, “Raspberry Empire”, “Golden Koenigsberg”, “Khokhloma”, “Mashenka”.

Suitable soil for tomatoes is based on:

  • peat - 2 parts;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • garden land - 1 part;
  • humus - 0.5 parts.

The prepared soil mixture must be sifted and disinfected.
For disinfection, you can use a double boiler, which effectively destroys pathogenic bacteria and fungal spores. It is necessary to disinfect the soil mixture in advance, at least a week before the planned sowing. The ready-to-use soil mixture is quite loose, breathable and moisture-absorbing.

Consider a step-by-step guide to sowing seeds for seedlings:

  1. Peat pots or wooden boxes are filled with prepared soil mixture.
  2. Small grooves are made on the surface of the soil, into which 1 seed is placed at a distance of 3 cm; a distance of 5 cm is maintained between the grooves (when using peat pots, 2-3 seeds are placed in 1 pot).
  3. The seeds are sprinkled with a 1 cm layer of soil on top.
  4. Irrigate with water from a spray bottle at a distance of 20 cm from the surface.
  5. The container with seeds is covered with a transparent plastic film for a greenhouse effect.


Planting of seedlings in open ground is carried out at a time when the soil has warmed up well to +15 °C, and at night the air temperature does not drop below +10 °C, approximately in early June.

Since this tomato variety is characterized by the presence of a powerful root system, it is better to plant seedlings at a distance of 1 m from each other. For planting, holes are dug in the soil 50 cm in diameter and 40 cm in depth. Humus and the top layer of dug soil are poured into the bottom of the hole, 2 handfuls of ash and 1 tbsp are added. l. complex fertilizer.

When planting seedlings is completed, the soil around each plant must be sprinkled with a thick layer of mulch:

  • straw;
  • sawdust;
  • dried mown grass.

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